How many times do Mariyana and Face meet? Scandalous rapper Face: biography and history with Maryana Ro

What’s interesting about couples like Maryana and Faith is that sometimes you don’t really know what’s true and what’s false in their messages, posts and interviews. By and large, both one and the other earn a lot of money from their popularity, and since a lot of events happen in the world every day, interest in oneself must be maintained. So Maryasha came up with another trick: “pregnancy”. This is not the first time that a message about an interesting situation has appeared on the Internet, and in the past many immediately rushed to congratulate. but now, on the contrary, everyone is laughing. Well, there is still PR. so the gestation period is still zero. I think the question of marriage will also come up again and again, because this topic also popular with the blogger’s subscribers. Well, then you can get a divorce - again, an excellent topic for hype.

Maryana Ro (Maryana Rozhkova) is a very popular video blogger, she has her own Youtube channel, which has more than 5 million subscribers.

However, she recently made her last video and said that she will no longer make such videos.

Fans immediately suspected that the girl was in an interesting position. This was indicated by several facts:

  • She captioned one of the photos: 2/9, hinting at the second month of pregnancy. But in fact these were words from a song by her boyfriend Face
  • She posted a photo with a rounded belly. But at this age, she still doesn’t have such a belly.
  • She thanked Face for her daughter, and he thanked her for her son - nothing is clear here at all. Even if at this stage it is already reliably known what gender the baby is, then their “testimonies” do not agree.

In general, we can conclude that this is hype, a desire to promote ourselves. Although there is still a 1% chance of this news about pregnancy.

Let us remind you that Maryana and Face have been dating for about two months, so it is not surprising that they are kissing in the photo.

Face is so passionate about his girlfriend that he is ready to marry her, but for now these are just plans. I think that if the news turns out to be true, he, like a gentleman, will marry Maryana.

Maryana Ro is pregnant for how long, what is the gender of the child, will Face marry her?

They don't play with it. This is precisely why Maryana is not pregnant and reports this. If she had been silent, and the information had accidentally leaked out, then it would still have been possible to believe. Those who have been following the life of the blogger for a long time remember that she already wrote almost seriously about the fact that she had been in an interesting situation for the third month, as a result, it turned out to be a fiction for the sake of hype. And who will believe her now?

As for Face, no one knows what is on his mind, so it is impossible to know for sure whether he has matrimonial plans. Agree, this couple is still more interesting in limbo. As soon as they decide on their personal life, they will lose some of their subscribers.

Yes, I don’t believe a single word she says. All this infantile affectation is annoying. I don’t care, but most likely now it will be discussed everywhere. Maybe they will even invite you to the program “Actually”, where they will find out whether she is pregnant or not, then at the end IvanGuy will come there... I realized what kind of person she is after I watched her video on YouTube “I’m tired” (she can she's one of the difficult ones life situations get out) - Ivan Rudskoy does not understand girls, if he once decided to date her. She's making a fool of herself, but she doesn't care... Of course she's not pregnant, she's promoting herself.

Rumors appear on the Internet every now and then that the famous blogger Maryana Ro is pregnant. But time goes by, but Maryana never gave birth. But on her page she posted a new photo where it says 2/9, supposedly she is in her second month of pregnancy. I want to assure you that the belly in the second month is not noticeable at all, so this is more like a joke from Maryana. But if she really is pregnant and is in her second month, then the sex of the child will not yet be known.

And she’s really dating Face, but it’s just a meeting for now, it’s not going to lead to marriage.

The day before yesterday, Maryana Ro posted somewhere in the blogging spaces of the Internet a photo with a fake belly, under a photo of the number 2/9 - well, it seems like the second of nine, and a grateful blogosphere, or rather, probably, those who feed on the emanations of this blogosphere, the second day discussing this greatest event.

I answer the questions in order:

The duration of the fake pregnancy as of December 27, 2017 is 2 months;

gender not made public;

Face has not yet married Maryana Ro, as for the future, I think that this is quite possible;

Face and Maryana Ro have not broken up yet;

As for meeting and kissing, then most likely both are true.

And finally, a photo of Face and Maryana Ro (I couldn’t find anything more new or interesting, everything else is even worse).

Maryana Rozhkova is a popular video blogger today and very much discussed. She dated Ivan Guy for some time and her subscribers attributed pregnancy to her, she even jokingly confirmed this.

