Powerful spells and rituals for baptism. Baptism of the Lord traditions and customs - everything you need to know about this day

January 19 is considered one of the main holidays of the Orthodox Church - Epiphany or otherwise called Epiphany. On this day, Jesus Christ received baptism from John the Baptist in the waters of Holy Jordan. Catholics celebrate this holiday on January 6th.

For the Orthodox, this holiday begins on January 18, on Christmas Eve, which closes the 12 holy days starting from Christmas. Epiphany, Christmas and Christmastide represent the trinity of the Most Holy Trinity and a single celebration - Epiphany.

January 18 – 19 is a wonderful period to solve your problems by conducting pure rituals and ceremonies.

Rituals and ceremonies for January 18, Christmas Eve

Consecration of the home

Consecrating a home is, of course, not cleaning it; it will not be possible to get rid of heavy energy essences and energy clots. But you will be able to cleanse your living quarters from energy “infections” that infect and encourage quarrels and conflicts. They also resort to consecration on January 18 if holy days Numerous fortune telling and various rituals were performed.

To carry out the consecration ceremony, you need to collect clean snow in a basin or bucket and let it melt. And spray every corner of your home with melt water, starting to move clockwise from the front door. Don't forget to spray every corner of every window and interior door.

It is necessary to draw crosses above the entrance and interior doors, above door jambs and above windows.

Protection from thieves

So that thieves avoid your house all year, on January 18, closer to night, they walk around your house and, knocking on each window, say:

They take a candle and draw small crosses on the frames of windows and doors, reading this spell or “Our Father.”

Signs for January 18

  • Dreams seen on January 18 or during daytime rest are always prophetic.
  • Tears on the day of Epiphany - the whole year in sadness and tears.
  • You cannot praise and scold - you can ruin the fate of yourself and the one you praise or scold.
  • On Christmas Eve you can’t take anything out of the house and give it away, you can’t go to the store: they don’t take out a penny or a crumb of bread - so as not to feel the need for the whole year.
  • Shoes that you constantly wear cannot be left outside the door on the night of Epiphany - otherwise you will be sick all year.

Rituals to fulfill wishes on January 18

1 option

On Epiphany Christmas Eve in the evening, pour a little holy water into a bowl or small tureen cup and throw a silver coin into it.

Next, this cup must be placed on the windowsill or on the table in such a way that moonlight illuminated what was in it. They make a wish (only one - the most secret one), repeat it three times.

In the morning, they pour out the water on the street, in a place where there are rarely or no passers-by, and the coin is hidden in a secluded place.

If the moon is not visible on Christmas Eve, then this ritual is ineffective.

Option 2

On the night of Epiphany, pour some holy water into a small cup. Read the “Our Father” over the water, when ripples appear on the surface of the water from the prayer, make your wish, and repeat it three times. The desire must be sincere and not bring harm or harm to anyone.

Then, place a cup of water on the windowsill so that moonlight or starlight hits the surface of the water. In the morning, move the vessel under the icon. If the water remains motionless, the wish will not come true. If ripples appear, wait for its fulfillment.

Rituals, traditions and signs for Epiphany, January 19

On this day, the Orthodox Church honors not only the Baptism of the Lord and the Holy Epiphany, but also St. Theophan the Recluse. It is believed that on the night of the 19th the sky “opens” to those who suffer, and whatever you pray for or sincerely ask for, everything will come true. But supposedly, seeing the heavens “opened” is not given to everyone, only to the most pious and pure-hearted people.

The water consecrated on this day is called Agiasma, and is considered a great shrine that has extraordinary miraculous power. Therefore, on Epiphany it is customary to stock up on this holy water for the whole year. It is recommended to collect it in taps and reservoirs from 12 at night to three in the morning, on the night of January 19 - it is during these hours that the water gains its greatest power. They use this water for bathing, performing various ceremonies and rituals, and also drink it on an empty stomach every morning in order to maintain health and get rid of a number of diseases.

Epiphany water should be stored in glass jars, in a place specially designated for this, but where a person’s foot does not step again. It is not recommended to keep it near food, best place There is a special cabinet under the icons.

There is one more rule. You can dilute Epiphany water, but not by adding it to a vessel with Epiphany water more water, but by adding some amount of Epiphany water to ordinary water.

Rituals with Epiphany water

Conspiracy against losses

Take the baptism water received in the church, pour it into a small bowl, go around each room and premises with it, saying several times:

After this procedure, leave the vessel with water on the windowsill so that moonlight or starlight leaves its reflections on the surface. If the moon or stars are not visible or hidden by clouds, leave a cup of water near the icons. Wash your face with it in the morning.

