Savelyeva Alexandra year of birth. Sasha Savelyeva gave birth to a son

Alexandra Vladimirovna SavelyevaRussian singer, member of the pop group " Factory", which was created during the television reality show " Star Factory" in 2002. As part of the group " Factory» Sasha Savelyeva was awarded several prestigious Russian music awards.

Alexandra Savelyeva. Biography

Sasha Savelyeva born in 1983 in Moscow. Since childhood, the girl showed a penchant for music and sports. From the age of three she studied in the figure skating section under the guidance of a coach. Irina Moiseeva. The teachers saw the makings of a figure skater in Sasha and even predicted championship titles for her, so the girl almost easily got into the Olympic reserve group. At the age of five, Alexandra began studying music.

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Savelyeva, mother of Alexandra Savelyeva: “At the age of five, my daughter entered music school to piano and flute class. Received honors diplomas. She constantly performed at different venues: in the Kremlin, at the Palace of Congresses, at the Conservatory.”

Sasha studied at the folklore department of a theater and music school, sang in a children's folk ensemble " Kuvichki" Realizing that music is what she wants to do in life, after graduating from school, Alexandra entered the school at the same time. Gnesins, and at the school named after. Schnittke. Her choice settled on Gnesinka, where she, as a first-year student, organized her first musical group, for which she herself wrote songs. Alexandra graduated from the leadership training department folk choirs And folklore ensembles, where she learned to love classical and folk music.

In 2002 Alexandra Savelyeva started singing in a group Factory", which was formed on the television reality show " Star Factory", and took second place. According to Sasha, participation in “ Star Factory"was a real test for young musicians.

Alexandra Savelyeva: “Do you know how they woke us up? They turned on some terrible song at the highest volume and blasted bright light. Here, like it or not, you will wake up. In the morning we all looked like fur seals.”

Group " Factory", which immediately became popular after participating in the TV show, released two albums: in 2003 - " Factory girls" and in 2008 " We are so different" Colleagues say that Sasha is a neat, well-mannered and discreet girl. Of all the members of the group, she has the most strong character and an established system of moral values, which she never oversteps. She values ​​her work in the group very much and tries to maintain strong friendships with the other soloists.

Alexandra Savelyeva: “We are united by many years of friendship, we understand each other perfectly, while accepting any difficulties in our characters. We practically never have quarrels, and if we do, it’s over such trifles that you don’t immediately remember.”

Nevertheless, like any musician working in a group, Alexandra is also thinking about a solo career. However, she does not make any clear plans in this regard. For a singer, it is more important to work in a well-coordinated team, where she feels at home.

Alexandra Savelyeva. Personal life

Alexandra Savelyeva I dated a famous figure skater for some time Alexey Yagudin. There were even rumors that they were going to officially register their relationship. However, Sasha and Alexey broke up.

After this high-profile affair, the singer prefers not to make her personal life public. But it soon became known that she was dating the star of the series “Tatiana’s Day” Kirill Safonov, who survived a divorce and has a 15-year-old daughter from his first marriage.

Alexandra Savelyeva: “I dream that I will have two children - a boy and a girl. I will never spoil them: when a spoiled child grows up, he becomes selfish. I will do everything so that my children are the smartest and most beautiful. I would like them to choose what education to receive. Many women combine motherhood and a career, and I hope that I can do it too.”

Only six months after the wedding took place Kirill Safonov And Sasha Savelyeva, details of their romance became known. Kirill proposed to Sasha while walking with her parents around the city. He invited everyone to go to church, where, dropping to one knee in front of his beloved, he offered her his hand and heart. According to Sasha, before this, Kirill actually confronted her with the fact that she would be his wife.

The wedding of Savelyeva and Safonov took place on April 17, 2010 at the Tsaritsyno estate. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the celebration. The workers of the Tsaritsyn registry office managed to keep their upcoming marriage a secret, for which Kirill and Sasha are very grateful to them: they did not want to make a fuss about their wedding, and they succeeded.

At the end of 2018, rumors appeared in the media about the pregnancy of 35-year-old Sasha Savelyeva. They only strengthened when Savelyeva canceled New Year’s performances, and the “Factory” group took to the stage with a new lineup. At the beginning of 2019, information that Alexandra and Kirill were expecting a new addition to the family was confirmed. Then, in winter, the singer shared on her microblog how she chooses wallpaper for the children's room and complained that because of pregnancy she had become too sentimental.