Then they even sent photos online showing Maryana with a baby bump, but this was not confirmed. Now the girl has a new boyfriend, namely rapper Face. They have been dating for only a few months, but their acquaintance began online through correspondence and mutual exchanges of likes. Maryana posted a photo of her with a belly that lasts for 4-5 months and it is clear that this is another joke. And if you believe the caption to the photo, Maryana is 2 months pregnant. In another post, she wrote, “Thank you for your daughter.” However, everyone knows that the gender of the child cannot be determined at this stage. Again the blogger wants hype.

Face likes Maryana and is even ready to marry her, but he hasn’t specified when yet. So Maryana is hype again, she is not pregnant.

According to Maryana Ro, this is not the first time she has been pregnant.

Not so long ago, when Maryana was still dating Ivangay, there was a very similar photo online with a hint of pregnancy. But time passed, a year, and the tummy simply disappeared. And to be more precise, he wasn’t real in the photo either.

In September 2017, Maryana began to be in a relationship with rapper Face. Who loved her so much that after only a month of dating he said that he was ready to marry her and even have children.

On their first date, he gave Maryana Ro a crocodile from a Kinder Surprise - which is their first child together. He even has his own Instagram.

And Maryana’s tummy is not real again. Although the gestational age indicated is 2 months, that is, almost exactly when the couple started dating.

Yes, Feis agrees to marry Maryana Ro and even wants several children from her, but he did not say exactly when this would happen.

The famous blogger Maryana Rozhkova, better known on the Internet under the pseudonym Maryana Ro, is dating Ivan Dremin, a rap artist known by his stage name Face. The couple in love is already planning how they will conduct their wedding ceremony. The couple tries themselves as parents, and their “child” is the crocodile from Kinder Surprise, given to Maryana by Ivan, whose page has already 50 thousand subscribers.

Blogger Maryana Ro is getting married: how the blogger became popular

Maryana is a native of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, one of the most recognizable bloggers of the Russian-speaking YouTube society, as well as an aspiring singer and actress. In 2012, at the age of 13, the girl registered a personal channel on YouTube, on which she filmed emotional “girl” monologues.

Her younger sister appeared in several of Maryana’s videos. The channel gradually began to gain popularity and within two years the blogger’s channel already had 30 thousand subscribers, and a month later another 20 thousand people joined the channel. To date, Maryana Ro’s channel has 6,070,000 subscribers and about 600,000,000 views.

Blogger Maryana Ro is getting married: Maryana and Ivangay separated

Maryana’s increase in popularity was facilitated by her relationship with the most popular video blogger in Russia, Ivan Rudsky, also known as Ivangay. On his channel, Ivan plays games and comments on them, sings, does something for a dare, shows various tricks, jokes, and also communicates with his subscribers.

On at the moment his channel has 2,800,000 subscribers and about 3,000,000 views. Maryana and Ivan met on the Internet, where Ivangay was the first to write to Maryana and invite him to go with him to a concert taking place in Japan, after which the guys began to communicate and spend a lot of time together.

They often posted photos together, which clearly showed more than just friendly relations. But soon the couple began to quarrel frequently and in December 2016 their relationship ended. Ivangay posted on the social network VKontakte that he broke up with Maryana Ro because they did not get along in character and this relationship was a mistake for him. That same month, Ivangay bought Maryana tickets to Japan, and since then the couple have not met again.

Blogger Maryana Ro is getting married: Maryana Ro is dating rapper from Ufa Ivan Dremin (Face)

Ivan Dremin is a rap artist from Ufa. At the end of 2017, Ivan released new album“No Love”, consisting of 9 songs in his traditional daring style, but several songs surprised fans with their lyricism. On the Vkontakte network, about 27,000 users reposted the news about this album - thus Ivan broke the record of the group “Mushrooms” with their project “House on Wheels” and became even more popular.

In an interview with The Village portal, Dremin said that he was in romantic relationships with Maryana Rozhkova and has strong feelings for her and added that he is very happy in this relationship. Ivan even dedicated several lines in his songs to his beloved.

Face also defended Maryana in broadcasts while communicating with his fans. After a month of their relationship, Ivan said in an interview that he sees his future wife in Maryana and is ready to have children with her in the future. He even gave Maryana a crocodile from Kinder Surprise as her first child, for whom the loving couple started their own page on Instagram, which already has more than 50 thousand subscribers.

