Boiled beets for the winter recipes are very tasty. Recipes for preparing delicious beets for the winter

Beets for the winter in jars are a useful addition to any dish. There are various options preparation of the workpiece. We advise you to try several options at once so that you can choose.

Sterilizing full jars is another way to eliminate bacteria that contribute to rapid spoilage of canned foods.

Sterilization time for full jars:

  • 0.5 liter - 10-15 minutes;
  • 1 liter - 20-25 minutes;
  • 3 liter - 30-35 min.

Sometimes beets are pickled for the winter without the need for sterilization. The marinade in this recipe has a sweet and sour taste, which goes very harmoniously with the taste of root vegetables. Vegetables can be added separately or together with marinade to soups or salads after cooking.

There are many recipes for cooking beets. Recipes differ from each other in the use of spices and herbs. It all depends on what flavor you like and how you plan to use the vegetable in pickled form.

Such pickled beets are suitable both for seasoning borscht and as a separate salad or for preparing salads from it. For borscht it is better to choose sweet varieties of beets, but, in general, it all depends on your taste.

Spices can be added to taste. Recipe for preparing beets with sterilization: 0.5 liter jars are sterilized for 10 minutes, 1 liter for 15 minutes.

Ingredients for preparing beets for borscht for the winter:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 40 g salt;
  • 60 ml table vinegar 9%;
  • sweet pepper;
  • carnation;
  • bay leaf;
  • beets in the right quantity

How to cook beets for borscht:

  1. Wash the beets, pour cold water and simmer for about 20-30 minutes after it comes to a boil on the stove. It is better to cook over medium heat without adding salt.
  2. Then pour cold water over the beets, cool, peel and cut into small pieces - depending on your goals.
  3. In prepared clean jars, place allspice (2-4 pieces), cloves (1-2 pieces), bay leaf (1 piece), and add chopped beets.

Recipe for marinade:

  1. Add the indicated amount of ingredients to the water and heat, stirring, until the sugar and salt dissolve.,
  2. After receiving the marinade, pour the beets into jars, cover and sterilize for the amount of time indicated in the recipe description.
  3. Roll up, turn over onto a clean towel until completely cooled and store in a cool place.

To prepare Korean beets for the winter, we need the following products:

  • 1 kg beets;
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar or more (to taste);
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • half a spoon of red and black pepper;
  • 1 tsp. coriander powder;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • at least 1 tsp. salt or to taste;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sunflower oil.


  1. We wash root vegetables and do not cut off any tails or leaves.
  2. Place in a saucepan, fill with cold water and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling. Cooking time depends on the size of the vegetables. For this short time the roots will be only slightly boiled, almost fresh.
  3. Turn off the heat, drain the water and place the pan with vegetables under a stream of cold water. Change the water to cold until the vegetables have cooled down.
  4. We peel and chop the root vegetables into strips on a special grater for Korean salads. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar, pour over vinegar.
  5. Mix and place in sterilized jars. We wait half an hour for the vegetables to release enough juice.
  6. Spices are mixed and garlic is added.
  7. Pour the oil into a heated frying pan and before it boils, pour in a mixture of spices and garlic.
  8. Stir and fry for 10 seconds! Immediately after frying, fill the jarred product with enriched oil.
  9. We close the jars with tight sterile lids and store the salad in the refrigerator. If you want to roll up the salad, then, closing the jars with sterile metal covers, sterilize the salad for 10 minutes - after the water temperature reaches 90 degrees.

How to prepare it so that you always have beets boiled in jars on hand for the winter.


  • Baked or boiled beets - 2-3 pcs. (700 g);
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml.

How to prepare beets for a winter vinaigrette:

  1. Boil the beets until tender. Instead of boiling, you can wrap the vegetable in foil and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  2. Chilled beets are cleaned. Don't rush to take it out too early, it should be completely ready. It’s not difficult to check the readiness of the product, just pierce it with a knife. If a sharp object passes in the same way as a clock mechanism, the beets are ready. Otherwise, increase the cooking time
  3. The beets are cut into small cubes or grated on a coarse grater.
  4. Place the beets in a frying pan or saucepan. Add sugar, salt, freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and pour in the vegetable oil. Place on the stove to simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
  5. Wash thoroughly glass jars baking soda and sterilize. Fill the jar tightly with beets. Place a piece of cloth or a waffle towel at the bottom of the container and place the jars of beets.
  6. Pour warm water into the pan according to the shoulder level of the glass containers and sterilize after boiling for 10 minutes. Roll up the lids and leave until completely cool. Beets are stored in jars in a cool pantry or refrigerator during the winter.

An excellent recipe for storing beets boiled in jars for the winter. Pickled beets keep well. Grated perfectly complements any hot dish and is suitable for preparing cold dishes and salads. Preparing this way will help reduce cooking because the beets are already processed and ready to use.

Maybe this recipe will become “necessary” for you too. It's time to try new dishes using your favorite vegetables!

Ingredients: beets (quantity is arbitrary).

For the marinade:

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt 1 tbsp.;
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp.


  1. Root vegetables should be washed, boiled until tender, drained, pour cold water, peeled, and grated.
  2. Place beets in sterilized jars up to the shoulders.
  3. Prepare the marinade by bringing to a boil.
  4. Fill the beets with the hot marinade and roll them up immediately.
  5. The jars are turned upside down and left until completely cooled.

