My mirror, tell me from which work. Alexander Pushkin - The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights: Verse

Full name:

Tale of dead princess Illustrations for the Tale of the Dead Princess

And about the seven heroes

The king and queen said goodbye

Prepared for the journey,

And the queen at the window

She sat down to wait for him alone.

He waits and waits from morning until night,

Looks into the field, indian eyes

They got sick looking

From white dawn until night;

I can't see my dear friend!

He just sees: a blizzard is swirling,

Snow is falling on the fields,

The whole white earth.

Nine months pass

She doesn't take her eyes off the field.

Here on Christmas Eve, right at night

God gives the queen a daughter.

Early in the morning the guest is welcome,

Day and night so long awaited,

From afar at last

The Tsar Father returned.

She looked at him,

She sighed heavily,

I couldn't stand the admiration

And she died at mass.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,

But what to do? and he was a sinner;

A year has passed like an empty dream,

The king married someone else.

Tell the truth, young lady

There really was a queen:

Tall, slender, white,

And I took it with my mind and with everything;

But proud, brittle,

Willful and jealous.

She was given as a dowry

There was only one mirror;

The mirror had the following properties:

It can speak well.

She was alone with him

Good-natured, cheerful,

I joked with him kindly

And, showing off, she said:

“My light, mirror! Tell

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

And the mirror answered her:

“You, of course, no doubt;

You, queen, are the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter.”

And the queen laughs

And shrug your shoulders

And wink your eyes,

And click your fingers,

And spin around, arms akimbo,

Looking proudly in the mirror.

But the princess is young,

Silently blooming,

Meanwhile, I grew, grew,

Rose and blossomed,

White-faced, black-browed,

The character of such a meek one.

And the groom was found for her,

Prince Elisha.

The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word,

And the dowry is ready:

Seven trading cities

Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Getting ready for a bachelorette party

Here is the queen, dressing up

In front of your mirror,

I exchanged words with him:

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

What's the answer to the mirror?

“You are beautiful, no doubt;

But the princess is the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter.”

As the queen jumps away,

Yes, as soon as he waves his hand,

Yes, it will slam on the mirror,

It'll stomp like a heel!..

“Oh, you vile glass!

You're lying to spite me.

How can she compete with me?

I'll calm her down.

Look how much she has grown!

And it’s no wonder that it’s white:

Mother belly sat

Yes, I just looked at the snow!

But tell me: how can she

Be nicer to me in everything?

Admit it: I am more beautiful than everyone else.

Go around our entire kingdom,

Even the whole world; I have no equal.

Is that so?” Mirror in response:

“But the princess is still sweeter,

Everything is more rosy and whiter.”

There is nothing to do. She,

Full of black envy

Throwing the mirror under the bench,

She called Chernavka to her place

And punishes her

To his hay girl,

News to the princess in the depths of the forest

And, tying her up, alive

Leave it there under the pine tree

To be devoured by the wolves.

Can the devil deal with an angry woman?

There is no point in arguing. With the princess

Here Chernavka went into the forest

And brought me to such a distance,

What did the princess guess?

And I was scared to death,

And she prayed: “My life!

What, tell me, am I guilty of?

Don't ruin me, girl!

And how will I be a queen,

I will spare you."

The one who loves her in my soul,

Didn't kill, didn't tie up,

She let go and said:

“Don’t worry, God bless you.”

And she came home herself.

"What? - the queen told her, -

Where is the beautiful maiden?

- “There, in the forest, there is one, -

She answers her, -

Her elbows are tightly tied;

Will fall into the claws of the beast,

She will have to endure less

It will be easier to die."

And the rumor began to ring:

The royal daughter is missing!

The poor king grieves for her.

Prince Elisha,

Having prayed earnestly to God,

Hitting the road

For the beautiful soul,

For the young bride.

But the bride is young,

Wandering in the forest until dawn,

Meanwhile everything went on and on

And I came across the tower.

A dog comes towards her, barking,

He came running and fell silent, playing;

She entered the gate

There is silence in the courtyard.

The dog runs after her, caressing her,

And the princess, getting close,

Went up to the porch

And she took the ring:

The door opened quietly.

And the princess found herself

In the bright upper room; all around

Carpeted benches

Under the saints there is an oak table,

Stove with tiled stove bench.

The girl sees what's here

Good people live;

I know she won't be offended.

Meanwhile, no one is visible.

The princess walked around the house,

I put everything away in order,

I lit a candle for God,

I lit the stove hot,

Climbed onto the floor

And she quietly lay down.

Lunch hour was approaching

There was a stomping sound in the yard:

Seven heroes enter

Seven ruddy barbels.

The elder said:

“What a miracle!

Everything is so clean and beautiful.

Someone was cleaning the tower

Yes, he was waiting for the owners.

Who? Come out and show yourself

Make friends with us honestly.

If you are an old man,

You will be our uncle forever.

If you're a ruddy guy,

You will be called our brother.

If the old lady, be our mother,

So let's call it a name.

If the red maiden

Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,

I gave honor to the owners,

She bowed low to the waist;

Blushing, she apologized,

Somehow I went to visit them,

Even though I wasn’t invited.

Instantly, by their speech, they recognized

That the princess was received;

Sat in a corner

They brought a pie,

The glass was poured full,

It was served on a tray.

From green wine

She denied;

I just broke the pie,

Yes, I took a bite,

And get some rest from the road

I asked to go to bed.

They took the girl

Up into the bright room

And left alone

Going to bed.

Day after day goes by, flashing,

And the princess is young

Everything is in the forest, she’s not bored

Seven heroes.

Before dawn

Brothers in a friendly crowd

They go out for a walk,

Shoot gray ducks

Amuse your right hand,

Sorochina rushes to the field,

Or head off broad shoulders

Cut off the Tatar,

Or chased out of the forest

Pyatigorsk Circassian,

And she is the hostess

Meanwhile alone

Will clean and prepare

She won't contradict them

They won't contradict her.

So days go by.

Brothers dear girl

Loved it. To her room

Once, as soon as it was dawn,

All seven of them entered.

The elder said to her: “Maiden,

You know: you are a sister to all of us,

All seven of us, you

We all love for ourselves

We would all be glad to take you,

Yes, you can’t, for God’s sake

Make peace between us somehow:

Be one's wife

Other affectionate sister.

Why are you shaking your head?

Are you refusing us?

Are the goods not for the merchants?

“Oh, you guys are honest,

Brothers, you are my family, -

The princess tells them,

If I lie, may God command

I won't get out of this place alive.

What should I do? because I'm a bride.

For me you are all equal

All are daring, all are smart,

I love you all from the bottom of my heart;

But to another I am forever

Given away. I love everyone

Prince Elisha."

The brothers stood silently

Yes, they scratched their heads.

“Demand is not a sin. Forgive us, -

The elder said bowing, -

If so, I won’t mention it

About that." - “I’m not angry,”

She said quietly,

And my refusal is not my fault.”

The suitors bowed to her,

Slowly they moved away

And everything agrees again

They began to live and get along.

Meanwhile, the queen is evil,

Remembering the princess

I couldn't forgive her

And on the mirror

I sulked and got angry for a long time;

Finally had enough of him

And she followed him, and sat down

In front of him, I forgot my anger,

Started to show off again

And with a smile she said:

“Hello, mirror! Tell

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

And the mirror answered her:

“You are beautiful, no doubt;

But he lives without any glory,

Among the green oak groves,

At the seven heroes

The one who is still dearer than you.”

And the queen flew in

To Chernavka: “How dare you

Fool me? and in what!..”

She admitted everything:

So and so. Evil queen

Threatening her with a slingshot

I put it down or not live,

Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,

Waiting for my dear brothers,

She was spinning while sitting under the window.

Suddenly angrily under the porch

The dog barked and the girl

Sees: beggar blueberry

Walks around the yard with a stick

Driving the dog away. “Wait,

Grandma, wait a little, -

She shouts to her through the window, -

I'll threaten the dog myself

And I’ll bring you something.”

The blueberry answers her:

“Oh, you little girl!

The damned dog prevailed

Almost ate it to death.

Look how busy he is!

Come out to me." - The princess wants

Go out to her and take the bread,

But I just left the porch,

The dog is at her feet and barks,

And he won’t let me see the old woman;

Only the old woman will go to her,

He is angrier than the forest beast,

For an old woman. “What kind of miracle?