According to Face: this crocodile is a symbol of their love. And recently rumors appeared on the Internet that Maryana may be pregnant from Dremin. But most likely, this is not true, since during Maryana Ro’s relationship with Vanya Rudsky there were the same rumors. However, Maryana and Faith announced that they intend to get married this year and record their wedding ceremony in 4K format and broadcast it on all social networks. Exact date The couple did not name their wedding.

Maryana Ro (Maryana Rozhkova) is a young millionaire video blogger, one of the leaders of the Russian-language segment of Youtube. On her channel, the girl posts bright, positive videos about her personal life, talks about travel and shares makeup secrets.


Maryana was born into a family of entrepreneurs with Far East. She became the second child in the family: the girl has an older brother Miroslav and a sister Maresya. When the girl was 9 years old, the Rozhkov family in full force moved to Japan, where he settled in the port city of Otaru, located in the southwestern part of the island of Hokkaido.

WITH youth Maryana was raised like a little princess. Mom spared no expense on clothes for her daughter, took her to beauty salons, and did beautiful hairstyles instead of ponytails and buns. The girl realized her attractiveness early and enthusiastically posed for the camera, arousing the admiration of those around her.

Like all modern teenagers, she started pages on social networks, where she regularly posted photos and videos from her life. The number of subscribers to her microblog grew rapidly, and already at the age of 13, Maryana came up with the idea of ​​​​registering her own channel on YouTube. Her first video was published on March 27, 2014 and was titled “How Much Do TV Shows Affect Me?”

Maryana Ro's first video

The girl did not adhere to a specific topic; she filmed and posted everything that came to her mind. Her video works, captivating with humor, charisma and youthful spontaneity, appealed to the youth audience. Many of Maryana’s videos were dedicated to Japanese themes, which also gave them a certain flavor. The number of subscribers to her channel increased rapidly and over short time she has become quite a prominent person on the Internet.

Career and personal life of Maryana Ro

Maryana’s lucky ticket was meeting the popular video blogger Ivangay (Ivan Rudsky). By that time, about four million people had subscribed to his YouTube channel. They found each other on the Internet, began to communicate often on the Internet, and began to call themselves a couple. When Maryana turned 15, 18-year-old Ivan came to his beloved in Japan. To be closer to Maryana, he entered a Japanese university.

The guys began recording joint video blogs, and the popularity of Maryana Ro’s channel skyrocketed. The girl had her first million subscribers by the summer of 2015. In the same year, at the interactive festival “Vidfest” she was awarded the victory in the “Like for a Newcomer” category, and at the VIDEOFAN festival the couple “Maryana Ro - Ivangai” was recognized as the cutest. Fans never tired of wondering whether the young people had a sincere relationship, or whether it was a commercial PR stunt.

Maryana Ro with her boyfriend in Tokyo

Soon Ivan took Maryana from Japan to Moscow. The parents did not want to let their minor daughter go to the capital alone, so the couple had to resort to deception and justify the purpose of the trip by filming a video. As a result, the girl never returned home and stayed with her lover in Moscow. They rented an apartment and began to live together. Her mother and older brother came to her and tried to persuade her to return home.

Maryana flatly refused to leave her lover, although serious disagreements had begun in the couple’s life by that time. Ivan tried to break off the relationship and left home, but upon learning that the girl had swallowed pills, he returned. At the end of 2016, the couple finally broke up. But Maryana never returned home; she remained in Moscow.

At the beginning of 2017, the film “Hack the Bloggers” was released, in which the main roles were played by Ivangay and Maryana Ro, as well as their friend, video blogger Sasha Spielberg. In the story, their computers were hacked by a virus that “dragged” the guys into the digital world. However, the film was completely trashed by critics. In October 2017, the famous rapper Face admitted in an interview with Yuri Dudu that he was in love with Maryana Ro. On October 7, he very sweetly congratulated her on her birthday on his Instagram.

Maryana Ro now

By the beginning of 2018, the number of Maryana Ro’s subscribers approached six million. This brings her considerable income. According to rough estimates, in the second half of 2017 Maryana earned approximately 8.5 million rubles, and in total for 2017 - 25 million. She earns money not only from views, but also from advertising and sponsors. In her videos you can often see hidden advertisements for cosmetics, perfumes, clothes and other things that interest young people. At the same time, analysts from the Russian Blogger Research Agency note a drop in Ro’s income: in mid-2017 she was in 3rd place among the richest bloggers, and by the beginning of 2018 she dropped to 10th. This may be due to the fact that the girl was taking a break from YouTube.

