The parents of the famous pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya turned out to be sectarians. Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya: New skeletons in the closet of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife

The latest news about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, her biography and personal life shocked all her supporters ex-spouse, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. It turns out it's a divorce star couple declared invalid due to violations in procedural manipulations applied by the court.

When seemingly all the details of this unpleasant scandal were covered in the press and television from all sides, the story of the confrontation between the elderly director and his young wife threatens to gain new momentum. This is how the pianist’s lawyer, Larisa Shirokova, explained in a message open sources information that the court did not offer possible deadlines for reconciliation to the former representative of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife, which is a violation of the judicial process. The Kuntsevo court is scheduled to consider the appeal at the end of January 2018.

Based on this statement, all online publications began to further exaggerate the topic of reconciliation of former spouses. Especially often the words of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya are repeated online that there will always be a place for her ex-husband in her personal life and biography. Moreover, the latest news says that she firmly believes in the possibility of resolving the scandal with the People’s Artist, citing her own innocence in what happened as the reason for her statements on this matter.

Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya in her youth

According to the disgraced wife, Armen Borisovich was convinced of her greed by people from the Armenian diaspora, who were always prejudiced towards the artist’s young companion. And that the apartments, which caused a fuss with the involvement of law enforcement agencies and the media, were purchased long before the official marriage. And that the criminal case regarding Vitalina’s theft of her husband’s passport and posting personal information on the Internet was opened unfairly.

The pianist herself not so long ago, in a frank interview with a glossy publication, explained in detail that all the rumors about her failed romance with Mark Rubinstein, who wanted to help his colleague Armen Dzhigarkhanyan organize work in the theater, from whose balance sheet 80 million rubles disappeared without a trace, are absolutely far-fetched.

People close to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accuse Vitalina of self-interest

The woman claims that until the end of the proceedings with her husband, until they have a frank conversation with each other, there can be no talk of any new relationship.

And as for the million-dollar debts of the theater under the direction of Dzhigarkhanyan, according to the pianist, the Ministry of Culture of the capital concluded an agreement with her regarding the performance of duties as director of this institution three times. According to the woman, this indicates her full professional competence in the role of manager. Although the network was actively discussing the performances of artists who had left the theater troupe with a decent track record.

Vitalina herself speaks unequivocally about this topic - everyone envied her and tried to remove her from managing the theater by any means. Only after the most scandalous employees were fired, peaceful coexistence was established in the country of the Backstage and scandals and squabbles passed. Moreover, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya claims that all these actions were initiated by Armen Borisovich, as artistic director theater and that she tried to change the situation by advising the artists on the list to talk to Dzhigarkhanyan before leaving the theater.

While managing the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, Vitalina became involved in a serious scandal

None of the seven people came to a personal conversation with the People’s Artist, and the director herself supported her husband’s decision, given the pointlessness of receiving wages for workers who have not been involved in productions for several seasons. In addition, in the heat of the moment, the director could say rude things to his subordinates, since with age the elderly man’s character had completely deteriorated - this is what Maitre’s ex-wife insists on in all her interviews and appearances on talk shows.

The young woman also touched on the topic of the quarrel between the People’s Artist and his adopted son Stepan. According to Vitalina, 5 years before she met the pianist, the man was fired by his stepfather from the theater for drunken brawling, so the conflict between her once relatives is definitely not her fault.

A special place in the stories of the young pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is occupied by her parents and their relationship with their illustrious son-in-law. As the woman explained to reporters, Armen Borisovich himself called them to positions in the theater, and their salary was somewhat less than their predecessors.

The artist's ex-wife is accused of theft and fraud

After this, the establishment was able to save significant sums on ordering costumes and scenery from intermediary companies, since my father, an engineer with many years of experience, devoted a lot of effort to working with structures, and my mother set up her own sewing workshop in the basement of the theater. According to some employees of the institution, it was the wife’s parent who organized a branch of the Cherkizovsky market on the territory of the theater.

It came from the scandalously popular pianist and former wife of Armen Borisovich. In a lengthy interview, she told how, even before her official marriage, she refused to obey Tatyana Vlasova, who took a place in the office of the famous director during his first stroke.

According to Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, in her personal life and biography there was never a person who allowed him to talk to her in the tone of a market trader. But now, judging by the latest news from America, the ex-wife has decided to settle scores with her, pouring slander on the unfortunate victim of social gossip.

Armen Borisovich personally appointed Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya as the head of his theater

But regarding the apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street, the ex-wife of the People’s Artist tells truly mysterious things that bear little resemblance to the truth. If you believe her words, Armen Borisovich himself repeatedly asked Vitalina to ask local residents about the possibility of buying a home here.

