Does the router reduce the Internet speed? Low Internet speed over Wi-Fi - what is the reason and what to do

Recently, one of my good friends decided to change his WiFi router to a new one. The old one didn’t suit him, or rather he wasn’t happy with the speed of the wireless network. An expensive ASUS router was purchased. But imagine the owner’s surprise when it turned out that the new router was also cutting WiFi speed. The first reaction is that the device is faulty! The store agreed to the meeting and replaced the device without talking. But on the next copy the picture was completely repeated. After that, a man came to me.
Using his example, I will show you why the actual speed of the WiFi network is lower than stated and how you can achieve maximum performance from your Wi-Fi.

Before moving on to active manipulations with device parameters, you should understand what the theoretical and real data transfer speed over a wireless network is. This will help you look at things realistically and not chase the “white unicorn” in search of hurricane speeds.

When buying a modern access point or router, the user reads that the box says Wireless N150 or N300, which means, respectively, a theoretically achievable connection speed of 150 or 300 Megabits/sec. It will also be displayed in the connection information when connecting a computer.

But, unfortunately, you will not achieve such indicators. IN best case scenario You will be able to achieve at least half. You just need to understand this and get used to it. Values ​​of 150 and 300 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz range were achieved under ideal laboratory conditions. In reality, it is necessary to take into account a bunch of environmental factors that negatively affect the transmission of the radio signal. Really high speeds can only be achieved using equipment in a different frequency range - 5 GHz, where the theoretical limit already reaches 7 Gbit/s. But this will require replacing both the router itself and the network adapters on computers and laptops. And these are still considerable financial costs.
The recommendations below will allow you to make the most of your router's potential. For example, I will take the most common model today - D-Link DIR-300. If you have a different device, just do it by analogy.

WiFi Standards Used

In order to get the highest possible speed, you must use the appropriate wireless communication standard. In the usual range today, 2.4 GHz is the standard 802.11N.

We go to the Basic WiFi settings, find the “Wireless mode” item and force this mode in it.

Attention! Here we must take into account that the old and much slower 802.11G will not be used, which means that those devices that used it will no longer see the network!

Radio channel and its width

The second important parameter that has significant influence to achieve maximum performance - a radio channel.

Firstly, if you have many access points in your neighborhood (6 or more), then they can simultaneously use either the same or intersecting channels. This means that they will interfere with each other. You will think that it is the router that is cutting down the WiFi speed, but in fact the culprit will be interference from the “neighbors”. By the way, they will also suffer from the same problem. To avoid this, you need to find the “Channel” item in the settings and select the least loaded one there. On the latest firmware for D-Link routers, this is very conveniently implemented:

The most clogged channels are marked in red, the free ones in green. Everything is simple and clear. Other models may not have such a built-in analyzer. Then you will need to install the inSSIDer program on your computer and scan the range with it.

Secondly, the maximum speed indicators of a wireless network directly depend on the channel width used:

By default it is set to 20MHz. This is no longer enough and the value needs to be changed to 40MHz.

Enable WiFi Multimedia technology

Very often, wireless devices cannot reach speeds above 54 Mb/s until WMM mode is enabled on the router. The point here is that the WiFi Multimedia function is a special automated mechanism for ensuring Quality of Service QoS Quality of Service.

In the menu of the D-Link DIR-300 D1 router, this function is displayed in a separate section. On other models, this checkbox is usually located in the additional parameters.

P.S.: In conclusion of the article, I would like to remind you of the need to update the drivers of the wireless adapter, as well as the firmware of the router or access point. In my memory, there were a couple of cases when it turned out that the router was slowing down Wi-Fi speed due to the fact that it was using old firmware. Flashing to the most latest version in this case it will immediately solve the problem.

Hello! As you probably already understood from the previous article about, I got wireless Internet. And today, I want to tell you whether the Internet connection speed will drop after you install a Wi-Fi router.

It is clear that if you download something on your computer, which is connected to the router via cable, and also download via Wi-Fi, the speed will be divided. But the very fact of connecting to the Internet through a router will not change anything.