Maryana Ro is now 18 years old. Will be 19 at the end of the year.

Despite her youth, she has long been a popular video blogger on YouTube.

True, in November 2017 she posted a farewell video on her channel. But it is unlikely that she will go away completely.

She has a desire to become a singer, perhaps in rap style, like her boyfriend nicknamed Face. Throughout the fall of 2017, the couple exchanged pleasantries from their Instagram pages.

And Maryana posted a provocative photo in which she gently strokes her noticeably rounded belly. But this is just hype and nothing more.

Maryana Ro still lives in Moscow. No significant changes have been observed yet. We are waiting for the diva to sing.

At the moment, the beginning of 2018, Maryana Ro is doing well.

She still lives in Moscow, still dating Face, although they are unlikely to officially marry in the near future - I think they are doing well as it is. Maryana regularly posts on Instagram different photos, in many she smiles happily.

Maryana decided to leave video blogging in the form in which she did it before - this is perhaps the main change in her life now. The girl wants to make music, and in my opinion, this is the influence of Face. Perhaps the couple will create an album or another together music project. But it’s still unlikely that she’ll stop recording videos—a habit that’s second nature, as you know.

There is currently no evidence of Maryana Ro’s pregnancy from Face, these are nothing more than rumors that are carefully fueled by the girl herself, so that there is more hype around it and the fans don’t get bored.

Where is Maryana Ro now (2018)? What does he do? Did she get married or divorced?

Maryana Ro, who, according to her statement, experienced stress and a difficult breakup with her boyfriend, popular blogger Ivan Guy, is currently happy. Today she has another young man with whom she is completely happy, he recognized her as his girlfriend and they have been dating for more than three months. For now, it’s true that young people just live like that, but rapper Face said that he would like to marry Maryana, though not now, but a little later. Recently, Maryana announced that she was pregnant by her boyfriend, but the news has not yet been confirmed by anything, and the girl spread hype like this more than once, and the news later turned out to be fake. Maryana is active on her Instagram, and she also enjoyed making music after filming an advertising video.

Video blogger Maryana Ro announced in November 2017 that she was leaving the YouTube community and would no longer upload videos. Now she will conquer the musical Olympus.

However, if you look at her channel, you can see that after the video “Goodbye...”, Maryana continues to post videos.

There is even a New Year's greeting from the president of YouTube.

So the video blogger’s career continues.

But I seriously doubt that we will see Maryana in the New Year’s blue light as a singer. This is not her way.

It's too early for her to give birth too.

This year Maryana will turn 19 years old. The girl celebrates her birthday on the same day as Putin.

Maryana Ro- famous blogger. Born October 7, 1998. Gained popularity on YouTube due to joint filming with Ivan Rudsky (Ivangay), and later they started dating.

In 2016, the couple separated.

Maryana managed to star in the film “Hack a Blogger”

And already in October 2017, the rapper confesses his love to Maryana Face.

On November 3, 2017, the last video was released on Maryana Ro’s channel, where she told her subscribers that she was ending her career as a blogger and devoting herself to music. And on December 11, 2017, the first song by Maryan Ro & FatCat - Mega-star - was released.

But, according to recent events, video blogs on Maryana’s channel have appeared again.

She does the same thing - hype and shocking. All the rumors - that she is leaving, that she is pregnant with Face's child - are rumors necessary to increase popularity and, therefore, earnings. I believe that despite all her outrageousness, Maryana Ro knows what she is doing and controls the situation. Just, as I already said, gaining popularity. And she's popular.

The famous blogger Maryana Ro (Maryana Rozhkova) posted a photo of herself in which she stands with a noticeable belly - fans concluded that she is in the second month of pregnancy (this was concluded from her brief comment"2/9").

The girl has been dating rapper Face for about three months.

Maryana still pleases her subscribers with positive photos.

She lives in Moscow since she moved there with Ivangay from her family from Japan.

Maryana Ro finally announced something terrible for many of her fans: she is leaving.

She recorded her last video appeal to people, this happened in November 2017.

It said that she wanted to stop working as a video blogger.

According to her, she sees herself in musical career and wants to become a professional musician, like Bach or Mozart.

So far, Maryana Ro does not intend to start a family as well as children, because she believes that first she must realize herself as a musician and a great pop singer. And perhaps soon we will meet her on the same pedestal with Agutin or Timati, the main one in the Black Star Mafia. And there are even rumors about their secret relationship, but these are just rumors and nothing more.

Maryana Ro is a very ambitious girl and loves to play to the public, as they say. For example, in 2017, she greatly upset her subscribers with the news that she would no longer make videos. At the moment, January 2018, Maryana is organizing her personal life with the scandalous rap artist Face. Both Instagrams are constantly updated with new photos and mutual kisses. In addition, Ro recently hinted that she was pregnant. But since this is not the first time Maryana has hyped up this topic, the veracity of the message raises serious doubts. Although if Ro is still pregnant, then I’m sure she won’t miss the opportunity to earn as much as possible from this. In addition, Face promised to marry her, so we will hear about this couple more than once.

There are performers whose work goes far beyond the standards accepted in society. And in this case, they have only two options: to remain misunderstood until the end of their days or to open new page in the perception of music. Rapper Face is one of those who managed to win the hearts of millions with extraordinary lyrics and get “everything at once.” Fame fell on the young author of Russian rap literally in a matter of days after the release of his video for a song about designer Gosha Rubchinsky. There was a massive talk about Face on social networks (VKontakte, Twitter, etc.), and his fans began to storm Instagram and YouTube in search of interesting information about your idol. Fans of the charismatic singer are interested not only in excerpts from the biography (name, age, childhood, facial tattoos, etc.), but also facts from his personal life. For example, his relationship with YouTube blogger Maryana Ro, a photo from whom Face leaked on social networks. You will find information about who the rapper Face is, his real name, facts from life, as well as videos from the Comedy Club and the show “The Voice”.

Rapper Face, biography: name, age, where he studied, how he started writing songs

So, the most popular queries on the network about the biography of rapper Face concern what his real name is, how old he is, where he studied and how he started writing songs. Let's start with the fact that Ivan Demin, and this is exactly what it sounds like full name performer under the nickname Face, born on April 8, 1997 in Ufa. The 20-year-old performer has a difficult childhood behind him, which was spent literally on the streets hometown. As Feis himself stated in an interview, the parents were unable to raise their son properly, redirecting this mission to his grandparents. The generational conflict that arose between the extraordinary personality and the older members of his family led to the fact that the guy literally grew up as an anarchist who did not recognize the authority of his elders. Ivan admits that he was a very difficult teenager, was in street gangs, tried drugs and was even registered in a psychiatric clinic. According to him, only the love of music and the desire to become like their idols, including the King and the Jester, Zemfira, Tokio Hotel, Lil Wayne, Slipknot, gave meaning to his existence.

Where did rapper Feis study and how did he start writing songs?

Ivan Demin began writing his first songs back in school years without having any music education. However, high school remained the only frontier of knowledge that the young rapper mastered. According to Demin, he did not have enough passing grades on the Unified State Exam to enter the university, and he had no particular desire to continue his studies. Already in high school, today's youth idol understood that he wanted to study music exclusively. And as it turns out, to write hits that consist almost entirely of profanity, a secondary education certificate is quite enough.

Rapper Face: facial tattoos and photos from personal Instagram

In addition to his extraordinary creativity in every sense, performer Feis also excites the audience with his appearance. Of particular interest to fans are the tattoos on Face’s face, which can be seen in detail in a photo from the rapper’s personal Instagram. It is worth noting that at the beginning of his career, Ivan Demin did not particularly stand out externally. But this spring, Face decided to complement his image, which now fully corresponds to his nickname, with facial tattoos. Note that translated from English language"face" literally means face. The rapper himself says that the pseudonym he chose reflects his versatility as a performer.

Tattoos on the face of rapper Face (Face) - photo from the artist’s personal Instagram

So, what kind of tattoos did Face get on his face? Recently, the rapper’s face has been decorated with three tattoos with the inscriptions - Numb (above the right eyebrow), Hate and Love (just below the eyes). In his opinion, love (Love) and hatred (Hate) are the two main forces that control everything in this world. As for the inscription Numb, translated this word means “numb.” With the help of this tattoo, Ivan most likely wanted to capture the reaction of many to his work. In addition to tattoos on his face, rapper Face also has other designs on his body, mostly inscriptions, the list of which continues to grow.