And as soon as a suitable option was viewed, the owners of the apartment, who respected Dzhigarkhanyan’s work, made a huge discount.

Armen Borisovich voiced his desire to register housing on Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the presence of lawyers and without coercion from his young wife, after which Vitalina took out a loan, wanting to do it in a new family nest renovation worthy of her beloved.

Vitalina is a talented pianist

Facts from the pianist's biography

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in 1979 in the very center of Kyiv. In the fifth form secondary school a gifted girl, having passed severe exams, was able to enter the music school at the Kyiv Conservatory and began to work hard, honing her own skills as a performer.

As the pianist recalls, going to the Philharmonic and the theater became her only entertainment, so the pianist does not talk about her early relationships with peers, claiming that she connected her future only with art.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education and graduating from music school, the girl continued her piano studies at the Tchaikovsky Music Academy. In 2001 goal. Having received a diploma with honors, she set off to conquer the Russian capital and entered the Maimonides Academy.

The talented graduate was offered to stay at the university as a teacher. And soon director Vladimir Yachmenev recommended a young woman to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan for the position of musical director in the theater under his direction.

Vitalina began working as a musical director at the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater

Love for People's Artist

According to Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan appeared in her personal life and biography at a young age - she experienced her first feelings and admiration for the man after attending his performance in Kyiv at the age of 16. After the performance, she reread all the interviews with the talented artist and watched all the films with his participation. And even choice fiction was dictated by the tastes of the People's Artist, which she learned about from numerous interviews of that time. Then she could not even imagine that fate would bring them together.

After arriving in the capital of Russia, Vitalina continued the “hunt” for the celebrity - by hook or by crook she got tickets for his performances and even struck up a close friendship with the theater administrator, wanting to meet Armen Borisovich in person and talk to him - he seemed very lonely to the young woman and to no one not necessary.

Vitalina took great care of the People's Artist

As a result of these efforts, they met. Then in 2008 she was appointed to the responsible position of musical director of the institution under the direction of her idol and in 2015 she became director of the theater. All this time, according to the woman, she did not stop caring for her elderly husband - she selected his medications, gave him injections, kept order in the bachelor’s apartment and solved problems at work for her beloved husband.

In the same 2015, the persistent pianist waited for Dzhigarkhanyan’s divorce from Tatyana Vlasova and accepted a marriage proposal from her idol.

According to the woman, the elderly artist then almost disrupted the wedding ceremony, ending up in the hospital with complications from the flu. However, he decided not to give in to weakness and ran away from the hospital room, wanting to call the young woman his legal wife.

Being at such an advanced age, the director proposed marriage to a young pianist

According to Vitalina herself, she was never interested in an official relationship, this whole procedure was needed only to stop gossip and whispering behind the backs of such a strange couple - at the time of the wedding she was only 36, and Dzhigarkhanyan was well over 80 years old. The actor himself said in subsequent interviews that he himself did not understand how he decided to take such a step at such a respectable age.

The result of many years of efforts of young Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is obvious - now she is under recognizance not to leave the place, only the lazy do not speak about her problems with conscience and the law.

The divorce proceedings of the famous Armen Dzhigarkhanyan have already become the talk of the town, overshadowing events of a different nature for several months now. Meanwhile, there is no need to talk about the end of the scandalous story at this stage, since Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya again fell into the circle of events associated with her marriage and subsequent divorce. And in in this case what we're talking about is that ex-girlfriend ex-wife of Armen Borisovich decided to talk about what she was talking about Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Wikipedia will never tell. After all, here we are talking about Vitalina’s presence secret lover, to whom the woman went to Georgia.

According to Elina Mazur's statement, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya even before the start of the divorce process, she had an intimate relationship with a man named Ilya. For romantic meetings with him, the woman went to resorts in Georgia, camouflaging these trips with the need to improve her health. At the same time, Mazur puts emphasis on the fact that this man positioned himself as a very rich entrepreneur, and things were allegedly already heading towards an engagement. This same fact explains Mazur's explanation for the fact that Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest several weeks before her divorce from Dzhigarkhanyan, she tried to create all the conditions to quickly throw off the shackles of marriage.

Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest news

If you monitor the information space for Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest news, then you can find information that the secret relationship between the ex-wife of the People's Artist and her lover had already continued for quite some time long time. The same information is confirmed by Elina Mazur, who notes that after one of her trips to Georgia, Vitalina introduced her friend to her lover. Meanwhile, herself Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya, latest news which is not described in the most attractive light, completely refutes information of a similar nature, while claiming that in her life she loved the only man - Armen Borisovich.

