Beautiful pencil drawings love passion. Step by step guide on how to draw lovers

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction to artistic creativity, which was and is well mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They executed the drawings to perfection with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw using a similar method? Of course you can! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this area.
  2. Next important question, which we will focus on, are the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let’s complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking about the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot help but recall the ordinary pencil. Which of us is not familiar with it and has not held it in our hands? We have all been fluent in it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of uses for a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another one lays out a route for them on the map. trip around the world. And the third one writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn in pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and having their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. And therefore their possibilities are endless. Drawn in pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. Both small children find it interesting to look at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. It will be interesting for girls and boys to display similar beautiful pictures, as a status or give them to your friend.
  • You can copy them or you can easily learn how to perform them yourself (copy them).
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can be similar to photographs.

And most importantly, the pencil drawing looks incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page on social networks, but also your morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Options for drawing simple images

The main secret why pencil drawings are cool, original and attract attention is that they look as if they were alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to start talking, or laugh, or cry, and the objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What brings them to life? Take a closer look, through the light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought through not only the accuracy of the lines conveying the image and silhouette, he paid Special attention one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves apparent volume. Before us, as they were, are simple black and white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl of hair falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want yours to look realistic? Then you have come to us correctly!

Step-by-step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw,” but how can you really do it if you’ve never studied it and it seems like you have no talent? Our site team gives all their friends amazing opportunity learn how to make pencil drawings step by step. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you take our tips, you can use them to master sketching and repetition techniques. It's not complicated at all. And the result will please you.

Comprehensive, multifaceted, changing, like pictures in a children's kaleidoscope. Music and painting are probably the best ways to talk about love more clearly and emotionally.

Pencil, brush and paints

How can you draw love? Let's remember the paintings of the great masters on this eternal theme. For example, “The Farewell Kiss” by Lawrence, “Merging of Souls” by Burne-Jones, “Idyll” by Bouguereau, “Above the City” by Chagall and others. What is striking about them? The joy of being, the tenderness of beauty, the splendor of passion, inspiration. But there are other paintings that express jealousy, despair, even hatred. To know how to draw such love, look at Gauguin’s works “Are You Jealous?”, “Ingress, Paolo and Francesca” by Ingres and many other stunning paintings. As you can see, they are all very different, but they talk about the same thing. And we mentioned this only about the relationship between a man and a woman. And if you draw reverent, holy - maternal love? What might she look like? There are also many examples of painting - both ancient and modern. “Madonna Litta” by da Vinci, “Sistine Madonna” by Raphael - all these paintings embody the best that can be in a person, in a woman. To paint your homeland, it’s enough to remember the works of Levitan, Shishkin, Monet... The list goes on for a long time. The most important thing, probably, is to really experience the emotions that you are going to convey on paper, and to do it as sincerely as possible.

Choosing a plot

Where does creativity begin? From a moment of inspiration, when an irresistible desire to get down to work is born. A plot that comes to mind, excites the mind and soul, and demands embodiment. How to draw love? With a pencil, a sketch is sketched step by step of what has formed in the imagination into a complete picture. Why pencil? Because in the process of work you will want to change something, something will require processing. It is easier to erase a charcoal lead with an eraser than to remove strokes made with paints or draw lines without pressure so that there are no marks or dirt left on the sheet. And only then, when the sketch is ready, you can do the work in color.

