Creative project “Matryoshka-image and soul of Russia”. Russian doll

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 22

Stodolishte village

Project "Russian Matryoshka"

(senior group)


Kondrashova O.A.


Target: fostering interest in Russian history, folk art using the example of the Russian national toy.


1. Introduce the history of matryoshka dolls as a folk craft.

2. Find out the geography and features of the national souvenir (learn to look at patterns, notice similarities and differences in one type of product, then in different types, lead to an understanding of general decorative patterns, traditions (elements, color combinations, typical compositions).

3. Develop the ability to create patterns, decorate a matryoshka doll using geometric and plant elements, convey the color of the painting, characteristic compositions (symmetrical, asymmetrical).

4. Enrich children’s horizons about a toy as an image of motherhood and family.

5. Develop children’s emotional responsiveness to folk works decorative arts, to form the foundations of aesthetic education.

6. Contribute to the development of children’s cognitive and creative activity.

7. Enrich children's vocabulary.

8. Foster friendly relationships between children.

Logistics, educational and methodological support:

Matryoshka dolls.

Image of Zagorskaya, Polkhov-Maidan and Semenovskaya nesting dolls.

Russian folk sundresses and scarves.

Stencils (silhouettes) of nesting dolls.

Tables with elements of folk paintings.

Tape recordings of Russian folk songs.

Russian texts folk nursery rhymes, proverbs, riddles, songs, ditties.

Hypothesis: Our research will help you learn the traditions of the Russian people and fall even more in love with the Russian toy - the nesting doll, as it carries love and friendship.


Matryoshka is the most famous Russian toy. But few people know where the nesting doll came from. The appearance of nesting dolls surprises - what is hidden inside, what a smallest doll it is! When main secret open, the game begins: which figure is smaller is larger, higher is lower. Our work is devoted to studying the origin of the matryoshka doll and its use.

Project type: research, informational and educational, practice-oriented.

Project implementation period:The project is short-term, as it is designed for two weeks.

Project result:

1. Design of the album “The History of Matryoshka”.

2. Design of a selection of poems, ditties, riddles about the nesting doll.

3. Exhibition “Family Matryoshka”.

4. Leisure time with children “Russian souvenir”.

5. Presentation for children “Russian Matryoshka”.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1. Preparatory

1. Work planning.

2. Collection of information from different sources(encyclopedias, viewing illustrations from different types nesting dolls, reading nursery rhymes, poems, writing stories, independent judgments, the Internet).

Methods and techniques:

1. Survey.

2. Conversation: “Matryoshka - national cultural heritage Russia."

3. Drawing up a diagram “Model of three questions”.

Stage 2. Basic


1. Intensify the activities of project participants to implement the topic.

2. Introduce children to the history of matryoshka dolls in Russian culture.

3. Study artistic elements, paintings; making ornaments.

4. Teach children to distinguish Zagorskaya, Semenovskaya and Polkhov-Moidan nesting dolls.

5. Get acquainted with the stages of creating nesting dolls.

6. Conducting games and exercises aimed at developing the creative abilities of children and educational games “Matryoshka - Travelers”, “From Big to Small”, “Masha and the Bear”, which will help compare objects, solve problems and write stories.

7. Organization joint activities with kids.

Cognitive and research activities

1. Conversation: “Matryoshka doll is the national cultural heritage of Russia.”

2. OOD: “Where did the nesting doll come from?”

3. OOD “Such a different Matryoshka” (about the appearance of the first matryoshka in different regions of Russia).

4. OOD "Matryoshka - as a symbol of family."

5. OOD “Conversation about linden as a construction (furniture) and ornamental material (dishes, toys).”

7. OOD “These different nesting dolls”

6. Study of the properties of wood. Experimentation.

7. Working with the table “Stages of creating nesting dolls”

8. Comparison: Matryoshka and Vanka-vstanka.

Communication activities

1. Looking at images of different nesting dolls.

2. Reading poems and riddles about the doll.

3. Compilation creative stories, tales about matryoshka.

4. Learning the poem “Merry Dolls” by L. Nekrasova.

5. Memorization of proverbs, explanation of their meaning: “Forest belt - the beauty of the whole forest”, “Take care of the forest, love nature - you will forever be dear to the people”, “Do not destroy a lot of forest, take care of a little forest, plant no forest”, “Forest He’s not friendly with fire!”, “The enemy of nature is the one who doesn’t take care of the forest.”

