Young Bieber. Justin Bieber. Biography. Photo. Personal life

Canadian r'n'b singer, teen idol, whose debut discs went platinum in the United States.

Justin Bieber(Justin Drew Bieber) was born on March 1, 1994 in Statford, Ontario. Mother, Patty Malette, raised the boy alone. From early childhood, Justin was interested in music, learning to play the piano, drums, and guitar.

The creative path of Justin Bieber / Justin Bieber

Popularity Justin Bieber started on YouTube, where he posted a recording of his performance at a local music competition. This video was followed by home recordings of various r’n’b compositions. The talented boy's ratings on the site quickly grew, and in the end he became interested in the recordings Scooter Brown, former manager So So Def label marketing services.

Brown contacted Justin's mother, and the thirteen-year-old traveled to Atlanta to create professional demos. In Atlanta Justin Bieber demonstrated his abilities to one of the most famous and influential r’n’b artists - Asher. Soon a contract was signed with the RBMG label, owned by Scooter Braun and Usher. It is known that Justin Timberlake was also interested in the young singer, but Brown and Usher turned out to be quicker.

First single Justin Bieber“One Time” turned out to be very successful: it went platinum in Canada and the USA, and gold in Australia and New Zealand. The singer's debut album was released in November 2009 "My World", which went platinum in Canada and the US and silver in the UK. Soon Justin Bieber was already in great demand: it constantly flashed in television shows, became one of the hosts of the 52nd Grammy ceremony, and on Christmas Eve visited the White House, where he performed a composition for President Barack Obama and his wife Stevie Wonder "Someday at Christmas".

In January 2010, one of the most successful singles was released Justin Bieber"Baby" The song peaked at number five on the US chart and became a top ten hit in seven other countries. The composition is included in the second part of the album “My World” - “ My world 2.0", which also reached the top of the charts in most English-speaking countries.

In June 2010 Justin Bieber went on his first big tour, entitled "MyWorldTour". The tour continued until December. At the same time, work was underway on a new album, for which he composed songs. British singer and composer Taio Cruz.

It’s not surprising that the sixteen-year-old singer’s voice has become deeper and lower compared to 2009. Justin Bieber admits that for some time now the super hit “Baby” had to be moved to a different key, since it no longer mastered the top notes.

In September 2011 it was released new season series "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation", in which he played one of the roles Justin Bieber. The musician's hero will have to accept important decision, related to his only brother.

As of July 2010, Justin Bieber is the most popular celebrity on the Internet (according to search query statistics). His “Baby” video, posted on YouTube, became the absolute leader in the number of views in the entire history of the site, surpassing even scandalous video Lady Gaga "Bad Romance" His blog on Twitter is also extremely popular.

In February 2011, a half-biographical, half-musical 3D film called "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never". It was directed by Jon Chu, creator of the film “Step Up 3D”. The film's box office success of thirty million dollars was only surpassed by the romantic comedy Pretend My Wife.

In June 2011 Justin Bieber took second place in Forbes magazine's list of "Highest Paid Celebrities Under 30". He became the youngest star in show business and one of seven musicians to earn more than fifty million dollars in a year.

In November 2011 Justin Bieber released his second studio album "Under the Mistletoe". It sold two million copies in its first week of release. The musician is currently recording his third album entitled "Believe".

I'm trying to create a new sound, people are not used to listening to this, so the music may seem very strange for the first time. It will be similar to how I once performed my songs Justin Timberlake, in a new style for everyone.

Justin Bieber stated that he was not interested in obtaining United States citizenship, since, in his opinion, Canada - best country in the world, especially in health matters.

Personal life of Justin Bieber / Justin Bieber

Personal life is of great interest to fans and especially female fans. Justin Bieber. However, among the mass of gossip and rumors there is very little reliable information. For a long time, the singer was credited with an affair with a Canadian girl named Caitlin Beadles.

In 2010 it became known that Justin Bieber meets with rising star film and music scene by Selena Gomez. The lovers appear together at many social events and have become the target of all American paparazzi. In addition, Selena Gomez took off her “purity” ring, which she put on at the age of twelve and promised to remain virgin until marriage.

