Runic language alphabet. Runes. Alphabets. Thought forms

Correspondence of runes to letters of the Russian alphabet

And here is this option:
A - Ansuz
B - Berkana
G - Gebo
D - Dagaz
Z - Algiz
I - Isa
Y - Yer
K - Kano
L - Laguz
M - Mannaz
N - Nautiz
O - Otal
P - Perth
R - Raido
S - Soulu
T - Teyvaz
U - Uruz
F - Feu
E - Eyvaz, Evaz

Protective runes: Hagalas, Nautis, Algis, Lagus, Otila;

Runes that help health: Urus, Vunyo, Issa, Soulu, Ingvas

Runes that support success: Turizas, Anzus, Vunyo, Perto, Teivas, Berkana;

Runes that bring wealth: Feu, Kano, Vunyo, Iera, Berkana, Otila;

Runes of love: Gebo, Perto, Mannas, Lagus, Dagas;

Travel runes: Raido, Eivas, Teivas, Evas;

Runes of personal development: Thurizas, Anzus, Nautis, Issa, Eivas, Perto, Soulu, Berkana, Mannas.

One of the strongest and safest ways to protect against psychoenergetic aggression (that is, the evil eye, witchcraft, spells and even curses) is to write your name in the runic alphabet.
It should be remembered that the rune works like sound!!!
At the beginning of your work with rune magic, you should write your name this way. First, practice several times on paper, and when you get good at it, then write it down on a hard medium (for example, on wood, stone, etc.). Burn the trial versions and place the final version in a safe place. Your name written in this way will protect you and support your personal development.
In the same way, you can write down any other word that is important to you, for example, the name of your company or the bank where you keep your money, the make of your car, your profession, etc. This way, they will be protected and will better meet your needs.

An example of how to do this

Rune list:
Each Rune, except for the 4 main ones, is formed by 3 elements: 1 main and 2 auxiliary.
Now about the Runes themselves, more precisely about their practical application. First of all, when we come across Runes, we see them as an alphabet, and, naturally, we begin to compose words using this alphabet. Usually at the beginning it is compiled given name. But few people think at this stage that a name is a powerful magic spell, especially in runic form. When we describe a person’s name, we describe the main influences on his internal structure, on his psyche, even to some extent on his fate. Take, for example, the name Andrey. Rune Sequence: Ass, Naud, Dagaz, Reid, Eoh or En+Jara. Now I will give several decoding provisions:
1) The main influence is the first and last Runes.
2) The runes between the first and last are auxiliary, but if there is more than one of them, they form independent influences in pairs, without jumping over each other. The first rune is influenced by the second, the last - by the penultimate one.
3) Runes determine the influence of the elements. We will analyze this principle when I describe the influence of the elements on each Rune. Here there are also plans for influence and the degree of implementation of these plans.
Further it is assumed that you know the Runes well and I will not give explanations of their meaning
Based on these principles:
Andrey is a name experiencing the strongest influence of Air. That is, a person endowed with this name on the first, spiritual plane has a large reserve of development. That's all about the third principle for now.
A person has great inclinations in the ability to communicate. You just need to develop them if there is no corresponding Rune that helps release the hidden talent.
Since there are two possible interpretations here, I still decided to focus on Eoh. A person recovers easily, he is rarely visited by serious illnesses, and troubles are avoided. Naturally, since this is only the influence of a rune, it must be developed, or have a corresponding rune.
We can assume a great influence of social life on the inner life of a person, both on the mental and physical side. The combination of these two runes shows that a person is contradictory - he seeks society and at the same time avoids it. Big changes in his destiny will always be associated with social activities. His talents in the field of arts and magic require intense attention - Naud does not allow him to relax, the development process is difficult. But Naud also doesn’t let you forget what you’ve learned.
Reid in this case is the Rune that awakens Eoh, that is, the assumptions regarding Eoh are most likely reliable. Also, thanks to this link, magical powers recover quickly, which makes Andrey a good practitioner. Any physical injury either passes very quickly or does not happen at all. But Reid is an Air rune, so all the air component of Eoh goes to it - the absence of troubles is not guaranteed. At the same time, Reid is also Eoh’s mentor, which gives him the ability to control all the situations described above.
They give an amazing effect, both positive and negative. A person does not depend on circumstances; he easily discards the past. But new beginnings are difficult and come with difficulty. Although, if the matter has begun, it will be completed. Because of this connection, Andrey is very conservative and does not perceive innovation well.
Any business related to learning, finding out the truth is easy, but a person burns bridges when starting these things. That is, it is difficult for him to look back and use the experience of previous events. He can only achieve one goal at once. Andrey practically cannot “kill two birds with one stone”, unless the birds are tied together :)
Here's a sample analysis of one common name. Practical action, one might say. In this way, we can decompose any name. Using this knowledge, we can create a corrective “runescript”, give advice in any situation, or cast an approximate spell. We can also create a personal imperative and a compound rune, but this is done mainly for ourselves, as a talisman. For example, while meditating on my name, written in runes, I suddenly composed a rhyming imperative - my main characteristic. He helped me a lot in my further search for myself.
I hear the voices of my ancestors
From the dark depths of times calling

About the changes of the coming days
I ask the spirits to tell

What has been will always remain
The cycle of years will close, as always

Only my inspiration
He'll get me a black rose.

Runes as a tool for implementation
Runic signs are known to reflect universal law.
Each of the Elder Futhark runes carries one aspect of reality.
To work with runes, you must follow some rules. First.
First of all, the reading of the signs themselves is not subject to following the order we are accustomed to - from left to right, but to reading the reverse of the spelling we are accustomed to.
The signs themselves have color. The interpretation depends on the meaning of color in the Northern tradition.
The runes themselves have volume and development over time. Those. In addition to the order of reading, you need to imagine the runes in all six axes. They can rotate, move closer, move away from the observer or the earl (the one who is given the ability to work with runes).
Each of the runes is dedicated to one of the gods of the Teutonic series of gods. And during initiation, these aspects should also be taken into account.
In addition, the general rule is to call on three Norns (Urd, Skuld, Verdandi)
Now directly about the Signs presented in the figure.
The general meaning is the SEPARATION OF GOOD AND EVIL. And it’s active even now. Higher powers will help with this. They will direct your choice in the direction, maybe even against your will, towards good of a higher order.
After all, it is said that man proposes, but God disposes. Here there is an appeal to a higher plane than human will.
The third rune, Gebo, speaks of achieving a goal through common efforts with someone. You will need to consult with other entities.
The background of the picture speaks of the revival of the runes both now and in the future. That is, the actions and forces involved in galdstafir will act until your plans come true.
In general, the runescript will clarify the situation for you. And if you act according to the law of the universe, your desire can come true.
To successfully perform any magical actions, you should know the names of the runes and the Gods to whom they are dedicated.

Frey, to whom the runes Feu, Urus, Thurizas, Anzus, Raido, Kano, Gebo and Vunyo are dedicated;

Hag, who owns the runes Hagalas, Nautis, Issa, Iera, Eyvaz, Perto, Algis and Soulu;

Tire, which patronizes the runes Teivas, Berkana, Evas, Mannas, Lagus, Ingus, Dagas and Otila;

Odin is the patron of runes in general, and the Wyrd (empty) rune belongs to him.

Sunday is patronized by Balder, and on this day it is most effective to practice magic related to family affairs, as well as those related to health.

Monday is dedicated to Freya and love magic, as well as all activities related to fortune telling and predictions.

Tuesday belongs to Tyr and serves to perform protective and success-promoting actions.

Wednesday is dedicated to Odin and rituals related to healing, wisdom, knowledge and information.

Thursday is owned by Thor. They help in all matters aimed at gaining wealth, support development in all meanings of the word and ensure victory in battle.

Frigga reigns on Friday. It ensures success in magical actions related to love, fertility and abundance.

Saturday is patronized by the Norns, the rulers of Fate, and on this day only rituals can be performed that pray for a change in bad Fate.

On the new moon: we practice magic associated with starting something new (work, communication, business, etc.). Also most effective at this time are rituals that cleanse from the effects of psychoenergetic attacks - both on premises and on people. At this time, practices are also used to ensure fertility in any meaning of the word. In addition, at this time all magical actions should begin.

During the waxing moon (from new moon to full moon): all rituals are performed that ensure “growth” in both material and spiritual meaning, i.e. in love, business, healing, etc.

At this time, rituals that ensure development and success are effective. If some things are going badly, performing magical actions at this time can provide a turning point and improve the situation.

During the waning moon (from the full moon to the new moon), rituals are performed that provide protection from any negative influences in different areas of life.

Rituals related to the elimination of diseases, bad habits, problems, etc. are effective at this time. or getting rid of debts, character flaws, etc. It should be remembered that the influence of the new moon and full moon lasts for three days “before” and three days “after” the exact astronomical moment.

