Washing floors in a dream at school. Vanga's dream book - changes are coming in your career. For a married woman to wash floors in a dream

We all periodically see dreams that seem to us to be some kind of signs predicting our future. The main thing is to correctly interpret their meaning. Why do you dream, for example, about such an everyday occurrence as washing floors?

General value

The traditional interpretation of the process of washing floors in a dream is based on the fact that this action promises positive changes either in a career or in the love field. But, like every symbol, there are many nuances that should be considered individually.

The meaning of a dream about washing floors depending on the context

So, important point when deciphering this fragment of a dream, the fact is revealed who exactly washed the floor. If the floor has been washed:

  • mother - this portends the development of a quarrel with the parent;
  • grandmother - we should expect a favorable resolution of any problem that has long tormented the dreamer;
  • mother-in-law or mother-in-law - this means that relations with them will be friendly and you should expect help from relatives in solving everyday issues;
  • a man is a bad sign, speaking of the machinations of envious people, and if a male person is familiar to the person seeing this dream, then the plans of ill-wishers will crumble to dust, but the appearance of a stranger mopping the floor predicts the victory of the enemies;
  • dead man - also bad sign, we should expect either someone’s death or serious illness.

The place where the floors are washed indicates the following subtleties:

  • at school or university - success in work or study;
  • at the entrance - improvement of living conditions;
  • in someone else's house - receiving help from outside;
  • in the church - misfortune in the family;
  • in the hospital - fear for the health of loved ones;
  • in the parental home - unhappiness in the family;
  • in the kitchen - strengthening relationships with your loved one;
  • under the bed - news of an imminent journey or a long trip.

You should pay special attention to a number of details:

  • washing clean floors means illness of relatives or troubles;
  • washing the floor while pregnant means giving birth soon;
  • mopping the floor that shakes under your feet - betrayal or gossip in your immediate environment;
  • blood on the floor - meeting with relatives; the more blood, the more emotional this meeting will be;
  • falling while mopping the floor - a selfish friend or acquaintance, betrayal of a friend;
  • spilled water on the floor - quarrels in the family;
  • Washing the floor with soapy water is a short-lived joy.

The color of the floor is also important:

  • red - strong love passions;
  • green - stability and mutual understanding in relationships;
  • black - disappointment in someone;
  • white - unexpected joy or surprise.

Interpretations of washing floors in a dream according to various dream books

  • Miller's Dream Book states that washing floors is a warning that someone is trying to harm a person’s career or slander a person before senior management. If you slip on a wet floor after cleaning in a dream, this means that you need to be careful in making decisions, weigh the pros and cons.
  • Vanga's Dream Book, on the contrary, indicates career prosperity and success in the intended business. However, it is worth listening to the opinion of your superiors and not contradicting them.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea interprets this dream as getting rid of something unnecessary in life, cleansing from the burden of problems and negative thoughts.
  • A similar interpretation is given in Islamic dream book , where it is said that washing floors in a dream signifies resolution from a burden or serious problem.
  • IN Tsvetkov's dream book this action is deciphered negatively: it is a sign of death or illness.
  • IN Mayan dream book, on the contrary, washing the floors is explained as a sign material well-being, unless the floor was damaged, which in reality entails a deterioration in relationships at work with superior employees.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor connects the image of gender with the halves Yin and Yang, female and masculine essence. A flat, smooth floor promises spiritual harmony and stability in relationships; a damaged or dirty floor promises difficulties or danger. Stone floor - marriage of convenience, wooden floor - family, which is based on mutual love between spouses.

As can be seen from the above interpretations, washing floors sometimes has opposite interpretation. The true meaning of that action can come as a hint to a person in the form of the first thought that came to mind immediately after waking up. If the thought was bright and kind, then you should stick to the positive interpretation of this fragment of the dream.

It is worth remembering that not a single dream predicts the future with maximum accuracy, but can only be a kind of warning about future events, which is worth listening to and trying to correct the situation. Have bright and vivid dreams!

Wash floors in someone else's house in a dream ▼

The dream book characterizes washing the floors in someone else’s house as influencing the owner of the house. Your influence brings results, changes positive character, the dynamics of improvement can be traced.

Wash floors at work in a dream▼

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor at work, this signifies recognition of you as an irreplaceable employee by your employer, your value and exclusivity. The work done will be appreciated.

Why dream of washing floors at school▼

I dreamed of washing the floors in the kitchen▼

What did you use to wash the floor in your dream?

Washing floors with your hands in a dream▼

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor, difficulties in life were coming. Before changes happen, you will have to deal with existing ones, resolving long-standing issues and affairs; the time for new projects has not yet come.