Everyone can see that she is very seductive, which is great, but she has much more potential. She makes me laugh and laughs at my jokes. She has amazing views family values. We both grew up without a father, and are very similar in our views on issues that relate to starting a family.

Justin Drew Bieber is like that full name this world famous Canadian artist, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year. Despite such a young age, he has already taken his place in the world musical Olympus and has no plans to leave it anytime soon. On the contrary, Justin is exploring new areas of activity, trying himself in different guises and demonstrating remarkable talent.

The creative path of Justin Bieber

This young idol of millions of teenagers was born on March 1, 1994 in London. Only this place is not at all the capital of the oldest kingdom in the world. His birthplace is a small town in Canada in the province of Ontario, and Justin spent his childhood in Stratford, where his mother Patricia Mallett is from. She became pregnant by Jeremy Jack Bieber when she was a very young woman. The family didn't work out, but Justin was born. The parents helped their daughter with everything, and she herself tried to provide for herself and the baby normal life. Bieber's father lived with another woman, two children were born in the new family, but he continued to maintain relationships with both his son and his mother. Growing up Justin was no different from the neighborhood kids, the same games, the same hobbies. The boy was very active and preferred to play football and chess. As a true Canadian, I couldn’t imagine life without hockey. As a teenager, he felt a craving for music and began to independently master various musical instruments. Surprisingly, he mastered drums and trumpet, guitar and even piano.

At the age of twelve, he took to the stage to take part in the local music singing competition Stratford Idol. The young vocalist chose Ne-Yo’s “So Sick” and rose to an honorable second place. The mother, extremely proud of her son’s victory, posted the recording on YouTube so that all of Justin’s friends and numerous relatives could watch the performance. She got into the habit of recording the vocal numbers of her son, who did not want to develop in one direction, even the most fashionable one, but was constantly experimenting, looking for his own style of performance, a personal style that was unlike anyone else. A happy occasion also has a place in the life of Justin Bieber. In search of talented young performers, former So So Def manager Scooter Braun was browsing the internet when he came across the video. young performer from Stratford, an unknown place. He met with Bieber, then with his mother, and persuaded her to let her son go for his share of musical fame. Brown and his mentee went to the famous Atlanta to make demo recordings. Just a short time later, Justin Bieber was proudly showing off the contract he had signed with the record company co-owned by Scooter Braun and Usher. They say that Bieber could have signed a good contract with Justin Timberlake, but the young star remained under the wing of Brown and company. Already in 2009, the debut single of the young talented singer hit the top 10 in Canada, entered the top thirty in other countries. The title of the single, “One Time,” seemed to say that this is just the beginning, but it’s already amazing. The musician’s further work only confirmed this.

In November, the first mini-album of Justin Bieber's career was released, and in record time it went first gold in New Zealand and Australia, and then platinum in the US and Canada, and then in the UK. Under the strict leadership of Scooter, active and intense work was carried out to promote the album, and Justin was not involved in it last role. The burden of fame fell heavily on the shoulders of the rather young Bieber, but he persevered. At Christmas 2009, he had the opportunity to perform in front of the US President and his wife, he performed Stevie Wonder’s “Someday At Christmas.” Hosting the Grammy Awards in January 2010 proved even more challenging. Then the words of young Bieber were listened to by millions of spectators sitting in the hall and watching the show via the Internet.

