Notes on mathematical development in the preparatory school group. Notes on mathematical development in the preparatory group

Lesson notes on mathematical development in the pre-school group.

Educator: Cherkasova G. A.

Experimental station branch of MBOU "Zamishevskaya Secondary School"

Bryansk region, Novozybkovsky district, Experimental station village

Educational area:"Cognition"
Target: Repeat comparison of numbers, orientation on a sheet of paper, solving simple problems, geometric shapes. Develop memory, thinking, attention. Cultivate a culture of behavior, discipline, interest in mathematics and school.
Equipment: geometric shapes, checkered sheets, simple pencils, set of numbers 1-10, signs. For the teacher: easel, magnets, task cards, math doll.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part

Hello children! Today we have mathematical development. We will go to a wonderful country of numbers, examples, tasks. To go to this fascinating country, you need to solve the following tasks: (frontal survey)

1. There were 4 apples on the table. All apples were cut in half. How many apples are on the table?
2.Which dishes cannot be filled?
3.What can you see with your eyes closed?
4. How many paws do two bear cubs have?
5. Two potatoes were cooked in 2 minutes. How long does it take to cook 3 potatoes?
6. Today is Wednesday, in a week we will go to the theater. What day of the week will we go to the theater?
7. Today is Monday, in three days it’s Sasha’s birthday. What day of the week is Sasha's birthday?
8.Five little bear cubs
Mom put me to bed.
One can't sleep alone
How many people have good dreams?
9.On a walk from the nursery
Ten babies came out.
Five of them sat on the grass
The rest are on the swing.
How many guys are on the swing?
10. The mouse collected grains
She carried two grains at a time.
I've already brought it five times.
What is its reserve?
II. Main part

Work at the board.
I have a sequence of numbers on my easel. Fill the gaps.
1,2, . ,4,5, . ,7,8, . ,10
2, 4, . , 8, .
10, . , 6, . , 2

(Children go to the easel)
Compare the numbers.
5 and 8 8 and 4 6 and 3 1 and 7 7 and 9 2 and 2

Preparation and solution of problems.
On the easel numeric expressions
7+ 2 10 - 2
Create a task for it . (Front poll, we write down the one we like the most and decide).
Visual dictation.
Now I will show you geometric shapes. Your task is to remember the order in which they appear and arrange them in your own place as well.
Phys. Just a minute.
One, get up
Two, bend over
Three, three clap hands,
Four hands wider
Five hands wave
Six sit quietly on a chair.

Graphic dictation.
We counted 8 cells from the edge of the sheet and put a dot. From this point we begin to work. 3 cells down. 3 cells to the left. 1 square down. 3 cells to the right. 3 cells down. One cell to the right. 3 squares up. 5 cells to the right. 2 squares up. 1 cell to the left. 1 square down. 4 cells to the left. 3 squares up. 1 cell to the left. What happened? (Airplane)
Working with a mathematical matryoshka doll. (Front survey)
- Which number is the largest?
- Which number is the smallest?
- What is often found in fairy tales? In what?
- Which number means the best grade in school?
III. Final part.

Solving examples.
Solve examples that match the letter and the answer:
6+3 10 - 3 5+3 4+6 9 - 7
What word did you come up with? SCHOOL.
So, soon you will all go to school and continue an amusing trip to a country whose name is mathematics.
You all did a great job today, thank you. The lesson is over.


1. Mikhailova Z.A. “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers.” - M.: Education, 1990.-94s

2. Shalaeva G. Mathematics for little geniuses at home and in kindergarten. - M.: AST, Slovo, 2009.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 9 combined type of Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of GCD

in mathematics in preparatory group

« Fun math»

Compiled by:

Afanasyeva V.G.


Topic: Number 7 and its composition, orientation on a sheet of paper, orientation in time, logic problems with mathematical content, comparing two numbers.

Secure forward counting to 10, reverse counting from 10 to 0;
- consolidate ideas about the number series, be able to name the neighbors of the number, the next and previous number. -introduce the formation of the number 7; - strengthen decision-making skills simple examples for addition and subtraction;
- consolidate the ability to solve logical problems based on visually perceived information;
- consolidate knowledge about the days of the week, spring months;
- develop the ability to understand the task and solve it independently;
- be able to compare two numbers using signs. - develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Material: ICT, presentation, task cards, coin cards different color, checkered sheets of paper, cards with numbers, musical accompaniment.

Lesson plan.

I. Introductory part.

II. Main part.

D/i “The numbers are lost.”

Logical problem “Which figure is the odd one in the row?”

