Why does the old man dream? Dream interpretation of a gray-haired old man

Esoteric dream book

Friendly - you are initiated into some knowledge, secrets. They give a blessing.

Angry, scary - you are not fulfilling your task, you are doing something wrong, and they want to put you on the right path.

Italian dream book

Associated with a holistic knowledge of past experience, nature and life, awareness of the presence of Being, giving rise to wisdom in relation to any becoming or “here-being.” The old man is the ancient mind, the source of every development, the personification of life's wisdom. He delivers In-se's messages to the "I" while the "I" still does not know about him and is not directly connected with him. The old sage acts as the prophet In-se, and his brief utterances are judgments emanating from the very depths of universal and individual life. In accordance with the level of maturity of the subject, such a sage-prophet appears in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, villager, baker, shepherd, fisherman. When the subject is close to the historical embodiment of his In-se, then the sage can appear in the image of something divine, solar. He may also come in the form of some great man whom the subject knows in his real life.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Loff's Dream Book

The old man and the old woman are the primary symbols of wisdom and spiritual power. For many people, the role that their father or mother played in their lives has been lost in the whirlpool of life due to divorce, excessive work pressure, or some kind of emotional dysfunction. The human psyche tends to seek a replacement for what is lost and recreate it from anything, even from itself.

Often these characters personify and affirm the authenticity of some source of wisdom that was not taken into account by the psyche. You may have to solve a problem that cannot be solved due to your overly conscious worldview. Thus, more effective way The solution to the problem may be one that you characterize as outdated. The image of wisdom in the dream is trying to open your eyes to this.

Do you view your heritage, the prospect of your own old age, with some fear or disdain?

Do you resist accepting the wisdom offered by elders about the life choices you face?

Are you in search of wisdom or feel a lack of it in solving life's problems?

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Old age symbolizes decadence, cessation of development, and dying. This image is undeniably negative and indicates that a vampiric takeover is taking place in relation to you. But if you see a neat old man, with expressive looks, without any special signs of illness or infirmity, then this is a positive image. It’s good if you dream of an old man who is familiar with the true knowledge of nature and life - a sage. In this form your true essence appears. Your real needs are being missed. Listen carefully to the words of such an old man if he tells you something in a dream, and then in reality boldly follow his advice. Such a sage-prophet can appear in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, farmer, shepherd, or fisherman. When a person is ready to live in accordance with his inner essence, then the sage appears as a diviner bringing wisdom.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Ancient Persian dream book

If you see an old or mature person in a dream, this dream means prosperity, the appearance of a benevolent friend. Another meaning of this dream: whoever sees such a dream is destined to gain considerable wisdom in reality and help everyone in need with competent advice.

If a young man sees in a dream that he has become an old man, then his honor, honor and learning will increase and he will end his life covered in glory and surrounded by honor.

If the old man sees himself young in a dream, in joy and joy, then in reality he will be appointed commander of the army and will even be able to find the right means of rejuvenation.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good value

If you saw yourself in a dream in old age, then nothing threatens you in the near future. To make this time last longer, take a warm bath with table salt at night for a week (5 tablespoons per bath).

Bad value

If you dreamed of an unfamiliar old man, then they want to beat you. To prevent this from happening, find and eat hair with food.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Noble dream book

Unknown old man, old man - help from a friend, happiness, good advice, respect, fatherly help. An old man met on the road is a call to concentration in work. Angry old man- some kind of deception.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Gypsy dream book

You will be called upon to demonstrate your knowledge to others.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

English dream book

For a woman to dream that an old man is caring for her is a sure sign that she will receive a certain amount of money and will have success in all her endeavors. For a girl, such a dream foretells that she will marry a rich man. young man, they will have many children who will also be rich.

Why does an old man dream according to the dream book -

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream about old people, this portends troubles and worries that will depress you and deprive you peace of mind.

An old man falls into a dream depending on your physical and emotional states and carries with him hidden meaning. What exactly is the dream about? old man in a dream, the dream book can tell. And a more detailed decoding will be possible if you remember the various details of the dream.

Why is the old man dreaming? As a rule, it is a symbol of accumulated experience, wisdom and longevity. It is a reflection of your emotions and current mental and physical state. In a dream, he can appear before you in various images: for example, an elderly traveler, a fisherman, an old man or a familiar person.