6. Reading and memorizing the poem “Matryoshka” by I. Chernitskaya. We teach how to dance in a circle (costume).

Productive activity


Topic: “Beautiful girlfriends” (Semyonovskaya, Polkhovskaya, Vyatskaya... nesting dolls)


Topic: “Round dance of nesting dolls”, “Merry dolls” (plasticine creativity).


Topic: “Making postcards - inserts in the form of a nesting doll (as an Invitation to a folk festival).”

Musical and artistic activities

1. Learning the dance “We are funny nesting dolls, Ladushka, okay...”.

2. Tumblers (music by Z. Levina, lyrics by Z. Petrova).

Play activity

1. Creating an environment for the implementation of plot-director’s games: “Sister dolls”.

2. Didactic games:

  • “Collect a matryoshka doll.”
  • “Make a row with your eyes closed.”
  • "These amazing patterns."

3. Finger games"We are nesting dolls...)

Working with parents:

  1. Consultation “Russian nesting doll”.
  2. Exhibition of creativity "Family Matryoshka".

Stage 3. Final

Target: summarize the knowledge children have acquired about the nesting doll and its appearance in the history of Russian culture. Bring to the conclusion that modern world Matryoshka is a symbol of love and friendship.

Project summary:

1. Design methodological manuals for teachers.

2. Leisure summary “Gatherings at the samovar.”

3. Exhibition: “Family Matryoshka”.

4. Presentation of the project.


So, during the course of the project we learned that the nesting doll appeared a long time ago. The prototype of the nesting doll was a figurine of a Japanese old man - Furukumu. Molds for nesting dolls were turned on special lathes from dry linden chocks. Before painting the nesting doll, it had to first be sanded and rubbed with liquid paste. We learned that in different places of our big country toys were made in their own way. Therefore, the paintings of the nesting dolls were all different. And we in the group drew our own nesting dolls and made a mini-museum.

But most importantly, we realized that the Russian nesting doll is a symbol of Russia and people like it so much. It carries love and friendship.

The Russian toy reflects folk ideas about peace, goodness, and beauty. That is why the folk toy is a symbol of Russian art

Head: Mukletsova G.V. teacher of 1st “B” grade

  • Purpose of the study: learn to paint paper silhouettes of nesting dolls.
  • Objectives: get acquainted with the history of the nesting doll; get acquainted with characteristic features forms and paintings of nesting dolls from Polkhovsky Maidan.

Relevance of performing work in return younger generation to the Russians national traditions, to study historical roots culture.

Research methods: familiarization with specialized literature, information on the Internet on this topic; sociological survey; analysis of Polkhovskaya Maidan painting of nesting dolls;

Why did the nesting doll have such a fate? Trying to find an answer to this question, I conducted a sociological study.

-What is a matryoshka?

-How old is the nesting doll?

-What nesting dolls do you know?

- Do you have a nesting doll at home? How many?

93% of respondents answered that this is a Russian children's wooden toy

100% - they don’t know how old the nesting doll is (200-500 years old)

10% - named Russian nesting doll

90% - do not know other nesting dolls

85% have at least one home


Master dyer

Kuzma Galina Ivanovna

1. Chekhovskaya Ekaterina

"The Tale of Polkhovsky Maidan"




5. Portal “”

6. "Children's research project"

The project is aimed at general cultural and personal development students primary classes, teaching them to independently construct their knowledge in the field of decorative and applied arts, which will subsequently allow them to independently create decorative works based on folk crafts.