Logic problems are jokes.

Physical exercise.

Introduce the number 7. Learn to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers.

Solving examples on addition and subtraction.

Finger gymnastics.

Graphic dictation.

III. Final part.

Summing up the lesson.

Progress of the lesson.

Hello guys, let's stand in a circle and greet each other. Let's turn to the right and smile at the neighbor, and now turn to the left and smile at the neighbor on the left. Now let's all say it together


(1 slide. An image of Dunno appears on the ICT, who says:

“Dear guys, I went to school, and in order to study well at school, you need to know a lot, be able to, think, guess. And also solve unusual problems, perform tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. They ask me so many things, but there is no one to help... Help me, please.”

Guys, let's help Dunno.

1 task. Answer the questions:

2 slide. Image of spring.

What season? (spring)

Name the spring months (March, April, May)

What month is it now? (March)

How many days are there in a week? (seven)

Name them;

What day of the week is it today? (Thursday)

What Thursday is it? (fourth)

What day of the week was yesterday? (Wednesday)

What day of the week will it be tomorrow? (Friday)

Task 2. - Guys, Dunno invites us to play the game “The Numbers Are Lost”

3 slide. The numbers are scattered...

Invite the children to come to the board and move the numbers into place...

Count in order, and now in reverse order.

Name the previous and next number, numbers 5,7,9,8,

compare numbers 5 and 3;

Compare the numbers 4 and 4;

What are the numbers? (even and odd)

You completed the task.

3 task. Solve the logical problem “Which figure is the odd one in the row?”

4 slide. Shown are 2 rows of geometric shapes)

Which figure is the odd one out, why do you think so?

You also completed this Dunno task.

4 task. “Friends, all the previous logical problems were serious, but there are also problems that are jokes. Be careful and you will definitely cope with them.”

5 slide. Game "Tasks - Traps".

The teacher reads the problems, the children answer and explain.

Here comes the bear

He leads his cubs.

How many animals are there in total?

Count it quickly! (3)

Here are the mushrooms on the lawn

They are wearing yellow caps.

2 mushrooms, 3 mushrooms.

How long will it be together?..? (5)

Eight squirrel tails were peeking out of the hollow. How many baby squirrels were sitting in the hollow? (8)

There were 5 apples and 3 pears hanging on the apple tree. How many fruits were hanging on the apple tree? (5 apples)

There are 3 tulips and 4 daffodils in a vase. How many tulips are in the vase? (3 tulips)

The long-awaited winter has arrived. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, and then 3 more plum trees. How many trees bloomed? (trees do not bloom in winter).

The chair has 4 legs. How many legs do 2 chairs have? (8 legs)

V. - Well done! Having solved all the problems...

Physical exercise. “Charging” on ICT sounds cheerful music

Once - bend over, straighten up.

Two - bend over, stretch.

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four means wider hands.

Five, six - sit down quietly.

Task 5. What is the composition of the number 7?

6 slide. Picture of a cinema.

To answer this question from Dunno, today we will get acquainted with the composition of the number 7.

Dunno needs to buy a ticket - it costs 7 coins. There are cards on the table with circles of two colors on them. - these are coins. Match the coins so that you have 7 coins. (Children work with cards and show the result)

Questions for children:

Lay out all the variations of the number seven in order on your tables.

Once the children have finished, ask them again to tell how the number seven can be made from two smaller numbers.

Well done! Thank you! From what two numbers can you get the number 7?

6+1, 5+2, 4+3 and 7 units)

Well done, now Dunno will definitely get into the movies!

Task 6. Solve examples

Slide 7 Examples are written on the board; ask students to solve the examples orally.

5+2=? 3+4=? 9+1=?

8-1=? 6-3+? 7-2=?

Finger gymnastics.

Somehow a little boa constrictor
I wanted to crawl under the closet
He stretched out under the closet,
And then he curled up into a ball.

Task 7. And now Dunno has prepared a graphic dictation for you.

8 slide. Image of Dunno, he reads the task, and the children complete it while sitting in their seats.

Place a pencil on a dot and draw: seven cells to the right, three cells down, seven cells to the left, three cells up.

Look and compare your drawing with the sample

Slide 9 An image of a rectangle appears on the ICT

Educator: Well done, guys!

Reflection: -So you have completed all Dunno’s tasks. What new have we learned today? What tasks did you perform? (children's answers).