Apparently he didn't sleep well, -

The princess tells her,

Well, catch it!” - and the bread flies.

The old woman caught the bread;

“Thank you,” she said. -

God bless you;

Here’s to you, catch him!”

And to the princess a liquid,

Young, golden

The apple is flying straight...

The dog will jump and squeal...

But the princess in both hands

Grab - caught. "For the sake of boredom,

Eat the apple, my light

Thank you for lunch."

The old lady said,

She bowed and disappeared...

And from the princess to the porch

The dog runs into her face

He looks pitifully, howls menacingly,

It’s like a dog’s heart is aching,

As if he wants to tell her:

Give it up! - She caressed him,

Ruffles with a gentle hand;

“What, Sokolko, what’s wrong with you?

Lay down! - and entered the room,

The door was quietly locked,

I sat down under the window and grabbed some yarn.

Wait for the owners, and looked

It's all about the apple. It

Full of ripe juice,

So fresh and so fragrant

So ruddy and golden

It’s like it’s filled with honey!

The seeds are visible right through...

She wanted to wait

I couldn’t stand it until lunchtime,

I took the apple in my hands,

She brought it to her scarlet lips,

Slowly bit through

And she swallowed a piece...

Suddenly she, my soul,

I staggered without breathing,

White hands dropped,

I dropped the ruddy fruit,

Eyes rolled back

And she's like that

She fell head on the bench

And she became quiet, motionless...

The brothers went home at that time

They came back in a crowd

From a brave robbery.

To meet them, howling menacingly,

The dog runs to the yard

Shows them the way. “Not good! -

The brothers said - sadness

We won’t pass.” They galloped up,

They entered and gasped. Having run in,

Dog at apple headlong

He rushed barking, got angry,

Swallowed it, fell down

And died. Got drunk

It was poison, you know.

Before the dead princess

Brothers in grief

Everyone hung their heads

And with the holy prayer

They lifted me from the bench, dressed me,

They wanted to bury her

And they changed their minds. She,

Like under the wing of a dream,

She lay so quiet and fresh,

That she just couldn’t breathe.

We waited three days, but she

Didn't rise from sleep.

Having performed a sad ritual,

Here they are in the crystal coffin

Young princess corpse

They laid it down - and in a crowd

They carried me to an empty mountain,

And at midnight

Her coffin to six pillars

On cast iron chains there

Screwed down carefully

And they fenced it off with bars;

And, before the dead sister

Having made a bow to the ground,

The elder said: “Sleep in a coffin.

Suddenly went out, a victim of anger,

Your beauty is on earth;

Heaven will receive your spirit.

You were loved by us

And for the dear one we keep -

No one got it

Only one coffin."

On the same day the evil queen

Waiting for good news

Secretly I took a mirror

And she asked her question:

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

And I heard in response:

“You, queen, no doubt,

You are the cutest in the world,

All blush and whiter.”

For his bride

Prince Elisha

Meanwhile, he jumps around the world.

No way! He cries bitterly

And whoever he asks

His question is tricky for everyone;

Who laughs in his face,

Who would rather turn away;

To the red sun at last

Well done.

“Our sunshine! are you walking

All year round in the sky, you drive

Winter with warm spring,

You see us all below you.

Al will you refuse me an answer?

Haven't you seen anywhere in the world

Are you young princess?

I am her groom." - “You are my light,”

The red sun answered, -

There was no sign of Yatsarevna.

Know that she is no longer alive.

Is it a month, my neighbor,

I met her somewhere

Or a trace of her was noticed.”

Dark Night Elisha

He waited in his anguish.

It's only been a month

He chased after him with a prayer.

“A month, a month, my friend,

Gilded horn!

You rise in deep darkness,

Chubby, bright-eyed,

And, loving your custom,

The stars are looking at you.

Al will you refuse me an answer?

Have you seen anywhere in the world

Are you young princess?

I am her groom." - “My brother,”

The clear month answers, -

I have not seen the red maiden.

I stand on guard

Just in my turn.

The princess can be seen without me

I ran through - “What a shame!” -

The prince answered.

The clear month continued:

“Wait; about her, perhaps

The wind knows. He will help.

Now go to him

Don’t be sad, goodbye.”

Elisha, without losing heart,

He rushed to the wind, calling:

“Wind, wind! You are powerful

You are chasing flocks of clouds,

You disturb the blue sea

There is open air everywhere.

You're not afraid of anyone

Except God alone.

Al will you refuse me an answer?

Have you seen anywhere in the world

Are you young princess?

I am her fiancé.” - “Wait,”

The wild wind answers, -

There behind the quiet river

There is a high mountain

There is a deep hole in it;

In that hole, in the sad darkness,

The crystal coffin is rocking

On chains between pillars.

No traces of anyone to be seen

Around that empty place

Your bride is in that coffin.”

The wind ran away.

The prince began to cry

And went to an empty place

For a beautiful bride

Watch it again at least once.

Here he comes; and got up

The mountain in front of him is steep;

The country around her is empty;

There is a dark entrance under the mountain.

He's heading there quickly.

Before him, in the sad darkness,

The crystal coffin is rocking,

And in the crystal coffin

The princess sleeps in eternal sleep.

And about the coffin of the dear bride

He hit with all his might.

The coffin broke. Virgo suddenly

Alive. Looks around

With amazed eyes,

And, swinging over the chains,

Sighing, she said:

“How long have I been sleeping!”

And she rises from the grave...

Ah!.. and they both burst into tears.

He takes her in his hands

And brings light from darkness,

And, having a pleasant conversation,

They set off on their way back,

And the rumor is already trumpeting:

The royal daughter is alive!

At home idle at that time

The evil stepmother sat

In front of your mirror

And talked to him,

Saying: “Am I the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

And I heard in response:

“You are beautiful, there are no words,

But the princess is still sweeter,

Everything is redder and whiter.”

The evil stepmother jumped up,

Breaking a mirror on the floor

I ran straight to the door

And I met the princess.

Then sadness took over her,

And the queen died.

They just buried her

The wedding was celebrated immediately,

And with his bride

Elisha got married;

And no one since the beginning of the world

I have never seen such a feast;

I was there, honey, drank beer,

Yes, he just wet his mustache.

Tell me, my little mirror, and tell me the whole truth...

How can you protect yourself from causing you irreparable harm? Having created a mirror, people had no idea that they had come up with one of the most mysterious things in the world. Over time, the understanding began to come that it not only can reflect our appearance or help to let in sunbeams...

Wherever mirrors are used: in fortune telling, rituals of white and black magic, in healing. Esoteric teachings claim that there are killer mirrors, mirrors in which the souls of people are imprisoned, and others can unexpectedly arouse passion in you... And all because only half of the aura of the mirror (and not only living beings have it, but and all objects) belongs to our world, the second - to the other world. That is why “magic glass” has unusual properties, which it is very reluctant to reveal to us. Over the many centuries that people have been using mirrors in their everyday life, only a few of them have been discovered. The most important ones will be discussed. But before we talk about them, we need to make an important note. Mystics and psychics believe that in the mirror we see not our reflection, as is commonly believed, but a mirror double - our copy living in the other world. By turning to it, influencing it, you can, with the help of this mysterious creature, influence your (and others’) appearance, the events of our lives.

What basic rules should be followed when communicating with “magic glass” so as not to get into trouble? Install and save good relationship With a mirror double, a simple rule will allow you to do this - never speak badly about your reflection. Looking at yourself in the mirror, teach yourself to always think and say only good things about it. Otherwise, everything bad (“I’m old,” “I’m ugly,” “I look completely sick,” etc.) may affect you in real life, and not just in thoughts. This is especially true for women, who spend much more time in front of the mirror than men. If you constantly gasp and lament in front of the mirror: “Oh, how bad I look!”, then you will set it a program for the corresponding negative adjustment of your appearance and health. Every time you leave home, you look in the mirror, out loud or mentally ask your mirror double to protect your home during your absence. This is necessary so that while you are away, influences, phenomena and entities do not penetrate into it. other world. Simply put, with this simple technique you are locking the mirror.

