Name day Anastasia according to the Orthodox calendar. The meaning of the name Anastasia. Interpretation of the name

The tender and melodious female name Anastasia first appeared in Ancient Greece from the word “resurrected”. This beautiful name Previously, only representatives of the nobility were called, but later it became popular among peasant families. In Russia, girls are still called by this name.

Pronunciation of the name Anastasia different countries world: England - Enestasi, Germany - Anastasia, France - Anastasia, Spain - Tachita, Portugal - Anastasia, Italy - Nastaja, Belarus - Anastasia, Czech Republic - Anastasia, Bulgaria - Anastasia, Ireland - Annstas, Scotland - Annstis.

Diminutive form of the name: Nastya, Nastyushka, Ana, Anastasyushka, Anastasichka, Nastya, Naska, Nastyushenka, Nastyusha, Nastenka, Anastasenka, Aska, Asya.

Angel Day

Anastasia celebrates her name day 15 times a year:

  • January 4.
  • March 23.
  • April 5, 28.
  • May 10, 28.
  • June 1, 9.
  • July 4, 17.
  • August 10.
  • November 11, 12.
  • December 17, 26.

Patron saints of Anastasia

Famous saints named Anastasia:

  • Anastasia Pattern Maker. Honored on January 4th. Born into a family of a secret Christian and a pagan. She was married to a pagan and brought clothing, drink and food to imprisoned Christians. She was burned at the stake in 304 for belonging to the Christian faith.
  • Anastasia Patrika. Venerated on March 23. Born into a noble family, after the death of her husband she founded a monastery near Alexandria. After which she settled in a remote cave, where she spent recent years your life in prayer.
  • Anastasia Rimskaya. Venerated on April 28. Born into a noble family, after the death of her parents she was raised in a Christian community. For refusing to marry a pagan, she was subjected to severe bullying, after which she died.
  • Anastasia Romanova. Venerated on July 17th. Grand Duchess, daughter of the Empress Russian Alexandra Feodorovna and All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Killed by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918.

Anastasia’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Restrained, smart, zealous, indifferent.

Spring - Romantic, emotional, sensitive, artistic.

Summer - Kind, naive, friendly, sympathetic.

Autumn - Strict, pedantic, restrained, principled.

Little Nastyushka is growing up as a very restless, curious girl. Parents need to keep an eye on her. He makes friends easily, will always come to their aid, and loves to invent games. Loves to cook with her mother and help her with household, but Nastyusha is too lazy to clean up her things, this quality can remain with her into adulthood. Despite the fact that Nastyusha has many friends around her, there are no close ones among them due to her inability to accept other people's truth and superiority. Nastyusha is growing up to be a very beautiful and attractive girl, who is fully aware of this and loves to preen herself and twirl in front of the mirror.

Restless Nastyushka studies well at school only in those subjects that are personally interesting to her. Likes to participate in school productions and performances. Thanks to her grace, she dances well. If she attends a dance school, she can become a famous dancer. During adolescence, Nastya often falls in love, is popular with boys, but does not let them get close to her. Due to excessive gullibility and kindness, she is often deceived and betrayed. Anastasia will forgive the offender, but she will not let him into her life anymore.

As an adult, Anastasia charms those around her with her kindness, unforgiving nature, easy-going character, and ability to communicate and make friends. He always dresses with taste, skillfully combining clothes, and takes care of his hair and skin condition. It’s almost impossible to catch Nastya unkempt. Adult Anastasia is very suggestible and easy to dissolve. Anastasia likes to give gifts to her friends and family original gifts, which she carefully selects. There are still many friends around her, but there are no close ones among them. Anastasia will never do harm to another person on purpose, she will not do a bad thing.

As a child, Anastasia often got sick colds, due to his restlessness, he often receives physical injuries. As an adult, Anastasia may develop a predisposition to obesity; she needs to adhere to a reasonable diet.

