Astrological interpretation of village runes download. Astrological interpretation of runes

"ASTROLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF RUNES". Author Konstantin Selchonok is a pediatrician, astrologer and runologist. Read, argue, solve your questions! Enjoy your reading and reflection! Ingvar El Voron.
Preface What is this book about?
As a legacy from the most ancient northern civilizations, we received a precious treasure of meanings, edifications and orientations, symbolically represented by mysterious runic writings. Only superficially thinking people consider the runic series to be an archaism, which has by now completely lost its significance as a magical and mantic tool. Runic archetypes are immortal, just as elementary particles and DNA molecules are immortal. The incomprehensible value of Runes as the heritage of our ancestors lies in the fact that in modern conditions The runes contain all possible meanings relevant to the current planetary civilization. Even after changing my previous value, in some deep, supramundane sense, the Runes remained the same. For the Russian-speaking reader, this book will be especially interesting because what is presented in it modern interpretation runic series is related to today's mentality of the Slavs. Since ancient times, Runes have been genetically associated with the Nordic civilizations of the Celts, Germans and Scandinavians. The interpretation presented in this monograph symbolic meanings The rune is characteristic specifically of the last representatives of the Nordic metaculture and corresponds to the characteristics of the psycho-ethnic style inherent in the Eastern and Northern Slavs. In ancient times, a collision with the energy of one or another Rune was directly associated with the intervention of a specific representative of the pantheon of Gods. All those who directly encounter runic practice, on own experience They are convinced that to this day Runes help strengthen the connections between heaven and earth, helping a person to consult with heaven. How is this book different from others?

In your natal chart, Uranus's house position is more important than its position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto, it is a slow planet. Many people born during the same period have Uranus in the same sign. The sign positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have a collective meaning. They do not affect your personality unless they are involved in many aspects or when they highlight a personal point of yours. natal chart, for example, your ruler of the Ascendant, an angular planet, i.e. a planet near the Ascendant, Midhaven, Nadir or descendant. In such cases the activity of the slow planet is very emphasized.

Selchenok Konstantin Vladimirovich (August 20, 1960, Minsk − August 16, 2009) is a modern Belarusian astrologer.

Professor, full member of the International Academy Information technologies; Doctor of Science in Information Technology (Psychology); leading researcher at the Institute of Applied Psychology, MAIT.

Follower of the concepts of Absalom the Underwater. Lived and worked in Minsk. Areas of interest: astrology, psychology, healing. Head of the Faculty of Psychological Counseling at Aquari University, member of ISAR (since 1995). Author of about 50 books on psychology and esotericism.

Uranus in Virgo makes you nervous to the point of doubt. Indeed, yours mental activity is intense, and in such huge quantities Questions arise that make you overwhelmed and worried. But your ingenuity is often remarkable, especially in the scientific field. If Uranus is part of the planetary dominants of your natal chart, then in astrology you are considered a Uranian: personal values ​​prevail. Inner beliefs fuel an inflexible will and a desire to attract attention to yourself and to follow your beliefs. This planet encourages you to behave decisively, put forward your own truth and begin your personal revolution.

Higher medical education (pediatrics), Minsk. He worked as a local doctor. He created and managed the company "Aquariuniversity".

Research projects within the framework of the International Academy of Information Technologies (IAIT): “Axiological safety and methods of ensuring it” (2000), “System of psychological support for the effectiveness of health-improving activities” (2000).

More than other people, you are willing to maintain a certain degree of autonomy in all circumstances, and you often exhibit an individualistic nature. To achieve your ideal of freedom and independence, you can act like a despot when trying to persuade and impose your views, whether smoothly or decisively. Regardless of the flexibility of your approach, some situations also require absolute firmness such as an uncompromising, frank and straightforward attitude. People may criticize you for your intransigence and say that you are a hardliner.

Area of ​​scientific and practical interests: computer software for intensive training in mental self-regulation; hardware-instrumental technologies of subliminal autosuggestive self-interaction; psychotechnological means of protection from destructive information influence and psycho-ecological pressure; design of psychocultural educational programs.

Supporters' opinions don't matter! More than anyone else, you know how to use your willpower and focus your energy on a specific goal, relentlessly, no matter what the consequences. In the chapter of qualities, let me talk about a certain sense of responsibility, an innovative mind open to techniques and modern ideas, and a natural self-discipline that overcomes many obstacles.

Therefore, people are advised to avoid you in the corner. Neptune represents escapism, impressionability, daydreaming, delirium, carelessness, deception or intuition, dishonesty or inspiration, telepathy. Water is its element, it is moist, it rules Pisces, it is exalted in Cancer, although some authors say it is Leo, and by analogy with the autonomic system.

Books (29)

Non-oppressive pedagogy

We will look at the sources that feed people’s false ideas about the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, and abilities. Let's try to find out what is connected with the incorrect perception of the practice of education and training as a harsh, violent procedure that exists in society. Let's explore the roots of this problem.

He represents dreamers, mediums, magicians, dealers in illusion, drug addicts. Temperament: rather lymphatic. Characteristics: Emotional, inactive, primary or secondary; This is a sentimental and sometimes amorphous type. The planet Neptune symbolizes extreme receptivity, strong emotional acuity, impressionability and inspiration; it is the planet of mediums, mystics and religious faith. IN astrological chart it indicates blurring, uncertainty, understanding environment through emotions and the lack of clear and defined limits and structures.

Let's delve quite seriously into why all this is happening, and most importantly, what to do with all this. How, first, to change at least your own being, your worldview and personal relationships. And if we want to engage in self-education, then this is also pedagogy in a certain sense.

Therefore, it makes sense to become familiar with the non-repressive principles of non-violence pedagogy and, if possible, to become deeply imbued with them.

In your natal chart, Neptune's house position is more important than its position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, it is a slow planet. Many people born during the same period have Neptune in the same sign. Neptune in Scorpio enhances your emotions and adds more emotion to your sexuality. If Neptune is part of the planetary dominants of your natal chart, in astrology you are considered a Neptunian: your intuition is very developed. You enjoy mastering the art of letting go, and you allow the natural unfolding of events to build your world.

Psychological support for health-improving activities

This project summarizes the cycle of theoretical research and practical developments carried out by the author in 1988-2000. Their content and results are reflected in 16 published monographic works and 19 anthologies (see list of publications on the research topic).

You follow your inspirations, for better or for worse. Sometimes you show an extraordinary gift of clairvoyance. It seems you can read your subconscious like a book and you will track subtle underlying mechanisms, deficiencies or overt dysfunctions. This innate intuition may explain the blows that are sometimes attributed to Neptunian. However, you can also fall victim to illusions and misleading intuitions; you are an idealist and you allow your deepest aspirations to override the realities of the moment.

Then you go in search of some quixotic goal, living like Don Quixote, who relentlessly pursues an impossible dream. You have a great talent for psychology and mysteries. human soul. Because you instinctively perceive people's intentions and motivations, when you swim in the complexity of human nature, you feel in your element. The subtlety of your insight is the source of both special affections and irrevocable refusals. What is the danger of being so dominant? If this is not offset by other influences in your natal chart, you may not have an iron will.

The developed methods were tested at the Faculty Psychological Consulting Aquarium University. They were introduced into the practice of a number of public associations, medical and preventive institutions and sports and recreation centers in the cities. Anyksciai, Vilnius, Gomel, Kaunas, Minsk, Mogilev, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tolyatti and Trakai.

Interpretation of the symbolic degree of Scorpio 18°

Your trump card is your instinct, which can develop to the extent that it becomes clairvoyance. People gathered around the buffet, offering a wide selection of pleasant foods and drinks. On the corner of the table are a stylus and a riding horse. A paradoxical character, at the same time combative and passive, friendly and grumpy, brave and cautious. The effort made to achieve success is to protect powerful people to whom he is loyal. This degree may also indicate strong problems with appetite and excess weight.

Ancient medicine of the future

Everyone knows the phrase attributed to many thinkers: “There is nothing more practical than a good theory.” The statement would seem to be more than trivial, but few people seriously think about its essence, much less effectively and consciously apply it when organizing their own activities.

Pluto Aspects Uranian Union Pluto's Orb 0° 15 Venus Sextile Pluto's Orbit 1° 24 Saturn opposite Pluto's Orb -4° 40 Neptune sextile Pluto's Orbit 1° 23. Pluto represents deep transformations, mutations and eliminations, sexuality and magnetism, power and mystery, destruction for the purpose of regeneration, a phoenix rising from the ashes. Its element is undefined; combustion, it rules Scorpio, is exalted in Pisces and is analogous to the genitals and excretion.

He represents dictators, sadistic people, cruel characters, instinctive and powerful, but also mysterious with hidden strengths. The planet Pluto symbolizes deep disruptions and upheavals, dominance and sexual instincts and the inner strength we have within ourselves. Pluto is destroyed in order to rebuild, and it provokes painful crises that are necessary in metamorphosis. Pluto is our brutal force of our deepest instincts. This hidden and unconscious violence can explode within us with incredible intensity before being projected into our actions; the planet itself is not negative: the power and intensity of its energy is beyond anything imaginable, but can be moved.

It is not so easy for a modern person, seduced by technical progress and crushed by the power of ubiquitous technologies, to believe that practice is not at all a set of algorithms, operations and actions, but necessarily includes in its very being a deep understanding of the essence of what is happening and being produced.

In pedagogy, psychotherapy and healing, this understanding unfolds in the process of joint meditation with a partner, interlocutor, client. And without such a broad vision of the place of one’s own actions in the context of the living reality of what is happening, success is not easy to achieve, at least in the field of esoteric healing.

Pluto's energy is valuable because of its usefulness in irreversibly destroying what is causing the problem, not because of its negative side and her perversity. Pluto allows us to reconstruct and regenerate parts of our personality or entire segments of our lives, provided that we manage to harness its wild energy and retreat. It is impossible to tame this energy given its nature. However, it can be used to achieve a precise goal by temporarily identifying certain parts of us with this energy.

The result then is our final evolution and even our transformation. In your natal chart, Pluto's position is more important than its position because, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is a slow planet. Many people born during the same period have Pluto in the same sign. In such cases, the activity of the slow planet is very emphasized. Pluto in Virgo brings achievement abilities, but obsessions too, because your natural instinct and restlessness give you a tendency to doubt.

Secrets of Eastern Medicine

There is no science that is closer to the life of every person and at the same time more complex, constantly developing and therefore not always accessible to the understanding of a layman than medicine. Interest in medicine, as well as in its history, has never been so great as in last decades.

Changes in the life of society always affect the state of medical science. Everything that happens to humanity in its historical movement towards an ever greater understanding of the laws governing nature and people is invariably reflected in the theories of medical science and in the practical system.

If Pluto is part of the planetary dominants of your natal chart, then in astrology you are considered a Pluto: you sometimes feel like a foreigner who does not belong to the world, its laws and its problems. in society are not necessarily yours. You are interested in what is unknown and in the subtle laws of hidden order. So you take a wicked pleasure in ridiculing patterns that you consider too simplistic or too rigid. You will also pay attention to limitations of the explanation that you consider to be too common.

Fate and will

Fate. Freedom. Will... These are fundamental ideas, regardless of personal confessions, that concern everyone and everything. They contain the idea of ​​responsibility to others and the right to understand the organization of life. Have you ever thought that all the problems and questions regarding fate and fate are incessantly insoluble? This is an eternal secret. This is the original philosophical paradox - fate and will, freedom and responsibility, readiness and submission.

There is something unconventional about the way you feel, the way you think, and the way you act. What is your specificity? Is this an extraordinary partner? Or are you just distancing yourself from conventional mores? In short, this means that you cannot be simplified to fit existing models. The gap between you and ordinary mortals is also an element of your strength. Your deep clarity, first, allows you to look at things and give them only the attention they deserve.

Another great asset is your ability to intervene from behind the scenes, secretly orchestrate events and achieve desired result without imposing or dictating anything. However, you still have to overcome one of the main difficulties of this dominant, which is getting people to accept your difference and fit into your environment smoothly.

But the trouble is that we still have to deal with this very mystery. For depending on how we understand our own personal relationships to fate, freedom and will, we build our lives. Moreover, along with our own lives, we are forced to build the lives of those around us. So from a universal point of view, fate is a Mystery. But this Secret must be known to us, otherwise we will not live our lives as we should.

Interpretation of the symbolic degree of Virgo 16°

“In a public place, decorated for some festival, several men are divided around a table, and two dogs are engaged in a race.” Sociable, sincere and fickle character. One is more suited to teamwork rather than solo efforts. Good friends abound, and establishing punctual associations with them is very beneficial. All activities aimed at improving the public good are very popular. Initiatives that bring together people of complementary character and skills lead to great and easy success.

Psychology of religion and mysticism

The proposed collection of works presents to the inquisitive reader many original approaches to the study of the causes and mechanisms of a person’s active manifestation of attention to certain mysterious areas of his own inner world.

A mystical journey is always mysterious in that even the traveler himself probably knows nothing about it, while those who return from distant internal wanderings invariably amaze those around them with very real changes in their own behavior and thinking associated with some kind of internal transformation. The very nature of religious quests is paradoxical: we strive for the beyond, desiring and fearing it at the same time.

Chiron is almost known and used everywhere. Most astrologers consider this to be a kind of “mediator” between Saturn and the outer planets. Therefore, Chiron is of the nature of Saturn and at the same time is influenced by Uranus, the first slow-moving planet. Astrologically, it symbolizes wisdom, patience and the ability to reduce other "suffering": it is said to be the great healer of the zodiac. Like all secondary bodies, it must be in close connection with the planets or angles to fully express its action.

Ceres, the largest of the four minor asteroids used besides Chiron, is associated with the mythological goddess of growing plants and the harvest, and also symbolizes physical constitution, vitality and fertility. According to astrologer Zipporah Dobyns, she is also known as Demeter, associated with mother symbolism, but less emotional and physical than the Moon. Ceres is considered the ruler of Virgo, exalted in Gemini, exiled in Pisces and autumn in Sagittarius.

Psychosomatics, the relationship between psyche and health

The author's materials, combined in the anthology offered to your attention, are devoted to one of the most fundamental problems of human science - understanding the unity and interconnections of the bodily and mental aspects of human nature.

Psychosomatic issues are actually a border zone in which all human sciences are represented, from experimental medicine to social psychology.

Psychospiritual self-healing

Is not Research Article and not an academic treatise. Perhaps the language and content of this material will be unexpected and unusual for many. But still, it is for you, fellow practitioners. Today, many people talk about strengthening and maintaining health.

We will talk about the main way to restore and increase the health of children. Of course, the limited volume will only allow us to outline, designate, outline the directions of efforts and areas of action of the teacher in instilling in the child the skills of effective self-healing. But if the path is clear and well considered, it is not difficult to follow it yourself.

Psychology of dreams

Against his will, every person spends a good third of his life sleeping. However, during this third we all continue to live. Even if in a modified form, our psyche continues to actively function. Even if sometimes incomprehensible, but still very in a creative way The unconscious makes itself known.

Even if sometimes we don’t dream, we still wake up slightly changed. Understanding the psychological patterns in accordance with which dreams are ordered and developed is an integral part of general psychological culture modern man.

Mind control and methods of personality suppression

The most terrible sin is betrayal. This is the verdict of all cultures, all religions, all peoples. The worst betrayal is betraying yourself. Even more terrible is teaching others the art of betraying themselves and others. But what can a young man do if everyone around him is constantly and tirelessly teaching him not to be himself!

The overwhelming (literally!) majority of fellow citizens quite seriously consider the loss of personal identity as the main condition for successful cohabitation. Husbands and wives remake each other in their own way, teachers distort the student’s psyche. And rulers are so successful in modifying the behavior of their subjects that they become like primitive mechanical toys. One of the most frightening syndromes of mental illness - depersonalization - in fact turns out to be an imperative requirement for anyone who is going to get along with their own kind.

