Sergey Dorenko - biography, personal life, photo. Sergei Dorenko left his wife because of his illegitimate daughter

Sergey Leonidovich Dorenko Russian journalist, who managed to work on many channels and radio stations. Among other things, he worked for Ekho Moskvy, was the editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service, and hosted an analytical program on Ren-TV. Sergei became famous both for his bold statements and controversial theses, which more than once provoked widespread discussion among colleagues and the public.

early years

Sergey Doren was born in Kerch on October 18, 1959. His father Leonid was a military pilot who rose to the rank of major general, and his mother was a librarian. The family moved often, so Sergei changed about a dozen schools.

He was smart beyond his years and overly active, in order to interest little Seryozha and put an additional burden on him, he was transferred from first grade straight to third. The student coped with the program without any problems and spent several years as an excellent student. When did adolescence begin, academic performance young man slid down sharply.

After graduation, Sergei decided to enter the Peoples' Friendship University.  Patrice Lumumba, who graduated in 1982. He received three qualifications at once: a translator from Portuguese and Spanish, as well as a teacher of Russian, as foreign language. For some time the young man considered studying at a university a lost period, then he changed his mind, because in student years his personality was formed.

Later, Dorenko served in the army, where he was assigned to a special forces unit as a military translator.

When I was a private in the army, my biggest problem was actually not being able to change my underwear after a nocturnal emission.


Even before receiving his diploma, Dorenko began his career as a translator for government delegations in Africa and Latin America. He completely abandoned this line of activity in 1985, when he came to work on television. Before the collapse of the Union, the young man managed to work in the External Relations Service of Central Television, tried his hand at editing and in the “120 Minutes” program.

VGTRK invited Dorenko in 1991 to two positions at once: a political observer and a presenter of Vesti. A year later, the journalist changed his “registration” and moved to another main information program of the country - “Time”.

Dorenko covered what was happening in Chechnya during two military campaigns. Before the 2000 elections, he actively opposed Yuri Luzhkov and Yevgeny Primakov, and used the “Sergei Dorenko’s Author’s Program”, which aired on ORT, as a tool for conveying his opinion to the public.

On September 2, 2000, an episode about the Kursk submarine was aired, where the journalist blamed Vladimir Putin for the tragedy. After this, Sergei was fired with a scandal, although he was on the staff and received a salary until the expiration of the employment contract.

Afterwards, the journalist collaborated with Ekho Moskvy and was a regular guest of Minority Report from 2004 to 2008. In 2005, he published the book “2008”. In total, about 40 thousand copies were sold.

In 2008, Dorenko took the position of editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service radio station, from there in 2014 he moved to the Moscow Speaks radio station.

Sergei Dorenko in the program “Moscow Speaks”

Dorenko calls motorcycles his greatest passion in life. Besides this he loves computer games, cook, rock music early periods, carpentry work. He calls himself a dog lover: several German shepherds live in the journalist’s house.

Despite his extensive work experience, Dorenkone loves live improvisation.

The man is seriously involved in Forex. He earns money not only by investing his money, but also by acting as a broker.

In 2003, Sergei Dorenko joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In 2012, he stopped paying dues, deciding that it would be better to spend the money on developing the Wikipedia project, which does more for the country than the Communist Party.

Personal life of Dorenko

The journalist got married for the first time in 1980, while still a student. He and his wife Marina have three children: daughters of the same age Ekaterina (born 1984) and Ksenia (born 1985) - both work as sociologists - and also younger son Prokhor. The couple divorced in 2013, but they actually stopped living together much earlier.

The truth should be presented like an expensive coat, says Mark Twain. But Sergei Leonidovich Dorenko knows that in this way there is no way to convey the truth to the modern man in the street. Free, strong words, lack of sentimentality, directness and uncompromisingness - these are the tools that have become business card Moscow journalist when covering any aspect of life. Both the world and the Russians.

The beginning of the way

The future fighter against anti-national lies was born on an autumn day in the family of a young military pilot and a fragile library employee. The city was called Kerch, it was October 18th, the year was 1959. However, the boy did not have a peaceful childhood in this city; the parents and the child, due to his father’s appointment, were forced to immediately leave for the other side of the world to Irkutsk, and from there to Omsk, a million-plus city. Then there were Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, a dozen other cities, until the family settled in the Moscow region. Serezha’s dad, Leonid Filippovich Dorenko, rose to the rank of major general and passed away in 2014. Mother, Tatyana Ivanovna, turned 81 years old in 2018.