How to pickle beets in jars? This recipe is suitable for those who love beets in pure form or plans to use preparations from it for other dishes, for example, for borscht or vinaigrette. Another advantage of this recipe is that even small roots that are traditionally considered useless for anything can be used.

The first thing we need to do is wash and peel the beets from leaves and roots. Then cook the beets until they are completely cooked. It has recently become popular to cook it in the microwave with a little water, so this technique will not work for our recipe because the beet broth will also work.

The finished beets should be immediately placed in cold water and left there for about twenty minutes. In the meantime, let's prepare the marinade. The broth is carefully filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Now for each liter of liquid we need to add 3 tbsp. tablespoons sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, as well as one bud of cloves and two sweet peppercorns.

Alternatively, you can add 1 teaspoon of citric acid, but it is up to you. Now take our beets, peel them (thanks to cold water, the skin from the root is completely removed) and place them in sterilized jars. After rolling, all cans of canned beets should be placed in a container of water, brought to a boil and sterilized for 20 minutes.

Marinade without vinegar

How to pickle beets in jars without vinegar? Just!

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt (coarse grain only) - 2 tbsp.;
  • citric acid (in granules) - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.

Fill the pan with water. Add sugar, citric acid and salt. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil.

Do you think a marinade without vinegar is better?

Yes, it's healthier that wayI don't see the difference


It is best to store jars of canned beets in the cellar, basement, refrigerator, or even on the balcony (the most important thing is to avoid frost!). Sterilized products do not need a refrigerator. They can be stored at temperatures from 0 to 25 degrees for two years. The best place For storage there is a dark pantry.

Thus, there are several recipes for preparing beets for the winter. Which one will be best for you is up to you to choose.

During the busy season of home canning, many housewives undeservedly ignore beets. And completely in vain! From this tasty and incredibly healthy vegetable you can prepare a wide variety of preparations for every taste, and our selection of recipes will help you with this.

Delicious and aromatic beet salad It didn’t get its sonorous name by chance. He could often be found in Soviet era on store shelves, and it sold out instantly. Unfortunately, now you won’t find jars of salad in the supermarket, but you can prepare it yourself from fresh natural products.

To prepare beet salad we need:

  • 600 gr. beets;
  • 400 gr. Luke;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 60 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 ml natural apple cider vinegar;
  • half a glass of sunflower oil (and a little more for frying the onions).


  1. Boil the beets whole, without cutting off the stems, to retain all the vitamins. Peel the cooled fruits and cut them into cubes of medium thickness.
  2. Finely chop the onion, prepare puree from the tomatoes using a blender or a regular grater. Fry the onion rings until lightly browned.
  3. Add tomato puree and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes. Add beets to the onions, add salt, sugar, oil and vinegar and simmer the resulting mass for another half hour. If desired, at this stage you can add any spices to the dish.
  4. Place the finished snack in sterile jars and seal tightly.

Delicate and aromatic beet caviar is liked by both adults and children for its unusual sweetish taste and delicious aroma. It can be used as a complement to main dishes, as well as for making sandwiches.

To prepare caviar from 2 kg of beets you will need:

  • 3 kg of juicy tomatoes;
  • 6 bell peppers;
  • 3 hot peppers;
  • a glass of chopped garlic;
  • 50 gr. salt (can be adjusted during cooking);
  • a glass of sunflower oil.


  1. Grind all the listed vegetables separately using a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Pour all the oil into a heat-resistant bowl, add the beets and simmer for half an hour.
  3. Add tomato puree and simmer the caviar for another 40 minutes. Add pepper to vegetables and cook for another half hour.
  4. At the end, add garlic, salt and boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Place hot caviar into small sterilized jars and seal with lids. Leave the jars in a warm place until the contents have cooled completely.

Spicy beet salad for the winter

A quick and easy-to-prepare salad will be a real salvation for busy housewives. In winter, it will perfectly diversify the family’s diet and supply the body with vitamins and microelements. This salad is indispensable during the cold season, as a large amount of garlic in its composition will help resist viruses.

To prepare the salad you will need:

  • 4 kg beets;
  • half a kilo of onion and sweet pepper;
  • 2 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 40 gr. salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of sunflower oil;
  • a glass of chopped garlic;
  • 20 ml of vinegar essence.


  1. Cut all vegetables (beets, bell peppers, tomatoes), except garlic, into small cubes and place in a container for further cooking.
  2. Add a mixture of butter, salt and sugar and essence and simmer covered for an hour.
  3. Add garlic to the vegetables and cook the salad for another 10 minutes.
  4. Transfer the hot beet salad into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

Pickled beets “Amazing”

For a two-liter jar you will need:

  • 3 medium beets;
  • 4 large tomatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • half a pod of hot pepper;
  • several sprigs of dill and parsley;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 20 gr. salt;
  • 40 gr. Sahara;
  • 10 ml vinegar essence (70%).


  1. Peel the beets and carrots and cut into thin slices.
  2. Chop the tomatoes in the same way.
  3. Place sprigs of herbs, chopped garlic, and hot pepper rings into a sterile jar. Alternate layers of beets, tomatoes and carrots on top until the jar is full.
  4. Add vinegar essence to water along with sugar and salt, boil everything and pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables.
  5. Seal the jar. Store the snack in the refrigerator or cellar.

When harvesting, gardeners often trim and discard beet tops. And in vain! After all, it contains huge amount vitamins and minerals, so necessary for our body in winter. Pickled beet tops will be an excellent dressing for cabbage soup and borscht, and will also complement vegetable salads.

