Leonid Agutin had dinner with his daughters and their boyfriends. Leonid Agutin's mother spoke about the singer's illegitimate daughter

This girl was literally born backstage, on stage. And this is not surprising, because she - And her mother - is no less famous Russian singer Angelica Varum. Yes, yes, the article will talk about a young woman who spent almost her entire life in Miami; about the one who created her own music group"Without attraction"; about the one who is almost a copy of Angelica Varum and subtly similar to the “star” dad Leonid.

How it all began?

Everyone started talking about their romance, simultaneously with the release of their first song, which they sang together. Strange as it may seem, at that time they were just colleagues and friends. A romantic relationship began much later than the period when journalists began to talk about it on the front pages of glossy publications.

Angelica and Leonid met one day in Luzhniki, backstage, when they were waiting for the hour of their performances.

But some kind of correspondence acquaintance took place a little earlier, when they heard each other’s songs on the radio. Then their (not yet joint) hits were just gaining popularity, and the performers themselves would not mind meeting each other. To her he seemed so different from others, with an original sense of rhythm and luxuriant hair. She captivated him with her unearthly beauty, mysterious smile and huge eyes, and upon meeting him, he realized that she was very charming and even more beautiful than she seemed on the TV screen.

"Queen" for the queen of his heart

Leonid came to Angelica’s father, Yuri Varum, just a few days after they met. Agutin immediately offered to record a duet with her. Until this moment, it was the father who was Angelica’s friend, adviser, producer and songwriter. Therefore, Leonid approached the conversation very worried, but also hoping for a positive answer. But everything turned out to be much simpler: after hearing the song “Queen,” both the daughter and the father were delighted, they really liked it.

It was decided to create the Agutin-Varum duet and organize joint performances. Serious work began: touring, recording in the studio, endless rehearsals. After the first joint performance, rumors spread about a spontaneous romance between the performers. But the young people only chuckled, without, however, giving any refutation. The elder Varum was sure that such PR would only benefit them.

Love, daughter, marriage...

A year has passed. Agutin realized that he was in love with his stage partner. During this time, he saw her completely different: in a shirt and jeans, in a robe and pajamas, in chic outfits. Yes, she was beautiful on stage, but he liked Angelica at home, without makeup, much more. Now he understood that he missed her, she became his soul mate. Leonid proposed to her. At first she refused, fearing that after the official ceremony, like many of their friends, they would begin to quarrel and endlessly sort things out.

The wedding celebration took place when the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin, Elizaveta, celebrated her first birthday. The young couple spent a long time getting used to each other, but there were no major quarrels. Gradually they came to a compromise on various controversial issues.

These days

For the last few years, the couple has been flying to America after the New Year holidays. For two whole months they don’t think about being artists. All this time, the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin, whose photo can often be seen on the pages of glossy publications, spends with her parents. The family often walks, swims in the ocean, communicates, and plays tennis. Everyone is trying not to lose a single minute, because the parents spend the rest of the year in Moscow and on tour, and the girl remains in Miami with her grandparents. The daughter of Agutin and Varum constantly demonstrates to her mother and father her achievements in music: Lisa is fond of rock, she even managed to create her own group called “Without Attraction”.

Musical passions of generations

The girl started studying music several years ago after seeing a video of one of the rock bands on the Internet. Immediately I took a guitar from my uncle, my mother’s younger brother Mikhail, taught myself a guitar and began my lessons. Gradually, the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin learned to play quite decently and even created a group. At first, the young musicians played other people's music, but then they began to write their own.

Parents are not at all upset that their daughter became interested in rock. On the contrary, they are happy, because the teenager needed to throw out his emotions and impressions somewhere. Moreover, at their daughter’s age they themselves listened to the same bands - Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. Dad is proud that his daughter - Agutin's daughter - listens to this music, because now they have significantly more topics for conversation. And the mother is trying not to put pressure on her daughter with the help of moral teachings, because it is very important for her to maintain complete trust in the relationship with Lisa.

Daughter and parents - apart?

After the winter holidays, recordings, performances and touring begin again. And yet, as soon as a few free days appear in their schedule, Anzhelika and Leonid fly to Miami, and last years and the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin, whose photo is frequent guests on the pages of glossy publications, comes to visit his parents in Moscow. It’s hard for them to see their beloved child in short bursts, but this is the fate of most sought-after artists. Constant travel is part of their life. That’s why many years ago Angelica and Leonid made a difficult decision for themselves - to move their little daughter to her grandparents in Miami.