Removing damage with baptismal water

Take Epiphany water from three or seven churches, if this is not possible, then from three or seven different sources. Get into the bath and pour this water over from head to toe (you can’t heat it up), saying several times:

Ritual to attract good luck

Signs for January 19

  • Until three after Baptism, you cannot rub your clothes - you cannot wash them - otherwise you will erase your destiny and bring on many misfortunes. Also, you cannot wash in an ice hole for another 12 days after Baptism.
  • If there is fog over open water (above the ice hole), then there will be a grain harvest.
  • If on the night of the 19th and then all day long dogs bark a lot, a lot of game and animals will appear in the forests.
  • If the weather is clear and frosty on January 19, expect drought in the summer; if it is cloudy and fresh, prepare large barns for the harvest.
  • If there is a full moon on January 19, expect a big spring flood.
  • If on the night of the 19th the sky clears until bright stars– in summer it will be hot and dry, but there will be a harvest for berries and peas. If it is clear during the day, without wind, snow or clouds, the harvest will fail.
  • On January 19, the wind will blow from the south - beware of thunderstorms.
  • If it snows in shovels, it means you can expect a rich harvest.

It is an important day not only for those who regularly visit the temple, but also for people who celebrate this day, so to speak, “for company.” It is important to understand that Epiphany is a special day that involves rest, both mental and physical. Based on this, various rituals and rituals appeared. As for magic, it is worth knowing what magical rituals should not be performed on this day..

What can you do at Epiphany?

All religious rituals for Epiphany are not just rituals for show, but sacraments aimed at cleansing the spirit and mind. That is why you should definitely visit the temple on January 18 and 19, collect healing water, plunge into an ice hole if possible, or take a bath at home, adding a little consecrated life-giving moisture. It is also necessary to take care of the festive table, the menu of which for the eighteenth and nineteenth of January is significantly different.

In addition, you should definitely pray these days and ask the Lord for health and love.

Signs associated with Baptism

Our grandparents gave us a number of signs and instructions that should also be taken into account when celebrating Epiphany.

You can protect your home from harm by drawing small crosses with chalk on the eve of the holiday in your house above the door and windows.

If a titmouse knocks on the window of your house on January 18 or 19, you must definitely pray for relatives and loved ones who have passed away.

You can drive away unclean evil forces from your home by sprinkling the house with miraculous baptismal water brought to you.

What not to do at Epiphany

Since the Epiphany of the Lord is a holiday that is intended to help all people on earth to enrich themselves, first of all, spiritually, then in no case should you practice magic on these days. Various love spells, fortune telling and other magical rituals are prohibited on this day. Only pure prayer and confession will help you get rid of sins and move on with a pure soul. Remember that magic on Epiphany on January 19 is not the best best option to attract wealth or success. Think about your soul on this day.

Also, at Epiphany, you should not scroll through various negative situations in your head and broadcast evil into this world. Quarrels, squabbles and showdowns will not bring anything good, reports JoeInfo journalist Karina Kotovskaya. In addition, if a person holds healing consecrated water in his hands during a conflict at Epiphany, he risks ridding it of its magical miraculous properties.

You shouldn’t be greedy on this holiday. Be generous and share food and holy water with others. When standing in line for life-giving moisture, be humble and do not jostle. Don't type too much.

Magic is strictly prohibited on Epiphany on January 19th. There was enough time for various kinds of rituals and ceremonies from the sixth to the eighteenth of January. That is why on the holiday of Epiphany it is worth hiding all the objects that served you as assistants for various fortune-telling.

But as for cleaning, you shouldn’t do it specifically on the nineteenth of January. The same applies to washing. It is not recommended to clean and wash for two more days after Epiphany. Previously, women even waited two weeks after the holiday to wash their clothes in an ice hole.

Also, you should not drink on this bright and great holiday. Only a glass of wine is allowed.

Remember also that physical labor in Baptism is prohibited. This day is a time for a useful and pleasant rest. Go to church, visit loved ones, cover festive table, play with the children. Ask for forgiveness from those you have offended. Fast and treat Lenten dishes family and friends. In general, spend this day humbly and friendly, and you will be happy!

Also don't forget to take a bath with holy water. If you are interested, then there are a number of recommendations that will allow you to recover from illnesses and find peace of mind.

On the night of the great holiday of Epiphany, all the water in the world is filled with life-giving power and has unique properties. At this time, rituals can be performed to improve health or to get rid of serious illnesses.

At baptism, water is filled with life-giving power

Epiphany conspiracy on good health will help you regain energy and strength. There are a lot of options for holding rituals. You can go into the water on the night of January 19 and read prayers, or perform strong rituals from Stepanova. These days, people get a unique opportunity to cleanse their body not only of diseases, but also of evil thoughts. No wonder black magic doesn’t work at all these days.

They buy a new mug. During the purchase of dishes there is no bargaining. In the first minutes of the coming holiday, they draw water and read a spell for health at baptism:

“I conjure the angels of God, by the Name that is and will always be, for all times, by the name of the Creator of all life on earth, sky and water. Angels of God, come to my request, breathe strength, health and luck into this water. May the firmament of salvation arise from this water, May the Lord take away illness and failure from the servant of God (name), and reward loyalty and perseverance with success in business, restore good health, and restore vitality. God the Father created water for washing, Lord, send healing, health, good luck, success in business through this water. For all days, for all ages, for all times. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Magic words are pronounced three times. Then:

  • the mug is placed on the window;
  • In the morning, upon waking up, they immediately take three sips from it;
  • wash with the rest of the water.

Conspiracies and rituals for baptism on January 19 for health are considered the most effective, because any water, even the one that flows from the tap, is considered holy. To gain health, they bathe in it. If this is not possible, wash your body and face with water and say:

“It’s water from the street, it’s hot water from me.”