On March 27, 2019, Sasha Savelyeva gave birth to a son in one of the capital’s elite maternity hospitals. Neither Savelyeva nor her husband commented on the new addition to the family. The PR service of Igor Matvienko’s production center explained: Alexandra and her husband were asked not to make statements in the media about her personal life.

Kirill Safonov admitted why he was bewitched by the lead singer of “Factory”

It’s rare to see an artist with such an impeccable reputation as Alexandra Savelyeva, the lead singer of the Fabrika group. The girl has never been noticed with rich daddies who are ready to open their tight wallets in exchange for spreading their legs. Savelyeva even rejected the tempting offer of Philip Kirkorov to bear his child. And if the super-choosy king of our stage has his eyes on Sasha, then her reputation is really crystal clear.

The singer's only celebrity boyfriend was a figure skater Alexey Yagudin. Sasha became close to him in 2007 on the television project “ glacial period" The skater was then blown away. He shouted at every corner: “It’s so easy for me with Sasha!” I found my soulmate!” Yagudin very quickly convinced Savelyev that we need to live together. And one evening, walking her home, he took two heavy suitcases from the trunk: “I’m moving in with you.” This was new for the singer. From the age of 20, she lived separately from her parents, but none of the guys encroached on her territory. Yes, and she had a serious relationship once or twice and was miscalculated. Literally.

The girl had her first man at 18. We met at the studio where he wrote arrangements. But before it all really began, the girl was accepted into the “Star Factory”. And she no longer cared about the humble sound engineer.

Then she fell in love with Denis Shashkin from the group "Discomafia". But this romance quickly reached a dead end. Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin burst into her life.

Of course, I was shocked by Lesha’s swiftness. We were too hasty - that's obvious. We met in the summer, and in November he was already living in my apartment,” Sasha recalled. “Quite quickly, he began to develop the character of a singles skater. By the way, a strange thing - he never returned the keys to my apartment. He said he lost it.

Knowledgeable people, however, are sure that this is not the reason for the gap. And in a charming figure skater Tatiana Totyamyanina, ex-girlfriend Evgenia Plushenko- an irreconcilable competitor of Yagudin.

Alexey and Tatyana lied to the last: “We are only friends! How is that possible?!” But not even a year had passed since Yagudin took from the “factory girl” his striped panties, mysteriously thrown under the sofa, and Totmyanina gave birth to his daughter Lisa.

I'm too selective. As my beloved said Omar Khayyam: “You’d better starve than eat anything. And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.” I agree with this statement 100 percent. “I’d rather give up food altogether than eat something dubious,” Savelyeva philosophized.

Although the eyes read something completely different.

Safonov fell in love with Savelyeva at first sight. Image:

Half-Russian history

Sasha met the main man of her life at the beginning of 2009. First time actor Kirill Safonov met these beautiful gray-green eyes in a Moscow karaoke bar. In the corridor near the toilets. I fell in love, like Yagudin, at first sight. Savelyeva then told him that she was singing in the group “Factory”. At that time, Kirill did not understand show business, but was friends with the producer Alexey Vorobyov - Katerina Gechmen-Waldek. It was she who gave Safonov the treasured phone number, and the actor immediately began writing text messages. After the first date, Kirill confessed his love to Sasha. In Hebrew, which she did not know.

On the very first evening, writing to a girl “I love you” in a language she understands is at least to scare her, and at most to lose her, says Kirill.

How does Safonov know Hebrew? In 1999, he was invited to work at the Gesher Theater in the Israeli city of Jaffa. To celebrate, Kirill, tired of lack of money and shameful work (at the Stanislavsky Theater he received pennies, so he “bombed” at night”; from lack of sleep he became nervous, lashed out at his wife, because of which the marriage was headed for divorce) took his family into his arms and emigrated without hesitation. It seemed to the artist that the new environment would help not only raise self-esteem, but also restore peace to the family.

But in the Promised Land, the crack between the spouses only widened. After Kirill Once again returned home in the morning, Elena filed for divorce. And the 12-year union fell apart.

Safonov began to be seen hugging a bottle more often than with girls. Cinema saved me. From time to time the actor was invited to act. He gathered his will into a fist and tied it up, but only until the command “Stop!” Cut!”

Unexpectedly, the film “Half-Russian History”, where Kirill played main role, included in competitive program Moscow festival. Having quickly made the necessary acquaintances, our hero received a role in the long-running TV series “Tatyana’s Day.” On the set of this project, he hit on his partner Natalia Rudova, but in serious relationship the romance didn't work out.