Justin Bieber's latest achievements

In January 2010, Justin released the single “Baby” from his first album “My World 2.0”; it is clear that it did not go unnoticed on the shelves of music stores, but, on the contrary, immediately became a hit, walking through the top ten in numerous European and American ratings. Not only the vocal prowess attracted attention to the composition, but also the video, which received an insane number of views and comments. The Billboard 200, an American chart, brought Justin Bieber to first place; it was also a record that he turned out to be the youngest performer in history. The album “My World 2.0” goes on sale in March 2010, and one country after another makes it a leader. The victorious march with recognition of the first number for the album was noted in the USA, Canada, Ireland, and Australia. Justin is actively promoting the album. To do this, he has to participate in the most popular television programs and on rating channels. He is popular not only on television; on the Internet, the young performer has broken all records in terms of frequency of appearance in searches, viewing of clips and downloading of musical compositions. The talented guy has begun to conquer the film market and has already starred in one of the parts of the series “Crime Scene,” so perhaps a career as a film actor awaits him. In addition to the feature film, Justin appeared in documentary film, the main character of which is himself. The director was John Foo, and the concert film was also shot in 3D. There were also some records here; the US box office for the concert film exceeded all previous records and achievements in this area. June 2011 will be remembered for the announcement famous lists Forbes magazine, where Justin Bieber is named among the highest paid young celebrities.

The young performer can be proud that the total number of copies of his albums sold has exceeded 15 million; not many much more experienced musicians have achieved such success. Even he himself doesn’t know what awaits the young genius ahead, but it certainly won’t be boring.

Bieber's personal life

The most serious and long-lasting relationship in the young singer’s life began in early 2011 and lasted until the end of 2012. Justin met with no less a media personality than himself. His chosen one was the popular young actress Selena Gomez. Throughout their relationship, the lovers were constantly under close attention public, and this fact inevitably contributed to the breakup of the couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. However, even after their separation, young people were repeatedly seen together on various events, which means there is a possibility that the story of this couple is not over yet.

The story is about a young performer who achieved his success through his own strength and perseverance. Justin Bieber is a real world star today. Some people adore him, while others hate him, but no one remains indifferent to his person.

Justin Bieber's childhood

Justin Bieber's life story began with his first breath on March 1, 1994 in the province of Ontario in Canada. He was born into a very young family; his mother was only 18 years old at that time. Unfortunately, this family could not stand the routine of life and soon broke up. But Justin Bieber's mother, Petty Mallett, and father, Jeremy Bieber, have maintained a good relationship to this day.

The young performer’s childhood was not cloudless; Justin’s mother worked very hard to provide her son with everything he needed.

Music entered his life at a very young age. early childhood. Justin's father had excellent guitar playing skills, and his mother's vocal abilities fascinated many listeners. Thanks to his parents, Justin Bieber mastered keyboards, drums and guitar. His first drum kit came in early childhood, as a gift from his mother.

Justin Bieber as a child:

Despite the fact that Justin's father has long had new family, the connection between father and son was not interrupted, but rather strengthened.

Music career of Justin Bieber

Justin began his rise to world fame at the age of 12. In a competition for aspiring singers called Stratford Idol, Justin deservedly won second prize place. The mother was so proud of her son's success that she posted videos of the performances on YouTube to show them to family friends. But the boy’s talent interested not only them...

Manager Scooter Braun was searching for new talent when he came across Justin Bieber's recordings. Scooter Braun was amazed by the talent of the young performer and invited him to go to Atlanta to build a musical career there.

When Justin and his mother moved to Atlanta, they were about to meet a world-class star Asher, who, having heard Justin’s performance, decided to sign a contract with him. Under Asher's auspices, a successful future began to take shape much faster.

The singer's first songs begin to appear in collaboration with Justin Bieber with Island Records, which was very interested in the guy's talent.

2009 was Justin's debut year, he released song One Time, and soon an album My World.

Justin Bieber - One Time:

Popularity came very quickly, and within the next two years he received the title "Artist of the Year" from American Music Awards.

Born in 2011 Under the Mistletoe, and in 2012 the record was born Believe.

Nowadays, more and more of his songs are appearing, Justin continues to work actively.

Personal life, girls of Justin Bieber

Despite his young age, Justin Bieber is already famous for his many love affairs.

His first hobby was Caitlin Beatles, his friend's sister.

This relationship lasted about a year, she was replaced by Kristen Rodeheever And Jasmine Villegas.

But his most serious hobby was Selena Gomez. They had a passionate romance that lasted about three years. During this time, they broke up many times and made up again.

In 2012, they finally decided to finally end the relationship. But to this day they do not forget about each other. It was a truly exciting romance, which the star teenagers did not even hide from the paparazzi.