The sun has higher value if the rituals are performed by a man;

The effect of magical rituals will be stronger if they are performed when the Sun is in your zodiac sign;

If the Sun is in fire signs(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then this favors the rituals of beginnings, health and success;

If the Sun is in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), then this favors love rituals, rituals concerning family and rituals of fertility and abundance;

If the Sun is in air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), then this favors rituals related to science, intelligence, relationships between people and travel;

If the Sun is in earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), then this favors rituals related to money, wealth, abundance, work, etc. Rituals cannot be performed during a solar eclipse!
Do it yourself

When compiling runescripts, you should remember the special meaning of the first and last runes.

The first indicates the beginning, and the last indicates the end of the desired action. A rune is usually placed in the central place, indicating the main request, for the sake of which the entire inscription or sign is drawn up, or a rune that identifies the specific person for whom this inscription is being made.

Runescript for weight loss. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

Runescript that attracts happiness in love. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

-runescript that attracts happiness and harmony in an existing partnership.

- an inscription that facilitates the quick and profitable sale of something...

Oud [U]. Key words: “Yar, Love, Youth, Fire, Yarovit.” In the Slavic Nordic Tradition (Slavic-Aryan). Oud is a symbol male power, fertile and creative, transforming Chaos. This fiery force, which the Greeks called Eros, and the Slavs called Yar (Yar-Sila), belongs to Yarila. There are four Yarilos in a year: Yarilo Veshny, Yarilo Summer, Yarilo Wet, Yarilo Winter. These are the four rays of the Star. The fifth ray is the upper one - connection with the Parents. From Heaven to the Earth, which Yarilo plows, the Fire of Ra flows. And, being the Son of Ra, Fire does Good on Earth. This is not only the fiery power of love, but also a passion for life in general; a force that unites opposites, fertilizing the emptiness of Chaos. The sacred meaning of the rune: protection, preservation, strength, male fertility, goodness, fertile creative power.

Image of Herovit (as the upper inscription on the back of the sculpture is read) from Retra, published by archaeologist Potocki. Kherovit is the West Slavic name of Yarila. God, whose power is represented by the Ud rune. This item is probably the top of a ritual staff or pole; its shape makes us once again remember the work Thietmara, according to the testimony of which the Western Slavs revered one of the gods of fertility, performing ritual walks with a pole, on top of which a metal ring was fixed. The Oud rune is dedicated to the Nordic god, who was revered as the son of Veles by the Slavs or the son of Odin by the Scandinavians. His Slavic name is Yarilo (Yarovit), and his Scandinavian name is Balder. The Oud rune embodies his power - Yar, what makes men masculine and women feminine. This is not only the fiery power of love, but also a passion for life in general, a force that unites opposites, fertilizes the emptiness of Chaos... Practical application: a symbol of the masculine principle (in all its manifestations) and its protection. In the Scandinavian and Germanic runic series, the Ud rune corresponds to the runes Uruz (Bison) and partly Inguz (Yngvi or Ing - the light god of fertility, his other name is Freyr; Fertility, Completion).

Lelya [L]. The key ones again: “Love, Water, Attraction, Lelya.” The goddess of this rune - Lelya - was revered by the Slavs as the daughter of the Great Mother - Mother of God Lada. Her name is associated with a very wide range of ancient roots, such as Lyalya (“child, girl”), cherish, and so on, right up to the Sanskrit lila - “game”. Both the young goddess Lelya herself, Yarovit’s sister, and her rune are associated with the element of water, and more specifically, living, flowing water flowing in springs and streams. In the Nordic Tradition, this is the goddess of Strength who leads, just as a stream of water leads. Under different names we meet her in European tales about the sea (river) Virgin, in the tales of King Arthur, where she acts as the Guardian Virgin of the Holy Grail and the Road to it, in Slavic and many other ritual myths. In magic, the Lely rune is the rune of intuition, knowledge-beyond-mind. The force that leads in the journey-search, as well as spring awakening and fertility, flowering and joy. Practical application: to develop intuition. In the Scandinavian and Germanic runic series, this rune corresponds to the rune Laguz (Lake) and, partly, Vunyo (Joy).

[X/b]. Key words: “Spirit, Unmanifested, Unknowable, Rock.” This is the rune of the transcendental unmanifested Spirit, which is the beginning and end of everything. The Slavs called it Rock, the ancient Scandinavians - Orlog, the ancient Anglo-Saxons - Wyrd. There is no point in talking about it - there is only sense in feeling it. The Nordic Wyrd, or Rock, is similar to the eastern Tao. Even God cannot avoid what is predetermined by fate - these are the words of Herodotus. There is nothing outside of Rock. Rock, Wyrd, Orlyog are not a deity, not a law, not even a predestination - it’s simple - All-That-Is... The sacred meaning of the rune: a secret hidden from the outside eye, karma. In magic, the Doom rune can be used to dedicate an object or situation to the Unknowable. Practical application: helps to achieve a state of detachment in relation to those events and phenomena that you cannot overcome. Of the Elder Futhark runes, only part of the meaning of the Doom rune is conveyed by the runes Perth (Death of the past, Search), Evaz (Yew, Change) and Hagalaz (Hail). In a certain sense, the Northumbrian runes Ear (Rune of the Grave, it is dedicated to Hel - the Lady of Death), Kveort (Rune of the Funeral Pyre) and Gar (Mystery; stop asking) are close in meaning. However, we repeat, there is no one-to-one correspondence here.

Comments on the runesFive Forces. Late medieval magical treatises speak of four elements: water, earth, fire and air. However, in the sacred Nordic Tradition there were more elements - five. The fifth element - the transcendental Spirit, Rock - turned out to be forgotten for a variety of reasons, the main one of which is probably that Spirit, or Rock occupies a special place in the five elements: it is not manifested and unknowable, but it is the Center that unites everything around you. This sacred fivefold structure can be seen at the basis of many traditional cultural and magical constructions. According to this scheme, for example, the structure of royal power developed in ancient Ireland, which consisted of four kingdoms located on the cardinal points and the central domain of the High King, located in the center of the island. According to European legends, the Holy Grail Castle is also constructed, having four towers dedicated to the four elements and oriented to the cardinal points, and a central altar, where the Holy Grail itself rests. Slavic runes The Five Forces reflect within themselves this sacred five elements. Four of them are dedicated to the classic elements of water, earth, air and fire, and the fifth is dedicated to the central element of Rock. From the basis of rock come the fundamental concepts and definitions of Slavic traditional culture. A lesson is the meaning of existence, determined by Fate; involvement with Rock; mastering the ability to follow Fate. A prophet is a man who is prophetic and aware of Doom. A youth is one who has not yet undergone the proper caste initiation, has not taken communion with Fate, has not realized his Lesson... ...There is such an ancient Russian verb - (a)r(b)kat, which has two meanings: the first is “to speak” (see in “ The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and in the chronicles - rekosta, rekuchi, arkayuchi, modern Russian roar, utter, speech, etc.); the second is “to flow” (cf. modern river). The linguistic unity of two concepts - flow and speech - only reflects the incredibly ancient Slavic-Aryan idea that speech (speaking) is the outflow of will, intention; hence modern expressions like “speech flowed.” Isn't the term Rock a verbal noun from the same stem r(b)kat? If this is so, then its meaning is simply “flow”, “outflow of the highest Will”...

The rest of the Runes.

[ABOUT]. Key words: “Gods, Motherland, Pillar, Kol and Kolo.” In Tradition, the gods are considered the supports and pillars of the World. In Slavic languages, both the Axis, symbolizing the World Tree, and the Circle, enclosing it, were designated by similar words: Kol and Kolo. A support, a pillar, is also a pole or tree, symbolizing ascent. And the circle surrounding it is the circle in which the existence of people who worship their gods takes place; This is the Motherland, the heritage of our ancestors. The Rune Support depicts two lines, two boundaries, cutting the vertical trunk of the World Tree into three Worlds: Upper (the world of the gods), Middle (the world of people) and Lower ( world of the dead). The sacred meaning of the rune: support, protection, support in movement, ascension. Practical application: to receive communication and help from the spirits of ancestors; help in finding support in life. In the Elder Futhark, certain aspects of the meaning of the Support rune are partially conveyed by the runes Othal (Heritage) and Ansuz (God) (Futark is the general name of the Scandinavian and Germanic runic alphabets).

[D]. Key words: “Good, Gift, Fertility.” The rune of the bright Dazhdbog, symbolizing good in every sense of the word: from material wealth to the joy that accompanies true love. The most important attribute of this God is the cornucopia, or the cauldron of inexhaustible benefits. The flow of gifts flowing from this sacred cauldron like an inexhaustible river is represented by the Dazhdbog rune. The sacred meaning of the rune: good, material prosperity, abundance, joy. Practical application: used to change your financial and social situation, as well as in cases where you want to receive a gift.

[P]. Key words: “Coverage, Power.” Rune of Perun - God of Thunder, protecting the worlds of Gods and people, preserving Truth and Order from the onset of the forces of Chaos. Symbolizes strength, power, masculine straightforwardness and vitality. The sacred meaning of the rune: the gift of personal power. Practical application: protection from the negative effects of mental, material and other destructive forces (for example, the “evil eye”). Protecting yourself, your family and your organization from falling apart in difficult times.