According to the dream book, an old man dreams of achieving prosperity, especially if you speak to him in a dream. Then in reality expect to receive a sudden win. Also, an old man in a dream can personify a patron who will appear in your life and provide significant influence at her.

Some components

Why does an old man dream in a dream for the fair half of humanity? A woman dreams of old people before receiving income from some business, and this also promises her a successful beginning and end of any business.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing an old man in a dream foretells a successful marriage in the near future. She will give birth to wonderful children, whose fate will be as prosperous as her own.

Respect from others promises you a dream in which you see yourself as an old man. Seeing your aged reflection means good health and longevity. The dream in which the old man saw himself young has the same meaning.

Decrepit, sick old people who stretch out their hands to you, and you try with all your might to fight them off, personify your fatigue. You now need as many positive emotions and impressions as possible. Do something interesting, bring it into your life bright colors, dilute your daily worries with some pleasant activity.

The interpretation of the image of a dying person depends on who you relate to him. If this is your friend or relative, in reality this promises him a long life and good health. An unknown person foreshadows the end of an important matter that has been “hanging” in your plans for a long time, but due to circumstances you could not complete it earlier. Now this opportunity opens up before you.

Think about how you felt when you learned of someone's death. If you have experienced joy, then the dream promises completion of affairs without much expense or effort. But sadness about the death foreshadows that some effort will have to be made to finish things.

Activities for older people

In your dreams, you can observe what older people were doing. Based on this, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Let's see what the dream book tells us:

  • An old man was walking down the street and leaning on a stick - such a dream warns you that you should refuse to participate in dubious matters, otherwise you may lose something valuable.
  • Seeing an old man in a dream in torn and dirty clothes warns you to be more careful in your spending. You should plan your budget carefully and refrain from unnecessary purchases.
  • An elderly man was walking through the park with his grandchildren - expect a visit from distant relatives soon.
  • The old man asked in a dream to convey that someone from the environment needs your help. Be sure to take the time to call your friends to see if they need your support.
  • Helped an elderly person cross the street - you will soon have a fun time in the company of pleasant people.
  • Seeing an old man sitting on a tree - you may have such a dream before completing all your plans.

If in a dream you dreamed of an old man walking along the road and giving you valuable advice, listen to his words. Perhaps in this moment In life, this advice will be useful to you to get things going.

Remember what mood the elderly person was in; further deciphering of the dream depends on this.

  • Grandfather was in a good mood - in reality you will receive valuable information or learn some secret.
  • The angry old man warns that in reality you are moving a little in the wrong direction. The dream advises you to stop and think carefully about the correctness of your actions. Think about what exactly you are doing wrong to achieve success.
  • A laughing grandfather portends you receiving money, and if you talked to him, then in reality expect pleasant troubles and happiness in the family.

Seeing older people getting married has different meaning depending on your personal attitude towards them. A familiar couple portends them good health and long years life. And here strangers will bring changes in your life.

The article on the topic: “dream book of a gray-haired old man” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

“My dear old people...” is sung in the song. Are all old people dear to us? Does everyone want to communicate with them? If you meet an old man scolding everyone, would you want to smile sweetly at him? Imagine that you communicated with him in a dream! Why do you have such a dream? Most dream books believe that an old man in a dream is good, but there are exceptions! Let's find out in what cases an elderly man is a harbinger of trouble, and in what cases - of happiness!

Dear good fellow

I had a dream in which you are having a pleasant conversation with a gray-haired old man - to family happiness with pleasant troubles.

Seeing a grandfather with a beard smiling or laughing cheerfully in a dream means money. A good income awaits you in the near future, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

You dream of a grandfather walking in the park with his grandchildren - you will have communication with relatives this coming weekend. Perhaps distant relatives will come to visit you.

Seeing a gray-haired old man with an accordion singing ditties is a sign of a party or some event in a narrow circle of old friends.

Mischievous old man

If you dreamed of an angry grandfather with a stick, shouting at you, Miller’s dream book does not recommend that you get involved in dubious adventures in the near future; you may end up in trouble and problems.

To see a dirty, drunken old man in tattered clothes in a dream - be judicious when spending money, there is a risk of “wasting” a large sum.