From the age of six months, the daughter of Agutin and Varum lived in parental tour mode, so she did not experience any stress about this. At first they tried to take the baby with them, but then they realized that she was not very comfortable in such an environment. Plus, the girl began to get sick often. Therefore, they decided that the child would be better off in a warm climate. Angelica's parents came to the rescue.

The name of the "star" child

What is the name of the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin? This question has not arisen for a long time, because very often over the past three or four years the media have talked about everything that happens in the house " star couple" And their daughter was also often written about. Especially when Agutin introduced Lisa to her sister Polina (daughter of Leonid and ballerina Maria Vorobyova, with whom the singer once had a short-term affair).

Elizaveta, the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin, born in 1999, was an ordinary teenager, completely different from the “star” children. She still doesn’t really understand how popular her parents are in Russia. And every time, returning to Moscow, I am absolutely sincerely surprised that there is no opportunity to walk the streets with my parents in peace and quiet. But mom and dad wanted to create for her a childhood free from the increased attention of people around her.

There are so many interesting things we can tell our readers! - a fertile topic, it always attracts the attention of society!

How they met

Angelica listened with pleasure to Agutin’s hits on the radio, and thought: no one has ever made such a cool rhythm! Agutin listened to Angelica’s songs - he really liked the fact that she was all so fragile, unearthly, huge eyes, mysterious smile... They met backstage at big concert in Luzhniki, after which Leonid went to the singer’s father and offered to record a duet with her: the father was both his daughter’s producer and wrote songs for her. Both Yuri and his daughter really liked the song “Queen”! So they started singing together and people thought the two were a couple!

So their relationship at first was just PR, and the stars were just friends. Leonid was the first to realize his love: he was returning home from a joint tour, and he was mortally missing... not the singer, but just best friend. When he confessed his love, she was happy: it seemed to her that Leonid was moving away, that he would soon leave her as a friend, but it turned out that everything was much better!

When did they get married?

After it turned out that Varum was expecting a child. Leonid decided to sign, but Angelica refused: she had seen many examples of couples breaking up after they officially became spouses. My daughter was already a year old when Agutin suddenly... stopped persuading his future wife! And after a couple of months she gave up: how could it be, it’s a shame, they didn’t invite you down the aisle, suddenly you changed your mind?

Now they live very well: they never quarreled on serious issues, but on controversial issues they came to compromises over time. Angelica does not drink alcohol and cannot tolerate it, so if Agutin wants to get drunk, he does it without his wife. But over the years, Agutin admits, this happens less and less. Varum was also angry at her husband’s clothing style: as she approaches forty, she says, she should settle down and stop looking like a cowboy. The husband himself speaks about this: neither the head teacher at school, nor his parents, no one could change him... except for her, who even forced him to wear suits.

Vacation every year

When the New Year's concerts end, Varum and Agutin simply go to the USA for two months without fail. Walking with my daughter Lisa, swimming in the ocean, tennis... My daughter, by the way, plays in a rock band! The rest of the time they come to their daughter in Miami during breaks between tours. The girl moved to America with her grandparents when she was only five years old. After all, constant travel had a bad effect on her psyche and health...

By the way, when she comes to Moscow, Lisa is terribly surprised that fans are constantly demanding autographs from her mom and dad. Usual life, an ordinary childhood - everything is as it should be! Here Agutin and Varum did their best.

How Agutin and Varum almost broke up

It was in Jurmala, in 2011. Ten days of rehearsals and concerts, then the final evening, the alcohol flowed, Angelica went to rest, Agutin continued to drink... and kissed some girl. The video ended up on the Internet, but Agutin himself simply didn’t remember it! I remembered the girl, she came with one of the musicians... Well, Varum packed her things - and look for fistulas. Then she returned, of course, but she won’t admit where she was.

To decide whether to leave her husband, Varum talked with her parents, and they noticed: this is not a reason to destroy the family, and since Agutin himself is horrified by what happened, and does not even remember all this, he must forgive. Varum forgave, but for a long time she could not sing a duet with him, she even lived in a separate room on tour... until they ran into each other in the corridor and burst into tears. And so they made peace.

