The easiest instrument to learn to play. How to choose a musical instrument. Xylophone: every child can do it

For many, a love for music comes already at a conscious age, when there is simply no time to attend music schools. Below is a list of musical instruments that are easy to learn and play.


Even teachers of classical music schools confirm that the guitar is the easiest instrument to learn among strings. The whole point is that for development musical ear with its help, systematic, persistent training is sufficient, which requires no more than an hour a day.

You just need to learn a couple of chords and you can already play a simple melody. With each new chord and way of playing you learn, the variety of possible melodies increases many times over.


It’s very easy to play the drums - everything is driven by a sense of rhythm. To start, take 2-3 small classic drums. Gradually increase their number and add new instruments, such as cymbals. Over time, you will assemble a full-fledged installation of bass, snare, and floor drums.

By the way, good drummers are in great demand among many musical groups, so your talent may come in handy in the future.

One of the few disadvantages of these tools is that large installation you need a lot of space, which is so often lacking at home. In addition, the drums are very noisy, and you can only practice on them until 8 pm.


Among the pipers and trumpeters, there are also instruments that are not at all difficult to learn to play.

This includes the zafun - a hybrid model, a mixture of a clarinet body and a saxophone whistle. Despite the fact that it resembles an ordinary pipe, the zafun produces interesting sounds, similar to a clarinet or oboe. The range of this wind instrument is not very wide, but it is quite interesting to play.

There is another option: the saxonet is an instrument similar to a zafun, mainly with a wooden body. It is often used in junior classes music schools to teach children how to produce sound from reeds.


Of course, an instrument such as a piano requires perseverance from a person who wants to learn how to play it. But there are simplified variations - for example, a synthesizer. Some of them initially have a self-instruction program.

An electronic keyboard with a reduced number of keys but expanded sound functionality will allow you to create original compositions with different sounds. You can even achieve the effect of playing multiple instruments at the same time.

If you want to perform with your synthesizer on the street or in concert halls, it is better to purchase additional speakers - they will significantly increase the volume and power of the sound output. Beginning musicians especially like small models that can be transported from place to place by simply putting them in a briefcase.


Surely you have seen lonely cowboys with this instrument in their hands in many films about the Wild West. In fact, learning to play it is not very difficult.

The peculiarity is that while playing the harmonica, the musician perceives the sound differently than his listeners, due to the touch of his lips and hands. To understand your sound, record it on a voice recorder.

Start your practice by playing chords and individual sounds, gradually moving on to combining them and playing simple melodies. Review and listen to performances by professional harmonica players - harpers. Copying their style will be helpful for you at first.

Using a harmonica as an example, this video shows the process of choosing a musical instrument for beginners:

Not everyone's parents send them to music school as children. And many in childhood I don’t want to pore over notes and work in classes. But then...

My grandfather mastered the balalaika, domra, mandolin, and guitar as a teenager in a local amateur orchestra. But I learned to play entirely on my own.

It is not at all necessary that you need to learn in childhood. I learned to play the piano for 7 years, and now I don’t even approach the instrument. Often those who do not study or begin to study as adults do it more consciously and it is they who often play later.

  • Roman Gaidur, Sweden, geotechnician

As a child, I was sent to a music school - a button accordion class. My mother wanted me to know how to play - her father played. Didn't finish my studies.

Now I want to go and study again - guitar or piano - I want to be able to play my favorite melodies and compose little by little myself.

  • Mikhail Yanov, sales manager.

“It always seemed tempting to me to learn to play the piano. As a child, we had a piano in the house, but somehow it didn’t work out, and no one learned to play it. I would like to be able to play the piano, sometimes I go up to it and strum, it seems so interesting to me to sit down and play a beautiful composition ... "


Anton Rubinstein said precisely about this instrument: “You think is this one tool? That’s a hundred instruments!” And indeed it is. The instrument itself was invented by the Florentine master Bartolomeo Cristofori. He called his invention this: a harpsichord, which can be played louder and quieter..

But before that there were many other instruments that, in fact, were the predecessors of the piano. In the beginning there was a monochord with one string. Its invention is attributed to Pythagoras. In the 3rd century BC. the first keyboard musical instrument in human history appeared hydraulics, or water organ. Then the Organ was invented. And then the clavichord appeared, where the keyboard and strings were finally combined. Then they invented the harpsichord, which could already sound a large hall. The feathers inside the harpsichord made the string sound no longer with a blow, but with a pluck. The feathers were quickly ground down, and soon they began to be made of steel.

The piano differed from the harpsichord by a godsend hammers that struck directly on the strings, sensitively responding to the touch of a finger on the key. But for a long time the piano was considered too loud and rude.

The cost of this musical instrument varies from 100 dollars (used, the lowest quality, this is the Lyra) and up to outrageous prices. Very often you can find an advertisement “I will give away a piano for free, pick up.”