Dreaming of an old sorcerer or shaman sending curses on everyone means trouble at work. Even a reprimand or fine is possible, warns Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Seeing an old, wrinkled old man in black clothes looking at you angrily from under his eyebrows is a sign of illness. Don't count on luck, take preventive measures.

If you dreamed that your bag or wallet was stolen by an old but fast old man, this means petty quarrels and insults.

Love for all ages!

To see a dream in which an old man and an old woman are walking down the aisle means that in real life you are taking too long to make decisions on which your success depends. You should be more efficient.

Marrying an old man in a dream - in reality you regret something you did in the past and mentally return to it.

If you dream that you are having sex with an old man, you will not be able to solve the problems yourself, since the favorable period for this has already passed.

Seeing an old man and an old woman having sex means unpleasant news or gossip, predicts the Women's Dream Book.

If you dream that you are being pursued by an elderly man offering you sex, in reality you will receive an offer that will leave an unpleasant taste in your soul.

Sad dreams

I dreamed that you were sitting at the bedside of your dying grandfather - the interpretation depends on the details. You are upset and crying - your dreams are not destined to come true in the near future; you are happy because the old man was harmful - in reality, you will get rid of the burden of problems that have been weighing on you lately.

You dream of a sick, frail old man basking in the sun - you hope that your plans will come true exactly as you planned.

If you dreamed that your real elderly relative died, he was alive in reality - to a long and happy life for this person, Vanga’s dream book prophesies.

Don't pass by old people...

Helping a blind old man cross the road means you will spend a pleasant evening in the company of a person you like, the Spring Dream Book promises.

A gray-haired grandfather asks you to help him with heavy bags - in reality, you will take on the burden of someone else's problems. Most likely one of the family members.

To dream that you are helping a sick widower with housework means in reality you will meet one of your old friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

An old man with a beard that reaches his knees asks you to trim it - to get rid of envious people and intriguers, and easily and for a long time, the Autumn Dream Book predicts.

I dreamed that my deceased husband threw me a tiny naked old man in the snow. I wanted to take him home and take care of him, but he started trying to kiss me, I left him.

What did the old man dream about?

An old man falls into a dream depending on your physical and emotional states and carries a hidden meaning. The dream book can tell you what exactly an elderly person dreams about in a dream. And a more detailed decoding will be possible if you remember the various details of the dream.

Why is the old man dreaming? As a rule, it is a symbol of accumulated experience, wisdom and longevity. It is a reflection of your emotions and current mental and physical state. In a dream, he can appear before you in various images: for example, an elderly traveler, a fisherman, an old man or a familiar person.

According to the dream book, an old man dreams of achieving prosperity, especially if you speak to him in a dream. Then in reality expect to receive a sudden win. Also, a dream about an old man can represent a patron who will appear in your life and have a significant impact on it.

Some components

Why does an old man dream in a dream for the fair half of humanity? A woman dreams of old people before receiving income from some business, and this also promises her a successful beginning and end of any business.

For a young unmarried girl, seeing an old man in a dream foretells a successful marriage in the near future. She will give birth to wonderful children, whose fate will be as prosperous as her own.

Respect from others promises you a dream in which you see yourself as an old man. Seeing your aged reflection means good health and longevity. The dream in which the old man saw himself young has the same meaning.

Decrepit, sick old people who stretch out their hands to you, and you try with all your might to fight them off, personify your fatigue. You now need as many positive emotions and impressions as possible. Do something interesting, bring bright colors to your life, dilute your daily worries with some pleasant activity.

The interpretation of the image of a dying person depends on who you relate to him. If this is your friend or relative, in reality this promises him a long life and good health. An unknown person foreshadows the end of an important matter that has been “hanging” in your plans for a long time, but due to circumstances you could not complete it earlier. Now this opportunity opens up before you.

Think about how you felt when you learned of someone's death. If you have experienced joy, then the dream promises completion of affairs without much expense or effort. But sadness about the death foreshadows that some effort will have to be made to finish things.

Activities for older people

In your dreams, you can observe what older people were doing. Based on this, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Let's see what the dream book tells us:

  • An old man was walking down the street and leaning on a stick - such a dream warns you that you should refuse to participate in dubious matters, otherwise you may lose something valuable.
  • Seeing an old man in a dream in torn and dirty clothes warns you to be more careful in your spending. You should plan your budget carefully and refrain from unnecessary purchases.
  • An elderly man was walking through the park with his grandchildren - expect a visit from distant relatives soon.
  • The old man asked in a dream to carry the bags - someone from the environment needs your help. Be sure to take the time to call your friends to see if they need your support.
  • Helped an elderly person cross the street - you will soon have a fun time in the company of pleasant people.
  • To see an old man sitting on a bench - you may have such a dream before completing all your plans.