Against the background of these statements, correspondents of our news agency note that you can love only one person, but sleep with a large number of other people. If we take into account the fact that the woman’s alleged lover was a very influential and rich man, then for Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya relationships of a sexual nature, with the aim of achieving mercantile goals, can be a very real event. And in this case, information of the order that the couple had even already scheduled the wedding day, which was supposed to take place in France, can hardly be called a fictitious fact. Although the fact that it is not possible to verify information of this level, while Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya latest has been under recognizance not to leave for a week, then this information may well seem to have been taken for granted.

What's really going on?

Correspondents of our news agency decided to check first-hand information about the rich lover of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife and tried to contact the man. However, we were never able to establish a connection with Vitalina’s supposed future husband, while we received information that he completely denies the fact of not only the relationship, but also the acquaintance with the woman. And this despite the fact that Mazur talks about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya news in the same vein that only the beginning of a high-profile trial against the woman thwarted her grandiose plans. In addition, Elina claims that she has irrefutable evidence that Vitalina carefully planned her divorce from Armen Borisovich in advance in order to get the actor’s property and money.

As he talks about Vitalina Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Wikipedia, just the other day, by court decision, a woman was deprived real estate And Money. Information of a similar nature was also confirmed by the lawyer of Armen Borisovich’s ex-wife Larisa Shirokova. The woman herself categorically rejects any accusations against her, insisting that her main desire is to restore normal relations with her ex-husband. And this despite the fact that Armen Borisovich himself does not undertake this issue no active actions. Moreover, quite recently Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya was surprised to learn that “gave” Dzhigarkhanyan an elite apartment, which again did not become a reason for Vitalina to abandon her intentions to finally resolve this protracted situation.

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See also:

  • Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Chaliapin started talking about common children

    shame on her, okay, he needs an inheritance, but he’s an old fart who’s gone completely crazy

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - General Director of the Moscow drama theater named after Dzhigarkhanyan. And also the muse of Armen Borisovich himself. Their romance became known in the fall of 2015, when on the eve of his anniversary (October 3, he turned 80 years old), Armen Dzhigarkhanyan announced his divorce from his wife Tatyana, with whom they had lived in different cities for many years. And also that he is having an affair with his 36-year-old theater colleague Vitalina.

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in Kiev. She graduated from a music school in piano, then from the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P.I. Tchaikovsky. In 2001 she moved to Moscow, where she entered the Maimonides State Classical Academy.

    Vitalina since youth I was a fan of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and went to all his performances. After moving to Moscow, she even managed to meet him and communicate. In 2002, Armen Borisovich suffered a mini-stroke. Vitalina immediately offered her help and began to help his sister take care of him. In 2008, while still a student at the Maimonides Academy, Vitalina received an offer from Dzhigarkhanyan to work as an accompanist in his theater, and then became musical director theater

    At the age of 36, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was not yet married and has no children. They also have not yet formalized their relationship with Dzhigarkhanyan. But, despite the difference of 44 years, they are happy together. And this is the main point.

  • Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: biography facts

    Unexpectedly, last year, Dzhigarkhanyan informed the people that he was divorcing his wife Tatyana, who lived and worked in America at that time. The reason for the divorce is another woman and this homewrecker is the same one - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. New wife, and part-time: muse, pianist and... general director of the theater Dzhigarkhanyan!

    The young lady is originally from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. She is 36 years old, exact date birth could not be found. I would like to note that the great artist is already over 80.

    Once, having arrived in Moscow to study, she, by the will of fate, became Dzhigarkhanyan’s nurse when he had a stroke and needed care. Apparently Vitalina courted her diligently, which is why the artist liked her.

    They live happily and even think about children....

  • On February 25, 2016, the wedding of actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya took place. He is 80 years old, she is 36. Although about Vitalin theater world I found out a little earlier, when the actor himself announced in October 2015 about his divorce from his wife Tatyana, who lived and worked in America.

    Vitalina laureate international competition in Paris, studied piano in Kyiv at a music school. She graduated from the Kyiv Conservatory, then went to Moscow and entered the State Classical Academy.

    Back in Kyiv, at the age of 16, she attended a performance with the participation of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, took an autograph, and from that moment on, she periodically looked for an occasion, a meeting with the actor. Through friends I found his phone numbers, in Moscow sometimes I even managed to meet and have lunch together. The girl is active, persistent, and when the actor fell ill, only his sister and Vitalina were nearby. After some time, Dzhigarkhanyan himself invited him to work in his theater. Now she is the director of the theater and the legal wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. They are happy.