For the recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of beet leaves;
  • 2 sprigs of dill along with umbrellas;
  • 2 leaves of cherries and currants;
  • 50 gr. chopped garlic;
  • 20 gr. coarse salt.


  1. Wash the leaves thoroughly and chop them in large pieces and place in a saucepan or basin, adding salt to each layer and topping with currant and cherry leaves, dill and garlic.
  2. Cover the container with a clean cloth and place a weight on top.
  3. Leave the tops in a warm place for 3 days.
  4. Then transfer to jars, seal with nylon lids and refrigerate for storage.

We present recipes for pickled beets, which turn out very tasty. It is better to take those that do not contain vinegar. Worth a try different options, find a suitable option and preserve according to it. Such winter twists not only preserve the quality of the product longer, but also make it easier for a woman to cook.

How to marinate

There are many options. Few people know how to pickle beets for the winter correctly. You need to wash the root vegetables and place them in water previously mixed with salt and vinegar. Proportions are selected according to the individual preferences of the hostess. On average, 2-3 tbsp is required. l. these ingredients. The vegetable is boiled in the marinade for about an hour, after which it is cooled, the skin is removed and placed in sterilized jars.

The recipe for pickling beets for storing the preparations in sterilized jars will appeal to many. The beets come out like in a canteen. The beetroot marinade is filtered, boiled and poured into jars. Cover the finished twist with a lid and, after cooling, place it in any convenient place. For canning, it is better to use a small root vegetable, since a large one will need to be cooked longer, and after cooking, cut to fit in a jar.

To sterilize, the jars are covered with metal lids and placed in a pan of water. Containers with a volume of 0.5 liters are sterilized 10 minutes after boiling, then sealed and turned upside down. Pickled beets can be stored in jars for a long time for the winter.

You can make pickled beets without sterilization. To do this, select several small root vegetables, boil them and peel them. For marinade 1 tbsp. l. coarse table salt is added to 1 liter of water and boiled, then poured over the vegetable and rolled up for the winter. Due to the absence of preliminary heat treatment, canned beets without sterilization will retain almost all of their beneficial properties.

Preparation option: make a marinade of onion, salt, sugar, bay leaf and vinegar. Next, do everything according to the already known scheme. Beets with vinegar are prepared without sterilization, so it is better to store such twists in the refrigerator.

The small root vegetable is boiled in a saucepan along with vinegar and granulated sugar until the grains are completely dissolved, pour over the rest of the beets (1.5 kg). Cook it for about an hour. At the end of cooking, peel the vegetable, strain the marinade and boil again. You can find many recipes for pickling beets in own juice. All of them retain the beneficial properties of the vegetable.

Various recipes

Classic beets:

  • vegetable - to taste;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 70 ml;
  • cloves - to taste;
  • peppercorns - to taste;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Mix all ingredients (except the main one), add 1 liter of water and boil. Peel and cut the boiled root vegetable in a convenient way, place in jars. Pour marinade over the vegetable (necessarily boiling) and roll up. These pickled beets instant cooking It will become the basis for many dishes, and can also be successfully used as a separate dish.

Korean-style beets for the winter are especially piquant:

  • beets - 1 kg;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • black and hot pepper- 0.5 tsp each;
  • garlic - 6 pcs.

Pickled beets (recipe): rinse the vegetable thoroughly, leave the root and leaves. Pour cold water over the fruits and boil. After cooking, drain off the excess and remove the skin. Boiled beets are grated and mixed with sugar, salt and vinegar. Pour the mixture into pre-prepared jars and wait for the juice to appear. Mix pre-crushed garlic with spices and simmer for about 10 seconds. Roll up the jars and store them. This beet preparation will decorate any holiday table.

Unusual recipes

This vegetable is popular in the cuisine of many nations. The Caucasus is famous for its dishes. You can use several recipes for preparations invented there.

Ossetian-style beets. You will need:

  • vegetable - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • basil - 1 tsp;
  • savory - 1 tsp;
  • cilantro - 1 tsp;
  • utskho-sunel - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml.

Salt, sugar and spices are poured into water and boiled for about 2 minutes. Pour the prepared and infused beet marinade, screw the jars with pre-boiled and chopped beets with vinegar placed in the jars, alternating them with layers of garlic and hot pepper

Pickle beets in Georgian style:

  • vegetable - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • utskho-sunel - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • saffron - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • black and red pepper - to taste.

Beets pickled in jars for the winter are prepared as follows: place bay leaves and black pepper in a saucepan, add 0.5 liters of water, then boil for 5 minutes. Add salt and sugar, boil for 2 minutes, after adding vinegar, remove from heat. Boil the vegetable, chop the garlic and chop the herbs. Mix all the spices in a plate and place in a jar. bay leaves and pepper, from the marinade. Apply beets, garlic, herbs and spices in new layers. Continue adding layers until the jar is completely filled. Pour warm marinade over everything and twist.

Recipe for pickled root vegetables. You will need:

  • vegetable - to taste;
  • water - 10 l;
  • salt - 500 g.

For preservation, you can take any amount of vegetable and water; the proportions of salt will also be selected in accordance with the volume of water. This beetroot marinade does not require any additional spices or ingredients. The root vegetables placed in jars must be poured with marinade so that it covers the fruits by about 5 cm, pressed down with something and placed in a warm place for a week.