If in a dream you dreamed of an old man walking along the road and giving you valuable advice, listen to his words. Perhaps at this point in your life this advice will be useful to you for getting things done.

Remember what mood the elderly person was in; further deciphering of the dream depends on this.

  • Grandfather was in a good mood - in reality you will receive valuable information or learn some secret.
  • The angry old man warns that in reality you are moving a little in the wrong direction. The dream advises you to stop and think carefully about the correctness of your actions. Think about what exactly you are doing wrong to achieve success.
  • A laughing grandfather portends you receiving money, and if you talked to him, then in reality expect pleasant troubles and happiness in the family.

Seeing older people getting married has different meanings depending on your personal relationship with them. A familiar couple portends them good health and long life. But strangers will bring changes in your life.

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What does it mean to see an old man in a dream?

Hasse's dream book claims that a cheerful elderly man in a dream is an omen that the dreamer has a long life ahead of him. happy life, sad - to illness and misfortune. I dreamed of an old man with a long white beard, which means the dreamer will long road, which will bring happiness and good luck, so planned trips should not be postponed.

What if you dreamed about an old man?

The Jewish dream book recommends converting Special attention for the time of year in which the old man dreamed, for example, a spring dream guarantees receiving good advice, a summer dream speaks of fatigue, an autumn dream predicts disappointment, and a winter dream foreshadows a meeting with an important person.

The dream book of the healer Akulina, in turn, claims that an older man dreams of upcoming household chores that will unbalance the dreamer. Conducting a conversation with an unfamiliar old man suggests that the sleeper will soon demonstrate his respect to someone, perhaps this will be expressed simply in words. But it is more likely that the dreamer will give an expensive gift to a person whom he greatly respects and who is older than him or has a higher social status. An affectionate old man met on a wide, long road means joy, a happy completion of planned affairs; angry - symbolizes the hostility of the authorities, unfinished business, the beginning of a dark streak in life.

A crazy, muttering old man standing in the middle of the road is interpreted as a danger for which the dreamer will not have time to prepare, but if this old man is holding an icon, then this is a reminder that the dreamer has not visited his parents for a long time.

The esoteric dream book interprets the dream a little differently, for example, according to its version, a benevolent old man in a dream symbolizes a mentor, a benefactor and indicates that the dreamer should listen to the advice of wiser people. An angry, unpleasant-looking old man in a dream indicates that the dreamer has long had secret ill-wishers who could soon greatly harm him. An old man with a stick he meets on the way says that the dreamer, due to his carelessness, may fall into the trap of an unkind person who will drag him into bad story. A dream about an elderly person you know suggests that the dreamer should pay attention to close elderly people; perhaps they immediately need his help. Such a dream should not be dismissed, since it may mean that the elderly people who dreamed about the dream are very sick and want to say goodbye to him before they die.

What does it portend?

Knows what a dream about an old man portends Personal dream book, for example, if a woman dreams that she is marrying a man much older than herself, it means that a protracted illness or sad worries awaits her.

The French dream book claims that the dream in which the old man had a dream warns that the dreamer should show caution, wisdom and listen to the advice of senior colleagues, only then will the work begun be completed successfully and bring a worthy reward.

Zedkiel's dream book says that if married woman If she dreams that an unfamiliar but pleasant-looking old man is courting her, then this dream foreshadows the imminent receipt of a large sum of money, good luck in all endeavors. If a young man had a dream of this kind unmarried girl, this means that she will successfully marry a rich man and give birth to at least three children, who will also subsequently have a prosperous, rich life.

In conclusion, it should be said that sometimes a dream in which older people dream has the most common explanation and symbolizes wisdom and spiritual power, which are usually associated with father and mother; however, in some cases, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer is afraid of old age.

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I dreamed of an old man: interpretation of the image

at the Women's Club!

Some people associate the image of an old man with emotional trips to visit their grandparents, while others associate it with troubles. What does it mean to see an old man in a dream? The answer to this question can be found in a dream interpreter.