A published object from Retro by archaeologist Potocki, one of the inscriptions on which conveys the name of the god Prove, the West Slavic analogue of the eastern Perun. It also symbolizes personal power, but in some negative situations - power not burdened by wisdom. But this is also the direct protection given by the gods from the forces of Chaos, from the destructive effects of mental, material or any other destructive forces.

[E]. Key words: “Nature, Life, Movement.” The Rune of Life, or Alive, mobility and natural variability of existence, for immobility is dead. This rune represents those divine forces that make grass grow, the juices of the earth flow through tree trunks, and blood run faster in spring in human veins. This is the rune of light and bright vitality and the natural desire for movement for all living things. Practical application: you can use this rune in cases where you are tired and do not feel the lightness, desire and strength to move forward. In the Elder Futhark, this rune corresponds to the runes Evaz (Yew, Change) and Berkana (Birch).

[AND]. Key words: “Ice, Stillness, First Principle.” For a correct understanding of this rune, it should be remembered that in the Nordic Tradition, ice is one of the creative primordial elements, symbolizing strength-at-rest, potentiality, movement in stillness. According to some versions of northern legends, the World arose from a single hailstone - an ice grain. It should be remembered that the state of frozenness, non-movement, contains the potential force of movement and development (signified by the rune Is) - just as movement contains the potential stagnation and freezing... The state of non-movement contains the potential force of movement and development, just as movement contains the potential for stagnation and freezing. The sacred meaning of the rune: accumulation of strength, energy and power for subsequent advancement. Practical application: rest before lunging forward. In the Scandinavian runic series, the Source rune corresponds to the Elder rune Isa (Ice) and, in part, to the younger rune Hagalaz (Hail).

If you write in runes "Slavs" (Slavene), here's what happens:


Considering what each rune means, it turns out to be very significant. Especially the ending:

Victory (Strength) - Love (Strength) - Beginning (Strength) - Strength (Life) - Life - Dedication - Life = Life.

It’s interesting that it turns out with runes "North":


Victory (Strength) - Life - Strength - Life - Joy (Road, Favorable Outcome) = Life.

Vedic Culture is the basis of the Old Russian Faith! The Rus are the oldest of the civilized peoples on Earth. Slavism is the oldest and only world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Vedic Culture. All peoples of the Earth belonging to the Caucasian race are one mononational people, historically called “Rus”. Our truly Great Ancestors did not have the concept of “religion” in today’s interpretation of the word. They didn't have to believe in anything. They knew how everything worked and how everything worked. Therefore, it was unnatural for them to believe in anything without any reason.

Vedism is not a religion! This is a way of life, culture, mentality... But not religion! A person can believe in God by knowing that he exists, or by feeling his presence in himself and in the world around him. This faith is called Vedic. But faith can be imposed on a person. Such faith does not require comprehension from a person, but imposes stupid blind worship, turning a person into a fanatic. With such a faith, means are required for psychological pressure on consciousness in order to show a person the greatness of “God” and the insignificance of man. This requires majestic temples and religious rituals, that is, religion.

FAITH - modern sound of the Slavic-Aryan image, consisting of two runes:

rune "Vedas"– “True Wisdom of the Most High” – means “Knowledge”, i.e. the ability to Know Divine Wisdom, to Communicate it to others and, having become a follower of the Almighty, to become a leader for those who want to Know His Truth.

- rune "PA"- means “Radiance of the Truth of the Most High.”

So, Faith is the Radiance of the Wisdom and Light of the Truth of the Almighty.

Orthodoxy- glorification of “Rule” - the spiritual world of the Most High Ancestor and His children - the bright Slavic-Aryan Gods and Goddesses, who are our Ancestors, and we are Their great-grandchildren.

Ingliism - modern sound of the Slavic-Aryan image, consisting of the rune - “Inglia”, meaning “Primordial Fire of the Most High”, which generated the entire universe and the forms of Life inhabiting it, as well as the three-rune concept - “ISM”, meaning the Truth of the Earthly World.

runic spelling of the concept “Vedic Culture” - the Truth of the Almighty.

The very name Ingliism has been forgotten and seems purely foreign. Inglia is the Divine Primary Fire, which gave birth to the diverse Life of the Universes. Ingliism is a Faith, not a religion, since the word religion means the artificial restoration of the Spiritual connection between people and Gods, on the basis of some Teaching. We do not need to restore the Spiritual connection between people and Gods, since this connection has not been interrupted for us, for our Gods are our Ancestors, and we are their children. All people with White skin color, living on different planets, are the One Universal Race, descendants of the Heavenly Race and the Great Race, from which the White humanity of planet Earth originates.

We, the Rus, honor the Faith of the Great Race, sent down by the Heavenly Family. We keep England - the sacred Divine Fire of our Ancestors, and kindle it in front of the images and Idols of the Gods and Holy Wise Ancestors of ours. We are Orthodox, because we glorify Rule, and Rule is the World of our Light Gods. We are Slavs, for we glorify from the bottom of our hearts the Light Gods and our Holy Wise Ancestors. We must observe two Great Principles: “Holy honor our Gods and Ancestors, Always live according to Conscience!”

Ingliism does not belong to that Faith and those religions that you can accept and then find for yourself a more interesting and the best Faith or religion, believe or convert to it. This is also impossible, like, for example, choosing for yourself new Life a new Mother or a new Father and be born from them. Leaving Ingliism at all times and among all Clans of the Great Race was regarded as a betrayal, as a renunciation of one’s ancient Family, one’s Parents and Ancestors. Every tree whose roots are cut off sooner or later dries up and dies, and so a person who renounces his Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors, his Parents, Relatives and Fatherland, will inevitably come to destruction. Ingliism is the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors and, in its original basis, does not bear anything against other peoples, beliefs and religions. It also does not convey anything anti-Christian, anti-Semitic or anti-Islamic. For Ingliism existed long before the appearance of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other religious teachings on earth. The original sources of Ingliism must be sought in the depths of antiquity, in the fertile and legendary country of Daariya (Arctida, Hyperborea), which was located on the sunken Northern continent.

Ancient Wisdom is learned not in order to dominate and command someone, and not in order to be reborn or exalted over other Clans. Ancient wisdom has always been learned in order to realize one's Life Path, in order to improve spiritually and in order to pass it on to our descendants.

Our gods: Ra (Ra-M-Ha), Rod-Generator, Svarog, Lada-Theotokos, Perun, Veles, Makosh-Theotokos, Dazhdbog, Svetovit, Yarila, Semargl, Tara-Theotokos, Kolyada, Kupala, Mara-Marena, Odin, Valkyrie, ...

Scandinavian runes Futhark.

Futhark is a Scandinavian runic system or series, i.e. a rigidly fixed list of runes, with their phonetic and magical meanings and names. Futhark contains 24 signs (plus an empty rune added during fortune telling), divided into three groups - atta (att - “eight”); Each att consists of eight runes. Based on the phonetic correspondences of the runes of the first atta - f, u, th, a, r, k,... - this system got its name - Futhark. They are also called Elder Runes. The runes never remained unchanged. In the 5th century, runic writing and runic magic came to the British Isles - along with the Germanic tribes of the Angles and Saxons. British magicians and priests were not satisfied with Futhark and created their own runic system, which is a processing and addition to the original one (Futark). These runes (28 of them) are known as early Anglo-Saxon runes. Later, by the 9th century, another Anglo-Saxon runic system was created, containing 33 signs - late Anglo-Saxon, or Northumbrian (Notumbria is one of the ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Britain) runes. As in the British Isles, runes in Scandinavia also gradually changed, but the Scandinavian priests took the opposite path. Preserving Futhark for magical needs, they developed more and more runic alphabets, which were used almost exclusively as a means of writing. Thus, the first revised alphabets contained 16 characters, close in outline to the Futhark runes, the last ones (XI-XII centuries) - 15 or fewer characters, sometimes having nothing in common with Futhark. In total, about a dozen alphabets were created in Scandinavia: several in the Danish style and a little more in the Swedish-Norwegian style. These Scandinavian adaptations of Futhark are sometimes called Junior Runes. The Junior Runes made a huge number of inscriptions on memorial stones in Scandinavia; the total number of such stones, if you count them conscientiously, will probably exceed three to four thousand. The vast majority of these inscriptions date back to the 11th century, are not associated with any magic and are purely memorial structures.

The similarity between Northern Russian mythology and Scandinavian mythology is curious. The unity of the region and the compact residence of the Slavic-Aryans - the Rus - made themselves felt in their mythology, in which Veles (Volos) corresponds to Odin - the Patron of priests, magic and poetry, a symbol of wisdom, Spiritual insight, as well as connections with the Other World. Note that Odin in Scandinavia was revered above Thor, an analogue of the Slavic Perun. Russian philologists V. Ivanov and V. Toporov note: “It is noteworthy that the sorcerer spoke on behalf of Volos (an analogy in the words of the soothsayer in the Edda, spoken on behalf of Odin).”

Scandinavian runic alphabet.