Friendly and gentle Anastasia will not be able to become a careerist who goes over the heads of her rivals. She won’t make a tough and strong-willed boss either; it’s better for her not to create own business, there is a high risk that it will burn out soon. Anastasia chooses her profession based on her talents; she is little concerned about the material side. It will be great if the profession is related to art and communication with people, where she will feel like a fish in water. For example, she will make an excellent designer, fashion designer, psychologist, teacher.

Anastasia, if she falls in love, it will be for a long time. For her, no one exists except the object of her adoration; she gives herself all to him. IN love relationships Anastasia is often unpredictable, emotional, passionate. Since Anastasia falls in love immediately and strongly, she does not notice the man’s shortcomings, which is why she then suffers greatly. She should listen to the words of close people who honestly warn about the shortcomings of her chosen one.

Anastasia, having felt the need for love since childhood, often gets married immediately after school. The appearance of the chosen one does not play any role for her, as long as he is strong and strong-willed. Anastasia will become a devoted and faithful wife to him, who managed to get along with her mother-in-law. She gives birth to children early and becomes a caring mother for them.

Compatibility with male names

  • Excellent: Denis, Roman, Evgeny, Alexander, Andrey, Makar, Grigory, Ivan, Timur, Sergey, Konstantin, Arseny, Stepan.
  • Bad: Vladislav, Alexey, Artem, Nikita, Vyacheslav, Ilya, Victor, Igor, Nikolay, Mikhail, Lev, Semyon, David, Gleb, Fedor.

Girls named Anastasia are always born very smart, beautiful and gentle. She is always loved by everyone and keeps her promises. They love to dream and have a rich imagination. They have been hardworking since childhood, and this quality remains with them throughout their lives. They have good intuition, so they are even able to predict or prevent certain events. There have been some health problems since childhood.

Anastasias are often very flexible. Anastasia knows how to think logically and find a way out of any situation. Very good friend, since she intuitively always understands the other person, she is ready to help. He is also successful in creativity. Therefore, she often works in jobs where this positive trait is required of her.

Fate: Anastasia is humane, she is a very sincere and sympathetic person, pity and mercy are not alien to her. Many people initiate her into their own secrets; she knows how to keep secrets.

Saints: Anastasia the Pattern Maker (name day January 4), Anastasia Rimskaya (name day November 11).

Day of Angel Anastasia

Resurrection is the resurrecting bride, regenerating life. This name was born in Ancient Greece at the dawn of the formation of its statehood among the warlike Amazons - female warriors who lived in the Black Sea steppes, as well as at the mouth of the Borysthenes (modern Dnieper) - the ancestral home of the ancient Russians.

And if we look even further into the depths of centuries, we will find in West Semitic mythology the name Anat, similar in meaning and sound, to the goddess of the hunt, warrior maiden, sister and beloved of the eternally dying and annually resurrected god of fertility - Balu. IN ancient greek mythology Anat is always mentioned with the epithet “bride of the people.” IN Ancient Egypt this goddess was identified with the goddess of love and fertility, whose name had a similar semantic meaning to the name Anastasia - Astarte. Every spring Astarte revived (resurrected) the earth and filled it with divine power and fertility.

So, obviously, the name Anastasia is far from being of a simple (not human) kind, but of a divine kind. That's why given name contains the features of her divine sisters of the same name. So, classic Anastasia is kind, smart, beautiful, gentle, fair. She will always find the right – warm and kind – word for any person. She also knows how to calmly and quietly prevent a quarrel and settle a controversial matter. For the sake of peace in the family and for the good of the children, Anastasia is ready to make any sacrifice. She always gives in to her mother-in-law, husband, and daughter-in-law, and helps the poor as much as she can. Don’t smile skeptically: they say, there are no such things. Indeed, not all Anastasias are like that, but many of them are like that.