What floor did you wash in your dream?

Wash a clean floor in a dream▼

To dream that you are washing a clean floor means that your health will deteriorate, troubles and problems will arise. Show yourself more attention, listen to desires and needs, it signals potential troubles.

Why dream of washing a wooden floor▼

Washing a wooden floor - a dream foreshadows spiritual harmony, peace, and serenity of spirit. Don’t let your guard down, otherwise you may fall for the tricks of someone who wants to defraud you of funds. Exercise utmost care and caution.

Who washed the floor in the dream?

A neighbor washes the floor in a dream▼

I dreamed that a neighbor was washing the floor - previous relationships with patrons may be disrupted due to. Attempts by ill-wishers to harm you will fail and will not bring the expected results.

The dream in which you dreamed that you were washing the floor is ambiguous. The interpretation of such a dream can be very favorable and promise health, advancement in career ladder, family well-being. Also, there is a second side to the interpretation of a dream in which you dream that you are washing the floor - the collapse of plans, the breakdown of family relationships, illness and even death. Let's take a more serious approach to this question and still figure it out and try to answer, washing floors in a dream - what is this for?

There may not be any meaning of the dream. If you are preoccupied with preparations for the holidays or are planning a general cleaning of the house, then your brain simply transfers the events you are experiencing to sleep. Also, overwork in household chores can affect dreams.

The interpretation of dreams depends on the smallest details and the collective unconscious. Each nation has its own stereotypes of associative perception. For example, some dream books interpret a dream in which you wash the floor as a sign of the death of loved ones. A Slavic ritual that has developed over several centuries obliges people to wash the floor after burying the deceased. Some do this for hygiene purposes, others out of fear of prejudice and beliefs. Therefore, the association of washing floors with death is quite understandable.

Modern interpreters associate floor washing with the process of fundamental cleansing, affecting future fate person.

The dream in which you wash the floor has several meanings

Wash the floors in the house by hand, clean water- put your affairs in order, family relationships will bring satisfaction and happiness. Reconciliation with relatives will probably cost work and clarify the relationship. But purity in relationships will definitely bring satisfaction and harmony to the home. For people who don't have marital relations, this dream promises a new meeting love partner or a spouse's chosen one.
To see dirty footprints on the washed floor - perhaps your significant other has love relationship on the side.

Seeing a dirty spot on the floor that cannot be washed means events may occur in your life that can discredit you or your family. No matter how easily the stain is washed off, how long should you expect unpleasant consequences.

If you wash the floor in your house with a mop, then this can be interpreted as - you pay too much attention to advice and “tips” from outside, being afraid to take it yourself important decisions. Don't shift responsibility to someone else, take matters into your own hands.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of washing the floors in her house - the birth resolution is just around the corner. Easy to wash the floor is a sign of an easy and successful delivery.

Wash the floor in the house dirty water- gossip and quarrels that can destroy your family, illness, disappointment in a matter on which you have worked for a long time.

A serious warning is if the dreamer has a dream in which the floor in his house is being washed. Such a dream warns of real danger; you should not do extreme things, avoid dangerous activities, and be careful on the road. If you had such a dream, it would be appropriate to undergo a thorough medical examination.

A dream in which strangers are washing the floor in your house may mean the arrival of unexpected guests who will significantly interfere with your plans. The amount of dirt in a dream can be proportional to the negative emotions that you may experience from guests visiting you.

Now let’s figure it out - why dream of washing floors in someone else’s house? Such a dream means that you have too much influence on the owner of this house. If the house is not familiar to you, then your loved ones are counting on your support. Your influence on the situation can change the fate of the people who depend on you in better side. This dream may foretell people asking for money for loans or other help from you. The condition of the floor, the quality of the water and the presence of heavy dirt can mean the outcome of this event. Excessive dirt, garbage, dirty water are harbingers that it is better to refuse these applicants in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Clean water, quick removal of dirt is interpreted as a favorable outcome. Your help will be useful for people and will bring positive emotions.

Washing the floors in someone else’s house, the interpretation of other dream books says that it is you who need someone else’s support and help.

For unmarried girl, wash the floor of her lover - soon she will receive a marriage proposal from him. This dream may portend your family life. A lot of dirt and debris, the floor is poorly cleaned - the marriage is unhappy, and most likely it will fall apart. Clean and clear water, the floor is easy to clean - life with this person will be easy and happy. Please accept the offer!

Why dream of washing floors at work? A dream where you wash the floor at work - great sign foretelling a career advancement, increase wages, success in a business you have been working on for a long time. If there is a lot of debris and dirt on the floor, the coating is not even - evidence that the path to change for the better is not easy, but you can handle everything.