Noskova Elena Vyacheslavovna
Educational institution: MADO Ushakovsky kindergarten "Goldfish"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-02-26 Summary of educational activities for the mathematical development of preschoolers in the preparatory group "Violet" Noskova Elena Vyacheslavovna To develop children’s ability to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems, on addition and subtraction within 10, based on clarity. Teach children to analyze problems. Fix the count within 10 in forward and reverse order.

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Summary of educational activities for the mathematical development of preschoolers in the preparatory group "Violet"

Target:Build skillchildren to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction within 10, based on clarity.

1. Teach children to analyze problems.Fix the count within 10 in forward and reverse order.

2. Develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills hands, logical thinking children.

3. Educate personal qualities Every child has: sustained interest in mathematical knowledge and skills, determination, concentration, curiosity.

Progress of the lesson:

Children on the carpet.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello to them. We will show what kind of adults we are, our knowledge, behavior.

2. Conversation.

- Today our old friend Mouse Peak is visiting us. Tell us what he likes to do? The mouse loves to gain knowledge. How can you call Mouse in one word? (to the curious).

— Mouse Peak brought a lot of interesting tasks for you and me. I think you will cope with all the tasks. Is everyone ready? Everyone has good mood? Let's check it now.

Children stand in a circle. “All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let’s hold hands tightly and smile at each other!”

— First task: What time of year is it now? Name three winter months. What month is it now? Name the days of the week. What day of the week is it today?

3. Mathematical warm-up “Funny counting”.

— The second task is called “Funny Counting.”

Let's count in unison from 1 to 10. Count down from 10 to 1.

Count through one number. Count in two numbers.

Count from 3 to 7, from 2 to 5. What number did I miss: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10.

- The tasks are becoming more difficult. The wind blew and all the cards with numbers scattered.

We need to solve the riddle. “A multi-colored rocker hung across the river” (rainbow).

How many colors are there in a rainbow? (seven). Find a card with the number 7. Name the neighbors of the number 7. Find cards with the numbers 6 and 8. Which number is greater than 6 or 8; less?

Guess what number I guessed if it is 1 less than 5; 2 more than 7.

Name a number greater than 2 but less than 4.

— All numbers can be divided by...? (even and odd). Name even numbers; odd. Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 need to be laid out so that one hoop contains cards with even numbers and the other with odd numbers.

- Well done!

The children sit at the tables.

3. New topic.

— Mouse Peak brought one more task, the most difficult one. To complete this task correctly you must be very careful.

There is a drawing for the problem on the board: “4 bullfinches and 2 titmice are sitting on a branch. How many birds are sitting on the branch?

— What birds are sitting on a branch? (bullfinches and tits).

— How many bullfinches are sitting on the branch? (four). Place as many red sticks as there are bullfinches on the branch. Place as many yellow sticks as there are tits on the branch.

- This is what we know, that is, the condition of the problem.

- Who will say the question of the problem? What needs to be done to answer the question? (must be added, added). Connect the sticks and count. We can answer the question of the problem: how many birds are there on the branch? (There are 6 birds on the branch).

— How to write down the solution and answer to a problem in a notebook?

One child works at the board, explaining his actions: adding 2 to 4 equals 6. Answer: There are 6 birds on the branch.

— In the upper left corner of the piece of paper we found a cell and wrote it down: 4+2=6.

4. Consolidating a new topic.

Compose and solve subtraction problems in the same way.

- Well done. We did a good job on these tasks. Mouse Peak is very happy. He has one last task for you. They put a dot in the bottom corner of the piece of paper. From this point, draw 2 cells up, 3 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell up, 1 cell to the right, 5 cells down, 3 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 6 cells left. What happened? (ship). On this boat, Mouse Peak sets off on a voyage around the world. Let's say thank you and have a nice trip.

5. Summary of the lesson.

— What new did you learn in class today? What did you like most? Well done boys! I'm very glad that everything worked out for you.

Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group on the topic: "Solving simple arithmetic problems"

Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group on the topic: "Solving simple arithmetic problems"