If for some reason you returned and then left again on business, you need to look in the mirror again and ask your double to restore protection. After all, by your appearance you violated it. The mirror double not only protects your apartment from unwanted invisible aliens, it also accumulates the power of your home. Look in the mirror before leaving for some important, responsible event, wish yourself good luck, and it will give you the portion of energy you need to successfully complete your affairs. In the mirror we reflect not only ourselves, but also our guests - invited and uninvited, friendly and unkind. All these people can leave their double in your mirror with some given program. At the same time, they can simply, while putting themselves in order in front of him, without any intent, think or say something in a whisper before starting a conversation with you or, leaving annoyed, utter some angry words at the end. Or they can, intentionally, charge the mirror if they know about its extraordinary properties. It’s good if this program is positive towards you, if you are confident in the guest who will leave you such a “legacy”. Wishing well to you and your home cannot harm, but rather will bring significant benefits. But sometimes even completely ordinary words like: “You look bad today,” or: “The poor thing is probably unhappy with her husband!” can cause you harm. And even more damage will be caused by deliberately angry tirades or mental monologues left by you before leaving.

To prevent a negative program from starting to affect you, all mirrors in the house should be wiped with water, and several times a year with holy water. In addition, you can perform a burning ceremony. Take a candle, light it and first surround the mirror around the edge, as if outlining it with a fiery rectangle. Then, like a flaming brush, move the candle in front of it from edge to edge, gradually going down. If the candle starts to crack, repeat this procedure until the cracking stops. As already mentioned, it is much worse if your ill-wisher deliberately leaves you a negative impact program in the mirror. She can turn out to be a real time bomb, since almost anything can be programmed through her mirror double: from murder to madness, from betrayal to an accidental fire. One consolation is that this is not so easy to do in front of someone else's mirror, because the villain needs time... to concentrate and say the necessary words. But envy and malice are inventive: he can give you a mirror with a program already written in it. Especially if it is not a small mirror in a powder compact, but a large one in which you will be reflected in full length.

But, as has been established over the centuries, it is quite easy to get rid of such a program if you know that similar things can be done with mirrors. The gift must be washed with spring or holy water. If this does not destroy the negative program, then, in any case, it will neutralize its influence on you and your home. Everyone knows the custom of covering mirrors with cloth when someone dies in the house. You can hear different things about the history and meaning of this tradition, but only one explanation is correct. The mirror, belonging to two worlds at once, is an unusual door connecting them. A soul that has just left the body can confuse the roads, heading through the mirror, get lost in the mirror maze and remain in it forever. Even the involuntary capture of someone else's soul can greatly worsen your karma and bring troubles upon you both in this and in the next life. You should be very careful when purchasing an antique mirror. Ancient mirrors are somewhat similar to ancient castles - they, too, can hide in their depths ghosts and memories of long-dead people who were reflected in them in former times. The worst thing you can encounter is buying a mirror with the soul of a deceased person encased in it. As a rule, such a mirror brings not just troubles, but curses, and not only to the unlucky buyer, but to his entire family. IN such a case Neither water, nor fire, nor any magical rituals will help. Such a mirror must be broken as soon as possible in order to free the captive soul.

It is not difficult to recognize the killer mirror. And it’s better to do this before you buy, although the seller may think that you are a little crazy when you start doing what we offer you. But bringing such a mirror into your apartment is much worse than standing under someone’s perplexed gaze for a minute. What you need to do is this: light the candle, and if the flame burns normally, then everything is in order. If it goes out quickly, and every time you light it again, you can say with almost 100 percent certainty that someone’s soul is languishing in the mirror you like. And to make sure whether this is true or not, place your palm on the mirror - murder mirrors are usually piercingly cold to the touch. Not all captives of antique mirrors are so terrible. Many of them can have a positive impact. After all, there were good moments in the lives of the people looked at in them. And yet this effect does not need to be too long. Where, you ask, is the limit, the measure? Determining it is not so difficult: as soon as pictures of long-standing events from other people’s lives begin to unfold in your dreams, it means that you have fallen for this bait. At first it seems that there is nothing wrong with such a “cinema” - it attracts people, it is a window into a bygone world. But beware: over time, your consciousness will seem to split into two, and your character may change greatly. And don’t try to play with fire, thinking that now you know about the surprises of old mirrors and you can stop when necessary. Usually they understand that it is time to stop a dangerous game when it is already too late and you can no longer live without it, like a drug addict without a dose.

Thus, mirrors that have witnessed sexual fun in the past can store powerful erotic images, and they will begin to have an imperceptible influence on your behavior. As a result, you may be drawn to such adventures that you yourself will not be happy later. But there is a chance that the purchased mirror will give you an extraordinary sexual experience that you never dreamed of. Mirrors that capture scenes of violence and murder pose an unconditional danger. They have a particularly strong impact on children, causing nightmares and obsessive fears, distorting the psyche, programming it for cruelty. So think twice before buying an antique mirror. And if you really can’t live without it, try to find out everything you can about this “magic glass”. If there is no information, check it with a candle, clean it with fire and holy water. But even after this, do not calm down immediately, watch for some time to see if the behavior of your family members suddenly and inexplicably changes.

Zodiac 45,2004

From the world by thread:
It is forbidden for a woman to look in the mirror during her period, pregnancy or after childbirth, since at this time a “grave is open” in front of her. Let me explain: you can’t spin around in front of the mirror, looking closely at yourself. Moreover, you can’t twirl around naked. These days the energy is weak, and the mirror weakens it even more, opening the way to illness, misfortune and poverty.

If you suspect that someone is plotting evil against you, try to bring this person to the mirror. Take a look at your reflection together. If your suspicions are justified, his true feelings will appear on your enemy’s face for a moment.

You can go up to a mirror every morning (preferably the one in the hallway or living room) and pass your hand over it (the distance between the hand and the mirror should be 0.5 cm - no more) and ask: “Mirror, reflect all the bad things that are in this the house will come. Protect our whole family (list names)."

In connection with all of the above, mirrors in the house must be kept clean. They need to be wiped every week, and more often if necessary.

In the bedroom, mirrors are closed or curtained at night. And you can’t hold a mirror above the marriage bed at all. Many people like to hang a mirror on the ceiling above the bed - this will not lead to good. A mirror at the head is also unacceptable - you will make many mistakes in life. Treason is possible.

The last one. Mirrors should be in frames so as not to injure your energetic and physical health. Mirrors should hang no lower than the top of the head of the tallest family member.

I think every woman has a mirror. Anything, big or small, the main thing is that it is. So, take this mirror and put it under the bed before going to bed. Place it so that it is just under the place where the pillow is and the surface is down towards the floor, towards the ground. And feel free to go to bed. As a rule, literally on the very first day of lying with a mirror under the bed, your sleep begins to improve. You don’t have time to think that I’m setting up another unnecessary experiment, when sleep is already kidnapping you.

Kuleshov Nikita

This work was presented at the “Student of the Year 2014” competition in Novosibirsk. The theoretical part contains the history of the appearance of mirrors, the practical part is based on the student’s experiments. You can view or download the application for work, presentation and speech for the presentation by following the link



Municipal budgetary educational institution

average secondary school № 52

Research work

“My mirror, my light, tell me...”

student of 3 "A" class

Head: Bricheyeva

Rita Alexandrovna

primary school teacher




Theoretical part

Mirror concept


History of the mirror


Stages of development of mirror manufacturing technology


Use of mirrors


Mirrors in literature


Mirrors in nature


Mystical properties of mirrors

Practical part


Questionnaire “Reflection in the mirror”


Practical studies of the properties of mirrors


Experiment 1. “The Man in the Mirror”


Experiment 2. “The possibility of direct reflection in a mirror”.


Results of practical research


List sources used



The theme of this work is “My light, mirror, say...”. My project is about mirrors. About ordinary and not so ordinary, about flat, convex and concave, about magical and very mysterious. About the mirrors that we meet every day everywhere. I chose this topic because the mirror is an integral attribute of our time. Adjusting your hair or examining a sore tooth; checking for a car behind us through a mirror or observing the stars and planets through a telescope, we constantly come into contact with the mysterious properties of the mirror. In this regard, there arises interesting question- what is a mirror, where did it come from and what impact does it have on our lives?

Relevance: The properties of mirrors are still being studied in our time, and we are constantly learning new interesting and useful information. Mirrors are used everywhere and unlimitedly these days.

When I started my work, I asked myself various questions:

  • Why does a person need a mirror?
  • Why do we often and for a long time peer at our reflection?
  • how does a mirror work?
  • Why do mirrors reflect the world?
  • Why do many people treat mirrors with such respect and sometimes fear?

Purpose of the work:

  • Study the history, properties and use of mirrors in the modern world.