After breaking up with Selena Gomez, several affairs arose, from which nothing serious came of it. Among these novels Barbara Palvin and model Ella-Paige Roberts Clark.

Tensions with the law

Well, fame did not go unnoticed for Justin Bieber; it left its mark on him. Justin's character has changed: from a sweet, harmless boy, he has turned into a guy who is not very friendly with the law.

His hooligan behavior leads to him being detained by the police from time to time, either for driving drunk and driving a yellow Lamborghini at high speed, or for smoking marijuana. Justin Bieber's beating of a limousine driver also caused a big scandal.

Well, what can I say, the boy is growing up! It is not known how his career will go further. We will watch and hope that he will pull himself together and grow up, because despite his illness from stardom, Justin Bieber remains an excellent performer and a world-class star.

FULL NAME: Justin Drew Bieber

DATE OF BIRTH: 03/01/1994 (Pisces)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Stratford, Ontario, Canada



MARITAL STATUS: not married

FAMILY: Parents: Jeremy Jack Bieber, Pattie Mallett.

HEIGHT: 170 cm

OCCUPATION: singer, actor


Canadian pop-R'n'B singer, songwriter, musician, actor. Born in the Canadian province of Ontario, and raised in Stratford. Justin's mother Patricia gave birth to him at a very young age and worked in several places at once to feed her son. She strongly supported Bieber's connection with his father, who has another family.

Scooter Braun, former manager of So So Def, was looking for videos and accidentally came across one of Bieber's videos. Brown was impressed, he found Justin and decided to contact his mother. Petty didn't want to agree right away, but after much persuasion from Scooter, she allowed Justin to fly to Atlanta to record demos. Justin soon signed a contract with Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between Braun and Usher. Justin Timberlake also wanted to sign Justin, but Bieber chose Usher. Brown became Bieber's manager. In 2009, after signing the contract, the single “One Time” was released, which immediately became one of the best in Canada. The video exploded on Youtube and gained viral status, gaining more than a million views in record time, after which the Internet community dubbed Justin a “child phenomenon”, a “singing sensation”. In the same year, Bieber’s first mini-album entitled “My World” was released. .In the first week alone, 137 thousand copies of the disc were sold, which soon received platinum status in the USA and Canada, as well as gold in the countries of Oceania. In 2010, the young artist released his debut full-length album, which became the ideological continuation of the first disc - “My World 2.0 "In 2010 he was awarded with a prize American Music Awards in the category "Artist of the Year", and also won the categories "Best Pop Vocal Album" and "Best New Artist" at the Grammy Awards. In October, Bieber released the album “My World Acoustic” with guitar cover versions of his songs. Popularity young musician continues to constantly grow. Bieber also acts in films. In the series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” in one of the episodes he played a difficult teenager. On February 11, 2011, the biographical documentary-concert film “Never Say Never” was released in 3D format. The film grossed $30.3 million in its first weekend of release and was recognized as the most successful concert film at the box office.

At the beginning of his career, at every performance, Justin Bieber appeared before his army of fans as a kind of good boy. The image was reinforced by the singer’s sweet face and touching gestures during his performances. But as they grow up, millions of girls follow the idol school age the reputation of a hooligan and troublemaker was established.

Justin Bieber's personal life has long been associated with the name Selena. Selena is famous American actress, singer, composer, ambassador goodwill UNICEF. Bieber and Gomez are a union of two talented and successful show business stars that seemed to never fade. The approval of fans was also caused by the fact that the short Bieber (the musician’s height is 175 cm) among the surrounding models and singers of top-model appearance, he found a girl shorter than himself (Selena’s height is 165 cm). The couple looked harmonious and corresponded to traditional views. The couple’s relationship began in 2010, but 2 years later the former lovers announced their separation.

Today we will talk about who Justin Bieber is. We are talking about a Canadian pop and R&B singer, musician, songwriter and actor. In 2008, Scooter Braun appreciated his videos on YouTube and became our hero's manager. Soon the musician became a member of the RBMG label. L.A. Reid later called him to Island Records. More than fifteen million copies of our hero's discs have been sold around the world.