Another simple but effective ritual for gaining health. It can be held on the night of January 13-14 or on the night of January 18-19. When midnight comes, they take off some item. Then they go out into the street and burn it with these words:

“I burn the thing, and I remove the disease from myself forever.”

The ashes are scattered in the wind.

Baptismal bathing

Seeing the beauty of nature in Epiphany frosts is not at all difficult. These days, the earth is covered with a lush blanket of snow, which sparkles in the sun or under the light of the moon. This is a special, magical time for performing magical rituals in the winter. Christmastide, which has long been considered in Rus', ends with baptism. better days for fortune telling and magic.

Bathing at Epiphany must be accompanied by prayer

There are centuries-old customs associated with this holiday. One of them is swimming in an ice hole. At night or during the day on January 19, believers go into the water and say prayers.

The text of the prayer should not be too long, otherwise the desire to gain health may not be successful. Not all people can afford such cleansing for some reason. Instead of swimming in an ice hole, this can be done at home. The water flowing from the tap is healing, so it is a good alternative to swimming in an open body of water.

Even meltwater from snow has a powerful force. It can save you from many misfortunes, helps remove damage, heals and cleanses. They put it in a saucepan pure snow, bring it into the house and place it in a warm place. After it has melted, they wash themselves with this water and say:

“The Lord was baptized in Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven. In the Jordan River there is holy water, a Christian savior. Water from the holy day helps me, the servant of God (name), relieves illnesses, relieves ailments, washes the blood, straightens the joints, disperses spurs, washes the liver. Holy water from a clean day removes damage and scabs, misfortunes and ailments. Forty pains are washed away, the damage is washed away from the blood, from the ridge, from the caudal vertebra, from the brain, from the eyebrows, from the nails, from all the bones. Holy water from a pure day. He will deliver me, the servant of God (name), from misfortunes. Amen. Amen. Amen."

You need to use all the water, so you can wash other family members with it.

The following plot can be used when they are planning to swim in an ice hole on January 19th. It’s just better to say it just before bathing.

“The Lord Jesus Christ, in the Erad river, received grace and power, He received the Blessing and gave health to people, Everywhere with him grace was from that day, Whom the Lord touched with his hand, He returned from death to life, He straightened his figure, opened his eyes, Breathed with a full chest, He returned to health I have not overcome the pain, every ailment has receded from it, Lord help me, God heal me with mighty power, The water on this Holy Day is sanctified by You, endowed with a drop of Your gift to heal, May my ailment be swept away from my body and strengthen my flesh in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After this, without speaking, they plunge into the pond.

Epiphany spell for gaining health

The water collected on the night of Epiphany has amazing properties. On the night of January 19, they stock up on it. Moreover, such an opportunity appears only once during the whole year. When the need arises, water is used for its intended purpose at any time.

However, it is better to carry out spells and rituals for health at baptism in the first half of the day.

Early in the morning you need to take a blessed candle and a small amount of holy water, which is poured into a deep bowl. The candle is lit and held above the surface of the water. The hand should not move. Read any prayer aimed at healing and to gain health. Here is one of those prayers that can be read for healing and for the prevention of disease:

“I, servant of God (servant of God) (name), will stand up, praying and crossing myself. I will leave the hut through the courtyards, go out into the open field and wash myself with clean dew. In an open field stands a golden ladder. From that staircase comes God's angel - Michael the Archangel. I bow to him, servant of God (servant of God) (name), with the words: “God's angel Michael the Archangel! Conjure my white body, my little hands and legs, so that they are stronger than steel, stronger than damask steel, harder than lead and iron. Lock my body, my little hands and feet away from all sorts of ailments and illnesses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After reading the plot, wax is pulled out of the water. Until it hardens too much, knead it in your hands and make a small “pillow” out of it. This will be a special Christmas charm, which is attached to the head of the bed so that it does not catch the eye. This protection from all illnesses will last throughout the year.

Epiphany health spell for other family members

It is best to carry out health spells for baptism before sunrise on the day of the holiday. You can take water from the tap, or bring it from an ice hole or church. To wash my face blessed water or take a healing bath, just add a little holy water to ordinary water.

For a ritual for the health of loved ones, a red and green candle is needed

For Epiphany strong conspiracies are carried out not only on water. These days, any ritual will be quite effective. The very atmosphere of this day heals and cleanses.

If someone close to you needs help, then they perform a strong ritual, for which they purchase a green and a red candle in advance. Before sunrise on January 19, candles are lit and the patient is seated so that he faces east. Then they say:

“Do not moan, do not get sick and do not suffer for the servant of God (servant of God) (name). His body is blood and milk, his arms and legs are filled with strength. Any disease will be defeated by the power of fire. May the servant of God (servant of God) (name) be healthier hour by hour, day by day, year by year. My words are strong and molding. Amen."

After the conspiracy, they take candles and walk around the patient with them three times from left to right.

Baptism rituals at home

Naturally, such an important Christian holiday is associated with water. The main ritual that is carried out en masse at Epiphany is the religious procession to the sacred Jordan River. People come from all over the world to participate in the procession and then in the solemn ceremony. Not everyone can go into the sacred waters on the night of January 19 and read prayers.

