Why do you dream of a planted vegetable garden? Why do you dream about a Vegetable Garden? "A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Thanks to this page you will learn Why do you dream about a vegetable garden in a dream? according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden according to Miller?

What a garden means in a dream can mean different things. But Miller is starting from the state of the earth. If it is dry, and the area itself looks abandoned or unplowed, then this is a sign of failure. Moreover, they will go through all areas of your life. It's good if you do it. This could be anything: digging, planting, or harvesting. This means you will put in the effort and achieve success. It is very good if you were able to observe the growth of any plants. Especially if they literally ripen before your eyes and bear fruit. A well-deserved reward has already been prepared for you, and you will soon receive it. But you still have to work hard for this. It's even better if you water your area. This always hints at profit. Moreover, two points are important. The more water, the more money. And she will come completely unexpectedly, so don’t look out, but mind your own business. Bad sign your plants will be attacked by pests. Small bugs and other insects that eat leaves and fruits are your enemies and envious people. They are preparing to spread gossip and destroy your financial situation. Moreover, the most offensive and unexpected thing lies in the fact that they hid among friends and well-wishers. Look around.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden according to Vanga?

According to Vanga, what a garden means in a dream can bring a lot of good, depending on your actions. After all, the earth symbolizes life. She gives a start. For example, if you plant something (potatoes or other vegetables), then you provide yourself with financial support. You are either doing well, or you are moving towards such a result. A good landing can bring a lot of money: support from superiors, promotion through the ranks, high salaries and bonuses. It is very good if you understand that the earth is fertile and all the plants look large and juicy. You will be able to secure a future for yourself, free from poverty and material problems. But if nothing grows on it even after your hellish efforts, then you are doomed to losses. You will always be haunted by hardships, periods of hunger and various kinds of difficulties. An excellent sign will you want to dig everything up or just stick a shovel into the ground. You are promised good luck in a new business, as well as different prospects, or you will go on an exciting trip. ABOUT global problems and disasters the picture says, where the earth is damaged by cracks and deep desert holes. And also if she suffers from drought.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden according to Freud?

According to Freud, what a garden means in a dream can be interpreted from the perspective sexual relations. Since for him the earth was a symbol of sexual intercourse and the connection between a man and a woman. So, based on her condition, you can tell what’s going on with you and what you’re worried about. If nothing grows on it, it is loose and neglected, then you will have a lot of conflict situations with your own children. But if the harvest is good, then on the contrary, you will ensure complete harmony in your family circle, as well as complete understanding with your child at any age. Freud also believes that noticing a lot of green sprouts in your area is bad sign. This means that in reality your marriage is doomed to failure. Some obstacles will get in the way. Perhaps interference from parents. If you dig up potatoes, you can find a non-standard solution to a problem situation. If you remove beetles from your plants, then expect a material increase. It is possible that they will decide to return the favor to you. It will be good to bend your back in the area. Then you can be sure that your wishes will come true. If everything around is blooming, then this again means profit, but weeds and dry plants mean poverty.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden according to Nostradamus?

Nostradamus, accustomed to looking more at the stars, still regarded the dream of a vegetable garden as a positive sign. Of course, if the overall picture resembled a blooming paradise. So, if you walk on your land, enjoy the sight of ripe vegetables, and realize that you can reap a rich harvest, then you are lucky. You will be presented with a huge share of luck in literally any endeavor. Get down to business with confidence. If it also has a compartment with flowers, then you will achieve a lot, and it will be noticeable to everyone. It’s bad if your garden is surrounded by a high fence. This means that you will ask for something important, but will receive a firm refusal. It also won't do any good to have a scary scarecrow in the middle. Since it will scare away not only crows, but will also attract various troubles and failures to you. It’s also bad to admire someone else’s site. In reality, a heavy burden will be lifted onto your shoulders. Perhaps a cunning colleague will decide to give you his task and you will have to complete it all. Take a closer look at your strengths if you come to unkempt or dead land. You are at the limit and terribly tired. Take a break, otherwise you'll burn out.