Who didn’t Rudova go with? - the girls from the party were discussing, - with brothers Chadov- both! And with Dima Koldun! And with Artem Pindyura! But Natasha is an eternal bride. It’s not for nothing that she lived in Ivanovo for a long time. But Safonov is a grown man. He needs an organized life, care, hot soup on the stove, ironed shirts. Of course, Savelyeva is an ideal option: both beautiful and economical...

Alexandra says that she was never faced with a choice - career or family. But if I stood up, I would definitely prefer the second one.

I agree with the actor's words Channing Tatum: “The most important thing in life is family. A career doesn’t wait for you at home, money won’t wipe away your tears, and fame won’t embrace you at night,” says Sasha.

The singer considers sunflower fields to be the most powerful energetic place. Image:

Seeds predicted

Why do I love my wife? It's simple, she is a sunflower witch. “And I’ve always been terribly drawn to them,” Kirill admitted a month ago.

Jokes are jokes, but Sasha, by the way, is really obsessed with these sunny flowers. The girl, in all seriousness, scatters raw seeds under the rug near the apartment if a person comes to visit, whose intentions confuse her. Like, energy protection like this.

In addition, she likes to tell fortunes on sunflowers. He will pull out 10 seeds from it, open it and count how many are empty inside. If there are at least a couple, it means that immediate plans need to be changed: nothing really will work out. And he would also take half a handful of seeds, throw them into a glass, shake them and watch them lie at the bottom. If they form a circle or triangle, everything is ok. Square is bad.

And if you get an asterisk, you need to clearly define what is most important for you now, and direct all your efforts to solving this particular problem,” Savelyeva is sure.

First wife of Kirill Safonov

Sasha Savelyeva gained popularity as a soloist of the group “Factory”, where she has been building a career for more than 15 years.

Over the years creative biography the singer has thought about solo performances more than once and only recently took her first steps in this direction.

Comprehensive development in childhood

Sasha was born in 1983 in Moscow. Her parents were engaged scientific activities: father, Vladimir Savelyev, has the title of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and mother, Nadezhda Savelyeva, soon after the birth of the girl began raising her. When the future singer was 3 years old, her mother took her to the figure skating section, where figure skater Irina Moiseeva became the baby’s mentor. Thanks to hard training, she was able to join the Olympic reserve.

The photo shows Sasha Savelyeva as a child.

At the age of 5, Sasha was taken to a music school, where she learned to play the flute and piano. In this field, the girl also enjoyed success, and her performances could be seen on the stage of the capital. concert halls. Soon the young talent had to choose between sports and the stage, as a result of which she chose creative path. Sasha began studying in the folklore department, participating in a choral ensemble for children. After graduating from school, she entered the Gnessin State Medical University, dreaming of becoming choral conductor. IN student years the girl sang in music group, which the students created on their own.

Successful career in the Factory group

2002 was a decisive year for Savelyeva: having learned that the “Star Factory” show would take place on Channel One, she was able to take part in it. During music project the girl took second place, and also became the fourth soloist of the pop group “Factory”, which also included Sati Casanova, Irina Toneva and Maria Alalykina. Over the years of her career, there were replacements of soloists in the group, but Sasha did not leave the Factory, although she was thinking about a solo career. As soon as the group was born, listeners immediately fell in love with their songs, such as “Factory Girls”, “About Love”, “Light the Lights”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”, many of which were at the top of the charts for a long time.

The girls toured a lot and drew full houses. As part of the “Factory”, the participants more than once received prestigious awards - the Golden Gramophone and the Stopudovy Hit. Together with other soloists, Alexandra filmed for men's magazines, showing off her attractive appearance and slender figure (her height is 168 cm, weight is about 51 kg). Except singing activity, she tried herself as a TV presenter, appearing in 2014 in the fencing show “Duel,” which she hosted with Konstantin Kryukov. In 2017-2018, the singer continued her singing career as part of her group, and also took part in various television shows.

Creative Union

Savelyeva never sought to advertise her personal life, however, in 2007 it was known that she was dating Alexei Yagudin. The couple participated together in the television project “Ice Age”, as a result of which arose between them romantic relationship. But soon the feelings exhausted themselves, and the lovers parted. In 2009, the singer met Kirill Safonov. Seeing a girl in a restaurant, the actor asked for her phone number from their mutual friend, producer Katerina von Gechmen-Waldeck. Safonov invited the singer to his performance, after which they began to communicate. This relationship soon grew into something more, thanks to which the lovers got married in 2010. The wedding ceremony of the newlyweds took place at the Tsaritsyno estate.

