What does the number 8 mean? The infinity symbol - the number “8” and its meaning in numerology

Number 8 resonates with the influences and fluctuations of authority and personal power, self-confidence, executive ability, inner strength, professionalism, management, essential freedom, success, good judgment, money, finances, wealth. The number 8 is a symbol of perfection, infinity. In mathematics, the infinity symbol is represented by a sign that is nothing more than an inverted 8.

The mystical meaning of the number 8

IN Ancient Egypt the number 8 was considered a symbol of universal balance and cosmic order, and in Ancient China it expressed the total number of existing universes. According to Ambroise, the number 8 is the number of the New Testament and a symbol of the cosmic Christ. A symbol of new life, the expected and final Resurrection.

Clement of Alexandria argued that Christ was placed under the sign 8, which he made in order to be born again in the future. The followers of Pythagoras considered the number 8 to be a symbol of love and friendship; they called it the “great tetractus.”

And in Ancient Babylon, just like in Arabia, the number 8 was dedicated to the Sun, which is why they usually decorated the image of the solar disk with eight crossed arms. In Japan, the number 8 still stands for diversity and prosperity. In any belief, this number is very favorable. Number 8 is the number of Destiny – the Universal Spiritual Law of the interconnectedness of cause and effect.

Positive traits number 8

Representing wealth, abundance and prosperity. The number 8 is a symbol of investment and insight, wealth, high social status, stability, self-confidence. If a person carrying this number in his basic life set engages in his spiritual development in time, he can achieve unprecedented heights, to become a Master who helps others achieve perfection, and his reward will be the greatness of the goals achieved.

Such people can achieve success in any type of business, sports and various games. The number 8 forces its carriers to be honest and sincere, sometimes they can be overly hot-tempered or harsh, but they quickly move away.

Negative traits number 8

If a person whose ruling number is 8 does not conduct necessary work self-improvement, he may suffer from a superiority complex, greed, tactlessness and have dictatorial habits.

Sometimes such people are quite cynical, they lack what is commonly called humanity, they may strive to suppress others and demand from them unconditional recognition of their merits.

MOTTO: Discretion. Number of extroverts

Positive traits: determination, energy, ability to lead, strength and authority, strong authority, demanding of oneself and others, prudence, character, organization, self-sufficiency.

Negative qualities: intolerance, love of money and power, vanity, cynicism, excessive energy and activity, a tendency to suppress others, tension.

COLORS: ivory, opal, bronze, tan, dark yellow, canary.

Distinctive features

The number 8 in numerology is always at the center of events. The number eight is dual and combines both feminine and masculine principles. As a woman, she is passive and easily influenced by others; as a man, she is strong, active and demanding. Together, these two principles transform high matters into material form, and separately they bring chaos and destruction to the world.

Eight is the power that directs, controls the development of the world, weighs and evaluates everything that happens. the main task Eights - to ensure the development of the world, its progress with the help of acquired knowledge and control.


Eight is a Teacher working for the benefit of others. His main reward is the greatness of the results obtained.

Quite often, the Eight cannot understand himself, feel the power that is within her from birth and is intended to accomplish great things. Sometimes she is driven by ambition, and her ideas and dreams are associated, first of all, with commercialism and a craving for power. In such a situation, it begins to seem to her that all undertakings are meaningless and doomed to failure.

The Eight needs to achieve internal balance, reconsider her moral values, only then new favorable opportunities will open up for her, and luck and success will accompany any of her undertakings.

Life's rewards do not come easily to her, since her purpose is to devote herself without reserve to the work she undertakes. Quite often, to achieve success, she needs to repeatedly apply her efforts, which often leads to overwork and sometimes frustration. Patience and perseverance, which are one of the main traits of her character, help her achieve her goal.

The Eight loves to make plans, control their implementation, implement ideas and the wishes of others. She loves work, which helps her achieve her goals.

Thanks to innate common sense, excellent mental abilities, money comes to the Eight easily. She achieves success through a job well done, her outstanding abilities, the effort she puts in, and the knowledge she gains on the job.