    Vitalina has no children yet.

    bullshit, senile at 80 years old - come to your senses, he divorced his wife - old goat

    Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is a pianist and general director Theater named after Dzhigarkhanyan. She is also already the wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who recently divorced his wife and married Vitalina on February 25, 2016. Vitalina admitted that the actor has been her idol since childhood and the age difference does not bother the couple at all, because Vitalina is only 36 years old, and her current husband is already 80 years old.

    It is known that Vitalina was not previously married and has no children.

    Here are Vitalina’s words:

    Vitalina Ts Y Mbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the first surname is written with the letter Y.

    What date of birth the media are silent about, although I think that in fact it is not difficult to find out, I only know that she was born in 1977, 1978 or 1979, since she herself personally said that in 1994 she was 16 years old, This means she may be 37, 38 or 39 years old, but not as they say in the media that she is 36. Then in 1994 I saw Dzhigarkhanyan for the first time. But in the same interview he talks about a difference of as much as 44 years, so perhaps the media concluded about 36 years. And from then on I strove for him. She’s from Ukraine, sort of from Kyiv. According to inaccurate information, she was not married before her wedding to Armen and has no children.

For a year and a half, the country was happy for everyone’s favorite actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, because he managed to find his love at such an old age. The artist’s chosen one was pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Despite the huge age difference (43 years), this couple radiated happiness. Only after a while did people learn about dark side this unequal marriage. Where did this pretty blonde come from and why is she now suing the distinguished actor?


Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Vitalina Viktorovna was born on December 8, 1978 in Kyiv. Her nationality is half Ukrainian, half Jewish. Having discovered their daughter’s abilities, her parents sent her to a music school. Good results allowed her to become a laureate of a competition in Paris, where she amazed everyone with her piano playing. The girl decided to continue her studies and entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2001 young talent decides to go to Moscow. The Maimonides State Classical Academy opened its doors to the young pianist. Having graduated with flying colors educational institution, she becomes a teacher at the faculty of world musical culture. Meeting director Vladimir Yachmenev played a role decisive role in the life of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. It was he who introduced the girl to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Obsessive fan

Several years ago, very young Vitalina attended a performance with the participation of a famous actor. This was in 1994, when Armen Borisovich was still firmly on his feet and actively touring the country and neighboring countries. She was able to sneak into the dressing room and get an autograph from her idol.

In Moscow, she continued to look for meetings with Dzhigarkhanyan, trying to find out his phone number from friends. The elderly artist was flattered by the attention of the young charming girl, and from time to time he invited her to have lunch together.

The opportunity to get closer to the charismatic Armenian presented itself in 2002, when the actor found himself in a hospital bed with a mini-stroke. The only person next to him at that moment was Native sister. Vitalina quickly took matters into her own hands and began actively caring for the artist. Armen Borisovich did not ignore her care and perseverance: he invited her to work in his theater. She was considered responsible for the musical part.

A long romance

The relationship between the two creative people was not easy. Dzhigarkhanyan was married at that time, but his wife had already been living abroad for many years. His sister told reporters that it took him a long time to get used to the fact that a young attractive blonde was next to him. He constantly pushed away and then brought the fan closer to him again. This couldn't last long. In 2015, he proposed to Vitalina. By that time, she was already the director of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. The honored actor could not entrust such a responsible position to the first person he came across, so everyone around him accepted it without any complaints.


The celebration was scheduled for February 25, 2016. Shortly before this, the artist fell ill with the flu, and there was a possibility that the wedding would be postponed. But on the right day, Armen Borisovich appeared at the registry office in a strict black suit and good location spirit. Vitalina was already 36 years old at that time, but this marriage was her first. After the wedding, the young wife began talking about a possible addition to the family. She answered all questions from journalists that she did not treat her husband as a father and never forced him to formalize their relationship. They have known each other for more than 15 years and have lived together for the last five. The wedding was the logical conclusion of their long-running romance.

The actor himself was quite skeptical about the idea of ​​having a child, since he believed that at the age of 80 only a complete adventurer could become a father. Blinded by love for his young wife, he actively began to share his acquired property with his ex-wife. He managed to sue her for an apartment, which he immediately transferred to Vitalina. And a year and a half later, their lives became public knowledge.


The statement that his young wife was a thief and had deprived him of almost all his property came like a bolt from the blue. The actor accused Vitalina not only of self-interest, but also of attempted murder. The press could not ignore such accusations. Endless attempts began to get Vitalina to make any comments. The woman constantly avoided answering and declared that she loved her husband, and all his stories were just a figment of fantasy and the result of influence on him bad people.