When the mixture begins to ferment, foam will form on it, which must be skimmed off. After this, the workpiece is taken to a cold place, where the process will slow down a little. If there is no cold place, fermentation can be slowed down by placing the product in sterilized jars.

Pickling beets at home can be done according to different recipes. All of them retain the color and beneficial properties of the root vegetable, make cooking easier and do not change taste qualities this irreplaceable vegetable on the table.

Beetroot appetizer for the winter is an original and universal blank. It can be used for salad or borscht, as a snack with vodka or caviar on a sandwich, and some recipes can also be served as dessert.

You can add absolutely any vegetables or even berries to beets as an appetizer. And preparing a salad for the winter with beets is no more difficult than usual. .after all, the technology for preparing this snack is the same as usual. We clean and dry the vegetables well, put them in sterilized jars, and roll them up.

By the way, it is sterilization that plays a dominant role in preparation. canned salad. There are several options for sterilization. Some people put the jars in the oven, many process the jars in the microwave, but it is better to do the following - sterilize the jars immediately with the salad. To do this, put the salad in jars and cover them with lids. Place the jars in a deep bowl, pour water up to the shoulders of the jars. Make sure that the jars do not touch each other or the sides of the dishes. It is better to put a towel on the bottom. Cover the jars with lids and turn on the heat. Sterilize for 10-20 minutes depending on the jars.

How to prepare a beetroot snack for the winter - 15 varieties

This salad can replace the famous horseradish appetizer. It goes perfectly with jellied meat and meat dishes.


  • Beetroot - 4 kg
  • Garlic - 180 g
  • Horseradish - 400g
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


The beets must first be boiled until half cooked. Then pass the beets and garlic through a meat grinder. Grind the horseradish with a blender. Place the pan with the beets and garlic on the fire and bring to a boil, adding sugar and salt. When the beets have boiled, add the horseradish, leave on the fire for another 20 minutes, then add the vinegar. Mix everything well. Now you can put it into jars.

A tasty and simple recipe for those who know a lot about beets.


  • Beetroot - 3 kg
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Vinegar9% - 100 ml


Wash the beets and cut off the roots. Place in a saucepan, add cold water and place the saucepan on the fire. Cook over high heat until done. Then remove and cool. While the beets are cooling, prepare the marinade. To do this, add salt and vinegar to 500 ml of water. Cook until boiling. Then remove from heat and let cool. We clean the beets and cut them into cubes. Place the beets in jars and fill with marinade. Roll up the lids. Beets can be served as a side dish for meat dishes.

A very tasty and unusual version of pickling cabbage.


  • Cabbage - 2 kg
  • Beetroot - 0.4 kg
  • Carrots - 0.3 kg
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar essence - 150 ml


We clean the cabbage from old leaves and dirt. Cut off the pumpkin. Cut the beets into cubes and put them in a jar. Cut the chili pepper into small pieces and place at the bottom of the jar. Cut the cabbage into small pieces. Place the cabbage in a jar. Cut the carrots into rounds. Place carrots in the next layer. Cut the garlic into small slices and place it in the next layer. Then again lay out the beets, cabbage and carrots. Repeat layers until the jar is full. Pour vinegar into a liter of water, add sugar, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour boiling marinade over cabbage. Add 2 spoons to the jar vegetable oil. Roll up the jar.

Bon appetit.


This recipe will definitely remain on your menu. If you make this salad at least once. Very delicious cabbage with beets.


  • Garlic - 120 g
  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Cabbage - 2 kg
  • Celery root - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar - 100 ml
  • Sugar


We clean the cabbage from old leaves and cut off the stalk. Cut into small cubes. Peel the beets and cut them into 0.5 cm thick slices. Chop the garlic. Finely chop the celery. Layer the salad in a jar. Boil half a liter of water in a saucepan, add vinegar, sugar and salt. Mix well and remove from heat. Pour the marinade over the salad.

Bon appetit.

Surely the name of this salad comes from the fact that this dish acts on anyone like a love potion; you want to eat it again and again.


  • Green tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Red tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg
  • Raw beets - 0.5 kg
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Vinegar - 40 ml
  • Garlic - 2 heads


Wash and peel all vegetables well. On a coarse grater, grate three beets and carrots. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Cut the onion into half rings. Cut the pepper into strips. Finely chop the garlic. Mix all the vegetables in a bowl, add sugar and salt. Mix well. Place on the fire and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end, add oil. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar. Place the hot snack into jars. Roll up and wrap with a blanket.

Bon appetit.

Very good option for making pickles. The recipe is for a 500 ml jar.


  • Cherry - 250 g
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Small beets - 2 pcs.
  • Green onion - 2 stalks
  • Chili pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Apple cider vinegar - 50 ml
  • Bay leaves - 2 pcs.
  • Barberry - to taste
  • Sugar
  • Juniper - 4 berries
  • Pepper


Pierce the cherry tomatoes with skewers and place them in a saucepan with 500 ml of water. Add chili pepper, vinegar, salt and sugar. Marinate for 1 hour. Meanwhile, prepare the remaining vegetables. Peel the garlic. Cut the onion into long cloves. We clean the beets and cut them into 4 parts. When the tomatoes are pickled, remove the toothpicks from them. Add beets to the marinade that contained the tomatoes. Wash the greens and finely chop. Boil half a liter of water, then remove from heat, add salt, pepper, herbs and vinegar. Place cherry tomatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, berries in a jar and fill with marinade. We twist the jar.

Bon appetit.

