Runes. Alphabets. Thought forms. Runic alphabet. “Minor runes” Runic alphabet


The runic alphabet, futhark is divided into three groups - atta. Each att consists of eight runes. “Att” is translated from Old Norse as “clan”, “family”. Each att of the Elder Futhark is associated with some god. The first att belongs to Freya, the second att belongs to Heimdal, the third to Tyr.

According to the phonetic correspondences of the runes of the first atta - f, u, th, a, r, k... - the futhark got its name.

The word “rune” does not mean “letter” at all, but “secret” or “secret”. The root of this word originally meant “whisper” (German raunen - to whisper). Rune is a dual concept; on the one hand, the rune denotes a letter, on the other hand, it has a magical meaning.

The Germanic runa, rune, denoting a letter of runic writing, is associated with (Goth. rauna - “secret”) and (German raunen meaning “whisper”). Some variety in the interpretation of the word rune was introduced by Nigel Pennick, who pointed out its non-Northern European parallels: ancient Celtic. run, (Welsh rhin - meaning “whisper”, “whisper”); modern (Irish run - “secret”); (Galis. run - “lot”. However, almost all modern researchers lose sight of the Slavic languages ​​(by the way, much closer to Scandinavian than the same Celtic ones). At one time I tried to connect the word runa with Serbian gronic “to speak” Polish Slavist A. Kukharsky. But V. Tsybulsky and I. Yagich equally opposed this interpretation, finding it “crazy”. ) The same root contains the verb ruti - “to cut” and the noun runa, meaning “cut”, “furrow”. The basis run/ran with the meaning “to cut”, “to wound” was also known to the ancient Germans - and it’s surprising why not. Researchers do not pay attention to this fact! Thus, the famous spear tip from Damsdorf, dating back to the first half of the 1st millennium, bears the runic inscription RANJA, translated as “piercing”, “wounding”, “wounding”.

There are many various options names of runes, so the table below cannot be the only correct one







1 att:



scand. : “livestock, property”

Rune of Property



scand.: "bison"

Rune of Power



Scand.: "turs"

Thors - a giant in the Germanic tradition



scand.: "as"

The rune is associated with the Aesir = gods



Goth. : "journey"

Rune of the way, roads



scand.: “torch”

Rune of embodiment and revelation



Gothic: “gift”

Rune of gift, gift of the divine



Gothic: “joy”

Rune of Joy

2 att:



Scand.: "hail"

Rune of Destruction



scand.: "need"

Rune of Compulsion



scand.: “ice”

Rune of Ice



Scand.: “year”, Goth.: “harvest”

Rune of harvest, getting results



scand.: "yew"

Rune of Transformation



Goth: “that which is hidden”

Rune of decision



scand.: “elk”

Rune of protection



chant: “Sun”

Rune of victory, happiness

3 att:



chant: "Tyur"

The rune is dedicated to Tyr - the god of war



Scand.: “birch”

Rune of growth, fertility



Gothic: “horse”

Rune of change, progress



scand.: “man”

Rune of fate



Scand.: “water”

Rune of water and magic



Goth: "Yngwie"

Fertility rune, dedicated to the bright Yngvi (Frey), the god of fertility



Gothic: "day"

Rune of Light



Gothic: “division”(?)

Rune of home, family, clan

The shape of the Germanic runes vaguely resembles the Latin alphabet. However, apparently, they do not come from the Latin alphabet, but from its “close relative,” the alphabet of the Rhets (see Rhetian language) - an ancient Alpine people related to the Etruscans, neighboring the Germans. It is generally accepted that the formation of the first Germanic runic system - Futhark - dates back to the first centuries AD. e. In the 5th century, runic writing (and runic magic) came to the British Isles - along with the Germanic tribes of the Angles and Saxons. In Scandinavia, the runes gradually changed. Preserving Futhark for magical needs, the priests developed more and more runic alphabets, which were used almost exclusively as a means of writing. These Scandinavian adaptations of Futhark are sometimes called Junior Runes. With the introduction of Christianity and the spread Latin alphabet runic writing quickly lost its significance, although it existed for quite a long time after that - in some areas until the beginning of the 20th century. One of the most important areas of use of runes in later times was, not counting purely magical purposes, the creation runic calendars. They were distributed almost throughout the north of continental Europe, as well as in areas neighboring northern countries. There are references to the existence of analogues of runic writing among the Celts (the so-called ogam) and the Slavs (runitsa): “before, the Slovenians did not have writing, well, with words and cuts I read and gataahu, trash exist...” In general, the cessation of the use of runic signs as an alphabet dates back to the XIV - XV centuries.

According to Scandinavian mythology, the runes were revealed to Odin, when for nine days and nights he, pierced by his own spear, hung on the World Tree without food or drink, after which, having quenched his thirst with sacred (shamanic) honey given to him by Bolthorn, his grandfather, he heard the runes and drew the first of them with a spear on the Tree, bloodied with their own blood.

The runic alphabet is conventionally called Futhark, after its first letters. This alphabet is divided into three genera (epira) of eight runes each. The first etir included runes ƒ, u, þ, a, r, k, g, w. In the second - h, n, i, j, é(ih-wh), þ, R(z), s. The third etir included runes t, b, e, m, l, ŋ, d, o. Each rune had its own name. The original names of the runes have not been preserved, but their restored names from later versions are now used.

So, for example, the first rune Fehu means "livestock, property." The direction of writing is from left to right, but in earlier writing the reverse direction of writing is also found. In total, about 5,000 runic inscriptions were found, and the oldest of them were discovered in Denmark, several runic inscriptions were found in Russia, Ukraine (spearhead from Kovel), Latvia and even in Turkey (Cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople).

In addition to the runic alphabet, runic calendars were also compiled, which most often took the form of a stick or a long staff. Runic calendars originally used a repeating order of seven runes to represent days. Nineteen “golden numbers” were also noted for finding the full moon. Each of the nineteen numbers was marked with a rune, the numerical value was determined by alphabetical order, and additional runes were created for the three missing numbers: Arlaug stood for 17, Тvimaδur stood for 18, Belgþor meant 19. Holidays were marked with special signs. The earliest runic calendars found date back to the 14th century.

Information about the mystical meaning of runes can be found in Julius Caesar and Tacitus. Caesar in the middle of the 1st century. BC e. reported on the German custom of fortune telling using lotion sticks. Today, runes are used exclusively as mystical symbols. Moreover, in fortune telling, 24 or 25 runes are used (the 25th rune is an empty rune, the rune of Odin, which means “pure fate”), applied to wood or bones, there are also runes on stone, there are also paper runes, runes on cardboard .

The runes are stored in a special bag, from where they are taken out only during fortune telling.