Fehu - Fehu. Key words: “Livestock, Property”. Rune of property. In the first, most common consideration, property is purely material. However, working with this rune allows you to reveal its deeper properties, in particular, the connection with mental property (but not spiritual - make a distinction). However, one should not consider the relationship with the material world as something that belittles it - this is the main content. In general, it can be characterized not only as a rune of property, but also as a rune of well-being, not spoiled by self-satisfaction. The magical use of the rune is very wide and is associated mainly with material values. Inscribed on a ring or bracelet, it can help you get out of poverty by pushing you towards certain situations and pointing out opportunities. Prevents mistakes when purchasing real estate and helps preserve and improve it. The same talisman can protect against troubles when transporting valuable cargo. It is necessary to take into account that, although this rune helps to maintain well-being, including financial well-being, it is not directly related to money and is unlikely to help in speculation and usury. In addition, there is an opinion that the Feu rune can provide some assistance in relationships between a man and a woman. This, apparently, is indeed the case, however, before applying this rune to this problem, it is necessary to remember the area of ​​​​its action - the manifest world and the most gross manifestations of the subtle world, i.e. physical, etheric and vital human bodies. So there is something to think about.

Uruz (Ur) – Uruz [u]. Key words: "Bison". Rune of Strength. The area of ​​action is the physical and subtle worlds, the causal (event) plane. This rune should not be understood as a rune of overwhelming power, but as a Force that is all-embracing and all-uniting. It inextricably merges, like “yin” and “yang,” male and female components, and this rune gives men masculinity, women – femininity, and confidence – to both. On the other hand, any connections can arise only where energy is present - a component of the Force; a powerless person is unable to love or be a friend. The second magical use of the Uruz rune is connected with this - it can help the creation and strengthening of love and friendship, marriage or a partnership agreement.

Turisaz (Turs)-Thurisaz [þ]. Key words: "Thorn, Damn." A powerful but very heavy rune. Energy of Saturn; color – black, sometimes crimson or deep purple. Gives strength and ability to think, concentrate and make important decisions. Carved on a large obsidian ball, plate, etc., it is an ideal talisman for meditation.

Ansuz –Ansuz [a]. Key words: "God". One of the most sacred runes. Energy of Mercury. The scope is unlimited. The rune is associated with Odin, as well as with his reverse side - Loki, the insidious AS, dark and light at the same time. The magical use of the Ansuz rune is a complex matter, requiring experience and a certain amount of personal strength.

Raido – Raidu [r]. Key words: "Path". Rune of the path. The scope of action is wide, mainly the causal (event) plan. Bears the imprint of the energy of Mercury. Working with it is extremely effective for people who feel the beauty behind it and live by the principle “the road is life.” For these people, the Raido rune itself can serve as an excellent talisman. In addition, it is a rune of unification and harmonization, a rune of final synthesis - but not completion as such. The use of this rune for the purposes of practical magic can be described absolutely clearly - this, as already said, is the rune of the path. If you have a journey ahead, a talisman with the Raido rune depicted will straighten and shorten your path, make it pleasant and protect you from unnecessary troubles. If you are embarking on the path of some other plane, the Raido rune will also support your strength.

Kano – Kauna [k]. Key words: "Torch". Rune of Incarnation. A very powerful rune; is capable of not only directing human activity (at any level) in the desired direction, but also giving it the necessary strength. Ralph Bloom* characterizes the Kano rune as “the rune of renewed clarity.” The magical application of this rune is extremely wide, but with proper analysis it can be reduced to one thing - the Kano rune helps to concentrate the will and realize what is planned. Women use amulets with the Kano rune inscribed on them during conception and pregnancy to give the child the desired qualities. Artists, writers, poets and other people of art can use this rune for the clearest and highest quality embodiment of their plans. An amulet with this rune can be recommended to both treasure hunters and magicians. It should also be noted that this rune has a second aspect - it is also a rune of revelation. It is obvious that both aspects are interconnected - it is impossible to realize a plan without revealing yourself to the world. This is very important point, which should be remembered when working with this rune.


*Ralph Bloom is an American modern author who has published several books on runes, including The Book of Runes, Healing Runes, and Rune Maps. Bloom's books, each packaged with a set of ceramic rune stones or a set of rune cards...

Gebo – Gebu. Key words: "Gift". Rune of Unity. Together with some other runes (for example, Ansuz), the Gebo rune is one of the most difficult Futhark signs to process. To understand it, it is necessary to clearly sense the world law of unity and struggle of opposites, which in this case are freedom and partnership. A sincere and fruitful union is impossible where its members do not have complete freedom. Thus, the bonds of true brotherhood always prove stronger than the forces that maintain the integrity of tyranny. But freedom, in the deepest sense of the word, is impossible where “everyone pulls the blanket over himself.” Associated with this content of the Gebo rune is the magical application of helping to establish partnerships, be it a marriage or a business venture. The rune will also help in making the right choice partner and in maintaining good relationships.

Vunyo - Wunju [w]. Key words: "Joy". A bright, joyful rune. It bears the imprint of the energy of Jupiter and Venus, the scope of action is too wide for a clear definition. The magical purpose is to cause joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood, which is much more important than many tend to think. For some people, it can cause beneficial cleansing of the astral body, removing energy blocks and improving well-being.

Hagalaz – Hagalaz [h]. Key words: "Grad". Rune of destruction. The scope of action is wide, mainly the Subtle World and the causal (event) plane. Energy of Uranus and Mars; the color is pure scarlet, crimson, sometimes black. Associated with the natural forces of destruction, destruction, and the energies of the elements. During mass disasters, as well as during floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, sharp and significant bursts of energy occur, similar to the energy of this rune. The main magical use of this rune is to help break out of the vicious circle. The simplest example is the painfully pleasant feeling of self-pity, familiar to almost everyone. Often a person spends hours and days savoring his own troubles, causing the latter to grow and obscure the light. The state is energetically stable and therefore even more pathological. To realize that you have found yourself in such a “vicious circle” and are in captivity of endless internal reflections of your own negative energy– that’s a good three-quarters of liberation. And then, if you are not able to go out on your own, draw the Hagalaz rune - it will produce the necessary “explosion” and open the circle. By the way, if you see that another person is in a similar position, draw a rune for him: it will help him both realize the situation and get out of it.

Nautiz – Naudiz [n]. Key words: "Need". Energy of Saturn. Complex rune. Supporting a person in difficult times is the main purpose, but at the same time it requires a certain restraint in emotions and actions and contributes to the manifestation of this restraint. Like most runes, it can be applied not only to any amulet specially created for it, but also to any suitable object (for example, a fountain pen) or to a hand or nail.

Isa – Isaz [i]. Key words: "Ice". The rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The scope of action is wide and covers all human bodies from the physical to the mental, and also extends to the causal (event) plane. The main magical purpose of the Isa rune is to “freeze” anything. With its help, you can stop (but not eliminate) the negative process of illness (physical or mental), an outburst of anger (not only your own), some phenomenon in public life, etc... In some situations, it allows you to get the necessary respite.

Yer – Jara [j]. Key words: “Year, Harvest.” Rune of completion. The names of the runes are obviously interconnected, both etymologically and in their meaning: it is the change of seasons, including the harvest period, that makes the very existence of the term “year” possible. On the other hand, the concept of a year here symbolizes a complete cycle of development, ending with its “harvest.” The rune contributes to the successful completion of any important matter; you can draw it before starting this business, cut it on an amulet or on an object directly involved in the business. In addition, this rune can also help if, already in the middle of the matter, unexpected obstacles appear that interfere with its favorable outcome. It is necessary, however, to mention that the use of the Yer rune requires a person to apply personal strength and a certain expenditure of energy.

Eyvaz - Ehwaz [ e ]. Key words: "Horse". One of the most complex futhark runes. Magical use is based on the ability to provide assistance in overcoming obstacles, both purely physical (for example, in sports), and mental or related to any activity. In addition, you can draw it when you want to provide support and protection to someone.

Perth - Perþu [p]. Key words: “Death of the past, Search.” Rune of initiation. Energy of Pluto and Mars; the symbol of the internal content of this rune is the phoenix, i.e. rebirth through death in one's own fire. The energy contained in this rune is often possessed by people natal chart whose Sun is in Scorpio. The Perth rune pushes and facilitates the process of qualitative change in consciousness (inner initiation) - at any level. In certain situations, it can act like the Hagalaz rune, breaking the closed chain of thoughts and the events they bring to life. Using the Perth rune for magical purposes can lead to an act of mental death - a severance of causal and astral connections between a person’s past and future. In some situations this may be beneficial, in others it will lead to an aggravation of the situations it causes. Therefore, this rune must be used with reasonable caution.

Algiz – Algiz [-R (-z)]. Key words: "Moose". Rune of protection. Some authors define it with the word “security,” which has a slightly different meaning. With any definition, however, it should be noted that the protection here is passive in nature, although the rune requires a certain amount of personal strength from the defender. The use of the Algiz rune creates certain astral and causal (event) conditions that prevent the invasion of external harmful forces - be it someone else's witchcraft or a brick falling from the roof. In this regard, the definition of “rune of security” actually turns out to be somewhat more accurate. In addition, the Algiz rune acts like “big-eyed” stones (cat’s eye, tiger’s eye), enhancing a person’s ability to anticipate danger or someone’s attack, and sometimes preventing it in one way or another.