In some ways, the Eight is a philosopher. She likes to put forward theories and reveal the emotions and motives driving a person’s actions. He knows how to correctly correlate facts and feelings, indicate the right path, and direct him towards it.

Occupy high position In society, her innate desire for leadership helps her. The number 8 in numerology means calmness and impartiality in managing affairs.

Professions and talents

The innate qualities of the Eight will find their application in trade and industry, large-scale organizational activities. She is a successful director, controller, inspector. She is able to organize and control the work of those around her.

Numerology 8, what else is interesting? It turns out that the Eight brilliantly manages to put in order even very neglected affairs of various enterprises, to find them weak spots and strengthen them. She knows how to quickly and correctly establish the connection between cause and effect.

Eights are interested in governance and politics. She enjoys collecting facts and connecting them to achieving a goal. Her work in the fields of construction and investment is very successful.

Working in pawn shops, loan departments, and real estate sales opens up new opportunities for her. Throughout her life, she continually faces issues of exploitation of land and structures, and other real estate.

The Eight will also achieve success as a journalist, writer, or publisher. May be a reporter working in the fields of politics, economics, and tourism. She writes much less often for the entertainment of the public.

Business related to travel and transportation is also open to her. Eight likes to take on several things at once, to know what is happening in the world. She's always looking new information, puts her in order.

Her intelligence, observation, self-control, and courage help her find herself in intelligence. She knows how to quickly get used to any situation.

The Eight make excellent judges and advisers; they are always fair and look at the issue from both sides. Her highest reward in this case is recognition of her fairness, responsibility and reliability.

People on the 8th do not like to depend on anyone. Striving for justice, the Eight often gains influence and power. She constantly needs to improve her skills, both mental and physical. Eight should also not rely on luck.

The Eight is excellent at realizing himself in the role of a leader while working in the medical field. It happens that the Eight does not know about his ability to lead people and direct them. In this case, emergency situations that require the immediate manifestation of courage and willpower, and the ability to organize everything correctly and quickly help her realize her strength.

The number 8 in numerology means success, games, sports.

The Eight tends to join various secret societies. She is attracted to mysticism and secrets, the opportunity to comprehend them. She is interested in philosophy, studies or teaches it, and is interested in methods for analyzing a person’s character and destiny. The reason for this is the desire to know more about a person’s life, his connection with God.

Eight is a wonderful speaker who knows how to speak with sincerity and convince others that he is right.

Quite often he has musical talent, which does not always receive proper development. She likes musical instruments.

She is also interested in working with antiques, museums and art galleries as a sales representative.

Despite the fact that the Eight quite often works with finances and makes money from it, there are situations when others profit more from her work than she does. But that doesn't stop her. She still continues her work and sooner or later receives a worthy reward for it.

First of all, the Eight is a mental worker.

Relationships with others

Eight refers to constantly busy people. She takes part in various fields activities that negatively affect her health. Her efficiency and dedication to her favorite work sometimes amazes her colleagues. In order for her excessive activity not to lead to problems and troubles, the Eight should learn to relax and rest. It is important for her to find a balance between rest and work.

The Eight does not like to talk in vain; she prefers to silently carry out her duties. At the same time, the people around her depend on her actions and decisions.

People born under the number eight are good comrades; they always have a lot of activities and interests. They are strong personalities.

Eight always finds mutual language with others. Despite the fact that she prefers rich people who have weight in society, she communicates with everyone, not paying attention to class and the thickness of the wallet.

Eights like big houses, quality and good things. It is important for her to look impressive.

The number eight signifies honesty and sincerity. Sometimes the Eight speaks quite sharply and directly. Often the reason for her irritability is the gross mistakes of others, especially if they are repeated more than once. This makes her angry, which soon subsides, leaving Eight feeling guilty.

She is also prone to excessive remorse and often engages in soul-searching. But she should be given as little leeway as possible negative qualities of your character.

In love, as in marriage, the Eight is devoted and faithful to its chosen one. But her ambitions and constant busyness may lead to the fact that the Eight will not find time to express her feelings, no matter how strong they may be. At the same time, it is love that softens her character, makes her more pliable, so she simply needs to take time to express her feelings and emotions.