Creative process

How to draw love step by step, if the picture is an allegory: two hands outstretched to each other, against the background rising sun? Such a canvas personifies emerging relationships, bright and ardent hopes, like the luminary itself. Youthful feelings filled with romance and passion. Use a pencil to sketch out the outlines of the hands so that they are approximately in the middle of the sheet. Draw the details carefully. A woman's hand should look fragile, with thin long fingers and a graceful wrist. Men's - larger. Try to portray her in such a way that you feel strength and tenderness. The drawing will be more expressive and flexible if the hands lightly touch each other with their fingers. This way you will convey the shyness and trepidation of the first touch of lovers. In the background, draw the sun's disk, but not clearly, but somewhat blurry. What is important is not so much he himself, but the emitted radiance, golden-pink, coloring everything around in festive, warm colors. This effect can be achieved with a simple technique: use a straight razor blade to scrape the smallest crumbs from the pencil leads of the corresponding colors and then rub them thoroughly onto the paper. Decorate the edges of the picture with light blue - the color of the sky, which symbolizes hope, sublime feelings and dreams. IN in this case this will be the telling detail that will allow you to put the right emphasis in the drawing. Or leave your work in black and white. If you tried hard and put your soul into it, it will be understandable and close to any viewer.

And more suggestions

Pictures drawn in pencil about love can be very different. This is a mother bending over the cradle of a child, and a brother playing with his little sister, and a heart pierced by an arrow. A couple frozen in an embrace or twirling in a dance, erotic scenes or simply the word “love” written in Gothic font. Even a bouquet of flowers or just one rose can express the depth of feelings overwhelming the artist. And it doesn’t matter if you still lack skill, and your execution technique is far from ideal. Creativity is, first and foremost, an act of self-expression. Therefore, good luck to you and real feelings!

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs.

Today I will tell you how to make pictures about love drawn in pencil step by step for beginners. Let me warn you right away, we will be drawing the word LOVE, as you already understood in English language. The master class is quite difficult, I would say above average. To begin, we will create a wireframe for each letter, and then we will outline it. The inscription will increase in size, from left to right, i.e. the letter L is the smallest in size, and the letter E is the largest at the end. We emphasize the word for beauty.

The same applies to pictures about love. IN this lesson I will depict the letters as full, slightly voluminous and extensive. If you are good at drawing letters, you can immediately draw a word, but if you are a beginner, then you cannot do without an initial frame. There will be six steps, a letter for each step, then outlining the frame and finally removing the auxiliary lines.

Immediately you need to make a base for the inscription, small curved line along which our drawing will go. Then, at the beginning of the base we need to draw the letter L and along the edges, as well as at the fractures, we make small circles, along which the shapes of the letters will be outlined.

Next comes V, in the lower part you don’t have to make an auxiliary circle. The completeness of the letter will extend to the auxiliary line.

And the last letter E. We make circles along the edges, but not at the fractures, since in the future the letter will come into contact with the previous V.

Now it's time to outline the frame. Pay attention to O and E, they are the most difficult to do. If you manage to do this work carelessly, then it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it is natural and extensive.

At the very end, we erase the auxiliary and no longer needed lines, and then draw up the entire drawing. This is how pictures about love are made, drawn step by step with a pencil for beginners.

In a world ravaged by anger and hostility, love is the only breath of fresh air...

Why love? Because this is the feeling we have known since childhood (Love for parents). Next is the first for some school love, forever it was mutual or successful. But we will never forget her!

Well, let's start looking at our selection of pencil drawings!

I want to love you all my life,
Forget about sadness forever.
After all, happiness is only with you,
I don't need any other love.
I want to hug you quickly
After all, there is no one in the world more tender than you.
And there are no more beautiful words,
To express my love.

Love and hugs

Love comes to us uninvited
She's like white snowfall
Always beautiful and desirable
And every person is happy about her.

There are storms and doubts
Jealousy happens like a thunderstorm.
But there is no more beautiful feeling
How to look love in the eyes.

She will decorate all moments
Will allow you to fly in the skies.
From boredom he will instantly find salvation,
Letting your feelings breathe.

Amazing Love

I love you so much
I want to live my whole life loving.
No one can ban
I can only love you.
And the heart asks for warmth,
I don't see emptiness with you.
Only our happiness and love
Capable of stirring up the blood.

Sweet love

My love for you is pure
I just believe in miracles.
I don't want to lose you
I want to hug you.
And every day and every hour
I love you as much as I do now.
And I won't sleep this night,
In your eyes I will drown.