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Creative project: “Russian Matryoshka” PROJECT DIRECTOR: PRIMARY CLASS TEACHER, GBOU Secondary School No. 2088, MOSCOW “Grayvoronovo” KUZINA ELENA BENYAMINOVNA

Abstract of the project The project is aimed at the general cultural and personal development of primary school students, teaching them to independently construct their knowledge in the field of decorative and applied arts, which will subsequently allow them to independently create decorative works based on folk crafts.

The goal of the project is to cultivate love for folk art, respect for the folk artist who creates beauty for the joy of people. To deepen knowledge about Russian folk wooden toys, to introduce the characteristic features of the shape and painting of nesting dolls from Sergiev Posad, Semenov, Polkhovsky Maidan.

Pedagogical goals and objectives within educational project Cognitive - knowledge of objects of the surrounding reality, studying ways to solve problems, mastering skills of working with sources of information. Organizational – mastering self-organization skills, the ability to set goals, plan and adjust activities, and make decisions. Creative - the ability to construct, model, design. Communication – developing skills to work in a group, fostering tolerance, developing a culture of public speaking.

Project activities students Project activity of students is a joint educational, cognitive, creative or gaming activity of students that has a common goal, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result of the activity. Student Learning Research Significant influence Behavior and activity are influenced by the knowledge that is independently acquired by a person and is associated with a discovery made by him. Carl Rogers

o expected results for the project 1) Formed ideas about the history of the origin of the doll - matryoshka in Rus', about the varieties of matryoshka dolls according to the place of revival; 2) Developed ability to realize one’s own ideas in drawings, crafts, stories, etc.; 3) Interested participation in an educational project (teach to be interested in new things, ask questions, show independence in a variety of activities, strive to demonstrate creative initiative.); 4) Constructive ways of interacting with peers and adults (on your own or with a little help from a teacher, unite for joint actions, negotiate, coordinate actions, etc.)

Stages of the project Preparatory Teacher: posing and leading children to a problematic question: what types of nesting dolls are there? How did they appear? Planning, forecasting the results and products of the project: study the history of the appearance of the nesting doll in Rus', talk, draw, make crafts, play a variety of games. Children: collection of literature about folk toys: poems, riddles; selection musical works: ditties, songs, etc. Teacher: sets a positive emotional mood. Children: attempts to find a solution to a problem situation: learn as much as possible about the variety of nesting dolls, about the matryoshka business, create a mini museum of their unique nesting dolls in the classroom. Supporting children's interest. Assistance in organizing the mini-exhibition “Matryoshka” -folk toy" Activity ( direct activity according to the project) - creating your own unique nesting dolls using various materials: wooden blanks for painting; fabric, plasticine and paper (mosaic)

Preparatory stage of the project: collecting information, reading literature. Planning, forecasting results, project products: children will learn as much information as possible about the variety of nesting dolls and matryoshka making. Visit to the Matrioshka Museum

Solution to a problem situation: we learn about the origin of the nesting doll. The exact history of the origin of the nesting doll is unknown. The most plausible assumption: the Russian master depicted Slavic images or concepts from legends. There is an assumption that the nesting doll has Japanese roots.

Solution to a problem situation: 1) Who invented the first Russian nesting doll? 2) Who is the author of the first painting of a Russian nesting doll? The invention of the Russian nesting doll shape is attributed to turner V.P. Zvezdochkin in the 1890s, and the author of the first painting was professional artist S.V. Malyutin. From Zvezdochkin’s memoirs it follows that he never saw Japanese chiseled toys. In addition, even before the appearance of the nesting doll, Russian craftsmen made wooden Easter eggs, which were detachable and hollow. Thus, the question of direct continuity between the Japanese and Russian nesting dolls remains and requires closer study.