Why do you dream about a vegetable garden? It reflects current position and plans for the future. Accordingly, the better he looks in a dream, the more wonderful things are. If you dreamed of someone else’s vegetable garden, then you will have to take part in the problems of others.

Interpretation from the dream book from A to Z

Have you walked around your own garden at night? Dream book advice: get ready for a pleasant meeting. If you managed to climb onto someone else’s, then decide to take some independent action, contrary to general opinion.

Why do you dream about working in a dacha? Thanks to your best qualities earn the respect of the public. Did a well-groomed plot with a greenhouse appear in the night? The dream book is convinced: the path to success will be long. Is your garden overgrown with weeds? Stop listening to the advice of lying people, otherwise you will get into trouble.

An area where chickens roam freely symbolizes a lack Money to implement the task. It's good to see that it is surrounded by a strong fence. The dream book is sure: your request will soon be granted.

Why do you dream about a garden being dug up, digging?

What does a freshly dug garden mean? Well-being and prosperity will come after a short period of time, but you need to continue to work hard.

Did you dig the soil in your garden in a dream? And in real world There will be a lot of work, but when you finish everything, you will receive not only moral satisfaction, but also monetary profit.

For a woman, such a plot guarantees unprecedented success in male society. Did you have to dig the ground for the beds? Very soon you will learn the whole truth, the truth, continue to search in the chosen direction.

Why dream of a vegetable garden with beds, planting

Did you dream of a vegetable garden with black beds? Soon there will be a reason to remember a long-dead person.

If someone trampled the beds in a dream, then someone impudent will literally cross your path and create obstacles. Seeing and walking around your area means that big troubles related to the house are coming.

You can plant a vegetable garden yourself before prosperity and dreams come true in about a month or two. Why dream of an already planted vegetable garden? It promises the fulfillment of your wildest expectations.

Why do you dream about watering and weeding a garden?

If in a dream you had to water or pull out weeds for a long time, then be prepared for the fact that in reality there will be a period of total lack of money.

Watering the beds also means that things are nearing completion. However, it is too early to relax, because its outcome depends on circumstances beyond your control.

Why dream about weeding? The difficult struggle will end in your complete victory. If you tore everything, including healthy sprouts, then you will find yourself on the losing side.

I dreamed of a garden overgrown with grass

In your dreams you started your own dacha and it became overgrown with grass? Idleness, uncertainty and laziness will lead to deadlock. If vegetables and flowers grow on fertile soil, then expect profit.

If it is overgrown with weeds, then prepare for losses. In a dream, was the garden plot filled with withered grass? You will have another chance to achieve what you want. But the outcome depends only on you.

What does a garden with a harvest mean in a dream?

If you manage to grow a generous harvest with your own hands, you will receive a worthy reward. It is very important to note what exactly grows in the garden and further rely on the meaning of each vegetable.

In a dream, all the fruits are ripe, but there is no time to harvest and it dies? Events will be fleeting, and you will not be able to influence their development. In addition, great efforts will not bring the desired result.

Vegetable garden in a dream - other meanings

As already mentioned, first of all, when interpreting a vision, you need to pay attention to the plants growing in the garden. Also has great importance own actions and appearance estates.

  • garden with radishes - rare luck, chance
  • carrot - profit, success
  • potatoes - hard work will bear fruit
  • cucumbers - good changes
  • tomatoes - new mutual love, happiness
  • garlic - sudden rise from poverty
  • onion - difficulties in business
  • beans - a pleasant acquaintance
  • cabbage - unexpected guests, news
  • flowers - a pleasant event, a happy accident
  • Beautiful well-kept vegetable garden– achievements, well-being
  • abandoned - bad advisers, lack of prospects
  • planted - prosperity, hope
  • with sprouts - a good start
  • with ripening crops - moderate income
  • with mature ones - wealth, implementation of plans
  • empty - poverty, loneliness
  • stranger behind the fence - refusal of a request, offer
  • walking around the garden - success, work, troubles
  • dig it - good health, prospects
  • planting something - the fulfillment of a plan soon
  • weed - rapid rise in position, quarry
  • scarecrow - bad news

Why do you dream of a vegetable garden in the snow in early spring? Changes will happen, but not very soon. If it has already become fairly warm outside and the first shoots have appeared from the ground, then changes will happen in about two to three months. Have you seen a plot of land flooded with water? Be prepared for a whole series of troubles and difficulties.

A vegetable garden in a dream symbolizes a person’s personal affairs, his plans and goals for the future. To understand why you dream of a vegetable garden, you should remember your dream in the smallest detail, down to the plot and overwhelming emotions, compose what you received into one semantic picture and turn to the dream book for clarification.

The interpretation of dreams about a vegetable garden depends on whose plot is being dreamed of, its appearance and the actions the dreamer performs on it. Most dream books characterize this vision as an indicator of the dreamer’s real state of affairs, which can tell a person in which direction to move to achieve what he wants.

To find out what a garden (land) is in a dream about, you should take a close look at the landscape and what is growing and what condition it is in. A neglected vegetable garden, according to the dream book, is interpreted as complete confusion of a person who has no goals or plans for life. Also speaks of scarcity inner world owner.

An area overgrown with weeds and grass in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s chronic physical and moral fatigue, as a result of which not a single enterprise he has started can be argued. You should also be wary of deceitful friends who can lead a sleeping person astray from his intended path. The dream book interprets seeing a plowed garden in a dream as the readiness and ability of the sleeper to implement previously planned activities.

Why do you dream of a dug up garden? A plot that has been cleaned and prepared for the winter is interpreted by the dream book as the end of difficult days. Hasse's dream book deciphers such a dream as an impending disease.

A green garden, wildly blooming and well-groomed, characterizes the dreamer’s internal state, self-confidence and the need to work on oneself. Small Velesov's dream book prophesies goodness and mutual understanding between household members. With a strong fence - the dreamer’s request or need will be satisfied.

Miller's dream book identifies a vegetable garden in a dream with the hard work necessary to provide your family with everything they need. For women, this dream foreshadows unexpected troubles and minor troubles.

A growing pumpkin in the garden foreshadows in the dream book empty conversations, quarrels and disputes between loved ones. For a young girl, a vision with a pumpkin means quick matchmaking or marriage. For a woman of advanced age - empty chores and an abundance of household chores, for a man - dissatisfaction with his current situation, the collapse of hopes. If the entire area is strewn with pumpkins, it means that you should not believe the words of others; most likely, they are trying to misinform the dreamer and direct his efforts in the wrong direction.

A vegetable garden with vegetables dotted in the beds in a dream means an abundance of ideas and the presence life principles a person who helps him move forward.

Cabbage in the garden in a dream is deciphered by the dream book as brilliant prospects at work, profitable projects, a successful investment. For girls, such an image portends pregnancy or a new addition to the family of a close friend or friend.

An abundance of opportunities and the successful start or completion of any enterprise is what dreams of a vegetable garden with potatoes mean. The dream book advises you to give your all one hundred percent during this period, and then the result of any business will be the highest. For employees, such an image foreshadows a substantial increase in salary or payment of a bonus.

Work on your own site

Watering a garden in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the need for knowledge and skills to do what you love. The vision also symbolizes a person’s desire to realize his creative potential.

If in a dream you have to dig a garden, it means you should think about those matters that require a special approach. Perhaps the time has come to start fulfilling your true desires, which require time.

For a man, digging soil in a garden is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s readiness to start a family or offspring. The current period is favorable for creating own business, which will require a lot of effort.

The opportunity to pass on your knowledge and experience to other people or offspring, as well as promotion career ladder, respect from relatives and surrounding people, this is why you dream of planting a vegetable garden.

Walking around a garden in a dream, planted with even beds without weeds and excess grass, means great achievements and recognition.

The need to get rid of unnecessary things in the house and thoughts in the head that prevent a person from developing harmoniously is what dreams of weeding a garden mean.

Someone else's garden plot

Someone else's garden in a dream is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer spends a lot of time and energy on solving other people's issues and affairs. Also this image may indicate a feeling of envy of other people's successes in business.