Heaven loves too

Love is born in hearts
And it will become stronger with parting.
Love cannot be described in poetry,
Can't explain the experience!

Variations of our love

Learn to forgive the one you love
The one who can't live without you,
And if you don’t forgive, you will hate yourself,
After all, you won’t be able to love like that anymore!

After all, everyone can make mistakes in life,
But not everyone can understand this,
And if a person asks for forgiveness,
Understand, forgive, and try to give it a chance!

Don't be proud, don't be heartless
And don’t hold a grudge against anyone,
After all, our life is not endless,
Perhaps you have some guilt too.

And every person deserves to be forgiven
And even more so the one who is in love with you!

Touching the heart

Love is a wonderful feeling
Love is courage and fear.
Sometimes it's sad,
But this happens less often.
Love is happiness and joy,
When your soul is so warm
And this is heavenly sweetness
And two hearts as one.

Sketch of beautiful love

I miss your eyes
So deep, pure, clear,
Your alluring, sweet lips
So hot and beautiful.

I miss your hands
Which caress the body,
It's like the sun in the morning
The ray wanders timidly.

I miss your words
Which so heal the soul,
Who shout “LOVE”
So quietly, timidly whispering.

Couple dancing

I value you very much
And I can't find a place
If you are not next to me,
And I dream under the moon
I'll see you sooner
Kiss your lips
To drown in your eyes,
To fall asleep in your arms.

Anime love

I love you like the sea loves the waves,
How the sky loves the stars and the moon
My eyes are full of hope and desire
And again Cupid shot an arrow into the heart.

I want to drink love from your hands,
After all, they contain warmth and devoted tenderness.
I want you to always be in my eyes
Loyalty still sparkled tenderly for you.

Several video lessons on drawing pictures with a pencil:

This is a difficult and very delicate topic. From the beginning of the world to this day, people have been asking questions about what it is and how it works. Not to mention how to draw love without having any idea about it. But we will try to dot the t’s. So, love is the generally accepted name for a form of very non-platonic relationships between anthropoids. Animals have not been able to master this cunning technique, perhaps because they do not have time for such trifles, their first priority is survival and procreation. In a civilized society, there are many traditions and holidays generated by this feeling. Famous examples- March 8 or Valentine's Day, or.

So that you know:

  • The most a large number of idiotic actions are carried out under the influence of two things: love and alcohol;
  • Without love, 99% of pop songs would not exist;
  • It is because the Almighty and Chuck Norris love us that we are still alive;
  • And there is a special symbol that supposedly expresses that feeling - this. We drew it in the last lesson.

And today I decided to take as an example more complex picture. We will portray famous heroes Titanic: Rose and Jack Dawson. No, not that shot in the cargo compartment, but on the bow of the ship:

How to draw love with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out the contours of the bodies.

Step two. Let's add some details and mark the location of the facial elements.

Step three. Let's make a sketch of clothes.

Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines and add hatching.

Step five. Let's correct the contours of the drawing, make them clearer and add shadows.

We also have drawing lessons full of love and joy, so you can draw them.

Comprehensive, multifaceted, changing, like pictures in a children's kaleidoscope. Music and painting are probably the best ways to talk about love more clearly and emotionally.

Pencil, brush and paints

How can you draw love? Let's remember the paintings of great masters on this eternal theme. For example, “The Farewell Kiss” by Lawrence, “Merging of Souls” by Burne-Jones, “Idyll” by Bouguereau, “Above the City” by Chagall and others. What is striking about them? The joy of being, the tenderness of beauty, the splendor of passion, inspiration. But there are other paintings that express jealousy, despair, even hatred. To know how to draw such love, look at Gauguin’s works “Are You Jealous?”, “Ingress, Paolo and Francesca” by Ingres and many other stunning paintings. As you can see, they are all very different, but they talk about the same thing. And we mentioned this only about the relationship between a man and a woman. And if you draw reverent, holy - maternal love? What might she look like? There are also many examples of painting - both ancient and modern. “Madonna Litta” by da Vinci, “Sistine Madonna” by Raphael - all these paintings embody the best that can be in a person, in a woman. To paint your homeland, it’s enough to remember the works of Levitan, Shishkin, Monet... The list goes on for a long time. The most important thing, probably, is to really experience the emotions that you are going to convey on paper, and to do it as sincerely as possible.