Having learned to treat others with tolerance, realizing your inner strength, Eight will be able to find happiness.

She has a very contradictory character. Despite the fact that she always sees the possibilities of what is planned and knows how to correctly implement this or that project, the Eight can suddenly step aside and begin to doubt not only the project, but also its own abilities. All this will lead to completely different people receiving her laurels. Therefore, self-confidence is important for the Eight, which will help her get everything she dreams of.

The figure eight represents two closed circles, symbolizing the infinity of existence. The number 8 is characteristic of extroverts and denotes prudence.

Those born on the 8th day of the month or those with a birth date of 8 have a strong-willed and tough character. They are purposeful and decisive, powerful and energetic. But Eights are characterized by vanity and a craving for easy money, which can disrupt perfection. In addition, these people are prone to hypocrisy and often hide their real feelings for others.

8 as a symbol of prudence and strength of character

The positive qualities of people of this number include categorical judgments, energy, will and the ability to think. Such people know how to attract attention and lead. With their authority, they are able to force lazy people to work, inventors to generate ideas, dreamers to think realistically. This number calls for order, ensures stability and awakens in people the desire to improve, develop, and increase the fruits of their labor.

The colors of the number eight are dominated by tones from light yellow to dark opal color.

Eights take root well in regulatory bodies: the prosecutor's office, the police, and administrative authorities. They have a well-developed ability to structure, establish cause-and-effect relationships and motivate subordinates to achieve results. Success will come to people number 8 and in hotel business, politics, real estate.

8 as a domineering and suppressive character

In some interpretations, 8 denotes duality. Therefore, along with positive character traits aimed at development, the Eight also has self-destructive qualities, such as vanity, cynicism, composure and thirst for profit. If these qualities begin to prevail in life credo Eights, then such people become dangerous to those around them, they suppress and destroy the ability to understand and compassion.

Eights are capable of speaking harshly and unflatteringly towards other people. Although later they curse themselves for such incontinence. Friendship and love are not an empty phrase for representatives of this symbol. They just need to learn to be tolerant and patient with other people.

Determining fate by number 8

The number 8 in numerology is considered one of the most fateful for humanity. It determines the stability of a person’s psychomatrix, being responsible for the most important family values. Number 8 means a person’s attitude towards family, loved ones, loved ones: a sense of duty, responsibility for the weak, tolerance, respect and kindness.

Let's consider what the number of eights in the psychomatrix means.

The absence of the number 8 also indicates a person’s lack of patience and respect towards elders. In this case, the cultivation of these qualities depends entirely on the personal example of older generations. If in childhood such a child observes the care of his father and mother for his parents, then he will acquire these qualities even if the number eight is missing. But if there is no honor and respect in the family, then there will be no one to complain about later.

Also approximately with one 8 in the psychomatrix. This means that duty and responsibility are poorly developed, and efforts are needed to develop these properties.

Two eights may already indicate a sense of duty from birth. They say about such people: “Kindness itself.” They are very tolerant, honor loved ones, and take care of the elderly. They often find their calling in the profession of doctors, social workers, and rescuers.

The meaning of the number 8 in the triple version is tripled and represents the world as a lover of truth. Such a person can step over family values ​​if he is sure that the truth that he possesses is more valuable and important. To become happy in life, Eights must first of all achieve internal harmonization, realize their inner power and become softer, more sensual.

Number 8 in history

Traveling around historical eras, we can see the significance of the octave number for humanity.
IN ancient Greece 8 is the number of Dionysus (Hermes). For the Pythagoreans, this is a symbol of three-dimensionality, love, prudence - the Great Tetractys. The Sumerians - magic number sky. In China - the basis of the world order, lucky number"va".In Hinduism, temples are built on the basis of the mandala (square of eight).In Taoism, the Tao opens 8 roads to a person - all the paths of fate.