Modern (earthly) Anastasia is a typical choleric person with a very quick reaction. She cannot sit in one place for a minute. Therefore, Anastasia’s symbol is the carrier pigeon, so life is easy with her. Her mood constantly changes - she either laughs or cries. Or she sits silently for hours in deep depression, completely lost in her inner world.

Sometimes Anastasia looks too self-confident, but this is just an external impression. In reality, she is not capable of any action, much less decisive. She is constantly excited, as a result of which her desires are constantly changing. And since Anastasia reacts violently to everything and acts impulsively, it is not at all easy to calm her down. To do this, you need to make a lot of effort and pay a lot of attention to it.

Anastasia, of course, is not always so stunning. Basically she is more or less calm. Parents need to constantly monitor Anastasia’s behavior, but in such a way that she does not get the impression that she is being watched and that her freedom is being limited. After all, Anastasia has a good intellect, she quickly grasps everything, analyzes and draws appropriate conclusions, which are usually correct. And if something doesn’t work out very well for her, she immediately becomes despondent. True, not for long - today she is anxious, and tomorrow she is full of joy.

Anastasia likes it when there are a lot of people around her, friends, whom she constantly changes. Anastasia understands that she is violating moral principles, cheating on them. However, she cannot do anything about herself and her penchant for violent adventures.

Anastasia Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 4 – Anastasia the Pattern Maker, Roman, Illyrian, VMC.
  • March 23 – Anastasia Patricia, Alexandria, hermit
  • April 5 – Anastasia, prmts. /novomuch./
  • April 28 – Anastasia Rimskaya, mts.
  • May 10 – Anastasia, mts. /novomuch./
  • May 28 – Anastasia Latriyskaya
  • June 1 – Anastasia, mts.
  • June 9 – Anastasia, mts.
  • July 4 – Anastasia, St.. [mother of St. Savva Serbsky]
  • July 17 – Anastasia (Romanova), passion-bearer, Grand Duchess /new martyr/
  • August 10 – Anastasia (Kamaeva), priest, nun /new martyr/
  • November 11 – Anastasia (Lebedeva), MC. /novomuch./; Roman, Thessalonian (Thessalonian), prmts.
  • November 12 – Anastasia the Roman, Solunskaya (Thessalonian), prmts.
  • December 17 – Anastasia (Titova), priest, novice /new martyr/
  • December 26 – Anastasia. [ascetic]

By Orthodox tradition At baptism, a baby is given the name of one of the saints glorified by the church. But during the times of atheism, this rule was not observed. For example, at the beginning of the 2000s, many newborn girls were named after the heroine of the then popular TV series “Poor Nastya.” For girls with the name Nastya who wish to observe Christian customs, it is useful to turn to the host of Christian saints in order to find among them their patroness and with dignity celebrate Anastasia's name day, Not fictional character, but a celestial goddess glorified by the Lord.

Anastasia in the Orthodox Monthly Month

A month's word is an appendix to liturgical books that lists the days of remembrance of saints for each day of the year. Calendars are compiled on its basis. From the list of Orthodox names that complements the calendar, you can find out how many times a year and on what dates the day of the angel Anastasia and name day is celebrated.

In the first case honor the patron saint, assigned at baptism (not to be confused with the Guardian Angel, an incorporeal being). The name days of Nastya or Nastasya will be the days of remembrance of the remaining saints of the same name.

Translated from Greek, Anastasia means “resurrection.” Ancient Christians loved to name their daughters in honor of the main event of Sacred history, and the pagans who accepted the new faith called themselves that in the face of their tormentors, hoping to be resurrected after death for eternal life.

When performing the ceremony of naming a name, now included in the baptismal rite, the day of the angel Anastasia is determined. By church calendar The memory of the saint of God closest to the date of birth is calculated. This is not important: at the request of the parents or the person being baptized by the Angel, another patroness can be chosen. The priest will call her name while reading a special prayer.

