What is intervention - a historical example

INTERVENTION (Latin interventio - intervening) - intervening one or more states in the internal affairs of a country la another state-su-dar-st-va or in its interaction with a third state-su-dar-st-v for the purpose of seizing territory -to-rii, establishment of its own political state-rule, economic-no-mic work-work, with-about-re-those -niya pri-vi-le-giy, etc.

In de-vis-si-mo-sti from the form of the implementation of the different -ti-che-sky, ideological-lo-gi-che-sky and other types of intervention, including the so-called. gu-ma-ni-tar-nye in-ter-ven-tions.

Military (military) intervention can be open or behind-the-mass. Open intervention - the invasion of the armed forces of one state (coalition of states) into the territory other (see Ag-res-sia). Military intervention is often co-pro-vo-w-yes-at-ru-she-ne-em for-the-new and customary wars, kar-ra-tel- new actions against the civil population, major destruction, plunder of national wealth. A country that has been subjected to intervention is often used as a testing ground for testing new types of weapons . During the “Vietnam War,” the US Armed Forces mass-si-ro-van-but used sha-ri-ko-vye bombs, de- fo-li-an-you and her-bi-ci-dy for the un-same-ra-sti-tel-no-sti, as well as on-palm and poisonous agents there is no lethal action. During the intervention in Pa-na-ma (1989), the US Air Force for the first time used an aircraft created taking into account the technology gies "Stealth". Za-mas-ki-ro-van-naya intervention - the use of armies of third-states, trained armed forces or supplying my-tezh-ni-kov inside another state-su-dar-st-va with weapons, bo-e-pri-pa-sa-mi.

Political intervention can manifest itself in the organization of the government, the re-in-ro-tov, the provision of -mighty under-explosive groups, under-ku-pe of state and political actors, inter- tel-st-ve in the pro-ve-de-tion of you- bo-drov, ok-za-za-nii of diplomatic pressure and the like

Ideological intervention is revealed in the use of the media, the sending of literature, the dissemination of various rumors, the development of living-ga-nii of ra-so-vyh and national conflicts, dis-cre-di-ta-tions of prominent political and government figures, etc. In the con- In specific cases of intervention, various forms of its implementation are often associated.

All forms of intervention are against the law from the point of view of international law. The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states for-fi-si-ro-van in the UN Charter (clause 4, article 2). The use of military force before-let-mo only as a coercive measure of the UN against states that have rudely violated Russia norms of international law, for the maintenance and restoration of international peace (Articles 39, 41, 42). The inadmissibility of intervention for fi-si-ro-va-na in the Final Act of the CSCE (1975), as well as in the Dec-la-ra-tion of Ge- non-ral-noy UN Assembly on the prohibition of intervention and interference in the internal affairs of states (1981).

from late lat. intervention - 1) violent (open or disguised) intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state, directed against its territorial integrity or political independence or in any other way contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Intelligence is distinguished between armed, economic, and diplomatic. Armed combat is considered aggression; 2) mediation on a bill, usually on own initiative("for the honor" of the inscription).

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interference of one or more states in the affairs of another state, which is a violation of the independence and sovereign rights of the latter. From the point of view of modern international law, suicide is a criminal act. The principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states was enshrined in a number of international legal acts, including the UN Charter. Clause 7 of Art. 2 of the Charter prohibits UN intervention in matters essentially within the domestic competence of any state; however, this principle does not affect the use of coercive measures in the presence of a threat to the peace, a breach of the peace or an act of aggression (see). Members of the UN are obliged to refrain from the threat or use of force against the political independence or territorial integrity of states (Clause 4 of Article 2 of the UN Charter). The state that has been subjected to invasion has the right to fight against it by all means available to it, and also to demand that the intervening state be held accountable for violating international law.

The interventionists set as their goal the enslavement of foreign countries, foreign peoples, the maintenance of reactionary political regimes and the suppression of the liberation movement in colonial and dependent countries. Pursuing the goal of imposing their will on the state and its population, the interventionists encroach on the right to self-determination that belongs to all nations and violate the principle of state sovereignty.

I. is a characteristic way foreign policy imperialist states and is connected with the action of the main economic law modern capitalism. It is precisely the need to obtain maximum profit pushes monopoly capitalism to enslave and systematically rob the peoples of other countries, especially backward countries, to militarize the economy, to aggressive wars, which for the tycoons of modern capitalism are the best “business” for extracting maximum profits, etc.