Job objectives:

  • find out what a mirror is and how it appeared;
  • study the technology of making mirrors and their application;
  • conduct experiments with mirrors and get acquainted with their properties;
  • study interesting facts about mirrors.

Object of study:

  • mirror.

Research methods:

  • collecting information from book sources and the Internet;
  • analysis of available information;
  • interviewing eyewitnesses;
  • conducting practical experiments.
  • summarizing and conclusion.


1.1. The concept of a mirror.

Can you imagine life without a mirror? Wake up in the morning and not see your reflection? It seems nonsense, a trifle. But what mental discomfort! No wonder fairy tale characters as punishment they were deprived of reflection.

Let's turn to the dictionaries and find out what a mirror is.

In V. Dahl's explanatory dictionary we read: Mirror is a very smooth metal or glass board that reflects objects.

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova says: A mirror is a smooth, polished, shiny surface (glass, metal) that gives a reflection of the objects in front of it.

Mirror called an object (flat surface) capable of specularly reflecting rays of light falling on it.

Mirrors are: flat; concave and convex. A flat mirror is a flat glass with a special coating containing silver applied to one side.

Thus, a mirror is a smoothly polished glass surface that reflects objects

1.2. The history of the mirror.

Let's try to find out where the first mirror appeared?

Have you ever looked into the water? Did you see the reflection of the tree and sky there? Essentially, you were looking in the mirror. It is very important that the surface is smooth. The smoother it is, the better the reflection. When the breeze ruffles the water, you can only see the reflections of the sun - and no other objects.

Mirrors have been known since time immemorial. In ancient times they were made of polished metal. We will never know how man came up with a mirror. He probably often looked into the smooth surface of bodies of water and saw himself there.Over time, he got tired of bending over the water to see his reflection and he began to look for objects that had reflective properties: steel, polished iron, aluminum. And one fine day I specially polished a piece of metal and gave it the desired shape. This is how the mirror appeared.

The history of mirrors dates back to ancient times, but ancient mirrors were very different from those we look into today.

Archaeologists have discovered the first small mirrors made of tin, gold and platinum, dating back toStone Age . The most ancient mirrors on earth first appeared in Turkey. These were polished pieces of obsidian, their age is about 7500 years. When glass had not yet been invented, metal and stones were used: silver, gold, copper, tin, rock crystal. However, all antique mirrors had a significant drawback - it was impossible to distinguish shades of colors in them, or, for example, to see oneself from behind.

Archaeologists found in ancient China and Central Americaancient mirrors made from pieces of polished obsidian. (Appendix 1 Fig. 1.)

Metal mirrors were found in the countries of the Ancient East, in Egypt, and in the Mediterranean countries. These were bronze discs, polished to a shine. The bronze mirror gave a very dim and unclear image. Due to the dampness it quickly darkened, and then it was no longer possible to see anything in it. (Appendix 1 Fig. 2.).

They also made steel mirrors. In Rus' they were called “damask steel”. But they also quickly became cloudy and became covered with a reddish film of rust.

However, at the beginning of the Middle Ages, glass mirrors completely disappeared: all religious denominations believed that the devil himself looked at the world through mirror glass. Now medieval fashionistas had to use polished metal and special basins with water, as in the old days.

The modern history of mirrors dates back toXIII century .

Despite the fact that concave glass mirrors appeared already in the 13th century, metal “mirrors” were in use for quite some time. Polished copper or bronze plates somewhat distorted the reflection, but these mirrors were still cheaper in price than glass ones.

Also, from encyclopedias I learned about amazing mirrors that were made in China. They are covered with the glory of ancient legends. One of them says: one day the emperor’s wife was sitting in the garden on a sunny day and doing her usual thing - admiring herself in a bronze mirror. Then she lowered him to her knees. A ray of sun reflected from the mirror onto the white wall of the palace, and an image of a dragon appeared in a bright circle on the wall. The design of the dragon exactly repeated the relief on the back of the mirror! This is how the magical properties of Chinese mirrors were first discovered. (Appendix 1 Fig. 3.4).

Since then, magic mirrors have been called “transparent bronze mirrors” in China, and the origin Chinese proverb“In the sun, the truth always comes out,” they explain. Z and for the last century and a half, dozens of scientists have been solving the mystery of the magic mirror. Many of them were confident that they had solved the mystery. But only in China did they learn to make mirrors equal to the ancient ones.

Hence, The history of the emergence and creation of the mirror began from the time of primitive people, replenished at every stage of human development with new facts and events.

1.3. Stages of development of mirror manufacturing technology.

  • 1240 - Europe learned to blow glass vessels.The production of the mirror looked like this. The master poured molten tin into the vessel through a tube, which spread in an even layer over the surface of the glass, and when the ball cooled down, it was broken into pieces. The first mirror was imperfect: concave fragments slightly distorted the image, but it became bright and clear.(Appendix 2 Fig. 5.)
  • 1279 - glass was coated with a thin layer of lead. These mirrors were very cloudy, but reflected more light than they absorbed.
  • 1373 - in a German cityNuremberg The first mirror workshop appeared.
  • 1407 - Venetian masters added gold and bronze to the reflective compositions and therefore all objects in the mirror began to look even more beautiful than in reality.
  • The beginning of the 16th century - the production of sheet mirror cloth, distinguished by its brilliance, crystal transparency and purity. Such a mirror, unlike the fragments of the ball, did not distort anything. The mirror was obtained by cutting along a still hot cylinder of glass and rolling its halves on a copper tabletop.
  • The end of the 17th century - the French learned to produce mirror glass not by blowing, as they did before, but by casting. The technology is as follows: molten glass directly from the melting pot is poured onto a flat surface and rolled out with a roller.
  • 1835 - a revolution in the production of mirrors, when they began to use silver and obtain the clearest image.Silver began to be used as a metal base for glass, and mirrors began to be of higher quality. At the same time, they stopped using mercury, the vapors of which were harmful to humans. This technology, virtually unchanged, is still used in the production of mirrors.
  • Currently - obtaining a sheet of glass by melting, cutting it, decorative processing of the edge of the workpiece, applying a thin film of metal (reflective coating) to the back wall of the glass, applying a protective layer of copper or special adhesive chemicals and only then a layer of protective paint coating that prevents the development of rust .

It’s amazing, it would seem - the most ordinary mirror, but how many secrets and riddles there are! There is so much room for new discoveries and inventions.

In Japan, in 2004, a unique mirror was created that allows you to create not a mirror image, but a direct image of an object. If, when looking in an ordinary mirror, the right becomes left, and the left becomes right, then here the reflection is direct and without distortion. In the new mirror, a person sees himself the same way others see him. To do this, they assembled a kind of aquarium in the shape of a triangle, filled with water. Two of its walls form ordinary mirrors, connected at right angles with reflective surfaces inward, and the third wall is transparent glass. It serves as the front side, which gives a “non-mirror” reflection of the objects in front of it. As a result, objects are reflected in it twice. Looking into such a mirror is very unusual, since the effect breaks the established habit of reverse reflection. However, inventors consider it useful, for example, for actors or athletes.

Scientists have invented a “magic” mirror that can look into the future and show what a person will look like in a few years. New technology can allow people to see themselves in the future. Of course, this is not magic, but just modern level technologies. On the sides of this mirror there are cameras that scan the human body, then the image undergoes computer processing, and you can see whether it is worth getting carried away with cakes.

This suggests thatmirror manufacturing technology has been improved throughout the use of mirrors and continues to be used modern innovations in the manufacture and processing of mirrors today.

1.4. Types and uses of mirrors.

Once upon a time, observations of the ordinary sunny bunnies led to the discovery of the law of reflection of light. This law sounds quite simple:at what angle the beam hits the mirror, at which it is reflected. We tilt the mirror a little, and the reflected ray will also deviate to the side. Thanks to these reflection properties, we can see ourselves in the mirror. If the mirror is level, then our image in it will be the same as us, i.e. undistorted. But remember the “laughing room” - as soon as you bend the surface of the mirror, the images of objects in it take on incredible shapes. In full accordance with the law of reflection, different sections of the curved mirror each create their own image, there are many of them, and they superimpose on each other in a bizarre way. (Appendix 6 Fig. 22, 23)

Using the law of light reflection allowed people not only to entertain each other, but also to create many useful and important devices.

Along with the flat mirrors that we usually use, there are concave and convex ones.