Choosing a plot

Where does creativity begin? From a moment of inspiration, when an irresistible desire to get down to work is born. A plot that comes to mind, excites the mind and soul, and demands embodiment. How to draw love? With a pencil, a sketch is sketched step by step of what has formed in the imagination into a complete picture. Why pencil? Because in the process of work you will want to change something, something will require processing. It is easier to erase a charcoal lead with an eraser than to remove strokes made with paints or draw lines without pressure so that there are no marks or dirt left on the sheet. And only then, when the sketch is ready, you can do the work in color.

Creative process

How to draw love step by step if the picture is an allegory: two hands outstretched towards each other, against the backdrop of the rising sun? Such a canvas personifies emerging relationships, bright and ardent hopes, like the luminary itself. Youthful feelings filled with romance and passion. Use a pencil to sketch out the outlines of the hands so that they are approximately in the middle of the sheet. Draw the details carefully. A woman's hand should look fragile, with thin long fingers and a graceful wrist. Men's - larger. Try to portray her in such a way that you feel strength and tenderness. The drawing will be more expressive and flexible if the hands lightly touch each other with their fingers. This way you will convey the shyness and trepidation of the first touch of lovers. In the background, draw the sun's disk, but not clearly, but somewhat blurry. What is important is not so much he himself, but the emitted radiance, golden-pink, coloring everything around in festive, warm tones. This effect can be achieved with a simple technique: use a straight razor blade to scrape the smallest crumbs from the pencil leads of the corresponding colors and then rub them thoroughly onto the paper. Decorate the edges of the picture with light blue - the color of the sky, which symbolizes hopes, sublime feelings and dreams. In this case, this will be the telling detail that will allow you to put the desired emphasis in the drawing. Or leave your work in black and white. If you tried hard and put your soul into it, it will be understandable and close to any viewer.

And more suggestions

Pictures drawn in pencil about love can be very different. This is a mother bending over the cradle of a child, and a brother playing with his little sister, and a heart pierced by an arrow. A couple frozen in an embrace or twirling in a dance, erotic scenes or simply the word “love” written in Gothic font. Even a bouquet of flowers or just one rose can express the depth of feelings overwhelming the artist. And it doesn’t matter if you still lack skill, and your execution technique is far from ideal. Creativity is, first and foremost, an act of self-expression. Therefore, good luck to you and real feelings!


It’s not difficult to draw realistic, beautiful pictures with a pencil from scratch if you know the basics of drawing techniques for beginners. First you need to select necessary tools, study carefully step by step steps, follow the recommendations of specialists.

What supplies will you need?

First you need to prepare supplies and tools for drawing.

Pencils, for example:

It is important that the leads are not hard and do not scratch the paper. This way you can achieve a uniform stroke when drawing small patterns.

The letter on the upper tip characterizes the hardness and softness of the pencil, 2 pieces are needed. hard “H” and 2 pcs. soft pencils "B". Hard models are suitable for drawing skin, soft ones create unforgettable dark accents in the drawing. White is a must art pencil for toning paper.

Often, if the shadows turn out poorly, the problem is in the wrong pencil; it is best to choose “B”, “H”, “2B”.

You will also need:

It is better not to skimp on tools and materials; the quality of the result directly depends on this. It is important to prepare a convenient workplace.