Days of universal saints

Anastasia's birthday Orthodox calendar are marked 11 times. Of these, 4 commemorate ecumenical (revered by all Orthodox churches) saints. Dates are indicated according to the new style:

Locally revered saints

Saints whose memory is celebrated only in Russia are called locally revered. Orthodox Church. All Anastasias listed below are glorified as new martyrs who suffered during the persecution of the church in Soviet Russia:

  • April 5 - Venerable Martyr A. (Bobkova), novice;
  • August 10 - A. (Kamaeva), abbess;
  • November 11 - A. Lebedeva, laywoman;
  • December 17 - A. (Titova), novice;
  • July 17 - A. Romanova, Grand Duchess, daughter of the last Tsar Nicholas II;
  • May 10 - A., a girl, a laywoman, shot dead by the Red Army soldiers along with other Christians trying to stop the seizure of church valuables.

On June 5, the memory of the saints of Rostov-Yaroslavl is celebrated, among whom is mentioned the abbess of the Uglich monastery Anastasia, who died at the hands of the Poles in Time of Troubles(1609). Until her death, she and her sisters cared for wounded soldiers in the monastery hospital.

The list indicated in the Russian calendar is far from complete. The Eastern Orthodox calendar points to October 28 in memory of Anastasia of Latria. Latr is a mountain in Ancient Greece (now Turkish territory), where in the X-XI centuries. Monks lived there. In terms of the number of hermitages and monasteries, it could be compared with Holy Mount Athos. During the conquest of these places by the Mohammedans, many of the monks became famous for their martyrdom. Among them was the ascetic Anastasia, information about whose life has not been preserved.

Male names

In ancient times, many female names came from males. The church monthbook includes several saints Anastasias (Anastases). Now it's beautiful Greek name not common in Russia. But its rare owners can pray to eight patrons at once:

  • January: to the Egyptian martyr (8), Constantinople (21), Persian and Pechersk martyr (22).
  • April: Martyr of Georgia (15), Patriarch of Antioch (20) and Venerable Abbot of Mount Sinai (22).
  • October: Martyr of Salona (25).

Angel Day Traditions

In the old days, the holiday of Anastasia the Pattern Maker, January 4 (December 22, O.S.), was called “Nastasia’s Day.” Based on the title of saint, she was revered as the patroness of pregnant women who were about to “be released from their bonds.” This interpretation was associated with many semi-pagan traditions that greeted “Nastin’s Day”: embroidering amulets for women in labor, prohibiting housework, slaughtering cattle, etc.

Orthodoxy encourages customs associated exclusively with the veneration of the heavenly patroness. On this day, the birthday girl went to church to receive communion, after which she set the table for the guests and gave alms. On Angel's Day, the hero of the occasion was presented with festive cakes, popular prints with sayings from Holy Scripture, and newborns were given a personalized icon.

Anastasia’s name day according to church and Orthodox traditions calendar - History and what to give. In ancient times, the name Anastasia was translated as resurrector or resurrected. Girls named by this name have a complex, changeable character. They are gentle with family and friends, but cold with strangers. Nastyas have excellent intuition, and in some situations they are even able to predict the outcome of events in advance.

Since quite a lot of girls with this name were canonized, Anastasia’s name day is celebrated several times a year.

Days for celebrating the name days of the Orthodox

So, according to the Orthodox calendar, Anastasia’s name day is celebrated 15 times a year, namely:

  • — January 4;
  • — March 23;
  • — April 5 and 28;
  • — May 10 and 28;
  • — June 1 and 9;
  • — July 4 and 17;
  • — August 10;
  • — November 11 and 12;
  • - December 17 and 26.

Name days in the church calendar are not determined by chance. Happened in each of them historical event, during which the Great Martyr Anastasia was listed as a saint.

There are three patrons of Anastasia in the church:

  • — Pattern maker;
  • - Patricia of Alexandria;
  • - Solunskaya.