Image of the item in flat the mirror is formed behind the mirror, that is, where the object actually does not exist, at the same distance behind the mirror as the object is located in front of the mirror. An object and its image in a plane mirror are symmetrical figures. For example, the mirror image of the right hand appears to represent the left hand.

Concave mirrors most often concentrate the energy of a light beam, collecting it, while convex mirrors scatter it.

The reflecting surfaces of concave and convex mirrors are made spherical, parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptical.

Mirrors are used in science, technology, medicine and in everyday life.

In science - flat, concave and convex mirrors are used as optical instruments.

Mirrors are widely used in optical instruments - spectrophotometers, spectrometers in other optical instruments:

Even biologists use mirrors for their scientific purposes! Interestingly, flamingos begin to build nests and hatch chicks only if the number of birds in the colony is more than fifty. The Rostov Zoo contains fewer flamingos, however, its employees are trying to breed these birds in captivity. And a mirror helps them with this, because the wall of the enclosure with flamingos is made of mirrors.

  • In medicine The most common of the mirrors is the frontal reflector - a concave mirror with a hole in the middle, designed to direct a narrow beam of light into the eye, ear, nose, pharynx and larynx. Mirrors of various designs and shapes are also used for research in dentistry, surgery, etc. They are successfully used in offices psychological relief(mirror of relaxation). (Appendix 4 Fig. 12, 13, 14; Appendix 5 Fig. 17)

As reflectors -for the formation of optimal luminous flux. Most commonly usedparabolic mirrors that allow you to create a beam of parallel rays (headlights , spotlights ). (Appendix 3, Fig. 8, 9)

In security devices -When a person's view is limited for some reason, mirrors are especially useful. Yes, in everycar , on the road bicycles available one or more mirrors , sometimes slightly convex - for expansionfield of view . (Appendix 4 Fig. 10)

How can a soldier sitting in a trench observe the battlefield if the bullets are whistling so hard that you can’t even stick your head out? How can the captain of a submarine find out what is happening on the surface of the sea without revealing its presence? Of course, this can be done using a periscope. (Appendix 4 Fig. 15)

On roads and in tight parking lots, stationary convex mirrors help avoid collisions and accidents.

In video surveillance systems, mirrors provide visibility in more directions from one video camera.

Use in everyday life.The first mirrors were created in order to monitor one's own appearance. Currently, mirrors, especially large ones, are widely used indesign interiors to create the illusion of space, large volume in small rooms. Nowadays no wardrobe is complete without mirrors. Architects have learned to “pull apart” walls with the help of mirrors, increase lighting and build intricate labyrinths. (Appendix 5 Fig. 18, 19)

You've probably noticed more than once that ambulances have the words on all four sides: in capital letters the word REANIMATION. The inscriptions on the sides and on the rear door are completely ordinary, but the inscription on the front is made in an unusual way. It is mirrored and is intended for the driver of the car who drives in front of the intensive care unit and sees it through the rearview mirror. (Appendix 5 Fig. 20, 21)

In the Middle Ages, there even became a fashion to decorate entire rooms with mirrors: not only walls, but even ceilings. Such rooms amazed the guests and aroused admiration. But living in a mirrored room, of course, was impossible: everywhere you looked, there was an endless perspective of rooms, thousands of reflections. At first it seems funny, but then it becomes unpleasant and scary.

It was this emerging sense of fear of the mirrored infinity that was exploited by the Spanish Inquisition. She came up with a special, mirror torture. A man was put for several days in a mirrored room-box, where, apart from him and the lamp, there was nothing. Day and night, countless reflections looked at him, like his twins. They were above, to the right, to the left, below. They repeated his every movement, as if they were mocking a prisoner. Most often, a person could not stand the torture of mirrors and went crazy.

Disney's Haunted Manor attraction features the Infinity Hall, where the infinity effect is created by two mirrors facing each other at a short distance. Plus, in this room there is a candelabra floating in the air. Haunted Manor is the first attraction to use mirrors, both to decorate any room and to create an original effect. Not long ago, new American horror attractions introduced Mirror Mazes, which are the most fun game.

In Russia, the first mirror mazes appeared in St. Petersburg and gained great popularity in the entertainment industry. In Novosibirsk, the educational and entertainment center “Park of Miracles Galileo”, which houses one of the largest mirror labyrinths of illusions in Europe, is famous for its popularity. (Appendix 6 fig. 24, 25)

On international exhibition In Paris in 1900, a pavilion was built, called the "Palace of Mirages". The small hall consisted of six mirrored walls, at the junctions of which tropical plants, a column of an eastern temple or a fragment of the colonnade of the famous Alhambra from Spain were placed on rotating stands. As the stands rotated, the visitor felt like he was inside a temple or an eastern palace, or even in tropical forest. The hall of mirrors became huge and filled with a crowd, as the visitor and fragments of decoration were reflected in the walls more than 450 times. (Appendix 6 Fig. 26)

As we see, Not a single area of ​​human life is complete without the participation of mirrors.

1.5. Mirrors in literature.

Mirrors, in their usual role as objects of everyday life, are found in almost any literary work.

But in our work on the project, we were more attracted to the unusual manifestations of the mirror essence, discovered and captured by writers.

Hans Christian Andersen in " To the Snow Queen" shows us crooked mirror trolls, reflecting human vices and forcing everyone who looks at it to see one bad thing. Fortunately, the mirror was broken, but even now its fragments make someone's eyes blind to beauty, and make their hearts turn into a piece of ice.(Appendix 7 Fig. 27)

The magic mirror of the witch queen dooms Snow White to wander through the dark forest and live among the seven dwarves, because to the question:

“Mirror, mirror on the wall!

Who is the most beautiful in my country? - it could only answer the truth.

The same fate awaits the princess from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

“My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?” - her evil stepmother pesters the mirror, and then, throwing the mirror under the bench, begins to do dirty deeds, burning with jealousy of someone else's beauty.

Magic mirrors in V. Gubarev’s fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” and in L. Carroll’s fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” act as a guide to another fairy-tale world, introducing us to the mysterious and amazing world through the looking glass.

And the mirror flowers, shown by K. Bulychev in the fantastic book “The Girl from the Earth” about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva, can not only reflect the world, but are also able to photograph every moment of it. (Appendix 7 Fig. 28)

Perhaps the most famous storyteller of our time, J. K. Rowling, the creator of seven novels about Harry Potter, could not do without a mirror. In the very first volume about the adventures of the young wizard, Harry finds the Erised mirror in the corridors of Hogwarts, which reflects in its mirror world the deepest desires of those looking into it, and with the help of the mirror defeats Voldemort for the second time.

...The role of mirrors in literary works, how different are the motives for which these mirrors are used. Having studied literary sources, I remained convinced of one thing: the mirror itself cannot be either good or evil - it is only a means (and a very powerful means) with the help of which one can do good or evil. And what will happen in the end is up to us, the people who pick up this mirror and look into the depths of its mirror secrets.

1.6. Mirrors in living nature.

When I started looking for material about mirrors in living nature, I first of all learned that most objects in the living world are built on the basis of mirror reflection, since it is the principle of mirror reflection that underlies symmetry.

Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language T.F. Efremova - Symmetry - this is a commensurate, proportional arrangement of parts of something in relation to the center, the middle.

A plane of symmetry passes through the middles of the figures - a crayfish, a butterfly, a leaf of a plant, dividing each of the figures into two mirror halves.

In addition to mirror symmetry in the world of living beings, I was able to discover several representatives of fish with mirror scales. These include: mirror carp and tetra mirror. The scales of these fish look like small mirrors, which probably influenced the name of these fish. (Appendix 7 Fig. 29, 30)

And representatives of the cat family generally use a mirror “built into the eyes” to increase visual acuity.

The cat, along with many domestic animals, but unlike humans, has a reflective layer of shiny tissue located directly behind the retina. (Appendix 7 Fig. 31)

It turns out that light passes through the retina twice, which means that the image that the animal receives will be twice as bright and clear. As a result, a cat's vision is at least six times sharper than ours. Therefore, a cat sees in such dark places where a person cannot distinguish anything at all. In addition, mirror fabric reflects the light that hits it according to the principle of a mirror. The reflected light makes cats' eyes sparkle in the dark.

1.7. Mystical properties of mirrors.

Having invented a mirror, the man had no idea that he had created one of the most mysterious objects of his everyday life. At all times, people wanted to know everything possible and impossible about themselves and their destiny.