Target: Formation of initial mathematical knowledge.
Tasks: Teach children to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems using a numerical example. Exercise children in quantitative and ordinal counting within 20.
Strengthen ideas about geometric shapes. Develop logical thinking.
Material for the lesson. medals "Clever and Clever" (for each child).
Demo: set of numbers, signs, Dunno (picture), the word "Thank you" (separate letters)
Dispensing:“Math set”, counting sticks, printed tasks “Math dictation”, “Connect the dots in the picture” (for each child)
Progress of the lesson:
Educator.- Guys, we have a guest today, he’s funny. I put a picture of Dunno on the board.
-Malvina gave Dunno homework, but he doesn’t know how to cope with it. So he came to us for help. Do you agree to help him? (Yes)
-Then sit down at the tables. Don't forget that the back of the table should be straight. So are you ready? (Yes)
And for each completed task, Dunno will give you a letter so that we can put them together into a word.
1 task "Think and answer"(Oral task)
What number must be added to 8 to make 10?
What number is less than 5 by 1?
Name the neighbors of the number 8; 4; 6
What number comes after the number 5; 1; 7
What number comes before 8? 6; 4
How many months are there in a year?
What time of year is it now?
How many spring months are there? Name them.
How many days of the week?
What day of the week is today?
What was it like yesterday?
How many days off? Name them.
What day of the week will be tomorrow?
Educator. Well done! We completed the first task. And for this Dunno gives you the letter “C”! (I put it on the board).

2 task "Mathematical dictation"
-Move 1 square to the left and 4 from the top, put a dot and start drawing.
1 up, 2-in right side,1-up,1-to the side,1-down,2-to the right side,1-down, 1-to the right side, 1 up,2-to the right side,1-up,1-to the side,1 -down,2- to the right side,1-down, 1-to the right side,1 up,2-to the right side,1-up,1-to the side,1-down,2-to the right side,1- down, 1-in to the right side, then you need to reflect the drawing in mirror image. (Children complete the task)

Educator. Great. And we helped Dunno cope with this task. We get the letter "P".

3 task
"Solve the problem"
Educator. But before we solve the problem, let’s remember what parts the problem consists of? (Condition, Question, Solution, Answer)
-Well done! Who can make up the problem? (The teacher warns that the number should not be more than ten).
If children have difficulty composing problems, the teacher lays out an example on the board: 6-1 =?
Educator:“Create a problem that contains these numbers.”
Children make up problems. For example: “There were 6 dolls in the store. A buyer came and bought 1 doll. How many dolls are left in the store? (Children solve it and “write down” the solution: 6-1=5).
The teacher listens to the children's problems and makes sure that they correctly pose the question to the problem.
I offer another example of how children create tasks. For example: 8+1 = ?
Educator. Well done! Dunno gives us another letter “A”

Now let's leave the tables and play a little, and at the same time relax.
Fizminutka “Come on, don’t be lazy!”
Hands up and hands down.
Come on, don't be lazy!
Make your swings clearer, sharper,
Train your shoulders better.
Body to the right, body to the left –
We need to stretch our backs.
We will make turns
And help with your hands.
I stand on one leg
And I’ll fit the other one,
And now alternately
I'll raise my knees.
Relaxed and refreshed
And they sat down again.
4 task.
Examine the picture and place the counting sticks on the table as shown in the picture.
What did we get? (House)
Count how many squares you got? (one)
Now, rearrange 2 sticks so that you get a flag. (Children put out a flag, if there are difficulties, I give a hint)

Educator. Well done! Here's another task behind us! And we have another letter “C”! (I put the letter on the board)

5 task“Compare the numbers and put the signs”
5…6 10…9 5…9
6…6 2…8 10…3 (work at a table)
Educator. Well done! You see, Dunno, how smart our children are, it’s not for nothing that you turned to us for help. And the next letter is a gift to us “I”.

Task 6
"Connect the dots in the picture"

Educator. You need to connect the dots using numbers from 1 to 10. What did you get? (ship)
Well done! We earned another "B".

Task 7"Which figure is where"
Educator. Geometric figures are placed on the board; you need to say which figure is where. (orientation on a plane) (in the upper right corner-triangle, in the upper left is a square, in the lower right is a circle, in the lower left is a rectangle, the task changes 2-3 times). (Children say where this or that geometric figure is located)
-Well done! Dunno gives us another letter “O”.

So we helped Dunno complete all the tasks. Let's read what kind of word we got? (Children read, "THANK YOU"
Educator. This Dunno thanks us for help in completing homework. I also say thank you. You guys did a very good job today. And for this Dunno gives you these badges.