Of course, I had an interesting coincidence that made me want to throw my Wi-Fi router out the window, but now everything seems to have settled down, that’s how it was.

I haven’t used my Internet from Kyivstar Home for two months, I came here and immediately installed a Wi-Fi router, connected everything, installed it, I did it all just before the evening, then I go online and start actively opening pages on the computer, and they load through one and not very quickly. My tariff is not very fast, up to 4 MB, but still. Wi-Fi on the phone didn’t work very well either.

Well, let’s blame the router, first I tormented it with the settings, then I picked up pliers and went to crimp the connectors again. I just didn’t use the network cable that came with the router, I needed more, so I crimped my own piece of cable, bigger. This means that I changed all the connectors, checked everything, connected it, and it was the same. It’s almost impossible to use the Internet; pages load through one typing error. “The remote server could not be found”, and very slowly.

So, I think it needs to be tested. I brought my laptop, well, to rule out that the problem was with my computer. I connected it through the router, still the same. I connected the network cable directly, but without a router it loads just as poorly.

Well, everything is clear now, it’s not about the router or the computer, but about the Internet itself from Kyivstar. We solve the problem, I call 460 and tell the operator that so and so, almost nothing is loaded, to which he replies that the equipment to which I am connected actually has problems, which the company’s specialists are already solving, and in two days everything will be fine if no, then call again.

I also thought then, yeah, they’ll decide, I’ll have to change the provider. But to my surprise, everything is working well today, well done, they fixed everything, and I didn’t even think about it.

I wrote about whether the presence of a Wi-Fi router affects the speed of the Internet connection, but it doesn’t affect it at all (at least the TP-Link TL-WR841N router), I didn’t notice anything by eye. Here are more screenshots from the service, where you can. I checked it on a computer connected to the router via a network cable and from the phone via Wi-Fi.

As you can see, everything is stable, both on the computer and on the phone via Wi-Fi connection. and I get my 4 MB declared by the provider in full. So everything is fine, install Wi-Fi in your home, it’s very convenient. I have another question: do I need to turn off my Wi-Fi router at night? I googled a little and came to my own conclusions. Routers are designed to be on all the time. But in order to prevent it from emitting its “harmful” waves all night, I turn it off and advise you. Yes, and try to place it away from your head, there is plenty of all sorts of radiation, and then there’s Wi-Fi. By the way, I wrote about the harmfulness of Wi-Fi, you can read it. Good luck!

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Updated: February 12, 2014 by: admin

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet; many of us spend 24 hours on the World Wide Web and do not regret it. Most users have already adapted to the new times and use Internet access via a Wi-Fi network so as not to clutter the apartment with wires.

I agree, this is very convenient, which is why today I will talk about a question that has visited each of you at least several times, namely, how to increase the speed of a wi-fi router and the Internet?


So, friends, if you continued reading my article, then you are still interested in new knowledge that you can use to improve the signal of your routers and, accordingly, the quality of the Internet connection in general. You will no longer have to get angry when the speed is very low, you will just have to sit down for a minute and figure out what caused the obstacle. And most likely, after studying this article, you will easily find the cause and be able to eliminate it yourself.

Now let's get down to business. Look at the contents of the article, it indicates the key points that I plan to tell you, choose the section that interests you and read, and if you want to understand the “whole picture” as a whole, then be sure to read everything in order. In the end I will make you happy interesting video, which will remind or help consolidate the acquired knowledge.

I hope the article will be productive and you will find it interesting, do not forget to write your comment after studying, otherwise I simply won’t know if you were interested or if this is garbage information. Don’t be lazy to spend a minute of your time, this is very important to me.

Interference from towers, large buildings or equipment

First of all, you need to know that Wi-Fi is a network that transmits data via radio waves. We won’t return to this again, we’ll just remember it for general perception. Now remember your lessons from school, what do telecommunication towers use? That's right, also with the help of various radio waves, and if the towers are located close enough, they will interfere with any other equipment operating on the same principle. Accordingly, a good interference will be created in the operation of your router, which will reduce the speed of Internet access.