Fortune telling is different. So, there is fortune telling using one rune, which gives the answer to asked question. There is fortune telling using three runes: past, present, future. Or a runic layout for the year ahead.

When interpreting runes, their position is taken into account: straight or inverted.

The direction of writing is from left to right, but boustrophedon is found in early inscriptions. Thus, on the spear from Kovel, the inscription is read from right to left, and the runes themselves are also turned in the opposite direction, like Northern Etruscan letters and Greek letters in the early monuments of ancient Greek writing. Words were separated by a period, colon or cross.

Found on rune stones various symbols: swastika shapes, four-segment symbols, triquetras, triskelions, pentagrams, spirals. The symbols on the bracteates were much more varied: they also included ornaments of three or more dots, triangles, circles, T-shaped, S-shaped, I-shaped symbols, and zigzags.

Slavic runes and runic alphabet

Describing the temple of Retra, the German chronicler Thietmar pointed out the strange inscriptions that were written on the idols of this temple. He was familiar with many writings, so he could not help but recognize the already existing runes, so we can assume that this was an unfamiliar new form of writing.

Archaeological excavations and research have proven the existence of runic writing among the ancient Slavs. The most ancient finds are considered to be various fragments of ceramics, on which fragments of inscriptions can be found.

The discovered ceramics do not give a clear and precise picture of the writing of the ancient Slavs. Excavations near the village of Voyskovoe made it possible to discover in 1967 a clay vessel, on the surface of which an inscription was found, out of 12 positions in which 6 characters were used. Despite the existing knowledge of runes and the similarities with the Scandinavian runes (Futhark runes), the records have not been deciphered.

The Baltic Slavs own numerous monuments where ancient writings were discovered. In 1771, Mikorzyn stones were discovered in Poland, which are more a shining example runic writing.

The Temple of Radegast, which is located in Rome, was destroyed in the 9th century during the German conquest, but inscriptions were preserved on the cult remains that confirm the existence of writing among the Baltic Slavs.

The existence of Old Slavic runic writing is closely related to Old Slavic culture. In the X-XVI centuries. In Rus', two faiths existed at the same time; it was in those days that the Slavs mastered the runic culture.

Slavic runic alphabet

Inguz- Freyr's rune, was widely used at that time by the Slavs. Another rune is depicted on the blades of the Vyatic temple rings, the rune Algiz depicted on the third blades, and on the central blade a double rune is depicted.

These runes were part of the Futhark, and the rune Algiz one of the most ancient runes (more than a thousand years old) and is part of all runic alphabets. The rune for the temple ring was not chosen by chance; this rune means protection and protects against witchcraft and the evil will of others.

The ancient Slavs used the rune Algiz for protection, you can often find an image of four runes in the form of a twelve-pointed cross, which enhanced the property of the Algiz rune.

World reflects the inner harmony of a person, carries the essence of the White God, displaying order and protection from the interference of the forces of Chaos. The magical meaning of this rune is protection, order and harmony of the inner world.

Chernobog- the opposite rune of the World, reflecting chaos and destruction, breaking the established circle of connections and established systems.

Alatyr- this is the rune of the center of the universe, it means the beginning and end of all things, around which the confrontation between the forces of good and evil, chaos and peace turns. The altar on which the sacrifice took place is the very essence that this rune reflects. The rune means balance and the return of everything to its true place.

Rainbow- the rune of the road, the endless path to Alatyr. She personifies the movement forward, the movement between Peace and Chaos. In a magical sense, it is interpreted as assistance in travel, a successful solution to the situation.

Need- rune Viya (god Navi, the Lower World). This rune means the dictates of fate, the coming darkness, coercion. In the magical aspect, it is interpreted as a prohibition on actions, a warning against wrong actions.

Steal- rune of fire, a rune that indicates true intentions and burns external tinsel. The magical meaning is the release of plans, purification and implementation of plans.

Treba- the rune of the Warrior of the Spirit, which means a sacrifice through which you must go to achieve your intentions, but in this case it is necessary to sacrifice personal motives.

Strength- a rune that personifies unity and struggle with oneself to achieve a bright goal, in other words, it can be considered a rune of victory. IN magical meaning can be interpreted as a path to victory and a hint for the correct solution to the situation.

Eat- the rune of life, which means movement and vital activity, symbolizes the desire for renewal and growth. It is immobility that is considered dead, a state when everything freezes and dies.

Wind- the rune of the Spirit, the rune of inspiration and will, the desire for the top, for the knowledge of great power and unity with the element of air. In magic it is interpreted as a creative impulse, a series of sacred events and inspiration.

Bereginya- V Slavic culture always associated with motherhood and protection. Therefore, this rune of the Mother Goddess, who gives life to all living things that come to this earth, taking life when the time comes. An image containing the concept of life, death, fate.

Oud- all branches of the Indo-European tradition are interpreted as “limb, member”, which is why it personifies the power of love, passion, connecting the masculine and feminine principles.

Lelya- this rune is directly related to the element of water, living water in springs and springs, giving awareness of joy, flowering and fertility, the awakening of all living things. In magic it is interpreted as a rune of intuition, aggravation of premonitions and external clues.

Rock- the rune of the transcendental unmanifested spirit, which is the beginning and end of everything. In fortune telling, this rune can mean the intervention of higher powers. Unpredictability of the situation under the influence of the unknown.

Support- this is the rune of the foundations of the universe, the rune of the gods. It is on the support that the entire essence of the universe rests. A dropped support rune during fortune telling can mean the support of the gods in the current situation.

Dazhdbog- means Good in all its manifestations. This can be the material side, the emotional side, which will lead to a blissful state of happiness and satisfaction with reality. The dropped Dazhdbog rune during fortune telling speaks of a successful course of the situation and its resolution with the most successful outcome, having received fateful acquaintances and well-being in the house.

Perun- means a powerful and heavy force that will help change a “stagnant” situation. It can also mean personal strength, power and protection from the forces of Chaos, as well as any other destructive influences from the outside.

Source- means some stagnation in business, a stop in the development of the situation. It is also called the rune of ice, which personifies not only the stopping of actions, but also the firmness and strength of the situation, which, in combination with other runes, can be interpreted as the starting point to the chosen direction of action.

It should be remembered that the rune works like sound!!!

At the beginning of your work with rune magic, you should write your name this way. First, practice several times on paper, and when you get good at it, then write it down on a hard medium (for example, on wood, stone, etc.). Trial options burn it and place the final version in a safe place. Written this way your name will protect you and support you your personal development.

In the same way, you can write down any other word that is important to you, for example, the name of your company or the bank where you keep your money, the make of your car, your profession, etc. This way, they will be protected and will better meet your needs.