Since childhood, Seryozha’s character has not been quiet. A bully, a hooligan, an invariable fan of fights, he, nevertheless, did well at school. The subjects were easy for the student, his abilities were high, so after graduating from school, graduate Dorenko could easily enter any university. The young man submitted documents to several higher institutions, but the final choice was the Peoples' Friendship University, Faculty of Philology, current RUDN University.

Early years. Photo Instagram rasstriga.pastushok.

At first, of course, Sergei planned for himself economic Education, planning to transfer there eventually. But studying with students from all over the world, communicating with them side by side in the student dormitory unexpectedly revealed his talent for international relations. And Serezha successfully graduated from the university with two specialties as a translator - Spanish and Portuguese. This could not help but be facilitated by the fact that the future journalist, due to travel for his military father, had to change about ten schools before university, each time re-establishing connections with the people around him.

The photo shows Sergei Dorenko in his youth.

Already during his studies, Dorenko the student actively travels to the countries of Latin America and Africa as a translator in the direction of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. An active young man with a pleasant appearance and a model height of 185 cm was in good standing with the management team.

Career milestones

After graduating from university, Sergei Dorenko’s life developed just as lively and not boring, and this is Seryozha Leonidovich’s main motto - never stand on the edge. In 1982, he went to work in Angola, translating from Portuguese. By this time, there was already a young wife, Marina, a student at the same Friendship of Peoples, but a year younger. The family stayed in Angola until 1984 - first Marina went home to Moscow to give birth to her first child, then young Sergei followed her to be together.

Daughter Katerina (Ekaterina) was born the same year, but dad was called up for military service in the ranks Soviet army. It did not last long, Sergei had suffered from malaria twice before, and the trip to an exotic country did not pass without a trace. Therefore, the fighter was discharged from the ranks of the Armed Forces within six months. And on November 15, 1985, another daughter, Ksenia, was born into the young family.

Having dealt with the draft matters, the future stigmatizer of dishonest elites goes to work at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The fighting character showed up right away here too. In just 5 years, Sergei Dorenko has become recognizable to everyone in the wake of his bold, borderline-foul statements and assessments of the current situation. As a presenter, he is called on the most famous programs and broadcasts of the Soviet and then post-Soviet space - “Vremya”, “Vesti”, “RTR”, “ORT”, “Morning”, “1st Channel”, “120 Minutes”. And every time Dorenko, in an invariably brutal manner, debunks all the efforts of the top to look decent.

The audience is delighted with the harsh, almost offensive, but as if reading the inner thoughts of ordinary people, comments about the actions and representatives of power, from the fearlessness and well-delivered impeccable speech of the journalist. However, such an open, unfiltered presentation of the truth (in his programs “Sergei Dorenko’s Program” the journalist directly posted personally obtained and undisguised video incriminating evidence on famous political figures), which, of course, did not please the very top. Having risen to the position of deputy general director of the country's main channel, ORT, Sergei Leonidovich was asked to leave all television projects in 2001.

By that time, the family already had three children growing up - the youngest, son Prokhor, appeared in 1999. Therefore, my father did not rest for a long time, he went to serve on the radio. There he successfully hosted analytical programs “U-turn” and “Minority Opinion” on the basis of the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. The collaboration lasted from 2004 to 2008, until the now free journalist was offered to head the editorial office of the Russian News Service. Later, already in 2014, Sergei Leonidovich took up the private educational show “Rise!”, Today it is the most popular broadcast offer. Radio “RSN” was abandoned in 2013, and ceased to exist in 2017. Dorenko opened his own radio under the name “Moscow Speaks”.

Personal life of Sergei Dorenko

Sergei Leonidovich never suffered from a lack female attention, and I myself have always appreciated the female gender. However, for many years he remained together with his first love, Marina Fedorenkova. He lived with her for almost 30 years. During this time, the eldest daughters of the media personality grew up, studied, and got married. Both sociologists, both beauties. But in 2010, a new love appeared in Sergei’s life.

In the photo Sergei Dorenko with his ex-wife Marina Fedorenkova

With his characteristic directness, the journalist did not create any special screens, silently left everything he had acquired to his former wife and went to live separately. The master’s chosen one was a young colleague from “Rise”, Julia. Today it's his legal wife, the couple has two little daughters – Varvara, born in 2010, and Vera, born in 2011.

The photo shows a journalist with his wife Yulia and daughters.