Let's look into the dream book: an old man is a symbol of wisdom, longevity, ancient mind, life experience. An elderly person is just an image, a reflection of your condition and the emotions you experience.

He may appear in a dream as a fisherman, a prophet, a traveler or wanderer, a shepherd, or in the same way as a familiar person you have ever seen looks like. In this regard, there is no of great importance to interpret the dream, whether they were people you knew or didn’t know.

Why is the old man dreaming? Seeing an old man in a dream means prosperity, an acquaintance that will develop into friendship, or the acquisition of a powerful patron.. Talking to him means you will receive an unexpected win or inheritance.

You met an old man walking along the road, and he gave you some advice - listen to him. Another interpretation portends the dreamer gaining wisdom with which he will be able to help other people. The interpretation also varies depending on the mood of the elderly person:

  • Kind - you will receive a blessing, valuable advice or learn some secret. A smiling or laughing old man with a beard means money; talking with him means family happiness and pleasant chores.
  • Angry - you are moving in the wrong direction, doing something wrong. Such a dream should make you think about the right path, about what will lead to success.

Fathers and Sons

Feeling old means earning respect from your relatives. Seeing yourself as old (to grow old in appearance) or as an old man seeing yourself as young - to good health and longevity. The interpretation of dreams also depends on the health status of older people.

Seeing weak, sick and decrepit old people or fighting them off - you need rest and positive emotions. Fill your life with something bright and interesting, so that routine activities do not lead to decline and impotence, and life sparkles with new colors.

Have you sat at the bedside of a dying person? If he was your relative, it means that in reality he will live a long time. If it was stranger- you will be able to finish some important task that you have been trying to do for a long time, but never succeeded.

The person died, and you rejoiced in death - finish things without special effort. We regretted his death - we will have to work hard to complete what we started. If you dream of strong old people, all problems will be resolved successfully thanks to the use of your life and professional experience.

The interpretation of the dream is also influenced by what he was doing in the dream:

  • Grandfather was walking in the park with his grandchildren - distant relatives will soon visit you.
  • Sitting on a bench in the yard or on a rubble in the village - your plans will come true.
  • An elderly man played the harmonica - good news.
  • Walking and leaning on a stick - do not take part in dubious enterprises, otherwise you will lose more than you received.
  • If you saw him in torn or dirty clothes asking for alms, be careful in your spending.
  • Helping an old man cross the road means having a pleasant time.
  • If he asked you to carry the bags or you offered to help him, someone around you will need your help or advice.

Love for all ages

A dream about an elderly man is interpreted for women as follows. If a woman dreamed that an old man was caring for her, then this promises her income and success in all her endeavors. A girl may have such a dream to signify her imminent marriage and the birth of children, whose fate will be as successful as her own.

Did older people walk down the aisle? If they are familiar to you, then the dream foretells them longevity and good health. If you don’t know them, then this means changes in your life.

Such a broad interpretation is given by dream books for the concept “old man”. An old man does not fall into sleep by accident. Such a dream always carries a hidden meaning that reflects your emotional and physical state. Thus, if you dream of elderly people, look into the dream book in order to find out in more detail why an old man dreams in a dream.

And the most important advice

  • Dream Interpretation

    Gray-haired old man

    Dream Interpretation Gray-haired old man dreamed of why a gray-haired old man dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a gray-haired old man in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

    Dream interpretation of a gray-haired old man


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  • Dream interpretation of elderly people

    Who is not familiar with the saying “Old age is no joy”? But is this statement always applicable to honorable age?

    What if you only dream about old age? More precisely, you see an elderly person in your night vision.

    Difficulties of interpretation

    According to the dream book, older people seen in dreams at night reflect the internal state of a sleeping person and indicate what emotions you are experiencing at a given moment in time.

    Seeing old people in a dream

    Exactly this frequent interpretation from those given by dream interpreters. True, not always this image indicates only your feelings and experiences. He can predict the future, warn of what is about to happen.

    An old man appeared

    A dream about an old man indicates wisdom, worldly experience, and acquired knowledge. An elderly person may appear before you in a completely different images, from the salesman in the store around the corner to the gray-haired old man who preaches the truth.

    The first thing that dream books advise you to take a closer look at is the mood of the old man in your dream.