Those who cannot participate in the pilgrimage to the Holy River receive the sacrament of Baptism in their own country. All over the world on this day, water is blessed, which is performed by ministers of churches and temples.

When it is not possible to plunge into a cold ice hole or go to church, the ritual of ablution is carried out at home. To enhance the effect of holy water, prayers and incantations are read.

Such rituals help to overcome many diseases, cleanse the energy field of negative astral dirt, and become more attractive and youthful.

An effective ritual is performed on Epiphany night. Fill the bath with a sufficient amount of warm water. Then a silver consecrated cross is immersed in it. If the ritual is performed in the evening, add half a glass of holy water.

You need to position yourself so that the water covers your body completely. Then you need to lie quietly in the bath for 10-15 minutes. During this time, ask the water to cleanse your thoughts and body. Read any prayer for healing, and then “Our Father.” Give thanks to the water.

Conspiracy against diseases using Epiphany water

In order for the conspiracy to work, it must be pronounced with faith in the soul. During the ritual you cannot laugh, joke or swear. Try to tune in so that real peace and tranquility reigns in your soul.

A glass of holy water should be held in your left hand and a prayer should be read.

A small amount of Epiphany water is taken into a glass. Hold it in your left hand, leaning it against the solar plexus area. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“Epiphany water! Let me, servant of God (name), be healed by You, recharge with Your strength, Just like You, Epiphany water, There is no excessive thinness, no endless torment, unbearable pain, and terrible illness, So for me, servant of God (name) God grant Silushka some Epiphany water. Save and protect from serious illnesses and vain suffering, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

After this, take three small sips and wash your face in a special way - crosswise. The fingers are moistened in water and touched to those places that they touch when they place the cross on themselves. First, touch the forehead, then moisten the fingers with water top part abdomen, then the Orthodox touch the right shoulder, and then the left.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon

“I’ll get up in the morning and go out to the courtyard on the road that leads to the temple. There I will read a prayer to Saint Panteleimon. He always helps, he takes away fatigue and illness from the body and soul. He will help me, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Epiphany spell for purification of thoughts and healing

Christmas Eve conspiracies have enormous energy potential. If you do them correctly, your health will be good throughout the year. Before starting the conspiracy directly, they go to church and stand there throughout the solemn service. They take water with them so that the priest can bless it.

When they come home, they put a bowl of water on the table, sit down opposite and read the “Our Father” three times. Then the conspiracy itself is pronounced:

“I ask the Almighty to send me health. Please cleanse my body, my thoughts. I, the servant of God (your name), am a sinner, like the entire population of the planet. This is the reason for all my illnesses. I ask the Lord for healing. I wish my body to get rid of ailments. The blood cleared and the body aches disappeared. I ask you to open the gates to Eden for sinners. I ask you to provide me with health and strength. May peace, tranquility and peace settle in my soul. Amen".

After this, take three small sips. Then take a little water into your palm and sprinkle it on your face.

There is no need to dry drops on your face with a towel. Allow the skin to dry on its own. This ritual is very effective and powerful. It can provide health protection for a whole year.

Conspiracy from a Siberian healer

Hereditary healer Natalya Stepanova can see the real beauty of Siberian nature in the Epiphany frosts. Century-old pines, framed by snowy outfits, rise high to the sky. Just as high and powerfully, strong rituals from Stepanova stretch upward and connect with guardian angels.

This plot for longevity and health can be read at any time. However, if you spend it during Christmas time, your health will be good for the whole year.

“I speak to myself firmly, firmly, firmly, I speak from hard times to longevity. Whoever among the living plucks out all the grass in the field, Whoever sips water from the seas, Even he will not surpass my word, My conspiracy will never be interrupted. They don’t count stars in the sky, they don’t eat the sun and the moon, they don’t drink ocean water, they don’t count river sand. So that no one will ever harm me and take away not a single minute from my life with Witchcraft. The key is in the water, the castle is in the sand, And God's amulet is always with me and on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After the conspiracy, read the “Our Father,” cross yourself and wash with the water blessed in the church.

The Christian sacrament of immersion in water, which means joining the church, is called Baptism. Rituals and traditions on this great day - January 19 - take place in all Orthodox homes where people believe in God. On Epiphany (its other name is Epiphany), people perform various rituals to gain strength of spirit and body. Today we will learn about the most popular rituals on this day and about the traditions observed by believers.

Epiphany of the Lord: the history of the holiday

Another name for this great festival is Epiphany, and why it is such a synonym will be explained below.

At the baptism of Jesus Christ, a real miracle happened - God the Father appeared to humanity and notified from heaven about the Son, who was baptized by an ordinary mortal John the Baptist, and in the form of the Holy Spirit a dove descended from heaven. Therefore, the name of this holiday is Epiphany, that is, on that day the Trinity appeared to the world for the first time. After the Epiphany, Jesus went into the desert, led by the Holy Spirit, and in his prayers and meditations began to prepare for the great mission for which he came into this world. Seduced Evil spirits, like all ordinary people, Jesus still restrained himself and spent 40 days without food and water. This is exactly how, with the participation of John the Baptist, a significant event took place in the history of all mankind - the Baptism of the Lord. History shows that this was the first important event in social activities Jesus.