If you practice natural magic, then you can further enhance the effect of your talismans and runescripts with the color in which they will be made, selected in accordance with your needs.

In order to apply simple magical rituals associated with runes, it is not at all necessary to be a professional magician. However, when performing them, you must adhere to certain rules, and this is much more important than when doing fortune telling.

These actions should be performed alone early in the morning (preferably at sunrise), or in the evening (at moonrise). As far as possible, noise and all other external influences should be excluded so that they do not interfere with the state of complete calm and peace of mind.

If you are excited, irritated or worried, then before you begin magical actions, you need to calm down. The best way to achieve this is through meditation. Any malaise, stress, or state of emotional agitation also significantly interfere with the performance of magical actions.

To successfully perform any magical actions, you should know the names of the runes and the Gods to whom they are dedicated. In the "Appendix" the reader will find a "Dictionary of Scandinavian mythology", the task of which is detailed description these Gods. Let me just remind you that the four main deities who patronize the runes are:

Freyr, to whom the runes Feu, Urus, Thurizas, Anzus, Raido, Kano, Gebo and Vunyo are dedicated;

Hug, which owns the runes Hagalas, Nautis, Issa, Iera, Eyvaz, Perto, Algis and Soulu;

Tyr, who patronizes the runes Teivas, Berkana, Evas, Mannas, Lagus, Ingus, Dagas and Otila;

One is the patron of runes in general, and the Wyrd (empty) rune belongs to him.

For any magical actions related to runes, as well as in the manufacture of runescripts and talismans, it is very great value has the day of the week on which we make them.

In Scandinavian mythology, each day was patronized by its own deity, and if we are not orthodoxly attached to Christianity, then we must take this into account. So:

Sunday Balder is the patron, and on this day it is most effective to practice magic related to family affairs, as well as those related to health.

Monday dedicated to Freya and love magic, as well as all activities related to fortune telling and predictions.

Tuesday belongs to Tyr and serves to perform protective and success-promoting actions.

Wednesday dedicated to Odin and rituals associated with healing, wisdom, knowledge and information.

Thursday owned by Thor. They help in all matters aimed at gaining wealth, support development in all meanings of the word and ensure victory in battle.

On Friday Frigga reigns. It ensures success in magical actions related to love, fertility and abundance.

Saturday patronized by the Norns, the rulers of Fate, and on this day only rituals can be performed that pray for a change in bad Fate.

In magical runic practices, it is also of great importance Moon. It is difficult to describe here all the possible options for questions or needs in connection with which runes can be used, so I will outline the general rules, and you, the reader, must decide for yourself where to place your problem.

On the new moon: We practice magic associated with starting something new (work, communication, business, etc.). Also most effective at this time are rituals that cleanse from the effects of psychoenergetic attacks - both on premises and on people. At this time, practices are also used to ensure fertility in any sense of the word. In addition, at this time all magical actions should begin.

During the waxing moon(from new moon to full moon): perform all rituals that ensure “growth” in both material and spiritual meaning, i.e. in love, business, healing, etc.

At this time, rituals that ensure development and success are effective. If some things are going badly, performing magical actions at this time can provide a turning point and improve the situation.

On a full moon: We engage in the magic of success, actions aimed at improving the financial situation and relationships in the family - especially between parents and children.

Rituals performed at this time or inscriptions and talismans made will have a special protective power. If things are going exceptionally badly in one area, then a preventive ritual should be performed at that time.

During waning moon(from full moon to new moon) rituals are performed that provide protection from any negative influences in different areas of life.

Rituals related to the elimination of diseases, bad habits, problems, etc. are effective at this time. or getting rid of debts, character flaws, etc. It should be remembered, however, that the influence new moon And full moon lasts for three days “before” and three days"after" the exact astronomical moment.

In some cases, although much less frequently than in the case of the Moon, position matters Sun. The general rules here are:

The sun has higher value if the rituals are performed by a man;

the effect of magical rituals will be stronger if they are performed when the Sun is in your zodiac sign;

if the Sun is in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then this favors the rituals of beginnings, health and success;

if the Sun is in water signs(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), then this favors love rituals, rituals relating to family and rituals of fertility and abundance;

if the Sun is in air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), then this favors rituals related to science, intelligence, relationships between people and travel;

if the Sun is in earth signs(Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), then this favors rituals related to money, wealth, abundance, work, etc. Rituals cannot be performed during a solar eclipse!

4. (Talismans and amulets)

When are talismans and amulets used? Then, when you need to help yourself or another person in solving a problem, to help you successfully overcome a difficult situation, to help personal development or improve your health. They can also perform protective functions.

There are several types of talismans: runic inscriptions (runescripts), combined rune, bindruna, witch sign, galdr (drawing in a circle), etc.

You can also use one rune or sign, although they usually make up a more or less complex pattern. The talisman can be like "general", that is, suitable for different situations, and "address", that is, containing the name of a specific person or, for example, a company.

If the “task” assigned to the talisman is multifaceted or simply confusing, several inscriptions or series of symbols can be performed. One of them (the most important) is placed on the front side of the talisman (obverse), and the other (others) on its reverse side (reverse).

In camping conditions, a talisman can be made from what is at hand. You can even write with a pencil on a piece of paper. However, a real talisman must be made on a sufficiently durable medium and consecrated with an appropriate ritual.

One of the advantages of a durable material medium is that it has two sides, which means that a lot of information can be placed on it.

It is recommended to use natural substances (“five media”) as carrier materials: stone, wood, bone - we cut out signs on them with any sharp instrument. You can also cast them from metal or burn them, or write them with a thin felt-tip pen that does not wash off with water.

Runes can also be covered with paint and even turned into an elegant "abstract" design by painting different colors and surrounding it with a randomly chosen pattern or ornament.

Such a talisman, made, say, on a page of Bristol paper, can be framed and hung anywhere in the house or any other room as a decorative item, thereby avoiding unnecessary questions.

Small ones first "address" talismans, usually worn around the neck or in a pocket. You can also make a bag that will keep the talisman safe and sound if you need to carry it with you all the time (or want to keep it in the car).

If the talisman was made to protect a room or other objects, it is recommended to hide it from prying eyes. In this case, only one component of its signs should be left in sight. Such talismans are usually made in the form of one “main” element and several additional, auxiliary ones.

As soon as the effect of the talisman ends (the problem has been solved or the energy has left it), it should be “erased” and returned to nature, that is, “consigned” to fire, earth or water.

Although usually a signal that the talisman has completed its task is some event associated with it, it either breaks, cracks, or is lost. And then the question of returning it to nature is resolved by itself. If the need for protection or its other functions has not yet ended, the talisman must be made again.