Car accident

It was three years later: in the Kemerovo region, Agutin and Varum had an accident. It seemed like everything worked out well, we didn’t even go to the hospital, but at the hotel it turned out that Angelica had actually hit her head hard, and the consequences did not appear immediately. Agutin performed at the concert alone, and fans only wished Varum to get better. But a few days later a spasm of the vocal cords occurred... Agutin had to go on tour alone. Not a single ticket was returned! A couple of months of treatment in America - and Varum began to sing again.

Father's death

Angelica's dad, Yuri Varum, died shortly after this whole story with the ligaments - and her daughter began to feel depressed. Both Leonid and Lisa suffered... Be that as it may, they are holding on. Yes, close person died - but Leonid and Angelica truly love each other and their daughter. But isn’t this the main thing, notes JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn?

By the way, not so long ago. Well, he really loves her immensely! And that's great.

Love and be loved!

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

On July 16, the country's most famous “barefoot boy” celebrates his anniversary. Over the 45 years of his life, Leonid AGUTIN wrote dozens of hits and won the love of thousands of fans, but at the same time he always remained a closed person. Express Gazeta tried to write a “portrait” of the hero of the day, but a lot of gaps were discovered in his biography, which we tried to fill.

Family Agutinykh-Varum has always been a mystery to journalists. Many still believe that Leonid and Angelica are not husband and wife at all, but just a profitable creative union. The artists themselves, naturally, do not confirm this information and always appear in public in the image of an ideal married couple. There are many rumors among their relatives: Angelica’s father is a once popular composer Yuri Varum He has been living in Miami for nine years and does not appear in Russia. There, overseas, Agutin and Varum’s daughter, 14-year-old Lisa, also lives in his care. At one time, all the newspapers trumpeted that the girl was taken abroad due to a serious illness. Leonid also has another daughter - the blond beauty Polina. She was born 16 years ago as a result of a fleeting affair between a singer and a ballerina. Maria Vorobyeva. The artist hid the girl for a long time, but now she is increasingly seen in the company of her father. And it also turned out that Leonid has two younger sisters - Ksyusha and Masha. But first things first.

Oh, where are you, brother?

We discovered a letter absolutely by accident on the Internet Maria Agutina to the leadership and members of a major American charitable foundation. In it, the girl literally begged for help:

My son has a terrible disease - congenital heart disease. On the fourth day of life, Matvey underwent the first of three required operations. Now we need a second stage. Our doctors recommend waiting until the child grows up. But the vice is unpredictable, and deterioration can begin at any moment. My son has shortness of breath and gets tired quickly. I learned that in the USA they successfully operate on children with this disease. Matvey is already ready to be admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. There was hope that my son would develop normally. But the bill issued by the clinic is huge. I am raising two children alone. Please, help!

Amount for the treatment of a tiny Matveya Agutin For ordinary people really overwhelming - $156 thousand. But Maria was helped by volunteers from all over the world and, fortunately, required amount The money was collected on time. The baby underwent surgery in December. Now the boy is in Moscow and is preparing for the next test - repeated surgery.

We called his mother to make sure that the unfortunate child was really Leonid Agutin’s nephew. Ksenia answered the phone:

Masha and Matvey are at the dacha now,” the girl responded friendly. “It makes it easier for him to bear the heat.” There Fresh air- expanse. We have him very tiny - he was recently eleven months old, and he has suffered so much... When Masha was pregnant, an examination showed that the child’s left side of the heart, which is responsible for the large and most important circle of blood circulation, had not formed. Doctors said there was no chance. They persuaded me to have an abortion. But my sister did not agree. She gave birth and is now fighting with all her might for her son’s life.

- Who helps her with this?

Me and our mother. We all live together in the same apartment. Masha has a daughter from her first marriage, I have a son. Unfortunately, Matvey's father left them as soon as he learned that the child was sick. Masha graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, but she can’t work – she needs to take care of the child. She receives pennies from the state: six thousand - an allowance for the first group of disability of her son, and two - as a single mother. It's good that you found it good people, who helped raise money for the operation in America. We have to fly there again in six months, the doctors are again billing us for an exorbitant amount - 300 thousand dollars. So the only hope is a charitable foundation.

- Wait, what about your brother?

Lenya? – Ksenia asked me again. – You see, he and I are not that close. We have the same father, but different mothers. Of course, we are still family, but it so happened that his father now lives with him, Lenya and his wife support him and help him. You know, dad somehow distanced us. I don't know why. Maybe she’s afraid that we’ll bother Lena with our problems and ask for money...