From the first days of its existence, the Soviet state has been an irreconcilable fighter against Islam. The desire to impose its will on other peoples, interference in their internal affairs is deeply alien to the Soviet socialist state, which emancipated all the peoples of the former tsarist Russia and invariably advocates the strict observance of the right of nations to self-determination in international relations .

Depending on the number of intervening states, a distinction is made between individual and collective aggression.

Depending on the forms and methods of implementation, intelligence is distinguished between armed, economic, diplomatic, etc.

The most dangerous type of I., violating international peace and security is armed warfare, expressed in an attack by one or more states on another. In prisoners in. In 1933, at the initiative of the USSR, the conventions on the definition of aggression considered armed aggression as one of the types of aggression, which is the gravest international crime. Noble initiative Soviet Union received the approval of all progressive mankind, which was expressed in the decision of the Second World Congress of the Parties to the World. The address of this Congress to the UN states: “No political, strategic or economic considerations, no motives connected1 with the internal situation or internal conflicts in a particular state cannot serve as a justification for armed intervention by any state in the affairs of another state. Aggression is a criminal act of the state that is the first to use armed force against another state, under any pretext” (“Pravda” November 23, 1950). Despite the prohibition of armed terrorism by international acts and its condemnation by the world public opinion, the imperialist states do not stop resorting to it. At the same time, they carry out combat in violation of all laws and customs of war (see).

History of international relations of the 20th century. gives many examples of criminal armed I. In 1918–20. The imperialists of the USA, England, France and other capitalist states carried out armed aggression against Soviet Russia, which was a war of the worst kind. This I. was aimed at overthrowing Soviet power, at restoring the power of landowners and capitalists, and was carried out in two forms: a) undisguised I., carried out by directly introducing its troops into the territory of Soviet Russia, and b) covered I., I. “strangers” hands,” that is, interventionist support for the armies of states bordering Soviet Russia, as well as the armed forces of counter-revolutionary tsarist generals. Thanks to the leadership of the Communist Party and heroism Soviet people The war against Soviet Russia ended in complete collapse for the imperialist countries.

Armed I. was the German-Italian armed intervention in civil war in Spain in 1936–1939 In 1950, the United States began an armed war in Korea with the goal of eliminating the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and establishing its dominance in Korea. The United States is conducting this war with gross violations of the laws and customs of war.

One type of military action is military warfare, carried out after the Second World War by the United States of America in relation to other capitalist countries by stationing American armed forces in the formally independent states of the North Atlantic bloc or adjacent to it.

I. is not limited to the introduction of troops, and the introduction of troops does not constitute the main feature of I. When modern conditions revolutionary movement in capitalist countries, when the direct entry of foreign troops can cause a number of protests and conflicts, terrorism takes on more flexible and disguised forms.

Disguised types of intelligence include economic intelligence, that is, the use by imperialist states of the economic difficulties of states in order to penetrate into the sphere of their trade and financial relations in order to impose on them enslaving, unequal agreements and treaties. Economic history became widespread during the period of imperialism. In 1921, the Entente states and the United States tried to use the famine in the Volga region, which was the result of the imperialist war, armed aggression and blockade, for economic aggression against Soviet Russia. The governments of the imperialist states and the ARA (American Relief Administration), in exchange for food, demanded the establishment of their control over the Russian economy and essentially the liquidation of the Soviet state. Soviet republic repelled all attempts at economic freedom on the part of the imperialist states and successfully eliminated famine.

After the Second World War, economic innovation found its expression in the so-called. "Marshall Plan", a plan for mutual security.

Disguised types of intelligence also include interference in the internal affairs of other states through diplomatic pressure and threats. An example of such an attack is the protest of the diplomatic corps in Petrograd on February 15, 1918 against Soviet decrees on nationalization and cancellation of state debts. One of the latest examples of diplomatic intelligence can be the intervention of the governments of the United States and England in the internal affairs of Iran regarding the nationalization of the oil industry by the Iranian government in 1950.

I. should include the sending by a state of spies, saboteurs, terrorists and saboteurs to another state. This type of intervention was and is widely used by imperialist states. These goals are served by the US law of October 10, 1951 (see) on the so-called. “mutual security”, pursuing US intervention in the affairs of the USSR and people's democracies.