Before you start making a talisman, you, the reader, must accurately formulate your needs and wishes associated with it. First you need to accurately check the meaning of all the runes according to the list given in this book in order to select the ones you need.

If you want to make an “addressed” talisman, then you should first of all practice making a bindruna, or witch sign, since it will be necessary to indicate the name of the person for whom the talisman will be made.

Then you need to combine all the found formulas into one. This could be an inscription or a pattern.

As a rule, even an experienced runologist needs from three to five options or samples for this. When the necessary signs are found, the most important criterion for the “final product” is its aesthetic appearance. The mascot sign should look beautiful, catch the eye, and all its component elements should easily and harmoniously connect with each other

After finding the most elegant and aesthetic form for a sign or magical inscription, it should be strengthened by writing it on a piece of paper, and only after that can you begin to make the talisman itself.

If you, reader, know how to do handicrafts that require great dexterity and accuracy, then you can now independently select and prepare the material on which you will carefully apply your chosen signs. Those of you who do not have the ability to do needlework should choose a stone, metal or wooden plate or other material on which you can apply the planned design.

Then you should carry out the ritual that was described in the previous sections so that the talisman has the opportunity to work not only on your personal energy, but also use the energy of the egregors historically associated with each rune. By the way, you should protect your personal energy.

After we have prepared the medium (purified it with energy), we should apply a drawing or inscription to an object (a stone, a wooden tablet, or even a piece of paper), which we place in the center of the magic tablecloth. We draw the necessary runes above it in the air, while simultaneously pronouncing the words of the request or spell that the talisman should influence, what we are addressing to it with.

When all the rituals are completed and the space is closed, we can assume that the talisman is ready and working.

Runescript this is an inscription that can form either a specific word, a name, a spell, or represent only the very essence of the letters, without taking on any lexical meaning.

IN the latter case we are dealing with pure energies, for which the rune is only a specific designation, a symbol

Many runologists recommend limiting the length of the inscription to five letters, rightly assuming that a novice follower of runic art will find it difficult to cope with the large number of different energies penetrating into his open channels of reception.

In principle, as your experience increases, you, the reader, can intuitively determine how many characters the inscription you need should consist of. There can be three, five, or eight, but, as a rule, they do not use inscriptions consisting of more than nine characters.

Traditionally, a runescript consists of an odd number of runes. Although there are, of course, exceptions to this rule. Runic combinations are best composed of three or five runes.

With more complex combinations, there is a risk that the intention or spell seems to be blurred into large quantities rune For simple wishes, a short combination will suffice. If the request contains several wishes, then it is best to work with each of them separately.

Depending on the number of runes used, the inscription takes following values:

The word-name, meaning or power of an individual rune;

Dependency, strong circle (not used in positive magic);

Movement, action, travel;

Matters are material, professional;

Healing, success, joy;

Family, children, loved ones;

Love magic;

Personal development, karma, completion;

Fullness, abundance.

Of course, you can afford to compose an inscription from an arbitrary number of characters. However, it should be remembered that, as my Teacher E. Kolesov says, “simplicity is the sister of talent.” True mastery lies in being able to make do with minimal means.

You should also remember the special significance first And last runes.

First indicates the beginning, and the last one indicates the end of the desired action. A rune is usually placed in the central place, indicating the main request, for the sake of which the entire inscription or sign is drawn up, or a rune that identifies the specific person for whom this inscription is being made.

If you, reader, are interested in working with runescript, I recommend using and trying the inscriptions I gave when describing each rune. They are proven, safe and effective.

5. (Practical use of runes)

In this section, I will give several examples of the practical use of runes, that is, I will talk about how they changed difficult situations, favorably influenced the course of events, and even radically changed what was happening. These examples relate to me personally or my clients. I present them with the consent of interested parties.

Maria's case:

Maria is my old good friend. As far as I remember, she was always very absent-minded and uncollected. It wouldn't be big problem, if only she hadn’t so often lost or forgotten where she put the money and had been robbed more than once.

There was a period when Maria began to fight this, but, not seeing any positive results, she gave up the fight and agreed that she was born that way.

Once, after a seminar with Mr. E. Kolesov, I decided to use runes, so as soon as I returned from Moscow, I called Maria and after a short introductory conversation asked:

Are you still losing money?

“Yes,” she answered, somewhat surprised by my unceremoniousness.

Why are you asking?

Maybe I can help you. If you want to try, come to me.

Naturally, Maria wanted to try, and on the same day she came to see me. I composed and initiated several identical runic inscriptions for her. I gave them to her, asking her to carry them in her purse, in her pocket and put them in the places where she keeps money or other valuables.

4 years have passed since then. Mary hasn't lost a penny, nothing has been stolen from her, and the money is safe where she put it.

Here is the runic inscription that I made then:

- that is, the runes Algis, Feu, Algis, Issa.

Elzhbeta's case:

Runes are very effective when it comes to restoring health, accelerating the healing process, or eliminating minor but annoying ailments.

Nowadays, many women suffer painfully from menstrual pain. My friend Elzbieta experienced these “difficult days” very hard.

As soon as I found out what the runescript corresponding to this ailment looks like, I immediately told Ela about it. She was skeptical about this.

But the problem was so great that, as Elzbieta herself said, she was ready to do anything to help herself. So she took my advice, and, to her great surprise, she felt improvement within the first month.

She has been using the runescript below for more than three years and no longer experiences any pain. True, there is some inconvenience here - the runescript needs to be depicted with green paint (with a fountain pen or brush) in the lower abdomen while waiting for your period, but, in my opinion, it’s worth it.

Here is the runescript that is used in this case:

There are runes Lagus, Urus, Ingus and again Lagus.

Stefan's case:

Pan Stefan was my client who used the advice of Tarot cards. He was interested in issues related to his business. He was an enterprising, energetic man who loved his work and was not afraid of challenges.

His problem was that, as he himself said, he had no luck with his employees - they either did not meet his requirements or were unscrupulous. And if someone suitable came across, he either fell ill or left without explanation.

During his next visit, I thought that he could use the runes. She advised him to have the following runes embroidered on the pockets of the workers’ branded suits:

That is Feu, Berkana, Kano and Mannas.

The effect exceeded my wildest expectations, and I... lost a client.

Case of Mary and Adam:

One day two young men came to me. They had only been married for two years and were already thinking about divorce. And not because they didn’t love each other, but simply could not find mutual understanding and quarreled all the time.

They were already extremely exhausted by all this. They resorted to help from a psychologist and a family therapist, but this did not bring the expected result. I made two types of talismans for them. One, larger, for placement in the house, consisting of runes:

That is Gebo, Otila, Ingus, Alte And Anzus, and two smaller ones - in order to carry them with you. Adam received a talisman with the inscription:

That is Lagus, Gebo, Soulu,

That is, Mannas, Gebo, Soulu.