Soulu – Sowilu [s]. Key words: "Sun". Rune of integrity. Bears the imprint of the energy of the Sun. Some authors tend to define the Soulu rune as the rune of the result, and in a certain sense this makes sense - indeed, integrity, the synthesis of opposites, is the result of any movement. This is the basis for the magical use of this rune, which can direct a person or a created situation towards achieving integrity. In addition, the Soulu rune can help you clarify an unclear situation and push you to the right decision.

Teyvaz - Tiwaz [t]. Key words: "Tyr, Loss of energy." Rune of the Warrior. The energy of Mars in its purest manifestation, often with a hint of the Sun, Jupiter or Pluto. The scope of action is extremely wide and covers almost all worlds - from the physical to the fiery. Dedicated to Tyr (Tiv) - the god of war. Legends tell about one act of this AS, which remarkably characterizes both himself and his rune. One day the gods managed to catch Fenrir, the World Wolf - the cause of the coming Ragnarok (End of the World). In order to restrain the destructive power of the Wolf, it was necessary to put specially made strong fetters on him. But the Wolf, of course, did not give in, and then Tyr put his hand in his mouth as a guarantee that the bonds would be removed! And when the Wolf was chained, he bit off Tyr's hand - but victory over Chaos was achieved. As if in memory of this act of Tyr, the Teyvaz rune retains the ability to help people in any of their struggles, but above all - in their struggle against the forces of Chaos of their own “I”. In ancient times, warriors drew this rune on shields and sword hilts before battle in order to strengthen their resolve.

Berkana – Berkana [b]. Key words: "Birch". Rune of growth. The energy of Venus, with many shades and overlays; Green colour. The scope of the Berkan rune is extremely wide; the growth symbolized by it can be both purely physical and spiritual. This is the rune of fertile movement, leading to blossoming and maturation. The magical use of this rune is based on this. It can serve as both a fertility stimulator in general and a growth stimulator in particular. Promotes birth and rebirth. It can help in solving problems related to raising children, as well as ease childbirth and heal from infertility. Do not forget about the purely physical manifestations of the action of this rune.

Evaz – Iwaz [é (ih-wh)]. Key words: “Yew, Changes.” Rune of change (movement, progress, movement from a dead point). The scope of action is the astral and causal (event) plans. Bears a strong imprint of the energy of Mercury; Green colour. The magical application follows from the very definition - the rune is used to change, to “stir up” something that has entered a phase of stagnation. This something can be some kind of situation, a stuck business, a chronic illness, and, finally, a person who has fallen into mental lethargy or is fixated on some unsolvable problem. In this regard, we can say that the Evaz rune works exactly opposite to the Isa rune. Another aspect of its action is to facilitate the journey of travelers (as they say, especially those traveling by water).

Mannaz - Mannaz [m]. Key words: "Man". Not an easy rune. Ralph Bloom defines it as the rune of the self. Bears the imprint of Saturn's energy. The use of the Mannaz rune for magical purposes is controversial and requires the application of a significant amount of energy.

Laguz – Laguz [l]. Key words: "Lake". A complex but wonderful rune. The classic translation of the name (“water”) does not entirely accurately define its content. The name of this rune implies not just water, but flowing water, moving water - the one that forms a stream and carries along with it. The rune bears the imprint of the energy of Mercury. The Laguz rune is the rune of intuition, and there are magical uses associated with this. Use sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world, helps in the study of the occult sciences and in penetrating the secret - this is one aspect of the action. On the other hand, the rune promotes marriage, the formation of new friendships and the restoration of old ones, ending a disagreement or quarrel.

Inguz - Iŋwaz [ŋ]. Key words: “Yngwie, Fertility”, Completion.” One of the most beautiful and most powerful Futhark runes. The rune of fertility in its reproductive aspect. The scope of action is wide, covering the physical and Subtle worlds and the causal (event) plane. The energy of Venus with many shades and variations; Green colour. The rune is dedicated to the light Frey, the god of fertility (his other name is Ing or Ingvi). The magical use of the Inguz rune is associated with the forces of light Freyr; in fact, the use of this rune is a direct appeal to this god. The rune can be used wherever there is a lack of natural forces of fertility: in the case of female infertility or male impotence, poor land harvest or unfruitful work. Also, the Inguz rune can relieve excess tension and restore the balance (equilibrium) of a person’s vital forces*.


* into three main (initial) groups of human needs – vital, social, idealnoticed for the first time outstanding Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky. When people talk about a vital man, they mean a person who is under the influence of a vital force not controlled by mind or spirit. Vitality is the life force inherent in any form of life expression, whether plant, animal or human. Where there is life, there is vitality. Without vitality there can be no life and its manifestation in matter. The vital itself is a life force acting within the framework of its own nature, impulses, emotions, feelings, desires, aspirations, etc.

Otal – Oþila [o]. Keywords: "Legacy, Refusal and Acquisition." The literal meaning of the rune is property, inheritance. The energy of Saturn, sometimes with the imprint of Mercury or Uranus. The rune speaks of the need to abandon everything old and outdated. Dust off the boots of all your previous wrong conclusions and come to accept the legacy that awaits you. The time has come to learn about the hereditary heritage that genetics, spiritual kinship, and possibly the continuity of traditions, practices, business, etc. have prepared for you. Rune Otal (Odal) is a very good sign. It indicates to you that noble blood flows in your veins, that you are part of a high-born tree, and you can only accept it with gratitude and study everything that this circumstance obliges you to do. Perhaps to maintain a new position, you will have to break old ties. Do this abruptly, but as nobly as possible, so as not to disrupt the flow of energies in a positive way.

Dagaz - Dagaz. Key words: "Day". A very light rune, the area of ​​effect is extremely wide. Bears the imprint of the energy of the Sun and Jupiter; color – often golden (not yellow). Combines two global interrelated concepts. In terms of the first of them, the Dagaz rune can be defined as a transformation rune. In terms of the second - as a rune of prosperity. Both concepts are combined in the magical use of the rune - approaching the end of the period of darkness (“night”) and the beginning of the period of light and prosperity (“day”), making a breakthrough in any matter or moving it from a dead point. It can also be used in the treatment of protracted illnesses.

Origin of runes. There are currently a large number of hypotheses on the problem of the origin of runes: the Greco-Latin version; Semitic version; the unconventional version of Agrell, a Swedish professor at Lund University who put forward the esoteric theory in 1932; mythological version - according to Scandinavian mythology, the runes were revealed to God Odin (Veles)*; Northern Etruscan version.


*Odin (Wotan, Veles)- in Scandinavian mythology, the Slavic-Aryan supreme god of wisdom, witchcraft, magic spells and poetry. God the Warrior, together with his brothers, he arranges the earthly world and creates people.

The Northern Etruscan version is the most popular, which suggests a theory about the origin of runic writing from one of the Northern Etruscan alphabets, which was proposed in 1928 by the runologist Marstrander. This version is supported by most scientists. There is a theory about the mixed origin of runes from the Northern Etruscan and Ogham alphabets, it was proposed by the Scandinavian researcher Hammarström, and also, according to researcher Feist, in addition to these two scripts, the Latin alphabet could have influenced the runes.

Northern Etruscan or Alpine alphabets are 5 alphabets derived from Etruscan and used by various languages ​​in the Alps. In total, 5 different Northern Etruscan alphabets are distinguished, according to the place where the inscriptions were found: Lepontine alphabet - inscriptions from Lugano; alphabet from Sondrio; alphabet from Bolzano; alphabet from Magre; Venetian alphabet - inscriptions from Venice and Este. The Venetian alphabet is considered the earliest, the inscriptions on which date back to the 6th century BC. e. The latest inscriptions date back to the 1st century BC. e., that is, by the time when the Etruscan alphabet itself had long gone out of use. Northern Etruscan alphabets take their origin from early version Etruscan alphabet. The writing direction was varied: both left to right and right to left. Lepontian alphabet - inscriptions from Lugano, or, as it is also called, Ligurian-Celtic, since the Lepontian tribe was probably of mixed Celto-Ligurian origin.

It should be remembered that our Slavic-Aryan ancestors - the Rus, with the help of symbols and images developed over many tens of millennia, ensured the specified accuracy in modeling world forces and structures, in the unity of various spheres of existence. Swastika symbols were built from these monosymbols, which became the basis of the Old Russian alphabet and the origins of world culture. Therefore, it is the Russian Language that is the base, the main trunk from which all other languages ​​sprout.

The swastika is a product of centuries-old intellectual activity of the Russian people, and the system of swastika symbols is the oldest on Earth and the most developed writing system, which gave rise to both Runic and Hieroglyphic and, later, Letter writing!

Today, runes are largely used as mystical symbols for fortune telling, “enchanting” objects, in tattoos and amulets. For fortune telling, a set of 18/24 or 19/25 Slavic or Scandinavian runes is used, respectively. A set of 28/33 are also used, known as the Early and Late Anglo-Saxon runes. By the 9th century, another Anglo-Saxon runic system was created, already containing 33 characters - late Anglo-Saxon, or Northumbrian (Notumbria is one of the ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Britain), runes. As in the British Isles, so in Scandinavia the runes also gradually changed.