Ancient Rus' treated mirrors as amulets. Small mirrors were sewn onto clothing to ward off possible danger or an evil look.

IN Ancient China, believing in the cleansing power of mirrors that could ward off trouble, they hung mirrors above the front door or above the windows. They did the same thing where families lived next to the housing where the accident happened. The same Chinese believe that a mirror hung on the chest of a bride traveling to the groom or a warrior going into battle protected against the machinations of evil spirits.

Nanai shamans hung mirrors on their chests and backs to protect their bodies from arrows fired by evil spirits.

A lot of time has passed since the mirror first appeared in the history of mankind, but it is still amazing how big a role it plays in folk culture and superstitions. Despite the fact that this is the 21st century, girls still tell fortunes about the groom using mirrors. The mirror seems to reveal an otherworldly space; it frightens and fascinates at the same time. Thanks to mirrors, people were able to control their facial expressions and even behavior.

Centuries of observations of oddities associated with mirrors have given rise to a lot of superstitions and signs. Some of them can be treated with humor, but there are also useful tips on how to behave correctly with mirrors so as not to experience them negative impact. Here are some of them:

An abundance of mirrors in a room tires a person, causes irritation and anxiety. Therefore, you should not place a mirror in the bedroom so that the bed is reflected in it.

You should not keep mirrors that are cracked, cloudy, or with broken edges at home.

Having returned home halfway, be sure to casually look in the mirror and instruct your mirror double to guard the house.

It is necessary to cover all surfaces in the house with reflective mirror properties if there is a deceased person in it.

With the help of mirrors, ancient magicians acquired allies from other worlds, healers treated various diseases, and ordinary people tried and are still tryinglook into your past and the future.

But no matter what day it is, you have to live in harmony with the mirror. Unfortunately, we often “charge” the mirror with negative information. After all, if you think about it, we look at it in order to find and eliminate shortcomings. And we find: the hairstyle is wrong, the face is wrinkled... We can’t fix it right away - and we leave dissatisfied. But the mirror remembers all our emotions, and just give us a reason - it will return them with interest...

It probably makes sense to listen more carefully to the advice of experienced psychologists. For example, to this: look in the mirror less often when we are sick or overtired, under no circumstances scold ourselves in front of the mirror - “offended”, it will “remember” everything. However, there are also pleasant recommendations: approach the mirror with a smile, and before moving away from it,smile and wish yourself success.

Each country has its own beliefs, signs and fortune telling related to mirrors. All legends have one thing in common: they treat the mirror with caution, seeing it as a magical, mysterious, magical object.


2.1. Questionnaire “Reflection in the mirror”.

At the beginning of my research, I conducted a survey. The subject of the survey were my classmates - 3rd grade students from school No. 52, who had to answer questions about the mirror. The number of participants in the survey is 61 people.

The result of this survey is as follows:

Question 1: “How often do you use a mirror during the day?”

Often - 24 people;

Rarely - 37 people

I never look in the mirror - 0 people. (Appendix 9)

Question 2: Do you like your reflection in the mirror?

Likes - 44 people

Dislike - 2 people

I find it difficult to answer - 15 people. (Appendix 9)

Question 3: Are you sure that when you look in the mirror you see your exact image?

I'm sure - 55 people.

Not sure - 6 people. (Appendix 9)

Conclusion: The majority of classmates are confident that they see their exact reflection in the mirror, but 6 people still think about this question and would like to know the answer.

2.2. Practical studies of the properties of mirrors

2.2.1. Experience No. 1. The man in the mirror.

And now we have a practical question - what do we see in the mirror? Is this your own reflection or not? To answer this question, let's conduct an experiment.

So, let's go to the mirror. I see my own reflection. Everything seems to be in order, we look the same, but this is only at first glance. If we put our right hand to the mirror, we will see that our double is moving behind the glass. left hand. Means right hand, reflected in the mirror, becomes left. It is clear that right and left hands are not the same thing.

Our double in the mirror, as we can see, has a heart beating right side. This means that every time we approach the mirror, we see not ourselves, but our complete opposite. Therefore, we can say that the mirror world is the opposite of our world. And any person looking into a flat mirror sees not himself, as it seems to him at first glance, but his opposite. (Appendix 8 Fig. 32)

There are large mirrors in the dance training rooms. This is designed so that the dancer can control his movements. But, if you have at least once observed the work of a choreographer - a dance teacher, you will have noticed that when demonstrating movements, the teacher stands with his back to the students so as not to distort “left-right”. And in the mirror, students see the face of their teacher and repeat all the movements after him.

And the hairdresser looks in the mirror when he does the customer’s hair, so that he can see the same thing as the person he is combing.

Conclusion: in the mirror we see our opposite reflection.

2.2.2. Experiment 2. Possibility of direct reflection in a mirror.

How can you make sure you see your direct, undistorted image in the mirror?

And it's possible! If two flat mirrors are placed vertically at right angles to each other, then we will see a “direct”, uninverted image of the object. For example, an ordinary mirror gives an image of a person whose heart is on the right. In the corner mirror of the image, the heart will be, as expected, on the left side! You just need to stand in front of the mirror correctly! The vertical axis of symmetry of your face should lie in a plane bisecting the angle between the mirrors. Having assembled the mirrors, move them: if the angle of the solution is straight, you should see a complete reflection of your face. (Appendix 8 Fig. 33)

Conclusion: Only with a special arrangement of direct mirrors can you see your direct reflection.

2.2.3. Results of practical research.

Thus, to the practical question we have posed about what we see in the mirror, we can answer that inin the mirror a person sees not himself, but his complete opposite. We think that people on the street see us exactly the way we see ourselves in the mirror. But that's not true! We look completely different...

Looking in an ordinary mirror, we always see a reflection of our face, whose right and left halves are rearranged.Although the face has a vertical axis of symmetry, the right and left halves are rarely completely mirror symmetrical. When we see our unconverted face, the slight differences between the right and left halves make it unusual. It can be quite difficult to pinpoint what exactly seems strange. And yet this is exactly how we look in the eyes of the whole world! Moreover, the usual mirror image of our face seems strange to those who see you without a mirror.


As my research has shown, we are all surrounded by a world of mirrors. We're used to it. We calmly look in the mirror in the morning, straighten our hair and smile at our reflection. We get to know ourselves, we identify ourselves, we compare ourselves with other people - and we do this with the help of a mirror.

I learned that people have always been somewhat afraid of mirrors. Studying literary and information sources, I learned that the process of creating a mirror has a centuries-old history. The secrets of making mirrors were kept like the apple of an eye, stolen as a valuable state secret.

Instinctively, we are afraid of breaking a mirror and try not to look at it if it is cracked... The magical world of mirrors and devices based on mirror systems is a kaleidoscope of mysteries and secrets...

It’s amazing, it would seem - the most ordinary mirror, but how many secrets and riddles there are! There is so much room for new discoveries and inventions, such as the “non-lying mirror”, invented in 2004 in Japan, as well as the “magic” mirror showing the future...

While working on this assignment, I looked into Through the Looking Glass only through a narrow crack, trying to combine scattered facts about mirrors from various fields of knowledge. But how many mysteries and problems remain unsolved! I would really like to learn about air mirrors and their role in the formation of mirages, about the effects of the mirror gallery of Versailles, and try to see the future myself in the mirror corridor of candles during Christmas fortune-telling. It's a pity that you can't embrace the immensity. But it is ALWAYS necessary to strive for knowledge!

List of sources used.

  1. V. I. Dal - Dictionary living Great Russian language (modern spelling of words), 4249 pp. Ed. "Citadel", Moscow, 1998, 1998
  2. S. I. Ozhegov - Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions /Russian Academy of Sciences . - 4th ed., expanded. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. - 944 p.
  3. Serov V.D. “Cognitive experiences at school and at home” // Publishing house “ROSMEN” - 1999.
  4. Grigoriev I.N. “The extraordinary story of an ordinary thing” Publishing house OLMA-PRESS – 2004.
  5. Everything about everything. Popular encyclopedia for children. - M., Klyuch - S, 1998.
  6. Big children's encyclopedia. Volume 2. Physics: MasterMedia, 2006.
  7. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Physicist / Comp. V.A. Chuyanov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1984.
  8. Sabine Melchior-Bonnet. History of the mirror. - M.:New Literary Review , 2006. - (Culture of everyday life).
  9. Babaytsev A.V. Symbols of mirrors and specularity in politics//Philosophy and the future of civilization: Proc. report and speeches of IV Ross. Philosopher congress., May 24-28: In 5 volumes / Moscow State University. - M.: Let's make it up. notebooks, 2005. - T. 5. - P. 9-10.