Look what is written here? (clever and clever)

Summary of GCD for FEMP in the preparatory group "Treasure Journey"

Mathematics lesson in the preparatory group "Journey to the land of mathematics"

Lesson Description: this lesson is intended for educators working with children in the preparatory group (age children 6-7 years).
Target: consolidation of acquired knowledge in children, using educational games, to form the ability to rejoice when achieving a goal.
Tasks: consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by shape, color, size.
Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
Strengthen knowledge of numbers up to 10. The ability to name a number and its neighboring numbers.
Strengthen the ability to compare two adjacent numbers using the greater than, less than, and equal signs.
Strengthen the ability to select opposite words for mathematical concepts.
Develop logical thinking, attention, intelligence, memory;
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.
Cultivate interest in mathematics, a feeling of joy from joint actions, successfully completed tasks;
To develop the ability to understand a learning task and carry it out.
Materials and equipment:
Balloon, an envelope with a letter and a cut-out picture of Professor Mathematics, a plan for completing assignments, Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, checkered pieces of paper, pencils, blanks of geometric shapes made of colored paper, glue, paper for group work, the word “WELL DONE” on cards, ball. Easel, presentation for class.

Mysterious music sounds. A ball flies into the group with an envelope attached to a string. In the envelope there is a letter and a cut-out picture “Professor Mathematician”
Educator: Guys, look, what is this? Draws children's attention to balloon, with an envelope attached. The envelope is not signed. It’s a strange envelope, nothing is written on it, only numbers and geometric shapes.
I suggest opening the envelope and finding out who we received it from (he opens the envelope, there is a cut-out picture and a letter in it).
What should we do to find out from whom this letter came to us?
Children: collect a picture.
Educator: Who do you think it is? (children's answers) everything is clear! Professor Mathematician wrote this to us! You need to read it quickly, maybe there’s something important in there!
The teacher reads the letter:
“Hello, dear guys! I know that you have already learned a lot. I have prepared for you interesting tasks! For each completed task you will receive cards with letters. Only brave and friendly guys will pass all the tests! Are you ready to travel? (children's answers.) Then good luck! I’ll give you a hint: A plan for completing tasks.
The teacher shows the children a scheme for completing tasks.
What's the first task? What's in the top left corner? (geometric shapes) Our first task is called “Funny Shapes”
The teacher shows the figures on the board. What are these figures called? Name objects of the same shape for each of the figures.
After completing the task, children receive a card with a letter. Well done!

Let's put the card on the board and go to complete the second task.
Look at the diagram. What do you think is the second task? (children’s answers)
The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables. Open your notebooks. Our next task is “Mathematical dictation.” Children work in squared notebooks under the dictation of the teacher. What did we get? Compare with the sample. The teacher shows an enlarged sample. That's right, we got a dog. Children evaluate their own work and the work of their friends. Well done! You've earned your second card!
Before moving on to the next task, I offer you a mathematical warm-up. Game "True is not true"
Educator: If you hear what you think is correct, clap your hands; if you hear what you think is wrong, stomp your feet.
- in the morning the sun rises
-in the morning need to do exercises
- you can’t wash your face in the morning
- the moon shines brightly during the day
- in the morning the children go to kindergarten
-at night people have dinner
-there are seven days in a week
- Monday is followed by Wednesday
-after Saturday comes Sunday
-Thursday is before Friday
-only five seasons
- spring comes after summer.
Educator: Well done boys! But the next task awaits us!
Let's look at our diagram.
So everything is clear! Do you know that every number has neighbors to the left and to the right? Now I will show you cards with numbers, and you take turns naming their neighbors. Game "Name the neighbors"
Educator: these are great guys and they coped with this task! Get a card with a letter!
Educator: Now let’s look again at the diagram with the tasks. What are these signs? Mathematical signs have forgotten what they are called and have lost their place. Shall we help them?
Take a seat at the table. You need to compare the numbers on the cards and bet necessary signs.
Well done! You have completed this task from the professor and receive from him a card with a letter.
Let's continue further. What does our diagram show? Arrows of different colors and opposite directions! Professor Mathematician invites you to play the game “Say it the other way around.”
The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts.
Big small
Long short
High Low
Wide narrow
Fat slim
Far close
Back and forth
Light heavy
Educator: You completed this task too! Here's your card!
Guys, look at the diagram. The arrow again points to the upper left corner. We returned to the image of geometric shapes. What do you think our task will be? (children's answers) Yes, that's right, our task will be related to geometric shapes. The professor asks to make him an unusual carpet of figures. Come to the table. Lay out the geometric shapes all together on a sheet of paper, and then glue them.
What an interesting and beautiful carpet this turned out to be! You all tried! For this lesson, Professor Mathematician gives you two cards at once!
Educator: So we have collected all the cards with letters. What word is made from letters? (Well done). The teacher asks what tasks you liked and what seemed difficult. (Children's answers)
Guys, we are returning from our magical trip! And we will send a carpet with geometric shapes on a magic ball to Professor Mathematics during a walk!
The lesson ends.