Have you already started arguing? Like, where will I put the tower? Am I going to take it down? Of course not, but you can move your router as far as possible from the object that bothers you. Of course, this is easy to say, but in reality it is much more difficult. Because for the right choice places you need to measure manually where and how crowded the air is. The task becomes easier when you know that you need to find a place where there is the least amount of interference for your router.

To do this, you can install the Wifi Analyzer application on your phone; it is completely free and accurately shows how crowded the airwaves are in a particular place. We download, launch, walk around the apartment with the phone and look. Where there is the least interference, it is better to install your router. Here are examples from the interface of the ether analyzer program:

Before moving on to the next section, remember that in addition to towers, there may be large buildings near you in which huge amount equipment, but creates an electromagnetic field and clogs radio frequencies. It is especially problematic when banks are located next to you, where the load is usually several times greater and naturally creates unnecessary problems, but we won’t be able to remove the bank either, so, as I wrote above, select using the application best place in the apartment.

Channel load or neighbors also love the Internet

In this section special attention users who live in apartment buildings, where there are many neighbors and everything is so close that even at night you can hear each other by chance. But now a little bit about that. The essence of the problem is that all the apartments are close and there are quite a lot of them, almost all the neighbors have the Internet and they, like you, use Wi-Fi routers. Well, that’s right, you can’t forbid living beautifully, so everyone is trying to make themselves as comfortable as possible.

I try to explain briefly, but clearly, the more routers around, the worse your router works and, accordingly, the Internet speed drops. Going to argue with your neighbors is clearly not a way out of the problem, they have no less rights than we do, so we supplement our knowledge with new information.

All routers work on specific channels, on at the moment there are 14 of them. The beauty of this knowledge is that most users don't even realize that there are 14 different data lines. You can safely turn on the Wifi Analyzer app on your phone and see what channels your neighbor's routers are running on.

Usually in the router settings there is a function for automatic channel selection, and as practice shows, with this setting, routers occupy about the first 5 channels and only when they are overloaded do the routers move on.

Here the thought should come to your mind, why don’t I go into the router settings right now and select, for example, the 10th or 12th channel, on which there are most likely almost no working devices and there your router will be able to work at full capacity, bringing you only joy and comfort.

The question arises, how to change the channel in the router settings? You can easily watch it on YouTube, or write in the comments. Vanek, you should write an article about how to correctly change the channel and do analysis. If there are at least 15-20 people with this question, I will write detailed review on this topic.

And now we know that our neighbors – pests – will not be able to stop us from enjoying fast Internet if we change the communication channel. Now we boldly move on.

The closer, the better. How much is this in total?

Usually at this stage a “sea” of squeals, shouts and statements from schoolchildren begins, with the air of already established professors in given direction. It’s even scary to express your opinion, they’ll kill you. But there is nowhere to go, remember the opinion of an ordinary guy who has been repairing computers for only half of his life.

At ideal conditions routers can transmit data over a distance of up to 300 meters, provided that it is a field in which there is no interference, just a field and that’s it).

If you are in a room, a huge warehouse without walls and equipment that can create radiation, then the distance can be about 80 - 100 meters.

To get a little closer to reality, let’s add some equipment to this warehouse that can clog the airwaves and we’ll get a distance of no more than 60 meters.

And now we return to reality, our apartment is among dozens of others, there are equipment all around, walls, forbid concrete partitions or several walls, we get a stable signal of only 7 - 10 meters. As soon as you go a little further, the speed immediately decreases several times.

Here, of course, you need a little technical knowledge for correct analysis, but I tried to convey to you more or less real numbers. And let’s immediately take note that routers have antennas, the more of them, the better the signal level. There are exceptions, but not many. We’ll just grab a router with a lot of antennas, yes, we’ll be grabbers.