Two years have passed since then, and, as they themselves claim, their union may not be ideal, but quarrels happen much less frequently and it has become much easier for them to find mutual understanding.

Peter's case:

Pan Peter used the advice of the Tarot. As a rule, he was interested in professional issues. Sometimes he asked about health and family, but one day he came very dejected. His mood was so noticeable that I immediately asked:

What happened, Mr. Peter?

The thing is that I myself don’t understand what’s going on. I have been plagued by failures for several months now. And in one specific area, something happens to my car all the time. As you know, I am the owner of a transport company, and what is happening is beyond all human understanding.

First of all, my employee had an accident in his company car.

I just said: “Well, what can you do?” Then someone slashed the tires on all three of my trucks. Further, when buying another car for the company, I was deceived, and yesterday my personal car was stolen! I don't know what to do...

I developed a special protective talisman for Mr. Peter, which he placed in all his cars. All accidents, troubles, thefts - disappeared as if by hand. This talisman consisted of the following runes:

- that is, Algis, Raido, Nautis, Otila.

Katarina's case:

My friend Kasya, an exceptionally impressionable and impulsive person, suffered from irrational, in her opinion, fears, which grew and grew - to such an extent that they began to burden her life.

She was afraid to stay at home alone, was unable to make the simplest decisions, and constantly experienced a feeling of anxiety and fear. What's worse is that there was no apparent reason for all these fears.

I couldn't watch her suffer. And, breaking her rule - never to force esoteric help on anyone, she suggested that Kasia make her a protective talisman. If I had known that it would give such a positive result, I would not have delayed so long with my proposal. I placed the runes on the talisman:

- that is, Otila, Soulu, Ingus, Dagas, Algis.

Alicia's case:

I have been doing esotericism for many years and have been accepting clients for a long time. In most cases these were people who really needed help, but...

Stuff happened, and sometimes someone came with evil intentions, and the result of this was felt by both me and my family. Finally I got tired of it and decided to protect myself with rune magic.

I made a runescript and placed it in a prominent place in my office. The result was felt literally immediately. My protective inscription consisted of the following runes:

- that is, Algis, Soulu, Turizas and Vunyo.

At the end of this section I want to give a few runic inscriptions that I hope you, the reader, will want to use depending on your needs:

Using this transcription, the name Elzbieta would look like this:

And the name Andrzej is like this:

Other runescripts:

Runescript for attracting clients in any field of activity. The inscription can be increased by one more rune, in accordance with the specifics of the business, for example, adding a rune:

Hagalas, if you work in the field of esotericism.

Ansuz, if your endeavor is related to science (study), etc.

Runescript for weight loss. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

Runescript that attracts happiness in love. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

A runescript that attracts happiness and harmony in an existing partnership.

An inscription promoting the repayment of debt. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

A runescript that helps you find a well-paid job.

Runescript guaranteeing success in scientific activity(study).

An inscription that facilitates the quick and profitable sale of something.

A runescript that awakens enthusiasm and inspiration.

Runescript protecting children.

A runescript that gives courage and courage.

Runescript providing financial success any undertaking.

A runescript that guarantees financial success in an existing business.

Runescript that restores energy and preserves health. Attention: it should not be used by a sick person.

Runescript that accelerates recovery and return to health.

A runescript that strengthens friendship and improves relationships between people.

It is obvious that you, the reader, can (and should!) create inscriptions and runescripts yourself in accordance with your needs. I wish you success!

(Basic layouts)

To make predictions using runic cards, you can, in principle, use arbitrary runic layouts. Those that are used in the layouts of Tarot, Lenormand and others. In addition, you yourself, the reader, can also create layouts suitable for specific situations if none of those indicated in the textbook can answer the question you asked.

The subsequent part of this section provides several layouts of different origins. They serve to get answers to the questions that customers ask most often.

Before any predictive session, it is recommended to formulate as precisely as possible the question to which you or your client want an answer. If this is difficult to do, or the person who turned to you for help does not want to say his question out loud, you can use simple layouts of one or three runes and interpret them.

Runic cards are placed face down. And then they open and interpret in the sequence in which they were laid out. The person asking the question should pull out the runes.

One Rune (after Louise Peschel)

One classical futhark rune is taken from the bag and interpreted. Here is what the author of this layout writes on this issue: “This method is used when you know that you need certain advice (instruction) and additional information relatively new unknown situation. Just ask the runes: what should I know about my life at this moment? It is also worth using this method early in the morning to get a prediction about what day awaits you.”

In addition, this alignment can serve as a pointer for those who doubt their interpretations, abilities and the correctness of the answers provided to the client to his (or their) questions. We then pose the question: “Is this day suitable for prediction?” In other words, we get the answer to the question whether it is worth taking up predictive work with runes or not.

Three runes (after Ralph Bloom)

In this situation, we lay out three runes, one at a time, “closed” (so that the signs are not visible), from right to left.

In this case:

first(right) rune gives an “express analysis” of the situation at the moment,

second(lying in the center) gives advice on what to do, or how to understand correctly this situation,

third the same (left) shows what will happen if the Questioner takes advantage of the advice offered by the runes.

In the case of “advanced” (making progress), highly developed individuals, the same alignment can be interpreted differently:

First(right) - the state and content of your higher “I” in last period time;

Second(central) - “challenge”, that is, that exam, test or experience that you must now survive or pass;

Third(left) - the result that can be achieved if a person successfully passes the test.

Runic cross

This layout is used when you need to analyze the health status of the person asking. The individual items have the following meanings:

1 - hereditary factors, predisposition to diseases;

2 - the influence of the psyche on health;

3 - external factors, environmental factors;

4 - “hidden” background of the alleged disease;

5 - current state;

6 - development of the disease or its slowdown;

7 is the final result.

twelve houses

The classic layout, which is used to obtain full characteristics a person, assessing his capabilities and the state of affairs that interest him, as well as to develop the right advice.

The runes of classical futhark are arranged in the shape of a circle, triangle or square in twelve positions. As a rule, two runes are laid out in one position, and the twenty-fifth and last one is placed in the middle. It shows the final result of the prediction, the final advice. You can also place only one rune in each position (one in each of the twelve houses and the thirteenth is the final one).

The meanings of individual positions here are the same as is customary in astrology and Tarot cards:

Personality ( individual characteristics), affairs (business);

Relatives, neighbors, pets, close trips;

Home, parents;

Children, as well as pleasures, entertainment;

Place of work, health-related problems;


Sex, physical death (other's), health problems (own), occult knowledge, inheritance;

Long journeys, religion, spiritual work;

Career, industrial (professional) affairs;

Plans, dreams, friends;

12 - secret connections, spiritual death (maybe of the questioner), problems related to health, occult knowledge.