This instrument can be used to play both classical, jazz and pop songs. If you decide to learn to play the piano, you will have to. You can buy both a grand piano and an upright piano, the only question is the price. Exercising outside the home will not give the desired effect. Only constant training will allow you to achieve results. It’s better to start with children’s songs, studying notes and solfeggio. However, instead of a piano, you can buy a synthesizer; to some extent, it can replace this instrument for you and allow you to learn pieces at home. If you want to study jazz, it is better to have a basic foundation and already know how to play the piano. Because in jazz difficult score and rhythm.

One of the disadvantages of training is that if you have nervous neighbors, you will have to choose the time to play. So, they constantly knock on our radiator at 8 pm. And you can’t take a piano with you to the yard or on a trip, like other portable instruments..

If you want to teach a child with the goal of giving him a profession, you need to understand that someone who knows how to play the piano is either a pianist, an accompanist, or a teacher in the future. And these are very nervous professions.A pianist or accompanist should not have stage fright, public, performances, havecertain character traits: concentration, high degree self-organization to train at home yourself. If you learn to play a rarer musical instrument, you have a better chance of finding use in the future. For example, you can play in an orchestra and teach inmusic school .


There are different types of guitars: acoustic, electro-acoustic and electric, as well as a bass guitar, which is designed for playing in the bass range. The progenitor of the bass guitar Double bass. In 1951, American inventor and entrepreneur Leo Fender, founder of the Fender company, released the Precision bass guitar, which he developed based on his Telecaster electric guitar. Then came the acoustic and fretless guitar, guitars with built-in active electronics, double and triple strings and without a headstock. Eat different techniques playing such a guitar is slap (the strings are struck with the thumb) and playing with harmonics (partial pressing of the string in the middle of the string).

Guitars come in 6, 7 and 12 string guitars, the difference is mainly in the sound. Nowadays people are taught to play, most often, 6-string guitars.

Relatives of the 12-string guitar were Italian mandolin, Greek bouzouki, Arabic oud, Spanish vihuela, and Mexican tiple.

From Spain, the guitar was brought to Western European countries and America, where it gained great popularity. We were the first to include 12 in our catalog string guitar there were American masters Italian origin from the Oscar Schmidt and Regal factories. They drew on the twin-string tradition of making instruments and used the standard six-string guitars from their factories as a basis.

Guitars are also divided by type: Classical (Spanish) guitar.
Russian six-string guitar, and seven-string. A guitar with a reduced body and a narrow neck is called a child's guitar, an enlarged body and a normal neck. called pop. American guitar (western).

When choosing a guitar, ask yourself 3 questions: for what purpose do you need the instrument (learning, amateur or professional playing, playing style)?
What type of guitar do you want to learn to play (acoustic, electro-acoustic or electric), and how much are you willing to spend on the guitar. In general, it is better to choose a tool after reading specialized articles on this topic. First of all, the guitar should be comfortable for you and you like the sound. You can play a lot on an acoustic guitar, but if your goal is to play modern electronic music, then it’s better to immediately learn to play an electronic guitar.

When you learn to play, you can forget about beautiful long nails, however, while playing the piano it is also impossible to grow them. This applies to girls. In addition, calluses on the fingers are also an integral part of learning to play this musical instrument.


A beautiful instrument, but very big. Its weight is about 35 kilograms . VC place it in the apartment difficult. In addition, the harp is a capricious instrument - it needs to create a certain humidity and protect it from drafts. There really is a Celtic harp, it is also called the Irish harp. She weighs 8- 10 kg . And it has fewer strings, which makes it easier to play. They are small and their cost is not so high. Although they are still difficult to buy in Russia.

The cheapest used harp costs around 450 euros - these are small Celtic harps. A real concert harp costs much more, about $10,000. and higher.

The ancestor of the harp is the hunting bow. The harp became popular in Egypt, a variation of the harp was the Lyre, which became popular in Greece. IN Ancient Egypt it was an instrument of priests and had a height of two meters. The nobles often invested all their jewelry in the harp, and in moments of disfavor it was the only joy. And in Ireland and England, in the old days, a small harp hung above the entrance to the tavern, on the gate of the inn, so that any traveling musician could take it down and sing the news to everyone. The harp has been a political symbol of Ireland for many centuries and is still featured on Irish euros, flags, coats of arms and seals. The harp came to Russia in late XIX century, when French and Czech harpists began to be invited to work in the court theater and began to give private lessons to noble persons. The harp was introduced into the compulsory course of study at the Smolny Institute, and harpists Zabel, Cordon, who came to Russia young and stayed in it forever, are considered the first Russian harpists.

How is it played? The harp has as many as seven pedals and 47 strings. It is played with both hands, and the strings are clamped with special flags that are attached to the pedals. Playing the harp is not easy, you need to have great patience - to play with your hands and feet at the same time, and also maintain your balance.