- Did Leonid and Angelica really not respond to your grief? Matvey is their nephew!

Oh, you just don’t know Masha. She's so proud of us! Believes: if people want, they help just like that, without unnecessary words. But one day she called her brother and asked for help. This was during my last trip to America. Matvey was already lying on the operating table, when suddenly his heart began to fail. An additional operation was required to insert a special catheter that widens the aortic wall. But the money collected by the fund was not enough for this. Masha dialed Lena, and he transferred 300 thousand rubles to her account. This is only a tenth of the funds that were needed, but thanks for that! We know that my brother has enough problems of his own. It’s also not easy for him to get this money, so we don’t hold any grudges against anyone. What is important for us now is to raise funds for the final operation and for our baby to endure it well.

If I don't love you, I won't marry you

This is such a rarity! Lisa hasn’t been to Moscow for nine years; Polina, however, stayed with us for a little while and flew home to France. But we managed to have fun: we went to the Depeche Mode concert together - Lenya bought us expensive tickets, 45 thousand rubles each! But it was worth it - the girls were delighted! They are both very musical: Polina has many of her own recordings, Lisa has her own group in Miami - she plays, composes, and sings herself. I like the way she does it.

- Lisa hasn’t been to Russia for so many years!

I myself am surprised how Angelica persuaded her this time?! She's almost American. Everything there is familiar to her. They barely even communicated with Polina in Russian - they only chatted in English. But we are against this, so within the family circle, as a matter of principle, we only speak our native language with the girls. Although Polya is a polyglot! He knows five languages ​​and dreams of mastering the sixth - Japanese. Very capable!

- WITH future profession have the girls decided?

Polina, I think, will become a linguist or a manager. She's already looking at college for herself. And Lisa is still all about music. She also draws very well. I really like her works - they have character. I look and am amazed!

- Are the girls similar to each other?

They have many common interests: books, music, films... Polina’s development is ahead of her age. Those who have communicated with her at least once think that she is already well over twenty. Lisa is a little childish. But together they are an explosive mixture! Polya has a lot of friends, and probably already has a young man. And Lisa is still such a child inside! It seems to me that all this love doesn’t even occur to her. But at the same time, Elizabeth is a very brave girl. Leni once had a concert in Miami. He invited Lisa to perform with the group. She replied: “Easy!” She was given time, she came out and worked without any hesitation! I then asked Leni how it all went. The son replied that he was standing behind the scenes and was terribly nervous for her, but she didn’t care!

- Is Lisa going to return to Russia?

Hard to tell. She is now in adolescence. We don't put pressure on her. We have such a family: everyone chooses what they like. In any case, this decision will be hers alone, assures Agutin Sr. - But so far I don’t see her desire to come here and live at home. She has everything there: studies, friends, hobbies...

- Has Polina also become unaccustomed to her homeland?

Her maternal grandparents live here, so Polya comes to Russia much more often. Previously, she spent every summer at her grandfather’s small dacha. Lenya visited her there. She visited us less often, because those grandparents are closer to her - in fact, they raised her. Polina even studied in Moscow for a couple of years so as not to forget the language. And then she went to Italy - she and her mother lived there, and now they have moved to Nice.

- Leonid never talked about Polina’s mother. Do they communicate with her?

Periodically. Masha is now married to an Italian, they have a ten-year-old son. Maria was a ballerina Bolshoi Theater, and now teaches in France. She has a large team, she is very respected there. But things didn’t work out with Lenya from the very beginning. The son is a peculiar person: in order to live with a woman, he must have strong feelings for her. One day Masha asked what would happen if she got pregnant? Lenya answered honestly: “If I don’t love the way I imagine it, I’ll never get married! So don't be angry with me, if anything. You and I do not have a close relationship to live as one family. You understand this!” Maria reacted to this calmly: “I feel very good with you, don’t worry - everything is fine!”

Despite this, Masha soon became pregnant. Lenya took her by the arm and took her to her parents. He honestly admitted that he was not ready to get married. The girl’s father said: “We love our daughter very much. It had to happen someday, time is ticking. And now the period is quite favorable: the theater is on vacation, the main troupe is on tour. Let Masha give birth. We will somehow raise this child ourselves!” So everything was fair! Of course, Lenya helped as best he could. Visited my daughter in Italy. Polina loves him very much.

- Girls don't compete? After all, both one and the other rarely see their father!