If you lay out one rune for each house, the remaining ones (those left in the bag) can be used to obtain “commentary” on those positions whose interpretation caused difficulties or was unclear.

Seven Runes (according to Hayo Benzaf)

1 - your “I”;

2 - who (or what) loves you;

3 - who (or what) is ruining you;

4 - who (or what) teaches you;

5 - who (or what) is tormenting you;

6 - what awaits you;

7 - what “will not go away” (what cannot be avoided).

Affiliate (according to E. Kolesov)

We use this alignment to find out the causes of discord in marital life or analyze partnerships. It often happens that a man (woman) comes to a runologist and complains about his partner or about the lack of mutual understanding in the union. To understand at what level the misunderstanding arose, you can arrange the following order of runes:

By right side the “female” row is laid out, and the “male” row on the left, regardless of the gender of the Questioner. The position should be kept this way: the woman will always be on the right, and the man on the left (side).

Runes (1-2, 3-4, 5-6) correspond to individual levels of personality - physical, astral and mental. This can be described differently: body, soul, spirit - if you count from bottom to top.

Station for two (according to Hayo Benzaf)

If both partners came to the layout with runes, it would be interesting to use a layout that is slightly different from the above scenario.

Ask each partner to take out three runes and place them in any order (right to left, left to right or top to bottom), but so that the first rune of one of the partners lies at the same height as the first rune of the other, etc.

The first rune in this layout indicates that one of the partners is thinking about the other.

The second rune shows the opinion of this partner about himself.

The third is what this partner thinks about their connection, as he imagines it.

Financial resources

People often want to know how their material well-being will develop in comparison with the present moment. The “Financial Resources” layout is excellent for analyzing the current and future financial situation. And also to determine the right direction of professional and material actions. After the Questioner has taken out eight runes, we arrange them as shown in the diagram.

The meanings of individual rune positions in the layout:

The attitude of the person asking about money;

The attitude of the person asking to work;

Current financial situation;

What investments can the inquirer make in the financial field;

What the person asking has to “put in” on an emotional level;

Where can the Questioner expect support?

Possible difficulties and problems;

8- results and opportunities that arise as a result

actions taken.

Karmic alignment (according to R. Bloom)

In order to find out what your previous or future incarnations were (or may be), a layout dedicated to the Ingus rune is used.

The runes are laid out in a pattern that resembles the outlines of this sign, so it is believed that it is dedicated to her.

In this layout:

top row(runes 1-2-3) corresponds to the previous (possible) incarnation,

middle row(runes 4-5-6) - to the current incarnation,

bottom row(7-8-9) - to the future.

First positions(1,4,7) characterize the initial period of life (in the current incarnation - the time that passed until the moment “here and now”).

Second positions(2,5,8) - the middle (in the current incarnation, the present moment, “here and now”).

Third positions(3,6,9) - the rest of life (in the present incarnation - what remains to be lived).

Development and work on oneself is a difficult and lengthy process, and its integral element is the ability to face the truth, that is, a thorough and objective assessment of oneself, one’s actions, deeds and beliefs.

The layout called “Truth” is used for this kind of analysis. We take out seven runes and arrange them as follows:

Questions for individual rune positions:

Am I objective towards others?

Am I able to realistically assess the situation?

What do I not want to notice?

Am I easily succumbed to illusions?

What value does the truth have for me?

Am I able to look at myself from the outside?

Am I sincere to myself?


I thank you, reader, for your persistence and I look forward to a warm welcome from you to my next book. I wish you courage and perseverance on the path of learning the runes, yourself, as well as success in working with others.

Alla Alicia Chrzanowska

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Correspondence of runes to letters of the Russian alphabet

And here is this option:
A - Ansuz
B - Berkana
G - Gebo
D - Dagaz
Z - Algiz
I - Isa
Y - Yer
K - Kano
L - Laguz
M - Mannaz
N - Nautiz
O - Otal
P - Perth
R - Raido
S - Soulu
T - Teyvaz
U - Uruz
F - Feu
E - Eyvaz, Evaz

Protective runes: Hagalas, Nautis, Algis, Lagus, Otila;

Runes that help health: Urus, Vunyo, Issa, Soulu, Ingvas

Runes that support success: Turizas, Anzus, Vunyo, Perto, Teivas, Berkana;

Runes that bring wealth: Feu, Kano, Vunyo, Iera, Berkana, Otila;

Runes of love: Gebo, Perto, Mannas, Lagus, Dagas;

Travel runes: Raido, Eivas, Teivas, Evas;

Runes of personal development: Thurizas, Anzus, Nautis, Issa, Eivas, Perto, Soulu, Berkana, Mannas.

One of the strongest and safest ways to protect against psychoenergetic aggression (that is, the evil eye, witchcraft, enchantment and even curses) is to write your name in the runic alphabet.
It should be remembered that the rune works like sound!!!
At the beginning of your work with rune magic, you should write your name this way. First, practice several times on paper, and when you get good at it, then write it down on a hard medium (for example, on wood, stone, etc.). Burn the trial versions and place the final version in a safe place. Your name written in this way will protect you and support your personal development.
In the same way, you can write down any other word that is important to you, for example, the name of your company or the bank where you keep your money, the make of your car, your profession, etc. This way, they will be protected and will better meet your needs.