Solution to a problem situation: 1) What types of Matryoshka dolls are there? 2) Types of painting of Matryoshka dolls.

Activity stage of the project: we will create our own unique nesting dolls

The results of the project are the creation of your own unique nesting dolls. Work by Daria Makarova. Painting on wood, gouache. Work by Geiker Andrey. Painting on wood, gouache.

The results of the project are the creation of your own unique nesting dolls. Work by Alexandra Kupriyanova. Painting on wood, gouache. Work by Bulatova Anastasia. Painting on wood, gouache.

Work by Makarova Daria: 1) Application, mosaic 2) fabric collage

Work by Drab Nikolai: 1) Application, mosaic; 2) collage made of fabric.

Fabric collage “My unique nesting doll” Authors: Geyker A., ​​Rakhnovets D.

The presentation was made by a primary school teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2088 “Grayvoronovo” Elena Benyaminovna Kuzina. The presentation used photographs from the author’s personal archive and the Internet.

Project: “Russian Matryoshka”

Project type : Creative with elements of exploration.


Relevance of the topic: Since kindergarten, I have been interested in the Matryoshka doll. She attracts with her mystery. Inside one doll there are 4,5,6 more hidden... I decided to find out more about this toy. When I started reading about matryoshka various literature, then I had a problematic question: why modern girls They play with dolls that came to us from other countries (Barbie, Monster High...) and do not play with Russian dolls.

Target: To popularize the Russian folk doll Matryoshka among their peers.

Project objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the history of the appearance of Matryoshka and the methods of its manufacture through the study of special literature;

2. Find out the significance of the nesting doll for modern children.

3. Make a matryoshka doll.

Project hypotheses: I guess:

1. That the nesting doll keeps many secrets.

2. You can make a matryoshka doll yourself.

Project product: Author's nesting dolls.

1. Theoretical part.

This topic interested me not by chance. She has always fascinated me with her simplicity and mystery. I was always amazed how from one toy four more, five, six, etc. appeared. I met this toy in kindergarten. Many times I thought about the origin, where, when it was born, about who created it, who came up with the painting of this toy, why it enjoys popular love. And so I decided to find out more about this miracle - the Russian nesting doll through research.

1.1. The appearance of the nesting doll in Rus'.

MATRYOSHKA ( presumably from diminutive name“MATRYONA, which meant stately lady”) - a Russian toy in the form of a wooden painted doll, inside of which there are similar smaller dolls.

The first Russian nesting doll was made by toy turner Vasily Zvezdochkin. The sketch for the painting was created by the artist Sergei Malyutin, who personally painted the matryoshka doll.

The world's very first Russian wooden painted doll appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century in the 90s in the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, owned by S.I. Mamontov (large industrialist). This was an eight-person wooden doll depicting a girl in a sundress, a white apron, with a colorful scarf on her head and a black rooster in her hands.

The Russian nesting doll is the personification of Russia with its broad soul, colorful outfits and large families. The matryoshka symbolizes the continuation of life. Matryoshka is a symbol of motherhood, as well as fertility and wealth. That is why she enjoys popular love.

In 1902, the building on Leontyevsky Lane was bought by S.T. Morozov to create in it Handicraft Museum. In 2000, the Russian Folk Arts and Crafts Foundation organized an exhibition dedicated to the centennial anniversary of the nesting doll. From this exhibition, the formation of a permanent exhibition began, in which commercial and designer nesting dolls were presented.

And finally, in 2001, the first museum in Russia was opened to the public in Moscow, which houses the very first detachable matryoshka toy. In the museum, visitors have the opportunity to learn detailed history this charming young lady, and also visit the Salon of Handicrafts, where it is very difficult to resist and not buy a souvenir. Those interested can receive a master class on painting matryoshka dolls and purchase the samples they like best.

1.2. Working on creating a matryoshka doll.

Matryoshka dolls are made from larch, linden and aspen, always felled in early spring.

The wood is aged for two to three years, then turned on machines and carefully processed.

The master meticulously selects the material for the doll, looks for one that does not have any knots or cracks, and only after making sure of the quality of the workpiece does he begin to work (turning out the figures). The smallest nesting doll that does not open is the first to be born.

When the body of the nesting doll is ready, it is sanded and primed. Then the nesting doll is painted with paints (gouache, watercolor, acrylic are used).

1.3. Types of nesting dolls.

Matryoshka dolls were made in different cities, and they had their own distinctive features. (See table)


Three or four colors are used - red or orange, yellow, green, blue with the addition of black for outlining the face and contours of clothing.

I'm from Sergiev Pasad

I am very glad to meet you.

Given to me by artists

Bright Russian sundress.

Semyonovskaya matryoshka

Traditionally she is dressed in a yellow scarf, a sundress and a light apron, on which a bouquet of different flowers is depicted.

I am from the quiet green town of Semenov.

I came to visit you with a bouquet of garden flowers

I brought pink and burgundy ones as a gift.


The painting of nesting dolls is based on a combination of crimson-red, yellow, green and black colors.

I'm Girlfriends from Maidan, can I become a screen star.

My outfit is decorated with flowers with shining petals.

And different berries, ripe and red.



These nesting dolls are always in sundresses, they have a blouse with embroidery, a scarf on their heads, and an apron on top of the sundress

Vyatka matryoshka

Traditionally dressed in a red scarf and a light apron, on which a bouquet of red flowers is depicted.

Our lips are like a bow, and our cheeks are like apples,

All the people at the fair have known us for a long time.

We are Vyatka nesting dolls, more beautiful than anyone else in the world.

Our painted, bright sundresses.

In addition to traditional nesting dolls, there are nesting dollscopyright.

The author, as a rule, only slightly reflects Russian traditions in his toy, investing in it a new meaning and plot. This is how matryoshka dolls - politicians, astronauts, matryoshka dolls with scenes from films and cartoons, as well as Russians - appear. folk tales.

So, the nesting doll is not just a toy: it expresses a unique understanding of female beauty and character; it is a symbol of motherhood, affection, tenderness. In addition, this is a kind of puppet symbol of Russia. Everyone who comes to our country is sure to take with them a painted Russian nesting doll.

Russian nesting doll - it was and remains a creation of human hands.

Russian nesting doll is the soul of Russia.

CONCLUSION: The hypothesis I put forward that Matryoshka really does keep many secrets has been proven.

2. Research part.

2. 1. Questionnaire.

While obtaining information about nesting dolls for research, I became interested in how many people now have such a matryoshka toy and how children feel about it? And I decided to do a survey among girls in my and other classes.

Which consists of 5 questions. And this is what I got.

Survey results.

A total of 53 girls participated in the survey.



Do you have this toy at home?



Do you like matryoshka?

Yes, very-1



I don't know-1

What do you like about matryoshka?





Beautifully decorated-1

What is she going to figure out-1

There are other dolls inside-2


Painted antique toy-1

Do you want Matryoshka to become one of your toys?




I don't know-1

Conclusion: Based on the survey and calculation of the results, I came to the conclusion that many people know who the matryoshka toy is, but, unfortunately, not many have it at home. Almost all the girls who participated in the survey like the matryoshka doll, and they would really like the matryoshka doll to become one of their toys. Matryoshka attracts girls because it is beautiful, cheerful and funny.

2.2. Results of a study of store shelves.

Even when working on the project, I became so interested in this toy that when I was looking for nesting dolls in a store, I couldn’t resist buying it for myself. Now I also have a matryoshka toy, I like it because it is bright, beautifully painted and there are also smaller dolls in it.

A) Toy stores .


Products for children (Gagarina St.)


1000 trifles.




B) Grocery stores.

Also, when we went to grocery stores, I saw that the nesting doll symbol is used in tea packaging, using the symbol of different countries.

Conclusion: While exploring the stores in our city, I came to a conclusion. If you wish, you can buy a matryoshka in our city, but it is not cheap. Matryoshka dolls come in different sizes and different patterns. I saw the Vyatskaya and Gzhel nesting dolls, but mostly these are the author’s nesting dolls symbolizing the heroes of various fairy tales.

3. Creative work.

Mom and I decided to make nesting dolls using the papier-mâché technique and this is what we came up with.

Also, the image of the nesting doll is made using the applique technique.

My mother made another matryoshka doll for me. Using the knitting technique. This is what she did. This is, of course, the image of a nesting doll (it doesn’t open), but I enjoy playing with it.

At the art lesson, I told the children about the history of nesting dolls, about the types of nesting dolls.

And she invited them to also draw a matryoshka doll and paint it however they wanted.

I chose my favorite nesting dolls and present them in the project.

CONCLUSION: Having made a matryoshka doll with my own hands, I realized that not everyone can become a master at making a real matryoshka doll, but every student can create an image of a toy.


While working on the projectI discovered a lot of new things and interesting:

    The first matryoshka appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century.

    It was turned by turner V. Zvezdochkin according to a sketch by artist S.V. Malyutina.

    The name of the matryoshka appeared from the name “Matryona”, which means “Noble Lady”.

    Matryoshka is a symbol of fertility, wealth, motherhood.

    There are several types of nesting dolls: Sergiev Posad, Semenovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Vyatskaya, Zagorskaya, author’s.

    Matryoshka dolls are made using special technology.

    I proved 1 hypothesis that Matryoshka really does keep a lot of secrets.

During the research part I found out: that many people know who this matryoshka toy is, but, unfortunately, not many people have it at home. All the girls who participated in the survey liked the matryoshka doll, and they would really like the matryoshka doll to become one of their toys.

As a result of working on the creative part : we created a matryoshka doll using the papier-mâché technique, and images of the nesting dolls using the knitting and appliqué technique. I confirmed my 2nd hypothesis, that you can make a Matryoshka doll with your own hands.

The work brought me great pleasure and satisfaction. ru/Pictures-Yandex

1. Maistrenko Marina Vitalievna2. MAOU secondary school No. 28, Tomsk3. Primary school teacher


My work is dedicated to the Russian nesting doll. I became interested in this doll after getting acquainted with folk crafts during classes at the art studio, which I have been attending for 6 years now. I wanted to know about the origin of this doll and what the first Russian nesting doll looked like, who was its author, where they were made and for what purpose, and what types of nesting dolls there are.

My main target- find out what a nesting doll is these days - a toy or a souvenir, and whether it is popular now.

My friends don't play with this doll, and it's not among my toys either, so I think that these days the nesting doll is a souvenir, not a toy. This is my hypothesis.

During the research I used the following methods:

    study and analysis of various information sources;

    visiting a kindergarten and talking with the teacher;

    analysis of profiles of my peers;

    visiting shops.

What is a matryoshka? The origin of the Russian nesting doll.

From S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary I learned that a matryoshka is a semi-oval, hollow, painted wooden doll that separates in the middle, into which other similar dolls of a smaller size are inserted.

By collecting material on this topic, having studied various literature, I learned that the first Russian nesting doll appeared in Moscow at the end XIX century And it was like that. One day, the landowner Mamontova brought a toy from Japan - a large-headed wooden Japanese man. You open it, and there is a Japanese woman in it, and there is also a Japanese baby hidden in it. In Japan wooden toy called Fukurumu, which means a cheerful folding old man. The Mamonovs really liked the toy. They asked master Vasily Zvezdochkin to carve a doll out of wood like a Japanese one, and commissioned artist Sergei Malyutin to paint it in the Russian style. She was a chubby, ruddy girl in a colorful scarf, sundress and apron, with a black rooster in her hand. The toy consisted of 8 figures. Girls alternated with boys, and this family was crowned by a swaddled baby. The Russian wooden doll was called matryoshka. In Russia at that time it was the most common name, which translated from Latin meant “mother”.