No, they manage to get by without conflicts. Both Lenya and Angelica are diplomats. As long as I have lived with them, I have never heard screams or scandals. Everything is always resolved peacefully. They know how to negotiate.

Mother's surname

For some reason, Angelica’s father, Yuri Varum, did not arrive from overseas with Lisa. He had been the girl's official guardian for many years and usually accompanied her to long trips. Worried that something had happened (at one time there were rumors that Yuri Ignatievich’s leg was amputated due to progressive diabetes), we called Miami.

Don’t worry, everything is fine with us,” my wife Varum reassured us. “Love.” - Yura feels good. He has a lot creative plans. Now he is working on a new project. And Lisa’s mother flew in to pick her up, and they went to Moscow together. She has relatives there whom she has not seen since childhood. In addition, she needs to get a passport. She is a citizen of Russia.

- They wrote that Yuri Ignatievich’s leg was amputated...

He actually underwent the operation. But we have good doctors here, so this did not affect his well-being in any way. I don’t understand those who gossip that he is completely bad! And with Lisa the same situation happened: we live here quietly, no one bothers us, and suddenly I read in the newspaper that our girl has autism! I almost had a heart attack. You see, we live in the Russian region, everyone here knows us. How can you write something like that about a child? You should have seen her! Beautiful, healthy, talented... Or something else I recently read: it’s as if Lisa was of some other faith, almost joined a sect! And all because she has a “strange appearance” - her hair color often changes and her makeup is bright.

- But there is no smoke without fire. Where did these rumors come from?

I have no idea. I went to our doctor and got a certificate that Lisa was healthy. The guys came, I gave it to them and asked them to sue those who would argue otherwise!

- Maybe the reason is that the child was hidden from everyone?

Maybe. Although even before leaving for Miami, we had journalists at home. They saw that Lisa was an absolutely normal child. She is now a good student and has the best grades in her class. English language. Can an unhealthy child learn like this? When Lisa was born, Lenya and Angelica did not hire any nannies or governesses. They didn't want to let me in strangers to the house. Yura and I lived outside the city at that time. They brought the girl to us. She was so pretty that we couldn’t resist and kept her, allowing her parents to work as usual. While they were on tour, we were raising Lisa.

- How did you end up in Miami?

Nobody thought that this would happen. We arrived there for new year holidays. There were terrible frosts in Moscow, but in Miami it was a real paradise! Lisa was delighted. Then Yura suddenly began to have health problems - his legs began to fail. He underwent a complex operation and doctors forbade him to fly. For six months we could not return to Russia, because pressure changes were very dangerous for Yura. We had to send Lisa to kindergarten - well, the child won’t sit at home! She turned out to be very capable - within three months she spoke English. And somehow everything worked out for us by itself: the doctors helped, the climate was good, Lisa got used to it...

- Why doesn’t the girl bear her father’s surname? Leonid’s first daughter, Polina, goes by his last name.

Who told you that? – Love was surprised. - Polina bears her mother’s surname - Vorobyova! And Lisa lived with us all the time, I took her abroad on vacation. And we decided to leave her surname Varum, because otherwise we would have eternal problems with paperwork. The same permission to travel abroad would have to be obtained from my father every time. This is not at all because we underestimated the Agutin family. It was just easier for us. At one time the guys thought about giving Lisa a double surname, but someone told them that according to the law this could not be done. I didn't delve into these things. As long as the child is healthy, what difference does it make what his last name is?

- But she has dual citizenship?

No, she is a Russian citizen. To live in Miami without problems, it is enough to have a green card. With her you are a full-fledged member American society: you can study, get treatment, and have fun for free. I think that in the near future we will not change anything.

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

On July 16, the country's most famous “barefoot boy” celebrates his anniversary. Over the 45 years of his life, Leonid AGUTIN wrote dozens of hits and won the love of thousands of fans, but at the same time he always remained a private person. We tried to write a “portrait” of the hero of the day, but there were a lot of gaps in his biography that we tried to fill.