Drawing sequence

Pictures for sketching in pencil are beautiful and realistic and can be easily made without special skills, following simple diagrams and instructions. The first stages of drawing consist of a light sketch, which includes short, smooth lines, general outline selected subject for drawing. It is important to try to capture general outline moment, pose, movement.

The easiest way to express your thoughts on paper is to sketch. You need to draw it quickly, without drawing details, with light hand movements, no more than 10 minutes.

The easiest way is to copy a picture from the original using the “cellular” method.

To do this you need:

  1. Apply a marking grid to the original picture using graph paper, a ruler, and a pencil.
  2. Repeat the grid on drawing paper, measuring 2 cm by 2 cm.
  3. To prevent the mesh from moving out, you need to secure it with buttons.
  4. Do a little warm-up of your fingers and hands before drawing. To do this on clean slate paper, draw any chaotic lines (squiggles, scribbles) while changing the pressure of the pencil and the angle of inclination. Conduct an experiment with the length and shape of lines and strokes.
  5. Transfer the drawing cell by cell (from cell to cell) onto the surface of whatman paper.
  6. For redrawing big picture, the grid must be proportionally increased.
  7. First you need to draw the main contour lines and the longest ones. You should start drawing from the edges to the center.
  8. When drawing small strokes and elements, you need to polish the angular lines. It is necessary to give roundness and smoothness to the pattern.
  9. To draw a natural object, you need to select it, for example, a fruit, vase, teapot, etc. Carefully examine the object, pay attention to every single detail, texture, shadows.
  10. Determine the overall composition, for example, location in space, curvature of contours.

In this way you can draw still lifes, portraits, abstract patterns and much more. The drawing turns out clean, airy with clear lines.

Beautiful, inspiring pictures for sketching with a pencil using special technologies will look as realistic as possible, it all depends on what exactly is in the picture:

  • For the right ones, realistic portraits you need to carefully look at the details and proportions of the face, the features of the hair curls. Study a person’s mood, emotions and correctly convey facial expressions.
  • If the picture is original anime image, you can first flip through the manga and carefully study the comics, anime characters, japanese cartoons.
  • Draw people the most difficult thing, before this you need to study anatomy, the structure of the skull, the position of the lips, the set of the eyes, the posture of a person and learn how to draw drapery correctly.

You will get beautiful and realistic pictures if you draw from a sketch. When drawing with a pencil, you must not only follow the technique, but also pay attention to such little things as how to properly grip the pencil.

How to hold a pencil:

The principles of drawing images will help you make any drawing as realistic as possible:

  • Basics of Perspective– objects that are close should be visually larger, those located further away should be smaller in size.
  • Layout principle– objects located at the bottom of the sheet seem closer.
  • Law of size– if the object is larger, it means it is visually closer.
  • Overlapping principle– an object superimposed on another will appear visually closer to the person looking at it.
  • Penumbra Basics– the part of the object located away from the light source should be darker than the base.
  • Laws of Shadow– for a realistic three-dimensional picture, objects in the picture must cast a shadow.
  • Outline Basics– you need to carefully draw the contours of round objects so that they have depth.
  • Horizon principle— in order to create a visual understanding that objects are located at different states from each other, it is necessary to indicate the horizon line.
  • Density Law– receding objects located in the distance should be light, drawn in light lines.

Pencil drawing techniques: shading and shading

Special techniques help novice artists create realistic and correct paintings:

Simple pictures for children

For children and beginners at the beginning of learning the art of drawing, it is necessary to select simple pictures for sketching with a pencil. Light patterns and sketches will help you draw beautiful pictures.

Among the popular ones, for example, are:

  • Fish.
  • Automobile.
  • Tree.
  • House.
  • Cat.
  • Bunny.

Drawing a tree is not difficult, even for a beginner:

How to draw a shadow

Shadow allows you to add volume to the picture by correctly placing highlights, halo light, penumbra, and main shadow in the picture. This is a standard formula that is used to draw all objects from a person’s face to geometric figure.