As a rule, runes are applied to stones, but fortune tellers often use runes made of wood, bone and metal. Each rune in magical practice has its own meaning. We have already considered all this earlier. In modern practice, they also use the 19th, 25th or 33rd rune of Veles (Odin), an empty rune (that is, an empty fortune-telling blank for a rune), which means “pure fate”. The runes are placed in a special bag, which should be carried with you at all times. It is worth taking runes out of the bag only at the time of fortune telling. There are many different ways of fortune telling using runes, but that is not in this topic.

It should only be noted that everything must be taken seriously, especially magic. Once upon a time, hypnosis, parapsychology and many other magical phenomena, which still abound today, were considered by scientists and the world community to be nonsense and “magical quackery.” But time passed and these areas of magical achievements turned into science. Of course, now there are many people who consider themselves magicians, but in reality they are not, and thereby harm themselves and the people around them. The true meaning of natural magical phenomena is revealed to a reasonable person only when the brain of a true scientist builds a given pattern in modeling world forces and structures in the unity of Life and Cosmos.

Runic magic allows you to control various energy flows coming from the cosmic spheres. To do this, you need to create appropriate conditions for your physical body, that is, take the correct runic pose and tune your consciousness to perceive energy flows. This is done with the help of special runic sounds, which are called “spell”, “magic song”.

Our Russian scientist, philosopher, historian, Doctor of Philosophy, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.A. Chudinov studies the secret written heritage encrypted in the remains of the material culture of ancient civilizations. His remarkable works are scientifically based and aimed at proving the existence Slavic runes. Many of his works, claiming to be discoveries, are undoubtedly important for Russian civilization. After all, the Slavic Vedic Culture arose long before all other known civilizations. Also important are works that ancientize the era of the emergence of a specifically Russian (not even Proto-Slavic) language, since a lot of such facts and evidence have already accumulated. It is also important that V.A. Chudinov conducted research and corrected the table for deciphering Etruscan writing proposed by Thaddeus (Tadeusz) Wolanski. The results of both are generally the same: Etruscans - spoke a Slavic language! Here is confirmation of one of the versions of the origin of the runes - Etruscan - Rus!

Traces of Slavic runic writing were found and described on monuments - Sungir, near the city of Vladimir, Kostenki, near the city of Voronezh. B. A. Rybakov, the largest Russian archaeologist and historian of the 20th century, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences, established that “on the chest of the Paleolithic figurine of the Slavic goddess Makosha there is a rhombic ornament, confidently identified with the Slavic symbol “Unsown Field”, which belongs specifically to the Slavic goddess Makoshe, and on the back of this figure there are quite modern letters.” The most ancient letters inscribed on the sculpture of Mokosh 42 thousand years ago! Finds in the Southern Urals of the “Country of Cities”, Arkaim - the Slavic-Aryan Fortress City, dated 4 thousand years BC. and others, of which there are dozens openly discovered on the territory of Russia, categorically testify that the ancient Rus had not only knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, but carried out calendar calculations using both solar, lunar, and combined calendars, and had their own ancient Russian calendar. They possessed agricultural technologies, design and construction technologies, as well as highly developed metallurgy and metal processing techniques. And it would be ridiculous to say, given such modern knowledge of our ancestors the Rus, who are the basis of many other sciences, that the Slavic Rus did not have their own alphabet and writing. We must forever forget this Judeo-Christian nonsense that the clergy “Cyril and Methodius invented writing for the Slavs.” This anti-Russian propaganda must be stopped. It has been proven that many artistic monuments of antiquity, the Middle Ages and later times contain encrypted Slavic texts. According to the research of many scientists, Slavic Vedism in Rus' coexisted with Christianity before Nikon’s reforms, and Russian runic cryptography was used in some places until the middle of the 19th century (and even further) by “initiates” (A.S. Pushkin, V.M. Vasnetsov, Jean Cocteau, and etc.). Slavic runic inscriptions have been discovered by archaeologists on thousands of historical sites. Among them are ancient sanctuaries, sacred stones, religious objects, utensils of ancient and pre-antique times, letters, Christian icons of the first centuries and other artifacts.

We believe in our Russian scientists, we believe in our Russian people, and we are proud of our great ancestors, who were the founders of the Runic alphabet and writing on Earth.

Hello Sun - My Light!

I send you my greetings!

I love you always!

You warm Me, loving!

We are Russ - the grandchildren of Dazhdbozhia - the grandchildren of the Russian Gods!

We must solve all problems in Our Life Calmly, Confidently, Joyfully and with Love.

We are in agreement between ourselves and harmony.

Let us help our relatives and friends, the Russians, our native Russian people, so that everything will be fine for all of us, so that we will all be Healthy, Happy and Free.

We will overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

We will defeat all enemies and enemies.

Let's bring the Russes to power in Russia!

Let's revive Rus'!

Let us revive the Faith of our Gods and Our Ancestors - Russian Vedic Culture!

Let's revive Rule in Russia and the World!

Glory to Our United Russian Family!

To be continued…

Evgeny Tarasov.


The shape of the Germanic runes vaguely resembles the Latin alphabet. However, apparently, they do not come from the Latin alphabet, but from its “close relative,” the alphabet of the Rhets (see Rhetian language) - an ancient Alpine people related to the Etruscans, neighboring the Germans. It is generally accepted that the formation of the first Germanic runic system - Futhark - dates back to the first centuries AD. e. In the 5th century, runic writing (and runic magic) came to the British Isles - along with the Germanic tribes of the Angles and Saxons. In Scandinavia, the runes gradually changed. Preserving Futhark for magical needs, the priests developed more and more runic alphabets, which were used almost exclusively as a means of writing. These Scandinavian adaptations of Futhark are sometimes called Junior Runes. With the introduction of Christianity and the spread of the Latin alphabet, runic writing quickly lost its significance, although it existed for quite a long time after that - in some areas until the beginning of the 20th century. One of the most important areas of use of runes in later times was, not counting purely magical purposes, the creation of runic calendars. They were distributed throughout almost the entire north of continental Europe, as well as in areas neighboring the northern countries. There are references to the existence of analogues of runic writing among the Celts (the so-called ogam) and the Slavs (runitsa): “before the Slovenians, I didn’t have any writing, well, with the words and cuts I read and gataahu, the trash of existence...” In general, the cessation of the use of runic signs as an alphabet dates back to the XIV - XV centuries.


According to Scandinavian mythology, the runes were revealed to Odin when he, pierced by his own spear, hung on the World Tree for nine days and nights without food or drink, after which, having quenched his thirst with sacred (shamanic) honey given to him by Bölthorn, his grandfather, he heard the runes and inscribed the first of them with a spear stained with his own blood on the Tree.

This is what is written about it in the Elder Edda.

I know I was hanging
in the branches in the wind
nine long nights
pierced by a spear,
dedicated to Odin,
as a sacrifice to yourself,
on that tree
whose roots are hidden
in the depths of the unknown.

Nobody fed
no one gave me anything to drink
I looked at the ground
I picked up the runes
groaning, he lifted them up -
and fell from the tree.

I learned nine songs
from the son of Belthorn,
Bestley's father,
tasted honey
what is poured into Odrörir.

I began to mature
and increase knowledge
grow, prosper;
word from word
the word gave birth
matter of fact
the matter was born.

You will find the runes
and you will perceive the signs,
strongest signs,
the strongest signs,
Hroft painted them,
and the gods created
and Odin cut them out,

The aces have one,
and Dain is with the Elves,
Dvalin among the dwarfs,
among the Jotuns Asvid,
and I cut them myself.

This passage is often called Runatal, or the Song of the Runes.

Among the ancient Scandinavians, runes were considered not so much an alphabet as a magical tool. Runes were carved on weapons, houses, etc. Almost every Scandinavian knew the basics, and the ability to weave ligatures - complex combinations of runic signs - was an art.

Confirmation of this can be found in the Elder Edda

Maple tinga of chain mail
I give you a drink
full of strength
and great glory;
there are songs of magic in it
and healing runes,
good spells
and the joys of the runes.

Runes of victory,
if you strive for her, -
cut them out
on the sword hilt
and mark twice
in the name of Tyr!

Beer runes
know that it's deception
you weren't scared!
Apply them to the horn
write on your hand,
rune Naud - on the nail.

Sanctify the horn,
beware of deceit
throw the onion into the moisture;
then I know for sure
what a magic potion
you won't get drunk.

Midwife runes
find out if you want
to be of assistance during childbirth!
Apply them to your palm
squeeze your wrists
calling to diss.

Surf runes
know in order to save
ships are sailing!
Draw those runes
on the nose, on the steering wheel
and burn out on the oars, -
let the surf be terrible
and the black shafts, -
You will land unharmed.

Healing runes
for healing
you must know;
on the trunk that branches
leans towards the east,
cut them out.

Learn the runes of speech
if you do not want,
to take revenge on you!
They are put together
they are made up
they are intertwined
at a ting like this,
where people should
do justice.