The dream book interprets plowing someone else’s garden as a sign that a person needs to think about his own goals in life. It may be worth considering your goals and plans for the future, and making significant adjustments to them.

To see a friend’s garden overgrown with weeds and thorns in a dream means a situation will arise in which you will have to solve the problems of these people or be involved in their family quarrel and proceedings. Some dream interpreters decipher this picture as tactless interference of acquaintances in the personal life of the sleeping person.

Someone else's garden, whose beds are full of ripe vegetables in a dream, indicates the dreamer's involvement in the material improvement of other people. Perhaps a person is used for selfish purposes, they take advantage of his kindness and dependability to achieve their own well-being.

Sometimes the most ordinary things appear in dreams. These include the vegetable garden seen in night dreams - a symbol of labor and prosperity. It is always associated with labor successes and failures in business sphere person. Why such a plot is dreamed of is of particular interest to rural residents, for whom the vegetable garden is a symbol of well-being in life. In many dream books, the information presented connects the garden with certain plans for the future, which may change due to any circumstances.

Since a vegetable garden is a multifaceted and capacious symbol in a dream, it is very important to remember all the details of the dreamed plot. In addition, you need to pay attention to your own emotions in the dream and the mood in which you woke up.

A neglected piece of land

Very important for correct decoding The dream is played by the appearance of the vegetable garden that was seen in the dream. A neglected piece of land is always an unfavorable sign. It symbolizes the complete confusion of a person in real life and his unwillingness to react correctly to the events happening around him. In addition, such a dream indicates a poor spiritual world dreamer

The garden is overgrown with weeds

If you see that in a dream your garden is overgrown with a lot of weeds, then this may indicate your physical and moral fatigue in reality. That’s why you can’t do anything and you need to think about proper rest. After such a dream you should also be wary of the influence hypocritical people, which aim to lead you astray from your intended path.

Well-kept garden - interpretation of sleep

A well-kept garden, in accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, symbolizes the good state of your affairs in the most various fields. Smooth beds indicate that everything in your life is going according to plan. If you dream of a bright green, lushly blooming vegetable garden, then this symbolizes your inner confidence and the fact that you are open to gaining new knowledge. If in a dream the focus is on the greenery of garden plants, then this indicates that in the near future you will be able to make good money.

Vegetable garden behind the fence

When in a dream you saw a vegetable garden surrounded by a high fence, this plot focuses your attention on the fact that it is very important to plan all your affairs correctly, and you should not count on anyone’s help. If during this period someone tries to give you advice, then you need to treat them with great caution, since there is a high probability that they may be insincere. If you see your own garden surrounded by a weak fence, then this symbolizes your poor financial situation, which can only be improved with hard work.

Why do you dream about weeding a garden?

A frequently asked question, why do you dream about weeding a garden? When you dream that you are weeding garden beds, this is interpreted as cleansing of unnecessary things in real life. In addition, such a dream indicates that in reality a large number of current problems have accumulated that need to be resolved urgently.

Stealing vegetables from someone else's garden

If you dream that you are stealing vegetables from someone else's garden, then this indicates that you are a very stubborn person.

Harvest in your garden

Vegetables growing in the garden are of no small importance for the correct interpretation of the dream. If you see an area where a wide variety of vegetables grow in large quantities, then this means that the dreamer has great amount ideas that allow him to successfully move in the right direction. Other vegetables in the garden seen in a dream may mean the following:
    Pumpkin foretells that you will find yourself in the center of empty conversations. Quarrels and disputes with loved ones are also possible for a variety of reasons. If the entire garden is strewn with pumpkins, then in real life you should not trust others. Cabbage in the garden portends brilliant prospects at work. There is also a high probability that in reality there will be great opportunities for successful investments. Potatoes in the beds symbolize the successful completion of some business. In addition, such a dream may be a harbinger of an increase in salary.
When in your night dreams you see that not only vegetables, but also berries are growing in the garden, this indicates your good natural abilities. And if you use them, you will achieve great success in life. To sum up, we can say that it is good if you dream of a garden in good condition. This indicates that you will have a very successful life period. And if the garden is in poor condition, then you need to carefully analyze the events taking place in the real world in order to understand what needs to be changed.