Not available in all music schools. Pros: It only takes 5 years to learn and is much easier than piano. The downside is that they do not accept children (from 8-9 years old).


First, they always learn on the pipe or flute, then they learn on the chosen ones: trumpet, saxophone, and the like. When playing the wind instruments, the lungs develop, but you need to have strong hearing; the teachers themselves, when constantly working with the wind instruments, begin to hear a little worse over time.

Where to study music

Education for children in a music school is now free, but it has become very difficult to enroll, the child not only must have good hearing, sometimes it is mandatory to take preparatory courses at the same school, and even this cannot guarantee admission, since budget places in music schools are very limited. reduced since 2015. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to send a child to a music school as before, just for general development. If you decide to teach your child you should know exactly why you need it. The easiest way to enroll is to study piano; it is the least popular with parents, since not every family has the opportunity to have an instrument in their apartment. The most popular destinations this is a guitar and a flute. At the same time, it is still quite easy to get into folk instruments, for example, learn to play the balalaika. IN musical education Choir and solfeggio are required. In some schools, you can also study a second musical instrument of your choice on a budget basis (for example, at the Shaporin Music School you can study a second instrument of your choice: vocals, organ, synthesizer).

You can study privately or go to an evening school and negotiate with the teachers. There are evening schools for adults in Moscow. So, there is a school at the Moscow Conservatory. It is taught mainly by students of the Conservatory itself, and, by the way, it is free. True, you can learn to play the piano there only until you are 18 years old. But you can learn to sing until you are 30 years old. If you have the ability to compose music, you will be accepted until you are 21 years old. And the Choral Conducting department will accept up to 24 years of age.

You can go to any children's music school where clarinet is taught and get a job in the self-sufficiency department (for children over ten years old and adults), it is paid, but quite moderately. You can always negotiate with teachers of music schools and colleges to study with them for money.

But there is an official evening department for adults in Moscow this is Music School No. 1 named after. Prokofiev. There is a self-sufficiency department there. You can study there in phono, strings, winds, drums, folk instruments, and you can also learn vocals.

In addition, in any area there are Houses of Culture, where you can also go to study either vocals or an orchestra on any instrument.

Musical instrumentsthere are a lot, and in order to choose what to learn to play, you need to have an idea about them (you can look at the instruments and hear their sound at a concert at a music school, such concerts are held in April) there are also strings, folk, wind instruments, as well as rare musical instruments different nations peace. You will learn about them in the following articles..

6 chosen

Not all of us are destined to become musicians. But, I suspect, the soul is in it beautiful art stretches for many. So why restrain yourself! Not all musical instruments require many years of training. There are some that you can master at a certain level in a few months, and then play for yourself or for friends. Yesterday was celebrated International Music Day. In honor of this holiday, let's remember simple musical instruments and think about how to master them.


Master classic game on a guitar, when your fingers run along the strings, it’s long, difficult, and requires a lot of perseverance. Another thing is the accompaniment, when people sing and “strum” the guitar. Learned three chords and off you went. By the way, many people play this way. But, seriously, for all this to sound decent, you will need a little more chords. You need to practice plucking them cleanly, without disturbing the extra strings, and quickly jumping from one chord to another. In addition, it is worth understanding the rhythm in order to choose the right fight and develop your fingers right hand, playing with brute force. people with good musical abilities They often learn all this on their own. If you are not confident in yourself, it is better to contact a teacher - things will go faster with him.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the guitar has great capabilities. In our country, non-professional guitarists have created an entire genre - the art song. Good guitarists are valued in companies, and a guitar gives a man a ten-point boost to his charm (if he knows how to handle it, of course).

But one point is important here - the guitar in in this case only the accompaniment, the melody is set by the voice. So a guitarist just needs to be able to sing.


The harmonica is a fun and simple musical instrument. It's also practical: it fits easily in your pocket, so you can impress people with your art almost anywhere. The main thing is to have the patience to learn.

The harmonica has a series of holes. When you blow into one of them, one sound is produced, and when you inhale, another sound is produced. First you need to learn how to play chords - blow into several holes at the same time. Then - this is more difficult - you need to learn to make a clear sound, blow into only one hole, blocking the others with your lips or tongue. Then start playing simple melodies - you will find many tablatures on the Internet.

Although, in my opinion, alone harmonica sounds a bit boring. It’s better if you have the opportunity to play a duet - you set the melody on the harmonica, and your partner accompanies on the guitar. But this is the next level of skill.

Block flute

A recorder is such a cute wooden pipe that dates back to the Middle Ages. This is probably why today it is associated with ancient times and fairy tales, fairies and knights, princesses and shepherds. It was once the main woodwind instrument, but then the orchestral transverse flute took its place. The recorder was rediscovered only in the 20th century. Then it became a popular instrument for home music practice.