The king and queen said goodbye
Prepared for the journey,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone.
He waits from morning until night,
Looks into the field, indian eyes
They got sick looking
From white dawn until night;
I can't see my dear friend!
He just sees: a blizzard is swirling,
Snow is falling on the fields,
The whole white earth.
Nine months pass
She doesn't take her eyes off the field.
Here on Christmas Eve, right at night
God gives the queen a daughter.
Early in the morning the guest is welcome,
Day and night so long awaited,
From afar at last
The Tsar Father returned.
She looked at him,
She sighed heavily,
I couldn't stand the admiration
And she died at mass.

For a long time the king was inconsolable,
But what to do? and he was a sinner;
A year has passed like an empty dream,
The king married someone else.
Tell the truth, young lady
There really was a queen:
Tall, slender, white,
And I took it with my mind and with everything;
But proud, brittle,
Willful and jealous.
She was given as a dowry
There was one mirror:
The mirror had the following properties:
It can speak well.
She was alone with him
Good-natured, cheerful,
S. joked with him affably
And, showing off, she said:
“My light, mirror! Tell
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rosy and white?”
And the mirror answered her:
“You, of course, no doubt:
You, queen, are the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter.”
And the queen laughs
And shrug your shoulders.
And wink your eyes,
And click your fingers,
And spin around with your arms akimbo.
Looking proudly in the mirror.

But the princess is young,
Silently blooming,
Meanwhile, she grew and grew.
She rose and blossomed.
White-faced, black-browed,
The character of such a meek one.
And the groom was found for her,
Prince of Elisha.
The matchmaker arrived, the king gave his word.
And the dowry is ready:
Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers.

Getting ready for a bachelorette party.
Here is the queen, dressing up
In front of your mirror,
I exchanged words with him:
“I am, tell me. the cutest of all.
All rosy and white?”
What's the answer to the mirror?
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But the princess is the sweetest of all,
All blush and whiter.”
As the queen jumps away,
Yes, as soon as he waves his hand,
Yes, it will slam on the mirror,
It'll stomp like a heel!..
“Oh, you vile glass!
You're lying to spite me.
How can she compete with me?
I'll calm the stupidity in her.
Look how much she has grown!
And it’s no wonder that it’s white:
Mother belly sat
Yes, I just looked at the snow!
But tell me: how can she
Be nicer to me in everything?
Admit it: I am more beautiful than everyone else.
Go around our entire kingdom,
Even the whole world; I have no equal.
Is that so?” Mirror in response:
“But the princess is still sweeter,
Everything is more rosy and white.”
There is nothing to do. She,
Full of black envy
Throwing the mirror under the bench,
She called Chernavka to her place
And punishes her
To his hay girl,
News to the princess in the depths of the forest
And, tying her up, alive
Leave it there under the pine tree
To be devoured by the wolves.

Can the devil deal with an angry woman?
There is no point in arguing. With the princess
Here Chernavka went into the forest
And brought me to such a distance,
What did the princess guess?
And I was scared to death,
And she prayed: “My life!
What, tell me, am I guilty of?
Don't ruin me, girl!
And how will I be a queen,
I will spare you."
The one who loves her in my soul,
Didn't kill, didn't tie up,
She let go and said:
“Don’t worry, God bless you.”
And she came home herself.
"What? - the queen told her, -
Where is the beautiful maiden?
- “There, in the forest, there is one,”
She answers her, -
Her elbows are tightly tied;
Will fall into the claws of the beast,
She will have to endure less
It will be easier to die."

And the rumor began to ring:
The royal daughter is missing!
The poor king grieves for her.
Prince Elisha,
Having prayed earnestly to God,
Hitting the road
For the beautiful soul,
For the young bride.

But the bride is young,
Wandering in the forest until dawn,
Meanwhile everything went on and on
And I came across the tower.
A dog comes towards her, barking,
He came running and fell silent, playing;
She entered the gate
There is silence in the courtyard.
The dog runs after her, caressing her,
And the princess, getting close,
Went up to the porch
And she took the ring;
The door opened quietly.
And the princess found herself
In the bright upper room; all around
Carpeted benches
Under the saints there is an oak table,
Stove with tiled stove bench.
The girl sees what's here
Good people live;
I know she won't be offended.
Meanwhile, no one is visible.
The princess walked around the house,
I put everything away in order,
I lit a candle for God,
I lit the stove hot,
Climbed onto the floor
And she quietly lay down.

Lunch hour was approaching
There was a stomping sound in the yard:
Seven heroes enter
Seven ruddy barbels.
The elder said: “What a miracle!
Everything is so clean and beautiful.
Someone was cleaning the tower
Yes, he was waiting for the owners.
Who? Come out and show yourself
Make friends with us honestly.
If you are an old man,
You will be our uncle forever.
If you're a ruddy guy,
You will be called our brother.
If the old lady, be our mother,
So let's call it a name.
If the red maiden
Be our dear sister."

And the princess came down to them,
I gave honor to the owners,
She bowed low to the waist;
Blushing, she apologized,
Somehow I went to visit them,
Even though I wasn’t invited.
Instantly they recognized me by their speech,
That the princess was received;
Sat in a corner
They brought a pie,
The glass was poured full,
It was served on a tray.
From green wine
She denied;
I just broke the pie,
Yes, I took a bite,
And get some rest from the road
I asked to go to bed.
They took the girl
Up into the bright room
And left alone
Going to bed.

Day after day goes by, flashing,
And the princess is young
Everything is in the forest, she’s not bored
Seven heroes.
Before dawn
Brothers in a friendly crowd
They go out for a walk,
Shoot gray ducks
Amuse your right hand,
Sorochina rushes to the field,
Or head off broad shoulders
Cut off the Tatar,
Or chased out of the forest
Pyatigorsk Circassian,
And she is the hostess
Meanwhile alone
Will clean and prepare
She won't contradict them
They won't contradict her.
So days go by.

Brothers dear girl
Loved it. To her room
Once, as soon as it was dawn,
All seven of them entered.
The elder said to her: “Maiden,
You know: you are a sister to all of us,
All seven of us, you
We all love for ourselves
We would all be glad to take you,
Yes, you can’t, for God’s sake
Make peace between us somehow:
Be one's wife
Other affectionate sister.
Why are you shaking your head?
Are you refusing us?
Are the goods not for the merchants?

“Oh, you guys are honest,
Brothers, you are my family, -
The princess tells them,
If I lie, may God command
I won't get out of this place alive.
What should I do? because I'm a bride.
For me you are all equal
All are daring, all are smart,
I love you all from the bottom of my heart;
But to another I am forever
Given away. I love everyone
Prince Elisha."

The brothers stood silently
Yes, they scratched their heads.
“Demand is not a sin. Forgive us, -
The elder said bow, -
If so, I won’t mention it
About that.” “I’m not angry,”
She said quietly,
And my refusal is not my fault.”
The suitors bowed to her,
Slowly they moved away
And everything agrees again
They began to live and get along.

Meanwhile, the queen is evil,
Remembering the princess
I couldn't forgive her
And on the mirror
I sulked and got angry for a long time;
Finally had enough of him
And she followed him, and sat down
In front of him, I forgot my anger,
Started to show off again
And with a smile she said:
“Hello, mirror! Tell
Tell me the whole truth:
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All rosy and white?”
And the mirror answered her:
“You are beautiful, no doubt;
But he lives without any glory,
Among the green oak groves,
At the seven heroes
The one who is still dearer than you.”
And the queen flew in
To Chernavka: “How dare you
Fool me? and in what!..”
She admitted everything:
So and so. Evil queen
Threatening her with a slingshot
I put it down or not live,
Or destroy the princess.