A vegetable garden is a place where people get food, grow flowers, work, and sometimes relax. We are used to seeing it in real life, but what to do and what to expect if you dream about a vegetable garden at night? Such an ordinary thing for many rarely goes “beyond the boundaries of reality,” but if this happens, then you still need to find out the meaning of this dream.

Why do you dream about watering the garden?

If in the Kingdom of Morpheus you happen to water the beds with muddy water, then this indicates an internal anxiety that you do not risk telling anyone about. All this can end in apathy, depression, tears and a nervous breakdown if all emotions are not urgently released.

A psychologist, a close friend (mother, sister) or an ordinary notebook, in which it will be enough to write down your thoughts, can help with this. But if this does not happen, then muddy water from a dream will turn into a serious problem, and in the future problems with the psyche and emotional state.

Dirty water can also indicate the cunning nature of the one who gardens in a dream. This person wants a lot of attention and for this he is ready to weave endless intrigues around, lie about his exploits or achievements. And even if they say “Great Liar” about him, he will be proud of this title, since it gave people a reason to notice him and constantly discuss it.

If the garden is watered clean water, then this is a sign of good and loyal friends nearby. These are people you can really rely on in difficult times and are not afraid to talk about their feelings.

The same dream can speak of warm relationships in the family and good news in the near future, which are associated with family ties.

When a man waters a garden in a dream, it means that he is capable of having many children, and is also popular with women due to his sexuality. He is already ready to have a family and, quite possibly, will soon decide to conceive his own child.

If a woman had this dream, then she wants to have big family, take care of the house, raise children, greet your husband from work and be a faithful wife without thoughts of betrayal.

Why do you dream about weeding a garden?

The dream in which you decided to weed the garden speaks of the need to put things in order. This concerns family life, relationships with people in general and, in fact, work. If no action is taken, the consequences may be unexpected: from mild depression, loss of bonuses to dismissal or even divorce.

If after weeding the garden becomes green, well-groomed and beautiful, then troubles can be avoided or resolved in a very short period of time. If at the end everything is left unprocessed and overwhelmed, expect a difficult period in life, emotional depression, depression and a desire to escape somewhere.

When vegetables, fruits or trees are already growing in the beds, this is a sign of an approaching disease. It doesn’t have to be serious, but you can catch a cold. Take time to strengthen your immune system, start eating right and dress warmly during cold weather.

If you get sick, even a regular runny nose will torment you long time and unfortunately there is a risk that it will develop into a more serious condition.

After such a dream, be sure to analyze the state of your body, how you feel, whether you adhere to your daily routine and how many hours a day you sleep. And again, pay attention to what you are doing at work or school. If it turns out that you have debts or new tasks, be sure to do them soon so that you don’t grab your head later.

Why dream of planting something in the garden?

Planting something on your site is a sign that it’s time to think about own life. Stop following the orders of other people and acting on their instructions, and start fulfilling your long-standing desires.

And if you have given up on your dream for a long time, now is the time to dig it out from the rubble of memory and start making it come true. And even if it is difficult at first, then later you will not regret the work done and will begin to breathe deeply. You will understand why you live and why you need to think with your own head first.

Why does a man dream about a vegetable garden?

If a man has such a dream, who also constantly digs in the ground, it’s time to have children and build his own house. Now is the most favorable time for conception, and during this period the chances that the child will be healthy, desired and always loved increase. After childbirth, a marriage will not become fragile, but on the contrary will strengthen, the wife will have enough love for both the child and the husband, and the man will begin to earn good money, but at the same time be happy to return home to his family.

If you already have children, but it is not yet possible to have new ones, then this period is also favorable for starting your own business, which will require a lot of effort. You can also start sharing your experience with other people or find something new for general development. Start getting new emotions from life, and happiness will not keep you waiting.

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