We draw birds in the second younger group. Outline of a drawing lesson (junior group) on the topic: Outline of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “A twig for a bird”

Tatyana Shaposhnikova


* Teach children to draw on a piece of paper, developing a sense of rhythm;

* Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly;

* Develop the ability to connect horizontal and vertical lines;

* Develop fine motor skills hands;

* Consolidate knowledge of color, shape, size, quantity;

* Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Preliminary work: Bird watching on site kindergarten, looking at illustrations on the topic, talking about birds.


A sheet of paper with an image of a sparrow, millet, a feeder, brushes, yellow and black gouache, cotton swabs, A. Yashin’s poem “Feed the birds in winter”

The move is busy and I: The teacher reads A. Yashin’s poem “Feed the birds in winter”

Feed the birds in winter.

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

I need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

How can we forget:

They could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Together with people.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

Conversation with children mi:

The teacher shows the children a feeding trough. Asks questions:

What is this (feeder). Who is the feeder for (for birds) What shape is the feeder (rectangular) What does the feeder have (a shelf for food - bottom and roof). Children run their fingers along the edges of the feeder. Draw a feeder in the air.

Guys, please close your eyes, I’ll show you something now.

Now open it!

The teacher shows the millet to the children. Children, what do I have (grains for birds) Children examine the grains, touch them by touch, determine the color, shape and size of the grains.

The teacher offers the children a physical education lesson :

Little birds (We wave our arms like wings)

Small birds

They fly through the forest and sing songs.

A violent wind has blown, Hands up (we sway from side to side.)

I wanted to take away the birds.

The birds hid in a hollow (We squat)

It's cozy and warm there. (cover our head with our hands.)

Practical hour t:

The teacher invites the children to draw a feeder.

Guys, be careful and repeat everything after me. I can draw on my paper; you draw just like me - on your paper.

Take the right brush. (pay attention to all children, correct the brush and place it in the child’s hand). Dip the brush in water, squeeze it a little and dip the brush in black gouache. We begin to draw horizontal lines, above and below. (pay attention to how you hold the brush correctly).

We connect them with vertical lines, drawing them from top to bottom. (The teacher makes sure that all the children draw vertical lines.)

Now let’s draw the roof of our feeder so that snow doesn’t fall on the food. We draw two lines that we connect at the top.

Let's wash the brush and put it on a stand. We won't need her anymore now.

The teacher suggests feeding our birds grains, and to do this you need to take a cotton swab and dip it in gouache yellow. And we apply cotton swab grains into the feeder rhythmically, with pokes. Note that the grains need to be placed on the entire surface of the bottom of the feeder.

Guys, what a great job you are! Your feeders turned out very well. Our birds will remain full and happy!

in what ways did you draw a lump, a feeder? Tonight, together with your parents, feed the birds during a walk.

Goal: in a decorative image, to master the ability to see an object form and build an elegant pattern on it using alternating color spots, to practice conveying circles and strokes with elements of a decorative pattern. Learn to hold the brush correctly, adjust the pressure, carry out the sequence of operations. To develop curiosity, interest, and the ability to carefully examine and admire the Dymkovo toy.

Expansion of the dictionary: spring, warm regions, Dymkovo toy.

Progress of the lesson:

Part I. Children are standing on the carpet.

What time of year is it outside?

Children: - Spring!

How did you guess it was spring?

Children: - The bright sun is warming up, grass is appearing, birds have flown in from warmer climes.

Part II. I draw attention to the bird sitting on the windowsill (Dymkovo toy).

She flew to visit us, bringing spring on her wings. I'm reading a nursery rhyme:

The birds were flying

Small birds

How they flew

All the people looked

How they sat down

All the people were amazed!

Children pretend to be birds: they fly and flap their wings. Then they sit down at tables, in the middle of which clay birds covered with white gouache are prepared. The Dymkovo bird “sits” among them. On behalf of the Dymkovo bird, I ask the unpainted birds:

Birdies-friends, why are you sad, because it’s spring outside, it’s warm, the sun is warming!

We are happy about spring, but we just look at you: you are so beautiful, you have a red cap on your head, painted wings, but we are just white, and there are no colored feathers on the wings or tails!

What should we do, guys, how to cheer up this flock of birds?

Children offer to paint them and then the birds will become cheerful and beautiful.

Part III. I invite each child to take a bird.

Show me where the bird's head is? What is this? (tail) And this? (wings)

Using a sample I show how to paint a bird: first we put yellow paint on a brush and decorate the beak and wings with a tail. Then we rinse the brush, type blue paint and apply the eyes, stripes on the wings by dipping, outline the tail. After that, after rinsing the brush, we put red paint on the brush and decorate the bird’s head with a red cap.

I remind the children once again, in order for the painting to turn out beautiful, to rinse after each paint, and at the end to dry the brush on a napkin.

Part IV. Independent work, during the lesson, help those who have difficulty.