It cannot be said that the former wife easily let go of her husband in love. Marina sued almost all the property from the father of her children, and it was very large and included Moscow apartments and country dachas. Didn't give it right away ex-wife and the divorce itself to the spouse. Sergei, who is interested in Eastern numerology, almost had to abandon the chosen wedding day with his beloved Yulia, which corresponded to Eastern calculations of happiness. Marina delayed the divorce for a variety of reasons, but the new Dorenko family officially appeared in the summer of 2013.

However, the biography of the journalist’s first family did not end there. He does not break off relations with the children from his previous marriage, meets with his adult daughters, and is constantly in contact with his adult son. She proudly posts joint photographs with Prokhor on her social pages, and does not forget about the photo of Ksenia with Katya.

But the most attention is paid, of course, to the current three women in the personal life of the famous presenter - his wife Julia, daughters Varya and Vera. Most of the posts and photographs on the personal websites of the Russian truth teller are dedicated to them. All his tenderness and love is addressed to them.

Not journalism alone

Sergei Leonidovich Dorenko never limited himself to narrow interests. At school he became interested in the exact sciences and easily completed the tenth grade in physics and mathematics. At school, he played the guitar; at the insistence of a classmate, he joined his group and played bass there. He loves nature very much and knows the forests of Siberia firsthand.

The media star’s favorite hobby is traveling, most of all it is spiritually dear to him eastern countries, attracting the mystery of the Latin and African continents. I am very fascinated by East Asian philosophy, following the example of Taoism and Buddhism. The culture and religion of these countries are close.

In October 2017, Dorenko, a driver with 34 years of experience, sold his BMW X4 car and refuses this type of transport to this day. Instead of a car, the Russian now carries a steel horse, a brand new Triumph Truxton 1200r motorcycle. The presenter is crazy about his new friend and spares no expense on his equipment and accessories. Sergei also rides a lot by bicycle. And when asked by fans on social networks how he gets by in winter, he answers that taxis and public transport no one canceled.

Another passion of the radio editor is animals. In his house you can meet the shepherd dog Shakti and the cat Monkey. The presenter greatly honors the memory of the jet-black beauty Ventura, also a shepherd. He is partial to Rottweilers and is endlessly in love with horses. On Dorenko’s Instagram you can find many photos of pets and stories about them.

By the way, the journalist also loves social networks. He manages Instagram, Facebook, and everything else. And in relation to his life, he remains completely true to himself even there - he does not try to create a false facade of over-success, but honestly talks about his everyday life, achievements, failures, experiences. On the Instagram page, fans will find a lot of retro photographs, simple personal shots, interesting videos and witty remarks on various topics.

And finally, Sergey Dorenko loves diving, archery, and maintains and replenishes a precious collection of jade. His favorite music is rock of the 70s, and this is Led Zeppelin, early Queen, Deep Purple. He has excellent cooking skills, especially if the ingredients are meat and seafood. And the holder of the title “telekiller” is not averse to carpentry; in 2008 he published the book “2008” and dreams of someday owning a yacht. Maybe he can build it himself?

Such diverse talents are hardly accidental. After all, in the blood of the celebrity are the genes of Philip Dorescu, the grandfather of a Romanian by nationality, who lived to be 97 years old, and the Bulgarian grandmother Elena Lozanova. The parents are Ukrainians, and the presenter calls himself a purebred Russian. Such a mixture of nations always gives birth to an extraordinary personality.

Recent history

Today Serge Leonidovich is a successful radio host, Forex broker and Internet blogger. His still sharp, topical remarks can be read on Twitter, Facebook, and listened to on his own Youtube channel. And his priority is still the truth. Therefore, in these speeches you cannot find the usual news, but there is always something objectionable, apt and thought-provoking. And Dorenko always leaves the choice to the audience.

Born on October 18, 1959 in Kerch, in the family of military pilot Leonid Filippovich Dorenko (1936) and librarian Tatyana Ivanovna Dorenko. The mother was born in Zhitomir, and the father in Stakhanov. Due to constant family moves, he managed to change about a dozen schools, the last one - physics and mathematics in Volgograd - graduated with honors.

In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba. Has three qualifications: “teacher of Russian as a foreign language”, “translator with Spanish", "translator from Portuguese".

In March 1982, as part of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions delegation, he worked as a translator in Angola, and suffered from malaria twice. Due to health reasons, he was transferred to the Ministry of Fisheries.

In 1984-1985 served in military service Armed Forces THE USSR.