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What is Intervention

  1. IN historical literature and in diplomacy, intervention is understood as the illegal invasion of one or more states into the borders of another state. Intervention is a type of aggression and grossly violates international law. I distinguish between types of intervention: economic, diplomatic and military. Most often, it is military interventions that attract attention. Although, in principle, any intrusion is an intervention, the definition of intervention has been assigned to only a few such actions.

    Interventions in the economy

  2. Now I know
  3. Intervention is one of the most frequently used in the Russian language. foreign words. It comes from the Latin noun intervention, literally meaning intervention. In modern Russian there are several completely different concepts, denoted by this word. They relate to politics, economics, psychology and other areas of human life. Let's briefly look at each of them.

    Intervention and international relations

    In historical literature and in diplomacy, intervention is understood as the illegal invasion of one or more states into the borders of another state. Intervention is a type of aggression and grossly violates international law. I distinguish between types of intervention: economic, diplomatic and military. Most often, it is military interventions that attract attention. Although, in principle, any intrusion is an intervention, the definition of intervention has been assigned to only a few such actions.

    For example, intervention is traditionally called the invasion of Entente troops into Russia shortly after October Revolution and invasion. Less famous example intervention of the eight great powers in China under the pretext of suppressing the Boxer Rebellion in 1900. In the 21st century, international interventions took place in Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011). IN the latter case The concept of humanitarian intervention and military intervention was applied, which aims to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. The question of the ethics of humanitarian interventions will remain open.

    Interventions in the economy

    The word intervention has a completely different meaning in the language of bankers. Here, intervention refers to the specific actions of a central bank that releases a significant amount of foreign currency or precious metals into interbank trading. If, on the contrary, the central bank buys currency and gold for a short time, this action is also called intervention. As a rule, foreign exchange interventions are associated with the government’s desire to maintain the national currency exchange rate at a stable level.

    In Russia and other post-Soviet countries, currency interventions are aimed at stopping or at least delaying devaluation. But in Japan, the central bank is intervening to curb the rise of the yen. The rising exchange rate hurts Japanese exporters, so from time to time the government intervenes in the interbank market to maintain the exchange rate at a consistently low level.

    Interventions in the work of psychologists

    Another meaning of the word intervention is a violent intrusion into a person’s consciousness in order to cause positive changes in his behavior and habits. Psychological intervention involves the use of a variety of methods that allow the specialist to see the reasons for the patient’s deviant behavior. Part of the intervention may include a conversation with a psychologist, taking a test, or collective training.

    Any intervention method, when used correctly, leads to the fact that a psychologist’s client or a psychiatrist’s patient becomes aware of their problem and begins to cooperate with the doctor. Psychological interventions can be carried out not only by specialists. Friendly interventions are popular in the West, but occur from time to time in Russia. Their essence lies in the fact that several relatives, friends or colleagues get together and confront their victim with a problem.

    Each participant in such an intervention explains why the victim’s habit is harmful and how it interferes with others. Interventions in jurisprudence in Anglo-Saxon countries legal system civil codes guarantee the right to intervention. It means that a third party can intervene in a civil process if its interests are directly or indirectly affected by statement of claim or if the court decision may create a dangerous

  4. Intervention (lat. interventio intervention) military, political, informational or economic intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state, violating its sovereignty.
  5. Military, political, informational or economic intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state, violating its sovereignty

The term “intervention” is usually perceived negatively, as a definition of the intervention of foreign states in the internal affairs of a country. However, there is some difference between this concept and ordinary aggression, otherwise why call the same thing differently? So, what is intervention and how is it different from occupation?

In 1918, the countries of the Entente military-political association - Great Britain, the USA and France - sent troops into some regions of the former Russian Empire to provide military assistance to participants who opposed the Bolsheviks. This was done at the request of the government, which at that time was considered legitimate by the former allies in the First World War. Of course, the Entente countries, explaining military intervention by the need to help the legitimate government, did not forget about their own regional interests, trying to expand the zone of their geopolitical influence. The reasons for the intervention of 1918-1920 were the desire not only to suppress revolutionary movement, but also to receive certain dividends, mainly economic.