Part V. Finger gymnastics “Come on, count, ten birds are a flock.”

Part VI. I suggest taking the dried birds and playing with them: “flying” around the group, saying the words of the nursery rhyme “The birds were flying...” The birds say “thank you” to the children for that. that they painted them, now they are as beautiful as Dymkovo toys from our museum “Miracle Haze”.

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Technological map organizational educational activities

2nd junior group

I take salas/Educational area: " Creation"

Bolimi/ Chapter: Drawing

Takyrswould/ Topic:"We are drawing a bird"

Maksaty /Target: Teach children to draw a bird from two round parts: the head and the body.

MIndetteri/ Tasks: Improve your ability to work with a foam swab. Develop imagination. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards migratory birds.

Sozdik zhumysy/ Ctricky work: migratory birds.

TIldik component / Bilingual component: bird – kus.

Technology kural-zhabdyktar /Technological support: magnetic board, picture of a bird, albums, gouache, foam swabs, napkins, felt-tip pens.

Aldyn-alazhumys / Preliminary work: guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, finger and outdoor games on the theme “Birds”.

Kyzmet kezenderi-stages of activity

Tarbieshinin is-areketi

Teacher's actions

Balalardyn is-areketi

Children's actions


Motivational incentive.

Encouraging the child to engage in activities:

Draws children's attention to sounds.

He approaches the magnetic board and pays attention to the bird.

Creating a problem situation:

Encourages you to solve the riddle.

All the migratory birds are blacker,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Showing interest in what is happening.

Listen to the sounds of birds.

Show interest

The child’s awareness of a problem that requires resolution.

Guess the riddle: rook


Organizational search

Orienting children to problem solving:

Reads a poem.

Let me be a small bird,

My friends, I have a habit:

When the cold starts -

From the forest straight to you, here.

Offers to look at the bird.

Demonstrates how to draw a bird using a foam rubber swab. He completes the details with a felt-tip pen.

Small circle - head big circle– body, two short lines, tail, beak, paws.

Finger gymnastics


Birdie - birdie

Here's some water for you!

Here are the crumbs on my palm.

Offers to draw a bird.

Psychological and pedagogical support for the child:

Provides necessary individual assistance.

Involving children in the activity process.

Listen to a poem

Looking at a bird

Observe the teacher's actions

Perform finger gymnastics according to the text.

Get to work

The child turns to an adult for the necessary help.

Draw together with the teacher.


Reflexively - corrective.

Analysis of children's performance results:

Pays attention to the resulting birds.

Offers to treat the birds with grains.

They are holding an exhibition of drawings.

Thanks the children for their good drawings.

The child’s awareness of the results of his activities

They look at the work of their comrades.

Draw dots to represent food.

They rejoice at their success.

They share their impressions.

Kutimdi lower- Expected result:

Koldanady – Reproduce: the ability to draw a bird from two round parts: head and body.

Tusinedi - Understand: how to use a foam swab.

Kabyldaidy - Apply: friendly attitude towards migratory birds.

Prepared by: teacher of GBDOU No. 47 Moskina L.A.

Summary of continuous educational activities

in the second youngest group.

Topic:"Let's feed the birds».

Integration of educational activities:

· Cognition – the formation of a holistic picture of the world;

· Physical culture;

· Artistic and aesthetic development – ​​drawing.

Pedagogical technologies: Mnemonics, gaming.


· Educational:

Teach children to recognize and name birds; develop visual memory and thinking;

· Educational:

Develop visual memory.

Develop artistic activity, fasten and name the colors correctly.

Develop imagination, imagination, strengthen the ability to draw with paints.

To develop children’s play activity and the ability to act together in the “Birds” physical exercise.Develop motor activity and coordination of movement during the physical exercise “Birds.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands (working with a brush).

· Educational:

Cultivate a love for nature children's desire to learn something new. Arouse and maintain interest in cognitive activities and artistic creativity.

Material and equipment:

Pictures of birds (sparrow, dove, crow, tit).

Screen, bird, feeder, musical accompaniment.


Album sheet with a picture of a feeder.

Paints - gouache: yellow, black; brushes, napkin.

Preliminary work :

1. Bird watching while walking.

2. Reading fiction: S. Gorodetsky “How birds learned to build nests”, A. Shevchenko “Nests”, T. Nuzhina “Sparrows”, “Swallow”, etc.

3. Listening to audio cassettes “Alone with Nature”, “Sounds of the World Around You”, “Nature, Birds and Animals”.

4. Asking riddles.

5. Consideration didactic material, book illustrations.

Progress of continuous educational activities.

Progress of the lesson:A sparrow appears behind the screen.

Sparrow:chirp-tweet, chirp-tweet, chirp-tweet

Educator:Oh, guys, who came to us?

Children: Birdie

Educator:Guys, what birds do you know?