If you wash the floor at work for a long time and thoroughly, and it remains dirty, this is a sign of futility of efforts. Perhaps you understand this yourself, but do not want to admit it. If you have a constant recurring dream, reconsider your attitude towards your goal. You may have chosen the wrong methods to achieve it. Or maybe you need to look at something else altogether.

An alarm bell if your colleague is cleaning the floor in or at the workplace. This is a sign that someone really wants to take your place and is trying in every possible way to slander, frame and discredit you in the eyes of your superiors. Such a dream promises quarrels, unkind gossip, and showdowns at work. If you can clearly see the face of a person mopping the floor of your workplace, this may be a clue who you should expect trouble from.

But no matter what dream you have, this is not a reason to perceive any interpretation as inevitable. good dreams As a rule, they are a consequence of harmony with oneself and the outside world.

Dreams with a bad interpretation are just warning bells that, if you listen to them correctly, can be avoided sharp corners in life. Special attention These calls are worth paying attention to, if they are repeated, your subconscious wants to say something, warn about something.

Why on earth would you start cleaning someone else's house? Probably only in hopeless situation, when you would have to hire a job as a floor scrubber. It’s easy to guess why such actions are dreamed of. The vision predicts conflicts, troubles, and life's troubles.

However, a number of dream details allow us to interpret such a plot quite positively. For example, sometimes the dream book prophesies the strengthening of the sleeper’s influence on others, increasing his authority.

Time for action, initiative

If you remember in whose house, then keep in mind that in reality this character will be able to provide protection and provide the opportunity to rapidly rise up the career ladder.
Now is not the time to sit back and think, that’s what else such a plot is for. The time has come to act decisively and boldly. Dream book reminds famous phrase one of the leaders: delay is like death! It will come in handy in this situation.

A little criticism will do you good

Do you sleep and see that you are using a mop or rag in someone else’s home, where the floors are covered with a layer of dirt? It seems that you are a rather decisive, rational person, accustomed to achieving your goal by any means and methods. But sometimes such assertiveness alarms and irritates others.

In a dream, do you wash other people's floors with dirty water? Then admit that in reality you often sin by creating the appearance of active activity. But actually spend time for fun, obviously without overloading yourself with work.

A dream in which you had to scrub a dirty stain from the floor speaks about hypocrisy, about the desire to appear much better than you really are. In principle, this is a natural desire of every person, but some individuals are clearly overacting, pretending to be such angels. However, many people sense falsehoods and lies, and behave warily around you. Get rid of the habit of “being cute,” the dream book advises.

Where exactly did you work?

Correctly interpret night dream Information about whose house the wet cleaning was carried out will help.

  • For example, washing the floor of your parents is a bad omen, foreshadowing misfortunes and troubles.
  • If you have accomplished a feat of labor in your mother-in-law’s home, then in reality you will have to communicate with people who will irritate and irritate you.
  • You have the power to put an end to some kind of hostility, quarrel, this is why you dreamed that you were washing the floor in the house of your deceased grandmother and business.
  • And if you are sure that you rubbed the floorboards in the apartment of one of your relatives, know that in reality you are able to help them, solve a problem that is important to them.
  • Did you dream that you were using a mop in an old abandoned mansion? Then very soon you will celebrate a housewarming or moving to another address, the dream book warns

Vain attempts

In the dream book by Gustav Miller, washing the floor in someone else’s home is a very bad omen, prophesying disappointment and failure for the dreamer. Let's say he dreamed of promotion? Alas, a lucky colleague will fill the vacant position.

Alas, difficulties are inevitable!

A person who saw himself in a dream washing the floor in his home will have to endure misfortunes, hardships and even humiliation stranger. Moreover, if the room seemed familiar, then it is there that all the troubles will happen in reality.

If you used a mop in your dream, then come to terms with the need to restrain your feelings and emotions. The dream book predicts a series of conflicts and quarrels that will arise due to minor misunderstandings, and so that they do not develop into grandiose scandals, it is better not to get involved in these troubles, to maintain at least the appearance of calm.

A huge number of small but troublesome problems must be solved both at home and at work, which is why you dreamed that you were washing the floor with your hands. And there is only one reason for this - you have been postponing many issues “for later” for too long, and now the hour of reckoning has come for such inaction and frivolity.

For the good of the cause

But not everything is so sad. The interpretation of a dream can change radically, depending on the character of the sleeping person. Thus, sometimes washing floors anticipates that the dreamer will show extraordinary leadership qualities, will, and resourcefulness.