This snack will be a great help for any housewife. This appetizer can be used for both borscht and salads. Very convenient.


  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Oil - 4 tbsp.


Boil the beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Pour 120 ml of oil, 10 g of salt, 50 g of sugar into a saucepan. Squeeze the beets with lemon juice. Cook for 15 minutes. Place salad in jars.

It's very convenient! Season the borscht with freshly harvested vegetables from the summer. And it takes less time to prepare your favorite dish.


  • Carrots - 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 400 ml


Peel and chop the vegetables. Peppers and carrots in strips. Cut the onion into cubes.

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Grate the beets. Place all the vegetables in one pan and cook over low. Add vegetable oil, salt. After an hour of cooking, place the salad in sterilized jars.

We roll up the jars.

Bon appetit.

Very delicious snack for sandwiches and more.


  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Onion - 300 g
  • Tomatoes - 500 g
  • Spices
  • Bay leaf


Boil the beets until half cooked. Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder. Then mix all the vegetables in a bowl. Add bay leaf, sugar, salt, oil and spices. Simmer for 20-30 minutes. Place the salad in jars. We twist and insulate.

Bon appetit.

A tasty and very juicy salad for lovers of fresh vegetables in winter.


  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Pumpkin - 1.8 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 0.5 kg
  • Vinegar 6% - 100 ml
  • Garlic - 150 ml
  • Salt - 50 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Parsley - 2 bunches


Wash and clean all the vegetables. Three beets on a coarse grater. Cut the pumpkin into large cubes. Pass the garlic and tomatoes through a meat grinder. Finely chop the greens. Dilute vinegar, salt and sugar in a liter of water. Gather the vegetables in one pan and pour in the marinade. Boil for about 1 hour. At the same time, we sterilize the jars and lids.

It is necessary to sterilize the lids, because dust and dirt, never seen before, also settle on them to the human eye, so don’t be lazy to boil them in water.

Place the salad in jars and roll up.

If you don’t have a cold room to store beets for the winter, you can prepare this appetizer.


  • Beetroot - 3 kg
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 kg
  • Chili pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 60 g
  • Oil - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vinegar - 4 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 100 g


Boil the beets until tender. Sterilize jars. Grind tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and beets through a meat grinder. Stir the vegetables into the pan and put it on the fire. Add salt and sugar. After 10 minutes of cooking, add oil. Cook for another 20 minutes, add garlic. After 20 minutes, add vinegar. Remove from heat and place in hot jars.

Bon appetit.

This salad has a very spicy taste, try it, you will like it too.


  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Blackcurrant - 250 g
  • Vinegar - 9% - 70 ml
  • Salt - 30 g
  • Cinnamon - to taste
  • Cloves - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste


We clean and wash the beets. Cut into cubes. Place beets and currants in jars. Prepare the marinade. Dissolve salt, sugar and vinegar in water, add spices. Boil the marinade and pour it over the salad. Place the jars in a large bowl. Fill the jars with water up to the shoulders and turn on the heat. Boil with lids on for 15 minutes. Then we roll it up and insulate it.

Bon appetit.

Pickled beets are not only a tasty and quick preparation for the winter, but also very healthy.


  • Beetroot - 1 kg
  • Vinegar - 50 ml
  • Sugar - 10 g
  • Black peppercorns.


We clean the beets and cut them into cubes.

Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan and put on fire. When the water boils, add salt, sugar, vinegar, bay leaf and pepper. Add beets to the marinade. Mix well and immediately remove from heat. Place the pickled beets in jars and fill with marinade. Sterilize for 15 minutes in a water bath. We roll up the jars.

If you keep the beets in boiling water longer, the beets will lose their beautiful color.


  • Prunes - 0.5 kg
  • Beetroot - 1.5 kg
  • Apple juice - 1.2 l
  • Schisandra leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Cloves - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Salt - 20 g


We wash the beets and place them in boiling water to cook for 1 hour. Peel and cut into slices or cubes. Pour boiling water over the prunes and leave for 30 minutes. Dissolve salt and sugar in apple juice. Place beets and prunes in jars. Fill in apple juice. Add cloves and lemongrass leaves. Let's put the jars in a deep bowl to pasteurize. Boil for 15 minutes.

Bon appetit.

A simple and very interesting salad for the winter from large quantity different vegetables.


  • Beetroot - 2 kg
  • Carrots - 250 g
  • Onion - 250 g
  • Tomatoes - 750 g
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 350 g
  • Garlic - 75 g
  • Oil - 150 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 100 ml


Three carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into cubes. Cut the sweet pepper into strips. We pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

Grind the chili pepper and garlic in a blender.

We send tomatoes to large saucepan. Add butter, salt, sugar. Bring the tomatoes to a boil. When the tomatoes boil, add the rest of the vegetables. Mix well and cook for 40 minutes. Now add garlic, pepper and vinegar.

Boil for 15 minutes and place in sterile jars.

To quickly prepare beetroot soup, make useful preparations for the winter! Very simple and incredibly useful - dressing for beetroot.

Soup seasoning, beetroot soup for the winter, a recipe with a photo of which I offer, this is a delicious set of canned vegetables for making borscht or soup. Boil the beets in their skins; they need to be added to the rest of the already boiled ingredients, this way the bright beet color will be better preserved. It will take 2 hours to prepare, from the indicated ingredients you will get 1 liter.