Know the runes of thought
if the wisest
do you want to become!
Hroft solved them
and drew them
he invented them
from such moisture
that once leaked out
from Heiddraupnir's brain
and the horns of Hoddrofnir.

stood on the mountain
in a helmet, with a sword;
then head
Mimira said
words of wisdom
and told the truth

What runes decorated
shield god of light,
Alsvinn's hoof
and Arvaka ears
and chariot
slayers of Hrungnir,
Sleipnir's teeth
and sled undercut,

Bear paw
and Braga's tongue,
wolf claws
and an eagle's beak,
bloody wings
and the edge of the bridge,
midwife's palm
and a helping trace,

Glass and gold
and talismans,
wine and must,
fun benches,
iron of Gungnir,
chest of the horse Grani,
norn nail
and an owl's beak.

Runes are different
everything was scraped off,
with sacred honey
mixed, sent out, -
the aces have one,
others among the Alvs,
among the wise Vanir,
among the sons of men.

Those are the runes of the letter,
midwife runes,
beer runes
and magic runes, -
don't get confused,
don't hurt them
wield them profitably;
use knowledge
until the death of the gods!

Now choose
since the choice is offered,
blades maple, -
speech or silence;
decide, and misfortune
fate will have it in store.

Runes in modern times

After the loss of the function of the alphabet, runes experienced a rebirth in the 19th and 20th centuries. The father of runic magic is considered to be the German rune researcher and occultist Guido von List, who, among other things, created the “youngest” this moment variant of the younger futhark - Armanic. Now the use of runes is based mainly on their magical functions: fortune telling, “enchanting” objects, use in tattoos and amulets. Most often, runes in modern times are used for fortune telling. For fortune telling, a set of 24 or 25 runes is used. In the latter case, an “empty” rune, or the rune of fate, the rune of Odin, is added to the usual set of Elder Futhark runes. As a rule, runes are applied to stones, but fortune tellers often use runes made of wood, bone, and even salt dough. The runes are placed in a special bag, which should be carried with you at all times. It is worth taking runes out of the bag only at the time of fortune telling. There are many different ways of fortune telling using runes: layouts for 1 rune (yes/no), 3 (past-present-future), 4, 5, 7, 9 (the so-called “world tree”), 12, 24 ( “laying out on the canvas”) runes. When interpreting the layout, the meaning of each individual rune is taken into account (the direct, inverted (absence) and mirror (refusal) location of the rune is taken into account), their relative position, semantic combinations (for example, “odal” - home, homeland, clan and “raido” - the road foreshadows a quick way home).

Danish professor Ludwig Franz Adalbert Wimmer (1839-1888) was at one time the largest researcher of German-Scandinavian paleoepigraphic signs and went down in history as one of the founding fathers of scientific runology. His most significant work is the book “Runic Writing” (1887), which for many years determined the direction of further research in this area. But modern rune magicians and rune fortune tellers are not interested in these books.

Siegfried Kümmer believed that runes serve as a bridge connecting humans with the ancient Aryan gods. Friedrich Bernhard Marby “deciphered” every ancient rune and found correspondence to the rune pattern and the position of the human body. It was Marby who also recommended chanting runic rows so that the energy of the cosmos would pass unhindered throughout the body and heal it from diseases. Kümmer wrote: “Runic magic allows you to control various energy flows coming from the five cosmic spheres. To do this, you need to create appropriate conditions for your physical body - that is, take the correct runic pose - and tune your consciousness to perceive energy flows. This is done with the help of special runic sounds, which the Germans called “gald” (galdr - “spell”, “magic song”) It is no secret to runologists that here there are 99 percent of yoga and 1 percent of runes. But they are nevertheless called runic gymnastics and. runic singing.

One of the main features of any graphic system of written characters is the established order of arrangement of graphic characters, adopted for a particular language. The alphabetical order of graphic signs adopted in runic writing is called futhark (fuþark) - named after the first six letters. The established alphabetical order of letters in the Russian language is called by the names of the first two letters - ABC, and in Latin - from the first two letters Alpha-ἄλφα and Betta- β, βῆτα, βήτα, beta (vita), which conveyed the sounds [b] and [v], that's why it's called AlfaVit. Arrangement order of graphic signs Runic Futhark does not appear in any other writing.

Runic alphabet was divided into three rows, which are called ettirs (Il. Ættir - ettir, Norse. Ætt - att), with 8 runes in each ettir.
The first etir includes runes f, u, þ, a, r, k, g, w.
In the second etir - h, n, i, j, é (ih-wh), p, R (z), s.
In the third etir runes - t, b, e, m, l, ŋ, d, o.

As in the Russian language, every letter of the alphabet, every futhark rune has not only a special sound, but also its own name. The original names of all Futhark runes have not been preserved, but their presumptive names have been restored from rune names, preserved in later alphabets.

Everything, including the Russian language, comes from the single proto-language of Vedic Sanskrit, in which the ancient Rig-Veda was written. It is precisely in Vedic Sanskrit that one should look for. The Sanskrit word « rAsnA» - « secret, secret, any secret teaching"(dictionary:, in Gothic the word « runa" means "secret", in ancient German "runen" , and in Old Icelandic "runar" - “secret”, in English: “ Secret" -"hidden"

Futhark runes meaning.

The first etir includes runes - f, u, þ, a, r, k, g, w.

1 rune - Fehu or Feu - FEHU, sound f, v. Late Scandinavian - fe/fa/ - property
British - feh
Gothic - possession -faihu. The name of the rune means livestock, property; fire or flame(English flame).

2nd rune - Uruz - URUZ, sound u. The name of the rune comes from the word “primitive bull” - TOUR,. Late Scandinavian - UR-urr - bison
British - ur - bison
Gothic- uruz - bull.

3 rune - Thurisaz - THURISAZ - sound þ;“turisaz or turs” = “kak-tur” - means “giant”, “capable of TURNING”. In Sanskrit: (related words in Russian: vyTUrit, TURNut, ...)
Sanskrit: Tur, turrate, turya, turana, turayate - tur, tur-rate, tUrya, turANa, turayate - turn, turn, kick out (use force), kicked out... (kicked out,). Late Scandinavian - thurs - tour - giant. Gothic - thaurls - taurls, gate.
British - torn
In the Viking era, this runic sign, similar to a thorn, was called: Þorn(“thorn/thorn”). In the Icelandic alphabet it is still preserved in the form of the letter þ (“thorn”) and corresponds to English th.

4 rune. Ansuz - ANSUZ, sound a. The name of the rune comes from the word Asa. British - os - ac.
Gothic- ansuz - message. Ases are brothers and children of Odin, They personify “Good” and oppose the forces of Evil. In Sanskrit: , immaterial, divine, supreme spirit; the epithet of the god Varuna is Varuna, in the Rig Veda (RV). But the Ases are not only Good, they deliberately committed murder, deception, forgery, and perjury, considering these deeds just valiant daring. Odin - the father of the gods - is both wise and cruel, fair and treacherous, the Leader of the Ratey and the Traitor of Warriors. Such is the dual nature of the Aesir - brothers and children of Odin.

5th rune - Raido - RAIDO (RAIDHO), sound r. The name of the rune means "riding". In Sanskrit: , cart(related words in Russian: ratay, warrior, warrior, warrior, battle, fight, comrade-in-arms...) Late Scandinavian – reio – road
British - rad - road, Gothic - raido - journey. Late Scandinavian – reio – road.

6th rune - Kenaz - KANO (KENAZ), sound k; other german Kauna - “torch”, Gothic - kanu - flame; Late Scandinavian - kann - Torch; Anglo-Saxon Cen, "Kaun er barna blockhead" =" Kaun er barna bǫlvan« = Ulcer is fatal to children; “Kaun er barna böl” - “ Kaun er barna böl« = The disease is fatal to children. (Sanskrit: blockhead - bǫlvan- darling, child; - guy, boy from 5 to 16 years old))

7 rune Gebo - GEBO (GIFU); sound g\zh - g, γ. The name of the rune means "gift" - Sacrifice . British - geofu - gift;
Gothic - giba/ zhibagibagift, sacrifice(cognate word in Russian: death)

8 rune Vunyo - WUNJO; sound w. The name of the rune means joy and happiness. British - guilt - wynu - joy. Gothic - Viña-winja - joy. Before the introduction of the letter W into the Latin alphabet, the Anglo-Saxons used the rune instead Wynn = Ƿƿ.

The second etir includes runes - h, n, i, j, é (ih-wh), p, R (z), s.

9 rune - Hagalaz - HAGALAZ (HAGALL); sound h. Kagal(Kahal, Hebrew ‏קָהָל‏‎ - “ meeting of the people, town meeting"). The name of the rune means hail, Late Scandinavian - hagl - hail
British - hagl - greeting
Gothic - hagalas - hail.

10 rune - Nautiz - NAUTHIZ (NIED); sound n. The name of the rune means need, trouble; nied - "nodga", trouble, need"
Late Scandinavian - nauo - need
British - nied - need
Gothic - nauths - need.