The first Russian nesting dolls began to be made in artels in Sergiev Posad, as fun for children. But the nesting doll was also a useful toy. With its help, children were taught to compare objects by shape, size, color, and were taught to count. Such toys were expensive and only rich people could buy them. But, despite this, the demand for nesting dolls did not fall, but only grew. Therefore, other centers for the production of these dolls began to appear in the country.

Traditional nesting dolls and their distinctive features.

Matryoshka is still popular today. This is confirmed by the fact that in Russia there are several centers for the production and painting of this doll. The most famous large centers are Sergiev Posad near Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod centers in the city of Semenov, and in the villages of Polkhovsky Maidan and Krutets.

In each area, the nesting doll has its own distinctive features.

Sergiev Posad (or Zagorskaya) The matryoshka is dressed in a shirt, a sundress, and a scarf with patterns on her head. In her hands she holds a bundle, a basket or flowers. This matryoshka is wide in shape. Her head flows smoothly into her body.

At Semyonovsky bright lush large bouquets of nesting dolls on aprons. The main color in the painting is red. The doll's shape is slightly elongated.

Polkhov-Maidanskaya Matryoshka can be recognized by unusual shape head, elongated figure and characteristic crimson color. Craftsmen decorate the matryoshka doll so that flowers, berries and leaves cover the front of the figurine with a continuous carpet. The matryoshka's face is decorated with cheerful curls.

Nowadays you can find not only traditional nesting dolls, but also original ones. On the aprons of such nesting dolls you can see architectural monuments, picturesque landscapes, plots of folk tales. There are also nesting dolls painted to resemble Gzhel, Zhostovo, and Palekh. Among modern nesting dolls you can see political figures, popular artists, and athletes.

There are also folk craftsmen on Tomsk land who paint nesting dolls. One of them is Tamara Mikhailovna Khokhryakova, who works at Svetlinsky school No. 22. She runs a studio where she teaches children how to paint these national souvenirs. Tamara Mikhailovna has a unique collection of Russian nesting dolls, most of which she painted herself. All this suggests that the nesting doll is popular these days, although it is already more than 100 years old.

Research results.

To find the answer to the question that interests me: what is a nesting doll these days - a toy or a souvenir, I used various methods. One of them was a survey of the guys primary school 7-9 years old. A total of 85 people were interviewed. To the question: “Do you have a nesting doll at home?” 19 people responded positively. The next question was: “Is your nesting doll a doll or a souvenir?” All 19 people answered that the nesting doll is a souvenir. After analyzing the questionnaire data, I came to the conclusion that modern children do not play with nesting dolls, and those who have one use it as a souvenir.

Having visited a number of shops in the city, I was convinced that the nesting doll has turned from a toy into an object of art, “ Children's world» on Lenin Ave. and on Sq. I didn’t find any nesting dolls in the south. These dolls can be found in stores where there are departments with souvenirs: “1000 little things”, “Gostiny Dvor”.

IN kindergarten No. 36 I talked with the teacher junior group and looked at the children's toys. There was no nesting doll among them. This once again confirmed my conclusions.


In conclusion, I would like to say that this work has brought me great benefit.

Firstly, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the Russian nesting doll.

Secondly, I learned to work with additional literature, with various information sources, analyze the data obtained during the study.

Thirdly, I found answers to my questions and became convinced that the nesting doll is a national Russian souvenir and that it is popular these days. I also learned that among my fellow countrymen there are people who paint these dolls.

I also wanted to create my own nesting doll. This is a matryoshka book, which I called “My Family”. When my sister grows up, I will definitely read this book to her.




"Russian doll"


student of 4th "A" class

Maksimova Svetlana


Maystrenko M.V.