Now let’s remember a simple rule: the closer the router is to our computer, the more stable and faster the Internet connection speed will be. I understand that there are already many parameters that need to be taken into account when choosing the location of the router. But you need to come to terms with this and do it right once, find a place where the airwaves are not clogged, a free channel and as close as possible to the computer.

I hope there is no need to remind you that if you simultaneously use a wi-fi network with several devices, for example: a phone, a TV, a laptop and a tablet. Then the Internet speed will drop due to the load and will drop very significantly. Everyone seems to know this, but it’s crazy how often people forget about it.

Types of wi-fi connection or router - dead.

Next, it’s important to talk about boring stuff, but no less important information, there are several different protocols wi-fi networks. You may ask, why do we need to know this? And knowing this is important, because each protocol has its own maximum speed.

For example, the distribution speed of your access point is 150 Mbit/s, and the module in a laptop can operate at a maximum of 60 Mbit/s, and for several days you have been looking for the reason why it is available high speed, and in a laptop it’s half as much. This may not be useful to you, but you must know about it, and below I provide you with technical data on popular Wi-Fi network protocols.

802.11b- This is the slowest mode. Up to 11 Mbit/s.

802.11g- maximum data transfer speed 54 Mbit/s

802.11n- new and high-speed mode. Up to 600 Mbit/s

That’s why choose a router that can provide the speed you need, and not a dead guy that can’t do anything. Get ready to spend at least one and a half thousand rubles on a router - this is the bare minimum; below that are usually very weak models.

Tariff plan and why viruses are annoying.

Before closing the topic of speeding up routers, let's discuss a few more very compelling arguments in this area.

Here I will say it more simply, until you have a correct understanding of speed, you shouldn’t choose, you can just listen and that’s it. Do you want to decide for yourself? Then go to the article I mentioned above and gain new knowledge so that you are not left in the cold. In the meantime, please note that normal speed will be approximately 70 Mbit/sec.

Choosing the right tariff plan is very important, because you need to take into account how many devices will be connected to the Wi-Fi network at the same time, because you will divide the total speed between all devices and it is not a fact that in this situation everything will suit you.

Now it’s a trifle, but it’s also useful to know what more connections cable, the worse the speed. Often installers come to lay the cable and say: you have an old cable left here from another provider, now we’ll just quickly build it up and run it where you need it. The answer is always almost the same, okay, do it, you know better, in the end they build up a piece of cable, and you lose Internet speed. Therefore, always ask to lay a separate, integral cable, without any unnecessary connections.

I often hear that viruses have filled the computer and infected the Internet, now nothing works and everything is bad. It is important to understand here that, as a rule, viruses are not intended to harm your Internet - this is just their side effect. The virus performs a certain algorithm of actions, collects the necessary data and sends it to right time, V right place. However, the volume of this data can be very large. That is, the virus does not infect the Internet, but simply downloads or uploads large number information, so it seems to us that the Internet speed has decreased significantly.

I’ll wrap this up, and you can read my article, where I said that Wi-Fi is not the Internet. Why are they often confused? I almost forgot, be sure to watch the video review of the entire topic done - this will once again put everything in order in your head.

Watch a video on how to increase the speed of a wi-fi router and the Internet?

I look forward to your comments on this article. Express your opinion and share your experience. Help each other. I'll go get some coffee for now, otherwise I'm tired of hitting the keyboard keys)))

There's nothing worse for modern man than slow internet. A bad connection kills nerve cells, interferes with the normal operation of the PC and surfing the Internet. Internet problems are often caused by the router. It may be installed incorrectly, configured or broken. Luckily, there are ways to find and fix the problem causing slow internet speeds.

Reasons for low Internet speed over Wi-Fi

A noticeable decrease in connection speed occurs due to one or more reasons:

  • The router is located too far from the computer, the signal weakens;
  • Wi-Fi router has low bandwidth;
  • Several devices are connected to Wi-Fi at once and simultaneously use traffic;
  • The router settings are lost.

You can detect a low connection speed to the network both with the help of special services and by personal feelings.