An example of how to do this

Rune list:
Each Rune, except for the 4 main ones, is formed by 3 elements: 1 main and 2 auxiliary.
Now about the Runes themselves, more precisely about their practical application. First of all, when we come across Runes, we see them as an alphabet, and, naturally, we begin to compose words using this alphabet. Usually at the beginning it is compiled given name. But few people think at this stage that the name is powerful magic spell, especially in runic execution. When we describe a person’s name, we describe the main influences on his internal structure, on his psyche, even to some extent on his fate. Take, for example, the name Andrey. Rune Sequence: Ass, Naud, Dagaz, Reid, Eoh or En+Jara. Now I will give several decoding provisions:
1) The main influence is the first and last Runes.
2) The runes between the first and last are auxiliary, but if there is more than one of them, they form independent influences in pairs, without jumping over each other. The first rune is influenced by the second, the last by the penultimate.
3) Runes determine the influence of the elements. We will analyze this principle when I describe the influence of the elements on each Rune. Here there are also plans for influence and the degree of implementation of these plans.
Further it is assumed that you know the Runes well and I will not give explanations of their meaning
Based on these principles:
Andrey is a name experiencing the strongest influence of Air. That is, a person endowed with this name on the first, spiritual plane has a large reserve of development. That's all about the third principle for now.
A person has great inclinations in the ability to communicate. You just need to develop them if there is no corresponding Rune that helps release the hidden talent.
Since there are two possible interpretations here, I still decided to focus on Eoh. A person recovers easily, he is rarely visited by serious illnesses, and troubles are avoided. Naturally, since this is only the influence of a rune, it must be developed, or have a corresponding rune.
We can assume a big impact public life on the inner life of a person, both on the mental and physical side. The combination of these two runes shows that a person is contradictory - he seeks society and at the same time avoids it. Big changes in his destiny will always be associated with social activities. His talents in the field of arts and magic require intense attention - Naud does not allow him to relax, the development process is difficult. But Naud also doesn’t let you forget what you’ve learned.
Reid in this case is the Rune that awakens Eoh, that is, the assumptions regarding Eoh are most likely reliable. Also, thanks to this link, magical powers recover quickly, which makes Andrey a good practitioner. Any physical injury either passes very quickly or does not happen at all. But Reid is an Air rune, so all the air component of Eoh goes to it - the absence of troubles is not guaranteed. At the same time, Reid is also Eoh’s mentor, which gives him the ability to control all the situations described above.
They give an amazing effect, both positive and negative. A person does not depend on circumstances; he easily discards the past. But new beginnings are difficult and come with difficulty. Although, if the matter has begun, it will be completed. Because of this connection, Andrey is very conservative and does not perceive innovation well.
Any business related to learning, finding out the truth is easy, but a person burns bridges when starting these things. That is, it is difficult for him to look back and use the experience of previous events. He can only achieve one goal at once. Andrey practically cannot “kill two birds with one stone”, unless the birds are tied together :)
Here rough analysis one of the common names. Practical action, one might say. In this way, we can decompose any name. Using this knowledge, we can create a corrective “runescript”, give advice in any situation, or cast an approximate spell. We can also create a personal imperative and a compound rune, but this is done mainly for ourselves, as a talisman. For example, while meditating on my name, written in runes, I suddenly composed a rhyming imperative - my main characteristic. He helped me a lot in my further search for myself.
I hear the voices of my ancestors
From the dark depths of times calling

About the changes of the coming days
I ask the spirits to tell

What has been will always remain
The cycle of years will close, as always

Only my inspiration
He'll get me a black rose.

Runes as a tool for implementation
Runic signs are known to reflect universal law.
Each of the Elder Futhark runes carries one aspect of reality.
To work with runes, you must follow some rules. First.
First of all, the reading of the signs themselves is not subject to following the order we are accustomed to - from left to right, but to reading the reverse of the spelling we are accustomed to.
The signs themselves have color. The interpretation depends on the meaning of color in the Northern tradition.
The runes themselves have volume and development over time. Those. In addition to the order of reading, you need to imagine the runes in all six axes. They can rotate, move closer, move away from the observer or the earl (the one who is given the ability to work with runes).
Each of the runes is dedicated to one of the gods of the Teutonic series of gods. And during initiation, these aspects should also be taken into account.
In addition, the general rule is to call on three Norns (Urd, Skuld, Verdandi)
Now directly about the Signs presented in the figure.
The general meaning is the SEPARATION OF GOOD AND EVIL. And it’s active even now. Will help with this higher powers, They will direct your choice in the direction, maybe even against your will, towards good of a higher order.
After all, it is said that man proposes, but God disposes. Here there is an appeal to a higher plane than human will.
The third rune, Gebo, speaks of achieving a goal through common efforts with someone. You will need to consult with other entities.
The background of the picture speaks of the revival of the runes both now and in the future. That is, the actions and forces involved in galdstafir will act until your plans come true.
In general, the runescript will clarify the situation for you. And if you act according to the law of the universe, your desire can come true.
To successfully perform any magical actions, you should know the names of the runes and the Gods to whom they are dedicated.

Frey, to whom the runes Feu, Urus, Thurizas, Anzus, Raido, Kano, Gebo and Vunyo are dedicated;

Hag, who owns the runes Hagalas, Nautis, Issa, Iera, Eyvaz, Perto, Algis and Soulu;

Tire, which patronizes the runes Teivas, Berkana, Evas, Mannas, Lagus, Ingus, Dagas and Otila;

Odin is the patron of runes in general, and the Wyrd (empty) rune belongs to him.

Sunday is patronized by Balder, and on this day it is most effective to practice magic related to family affairs, as well as those related to health.

Monday is dedicated to Freya and love magic, as well as all activities related to fortune telling and predictions.

Tuesday belongs to Tyr and serves to perform protective and success-promoting actions.

Wednesday is dedicated to Odin and rituals related to healing, wisdom, knowledge and information.

Thursday is owned by Thor. They help in all matters aimed at gaining wealth, support development in all meanings of the word and ensure victory in battle.

Frigga reigns on Friday. It ensures success in magical actions related to love, fertility and abundance.

Saturday is patronized by the Norns, the rulers of Fate, and on this day only rituals can be performed that pray for a change in bad Fate.

On the new moon: we practice magic associated with starting something new (work, communication, business, etc.). Also most effective at this time are rituals that cleanse from the effects of psychoenergetic attacks - both on premises and on people. At this time, practices are also used to ensure fertility in any sense of the word. In addition, at this time all magical actions should begin.

During the waxing moon (from new moon to full moon): all rituals are performed that ensure “growth” in both material and spiritual meaning, i.e. in love, business, healing, etc.

At this time, rituals that ensure development and success are effective. If some things are going badly, performing magical actions at this time can provide a turning point and improve the situation.

During the waning moon (from the full moon to the new moon), rituals are performed that provide protection from any negative influences in different areas of life.

Rituals related to the elimination of diseases, bad habits, problems, etc. are effective at this time. or getting rid of debts, character flaws, etc. It should be remembered that the influence of the new moon and full moon lasts for three days “before” and three days “after” the exact astronomical moment.

The sun has more significance if the rituals are performed by a man;

The effect of magical rituals will be stronger if they are performed when the Sun is in your zodiac sign;

If the Sun is in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), then this favors the rituals of beginnings, health and success;

If the Sun is in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), then this favors love rituals, rituals concerning family and rituals of fertility and abundance;

If the Sun is in air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), then this favors rituals related to science, intelligence, relationships between people and travel;

If the Sun is in earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), then this favors rituals related to money, wealth, abundance, work, etc. Rituals cannot be performed during a solar eclipse!

When compiling runescripts, you should remember the special meaning of the first and last runes.

The first indicates the beginning, and the last indicates the end of the desired action. A rune is usually placed in the central place, indicating the main request, for the sake of which the entire inscription or sign is drawn up, or a rune that identifies the specific person for whom this inscription is being made.