Drastic measures

Without waiting for any explanations or justifications from his ex-lover, the actor files for divorce. This is how the love story of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Dzhigarkhanyan ended. But another epic began with scandals, trials and shocking statements. Trying to hide from public pressure, the woman goes abroad. But it remains open question, who will pay the multi-million dollar loan she took out to buy an apartment. Only close people from her circle knew where Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was now. Reporters suspected something was wrong in such a hasty escape and attributed an affair to her with a massage therapist whom she regularly visited in Tbilisi. The woman had to take a lie detector test to confirm her fidelity and non-involvement in her ex-husband’s illness. Previously, he accused her of slipping him pills that made him feel bad. To confirm this, he cites the fact that after separation from Vitalina, his health became much better.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya managed to make several loud statements during the entire time the divorce process lasted. In particular, she talked about how she was a virgin, and Armen Borisovich became the first and only man. Then she changed her mind about divorcing the actor and filed an appeal. This caused a great stir, as the woman was suspected of self-interest. She had a huge loan hanging on her, and she simply did not have the opportunity to pay it off alone. By that time, she had already lost her job and did not have a stable income.


Be that as it may, Vitalina managed to achieve her goal, the divorce was annulled. This led to new rumors and speculation. Gossip spread that all this fuss around the famous couple was arranged on purpose. The couple decided to promote themselves in such a high-profile case. But everyone who loves revelations and intrigue had to take back their words when, on January 31, 2018, the Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow decided to dissolve the marriage.

After everything we've been through famous actor health has deteriorated significantly. Scandalous programs on federal channels aired so often that he managed to watch several episodes. The accounts of Dzhigarkhanyan's ex-wife were arrested, as was her apartment. Several court cases are still ongoing. But all this worries the young woman little, since other interests have appeared in her life. Soon everyone found out where Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was now and why she stopped commenting on her divorce.

Just friends

The random photo again stirred up the public. A photograph in which Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Prokhor Chaliapin enter the registry office building raised a wave of yet another hot gossip and speculation. The smiling couple holds hands and there is no doubt that there is more than friendship between these two people.

Vitalina herself refuses to admit that they are in love relationships, states that they had other matters at the registry office. They did not submit any application. But, knowing that Prokhor has tender feelings for women who are much older than him, many immediately suspected something was wrong. Fans young singer are watching the development of this story with interest and hope that this time the guy will not stay with broken trough. Who knows, maybe soon everyone will see photographs of Prokhor Chaliapin and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in wedding dresses?

There has been a sensational twist in the most talked about story of recent months. Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is now under recognizance not to leave the place, held a press conference and announced that she was suing Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Thus, she turns from an accused to a victim. On February 13, participants in this enormous scandal came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program.

The former mother-in-law of the People's Artist Lidiya Ivanovna specially appeared on a talk show to refute the slanderous speculations of Elina Mazur. Mazur once represented Vitalina’s interests and communicated closely with her family. Now she claims that during confidential conversations Lidia Ivanovna shared with her family secrets regarding Vitalina’s mental health.

Lidia Ivanovna skillfully changed the topic and diverted the conversation away from her daughter’s mental state. She admitted that she was never embarrassed by the colossal age difference between Vitalina and her eminent husband. Creative people They have the right to their whims. But the former mother-in-law never forgave Dzhigarkhanyan for the fact that he did not arrange a formal banquet on the occasion of the wedding. “What a wedding! Just marriage registration. Well, is this a wedding?!” – she said in her hearts.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya answered pointed questions from program participants with an ironic smile. She clarified that she has not yet filed a lawsuit, but a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity is already ready. Vitalina emphasized that she has always been independent creative personality, that’s why she didn’t take her husband’s last name. Ex-wife accused lawyer Armen Borisovich of manipulating the artist and misleading him.

It must be said that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is deeply depressed and completely emotionally exhausted. Vasily Livanov, who has been friends with Armen Borisovich for many years, confirms his difficult moral state. IN Lately Dzhigarkhanyan limited communication with people, including his closest friends. In a fit of anger National artist I even wished death on both of them ex-wives, Vlasova and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

“I called Armen to somehow support him. And I was simply shocked, because Armen - and we have known each other for many, many years, and he is actually not a foul-mouthed person, but a very self-possessed person - simply shouted, which was not typical for him: “All these women, let them all die...” And swore at me, not allowing me to get a word in. And I realized that there was trouble with him. The person is simply in a morally sick state,” Livanov told reporters from the Slovo newspaper.