Since the princess is young,
Waiting for my dear brothers,
She was spinning while sitting under the window.
Suddenly angrily under the porch
The dog barked and the girl
Sees: beggar blueberry
Walks around the yard with a stick
Driving the dog away. “Wait,
Grandma, wait a little, -
She screams at her through the window, -
I'll threaten the dog myself
And I’ll bring you something.”
The blueberry answers her:
“Oh, you little girl!
The damned dog prevailed
Almost ate it to death.
Look how busy he is!
Come out to me.” - The princess wants
Go out to her and take the bread,
But I just left the porch,
The dog is at her feet and barks,
And he won’t let me see the old woman;
Only the old woman will go to her,
He is angrier than the forest beast,
For an old woman. “What kind of miracle?
Apparently he didn't sleep well, -
The princess tells her,
Well, catch it!” - and the bread flies.
The old woman caught the bread;
“Thank you,” she said.
God bless you;
Here’s to you, catch him!”
And to the princess a liquid,
Young, golden
The apple is flying straight...
The dog will jump and squeal...
But the princess in both hands
Grab - caught. "For the sake of boredom,
Eat an apple, my light.
Thank you for lunch."
The old lady said,
She bowed and disappeared...
And from the princess to the porch
The dog runs into her face
He looks pitifully, howls menacingly,
It’s like a dog’s heart is aching,
As if he wants to tell her:
Give it up! - She caressed him,
Ruffles with a gentle hand;
“What, Sokolko, what’s wrong with you?
Lay down! - and entered the room,
The door was quietly locked,
I sat down under the window and grabbed some yarn.
Wait for the owners, and looked
All for the apple. It
Full of ripe juice,
So fresh and so fragrant
So ruddy and golden
It’s like it’s filled with honey!
The seeds are visible right through...
She wanted to wait
I couldn’t stand it until lunchtime,
I took the apple in my hands,
She brought it to her scarlet lips,
Slowly bit through
And she swallowed a piece...
Suddenly she, my soul,
I staggered without breathing,
White hands dropped,
I dropped the ruddy fruit,
Eyes rolled back
And she's like that
She fell head on the bench
And she became quiet, motionless...

The brothers went home at that time
They came back in a crowd
From a brave robbery.
To meet them, howling menacingly,
The dog runs to the yard
Shows them the way. “Not good! -
The brothers said - sadness
We won’t pass.” They galloped up,
They entered and gasped. Having run in,
Dog at apple headlong
He rushed barking, got angry,
Swallowed it, fell down
And died. Got drunk
It was poison, you know.
Before the dead princess
Brothers in grief
Everyone hung their heads
And with the holy prayer
They lifted me from the bench, dressed me,
They wanted to bury her
And they changed their minds. She,
Like under the wing of a dream,
She lay so quiet and fresh,
That she just couldn’t breathe.
We waited three days, but she
Didn't rise from sleep.
Having performed a sad ritual,
Here they are in the crystal coffin
Young princess corpse
They laid it down - and in a crowd
They carried me to an empty mountain,
And at midnight
Her coffin to six pillars
On cast iron chains there
Screwed down carefully
And they fenced it off with bars;
And, before the dead sister
Having made a bow to the ground,
The elder said: “Sleep in a coffin.
Suddenly went out, a victim of anger,
Your beauty is on earth;
Heaven will receive your spirit.
You were loved by us
And for the dear one we keep -
No one got it
Only one coffin."

On the same day the evil queen
Waiting for good news
Secretly I took a mirror
And she asked her question:
“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,
All rosy and white?”
And I heard in response:
“You, queen, no doubt,
You are the cutest in the world,
All blush and whiter.”

For his bride
Prince Elisha
Meanwhile, he jumps around the world.
No way! He cries bitterly
And whoever he asks
His question is tricky for everyone;
Who laughs in his face,
Who would rather turn away;
To the red sun at last
Well done.
“Our sunshine! are you walking
All year round in the sky, you drive
Winter with warm spring,
You see us all below you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Haven't you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I am her fiancé.” “You are my light,”
The red sun answered, -
I haven't seen the princess.
Know that she is no longer alive.
Is it a month, my neighbor,
I met her somewhere
Or a trace of her was noticed.”

Dark Night Elisha
He waited in his anguish.
It's only been a month
He chased after him with a prayer.
“A month, a month, my friend,
Gilded horn!
You rise in deep darkness,
Chubby, bright-eyed,
And, loving your custom,
The stars are looking at you.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I am her fiancé.” “My brother,”
The month is clear, -
I have not seen the red maiden.
I stand on guard
Just in my turn.
The princess can be seen without me
I ran through.” - “What a shame!” -
The prince answered.
The clear month continued:
“Wait; about her, perhaps
The wind knows. He will help.
Now go to him
Don’t be sad, goodbye.”

Elisha, without losing heart,
He rushed to the wind, calling:
“Wind, wind! You are powerful
You are chasing flocks of clouds,
You disturb the blue sea
There is open air everywhere.
You're not afraid of anyone
Except God alone.
Al will you refuse me an answer?
Have you seen anywhere in the world
Are you young princess?
I’m her fiancé.” “Wait,”
The wild wind answers, -
There behind the quiet river
There is a high mountain
There is a deep hole in it;
In that hole, in the sad darkness,
The crystal coffin is rocking
On chains between pillars.
No traces of anyone to be seen
Around that empty place
Your bride is in that coffin.”

The wind ran away.
The prince began to cry
And went to an empty place
For a beautiful bride
Watch it again at least once.
Here he comes; and got up
The mountain in front of him is steep;
The country around her is empty;
There is a dark entrance under the mountain.
He's heading there quickly.
Before him, in the sad darkness,
The crystal coffin is rocking,
And in the crystal coffin
The princess sleeps in eternal sleep.
And about the coffin of the dear bride
He hit with all his might.
The coffin broke. Virgo suddenly
Alive. Looks around
With amazed eyes,
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”
And she rises from the grave...
Ah!.. and they both burst into tears.
He takes her in his hands
And brings light from darkness,
And, having a pleasant conversation,
They set off on their way back,
And the rumor is already trumpeting:
The royal daughter is alive!

At home idle at that time
The evil stepmother sat
In front of your mirror
And talked to him,
Saying: “I am the cutest of all,
All rosy and white?”
And I heard in response:
“You are beautiful, there are no words,
But the princess is still sweeter,
Everything is redder and whiter.”
The evil stepmother jumped up,
Breaking a mirror on the floor
I ran straight to the door
And I met the princess.
Then sadness took over her,
And the queen died.
They just buried her
The wedding was celebrated immediately,
And with his bride
Elisha got married;
And no one since the beginning of the world
I have never seen such a feast;
I was there, honey, drank beer,
Yes, he just wet his mustache.

Analysis of “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

Pushkin claimed that the plot of “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” was based on a folk tale that he recorded in 1824 from the words of his nanny. The poet supplemented his work with details from other Russian (“Morozko”) and foreign (“Snegurochka”) fairy tales. As a result, in 1833 the original original work, which has its own plot and instructive meaning.

In the fairy tale there is a clear division of characters into good and evil. Most of the main characters are positive. Negative ones include the evil queen and Chernavka. But the latter takes the side of evil not of her own free will, but out of fear of punishment. In her heart she loves the poor princess and tries to help her as much as possible. Chernavka does not bind the princess, but simply releases her on all four sides. This episode shows that despite the apparent power of evil, positive characters Human kindness and compassion always come to the rescue.

Pushkin vividly describes the image of an evil stepmother. In her characterization one immediately feels the inevitability of some kind of tragedy. The young queen shines with beauty, but is distinguished by excessive pride and jealousy. She is completely indifferent to others and is concerned only with her own superiority. The queen has no friends or just close people. Her constant companion is a mirror that magically talking. But all the conversations of the favorite toy are devoted to one topic - the beauty of its owner. The queen will not tolerate words of truth even from a mirror. She becomes furious when she learns about her stepdaughter's beauty. The first time she throws the mirror into a corner, the second time she breaks it in impotent anger.

The young princess personifies the ideal of female beauty, kindness and fidelity. She treats everyone equally well and does not suspect deception from the “beggar monk.” Even having lost all hope of returning home, she remains faithful to her betrothed husband.

Prince Elisha symbolizes the strength of male love and devotion. In search of a bride, he is ready to travel all over the world. The threefold appeal to natural forces (sun, moon and wind) has ancient national roots. It means an incredibly long and difficult search for the truth.

The happy ending of a fairy tale symbolizes the victory of good over evil. Moreover, this victory went to the main characters exclusively for positive qualities. The tale does not contain a traditional decisive battle or a picture of the punishment of villains. The queen herself dies from “longing.” The wedding of the princess and Elisha is a triumph of happiness and justice.