The recorder is a fairly simple instrument. First you need to learn how to blow correctly in order to produce an even sound. If you cover all the holes with your fingers, you will get the lowest sound. You can find on the Internet which notes it corresponds to. different position fingers. When you remember this and bring sound production to automaticity, you will be able to play the simplest melodies note by note. But here, as with the harmonica, it is better to play accompanied by an accompanist.


How to cheer up your friends and make everyone hate you? Learn to play the djembe! This is an African drum made of wood and covered with leather. Depending on how and what part of the drum you hit, a different sound is produced. There are different striking techniques.

Nowadays African drums are very popular, and there are plenty of schools where they teach how to play them. Some people have the ability to master this simple tool on their own, while others are better off turning to a teacher.

True, I must admit, not everyone likes drum music. I'm guessing your neighbors won't be happy with your daily workouts. Usually an inexperienced drummer can bring out the most powerful emotions in your listeners. You just can’t say that these are emotions with a plus sign.

Do you play any musical instrument? Ever wanted to learn?

If you want to learn how to play a musical instrument, but have not yet decided which one, this article is for you. Which musical instrument is the easiest to learn? This question is often asked by people who have decided to study music, but have encountered some difficulties in mastering this multifaceted art.

To allow this problem, we need to consider all types of musical instruments and identify their main features.

Types of musical instruments.

Conventionally, all existing musical instruments can be divided into three categories:

  • rhythmic,
  • monophonic (single-voice)
  • polyphonic (polyphonic)

It is in this sequence that the difficulty in mastering them increases.
By using rhythmic instruments, as their name suggests, the musician can create rhythm. A typical example such a tool may be different kinds drums

All sorts of musical complexities, such as pitch, chords, bass and solo lines, are out of the question here, so purely theoretically, learning to play such an instrument is much easier than learning to play a guitar or piano. In addition, having an ear for music is not at all necessary here: it is enough to have a good sense of rhythm, and if you don’t have one, you can always develop it in yourself.

Playing monophonic, or, more simply put, single-voice instruments, you can create a melody. It will sound as if we sang it “with one voice.” There are a great variety of monophonic musical instruments: wind instruments (trumpet, flute, saxophone), string instruments (violin, cello) and many, many others.

The ease or difficulty of mastering such instruments largely depends on the technique of sound extraction, since this is often not easy. For example, on a trumpet, the sound itself is produced using a special vibration of the musician’s lips, and the instrument itself only enhances and corrects this sound.

Learn to play polyphonic (multi-voice) instruments, perhaps the most difficult. In this case, in addition to the main melody, either a bass melody or an accompaniment is extracted - a sequence of chords that creates an emotional and rhythmic background for the entire musical work. The most popular instruments in this category are the button accordion, accordion, guitar and piano (or synthesizer).

The main difficulty in the game is that the two hands of the musician play different notes or chords, i.e. move independently. And if the player who plays such an instrument also sings, this is already aerobatics!
As can be seen from the above, the more complex the instrument, the more complete and beautiful musical works can be created using it. The above classification, of course, is not universal, because there are virtuoso drummers, whose performance not everyone will dare to repeat, and there are also guitarists who know only three chords.

In any case, if a person learns to play an instrument, the main factor will be his enthusiasm and love for music. And when these qualities are present, then you can easily and with great pleasure master any instrument, no matter how complex it may seem.

Also, listen to yourself! And you will find the answer inside your soul. This is the most correct answer!

Music is food for the soul. But you can not only listen to it, but also create it yourself. Don't have time to learn notes and scales? No problem. There are several instruments that are easy to learn to play even without special training. The main thing is to feel a sense of rhythm.


This is a portable tube with a special membrane inside. You just need to blow into one end of the device, humming your favorite melody. And the kazoo, thanks to the membrane, will change the sound beyond recognition. The result will be an interesting melody that others will like.


A simple tool in design. It's easy to play. But you need to get the hang of creating sounds of different tones and durations.

Bongo drums

That's two percussion instrument, connected to each other. Bongo drums are played without the use of additional sticks - with the palms and fingertips. They are easy to master. The main thing is the feeling of a sense of rhythm.

Classic drum set

This musical instrument looks voluminous and complex. But in fact, people who feel the rhythm will find it easy to learn to play them. The main thing is to understand the tonality of each component of the installation.


This is a compact drum, some varieties of which have bells. While playing, the tambourine must be held in one hand, and the other hand must be struck on the sensitive membrane with the palm or fingers.


This is a smaller version of the guitar. To start playing this instrument, you just need to master three basic chords. The ukulele resembles a toy. Therefore, this instrument is often chosen for teaching children. After all, learning to play the ukulele is easier than learning to play the classical guitar.