Runescript for weight loss. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

Runescript that attracts happiness in love. In place (*) you should write your name in runes.

-runescript that attracts happiness and harmony in an existing partnership.

- an inscription that facilitates the quick and profitable sale of something...

The Viking language is a unique phenomenon. This is evidenced by his distinctive features, the most important of which is considered to be accessibility to a wide circle users. It is also worth noting the unusual and simple nature of the symbols, the order in which they are written, the peculiarities of reading, as well as the wide possibilities in choosing materials for cutting and drawing them. Thanks to runic records dating back to the Viking Age, modern scientists have been able to learn a lot about the life of the ancient Scandinavians, their migration, as well as the origin and meaning of their names.

Throughout the Viking Age and for several centuries after its end, all Scandinavian languages ​​were united under the concept of “Danish”. According to one version, this definition appeared abroad, and was later adopted by the inhabitants of the peninsula. This fact indicates that the ancient Scandinavian languages ​​differed little from each other, but were not similar to other European languages.

To this day, there is practically no information about what the Danish language sounded like. Historians take scant information from words borrowed by other peoples. Skaldic poetry and inscriptions on ancient coins also help them in learning the Viking language. Thanks to these artifacts, scientists were able to determine that the speech of ancient inhabitants from different places in Scandinavia was not completely identical. Thus, West Scandinavian was spoken by the settlers of the territories in which modern Norway and Iceland are located, and East Scandinavian was spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Sweden and Denmark. Old Icelandic language changed less than others today, therefore scientists draw knowledge from modern speech Icelanders.

On the origin of runic writing

Despite the differences in languages, any Scandinavian can even now independently, without a dictionary or translator, understand most of the words from the runic inscriptions. Initially, this writing arose among the Germanic peoples several centuries after the birth of Christ. It included 24 characters made up of vertical and oblique lines. They were the most convenient to cut on a wooden surface. Since the horizontal lines looked blurry due to the fact that they seemed to be lost in the wood fibers, they were not used.

With the beginning of the Viking Age, the number of runes decreased to 16 characters. At the same time, the spelling of some of them also changed. The runes have been simplified to make them easier to apply to various surfaces. At the same time, reading the signs has become more difficult, since many of them have acquired additional meanings. In addition, one rune can represent several sounds. Thus, the “k” rune can be read in four variants: “k”, “g”, “ng” and “pk”. At the same time, many signs were created to separate words and phrases.

The reasons for the appearance of the 16-digit runic alphabet are not known for certain. According to one assumption, these changes did not occur due to natural causes, but because of “commands from above.” This version confirms the fact that in those days the central government made many global changes in society.

The new alphabet was called “fupark” - these 6 characters were at its beginning. It existed in 2 types: Danish and Swedish-Norwegian. The first option included ordinary runes, and the second - “short-branch” ones, characterized by a smaller number of branches and their insignificant length. Both types of runes have found their use. So, with the help of ordinary ones, ceremonial and commemorative inscriptions were more often carved, and the simpler “short-knot” ones were widely used by traders and ordinary people.

Runic signs were written not from left to right, but from top to bottom. They were not suitable for writing letters on parchment. For this purpose, the Latin alphabet was used, known at that time mainly to clergy.

Application of runic inscriptions and artifacts

The majority of the nobility could read the new signs. After all, runic inscriptions were applied to memorial stones for the purpose of being read. The Scandinavians carved runes on the sides of ships, horse harnesses, combs, leather and bone items, etc. In some cases it was the name of the owner of the item, in others - wise saying, thirdly - magical writings. The most valuable finds include an inscription on a fragment of a human skull that was found on the spot shopping center Ribe. The artifact dates back to the 8th century. The name of Odin, the supreme pagan deity worshiped by the Vikings, is clearly visible on it. And someone, using the Old Norse language of runes, was content to simply carve a word denoting the name of this item on an ordinary comb. Archaeologists also came across “love notes.” For example, a fragment of an animal bone with the inscription “kiss me” was found. But there were also serious letters that were carved on wooden tablets. Thus, a message asking to do something (what exactly could not be read) dates back to the 9th century and was addressed to a man named Oddulf.

Replacement of runic characters with Latin letters

After the Christianization of Scandinavia, which occurred in last century the first millennium, the Latin alphabet began to be introduced on these lands. This is confirmed by inscriptions on coins dating back to the 10th century, as well as a letter from a high-ranking person dating back to the 11th century. But for laconic everyday notes, runes were considered more convenient, and they continued to be used until the late Middle Ages. After all, it is much easier to draw a message with a knife and a bone left over from dinner than with an inkwell and parchment, which in those days were not available to everyone.

Scandinavian names

The inscriptions on rune stones contain a lot of information, including about names common in Scandinavia. Many names were used throughout its territory (for example, Ulf and Thorstein), but there were also those that were found only in specific regions. Thus, the Western Scandinavian ones include Oddketil and Eyulf, and the most common East Scandinavian ones are Toke, Manne and Asved. Thanks to “regional” names, historians have the opportunity to determine the origin of representatives of a particular colony. For example, according to geographical names in Normandy, one can come to the conclusion that the bulk of the Scandinavian settlers were Danes. Thus, the name of the city Okeville comes from the Danish name Aage.

The Viking times are notable for the fact that it was during this era that many names appeared, including the name of the pagan deity Thor (Torkil, Thorstein, Toke, etc.). Many of them did not cease to be used even after the Christianization of Scandinavia. The Vikings did not forget about the “lesser brothers”, giving people names that included the names of animals (Gunulf, Stigbjorn) and even assigning them the full names of one or another type of living creature (Urm - snake, Bjorn - bear).

The tradition of some noble families was to name their offspring only a certain minimum of names. For example, Norwegian kings most often gave their descendants the names Olav and Harold. Some Scandinavians were given additional names. With their help, belonging to a certain clan or region was emphasized. Thus, a migrant from Denmark who settled in Norway could be called Ulf the Dane. In addition, the names included the main characteristics of a person, his profession, status, etc. For example, the name “Gorm of the Clan” meant “Gorm of the bungler.” Many nicknames have survived to this day. famous personalities Viking era: Ivar the Boneless, Harald Fairhair, Ragnar Leather Pants, etc.

A large number of proper names that appeared in the Viking Age still exist today. Such ancient male names, like Ulf, Ivar, Aslak, Knud, Eric and many others. Of the female names dating back to the Viking Age, the following should be highlighted: Ingrid, Sigrid, Tora, Ose, Tove, etc. After the introduction of Christianity, these names were somewhat “diluted” with biblical names. Many of the names that have survived to this day “get along” well with each other even now, despite the fact that their roots go back to different religions.