How to measure speed correctly

Several high-quality and free services work to measure the current Internet connection speed:

For the result to be reliable, you must disable all programs and browser tabs that take away traffic. Typical examples such programs: torrents, client network games, download and download managers.

On the PC, only the browser and the speed measurement tab should be open. In other cases, the result is considered invalid.

Methods to increase Internet speed

Depending on the root cause of the slow speed, various measures should be taken to correct the problem.

Correct location of the router

Signal improvement is directly related to the location of the device. Most owners try to put the router away, because the plastic box cannot be called beautiful. In fact, the lower and further away the router is located, the worse the signal will be.

The ideal location is on a hill, as close to the center of the room as possible.

Using a repeater

Repeaters are devices that allow you to extend the router signal over a greater distance. If the room is large and the device’s signal does not travel far enough, installing a repeater will correct the situation. It is recommended to install it according to the same principles as the router.

Updating Router and Adapter Drivers

Low speed or network interruptions may be the result of outdated/inappropriate drivers. This problem is fixed within a couple of minutes:

Updating the router firmware

Changing the firmware on a router is a dangerous, but useful procedure. The native firmware is written on the bottom of the device. The inscription “Ver. 1.1", numbers may be different.

To update the firmware, you need to connect the PC and router with a cable, this is mandatory. In addition, the firmware version must match the current one, i.e. the search must be carried out from 1.1. and higher.

After connecting the device to the PC, you need to go to the router manufacturer’s website, select the model and download the firmware for it. After downloading, the file runs, the firmware is installed just like any other program.

Changing the Wi-Fi network channel

The procedure is carried out in the router settings interface. For different models appearance interface may differ. To enter the settings interface, you need to:

  1. Launch browser;
  2. Enter or in the address bar, depending on the manufacturer;
  3. Enter the device settings section;
  4. Change channel to another.

Changing the channel width

The setup is carried out in the same router management interface. Initially, devices are set to automatic installation, but the user can change this value.

It is better to increase the channel by the average value. Most routers have the following settings:

  • 20 MHz – standard width;
  • 20 MHz and above – extension;
  • 40 MHz and below – expansion with a smooth transition to the maximum;
  • 40 MHz – maximum width.

Changing the Wi-Fi network operating mode

Once again, the user needs to go to the router configuration interface. The operating mode can be changed in the wireless network settings section.

The appearance of the interface varies depending on the model and manufacturer. The modes are assigned the generally accepted markings:

  • b – mode with the slowest operation, transmission speed up to 11 Mbit/s;
  • g – operating mode with average speed transmission 54 Mbit/s;
  • n – maximum transmission speed 600 Mbit/s.

Changing the mode on the router is the best way to speed up the Internet on mobile devices. When installing, it is recommended to select “mixed” modes; the device will automatically select the most optimal one.

Changing the network standard to 802.11N

In Russia, this standard is practically not supported by devices, but it increases the connection speed by 4 times compared to conventional router settings.

You can set the network standard to 802.11N by changing the router firmware to custom. This method is recommended only for experienced users.

Even if the router supports the 802.11N standard, there is a possibility that the computer or laptop simply will not be able to connect to the Internet. The 802.11N standard is characterized by more stable operation, increased signal strength, and high operating speed. To comfortably use this standard, it is recommended to purchase devices that support this technology.

Change of security standard

A security standard or type of encryption is what protects the router from third-party connections. In theory, changing the security standard can improve connection speeds, but this method does not provide guarantees.

Encryption settings are also carried out in the router management interface. Routers support 2 types of encryption, TKIP and AES. It is recommended to choose based on the characteristics of safety standards:

  • TKIP is a type of encryption that was actively used on older routers. This safety standard is now considered obsolete. It imposes serious restrictions on the data transfer speed.
  • AES is a more modern security standard that allows for high network speeds. AES is compatible with the 802.11N standard.

If the router supports simultaneous operation of encryption standards, just create a new connection to the wireless network on your PC and specify AES in the settings.

In cases where the router only works on TKIP, but supports AES, the encryption type is changed in the web interface.