It is important to choose the right place for shadows and shading:

  1. At the first stage, it is important to highlight step “1” with a white pencil.
  2. On the second circle, leave a light area, shade with light lines and shade.
  3. IN midline make the object a penumbra.
  4. Make a full shadow along the edges of the object and beyond the edges, shading and shading the area.

Beautiful patterns

Stylish thematic patterns and ornaments are easy to draw in cells:

Drawings “about love”

LOVE themed images – heart, dove, rose, cute flowers, kittens, etc.

To draw a beautiful “universal” rose, you need to act according to the algorithm:

  1. Draw a smooth, light line on the paper - this will be the stem of the future rose.
  2. Draw small leaves on the stem in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. Start drawing the bud from the first oval.
  4. Make two main petals inside the oval. The middle of the picture should resemble a rolled roll.
  5. Make small petals on the sides.

Drawing anime characters

The most common drawings in anime style are “Pikachu” and cartoon characters (young guys, girls). The main difference is multi-colored hair, strict facial features, large, wide open eyes.

It’s very easy to draw your own anime character:

  1. On paper, draw axes from which to begin drawing the features of the head (3\4). Divide the axes into 15 lines, with the same step.
  2. First you need to draw a circle, draw the chin by making a rounded triangle at the bottom of the circle.
  3. On line No. 13 draw a nose and mouth, between lines No. 11 there will be eyes, the distance between the eyes should be equal to one eye (approximately).
  4. At the points of line No. 18, make two circles - ears.
  5. Make the eyebrows like two small arches the size of the eye.
  6. Ears can be different in design: elven (pointed), ordinary, cat.
  7. Hair should be located above the head line.
  8. There are many different hairstyles for anime characters.

This is how any images are created.

Pictures of friendship – how to draw friendship

Drawing friendship is not difficult, it is important to choose the exact picture. The pigeon bird is a messenger of peace, friendship and prosperity.

You need to draw in stages, with a simple pencil:

Pictures depicting music

There are many images that are associated with music and songs, the most popular being the treble clef.

To draw do the following:

The easiest way to draw a treble clef is to first draw out the staff - 5 lines.

Pictures for girls' personal diary

Personal diary teenage girls can be decorated with homemade pictures, beautiful, stylish patterns. For such ideas, images of angels, a kiss, Cupid, a heart with wings or a lock with a key are best suited. These will be inspiring, stylish, hand-made drawings.

How to draw a lock with a heart and a key:

  1. Draw a coordinate axis, in the middle of which draw a standard heart.
  2. To draw a keyhole you will need to draw two main elements: a circle using a compass and a trapezoid from below.
  3. The circle segment that overlaps the trapezoid needs to be erased. So that the keyhole remains without partitions.
  4. You can draw a bow by attaching two parallel arcs to the top of the heart. Highlight the furrow, repeating the contour of the entire figure to give the drawing a realistic look.
  5. The key to the lock can be anything: in the form of a standard key or a heart on a long stem. To do this, draw a double heart and a long leg for the key.
  6. Be sure to make a groove inside the keyhole and small grooves in the working part of the key.

Learning to draw from scratch is not difficult; you need to devote a lot of time to it and have perseverance. Practice must be accompanied by mandatory criticism from professionals in order to take into account errors and inaccuracies in the future. Even despite failures, you shouldn’t stop halfway; drawing will help lift your spirits and create mass positive emotions, take a break from the gray everyday life.

By devoting enough time to this craft, trying to follow all the recommendations, you can devote your whole life to this, become a professional artist, fashion designer . Pictures for sketching will help you create small masterpiece even a child.

By practicing again and again with a simple or colored pencil, new drawings will turn out more and more beautiful. The most successful images can be framed and placed in a prominent place. This way the child will feel the importance of his creations, inspiration will come to him, which will surely bring pleasure and delight those around him!

Video: pictures for sketching with pencil

For pictures to draw with a pencil, watch the video:

Cool drawings for sketching with a pencil in the video: