There is no point in crying too much in a dream. Crying children and grandchildren. Small Veles dream book

  • Primary elements - metal, water, wood.
  • Elements - dryness, cold, wind.
  • Emotions - sadness, melancholy, fear, anger.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, liver, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Fullness of the lungs is not liberation from pathogenic energy, it is the overcrowding of the lungs with it. Medical symptoms of fullness of the lungs will be a feeling of heaviness in the chest, back, and shoulders; fever, cough with hoarseness, sputum, expectoration of blood. From a mental point of view, the fullness of the lungs, which has not yet been physically manifested, can provoke the appearance of pathological emotions associated specifically with inner world person: emotions come from there; an external source does not play a significant role in the present. The lungs are a yin organ. A person’s past is also yin in the time sequence. Autumn is the season of yin, when the development of life stops. Fullness of the lungs often occurs and is most dangerous in the fall. When your lungs are full, your whole life is perceived as a failure. None of the past events is assessed as positive or joyful, which cannot be in a healthy state. When the lungs are full, a person is overwhelmed with melancholy, which develops into depression. Depression gives rise to the fear that such a hopelessly dull life will continue forever. Tears flow, and the liver is involved in the chain of emotions in a dream: fear of one’s powerlessness is born, and with anger and tears the body is finally freed from the pathogenic energy that overwhelmed it. This is how, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, the saying is explained that grief goes away with tears. Crying in a dream/feeling that you are crying, or seeing yourself crying is a way out of the overflowing internal yin through yang - the action (crying is an action), liberation from the fullness of the lungs. Crying in a dream/seeing oneself crying means unloading oneself from accumulated negative emotions that block the lungs and can cause illness and the collapse of affairs and relationships, since a person is despondent and depressed about business and is not able to maintain normal relationships. Sleep itself is favorable, but it warns of stagnation vital energy qi and blood in the lungs, which blocks the kidneys and after an unpleasant, dreary winter can lead to liver disease in the spring. You should check the adequacy of your emotional reactions and begin to correct them. Sometimes the fullness of the lungs causes an image of flying in a dream in adults: the medical interpretation of the dream is the same, but liberation from pathological energy does not occur. Sleep is more unfavorable for men. Flying in children's dreams does not indicate fullness of the lungs: children are simply not yet burdened with earthly material principles and easily ascend to the sky.

Tears in a dream are an extremely common picture. Every morning, thousands of people ask those around them a single question: what if I dream that I’m crying? Let's look for the answer in various dream books.

Zedkiela (English ancient)

  • Bitter crying during sleep - to quick carefree fun and joy.
  • The progress of your business is guaranteed acceleration and successful completion. The demonstrated entrepreneurship in business will result in a result that exceeds your wildest expectations.
  • Your cordial union will likely be tested by your opponent, but even the loss of a loved one is compensated by the acquisition of a wonderful, benevolent friend who loves you dearly.
  • Soon after prophetic dream, you will receive confirmation that the clouds rushing above you are not at all ominous.
  • Someone's pitiful sobs in a dream - to the joy coming to yours good friends. You will share this joy with them.

Zhou-gun (Chinese)

  • If you shed tears in the company of someone, wait for the holiday, get ready to accept gifts.
  • If you cry out loud, a joyful event awaits you.
  • Tears and grief over someone who is far away - be prepared for misfortune.
  • If you sit on the bed and cry, big troubles await you.
  • If you cry (you or someone else), baring your teeth, you are facing litigation, rivalry.
  • A dead man is crying - expect a quarrel, a squabble.

Happy Omens, Tsvetkova and some others

  • Strong crying - to joy, relief, liberation.
  • If you cry, it means consolation.
  • Someone is crying - to the news.
  • Crying in the bathhouse is offensive.
  • Crying brings joy.
  • Your emotions need an outlet and soon you will throw them out. It will be a drinking session with a sad ending, laughter until your stomach hurts, a scandal or a quarrel with tears.


A person often cries in his sleep. As a rule, crying is a person’s response to the influence of the people and images present in his dream. If you dream that you are crying, you are actually crying, as in real life. You are full of feelings of pity and compassion regarding the touching picture unfolding before your eyes.

In such situations, it is necessary to follow sleep. The experienced emotional release will have a cleansing effect on the psyche; such a “session” should be used in any opportunity. It is very important to determine the trigger event that led to the failure of the corresponding emotion. To do this, ask yourself the following questions: What made me cry? I cried for a specific reason or it was an emotional release general? What did I feel after crying: heaviness or relief?

As you can see, there are many interpretations, decide for yourself which one suits you! Even if you cried at night, rejoice during the day. After all, this is just a dream.

An alarming and unpleasant vision is crying a lot in a dream. Popular dream books will tell you why you dream about such a plot. You will be surprised, but everything is not as scary as it might seem to you after waking up from sleep. In fact, most experts interpret this vision positively.

English dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of crying a lot in a dream, refer to the experience of the British. They interpret this vision as follows:

Loff's Dream Book

To figure out why you dream of crying a lot in a dream, take a look at Loff’s dream book. Here's the transcript you can find in this source:

Chinese dream book

Chinese sages were well versed in the vicissitudes of real life, as well as the intricacies of night visions. This is what it means to dream about crying a lot in a dream:

Interpretation according to the Autumn Dream Book

With the question “why do I dream that I cry a lot in my sleep?” contact Autumn dream book. In it you will find the following answers:

Miller's Dream Book

Esoteric dream book

If you are wondering why you dream that you cry in a dream, then take a look at Esoteric dream book. From this source you will get the following information:

Imperial dream book

Take a look at the Imperial Dream Book if you had to cry in your night vision. Seeing a similar plot in a dream means the following:

  • Crying is a symbol of joy and fun. The more depressed you felt in the dream, the more positive emotions you will get in reality.
  • If you hear a pitying voice trying to console you, it means someone wants to be involved in your success.
  • If one of your loved ones cries in a dream, and you do not react, this means that in reality you are greatly upsetting this person without realizing it.
  • Other people's sobs mean that you will receive joyful news from distant relatives.
  • If in a dream you cried and wailed, this means that you are very worried about your loved ones. But you will soon realize that all your worries were in vain.
  • If you have long dreamed of adding to your family, then a dream about tears gives you a signal that your wish may come true in the near future.

Modern dream book

IN modern world people never stop trusting the signs of fate in the form of dreams. Here's what can be said about night visions in which tears are present:

Vanga's Dream Book

For an interpretation of a dream about tears, you should consult the dream book of the famous seer. Here's what Vanga said about this:

  • To experience joy is what it means to dream of crying in a dream yourself. Most likely, something you have been working on for a long time will lead you to desired result.
  • If in your dream some other person you know shed tears, this means that he will be very happy. Most likely, you will also have a hand in his well-being.
  • Completing a troublesome task is what dreams of crying bitterly in a dream mean. Soon you will be able to take a break from all worries and relax.
  • If you saw your enemy crying, you will be able to defeat him.
  • If you just sob, this means that guests will unexpectedly come to you, with whom you will have a very pleasant time.
  • If a young girl dreams of how she cries and a man consoles her, this prophesies a quick, fateful acquaintance that will end in a wedding. Family life will be cloudless and full of joyful moments.
  • Baby crying indicates that your children need your help. If you support them on time, they will achieve success.

We looked at the most interesting interpretations of the meaning of dreams about crying and tears.

Anchor points:

The meaning of crying in dreams

If we characterize general meaning dream in which you cried, then we can say that dreams, one way or another connected with crying - carry positive information. Be that as it may, crying in a dream brings emotional release, which is good for your health and allows you to take a fresh look at problems. Of course, here, as in most dreams, the details are important: who cried in the dream, for what reason, what you experienced during such a dream, what you felt after waking up. But almost all dream interpreters are inclined to believe that a joyful event awaits you. It is important that it is the process that serves as an omen of something good - crying as an action, and specifically tears are an unkind sign.

What does crying bring...

Cry bitterly in a dreamgood sign, your life will be joyful and carefree, and good luck will often accompany you. We can say that along with tears, all the negativity that has accumulated in your soul goes away. If someone else is crying in your dream, you will soon receive some important news for you or your loved ones that in a positive way will affect your or their fate. If the crying of other people is full of bitterness and despair, then this dream promises these people happiness in family life. Even such a detail as bared teeth crying man has great value– you have to go through rivalry, misunderstandings and mutual reproaches. But crying, which is accompanied by loud sobbing and hiccups, promises you success in your endeavors; show a little perseverance and soon see for yourself that the goal, which seems unattainable, is actually very close to you. , leading to a lot of tears and suffering - to an unpleasant showdown.

Crying in a dream, bringing trouble

Unlike most dreams with crying, which bring something auspicious, dreams in which have you seen a dead person crying- carry negativity, you should be careful, restrained and attentive. The best ending to such a dream would be if the crying dead person leaves you in the dream. You cried in a dream, while sitting on the bed, know that such a dream foreshadows trouble, but if there was someone else in this situation, then perhaps someone from your environment needs help, be careful and be able to help your loved ones in time. Moreover, if you dreamed crying baby, you will be disappointed: a young girl may be disappointed in her chosen one, a self-confident man will be disappointed in his abilities, and if your own child is crying, you may be disappointed in family relationships. Saving the situation in like a dream serves as an opportunity to calm the child, then the development of events is predicted to have a positive ending.

Sobbing in a dream often promises a person of any gender joy and relief. They suggest that the sleeper needs to free himself from accumulated emotional ballast and then his life will become much easier, happier, more enjoyable. When trying to figure out why you dream of crying in a dream, you must first rely on this information.

Modern dream books interpret crying in a dream differently. It is very important to choose for yourself as an “adviser” the work of exclusively proven, competent interpreters.

In Vanga’s dream book, crying in a dream means improving your financial situation. The more bitter and more active person cried the more cash will be available to him in the near future. True, such changes will not bring him happiness. You need to look for it in other areas of life.

According to Miller's dream book, tears in a dream foreshadow an unexpected high rise in career ladder or success in own business. If a person is not yet working, one should expect good luck in other areas of activity, for example, in studies.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, sobbing at one’s own wedding is a clear sign that the dreamer has a chance to throw in his lot with an unloved person. Such a mistake would prove fatal. It must be avoided by all possible means.

According to Freud, marks are a symbol of fertilization. If a girl cries in her dream, it means that she dreams of becoming a mother as soon as possible. If a man, he wants to have a family and an heir.

Tears for a person who died in real life is a kind of psychological reaction of a person sleeping on grief. Thus, his subconscious longing for the departed manifests itself. You should not try to find a special meaning in this plot. You just need to give yourself time to forget about what happened and let go of your loved one.

If the deceased is dreamed of repeatedly, and each time the dreamer sheds tears for him, it is probably in this way that the deceased reminds of himself. The best solution would be to visit the cemetery and the grave of the dream character or light a candle for the repose in a church.

It happens that he sees the dead person crying and sleeping. This is a bad sign that promises a long quarrel with loved ones. Sometimes in this unusual way the deceased warns the living member of his family about a possible tragedy. Therefore, after seeing the plot, you should behave more carefully.

It happens that in a dream a man or woman with tears buries a loved one who is alive and well in reality. This is a clear sign that the sleeper is in for trouble. actor. Possible separation from your significant other, major quarrel with a friend and other similar events.

Have you ever watched someone else cry in a dream? Surely this is a sign for the dreamer that someone dear to him in reality needs care, support and love. Perhaps the dream character urgently needs help, but he himself is embarrassed to ask for it.

A crying male acquaintance, for whom such a manifestation of feelings is unusual in reality, suggests that positive changes in the field of career await the person. There is no need to be afraid of a new job or a radical promotion. Over time, such changes will begin to bring joy to the sleeper. You just need to get used to them.

If parents cry in a dream, this is a clear sign that the dreamer’s soul is restless. Recent serious problems literally pulled the rug from under his feet. You need to pull yourself together as soon as possible and return to your usual life track.

A spouse sobbing in secret is an important subconscious signal for the fair sex. In real life, a woman is too preoccupied with herself and does not notice at all the things that greatly bother her significant other. You need to take a closer look at the man’s behavior, show concern and concern.

Your own crying children in your night dreams should also be perceived as a call to action. Most likely, in reality, your son or daughter has begun a difficult period. The offspring needs advice and parental support. You need to set aside time for a joint exciting walk and intimate conversation.

When figuring out why you dream about crying a lot in a vision, you need to take into account the circumstances under which this all happened:

  • sitting on the bed - to sad sad news;
  • alone (hiding from others) - to quick prosperity;
  • together with friends - to valuable gifts;
  • with your significant other - to problems in relationships.

If, crying in a dream, a person wakes up in tears in reality, it means that he urgently needs an emotional reboot. It's time to take a vacation, forget about all pressing problems and do what the dreamer likes.

I dreamed of a crying child

If a person had a dream with a sobbing baby, it should be perceived as good sign. Majority famous dream books interpret it as a harbinger of good news. Soon a person will find out important information on a topic that interests and worries him.

When he lives in the house in reality small child, then his tears in a dream do not promise anything bad to his parents. This is simply a reflection of current events. In this case, there is no need to try to interpret your vision in a special way.

If a completely unfamiliar child cries bitterly in the dreamer’s arms, while hiding his face, then in real life it is worth paying attention special attention on the state of your health. Perhaps the dream suggests that a dangerous illness has already begun to develop in the body of a man or woman.

Cry in your sleep yourself

When the sleeper himself cries bitterly for some acquaintance in his night dreams, this may indicate that the latter is in serious danger. We need to try to warn him about this.

Crying with joy in your dream means your cherished dream will come true. Soon a man or woman will be able to achieve a goal or get the desired material value. For representatives of the fair sex who have long dreamed of motherhood, but could not give birth to a child due to health reasons, such a plot promises pregnancy. Even a serious illness and disappointing forecasts from doctors will not prevent this.

And in the Muslim dream book it is noted that tears in a dream promise bright strong emotions in reality. True, it is not clear whether they will be positive or negative.

If the sleeping person himself cries bitterly, and one of his friends consoles him, it means that it is this person who in reality should turn to for help in the first place when serious problems arise. He definitely won’t refuse support.

Cry in a dream from resentment

If you dream of tears because of an insult, a similar situation may arise in real life. The plot foreshadows a person with an unpleasant conversation, conflict or dirty gossip that will greatly damage his reputation.

If someone else cries from resentment in a dream, it means that the dreamer himself will be able to easily get out of any (even the most difficult) situation. The wisdom and worldly experience accumulated over the years will help him in this.

A man crying because of an insult received from a girl should listen to such a dream. Most likely, in reality he behaves unworthily with representatives of the fair sex and that is why he still cannot find happiness in his personal life.