In the photo Sasha Savelyeva with her husband Kirill Safonov. Instagram sasha_savelieva.

Sasha and her husband do not hide the fact that they have quarrels and misunderstandings, however, this does not in any way affect their marriage. How creative personalities, they often go on tours or rehearsals, which is why they don’t get to be together as often as they would like. The press sometimes circulates information that they are getting a divorce, however, the spouses themselves do not pay attention to these speculations. Savelyeva is already thinking about children, dreaming of having a son or daughter, but so far this joyful event has not happened. In 2015, the couple celebrated the 5th anniversary of their family, marking this date with a romantic video clip for the song “Resurrect Me,” in which the singer’s husband starred.

Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov

Gennady Avramenko

For a month now, journalists and... Previously, the TV presenter was considered one of the brightest representatives of childfree - a community of people who consciously abandon children for the sake of personal freedom. But, apparently, even Ksenia gave up. Nevertheless, among the stars there are many couples who have not yet become parents.

Sasha Savelyeva and Kirill Safonov

In April of this year, a member of the Factory group and a popular actor celebrated their six wedding anniversary. The singer will turn 33 in December, and her husband celebrated his 43rd birthday at the end of June. Kirill has a 21-year-old daughter, Anastasia, who lives with her mother, the actor’s first wife, in America. Savelyeva never hid her desire to have a child. And she even admitted to reporters that she wanted a boy and a girl. And she always put family first as a priority of values. However, Sasha and Kirill have not yet become parents. It is not surprising that Savelyeva’s fans periodically “see” her pregnant. So after the recent MIFF they started talking that the singer was expecting a child. However, there is no confirmation of these rumors yet.


The singer has been in a de facto marriage with her producer since 1978. Laima was repeatedly asked why in 38 years she had never given birth to a baby for her beloved man. All this time, the artist tried to avoid the painful question and said the standard: “It didn’t work out,” “God didn’t give it,” etc. Only recently Vaikule admitted that she could not have children due to an abortion, which she had at the beginning of her career in youth. And if she could turn back time, she would give birth to many children. Now she finds solace in creativity, and gives her unspent love to dogs.

Gennady Avramenko

This year the couple celebrates their 38th wedding anniversary. They met at the end of August 1976 in Sochi. Lev Valeryanovich is 12 years older than his wife. Irina initially tried to build a career as an international economist, but then she finally chose the role of a wife. She once admitted to reporters that she madly dreamed of children and wanted to have big family. But due to illness, she was never able to give birth. According to the memoirs of the artist’s wife, until the age of 30, she was in hospitals several times a year and was treated at home, but the dream of children remained a dream. Lev Valeryanovich and Irina were afraid to take adopted children into their family. They were not ready for publicity and public discussion, and also doubted whether they could love someone else’s child as their own. To this day, the spouses are sensitive to the issue of children and regret that they never became parents.

Alexandra Marinina and Sergei Zatochny

They met when they were both police majors. Now Marina Anatolyevna (the real name of the writer - website) is a retired lieutenant colonel, her husband retired with the rank of colonel. Last year they celebrated 25 years of marriage. Although the marriage was officially registered much later. According to Marinina, she met Sergei when she was 32, and married him only at 40. The fact is that Zatochny had a son in his first marriage, and the lovers decided that he would raise him until he came of age. It was this circumstance that became one of the reasons why the spouses do not have children together. They didn’t want to give birth outside of marriage, and then they decided that it was too late. The writer believes that this was intended by God and does not feel deprived. Maybe that's why they never thought about adoption. Now the couple enjoy each other's company, communicate with their relatives, help them and travel.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

Olga and Dmitry got married at the end of June 2012. And all this time, the couple’s fans have been tormenting them with the question of children. The TV presenter has repeatedly admitted that for now they want to live for themselves. Olga celebrated her thirtieth birthday this year, and she still has time to think. Dmitry turned 29 years old in March, and from his first marriage he has seven-year-old Angelina-Anna. While the spouses live and do not deny themselves anything. When they get a few free days, they immediately go to the ocean. In Moscow, they arrange romantic evenings for each other, go to the movies, meet friends and renovate their dream home, which they recently purchased. They say that Buzova and Tarasov are planning to have a child after they move out of town.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

The singer and actor have been together since 1980. They met when Mikhail was 44 years old and Roxana was 34. At that time, both were in a state of divorce. For Babayan, marriage with Derzhavin was the second, for Mikhail Mikhailovich - the third. The artist’s second wife Nina, the daughter of the legendary Marshal Budyonny, gave birth to his daughter Masha. But he and Roxana never had any children together. Until the mid-nineties, Roxana’s tour schedule was scheduled six months in advance; Derzhavin traveled throughout the country with his native Satire Theater. Spouses do not like to answer questions about children and the reasons why they did not become parents. But to only daughter Roxana treats Derzhavin Masha and her children Peter and Pavel as family. On all holidays, the couple has a large family: their daughter and grandchildren, the actor’s nephew, the singer’s brother.