    Radiant smile

    The old man from the dream smiles

    If you dreamed of a good-natured elderly man, you will soon receive valuable advice or find out the information you need in the future. The dream also predicts: a blessing will descend on a sleeping person.

    What did the old man do in his dream:

    • laughed, smiled - making a profit, money;
    • had a nice conversation with you - happiness in the family.

    Angry old man

    If the elderly man in your vision was angry, perhaps even shouting at you, then you have chosen the wrong path, you are going the wrong way. This dream should make you think, correct yourself and take the right path.

    To grow old in a dream

    Why dream that you yourself suddenly grew old in a dream? Although this vision may frighten you, and it will seem to you that nothing good is worth expecting, dream books will have the opposite opinion.

    If a young dreamer sees himself as old in a dream, or vice versa, an old man feels younger, then he will have excellent health. It is also worth listening to your well-being.

    Pay attention to actions

    When you dream of an elderly person, it is logical to assume that he performed certain actions in your night vision.

    You will dream of different stories, and you can try to find their interpretation:

    Opinions of different peoples

    Muslims believe that we dream of older people material well-being. Similar dream promises you that soon you will have a faithful friend who can help you in trouble.

    Seeing older people in a dream

    The Russian interpreter says that when you see a decrepit old man in a dream, it means you will suffer quite significant losses. The old man was strong and looked youthful - you should listen to what he tells you. His words will contain information that is important to you.

    The French have an opinion that they dream of older people when you have to show all your wisdom.

    Only through your work, experience and knowledge will you be able to achieve the desired result.

    The gypsy interpreter says that an old man or old woman dreams when a sleeping person has to show his knowledge in front of an audience.

    If a woman in a dream sees unambiguous signs of attention from an elderly man, it means that she will soon receive a rather impressive amount of money, and all her endeavors will be successful. For a girl, the same dream promises a wealthy young groom and a happy married life. This is exactly what the French dream interpreter thinks.

    Italians have a simpler approach to similar vision. When asked why an elderly person dreams, the dream book answers that the old man from the dream is your inner self, wise from experience.

    If you see an old or mature person in a dream, this means prosperity, the appearance of a benevolent friend.

    If a young man sees in a dream that he has become an old man, then his honor, honor and learning will increase and the end of his life will be glorified.

    If an old man sees himself young in a dream, in joy and joy, he will become the commander of an army and become younger.

    If someone sees an old man in a dream, he will be a man of experience and advice.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

    Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

    Seeing an Old Man in a dream

    Seeing old people means troubles and worries that will depress you and deprive you of your peace of mind.
    Also see Beggar, Handshake.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    What does the Old Man dream mean?

    Long life; talking to him is an unexpected inheritance; painful - illness and death; be old - you will be respected

    Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing an Old Man in a dream

    Associated with a holistic knowledge of past experience, nature and life, awareness of the presence of Being, giving rise to wisdom in relation to any becoming or “here-being.” The old man is the ancient mind, the source of every development, the personification of life's wisdom. He delivers In-se’s messages to “I” while “I” still does not know about him and is not directly connected with him. The old sage acts as the prophet In-se, and his brief utterances are judgments emanating from the very depths of universal and individual life. In accordance with the level of maturity of the subject, such a sage-prophet appears in the form of a traveler, woodcutter, villager, baker, shepherd, fisherman. When the subject is close to the historical embodiment of his In-se, then the sage can appear in the image of something divine, solar. He can also come in the form of some great person whom the subject knows in his real life.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

    What do Old Man dreams mean?

    For a woman to dream that an old man is caring for her is a sure sign that she will receive a certain amount of money and will have success in all her endeavors. For a girl, such a dream foretells that she will marry a rich young man, they will have many children, who will also be rich.

    Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

    Dream about the Old Man

    Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

    What does Old Man mean in a dream

    Old man (unfamiliar) - Friendly - you are being initiated into some knowledge, secrets. They give a blessing. Angry, scary - you are not fulfilling your task, you are doing something wrong, and they want to put you on the right path.

    Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

    Meaning of dreams Old Man

    If you dream of an old man, expect a troublesome task in reality that will not bring you any satisfaction. You will be disappointed and heartache.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

    Interpretation of sleep Old man

    Seeing an old man in a dream means that in reality your troubles will throw you off balance.

    Imagine that an old man has a young son who helps him in all his affairs.

    Interpretation of dreams from