Great Anastasia the Pattern Maker

Lived in Rome (4th century AD), celebrates name day on January 4th. At that time, the formation of Christianity was taking place in Rome. Nastasya was born into a noble and wealthy family. From childhood she professed only the Christian faith, despite the fact that her husband and father were pagans. Because of her desire to help Christians, Anastasia often quarreled with her husband.

Unable to withstand the humiliation and beatings, Nastya ran away from her husband and went to travel and support Christians who were persecuted. The emperor, having learned about Anastasia and her sermons, ordered her to be persuaded towards paganism. And if this fails, then execute her. Nastasya was unable to renounce her faith, for which she was executed. Therefore, Saint Anastasia’s name day began to be celebrated on the day of her death, as a sign of memory.

REFERENCE! Patternmaker Anastasia is the patroness of pregnant women and prisoners.

Saint Anastasia Patrick of Alexandria

In the 6th century AD she lived in Alexandria. Her parents were respected aristocratic people. Anastasia, after the death of her husband, founded a monastery in secret, not far from Alexandria. At the same time he became a widower great emperor Justinian, and since he knew Anastasia, he immediately wanted to marry her. But Nastasya had her own way, she was hiding in a cave in all alone for 28 years, but found out about it only after her death. According to the church calendar, Anastasia’s name day is celebrated on March 23.

Saint Anastasia of Thessalonica

Lived in the 3rd century AD. She was an orphan and was brutally killed for her faith in Christ.

She was tortured in public and had her tongue cut out. But even after all the torture and bullying, she did not renounce the Christian faith, and in order to end her suffering, the executioner cut off her head. Anastasia celebrated her name day on November 12.

Grand Duchess Anastasia

In addition to the three Great Martyrs Anastasia, there is one more. She was canonized quite recently. On the day of her death, July 17, it is customary to celebrate her name day. She was shot in Yekaterinburg along with her family and father, Monarch Nicholas II. Above we have given the stories of Saint Anastasia.

ATTENTION! When celebrating the holiday of the name, be sure to remember the saints and think about the faith for which they died.

Character of girls named Anastasia

From ancient Greek, Anastasia is a name whose meaning is rebel or resurrected. These girls are gentle, kind and caring by nature. Moderately dreamy and religious. Because of her intuition and subtle instincts, Anastasia finds herself in healing activities.

As children, Nastya is everyone's favorite, especially among her fathers. At school, he grasps all the material on the fly and studies well. From all the subjects he chooses his favorite ones and studies them intensively. Possessing an analytical mind, he still prefers the exact sciences.

The girl's character traits begin to change with age. In her youth, Anastasia is more changeable and ready for love. But with age, understanding female wisdom, she becomes cautious and perspicacious.

From negative traits Laziness can be noted in your character, but you can fight this.

IMPORTANT! If you believe the signs, then Saint Anastasia is the patroness of pregnant women. Often, girls going to give birth prayed to these great martyrs.

What to give a girl on Angel's Day?

As a gift, you can prepare a small souvenir, for example, a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. You can also go to church and buy an icon with the name Anastasia and congratulate your friend on her name day.

It is worth noting that not all girls are currently religious. Therefore, when choosing a gift, be careful.

Below we have compiled a list of small gifts that can be given to Anastasia on Angel’s Day:

  • - photo frame with a picture of a girl;
  • - table clock;
  • - jewelry box;
  • — keychain for keys or key holder;
  • - a bouquet of flowers from soft toys.


This is just a small part of the gifts that can be given for Anastasia’s name day. Congratulations and cards should also be prepared in advance.

According to the church calendar, Anastasia’s name day is usually celebrated on November 11. This name is quite popular in Russia; according to statistics, it ranks second. Therefore, having decided to name your daughter Nastasya, familiarize yourself with the name days of her name. And our article will help you with this.

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Celebrates name day 15 times a year:

  • January 4.
  • March 23.
  • April 5, 28.
  • May 10, 28.
  • June 1, 9.
  • July 4, 17.
  • August 10.
  • November 11, 12.
  • December 17, 26.