The Agutin-Varum family has always been a mystery to journalists. Many still believe that Leonid and Angelica are not husband and wife at all, but only a profitable creative union. The artists themselves, naturally, do not confirm this information and always appear in public in the image of an ideal married couple. There are many rumors among their relatives: Angelica’s father, the once popular composer Yuri Varum, has been living in Miami for nine years and does not appear in Russia. There, overseas, Agutin and Varum’s daughter, 14-year-old Lisa, also lives in his care. At one time, all the newspapers trumpeted that the girl was taken abroad due to a serious illness. Leonid also has another daughter - the blond beauty Polina. She was born 16 years ago as a result of the singer’s fleeting affair with ballerina Maria Vorobyova. The artist hid the girl for a long time, but now she is increasingly seen in the company of her father. And it also turned out that Leonid has two younger sisters - Ksyusha and Masha. But first things first.

Oh, where are you, brother?

On the Internet, we absolutely accidentally discovered a letter from Maria Agutina to the management and members of a large American charitable foundation. In it, the girl literally begged for help:
- My son has a terrible disease - congenital heart disease. On the fourth day of life, Matvey underwent the first of three required operations. Now we need a second stage. Our doctors recommend waiting until the child grows up. But the vice is unpredictable, and deterioration can begin at any moment. My son has shortness of breath and gets tired quickly. I learned that in the USA they successfully operate on children with this disease. Matvey is already ready to be admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. There was hope that my son would develop normally. But the bill issued by the clinic is huge. I am raising two children alone. Please, help!

The amount for the treatment of tiny Matvey Agutin is really prohibitive for ordinary people - $156 thousand. But Maria was helped by volunteers from all over the world and, fortunately, the required amount of money was collected on time. The baby underwent surgery in December. Now the boy is in Moscow and is preparing for the next test - repeated surgery.
We called his mother to make sure that the unfortunate child was really Leonid Agutin’s nephew. Ksenia answered the phone:
“Masha and Matvey are at the dacha now,” the girl responded affably. “It makes it easier for him to bear the heat.” There is fresh air - freedom. We have him very tiny - he was recently eleven months old, and he has suffered so much... When Masha was pregnant, an examination showed that the child’s left side of the heart, which is responsible for the large and most important circle of blood circulation, had not formed. Doctors said there was no chance. They persuaded me to have an abortion. But my sister did not agree. She gave birth and is now fighting with all her might for her son’s life.
- Who helps her with this?
- Me and our mother. We all live together in the same apartment. Masha has a daughter from her first marriage, I have a son. Unfortunately, Matvey's father left them as soon as he learned that the child was sick. Masha graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, but she can’t work – she needs to take care of the child. She receives pennies from the state: six thousand - an allowance for the first group of disability of her son, and two - as a single mother. It’s good that there were kind people who helped raise money for the operation in America. We have to fly there again in six months, the doctors are again billing us for an exorbitant amount - 300 thousand dollars. So the only hope is a charitable foundation.

- Wait, what about your brother?
- Lenya? – Ksenia asked me again. – You see, he and I are not that close. We have the same father, but different mothers. Of course, we are still family, but it so happened that his father now lives with him, Lenya and his wife support him and help him. You know, dad somehow distanced us. I don't know why. Maybe she’s afraid that we’ll bother Lena with our problems and ask for money...
- Did Leonid and Angelica really not respond to your grief? Matvey is their nephew!
- Oh, you just don’t know Masha. She's so proud of us! He believes that if people want, then they help just like that, without further ado. But one day she called her brother and asked for help. This was during my last trip to America. Matvey was already lying on the operating table, when suddenly his heart began to fail. An additional operation was required to insert a special catheter that widens the aortic wall. But the money collected by the fund was not enough for this. Masha dialed Lena, and he transferred 300 thousand rubles to her account. This is only a tenth of the funds that were needed, but thanks for that! We know that my brother has enough problems of his own. It’s also not easy for him to get this money, so we don’t hold any grudges against anyone. What is important for us now is to raise funds for the final operation and for our baby to endure it well.

If I don't love you, I won't marry you

- Lisa hasn’t been to Russia for so many years!
- I’m surprised how Angelica persuaded her this time?! She's almost American. Everything there is familiar to her. They barely even communicated with Polina in Russian - they only chatted in English. But we are against this, so within the family circle, as a matter of principle, we only speak our native language with the girls. Although Polya is a polyglot! He knows five languages ​​and dreams of mastering the sixth - Japanese. Very capable!
- Have the girls decided on their future profession?
- Polina, I think, will become a linguist or a manager. She's already looking at college for herself. And Lisa is still all about music. She also draws very well. I really like her works - they have character. I look and am amazed!
- Are the girls similar to each other?
- They have many common interests: books, music, films... Polina’s development is ahead of her age. Those who have communicated with her at least once think that she is already well over twenty. Lisa is a little childish. But together they are an explosive mixture! Polya has a lot of friends, and probably already has a young man. And Lisa is still such a child inside! It seems to me that all this love doesn’t even occur to her. But at the same time, Elizabeth is a very brave girl. Leni once had a concert in Miami. He invited Lisa to perform with the group. She replied: “Easy!” She was given time, she came out and worked without any hesitation! I then asked Leni how it all went. The son replied that he was standing behind the scenes and was terribly nervous for her, but she didn’t care!