Replacing the router

Like any technology, routers perform worse over time. There is a possibility that a low-quality model was originally purchased. Network problems caused by the router will disappear after replacing the device. This method cannot be called budgetary.

The method allows you to update the device settings, reset any errors or overloads that have occurred. If problems with the network are noticed, rebooting the router is a temporary solution.

With the introduction of technology wireless internet There is no longer a need to connect a bunch of wires to your devices to provide access to the network. A standard wired connection needs to be provided only for a router - a device that distributes IP addresses to client gadgets and covers Wi-Fi in a nearby, small area. However, sometimes it may turn out that even on a modern router the Wi-Fi connection is too slow, web pages load “monstrously” slowly, you have to wait several minutes for this or that site to open, and even when you are in the immediate The situation is no better if you are close to the distribution router. If you connect to a hotspot on the street or in a cafe, nothing can be done about it, since you do not have access to a Wi-Fi distribution device. If you set up a network at home, you can probably do something about this problem. Today we will tell you how to increase Wi-Fi speed when organizing a network in an apartment, if current situation you are not satisfied with things regarding Internet access speed, and we will offer several ways to solve the problem.

What explains the slow connection speed?

Regarding the reasons for low connection, there may be several of them:

— first of all, the low quality of the equipment used. If your router is more than 2-3 years old, most likely maximum speed it cannot guarantee you access to the Internet. As you know, new devices meet completely different speed standards, and your 10 Mbit/s is unlikely to satisfy anyone today. To find out technical specifications your router, refer to the device documentation available on the Internet on the official website of the manufacturer. The number of transmitting antennas that the router is equipped with is also important. For high-quality communication there must be at least 2 of them, and this will ensure greater range signal coverage;

— low signal transmission range. The transmission range of traffic has the same relationship to speed as the first point. The closer you are to the access point, the faster the speed will be, and vice versa. Buying a modern router model can also solve this problem in your favor;

- cheap tariff plan. This point is only important if you live away from major cities, and your ISP is unable to provide high network throughput. If your speed is at least 50 Mbit/s, then you don’t have to worry too much about this parameter;

— excessive loading of the operating system by third-party applications and penetration of malicious code. If your OS is overloaded when exchanging traffic with the server, this can be explained by excessive clutter of the system with third-party software. Remove programs you don't need through the application manager. One more probable cause- this is a worm or botnet hitting your hard drive, completely devouring your traffic. IN in this case you have to take care of cleaning your PC from viruses by using one of the appropriate cleaning products (Avast or Dr.Web CureIt);

- damaged equipment. If the router accidentally falls on the floor or hard surface, the device may be damaged and will have to be taken in for repairs. Damage to the distributing antenna is especially critical, since this type of breakdown has a direct impact on the quality of the transmitting signal;

- outdated firmware. Firmware is of no small importance in ensuring high speed Wi-Fi connections. Over time, developers fix major system errors and even completely change the firmware shell. So, if you haven’t updated, it’s time to think about it: the procedure is very simple and does not require any special skills.

How to increase the speed of Wi-Fi connection?

If you are rearranging your apartment, think about the range of the signal from the router. Try to install the device as close to the center of the apartment as possible so that the signal is distributed evenly to all rooms. It is worth taking into account the number of transmitting antennas on the gadget. If the router has only one antenna, high quality You can achieve communication this way, after which you will need to buy a new router. It is also important to take into account the thickness of the walls.

The next rather significant nuance is to indicate the appropriate frequency of the router signal. As usual, all devices distributing a Wi-Fi signal operate on the same frequency, and in apartment buildings they simply interrupt each other’s signal. Under such circumstances, it is worth specifying the actual transmission channel number in the router settings, taking into account the network load. By default, all routers have the “Auto” parameter set.

How to increase Wi-Fi speed by specifying the actual channel number in the settings?

Log in by entering the appropriate host IP address of the router, and specifying the login and password on the pop-up form to enter the settings menu. In this manual, I will use the ASUS router control panel as an example; in your device, the sequence of actions may be slightly different.