11th rune - Isa - ISA; sound i. The name of the rune means ice, although this runic sign expresses the word much more accurately « « , after all, all Celts and Scandinavians in the pre-Christian era were idolaters. Late Scandinavian - iss - ice
British - is - ice
Gothic - eis - ice.

12th rune – Yara, Yera – JERA; sound Ij. (Yara, , Yaroslav, Hercules - ). The name of the rune comes from the word “year” and means the annual harvest. Late Scandinavian - ear - year.
British - year - year
Gothic - “yar” - jer - harvest, fertility (“her”). Sign - “coitus”

13th rune – Eyvaz – EIHWAZ; Iwa z - IVAZ; sound é (ih). R una means yew. Later Scandinavian - ig - pine. British - eoh - yew; Willow - willow.
Gothic - eius - protection.

14th rune - Perth - Perþ (fart), PERTH, Perthro - PERDHRO; sound - p. In Italian : perdere - to lose; in French: perdre - to lose; perdyu - perdu - lost.
British - peoro
Gothic - painthra - “that which is hidden.”

15th rune - Algiz - ALGIZ, EOLH = DEER, elk; sound -R (-z). The name of the rune comes from the word “elk” and means “protection”. Late Scandinavian - elgr - elk
British - Elk - elk; eolhs
Gothic- algs - reed

16th rune - Sol - sol, Sovilu - SOWELU, Siegel - SIGEL; sound - s. The rune means the word " Sun" (Sanskrit: (in Sanskrit the Sun is feminine - she - Zarya, Zarya) Late Scandinavian - sol - sun
British - sygil - sun
Gothic - sauil - sun.

The third ettir includes runes - t, b, e, m, l, ŋ, d, o.

17th rune - Teyvaz - TEIWAZ, shooting range - TIR; sound - t.
Late Scandinavian - tyr - one of the aces. Tur + vaz - hero, warrior on horseback. Sanskrit: As+vas - as+vas - horse. Ek+vos - hék+vos – horse, horse.
Gothsky - tews - teiws. Means warrior, god Tyr, Tyr or , also Ziu) - in German-Scandinavian mythology, the one-armed god of military valor, the son of Odin. The Fenri wolf bit off Turu's hand when the Aesir bound the wolf with a magic chain.

18th rune - Berkana - BERKANA; beork - BEORC; sound b. Rune means “birch”, “birch branch”. (Sanskrit: )
Scandinavian – biarcan – birch
Gothic - bairkan - birch.

19th rune - Ehvaz, Evats - EHWAZ; sound e. The rune means horse. In Sanskrit:
Gothic - aihos - aihos - horse. In Sanskrit: As+vas - as+vas - horse, l go. Horse - the embodiment of God Agni (god of fire) and a mediator between two worlds, transporting the souls of the dead to heaven.

The Viking language is a unique phenomenon. This is evidenced by its distinctive features, the most important of which is accessibility. to a wide circle users. It is also worth noting the unusual and simple nature of the symbols, the order in which they are written, the peculiarities of reading, as well as the wide possibilities in choosing materials for cutting and inscribing them. Thanks to runic records dating back to the Viking Age, modern scientists have been able to learn a lot about the life of the ancient Scandinavians, their migration, as well as the origin and meaning of their names.

Throughout the Viking Age and for several centuries after its end, the concept of “Danish” included all Scandinavian languages. According to one version, this definition appeared abroad, and was later adopted by the inhabitants of the peninsula. This fact indicates that the ancient Scandinavian languages ​​differed little from each other, but were not similar to other European languages.

To this day, there is practically no information about what the Danish language sounded like. Historians take scant information from words borrowed by other peoples. Skaldic poetry and inscriptions on ancient coins also help them in learning the Viking language. Thanks to these artifacts, scientists were able to determine that the speech of ancient inhabitants from different places in Scandinavia was not completely identical. Thus, West Scandinavian was spoken by the settlers of the territories in which modern Norway and Iceland are located, and East Scandinavian was spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Sweden and Denmark. Old Icelandic language changed less than others today, therefore, scientists draw knowledge precisely from the modern speech of the Icelanders.

On the origin of runic writing

Despite the differences in languages, any Scandinavian can even now independently, without a dictionary or translator, understand most of the words from the runic inscriptions. Initially, this writing arose among the Germanic peoples several centuries after the birth of Christ. It included 24 characters made up of vertical and oblique lines. They were the most convenient to cut on a wooden surface. Since the horizontal lines looked blurry due to the fact that they seemed to be lost in the wood fibers, they were not used.

With the beginning of the Viking Age, the number of runes decreased to 16 characters. At the same time, the spelling of some of them also changed. The runes have been simplified to make them easier to apply to various surfaces. At the same time, reading the signs has become more difficult, since many of them have acquired additional meanings. In addition, one rune can represent several sounds. Thus, the “k” rune can be read in four variants: “k”, “g”, “ng” and “pk”. At the same time, many signs were created to separate words and phrases.

The reasons for the appearance of the 16-digit runic alphabet are not known for certain. According to one assumption, these changes occurred not due to natural causes, but due to “commands from above.” This version is confirmed by the fact that in those days the central government made many global changes in society.

The new alphabet was called “fupark” - these 6 characters were at its beginning. It existed in 2 types: Danish and Swedish-Norwegian. The first option included ordinary runes, and the second - “short-branch” ones, characterized by a smaller number of branches and their insignificant length. Both types of runes have found their use. So, with the help of ordinary ones, ceremonial and commemorative inscriptions were more often carved, and the simpler “short-knot” ones were widely used by traders and ordinary people.

Runic signs were written not from left to right, but from top to bottom. They were not suitable for writing letters on parchment. For this purpose, the Latin alphabet was used, known at that time mainly to clergy.

Application of runic inscriptions and artifacts

The majority of the nobility could read the new signs. After all, runic inscriptions were applied to memorial stones for the purpose of being read. The Scandinavians carved runes on the sides of ships, horse harnesses, combs, on leather and bone items, etc. In some cases it was the name of the owner of the item, in others it was a wise saying, in others it was magical writing. The most valuable finds include the inscription on a fragment of a human skull, which was found on the site of the Ribe shopping center. The artifact dates back to the 8th century. The name of Odin, the supreme pagan deity worshiped by the Vikings, is clearly visible on it. And someone, using the Old Norse language of runes, was content to simply carve a word denoting the name of this item on an ordinary comb. Archaeologists also came across “love notes.” For example, a fragment of an animal bone with the inscription “kiss me” was found. But there were also serious letters that were carved on wooden tablets. Thus, a message asking to do something (what exactly could not be read) dates back to the 9th century and was addressed to a man named Oddulf.

Replacement of runic characters with Latin letters

After the Christianization of Scandinavia, which occurred in the last century of the first millennium, the Latin alphabet began to be introduced in these lands. This is confirmed by inscriptions on coins dating back to the 10th century, as well as a letter from a high-ranking person dating back to the 11th century. But for laconic everyday notes, runes were considered more convenient, and they continued to be used until the late Middle Ages. After all, it is much easier to draw a message with a knife and a bone left over from dinner than with an inkwell and parchment, which in those days were not available to everyone.

Scandinavian names

The inscriptions on rune stones contain a lot of information, including about names common in Scandinavia. Many names were used throughout its territory (for example, Ulf and Thorstein), but there were also those that were found only in specific regions. Thus, the Western Scandinavian ones include Oddketil and Eyulf, and the most common East Scandinavian ones are Toke, Manne and Asved. Thanks to “regional” names, historians have the opportunity to determine the origin of representatives of a particular colony. For example, according to geographical names in Normandy, one can come to the conclusion that the bulk of the Scandinavian settlers were Danes. Thus, the name of the city Okeville comes from the Danish name Aage.

The Viking times are notable for the fact that it was during this era that many names appeared, including the name of the pagan deity Thor (Torkil, Thorstein, Toke, etc.). Many of them did not cease to be used even after the Christianization of Scandinavia. The Vikings did not forget about the “lesser brothers”, giving people names that included the names of animals (Gunulf, Stigbjorn) and even assigning them the full names of one or another type of living creature (Urm - snake, Bjorn - bear).

The tradition of some noble families was to name their offspring only a certain minimum of names. For example, Norwegian kings most often gave their descendants the names Olav and Harold. Some Scandinavians were given additional names. With their help, belonging to a certain clan or region was emphasized. Thus, a migrant from Denmark who settled in Norway could be called Ulf the Dane. In addition, the names included the main characteristics of a person, his profession, status, etc. For example, the name “Gorm of the Clan” meant “Gorm of the bungler.” Many nicknames of famous personalities of the Viking Age have survived to this day: Ivar the Boneless, Harald Fairhair, Ragnar Leather Pants, etc.

A large number of proper names that appeared in the Viking Age still exist today. Such ancient male names as Ulf, Ivar, Aslak, Knud, Eric and many others have still not come out of the everyday life of the Scandinavians (and not only them). Of the female names dating back to the Viking Age, the following should be highlighted: Ingrid, Sigrid, Tora, Ose, Tove, etc. After the introduction of Christianity, these names were somewhat “diluted” with biblical names. Many of the names that have survived to this day “get along” well with each other even now, despite the fact that their roots go back to different religions.