  • carrots – 400 g;
  • onions – 200 g;
  • tomatoes – 500 g;
  • beets – 500 g;
  • bell pepper– 500 g;
  • garlic – 6 teeth;
  • olive oil for frying – 60 ml;
  • salt – 20 g;
  • granulated sugar – 15 g;
  • chili pepper, ground red pepper.

The basis of soup dressing for the winter is sauteing of grated carrots, garlic and finely chopped onions. In a deep heat-resistant bowl with a thick bottom, heat up all the olive oil (it can be replaced with any odorless vegetable oil), add vegetables, cook for 10 minutes.

Place ripe red tomatoes in boiling water for 15 seconds, then peel off the skin and grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater. Instead of a grater, you can use a blender. Add the tomato puree to the sauté and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Now add chopped chili pepper and ground red pepper. Be sure to taste the chili; if it is very hot, then half a pod is enough.

Boil the beets in their skins until tender (40 minutes - 1 hour), peel them, grate them on a fine grater, and add them to the frying pan.

Following the beets, place the sweet bell pepper, cut into large strips and seeded.

Add coarse salt and granulated sugar, simmer the vegetable mixture for 5-6 minutes.

Place the prepared hot beetroot soup into warm, sterilized jars and compact well so that there are no air pockets left. Pour a layer of olive oil on top; it will additionally preserve the seasoning for the winter and will not allow a crust to form on the surface.

Close the jars tightly, sterilize at a temperature of 95 degrees for 7-8 minutes (time indicated for 500 g jars).
We store the workpieces in a dark and dry place, for example, in a cellar. Shelf life is several months at temperatures from +2 to + 7 degrees.

Recipe 2, step by step: beetroot for the winter in jars

Prepare a dressing for beetroot and in winter you will free yourself from the hassle. Cook the aromatic broth, add potatoes and cabbage, as well as a jar of the preparation in the form of a dressing and that’s it, the soup is ready. And what a aroma that will flow through the kitchen! And what a color! With a little effort now, you will be freed from extra effort in the winter. The main thing is that there is no need to fry, peel vegetables, chop them, or dirty a lot of dishes. In winter, the days are already shorter, so you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, but it won’t hurt anyone to warm up with aromatic borscht. Use simple home recipe aromatic preparation for borscht and beetroot soup now, so that later you can enjoy delicious dishes without spending a lot of effort.

  • Carrots 800 g
  • Tomatoes 1 kg
  • Red beets 1.2 kg
  • Garlic 150 g
  • Onions 1 kg
  • Greens 300 g
  • Bell pepper 0.5 kg
  • Rock salt 150 g
  • Sugar 300 g
  • Vinegar 9% 10 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil 400 ml

The weight of the ingredients is indicated in the recipe in already purified form, be sure to take this into account. Prepare all vegetables, wash and peel them thoroughly.

Chop the tomatoes; you can put them through a meat grinder or blender.

Grate the carrots and beets on a coarse grater. I use red beets; they give the borscht a beautiful color and a sweet taste.

Finely chop the onion and garlic. These vegetables can also be chopped in a blender, then there will be no tears.

Cut the bell pepper into small strips, and chop the greens (parsley or dill). Do not use hard green stems.

In a large bowl, mix all the vegetables, add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. Leave it for 1-1.5 hours so that the vegetables release their juice.

Then put the borscht dressing into dry, sterilized jars (I got 12 of them), preferably half a liter, and cover with sterilized lids.

Place the dressing in a pan of water for sterilization, count 20 minutes from the moment of boiling and roll up. One such jar is suitable for preparing beetroot soup for a 3-4 liter pan.

Before adding salt to the beetroot soup, be sure to taste it, as the dressing is already salty.

Recipe 3: delicious beetroot for the winter without cabbage

  • beets - 2 kg
  • tomatoes - 3 kg
  • garlic - 2 pcs
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • chili pepper - 2 pcs
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp.

Let's start preparing beetroot for the winter at home by preparing the beets. Wash the beets, peel them from the top layer and tails, and then grate the bright vegetable on a grater with small holes.

Next, use a meat grinder to chop the tomatoes, but first prepare them for this. First rinse the tomatoes in water, and then cut them into large pieces. Only after this can the tomatoes be passed through a meat grinder.

Combine the prepared beets and tomatoes in one common deep container, then add vegetable oil to them. Next, move the vegetables to medium heat, and after boiling, boil the vegetable mass for one hour and thirty minutes.

After the specified time has passed, add chopped hot pepper and garlic cloves passed through a press to the boiling preparation. Following these ingredients, add granulated sugar and salt to the mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and boil for about half an hour.

After thirty minutes, remove the vegetable preparation from the stove and pour it into sterilized jars, and then seal them hermetically. While the workpieces are hot, they should always be turned upside down under a warm blanket. Afterwards, the cooled jars can be moved to any place for storing winter supplies. The universal beetroot maker is ready for the winter!

Recipe 4: preparing for the winter - beetroot soup with cabbage

  • white cabbage – 1 kg
  • beets - 1 kg
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • onion - 500 gr
  • tomato – 500 gr
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • salt - 3 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil— 300 ml

Rinse all the vegetables and herbs listed in the recipe under running water. Peel beets, carrots and onions. Remove the first leaves from the cabbage.

Shred the cabbage into thin strips. More than once in my recipes I have stated that if you have a food processor with a shredder, then the work will be much faster. If you don’t have one, then your assistant will be a knife.

Beets and carrots are chopped on a grater with large serrated blades. Cut the onion into cubes.

We cut the tomatoes into cubes; they may not be too small in size; later everything will be stewed. It is advisable to chop the parsley finely.

Place all the vegetables into a deep saucepan at the same time, except parsley, add it 15 minutes before the end. Sprinkle with salt and pour in oil, place the pan on the stove and simmer for 40 minutes.

In the middle of stewing, add sugar, and a couple of minutes before cooking, add vinegar, turn off. The result is a vegetable mass of a pleasant red hue with an attractive aroma.

When hot, place into sterilized jars, wrap and let cool completely.

Recipe 5, simple: beetroot soup for the winter in a slow cooker

Beetroot dressing prepared for the winter according to this recipe is an excellent preparation that you will definitely like. When cooking borscht, this dressing simply needs to be added at the end of cooking. This preparation is delicious on its own as an appetizer. I prepared the dressing in a slow cooker - very convenient! You can, of course, cook in a saucepan. From this amount of products you will get 2 jars of 750 grams each.

  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh beets - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide);
  • refined vegetable oil - 160 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 25-30 ml;
  • allspice peas - 4-5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1/3 cup.

Pour vegetable oil, water and a third of vinegar into the bowl. Mix everything carefully, set the multicooker program to “Stewing” for 20 minutes, close the lid. If you cook in a saucepan, also simmer the vegetables for 20 minutes over low heat, covering with a lid, always stirring. Then add the tomatoes twisted in a meat grinder, salt, sugar, remaining vinegar, allspice and bay leaves to the vegetables, mix.

Turn over jars of very tasty, aromatic, richly colored beetroot dressing prepared for the winter and wrap until completely cool. This preparation is stored at room temperature.

Recipe 6: beetroot dressing for the winter (step by step)

  • 500 g cabbage;
  • 5 tomatoes;
  • 2 beets;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Sort through the vegetables for harvesting, select only ripe, strong, whole, without stains or damage. Rinse them and clean them.

The onion should be cut into small cubes. Another form of cutting is possible, which is familiar to you.

Take white cabbage. This recipe for borscht dressing for the winter uses Savoy cabbage - it is a little more tender and cooks a little faster. Chop the cabbage into thin strips.

Cut the tomatoes into wedges and place in a food processor to form a tomato.

Grind the tomatoes to a smooth puree.

Instead of water and tomato puree, you can use natural tomato juice. If the tomatoes are homemade, from the garden, then it is better to add a little less sugar - such tomatoes are usually sweetish.

Peel the sweet peppers and remove the stem. Cut into arbitrary small pieces.

Peel the beets and carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. You can also cut the vegetables into cubes, but in this case you will need to increase the simmering time.

Place all the chopped vegetables in a saucepan or saucepan and stir with a spatula. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring.

After 20 minutes, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, mix again. Simmer for another 20 minutes.

Add vinegar, stir and after 2 minutes remove vegetables from heat.

Jars for preserving vegetables must be sterile, as are the lids. Place vegetables in jars.

Screw the jars as tightly as possible with sterile lids or roll them up. Turn over and wrap up.

When the borscht dressing has cooled, move it to a cool, dark place for further storage.

Recipe 7: beetroot dressing for the winter (with photo)

  • beets - 1.3 kg
  • tomato – 700 gr
  • carrots – 500 gr
  • onion - 500 gr
  • sweet pepper - 400 gr
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • sugar - 80 gr
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp.
  • garlic - 30 g
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.

Here is a set of products for preparing a dressing for the winter: beets, carrots, onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, garlic, vegetable oil, granulated sugar, table salt, 9% table vinegar and citric acid. A little more detail: pepper will suit any color, we take any refined oil (I use sunflower), that is, odorless, fresh garlic can be replaced with dried (a tablespoon, I think, is enough), we replace table vinegar with wine or apple vinegar in equal proportions, if % the same.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in preparing the dressing: the most labor-intensive part is peeling and chopping the vegetables. Surely you can choose any convenient way grinding, but I highly recommend doing it as I write below. Believe me, borscht in which the beets are cut into thin slices is many times tastier than the one in which the vegetables are chopped on a coarse grater. Don’t be lazy, maybe you’ll thank me later. So, the most convenient way is to peel all the vegetables and then weigh them - I indicate the mass in the ingredients in exactly this form. We clean beets, carrots and onions. Remove the seeds and inner white veins from the peppers. Just wash the tomatoes and leave them alone for now.

To make the process go faster, I advise you to simultaneously cook vegetables in two containers at once. I have a large and deep frying pan (26 centimeters in diameter), as well as a thick-walled saucepan (4 liters in volume). If you use one vessel, it will take more time. So, we will fry all the vegetables, separately. Pour 100 milliliters of vegetable oil into a frying pan, place it on the stove over medium heat and let it heat up. Meanwhile, chop the peeled onion into small cubes. Place in hot oil and fry, stirring occasionally, until soft, translucent, and then beautifully browned and pleasantly aroma.

While the onion is frying, chop the bell pepper. I cut it into small cubes, and if you want, you can cut it into cubes. Pour the remaining 100 milliliters of vegetable oil into the pan, heat it and fry the pepper. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn.

The onion is ready - it has become transparent, soft and slightly browned. Using a slotted spoon, transfer it to a separate container so that as much oil as possible remains in the pan - we will also fry the carrots in it.

Following the onion, the pepper arrived. You will hear by the smell when it is ready, becomes soft, and slightly browned. We also remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon and transfer it to the onion. There will be quite a lot of oil left in the pan - we will fry the beets in it.