Let's go to the settings menu in the "Wireless Network" section.

In the active category you can see the “Channel” option. Set one of the values ​​of this key so that the signal does not constantly switch from one channel to another, as was the case when the “Auto” value was set.

If you have a router from D-Link, TP-Link, or any other brand, you may have to wander through the settings a little to find the option to configure the communication channel here.

How to increase the speed of Wi-Fi connection by changing other parameters of the router?

To increase wireless throughput, you need to switch your network settings to the 802.11N standard. This is the fastest standard in the 2.4 MHz band, supported by all devices released since 2010 and later. Thus, in the basic parameters of the Wi-Fi connection, we force the N-mode to be set (or select the standard in the field: 802.11N).

Another important tip is to use the WPA2-PSK security standard with AES encryption. The WPA2 algorithm is the most modern and secure; it is available by default in all new routers. However, if you doubt that you are using this particular standard, it is better to check everything yourself. To do this, go to the wireless network security settings and set the encryption method to WPA2, and the algorithm to AES.

It is also worth enabling the WiFi Multimedia mode (or WMM, as it is called in the settings). This option is required if you want to get speeds above 54 Mbit/s. According to the QoS quality of service specification, setting this mode is also a prerequisite. You can set this mode in the advanced wireless network settings.

In addition to this, you need to activate this mode in the network adapter settings. Right-click on the network connection in the taskbar and select the “Network and Sharing Center” option from the menu.

A list of network adapters installed on your laptop/computer will appear. Select the adapter for Wi-Fi connection from the list, right-click on it and select the “Properties” option from the context list.

After this, already on the settings form, go to the “Advanced” tab, find the “WMM” option in the list of properties and set the value to “Enabled”.

The last tip related to setting up a router involves using a channel width of 20 MHz. By default, the width is differentiated, i.e. varies between 20 and 40 MHz. The 40 MHz broadband option is not very suitable for apartment buildings, since the signal there is not very strong and stable. So check the 20 MHz option and enjoy the result.

How to increase the speed of your Wi-Fi connection by playing with your computer settings?

If, after all the manipulations with the router, you find that the connection speed has not changed at all, perhaps the reason for the low connection is in the computer, and not in the router. Let's look at the system load in the OS settings. To do this, go to the task manager using the combination Ctrl+Alt+Del. Let's use the second tab called "Performance".

If the diagram shows that the network is overloaded, and you are not currently downloading anything and are not using the Internet, go to the first tab containing a list of services running in the background, called “Processes” and disable here those programs that you do not currently need .

Another useful advice, how to increase Wi-Fi speed on a laptop - disable unused applications from startup. To do this, use the Win+R combination, and in the mini-window that appears, enter the “msconfig” parameter. Go to the “Startup” tab, after which the list you need will open.

If this method does not work, we can recommend updating the W-Fi adapter drivers to the latest version. You can find the required package on the website of the laptop manufacturer, or through driver packs such as DriverPackSolution (just do not select the automatic mode, since in addition to the drivers, a bunch of browsers and other applications will be installed. Work through the expert mode).

In conclusion, we would like to suggest that you adjust the routing configuration on your PC. This can be done without any special effort and without any harm to the system. To reset the settings, run cmd mode as administrator. To do this, right-click on the start button and select the corresponding element in the context menu.

Next, in the prompt that appears, enter the request “route -f”. Don't be alarmed if your web connection goes down briefly. After that, enter the key query “ipconfig /renew” and press Enter again. If the above commands did not help, instead of the second specified key, use the “netsh winsock reset catalog” command.


If you want to know how to increase the speed of your Wi-Fi connection, we hope that our article will help you achieve success in your task. Otherwise, it's time to think about buying a new router, with at least two antennas and higher speed characteristics. Thanks to support for new communication and data transfer standards, the new device can increase Wi-Fi speed by at least 2 times. To know this for sure, you need to study the technical parameters of the old and new devices and compare them.