Sacrament of Baptism

This phrase means the spiritual rebirth of a person, this is his birth for Orthodox Church, where he gains access to Confession, where he connects with God. The peculiarity of the ritual consists in immersing a man, woman or child three times or pouring water over them while reading prayers. After this, a personal cross is put on the Christian, and then the person dresses in white clothes. The meaning of this sacrament is that after it a man, woman or children can live according to Christian laws - commandments.


The important and first Christian sacrament is Baptism. Rituals and traditions on this day must be observed by all people who have become members of the church. On this day, Christ gave a person who had fallen in sin the opportunity to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit after the ceremony itself.

Signs for Baptism are considered the most accurate and truthful. Here are some of them:

If it snowed heavily that day, then you should expect an excellent harvest in the summer.

If on Epiphany the day is clear and very frosty, then the summer months will be hot.

If the stars shine brightly the day before, it means spring will begin early. This also means that the year will be calm, without any shocks.

A relevant sign for Epiphany these days: if Epiphany falls on a full moon, then you need to be afraid of floods and river overflows.

Holiday symbol

All ceremonies and rituals at Epiphany are associated with water, which has extraordinary power on this day. First of all, it maintains absolute freshness for 3 years. You can also dilute ordinary water with it, adding only a drop of Epiphany water. On the holiday, all Christians must go to church and bless this healing liquid. Also for this purpose, people go to the river or reservoir. There she is consecrated in special ice holes called “Jordan”, in honor of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan.

Epiphany water is subsequently used to heal people from any diseases; it can be used to treat various wounds and simply be drunk every day in the morning on an empty stomach. They also sprinkle it on every corner in their apartment so that nothing penetrates into the home, and order and peace always remain in the house.

Ritual for physical health

This event should be held on the first day after the Epiphany. It is necessary to fill the bath with warm water, add a few drops of sacred water and immerse yourself in it completely, without leaving any part of the body dry. It is advisable to even dip your face for a few seconds. You need to lie in complete calm for 10 minutes, and then get out of the bath and, without drying yourself with a towel, wait until the body dries itself. Similar ones are carried out not only in relation to sick people for their speedy healing, but also for the entire people. Even if a person is healthy and nothing bothers him, for his continued well-being it is advisable to perform this activity.

For the recovery of a bedridden person

The great holiday of Epiphany, celebrated on January 19 by all Orthodox Christians, is not only about the health and healing of people who come to a healing pond or river. Some patients, due to their various ailments, simply cannot get out of bed and go out for a swim. For such unfortunate people there is a special ritual for recovery. To do this, it is necessary for one of the relatives to collect sacred water, come to the house and consecrate every corner of it, and then sprinkle the patient’s room three times. And to the weak to a loved one should be given to drink crosswise 3 times from a separate container. Then you definitely need to wash your relative and dry him with a shirt back side. After this, change clothes and wash the shirt on the same day - January 19 in a pond. Then let it dry and put it on the person again. After such a ritual, the sick relative will recover very soon.

Ritual for the fulfillment of cherished desires

This ritual is carried out as follows: on the eve of the holiday, you need to fill a cup with sacred water left over from previous years, and then lower it into it. Then you should place the cup with the contents on the windowsill so that the moon shines on the container (it is advisable to do this. Then you need to say it quietly 3 times and go to bed in the morning, go outside and pour water under a tree, and hide the coin in a secluded place so that no one else finds it. Similar rites and rituals for Baptism to fulfill cherished desires have been carried out before, and people still believe in them. and with special joy and trepidation they await the feast of Epiphany in order to take advantage of the opportunity and fulfill the sacrament of making their dreams come true.

Ritual for body tone

Of course, everyone knows where to start Epiphany on January 19th. Traditions indicate that a trip to the reservoir is the first event on the great feast of Epiphany. During the ritual, to tone the body, you need to plunge into a consecrated river or pond completely with your head, and you need to do this 3 times and you should definitely cross yourself. But not all people know how to properly prepare for such an event. Rituals for Epiphany on January 19 must be performed according to the rules, so you should first gather and follow simple instructions, which are expressed as follows:

  1. The most important thing is to fast for 3 days before the ritual of immersion in sacred water.
  2. You should lead a correct lifestyle - give up alcohol, smoking, do not use obscene language, do not cheat, do not steal and, of course, do not commit adultery.
  3. On the evening of January 18, you should go to church and collect sacred water with which you need to sprinkle yourself, and in the morning just wash your face with it.
  4. Only after the actions described above can you go to a river or reservoir, where, before taking a plunge, you should read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

Under no circumstances at Epiphany - Orthodox holiday- You cannot go into the water with anyone’s help. A person must do this on his own, because this is a kind of test for the strength of spirit and body.

People who sincerely believe in the healing power of water will never get sick, even if it is -30 degrees below zero. And those who decided to join and carry out such rituals on Epiphany on January 19 for the sake of fashion or for other reasons can only cause themselves harm, and quite serious ones at that.