- Is Lisa going to return to Russia?
- Hard to tell. She is now in adolescence. We don't put pressure on her. We have such a family: everyone chooses what they like. In any case, this decision will be hers alone, assures Agutin Sr. - But so far I don’t see her desire to come here and live at home. She has everything there: studies, friends, hobbies...
- Has Polina also become unaccustomed to her homeland?
- Her mother’s grandparents live here, so Polya comes to Russia much more often. Previously, she spent every summer at her grandfather’s small dacha. Lenya visited her there. She visited us less often, because those grandparents are closer to her - in fact, they raised her. Polina even studied in Moscow for a couple of years so that don't forget the language. And then she went to Italy - she and her mother lived there, and now they have moved to Nice.

- Leonid never talked about Polina’s mother. Do they communicate with her?
- Periodically. Masha is now married to an Italian, they have a ten-year-old son. Maria was a ballerina at the Bolshoi Theater, and now teaches in France. She has a large team, she is very respected there. But things didn’t work out with Lenya from the very beginning. The son is a peculiar person: in order to live with a woman, he must have strong feelings for her. One day Masha asked what would happen if she got pregnant? Lenya answered honestly: “If I don’t love the way I imagine it, I’ll never get married! So don't be angry with me, if anything. You and I do not have a close relationship to live as one family. You understand this!” Maria reacted to this calmly: “I feel very good with you, don’t worry - everything is fine!”

Despite this, Masha soon became pregnant. Lenya took her by the arm and took her to her parents. He honestly admitted that he was not ready to get married. The girl’s father said: “We love our daughter very much. It had to happen someday, time is ticking. And now the period is quite favorable: the theater is on vacation, new troupe on tour. Let Masha give birth. We will somehow raise this child ourselves!” So everything was fair! Of course, Lenya helped as best he could. Visited my daughter in Italy. Polina loves him very much.
- Girls don't compete? After all, both one and the other rarely see their father!
- No, they manage to get by without conflicts. Both Lenya and Angelica are diplomats. As long as I have lived with them, I have never heard screams or scandals. Everything is always resolved peacefully. They know how to negotiate.

Mother's surname

For some reason, Angelica’s father, Yuri Varum, did not arrive from overseas with Lisa. He has been the girl's official guardian for many years and usually accompanied her on long trips. Worried that something had happened (at one time there were rumors that Yuri Ignatievich’s leg was amputated due to progressive diabetes), we called Miami.

“Don’t worry, everything is fine with us,” my wife Varum reassured us. “Love.” - Yura feels good. He has a lot of creative plans. Now he is working on a new project. And she flew for Lisa mother, and they went to Moscow together. She has relatives there whom she has not seen since childhood. In addition, she needs to get a passport. She is a citizen of Russia.
- They wrote that Yuri Ignatievich’s leg was amputated...
- He actually underwent the operation. But we have good doctors here, so this did not affect his well-being in any way. I don’t understand those who gossip that he is completely bad! And with Lisa the same situation happened: we live here quietly, no one bothers us, and suddenly I read in the newspaper that our girl has autism! I almost had a heart attack. You see, we live in the Russian region, everyone here knows us. How can you write something like that about a child? You should have seen her! Beautiful, healthy, talented... Or something else I recently read: it’s as if Lisa was of some other faith, almost joined a sect! And all because she has a “strange appearance” - her hair color often changes and her makeup is bright.

- But there is no smoke without fire. Where did these rumors come from?
- I have no idea. I went to our doctor and got a certificate that Lisa was healthy. The guys came, I gave it to them and asked them to sue those who would argue otherwise!
- Maybe the reason is that the child was hidden from everyone?
- Maybe. Although even before leaving for Miami, we had journalists at home. They saw that Lisa was an absolutely normal child. Now she is a good student and has the best grades in her English class. Isn't that a healthy kid? Can a puppy learn like this? When Lisa was born, Lenya and Angelica did not hire any nannies or governesses. They didn’t want to let strangers into the house. Yura and I lived outside the city at that time. They brought the girl to us. She was so pretty that we couldn’t resist and kept her, allowing her parents to work as usual. While they were on tour, we were raising Lisa.