The Soviet Union also repeatedly intervened in the internal affairs of neighboring and sometimes distant countries. This was almost always done according to one scenario: a communist government was created in advance, which began to fulfill its duties immediately after the legitimate government was overthrown through a coup or direct military aggression.

What is Soviet intervention? This is the defeat of the anti-communist uprising in Hungary in 1956, the suppression of the “Prague Spring” in 1968. Not quite successful

The “liberation campaign” against Finland ended in the winter of 1939-40, and the previously prepared government of Otto Kuusinen was left without work.

The storming of Amin's palace in 1979 gives a fairly complete picture of what intervention was like in the period of late socialism. Flawlessly executed ultra-precise military operation, during which the assigned task was completed, that is, the physical removal of the objectionable head of state and his replacement with Babrak Karmal, loyal to the Kremlin.

Despite the fact that it condemns all forms of intervention, this technique is used by almost all states seeking to strengthen their foreign policy positions. To keep regimes in power that create economic preferences for interested countries, armed forces and military assistance are used. In 1989, units invaded Panama, where there was a real threat to US interests. Noriega's government was overthrown, he himself was arrested, in a word, democracy was restored.

What an American-style intervention is is well remembered in Vietnam. The goal of the military conflict, which lasted 11 years, was not the colonization of this country, but the establishment of a governance regime loyal to the United States.

In the twentieth century, there were many examples of counter military interventions taking place in individual countries that became the scene of battles for geopolitical interests. The warring parties received assistance in the form of supplies of weapons, advisers who often took part (unofficially) in the fighting, and sometimes direct intervention of the armed forces.

In general, any participation of foreign troops in internal affairs in order to ensure foreign policy benefits. Unfortunately, it is obvious that such actions are becoming widespread in the 21st century.

The history of the development of relations between countries of the world, unfortunately, is not complete without attempts to violate the sovereignty of one state by another or entire unions of states.

The political ambitions of the leading powers and their economic interests, which most often are the reasons for non-compliance with international law, lead to aggressive intrusions into the lives of other states.

Such government interventions under various pretexts include intervention.

Intervention- this is penetration into the internal spheres of activity of a state by another or several states with the aim of violating it territorial unity or imposing their political will, or with any other goals incompatible with the principles of the UN Charter.

In modern international law, intervention is considered an unlawful act that violates the legally established principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

An exception to this principle is the authorization to use coercive measures in the event of a global threat, non-compliance with peace agreements or aggression by any state.

Intervention should be distinguished from such acts of interstate aggression as annexation and occupation.

Annexation- this is the forcible inclusion by the aggressor state of the territory (or part thereof) of another state (without taking into account the opinion of its population).

Occupation- this is an armed invasion of the territory of a foreign state by troops of the aggressor state, with the aim of temporarily seizing it.

Types of intervention

Depending on the scope and nature of the intervention, the intervention is:

  • armed;
  • economic;
  • humanitarian;
  • diplomatic;
  • informational, etc.

Let's look at the main types of intervention.

Armed intervention involves the military invasion of foreign states into foreign territory.

Economic intervention is associated with intervention in the economy of another country, its international relations in the interests of the state implementing it, through economic methods. Among the methods of economic impact there are:

  • bonded lending - issuing loans with extremely high interest rates;
  • dumping – artificially lowering prices for goods and services;
  • capturing international markets;
  • export of capital.

Humanitarian intervention– a military invasion of the territory of a foreign state in order to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, to prevent the threat of destruction of society.

Methods of implementing humanitarian intervention include:

  • organization and distribution of humanitarian aid to those in need;
  • evacuation of the population from life-threatening places, organization of humanitarian corridors;
  • deployment and protection of refugee camps, etc.;

Depending on the number of intervening states, intervention can be individual or collective.

In accordance with the nature of the invasion, the intervention is divided into open and hidden (disguised).

Examples of intervention in world history

There are many examples of intervention in history. For example, the first was the intervention in Greece in 1827, which in 1830 led to the country's independence.

In 1917 it occurred in Russia, when allied forces The Entente, taking advantage of the internal civil conflict, invaded its territory.

Even earlier, in 1900, eight great powers invaded China under the pretext of suppressing the Boxer Rebellion.

In the 21st century, international interventions took place in 2001 in Iraq by the United States and in 2011 in Libya by NATO. At the same time, in Libya the intervention was officially of a humanitarian nature.