Ritual for childless spouses

Many married couples want children's laughter to be heard in their home, but they never manage to have a child. However, if they believe in God and in his power, then such unfortunate people should perform a special ritual on the holiday. Epiphany (January 19) helps all childless spouses and gives them a chance to become parents. However, this opportunity must be taken advantage of correctly, so you should prepare first. Husband and wife should not sleep in bed together for three nights before Epiphany. On the evening of January 18, the spouse must necessarily defend the service and leave after it, without talking to anyone until she plunges three times into the pond (that is, in the morning of January 19). Her husband may not attend church, but if he also wants to defend the service, he should go to another temple. And in the same way, after this he cannot talk to anyone until the immersion process. When married couple will plunge into Epiphany water three times, only after that they can meet each other and be sure to spend the night together. And very soon they will have the opportunity to become loving parents. Such ceremonies and rituals for Epiphany should not be told to other people. Therefore, it is better not to tell anyone about such a sacrament.


1. On the eve of the holiday, all believers fasted during the day, and in the evening the whole family gathered at the table and tasted kutya, as on Christmas.

2. On the day of Epiphany, a service is held in the church.

3. On the eve of Epiphany, water is blessed in churches, and on the holiday itself - in rivers, lakes, and seas.

4. The day before Epiphany, people cut a hole in the ice in the form of a cross, and a figurine of a dove is placed next to it as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

5. The ceremony of water blessing takes place over the river near the cross. During it, the priest lowers a cross and a lit three-candlestick into the hole 3 times. It turns out that water is baptized with fire.

6. The great holiday of Epiphany is celebrated on January 19th. The traditions of youth on this day include entertainment on ice: young boys and girls skated and set up carousels. And in the evening they began to go from house to house, caroling, singing songs, congratulating all people on the great holiday. After Epiphany, the young people gathered again in the evenings, and then the girls and boys met, communicated, and soon chose a mate. And from the moment of Epiphany until Lent it lasted new season weddings

Now you know what the holiday of Epiphany is. Rituals, traditions, rituals have been observed from time immemorial by our ancestors, and we, as believers Orthodox people, we must not forget about such sacraments and be sure to go to church, pray, and on January 19, prepare in advance and go take a dip in the ice hole to improve the health of your soul and body.

Conspiracies and rituals for Epiphany are carried out on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany customs and traditions are associated with water, since on this day it has truly miraculous properties and can cure deadly illnesses and ailments, fulfill any desire, and give beauty, luck and wealth.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

Holy water retains its properties throughout the next year. This liquid should not be drunk frequently. You need to sprinkle your home and household items with it to fill the house with powerful positive energy. It should not be poured under your feet; this water can be watered on flowers or poured outside under a tree.

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      Epiphany rites and traditions

      The main tradition for Epiphany is a church solemn procession to the Jordan River. Tens of thousands of believers from all over the world take part in this procession. Both old and young are immersed in ice water river Jordan and wash away all sins and negative thoughts.

      • Those who do not have the opportunity to go to Israel for Epiphany bathe in local reservoirs. When immersing yourself in water, you need to say the sacred text three times: “I plunge in the Name of the Father, I plunge in the Name of the Son, I plunge in the Name of the Holy Spirit.” However, not every person has the courage to dive into river water in the bitter cold. Therefore, people simply collect water in different containers and go to church to bless it, and then sprinkle their loved ones and themselves with holy water. When sprinkling, you need to read the prayer: “Lord Almighty, save Your people and bless Your property, grant victory over evil spirits and preserve Your residence through the Cross.”

        Another prayer that is read after sprinkling with sacred water: “My God, Lord Almighty! May Thy power and holy gift be in the holy water, may my mind be enlightened and my mental and physical strength strengthened. May there be Thy health and deliverance from all ailments "Lord, you are merciful, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the Holy Virgin Mary and all Your saints, heal and give good health. Amen (cross yourself three times)."

        In the morning, when washing your face with tap water, you need to read a conspiracy for good luck and success in all your endeavors: “In the Jordan, the Lord was baptized and appeared to the whole world. For all eternity, there is one truth - Jesus Christ is the son of God, he can do everything. The Lord commands, God reigns, Jesus Christ helps me in all matters. In the name of the Father and the Holy Son and the holy spirit forever and ever, Amen (say three times)."

        In order to attract beauty and health into your life, to be healed from all bodily and mental suffering, you need to defend the church baptism service and, having blessed the water, return home and read the prayers “Virgin Mother of God”, “Our Father”, “I Believe”. Then you should read the spell for water three times with good thoughts and a sincere heart: “Lord, heal my sinful soul and mortal body. Deliver, Lord, from ailments, dryness, aches, blood, pain. Heal my soul from malice, envy and fierce hatred. On this sacred day, heaven is open to all sinners. I ask, Jesus, to fill my body with strength and health, and my soul with peace and tranquility, for the glory of Your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. After reading the plot, you need to take 3 sips of holy water, and wash your entire body with the liquid that remains in the container so as not to get sick this year.

        According to Greek traditions, the Baptism ceremony is performed by the sea. Father must throw the cross at sea ​​water, and the person who finds it will become happy and receive great wealth. He must carry the found cross through the city streets, surrounded by a crowd.