Children:Titmouse, bullfinch, crow, sparrow

Educator: Guys : “Who is brave? Who arrived first? Of course, a sparrow: jumping, pecking. More sparrows have arrived. What do they eat the grains with? Beak, not nose. The beak is sharp. They will peck and fly to a new place in a flock. How do they communicate? Listen. Are they tweeting?

Educator:Guys, why do you need to feed the birds in winter?

Children:So that they do not die from cold and hunger.

Educator:Guys, let’s feed the sparrow together. ( The teacher, together with the children, puts the seeds in the feeder).

Educator:The sparrow is jumping and jumping

Asks for small children

Throw crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing you a song

Sparrow:Chick-chirp, chick-chirp, chick-chirp.

Throw in millet and barley

I will sing to you all day long.

Chip-tweet, chirp-tweet, chirp-tweet

So other birds arrived. Children answer questions about what birds are called, what color the feathers and legs of a pigeon are, and who has a larger beak - a pigeon or a sparrow. Birds are shy. Just a little bit - they will take off and fly away. The adult says: “Don’t be afraid of us, we won’t hurt you. Right? We are kind." Tell them so, guys.

Physical exercise.

The birds were flying

They're not big.

How they flew

All the people were watching.

How they sat down

All the people were amazed.

We sat down, we sat,

They took off and flew

They sang songs.

Educator:Well, guys, we fed our little sparrow, he was full, warmed up, look how happy he was. Let's show him how much fun he has, how he rejoices and flaps his wings. (Children's show)

Educator:Oh, guys, look how many birds have flown to us. Let us treat them too. And for them to eat, you must draw food for them.

Children sit at tables with models of birds on them.

The teacher explains and shows drawing techniques on the easel. Guys, this feeder is a bird's canteen. The birds eat in the feeder because seeds and grains are not visible in the snow. Seeds, what color? Black. So, we will paint with black paint. And what color are the grains? Yellow. We will draw them yellow paint. (Children draw to the accompaniment of quiet, calm music).

Educator:Guys, you drew so many treats for your birds, now feed them, let them peck your grains with their beaks.

Music plays when children feed their birds.

Educator:Well done guys, the birds thank you for feeding them. And how beautifully you painted the grains with the tip of the brush, and the seeds with “poke” marks.

Educator:You drew and played. Now let’s go outside with you and feed the rest of the sparrows in the area of ​​our kindergarten.

Lesson notes developed

teacher: Martyanova A.M.

GBOU Secondary School No. 296

structural unit

preschool education departments

Frunzensky district

St. Petersburg


(junior preschool age)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about poultry.


Educational: Introduce children to the technique of palm typing. Learn to complement the image.

Educational: Develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Educators: Develop the ability to empathize.

Equipment: drawings - blanks of geese, wide bowls with gouache diluted with water, napkins.

The teacher sings the first verses of a song about geese to the children:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese-

One gray

Another white one

Two cheerful geese

Stretched their necks

Who has it longer?

One gray

The other one is white.

Who has it longer?

Washing the geese's feet

In a puddle by the ditch -

One gray

Another white one

They hid in a ditch.

Here's grandma screaming:

Oh, the geese have disappeared -

One gray

Another white one

Geese, my geese!

Educator: Children, let's help grandma return the geese. And let's draw them. You need to dip your entire palm into a bowl of gouache and make an imprint. inside palms (fingers pressed tightly together, thumb looks straight up) on paper. When all the children have drawn, the teacher will say: “So we returned the geese to grandma. Let's depict them: we will make a beak out of our palm, we will “open” our palm and say “ha-ha-ha!”



Lesson notes developed

Educator: Martyanova A. M.

GBOU Secondary School No. 296

Structural unit

Preschool education departments

Frunzensky district

St. Petersburg

Summary of a drawing lesson in the younger group


(junior preschool age)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about poultry.


Educational:Introduce children to the technique of palm typing. Learn to complement the image.

Educational: Develop visual perception and fine motor skills.

Educators: Develop the ability to empathize.

Equipment: drawings - blanks of geese, wide bowls with gouache diluted with water, napkins.

Progress of educational activities:

The teacher sings the first verses of a song about geese to the children:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese-

One gray

Another white one

Two cheerful geese

Stretched their necks

Who has it longer?

One gray

The other one is white.

Who has it longer?

Washing the geese's feet

In a puddle by the ditch -

One gray

Another white one

They hid in a ditch.

Here's grandma screaming:

Oh, the geese have disappeared -

One gray

Another white one

Geese, my geese!

Educator: Children, let's help grandma return the geese. And let's draw them. You need to dip your entire palm into a bowl of gouache and make an imprint with the inside of your palm (fingers pressed tightly together, thumb pointing straight up) on paper. When all the children have drawn, the teacher will say: “So we returned the geese to grandma. Let's depict them: we will make a beak out of our palm, we will “open” our palm and say “ha-ha-ha!”