- How did you end up in Miami?
- Nobody thought that this would happen. We came there for the New Year holidays. There were terrible frosts in Moscow, but in Miami it was a real paradise! Lisa was delighted. Then Yura suddenly began to have health problems - his legs began to fail. He underwent a complex operation and doctors forbade him to fly. For six months we could not return to Russia, because pressure changes were very dangerous for Yura. We had to send Lisa to kindergarten - well, the child won’t sit at home! She turned out to be very capable - within three months she spoke English. And somehow everything worked out for us by itself: the doctors helped, the climate was good, Lisa got used to it...
- Why doesn’t the girl bear her father’s surname? Leonid’s first daughter, Polina, goes by his last name.
- Who told you that? – Love was surprised. - Polina bears her mother’s surname - Vorobyova! And Lisa lived with us all the time, I took her abroad on vacation. And we decided to leave her last name Varum, because otherwise we would have eternal problems with paperwork. The same permission to travel abroad would have to be obtained from my father every time. This is not at all because we underestimated the Agutin family. It was just easier for us. At one time the guys thought about giving Lisa a double surname, but someone told them that according to the law this could not be done. I didn't delve into these things. As long as the child is healthy, what difference does it make what his last name is?

- But she has dual citizenship?
- No, she is a Russian citizen. To live in Miami without problems, it is enough to have a green card. With her, you are a full-fledged member of American society: you can study, get treatment, and have fun for free. I think that in the near future we will not change anything.

Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova is the illegitimate daughter of singer Leonid Agutin. Previously, no information about the girl appeared on the Internet, because she was born while Leonid Agutin was already dating Anzhelika Varum. The mother of singer Leonid Agutin revealed details family life famous son.

IN Lately The personal life of Leonid Agutin is discussed. The public became aware of the singer’s second daughter. Fans immediately became curious whether Anzhelika Varum knew about her husband’s illegitimate child, and how the singer reacted to the provocative information.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: the singer has a second family

Leonid Agutin is not too willing to talk about his personal life. Recently, his mother, Lyudmila Shkolnikova, revealed the secrets of her son’s family. In his youth, Leonid Agutin was in a classic love triangle.

The singer was in love with two girls at once, and could not decide which of them was his destiny. One of Agutin’s lovers is Angelica (Maria) Varum, and the second is Maria Vorobyova. The singer’s friends emphasized the comical nature of the situation; allegedly Agutin specifically chose girls with the same names. After some time, the ballerina Maria Vorobyova became pregnant.

But Agutin was in no hurry to legitimize his relationship with the girl. Why, there is no official answer to this question. Even Leonid’s mother offers two theories why her son chose Angelica Varum. No one knows whether the feelings between Vorobyova and Agutin cooled down or whether the singer needed the patronage of Father Varum, which is why Angelica defeated her rival.

However, the marriage of Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin did not break up for long years and did not crack. So feelings play a role in relationships main role. Soon Varum gave birth to Leonid’s daughter. Today, both of Agutin’s daughters are already quite old. The eldest, from Maria Vorobyova, Polina is already 14 years old, and the youngest is 12.

Angelika Varum knows about the existence from the very beginning illegitimate daughter your spouse. Moreover, Leonid often visits eldest daughter, gives her gifts and fatherly attention. Both sisters, daughters of Leonid, maintain good family relations.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: biography of the singer

Leonid Agutin inherited his musical talent from his father. WITH early childhood Leonid felt that he wanted to become an artist. Music occupied a lot of place in his life. IN school years Agutin devoted about thirty percent of his personal time to music lessons. Upon completion of school, Leonid served in the army. But even there he continued to make music.

After service, Agutin received a non-musical education. He entered Moscow State University culture, to “Director-producer of theatrical and mass performances.”

In 1994, Agutin released his first hit, “Barefoot Boy.” Popularity quickly flared up around the singer, but faded just as quickly. For some time, the singer tried to conquer the audience with his music to no avail. A bright streak in the musician’s career came after his marriage to Angelika Varum.