        Rituals for Epiphany

        Ritual for good health, cure for male diseases and female ailments at home:

        • fill the bathtub to the top with hot water and pour holy water into it;
        • first lower your pectoral cross into the bath, and then immerse yourself in the water for 10-15 minutes;
        • relax and let go of all negative thoughts and emotions;
        • You should not dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath; the water should dry on its own.

        To preserve youth and female beauty, you need to collect a basin full of snow (it must be clean) and bring it into the house. When it melts, you need to wash yourself with melt water, saying: “Heavenly water will heal everything, and will give me (the name of the girl who performs the ritual) beauty forever. In the name of all the Saints in heaven. Amen.”

        Attracting wealth

        To attract money on Epiphany Christmas Eve, all household members need to count their money, saying: “The Almighty Lord will appear to the world, and money will appear in our wallets. Key, tongue, lock. Amen (three times).”

        Another money ritual to attract wealth: on the night of January 18-19, you need to consecrate water in the temple and bring it home. A person needs to go around all the rooms in an apartment or house and sprinkle them with holy water, saying the following words: “Holy water came to my house and brought prosperity and well-being with it. Poverty and losses in my house will pass, but prosperity and wealth will come to me. Failures I won’t know, but happiness will always accompany me.”

        Sacred water should be placed in the place that a person considers the most important in the house. In the morning you should wash your face with this water.

        Rituals to fulfill a wish

        This ritual to fulfill a wish should be performed on Epiphany Christmas Eve. Need to:

        • pour sacred water into a glass and drop a silver coin of any denomination into it;
        • place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the light from the moon falls on this container;
        • then whisper your cherished wish three times, and in the morning pour the water onto the street;
        • hide the silver coin in a secret place and wait for the plan to be fulfilled.

        Another variation:

        • pour water blessed in the church into a glass;
        • when light ripples appear on the surface, go out into the street and, turning to heaven with good thoughts, say your innermost desire three times;
        • You cannot pour out holy water; you need to place a glass under the icon and leave it until the next feast of Epiphany.

        If the holy water in the glass is motionless and no ripples appear, making a wish is pointless; your plan will not come true.

        The desire should only be positive and not harm other people. This can be either material benefits or a request for the birth of a child or a meeting with your future spouse.

        Plot for good luck

        We need to remember all the people whom a person has offended or hurt with harsh statements towards them, and on Epiphany night ask for forgiveness before God for our sins. Let go of your own grievances, anger, envy, be sincere.

        On the day of Epiphany, light a church candle and pour holy water into a cup. Take a small piece of black bread left hand, and a cup of water on the right, read the following text: “It is true that the Lord Almighty gave five loaves, and the Lord’s son is Jesus Christ. And it is true that God is merciful to all people. Lord, turn my luck from the north to south and from west to east. Give luck not three roads, but only one - to my threshold. And let misfortune and grief go into the womb of the serpent. Only there is his place and his life is there too. , I will girdle myself with silver and gold, and I will never be able to count them, I will never know misfortune. I close the lock with the key, and throw the key into the deep sea, so that I will never know grief (Language. ).."

        After reading this magical conspiracy you need to eat a piece of bread and put out the candle with your fingers. Take a few sips of holy water from a cup. You must definitely go to the temple before noon and light the candle that was enchanted in front of the icon of Jesus Christ. Pray before the Savior in your own words and ask for his blessing. After coming home from church, you cannot eat anything until sunset; you must remain silent and not tell anyone anything.

        Rituals for marriage

        Snow on Epiphany has a special power. To get married soon, you need to collect clean snow and wash yourself with it, saying the following words: “The heavens are open to the Holy Land, but I will get married soon.” Then collect the snow in a small container, come home and retire. After this, light three wax candles and place them around the melt water.

        You should take the candles one by one and baptize the melt water with them, holding the candle between your fingers and whispering a spell: “Just as on this festive evening of Epiphany the ground is covered with white snow, so my head will be covered with a wedding veil. My costumer, betrothed, appointed by fate and appointed by God himself, He will take me as a wife and lead him to the altar under white hands. I baptize snow for righteousness, and myself (the girl’s name) for a happy and speedy marriage. The word is strong, and the deed will be fulfilled at the appointed time.

        After reading the plot, you need to wash yourself with melted snow, wash your shoulders and neck with it. Excess water cannot be wiped off; it must dry naturally. What remains in the container should be sprinkled around your bedroom and sprinkled on the threshold of the house, repeating the words: “So be it!” Then you need to extinguish the candles clockwise (without blowing them out) with your fingers. Take one of the candles to the church and place it in front of the icon Mother of God. This needs to be done before lunch. With the remaining candles, do the same manipulation as with the first, only on the second and third days after the ceremony.

        For the magic to work, you cannot invite anyone over for a week and give your personal belongings to anyone. It is strictly forbidden to pick up a needle or engage in sewing at this time. After the ritual, you cannot wash for 12 hours. The girl must sincerely believe in the power of this ritual and set herself up in a positive way so that her desire for marriage comes true in the near future.

        A couple in love should swim together in an ice hole on the day of Epiphany and bless the water in the temple, so that their future family will be strong and the young people will always live in love and prosperity. A similar ritual can also be performed by spouses who often quarrel and cannot find common language so that love feelings flare up with renewed vigor.