Material success

What is the psychology of the number 8

Eight is one of the most difficult numbers to explain. Even the shape of the figure eight - two circles touching each other - speaks of its duality. Two worlds - spiritual and material - merged together in this number. Eight is the universal balance of things, forms

(4 + 4), harmony in the analogy of opposites, is perfection in all planes of Existence, balance of all elements and qualities.

Eight is the number of Justice, Providence and the inevitability of Fate - both in the lives of individuals and in the lives of entire nations. This is Karma, fatality, Rock.

Eight is the number of the Egyptian god Thoth, this is the magical number of Hermes Trismegistus - the inventor of numbers and geometry, this is the eightfold path of Buddha, this is the symbol of the Universe, this is the spatial periodicity of the Cosmos.

The symbol of Cosmic, Universal reality - the Universe - is an eight-pointed star.

The number eight is logical with impeccable formal logic, cold, carries a reflection of the mountain heights, and at a low level speculates on this, and at a high level indicates the direction and ways of gaining spirituality.

Psychology of the number 8. “EIGHT” is a doubly lucky number, since two times “four” brings double happiness. “Eight” is a symbol of life after death, a symbol of infinity. All the most unusual, most delightful, possessing best qualities, immediately ranked among the eighth wonder of the world.

The task of the Eight is to master the material world." The Eight is the ideal of a leader who is sufficiently high level. For her, it is important to put everything into practice, to get a real, tangible, material result; this is the owner of power, money and business.

She has power and knows how to use this power to coordinate and make numerous details of a complex mechanism work harmoniously - an enterprise, a team, or at least a large-scale plan that currently exists only in the head. Despite their ambitious aspirations, the Eight approaches decision-making very carefully and cautiously, because they feel the burden of collective responsibility on their shoulders and cannot afford to get carried away by any idealistic plans.

She needs to intelligently manipulate money and property: be able to receive, accumulate, and invest in business. Eight is the number of a businessman.

Vibrations of the number 8


Achievement, success, self-discipline; power, organization, administration, leadership skills; self-confidence, effectiveness, desire for achievement, ability to judge and make decisions; a strong character, outstanding abilities, solutions in difficult situations; leadership, foresight, management, practicality, vanity, dependence, control; the ability to take responsibility, including for other people, realism, competence, the ability to wisely manage finances and other resources; keep in mind, control and coordinate numerous elements of a large-scale plan; interest in metaphysics, psychology, philosophy.


Excessive ambition, arrogance, anger, pressure, intrigue, poor evaluation, unreliability, spinelessness, selfishness, carelessness, impatience, detachment, wastefulness, uselessness, slowness, isolation, self-justification.


Greed, bullying, tyranny, vindictiveness, injustice, manipulation.

Each number has its own meaning, not only the usual one, indicating the number or number of objects, but also a mystical one. The science that studies the magical influence of numbers on human life is called numerology.

The figure eight represents two circles closed to each other. The meaning of the number 8 in numerology symbolizes the infinity of existence and is a symbol of the “ringed” amazing planet Saturn. Knowing the semantic message, importance and significance of this number, you can use it as a talisman or amulet.

Mystical meaning of number 8

When considering the question of the meaning of the number 8 and its “origin”, one cannot miss the fact that it represents an inverted infinity sign, dividing the world into two parts: spiritual and material. This figure plays a leading role in the world. Its dominant properties, which cannot be “erased” by anything, are loyalty and honesty. The meaning of the number eight in numerology is great.

Under the influence of the magic number 8 are people who were born on 8, 17, 26. They are distinguished by their strong-willed, and even tough, character. They are characterized by:

  • authority;
  • energy;
  • determination;
  • determination.

Has for them great importance material well-being.

Such people attract attention and can lead. This number provides stability and calls for order and improvement. People “marked with an eight” are capable of making lazy people work with their authority, pushing inventors to generate ideas, and dreamers to be more realistic.

People with soul number 8 They take root well in regulatory bodies and management apparatuses of government. They perfectly structure and establish cause-and-effect relationships, and know how to motivate subordinates to achieve the best results.