On television from April 1, 1985. Until 1991, editor of the Central Television External Relations Service, presenter-commentator information program“120 minutes”, correspondent for the program “Television News Service”.

In 1991-1992 - political commentator at VGTRK, presenter of the Vesti program.

In 1992-1993 - presenter of the evening programs “ITA News” on the first channel “Ostankino”.

In 1993 - correspondent for the Spanish news service of CNN.

In 1993-1994 - Director of the MNVK Information Service.

In January 1994 - host of the “Details” program on the RTR channel.

In 1995 - host of the "Versions" program on Channel 1 "Ostankino" and NTV.

In 1996 - talk show host“Characters” on the Ren-TV channel.

Since October 1996 - First Deputy Chief Producer of the Directorate of Information Programs, author and presenter analytical program"Time".

In 1998 - Chief Producer of the Directorate of Information Programs, producer of ORT analytical broadcasting.

From January to March 1999 - again the host of the information and analytical program “Time”.

From November 1999 to September 2000 - Deputy General Director of ORT. After the “Author's Program of Sergei Dorenko” dated September 2, 2000, he was fired from ORT with a scandal.

In 2001, he became accused in a criminal case of hooliganism: Dorenko ran over the Chief of the Main Staff of the Russian Navy, Valery Nikitin, on a motorcycle. The journalist faced 4 to 7 years in prison, but thanks, in his own words, to the intercession of the then official of the Presidential Administration Igor Sechin, he got off with a suspended sentence of four years.

In 2003 he joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in March 2012 he announced his resignation from the party.

In 2004-2008 - regular participant in the “Minority Opinion” program on radio “Echo of Moscow”.

In 2005-2008 - host of the morning talk program “U-turn” on radio “Echo of Moscow”.

Since September 2011, he has been summing up the results of the week on the party website “ United Russia».

He is interested in cars, archery, diving, collects jade, and often travels a lot with his family. Sergei Leonidovich’s special passion is Africa, Latin America, Eastern culture and Chinese religious teachings, particularly Taoism.

Personal life

  • He was married to Marina Fedorenkova (since 1980), later divorced and entered into a relationship with a young employee of the media outlet he led.
    • daughter Ekaterina Dorenko (born May 11, 1984)
    • daughter Ksenia Dorenko (born November 15, 1985)
    • son Prokhor Dorenko (born August 5, 1999)


  • Grandfather of the Romanians Filip Dorenco (Dorescu) (1910 - ?)
  • Father Leonid Filippovich Dorenko, retired major general
  • Bulgarian grandmother Elena Dimitrovna Lozanova
  • Aunt Nina Filippovna

Professional activity

Working on television

At the beginning of 1992, he was the host of the evening program “Ostankino News” on the 1st Ostankino channel. From 1994 to 1997 he hosted the “Versions” program (first on NTV, then on ORT, then on REN-TV). In 1997, he began hosting Saturday editions of the Vremya program.

From September to December 1998, he hosted daily editions of Vremya, alternating with Alexandra Burataeva. He gained nationwide fame in 1999 as a “telekiller”, in connection with sharp criticism of Yuri Luzhkov during the elections to State Duma, right up to the closure of the program (showing Luzhkov’s real estate in the Moscow region from helicopters and revealing the secrets of his Money, as well as a demonstration of photographs of Luzhkov and the criminal “authority” Yaponchik).

The “Program of Sergei Dorenko” dated October 24, 1999 (at 21:00 instead of the “Time” program), where he gave information about the health of Yevgeny Primakov, which excluded him from the race for the presidency of the Russian Federation, became historic. Colleagues at that time called Sergei Dorenko a telekiller.

In 2000, September 2 was released latest issue The author's program of Sergei Dorenko, it discussed the cause of the death of the K-141 Kursk submarine. Dorenko said a lot of unflattering words about Vladimir Putin and called him “the main culprit of the disaster.” By decision of the ORT management on September 4, 2000, the program was closed. Dorenko was fired from ORT with a scandal.

In 2007, Dorenko called on Boris Nemtsov to leave politics in a pre-election video.

Radio work

For four years he collaborated with the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. According to the charter of the Echo editorial office, full-time employees of the radio station cannot be members of political parties, therefore, de jure Sergei Dorenko, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, was and is not a journalist, but an invited guest and participant in the Echo of Moscow programs, primarily “Minority Opinion” and “Morning Spread”.