        If a mother wants her daughter to get married, she needs to read on Epiphany night such a spell from the healer Stepanova, having first washed herself with holy water and grasped the handle of the front door: “God Almighty, bless, our Heavenly Father, help! At once, in the first hour, like ardent beeswax lights up in the heavens in candles, and so mutual love let the Servant of God (the name of the daughter) and the Servant of God (the name of the potential son-in-law) light up in the zealous heart and in the clear eyes. Let his heartfelt thoughts ignite with a bright flame and let his endless thoughts rage. About the holy crown and wedding ring of the Servant of God (name of daughter) with the Servant of God (name of potential son-in-law). Forever and ever. Amen. You appear (boyfriend’s name) at my doorstep, on my porch, and put a wedding ring on my daughter’s ring finger. Teeth. Lips. Language. Key. Language. Amen (three times)." Under no circumstances should you tell your daughter about the conspiracy; you should keep the ritual a secret from everyone.

        Stepanova's amulet for valuables

        In order to protect your family from dishonest people and from the loss of valuable property, you need to read such a conspiracy on Epiphany night, after washing with holy water and placing a valuable thing in front of you: “Just as a deceased person does not leave the coffin, so my thing will always be with me. Be The unclean hand of a thief is the same as that of a dead man. He will not raise his hand, which means that the thief will not take away my property. From now on, only serve me, and tie the legs and hands of the criminal!" Then you need to cross yourself three times.

        You can protect yourself from damage with the help of a talisman, which is made after washing with blessed water (you should wash with the backs of your hands): “Whoever wishes me grief, that person will instantly break my amulet like a dry splinter, like a thin candle. Always be my amulet with me with God's Servant (girl's name). In the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Father. (say three times)."

        Simoron magic

        This magic is a mixture of faith and self-hypnosis. A person must set himself in a positive mood and sincerely believe in a positive result. To conduct Simoronsky magical ritual to lose weight, you need to take a sheet of plain white paper, write the word “Diet” on it, sprinkle it with holy water and place it under your buttocks every time you eat, sitting on it.

        You can also buy yourself the most ordinary shower gel and repeat to yourself every time during water procedures that this is very effective remedy for weight loss. The result will not be long in coming if a person regularly inspires himself with the idea of ​​burning fat.

        To make any wish come true, according to Simoron teachings, you need to write it on a piece of paper, but this should be done in the present tense. For example: “I live happily and successfully, I always have (indicate the desired amount) money in my wallet.” Pour holy water into a glass and drink it in small sips over the next month, each time imagining that your wish has come true, and feeling great joy.

        Signs and folk beliefs

        Popular Epiphany signs and beliefs:

    1. 1. Dreams that are dreamed on Epiphany night almost always come true.
    2. 2. You cannot shed tears on the day of Epiphany (January 18), because the person will be unhappy all year.
    3. 3. Scolding someone, bragging or praising is also prohibited.
    4. 4. You cannot lend or take out bread (other food products) on the eve of Epiphany, so as not to experience need and poverty throughout the year.
    5. 5. You cannot leave your shoes outside the door of your apartment or house, otherwise the person will get very sick.
    6. 6. If a girl is wooed on the feast of the Epiphany, she will live in abundance and love.
    7. 7. Epiphany snowstorm promises a rich harvest.
    8. 8. By folk beliefs It is believed that water consecrated at Epiphany can remove damage of any strength and the evil eye. To do this, you need to douse yourself with holy water, while saying the following words: “God was born, was baptized on the feast of Epiphany, and was glorified by the name of Christ the Savior. Like this cold water Now it’s dripping from my body, and strong damage, the evil eye will leave me. In the name of the Father, the son, the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen." You cannot take anything out of the house in the coming days and you cannot give anything to anyone.
    9. 9. The person who first draws water from a river or well for Epiphany will not need anything, he will be filled with vitality.
    10. 10. If there is discord and constant quarrels in the family, you need to wipe the shoes of all household members with holy water, then adversity will leave the house.
    11. 11. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that a housewife who draws crosses with chalk on all windows and doors on Epiphany Christmas Eve will protect her home and all household members from evil spirits and evil spirits.
    12. 12. If someone has put the evil eye on one of the household members or has caused severe damage to a person, a sediment will appear on the Epiphany water.
    13. 13. On Epiphany evening, the hostess should count all the tablecloths that are in her house, so that there are always many guests in the home.

    Fortune telling

    You can guess on Epiphany night about the fulfillment of a wish, the future, love.

    On request

    Fortune telling on a ball: take a ball of wool and throw it in front of you, before mentally making a wish. If the ball rolls to the right, the plan will soon come true, if to the left, the dream is unrealistic.

    Another fortune telling for a wish, which is performed on Epiphany night:

    • write different wishes on twelve pieces of paper (one on each);
    • fold the sheets of paper under your pillow before going to bed;
    • In the morning, take out three pieces of paper at random and read the wishes that will come true this year.

    Card fortune telling for a wish: take a new deck playing cards, carefully shuffle and say your wish out loud, asking the cards a question about its implementation. Then draw any card from the deck. If the card suit is red, your wish will come true in the near future. If it is black, your plan will never come true. You need to guess after sunset on Epiphany Eve.