Rapper Facey and YouTube blogger Maryana Ro are dating?

After the couple of popular YouTubers Ivangay and Maryana Ro broke up, their fans were at a loss and for a long time cherished the hope of a reunion of their idols. That is why the news that YouTube blogger Maryana Ro started dating rapper Face caused a shock among many of the girl’s fans. And numerous Face fans were disappointed with his choice. In their opinion, these two are the complete opposite of each other: Maryana Rozhkova is an example of a cheerful and sweet girl, and Ivan Demin is the embodiment of all the vices of our time. That is why, at first, such contradictory images of lovers were perceived by fans exclusively as hype and a cunning PR move.

Evidence that rapper Facey and YouTube blogger Maryana Ro are dating

But despite everyone’s disbelief, rapper Face and YouTube blogger Maryana Ro continue to meet, for which there is a lot of evidence. Joint photos and videos constantly appear on pages on social networks belonging to young people. Moreover, in one of his latest interviews to popular journalist Yuri Dudu, Ivan Demin shared some details about his relationship with Maryana. In particular, he mentioned how they met and what their most romantic date was. In addition, Face dedicated one song from his album “No love” to Maryana Ro, in which he confessed his true feelings for the girl.

Is it true that rapper Face leaked intimate photos of Maryana Ro online?

Gossip around Face and Maryana Ro does not subside, so from time to time rumors arise that the rapper leaked intimate photos graphics of his new girlfriend on the Internet. Such an act cannot be called masculine, but it can be expected from such a reckless and extraordinary person as Ivan Demin. However, sometimes Mariana’s haters also talk about the fact that photographs of this kind appear in the public domain. They claim that for the sake of popularity around her name, this girl is capable of much more.

Rapper Face leaked intimate photos with Maryana Ro - true or fake

However, despite the widespread opinion about Maryana’s spoiled state and Ivan’s bad manners, it is difficult to find candid photos of the couple online. The most intimate photo that fans came across in the public domain was a screenshot from Maryana’s story. In it, young people are hugging under a blanket, while Face’s torso is bare, and Maryana looks a little disheveled and tired.

Rapper Face in Comedy Club(Comedy Club) - performer on a popular show, video

If at the beginning of his work the performer Face was of interest exclusively to a narrow circle of young people, today his popularity is growing like mushrooms after rain. In particular, the phenomenon rapper Face and the buzz surrounding his extraordinary hits attracts the attention of an older audience as well. Interviews with the performer appear in trending magazines, and he himself becomes a guest on various talk shows. For example, among latest broadcasts with the participation of Ivan Demin, one can note an interview with Yuri Dyud in the show “VDud”, an invitation to Sergei Druzhko’s program, as well as participation in Comedy Club.

How rapper Face behaved on the popular show Comedy Club (Comedy Club), video from the air

By the way, the appearance of the rapper on the Comedy Club broadcast among the guests of the show caused mixed feelings among Face’s fans. On the one hand, an invitation to such rating programs indicates the growing popularity of the artist. But on the other hand, presenters Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov, in their characteristic ironic manner, greeted Face with caustic remarks about his appearance and creativity, which the fans did not like.

Was rapper Face on the Voice show?

Numerous fans are confident that Face’s talent should be appreciated by the largest possible audience. Therefore, fake videos appear online from time to time with the rapper’s alleged participation in the popular singing show “The Voice.” But they are all amateur and represent an overlay of Face’s hits with excerpts from the show.

Is rapper Face going to the Voice Show?

It is not known for certain whether rapper Face is going to take part in the show “The Voice”. Most likely, such PR is not yet part of the performer’s plans. At this stage, it is quite enough for Ivan Demin to shine on entertainment shows like Comedy Club. In addition, the rapper gains his main popularity thanks to hype videos and songs, as in the case of the hit about Gosha Rubchinsky. Add to this extraordinary biography, a difficult childhood, tattoos on his face and Maryana Ro, with whom Face is dating, and you will understand that there is plenty of hype around the rapper. We hope that now that you know Face’s real name, how old he is, how to translate his nickname into Russian, and have also seen photos from Instagram, your interest in his personality is partially satisfied.