Sometimes a dream that you are scrubbing the parquet floor in the home of a rival (rival) accurately indicates that in reality you will be able to stand up for yourself and for your happiness, without becoming a victim of intrigues and other enemy tricks.

Also, wet cleaning in someone else’s apartment shows that you have the gift of persuasion and influence. And if you wish, you can even control the destinies of people.

Sometimes dreams can be very, very realistic, so much so that, upon waking up, a person cannot always immediately understand that it was a dream.

Sometimes, for example, you happen to wash floors in a dream or do wet mopping in your own or someone else’s house, clean at work, take out the garbage or tinker in the kitchen, as well as do various household chores that have to be done at one time or another in principle. But if in real life If you can do something like this, as they say, automatically, then a dream of this kind arouses keen interest and a desire to understand what you dreamed and why. Still, you have to wash the floor in a dream much less often than in real life.

When you have to wash floors in a dream own home or in an apartment, then in reality you can most likely expect good news, as more than one dream book says. If this happens in the kitchen, then the dream promises you new position. When you have to clean the living room with a rag in your hands, expect a bonus, but washing the floors with a mop in your room portends a great mood.

If it's in goes to sleep about washing the linoleum floor, then in reality you will get an excellent result. The parquet look of the floors most likely indicates that good and long-time friends will provide you with help and support.

Basically, to answer why you dream of washing floors, you need to disassemble the dream into its components. The most common stories are:

  • Using a mop, as the dream book says, means a significant life event.
  • Seeing the room being cleaned under the bed means a long journey.
  • Washing overly dirty floors means disappointment in your relationship with your significant other.
  • Using a rag when cleaning someone else's house means meeting an old friend.
  • If you can’t wash off the dirt with your hands, it’s a sign of a new acquaintance.

Interpretation of sleep

Why you dream of washing floors and then falling under them cannot be answered unequivocally. Most likely, this indicates that you are overcome by dreams of a generous gentleman, as the dream book says. If while cleaning you slip on a wet floor and fall, then in reality you will fall unrequitedly in love.

The dream book will also answer the question of why you dream of washing floors, and then seeing marks on them - this means that guests will arrive. But it will be a pleasant meeting. If the floor remains wet for a suspiciously long time, then in life you most likely sincerely crave a large and noisy company. You want there to be many people around you with whom you can always communicate.

Washing the floors near your place foreshadows an easy and even relaxed relationship with subordinates and colleagues. While washing the entire workspace means quarrels and gossip. Being a volunteer for cleaning means that in real life you will have a fun and bright holiday. If your boss forced you to leave, then you will still have to work on your vacation.

  • If you suddenly dreamed that you were doing wet cleaning in the wrong place, then the dream book says: be prepared for a stormy showdown with dear and close people.
  • If the house where you happened to clean belongs to friends, then the unpleasant conversation will be extremely short.
  • And if the owner of the home according to the plot of the dream is completely stranger, then it will take a long time to sort things out in reality and, moreover, to no avail.

Washing the floor in an apartment famous person means that you should prepare to start your own family. If the celebrity in your dream pays for this process, then soon you will become closely acquainted with a good and positive person. But cleaning floors for free means that you will have to figure out how to refuse an unloved person so as not to offend him.

As the dream book says, washing floors that are stagnant or simply dirty speaks of financial well-being and reward. True, if the dream is about you spilling a bucket of water, then this means that you will soon spend the money on not very useful things.

If in a dream there is clean and clear water, which remains so even after rinsing a dirty rag in it, then this is a sign that you will soon borrow a large amount money. If you had a dream where, according to the plot, you washed the floors everywhere, then you don’t have to be afraid to lend any money. You are guaranteed to get them back.

Should be interpreted as a herald of a move to something else, best place residence. Cleaning the bathroom or toilet means fierce competition in the workplace. If your assistant in cleaning is, and even a stranger, then in real life you will soon easily get rid of negative emotions.

Cleaning the corridor at your work means achieving calm and peace in the family. Clean up and scrub the floors on your former job– to small and insignificant expenses. It won't break your budget. Washing the floors in your boss’s office is a very expensive, but also long-awaited acquisition.

Finding some kind of jewel when washing floors means the successful implementation of all plans. Accidentally spilling water while washing means a pleasant meeting. A broken mop while washing floors in a dream signifies renovations in an apartment or house.

No matter what kind of washing we are talking about, most often the dream signifies something with a “plus” sign, but not a “minus” sign, so you should seriously think about it if you dream about something like this. But any dream with its decoding will be correctly perceived as a harbinger and advice, but not as an inevitable reality.