Patron saints of Anastasia

Famous saints named Anastasia:

  • Anastasia Pattern Maker. Honored on January 4th. Born into a family of a secret Christian and a pagan. She was married to a pagan and brought clothing, drink and food to imprisoned Christians. She was burned at the stake in 304 for belonging to the Christian faith.
  • Anastasia Patrika. Venerated on March 23. Born into a noble family, after the death of her husband she founded a monastery near Alexandria. After which she settled in a remote cave, where she spent the last years of her life in prayer.
  • Anastasia Rimskaya. Venerated on April 28. Born into a noble family, after the death of her parents she was raised in a Christian community. For refusing to marry a pagan, she was subjected to severe bullying, after which she died.
  • Anastasia Romanova. Venerated on July 17th. Grand Duchess, daughter of the Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Killed by the Bolsheviks on July 17, 1918.


Anastasia’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Restrained, smart, zealous, indifferent.

Spring - Romantic, emotional, sensitive, artistic.

Summer - Kind, naive, friendly, sympathetic.

Autumn - Strict, pedantic, restrained, principled.


Little Nastyushka is growing up as a very restless, curious girl. Parents need to keep an eye on her. He makes friends easily, will always come to their aid, and loves to invent games. She loves to cook with her mother and help her with housework, but Nastyusha is too lazy to clean things up after herself; this quality may remain with her into adulthood. Despite the fact that Nastyusha has many friends around her, there are no close ones among them due to her inability to accept other people's truth and superiority. Nastyusha is growing up to be a very beautiful and attractive girl, who is fully aware of this and loves to preen herself and twirl in front of the mirror.

Restless Nastyushka studies well at school only in those subjects that are personally interesting to her. Likes to participate in school productions and performances. Thanks to her grace, she dances well. If she attends a dance school, she can become a famous dancer. During adolescence, he often falls in love, is popular with boys, but does not let them get close to him. Due to excessive gullibility and kindness, she is often deceived and betrayed. Anastasia will forgive the offender, but she will not let him into her life anymore.

As an adult, Anastasia charms those around her with her kindness, unforgiving nature, easy-going character, and ability to communicate and make friends. He always dresses with taste, skillfully combining clothes, and takes care of his hair and skin condition. It’s almost impossible to catch Nastya unkempt. Adult Anastasia is very suggestible and easy to dissolve. Anastasia likes to give original gifts to her friends and family, which she carefully selects. There are still many friends around her, but there are no close ones among them. Anastasia will never do harm to another person on purpose, she will not do a bad thing.


As a child, Anastasia often suffered from colds and, due to her restlessness, often suffered physical injuries. As an adult, Anastasia may develop a predisposition to obesity; she needs to adhere to a reasonable diet.


Friendly and gentle Anastasia will not be able to become a careerist who goes over the heads of her rivals. She won’t make a tough and strong-willed boss either; it’s better for her not to create her own business, there’s a high risk that it will soon burn down. Anastasia chooses her profession based on her talents; she is little concerned about the material side. It will be great if the profession is related to art and communication with people, where she will feel like a fish in water. For example, she will make an excellent designer, fashion designer, psychologist, teacher.


Anastasia, if she falls in love, it will be for a long time. For her, no one exists except the object of her adoration; she gives herself all to him. In love relationships, Anastasia is often unpredictable, emotional, and passionate. Since Anastasia falls in love immediately and strongly, she does not notice the man’s shortcomings, which is why she then suffers greatly. She should listen to the words of close people who honestly warn about the shortcomings of her chosen one.


Anastasia, having felt the need for love since childhood, often gets married immediately after school. The appearance of the chosen one does not play any role for her, as long as he is strong and strong-willed. Anastasia will become a devoted and faithful wife to him, who managed to get along with her mother-in-law. She gives birth to children early and becomes a caring mother for them.