Let's begin to understand the question of who Justin Bieber is by describing him teenage years. The future musician was born in St. Joseph's Hospital, in the Canadian province of Ontario, in London. This happened in 1994, March 1st. Our hero grew up in Stratford. His mother's name is Patricia Lynn Mallett. She was 18 years old when Justin Bieber was born. Mallett was born in Stratford. Her parents, Diana and Bruce, helped her. The mother of the future singer worked in several places to feed her family. Our hero kept in contact with his father, whose name is Jeremy Jack Bieber. The latter married another woman and has two children. Our hero's great-grandfather comes from Germany.

As a child, the future performer loved hockey, chess and football, and was also interested in music. He later learned to play the trumpet, guitar, drums and piano. In 2007, at the age of twenty, our hero sang So Sick as part of the local Stratford Idol competition. And he won second place. His mother posted a video of the performance on YouTube for friends and family to see. Subsequently, she continued to upload videos of her son, who sang in various musical genres. Popularity young man I grew up on the Internet. Former So So Def manager Scooter Braun, while searching for a video, accidentally came across one of our hero's performances. Brown was impressed.

He found the artist and contacted the artist's mother. Petty did not agree, but after much persuasion, she sent her son to Atlanta to create demo recordings. Soon our hero signed an agreement with RBMG. Justin Timberlake also wanted to sign a contract with the musician. However, Brown became Bieber's manager.

The musician's debut single One Time was released in 2009. It reached number one in Canada and also reached top 30 status in several countries. Soon the first mini-album entitled My World appeared. It was certified platinum in the US and Canada, and gold in New Zealand and Australia.

Our hero is the first artist whose 7 compositions from his debut album were included in the Billboard Hot 100. The single One Less Lonely Girl was released on iTunes and entered the Billboard Hot 100. The composition appeared on the radio and achieved gold status in the USA and Canada. In support of the album, the musician performed at the MTV VMA 2009. Bieber sang the song “Someday At Christmas” for the head of the White House and the first lady at Christmas.

Present tense

Now let's talk about who Justin Bieber is today. In 2011, our hero began recording his third studio album, Believe. Justin Bieber himself confirmed that the first single from this disc will appear in 2012. Soon, as part of the show, our hero announced that the song would be called Boyfriend. Later, sales of the Believe album itself began. In the first week, we managed to sell 370 thousand copies of the disc. Thus, this work debuted at number one on the Billboard 200.

A tour organized in support of this disc has begun. The first was a performance in Glendale. The tour lasted until 2013, ending in Perth. During this period, the performer managed to perform in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. He gave two concerts in Russia - in Moscow and St. Petersburg. An acoustic album entitled Believe Acoustic was also released. It contained light versions of songs from the previous disc, as well as several new works. The album reached number one in America and number five in the UK. In 2013, the musician announced that he was going to release ten new songs in support of the film called “Justin Bieber. Believe." The first composition was named Heartbreaker.

The following songs followed. For the second single, called All That Matters, director Colin Tilley shot a video clip. All 10 compositions were eventually included in the collection, called Journals. It contained five additional previously unreleased songs, as well as a video for "All That Matters" and a trailer for the film "Justin Bieber." Believe." Soon the tape itself came out. It became a sequel to the film “Never Say Never Again,” which appeared on screens in 2011. In 2015, a single called What Do You Mean topped the charts in many countries, including Canada, the UK, Australia and the USA.

Personal life

Since 2010, our hero has been dating singer and actress Selena Gomez. In 2012, information appeared that the couple had officially separated. It was soon refuted by other sources. In 2013, Selena appeared at the Golden Globes party with Josh Hutcherson, and the breakup became obvious.


Now let's talk about the discs that Justin Bieber released. His songs were released in 2010 on the album My World 2.0. He also recorded the following studio albums: Under the Mistletoe, Believe and Purpose.


Actor Justin Bieber is also famous in the world of cinema. Films with his participation: “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” “Never Say Never Again,” “Katy Perry: Part of Me.” In 2013, the film Believe was released, in which our hero played himself. Now you know who Justin Bieber is.