No wonder the brilliant K.-G. Jung described the cultural and psychological situation of modern man in discouragingly gloomy tones: “He who really strives to cultivate his own individuality is obliged to pretend to others that he agrees with their regulations and rules in everything. Otherwise, he will simply not be allowed to achieve his desired goal and become yourself."

Psychology of human aggression

The words closest in meaning to the term “aggression” are the following: attack, capture, crossing borders, violence, manifestation of hostility, threat and implementation of belligerence. Since ancient times, humanity has shown interest in the phenomenon of aggression. This is especially true for representatives of the ruling classes, from century to century concerned with the practice of governing their subjects and strategies for the targeted education of law-abiding and executive members of society.

And in our time, aggression is the subject of active scientific and practical research. Every year hundreds of articles and dozens of monographs are published devoted to a variety of issues of stimulating and curbing aggression using the most different methods: from psychotropic drugs to psychotechnologies for the hidden control of ideological orientations of entire population groups.

The world of human problems

The information explosion, which over the past decades has brought down avalanches of information on the heads of contemporaries, makes it significantly difficult not only for non-specialists, but also for professionals to become familiar with the most important materials in practical terms. Moreover, the wider the range of interests of the practical reader, the more difficult it is for him to find in thousands of books, brochures and magazines exactly the information that gives the necessary and sufficient understanding of a specific problem.

The above explains the reasons for the hitherto unprecedented popularity encyclopedic dictionaries, abstract publications and anthologies. People strive to receive information in a condensed, concentrated form, without wasting time studying multi-volume publications or studying several dozen sources on each narrow issue. Realizing this, the compiler sought to select texts for this anthology that would collectively give a broad view of the problems of applied soul science. Despite the active interest of many in this most important problem of interest to people, there is still accessible literature in Russian devoted to the problems of completing the earthly path , is very fragmentary and incomplete. First of all, this is due to the fact that the problem of death itself is very multifaceted and multi-level.

Carl Gustav Jung. Mosaic of the Soul

Carl-Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875 in Keeswil, Switzerland, near Lake Constance. His paternal grandfather, after whom he was named, moved here from Germany in 1822, when Alexander von Humboldt secured for him a position as professor of surgery at the University of Basel. His father, Johann Paul Achilles Jung (1812-1896), was a priest, and his mother, Emilia Preiswerk Jung (1848-1923), came from an old Basel family.

When the boy was four years old, his parents moved to Klein-Hüningen, near Basel, where his education began. His father taught him Latin, and his mother, as he says in his later memoirs, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, read him a book about exotic religions, to which he constantly returned, as if spellbound by drawings of Indian gods.

The Third Millennium has arrived, and therefore the time has come to talk about that fantastically valuable surprise that was transmitted through Max Luscher to planetary humanity.

Astrological interpretation of Runes

Since ancient times, Runes have been genetically associated with the Nordic civilizations of the Celts, Germans and Scandinavians. The interpretation of the symbolic meanings of the Runes presented in this monograph is characteristic precisely of the last representatives of the Nordic metaculture and corresponds to the characteristics of the psycho-ethnic style inherent in the Eastern and Northern Slavs.

In ancient times, a collision with the energy of one or another Rune was directly associated with the intervention of a specific representative of the pantheon of Gods. All those who directly encounter runic practice are convinced from their own experience that to this day Runes help strengthen the connections between heaven and earth, helping a person to consult with heaven.

Key to the future

Practical guide for the user of an arttechnological psychoprocessor.

For thousands of years, healers, mystics and mentors dreamed of inventing a “desire machine”, but the cherished tool for the development of life was created only in our days. The key to designing your own future is described in detail in this book.

The computer psychoprocessor presented here is easy to use; it is equally accessible to a mature person and a junior schoolchild. With its help, anyone can easily and happily learn a variety of techniques and methods of effective self-regulation without any instructors or intermediaries, thereby opening free access to their deep energetic and creative resources.

Esoteric healing practice

This book is a continuation of the work “Fundamentals of Esoteric Healing” by the same author. It details specific methods of healing a person through a variety of cultural practices, rather than as physiological procedures. Ancient views on the nature and purpose of man at a new stage of evolution are once again entering the life of the most complex of sciences - medicine.

In this regard, the author presents on its pages “Astrological Reiki” - a method of holistic healing based both on the ancient principles of balance of the Living Whole, and on the most modern discoveries in the fields of physiology and psychology. The book will be very useful to every person who wants to be healthy in body and soul in these difficult times.

Applied conflictology. Reader

The topic of conflict, covered in this textbook, is now more relevant than ever before. The incredible complexity of life in modern society inevitably aggravates the eternal dissatisfaction of people with each other.

Various conflicts accompany our existence at every step. They waste time and effort, fill people with the poison of negative emotions, and have a detrimental effect on health. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of conflicts. Therefore, the ability to resolve them in a positive way is vital today. Mastering a kind of “safety technique” in communication will reduce the number, tension and harmful consequences of conflicts. Psychologically cultured person knows how to resolve them without battles or disasters.

A careful study of the works collected in this anthology will allow you to understand how to correctly, with the least cost, untangle the tangles of mutual claims and grievances. Studying and applying the conflict management techniques presented here will help make life more pleasant, calm and harmonious.

Psychology of Leadership: Reader

Leadership is a relationship of dominance and submission, influence and followership in relationships between people in a variety of groups - from small to social. Psychological science studies leaders of various kinds - official (managers) and unofficial (leaders); leaders of small groups (family, group of friends) and large groups (company, public organization, Political Party); leaders in the fields of culture, economics, politics, the criminal world, etc.

The proposed reader focuses on economic and political leaders. It is intended for practical psychologists working with this category of the population, people studying psychology, journalists, as well as a wide readership.


Ancient philosophers argued that “love and hunger rule the world!” If there is no food, there is a threat to human biological existence. And if there is no love, then life in its content is limited to this biological existence. It's no coincidence that all world literature, drama, and cinema are based on the cult of sexual love. Love is the quintessence of human relationships.

From a purely medical point of view, happy sexual love maintains mental and physical health, improves relationships with other people, increases self-esteem, and creates a feeling of completeness and meaning in life.

But how can you ensure happiness in love? Or at least establish a fulfilling sex life? Each person independently seeks answers to these questions. This anthology, dedicated to the ancient but always relevant “science of love,” will help him in such searches.

Family astropsychology. Planets of the sphere of everyday life

The book touches on problems that no one can avoid - problems family relations. As the Author himself writes, “this work is not at all a collection of teachings from an experienced householder or a list of good calls to newlyweds. The objective of this work is a comprehensive description of the diverse aspects of Family life in their integrity and unity.”

Admirers of A. Podvodny’s talent will easily recognize the Author as his comrade and like-minded person.

For everyone else, the publishing house suggests that you simply carefully read the proposed book, in which you will undoubtedly find answers to many of the questions of interpersonal relationships that concern you.

Family astropsychology: The sphere of common destiny

The book touches on problems that no one can avoid - problems of family relationships. As the Author himself writes, “this work is not at all a collection of teachings from an experienced householder or a list of good calls to newlyweds. The purpose of this work is to comprehensively describe the many different aspects family life in their integrity and unity."

This is the second book in the “Family Astropsychology” series after “Sphere Everyday life».

Admirers of L. Podvodny's talent will easily recognize Lvtop as his comrade and like-minded person.

People interested in psychology will see him as a qualified professional psychologist.

For everyone else, the publisher simply invites you to carefully read the book offered to your attention, in which you will undoubtedly find answers to many of the questions of interpersonal relationships that concern you.

Destiny programming technologies

It is difficult to find a person who would be completely satisfied with him own life. Therefore, many are trying to master techniques for reprogramming the psyche, leading to achieving the desired changes in behavior.

How to learn not to get irritated at the sight of a hated boss? How to quit smoking? How to force yourself to get up early in the morning and do gymnastics?

You never know how many of them there are, attempts to change your lifestyle! But desire alone is not enough. Achieving effective transformation requires specialized knowledge and special skills.