While the onions and peppers were cooking, we quickly chopped the peeled carrots - not just on a coarse grater, but cut them into thin strips. Of course, if this is difficult for you, you don’t have to do this - just use a grater. But personally, I like carrots in this dressing (and then in borscht) in the form of thin straws. Place the vegetables in a frying pan and fry over medium heat until soft and browned. Stir so it doesn't burn.

And finally our main character- beet! Not everything is simple with her either - you can’t get by with a grater. We will cut the beets into thin cubes. For a long time? Well, yes, not very fast, but it’s necessary, take my word for it. By the way, if you are still too lazy to cut vegetables the way I advise, think about the fact that this is not only a tedious and tedious task, but also excellent practice in cutting food. Can you boast that your knife skills are 5+? Well, go ahead and improve your skills. Place the beetroot sticks in a saucepan (there is still enough oil from the pepper) and fry over fairly high heat for about 10-15 minutes.

Beets take the longest to cook, but, again, young ones soften much faster than those that have already been lying in the basement or on the store counter for several months. That is why keep an eye on her condition. By the way, in order for the beets to retain their rich color, we need just a little citric acid, which we immediately add to the chopped vegetable. However, it will also play the role of a preservative.

The carrots are already ready for dressing - they are almost soft and well browned. Turn off the heat and let it wait in the wings right in the frying pan.

Depending on the age of the beets, roasting may take a different amount of time. I didn’t time it, but my young one became quite soft after about 20 minutes.

During this time, I chopped juicy red tomatoes - I simply chopped them into medium cubes. To remove the skin or not - decide for yourself. If the skin is hard, make a cross-shaped cut on each tomato (on the side opposite the stalk) and place the vegetables in boiling water for a minute. After this, remove the tomatoes and place them in a bowl with ice water— the skin literally slides off on its own. And then we chop the tomatoes and add them to the beets. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, so that the tomatoes are partially pureed and release their juice. Don't forget to stir.

Finally, it's time to add the rest of the fried vegetables - onions, carrots and peppers. Mix everything and simmer for 5 minutes under the lid.

At the end, add fresh garlic passed through a press or finely chopped. Let the dressing simmer under the lid for a couple of minutes. Taste for salt and sugar and season to taste if necessary. I don’t use fresh herbs in the dressing, as I add them to the beetroot soup itself (at the end of cooking).

Two or three minutes and our fragrant beetroot dressing is ready to be covered for the winter.

Jars with lids must first be sterilized - we do this while the dressing itself is being prepared. Each housewife has her own favorite method, but I do it in the microwave - I wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml of cold water into each. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5-7 minutes each. For example, two jars will last 6-8 minutes, and three - 10 minutes. I boil the lids on the stove for about 5 minutes. Place the boiling beetroot dressing into jars.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket or blanket. In this position, let the workpiece cool completely for the winter. Then we transfer it to the basement or cellar and store it until needed.

In total, from the specified amount of products I get 4 full jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters and another incomplete one. Everything is calculated - an incomplete jar will immediately be used to prepare borscht for lunch. By the way, one half-liter jar of dressing is enough for a 4-liter pan (exactly the one used in the recipe).

Recipe 8: Beetroot soup with carrots for the winter - preparation

It consists of beets, carrots, onions and sweet peppers. In winter you don’t have to fry it, just add a couple of spoons of this preparation to the pan with borscht. This dressing can be served at the table and as an appetizer. It goes well with potato side dishes.

  • Carrots 3 pieces
  • Onions 3 pieces
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Beetroot 2 pieces
  • Vinegar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Sunflower oil 90 grams
  • Granulated sugar 1.5 teaspoon
  • Sweet pepper 3 pieces
  • Ground red pepper 0.5 teaspoons
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons

Prepare the necessary products. Take raw, limp vegetables. For cooking you will need a pan with a thick bottom and small glass jars.

Peel the beets and carrots. Remove the skins from the onions and garlic. Cut off the stem of the sweet pepper and remove the seed box. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly under water.

Grind the carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the onions into small cubes using a knife. If you like the taste of this component in borscht, you can cut it into large pieces.

Chop the pepper into small cubes or strips.

Chop the beets into large strips.

Place carrots, peppers, beets and onions into an aluminum pan.

Stir with a spoon until smooth. Add red ground pepper for spiciness, salt and granulated sugar.

Immediately pour out the sunflower oil and add tomato paste.

Stir the contents of the pan again until smooth. Place over medium heat and heat. Then cover with a lid and simmer the vegetables over low heat for 50 minutes. Every 8-10 min. stir the mixture as it sticks to the bottom.

Grate the garlic cloves on a fine grater or squeeze through a press.

First wash the jars with water and detergent. Then hold over hot steam for 4-5 minutes.

Remove containers and place on a towel. The jars should dry and cool.

Place the iron lids in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then dry on a towel or napkin.

Add chopped garlic and vinegar to the vegetable mixture. Mix the ingredients and simmer for another 20-25 minutes.

Don't forget to stir the mixture periodically during cooking. Then turn off the heat and take the jars.

Place borscht dressing in dry containers. Lightly tamp the mixture with a spoon so that it fits more tightly.

Fix tightly with your hands iron lid. You don’t have to turn the jars upside down, but simply cover them with a towel on all sides. Leave it in this position for about a day, then take it to the cellar. The result is a juicy and beautiful beetroot dressing.