Do you know who Sasha is? The one Savelyeva? No? Indeed? This is the same singer who is part of the "Factory" group and is fair. At least it used to be like that.

In general, we won’t delay it. Detailed biography Sasha Savelyeva (her photo below) in our article.

Childhood and sports

The future singer was born on a cold winter day. Sort of almost New Year's gift parents. Why New Year's? Because her birthday is December 25th.

We could have kept silent about the year. But Sasha Savelyeva, so beautiful and bright, is hardly ashamed of her age. It was 1983, a cold December. It is believed that people born in winter are very purposeful, and women male character. Moreover, such a name is masculine. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know. But it is obvious that Sasha has achieved great success.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's talk about Sasha Savelyeva's childhood (the singer's photo is presented in the article). The girl grew up in Moscow, where she was born. From the age of three she was engaged in figure skating. The coach was the famous Irina Moiseeva.

I must admit, Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva, and then just Sashenka, was making tremendous progress. She was promised an enviable career. Just the fact that the girl ended up in an Olympic reserve school says something.

However, Sasha Savelyeva abandoned her sports career. It was done for the sake of the music.

Childhood and music

Time passed, the future singer grew up. Here is the school ahead. It was at school that my love for music was discovered. It turned out that the girl has good hearing and voice. She performed in school ensemble"Kuvichki." This was not the level of children's amateur performances. A very prestigious folklore ensemble gave concerts and participated in Russian music competitions. It was then that Sasha entered music school. Moreover, there are two sections at once: piano and flute. Parents - a candidate of physical and technical sciences and a general economist - did not interfere with their daughter’s choice. They supported their Sasha. And not in vain, because the girl graduated from both departments with honors.

Youth at the "Star Factory"

Sasha Savelyeva (her photo can often be seen in magazines) entered Gnesinka in 1999. The girl's first specialty is the director of folk choirs and folk ensembles. The second is a producer.

In 2002, a new show was released on one of the state channels. Who remembers "Star Factory"? Teenagers gathered around the screens, forgetting about everything in the world. The whole country followed the development of the show with admiration. And someone took part in it. Such personalities, for example, as Sasha Savelyeva. The 19-year-old beauty passed the qualifying round and got onto the show. The life of a young charming blonde passed under the gun of video cameras. But she persevered and reached the end. And became a participant popular group"Factory". Its original composition:

  • Sasha Savelyeva;
  • Sati Casanova;
  • Ira Toneva;
  • Masha Alalykina.

When these four beauties in pink clothes walked onto the path in the studio, the audience on the other side of the screen froze. We are talking about the first video of the group called “About Love”. Young, bright, very beautiful and talented. Real stars.

Alas, the group did not survive in its original lineup. She left her before everyone else when she got married. Then the brown-eyed, slender Sati Casanova. Sasha Savelyeva and Ira Toneva have been in the group for more than 15 years. Now Alexandra Popova has joined them, replacing Ekaterina Li, who suffered a back injury.

Solo career

Savelyeva (in the photo below she is part of the group) started a solo project in 2013. This does not mean at all that she left the Factory group. On the contrary, the singer performs both as part of a group and solo project doesn't forget.

The beautiful singer has many talents. She sings, dances, and writes songs. Including music for them. She wrote a lot of songs while participating in the group. But they never became known to the general public. Until a certain point, until Alexandra Vladimirovna began performing solo.

Sasha released her own video in 2015. The song called “Resurrect Me” is a gift to the spouse for the 5th anniversary of marriage.

By the way, who is Sasha's husband? We’ll talk about this a little lower, but for now about the singer’s solo project.

The singer has many plans for the future. She is working on her own album and moving forward. After all, her motto in life is “Only forward.”

Would you like to know a few interesting facts from life Russian star, the public's favorite Sasha Savelyeva? Then let us follow her motto and rush forward to this knowledge:

    Alexandra's height is 168 centimeters. And the weight is 50 kilograms. A real model.

    The girl remembers how they were woken up at the “Star Factory”: they played a terrible musical composition at full volume and immediately turned on the lights. I had to get up.