On April 30, 2008 at 10:54, Sergei Dorenko ended the “U-turn” program with the words “I had a good time with you, goodbye,” after which at 11:00 he sent a letter to the editor-in-chief of the radio station, Alexey Venediktov, asking him to give him “a break and think until the fall.” " After some time, the same letter, from which personal motives were excluded, was published on Sergei Dorenko’s personal blog. The decision to leave Echo of Moscow came as a big surprise.

From Dorenko’s letter, as well as from Venediktov’s subsequent comments, neither the exact reason for leaving nor the possibility of returning was clear. On May 17, Venediktov announced that as of June 2, 2008, Dorenko was going to return to the air. Dorenko was going to broadcast from the second to the fifth of June and from the ninth to the twelfth of June 2008. This was stated by Chief Editor Echo on the air.

On August 30, 2008, in his blog, Sergei Dorenko announced that he was finally leaving Echo of Moscow. Reason for leaving - Dorenko was offered a job as presenter and editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service radio station. From the first to the fifth of September, Dorenko conducted his last morning broadcasts on his former radio station. Currently, from 8:33 to 11:00 from Monday to Friday, Sergei Dorenko hosts the information and analytical show “Rise!” on RSN.


According to Dorenko, Wikipedia is more worthy of monetary contributions than the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In his statement about leaving the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Dorenko said.

In 1992-1993 - presenter of the “Time” program “ITA News” on the first channel “Ostankino”. Dorenko is a star. The personal life of RSN employees is under the vigilant control of Dorenko himself. This is the second marriage of Sergei Dorenko. A noteworthy case occurred a year ago when Dorenko fired a radio station employee, suspecting him of frequent intimate relationships at work.

In August 2013, Dorenko married Yulia Silyavina, with whom he has two daughters. The young wife took her husband’s surname and now became Yulia Dorenko. Despite the fact that he gained his fame thanks to television, Dorenko has repeatedly stated that he does not watch television. Born on October 18, 1959 in Kerch, in the family of military pilot Leonid Filippovich Dorenko (1936-2014) and librarian Tatyana Ivanovna Dorenko.

Since October 1996 - First Deputy Chief Producer of the Directorate of Information Programs, author and presenter of the analytical program "Time". Since September 1999 - host of the "Author's Program of Sergei Dorenko." Dorenko stated that Nikitin kicked the motorcycle. Despite the “minor harm to health” inflicted on the victim, the journalist was accused first of attempted murder and then of “hooliganism with a weapon.”

From September 6, 2008 to July 1, 2013 - editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service radio station. Since March 1991, on the team of creators of “Vesti” of Russian television. In 1994 he hosted the “Versions” program. Since April 1, 1995, together with REN-TV, it has produced the Versions program on ORT. The program stopped airing after Dorenko’s report on the health status of Yeltsin and Chernomyrdin.

Sergei Dorenko against his biography

In 2000, on September 2, the last issue of Dorenko’s Author’s Program was released; it discussed the cause of the death of the K-141 Kursk submarine. Dorenko said a lot of unflattering words about Vladimir Putin and called him “the main culprit of the disaster.” In September 2011, Dorenko decided to close the program.

On August 30, 2008, in his blog, Dorenko announced that he was finally leaving Echo of Moscow. Reason for leaving - Dorenko was offered a job as presenter and editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service radio station. From the first to the fifth of September, Dorenko conducted the last morning broadcasts on Ekho Moskvy. In February 2014, a new radio station, Radio Moscow Speaks, was launched, where Dorenko currently works as editor-in-chief.

On February 9, 2015, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine opened pre-trial proceedings against Dorenko under Part 1 of Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The reason was the dissemination on the Internet of the publication “Sergei Dorenko: The best way out for Ukraine, this is division” with calls to change the state border of Ukraine and its territory.

Personal life of Sergey Dorenko / Sergey Dorenko

Because I’m afraid to “sink” next to this girl. Already a month after Yulia came to RSN, she became main theme for discussion in the smoking room. Judging by the broadcasts last year, Dorenko ended up overspending. Handsome Dorenko, and I feel sorry for his wife as a human being. But I don’t wish horns for Sergei in the future, although he is unlikely to avoid them.

Sergei Dorenko's first wife upset his wedding

Since last year, TV presenter and radio journalist Sergei Dorenko has been trying to officially divorce his wife Marina in order to marry his common-law wife Yulia, who bore him two daughters.

From August 12, he will host one of the columns in the final information program “Events.” And the rest of the majority are teachers who show indifference, irresponsibility and illiteracy in their work. In the future, these children are potential bribe givers, bribe takers, swindlers and swindlers. An assessment in the hands of a careless teacher is a formidable weapon, an apparatus for controlling and manipulating children. In connection with the above reasoning, the following questions arise: - how can you fight the so-called “teachers”?

But, alas, this is usually where it all ends: parents are afraid to openly point out shortcomings in the teacher’s work. I’ll take the liberty and propose a number of innovations to the existing school system. Therefore, in pedagogy, as in medicine, mistakes are unacceptable. In this regard, it is necessary to oblige teachers to take an oath similar to the Hippocratic oath.

And if an unworthy teacher can veil his real face in front of strangers in a lesson, then with children he shows himself in his natural image. I think that within one school it is not difficult to provide for these moments. It is safe to assume that the proposal to evaluate a teacher’s work will meet with resistance from precisely those teachers who are not confident in the positive assessment of their work.

Third. This option allows children to take part in the life of society and helps raise a generation of conscious, free and responsible citizens. IN leading role Marcia Gay Harden. Irina Yurevich is a Soviet theater and film actress, born in Leningrad. From July to September 2011 he led television program“Russian Fairy Tales” on the REN TV channel.

Due to constant family moves, I managed to change about a dozen schools, the last one being physics and mathematics in Volgograd. In 2004-2008 - regular participant in the “Minority Opinion” program on radio “Echo of Moscow”. Since April 2012, he has been running a video blog on Youtube hosting, and is an active blogger who uses the Internet nicknames rasstriga and pastushok.

Sergei Leonidovich's special passions are Africa, Latin America, Eastern culture and Chinese religious teachings, in particular Taoism. In January 1991, he was fired from the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for covering events in Lithuania and Latvia. He participated in the first issues of Vesti starting on May 13, 1991 as a columnist.

Since October 1991, host of the Vesti program. Since the beginning of 1992, he has been the host of the evening program “Time” on Channel 1 Ostankino. Since February 1993 - Director of the TV-6 Information Service. From April 1993 to summer 1996 - correspondent in Moscow for CNN Spanish. Since October 1996, he began hosting Saturday analytical editions of the Vremya program.

The remark on air and the subsequent legal battle with the President of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, became famous. I have systematically contributed to you and to Wikipedia. Wikipedia turned out to be incomparably more important and useful for the organization of life in my country than the Communist Party.

The seasoned journalist immediately put the girl on the broadcast network to co-host with her morning show“Rise!” - A voice of incredible beauty! — Dorenko never tired of admiring his new employee.

Journalist Sergei Dorenko first became known to the general public after he became the host of the “120 Minutes” news program. In the early nineties, he was a political observer at VGTRK, the host of the Vesti program, then the Vremya program, worked as a correspondent for the Spanish CNN news service, director of the MNVK Information Service, and host of the "Details", "Versions" programs and a number of other programs. IN Lately Dorenko was the editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service radio station, but last summer he left it. To the question “?”, one can answer that he begins new stage his career by creating the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, which will broadcast on the frequency of the RU FM station.

In the photo - Sergey Dorenko

Mine new project Sergei Dorenko created with the help of Mikhail Gutseriev, owner of the companies RussNeft, OJSC Russian Coal, CJSC Mospromstroy, who invested in a new radio station. The name “Moscow Speaks” was given to Dorenko’s project by the Moscow government, but the new one will not have any connections with the previous radio station of the same name. The journalist said that the new radio station where Dorenko works now is conversational, and it began broadcasting at the end of January of this year. He intends to create his own team, and will invite into it, first of all, those with whom he has already worked before.

Dorenko left the post of editor-in-chief of the Russian News Service after general director Aram Gabrelyanov was appointed to this radio station and it became clear that the editorial office of RSN would be merged with LifeNews and Izvestia.

Sergei Dorenko became a journalist after graduating from the philological department of the Financial Institute in Moscow. He had to work in Mozambique, but there he contracted malaria, so he returned home. He worked for several years at the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries. At this time, Dorenko was already married, and his first daughter, Katya, was born. Dorenko lived with his wife for about thirty years, they had two daughters and a son, but while working at RSN, he met a young twenty-eight-year-old girl and decided to separate from his first wife. As Sergei Dorenko says, he stopped loving his wife a long time ago and lived with her only out of habit. Now in new family The journalist already has two daughters, but he is not going to abandon his children from his first marriage and intends to help them in everything.
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