According to some interpretations, 8 denotes duality, which is reflected in character. Along with positive qualities, there are also negative ones. Those born on the 8th and those whose date of birth numbers add up to 8 often hide their real feelings towards others.

Positive traits:

Thanks to their determination, such individuals easily achieve success in business and career, and most often occupy high positions. They have a well-developed natural instinct, which contributes to profitable investments. Those who do their work with love and joy are especially lucky.

Negative qualities include:

The influence of the number eight on a person’s destiny

The number 8 is called the “gift of the Lord.” It’s as if she “covers you with her wing of prosperity” and gives you the opportunity to feel needed and happy.

The fundamental characteristic of the eight is success in almost all endeavors, the embodiment of plans into reality, luck and fulfillment vital forces. All goals and plans are subject to strong-willed and decisive numbers. It stimulates action, fills a person with strength, thanks to which he goes ahead and achieves what he wants.

Birth number 8 controls a person’s progress through career ladder. Possessing a powerful charge, it invigorates well-being and prosperity. This figure influences the positive outcome of a business transaction and the signing of highly profitable contracts.

Number 8 loves to be the center of attention, preferring to communicate with the rich and influential people, reaching dizzying heights. Eights actively participate in various events and attach great importance to the results obtained.

People with this number stand out for their sincerity, spontaneity and honesty.. They can express their opinions directly and sharply.

Despite the fact that in marriage the number 8 is devoted to her half, she often does not have time to show feelings.

For an Eight, in order for life to bring joy and satisfaction, it is important to learn condescension and patience towards loved ones. To achieve ambitious goals, they need to constantly feel the love, admiration and care of others.

Depending on the presence of eights in a person’s psychomatrix, one can judge his character and relationship with loved ones.

Eight are interested in investment projects and in politics. She will also feel great in journalism and literature and, most likely, will achieve considerable success in this field. And it doesn’t matter what it will be: writing a book, a career in publishing, or managing a newspaper.

Eights are missing

People who do not have eights in their date of birth, as a rule, rarely show kindness, they are not familiar with the sense of duty.

Units play a major role in such a matrix. If there are no eights, but there are one or two ones, the person has such qualities as lack of will, selfishness and irresponsibility. He defends his point of view, even without having a reason to do so.

The presence of more than two units in the date of birth, or, more precisely, each subsequent pair, recreates the eight and “makes” a person softer, more tolerant and kinder.

If there are no eights in the child’s psychomatrix, he should be taught from an early age by personal example to take care of loved ones and love them.

One eight or more

In this case, a similar rule also applies. If there are more than three ones, every two equals one eight. In this case, the matrix is ​​read not as 111 and 8, but as 1 and 88. Such a person will be tolerant and kind, but may lose his temper. If pressure is put on him, he can turn into a real despot. The best way out- resolve issues with him in the gentlest way.

A child with such a psychomatrix needs a positive example from his parents. If there are constant scandals in the house, he will grow up cruel and wayward.

People with several eights have a kind and gentle character. They are very caring and tolerant of loved ones. If there are only 3 eights, such qualities are very unstable.

. But their fanatical desire for a career does not allow them to retain their first positions for long. serious relationship. They strive, no matter what, to achieve prosperity and this leads to the extinction of the love fire. Numerology advises 8 men to start a family at a later date.

Ambitious, powerful and persistent natures, representatives of the stronger sex - Eights think in advance about what the financial stability of the family will be based on. If the wife does not compete in the championship and appreciates the efforts of the husband, a marriage with an eight will be very successful.

The same characteristic qualities are also inherent in female eights. They carefully hide behind a mask of restraint a vulnerable and sensual person who experiences an urgent need for love. However, the destiny number 8 for a woman means that she would rather live in financial prosperity without love and will not accept someone who does not live up to her expectations.

Compatibility of 8 and 9 in numerology

In numerology 9 and 8 are worst enemies. But if a person has a destiny number of 8, for a nine he is a “good” enemy.

9s, in addition, are excellent teachers for 8s, helping them grow and develop in the right direction. At the same time, eights will need to spend their energy and finances on nines.