Watch former members of House 2. Always be in the mood

Dom-2 is undoubtedly the longest-running project (reality show) on domestic television. For more than 11 years (since May 2004), this show has delighted and annoyed millions of fans. Young people build their love and do strange things in order to increase the rating of the program, and at the same time their own. Over the entire existence of the project, more than 850 people took part in it.

Someone became famous thanks to House-2, someone died, someone went to prison. In general, in this article we would like to tell you about what happened to the participants of House-2 after leaving the project.

1. Stepan Menshchikov spent the most time on the project - 1758 days. Moreover, he was one of the 15 very first participants in the show. He left the project on March 5, 2009. Second place goes to the well-known Olga Buzova, who at the moment She is also the co-host of this show. In total, her presence as a participant lasted 1677 days (from May 22, 2004 to December 24, 2008). Well, third place is taken by Evgenia Feofilaktova, who remained a participant for 1558 days (from February 28, 2009 to July 24, 2013).

2. Over the 11 years of the project’s existence, only 14 couples got married, and exactly half of these marriages have already ended in divorce. Moreover, 4 out of 7 divorced couples divorced before they could go beyond the project. We built love.

Of all the married couples, a child was born only to the very first family, namely Olga Kravchenko and Alexander Titov, but this did not save their marriage.

3. In total, 6 people died after leaving the project. Two died from cancer, one girl (“Kesha”) died in an accident, two participants were killed, one girl died from kidney and heart failure (according to rumors).

4. 9 project participants were convicted or arrested. Among them is Elena Berkova, known to many people, who received a 3-year suspended sentence for drug possession. Also, the well-known Rustam Solntsev was accused of illegally taking possession of a car. Basically, all participants were involved in fraud (6 cases) and drugs (3 cases).

5. Participant in the 11th Battle of Psychics (bronze medalist) Vlad Kadoni participated in the Dom-2 project and spent 948 days there. He also accused the famous freak Nikolai Dolzhansky of false witchcraft.

6. May Abrikosov preferred quiet image life career of a celebrity. He went to the village and lives there for himself, and “got into” religion. Interviewing him is quite problematic, but doable.

7. Some participants made careers as presenters, for example Olga Buzova, Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya, etc.

8. Olga “Sun” Nikolaeva studied DJing at the DJ Groove school and today successfully tours. In addition, she opened her own production center.

9. Roman Tretyakov works as a host of celebrations and parties, periodically appearing on television.

10. Stepan Menshchikov was a famous womanizer and a bright personality. But despite the fact that he had relationships with Victoria Bonya and Alena Vodonaeva, he failed to build his love on the project. But outside the walls of House-2, he successfully married and still lives happily married, raising his son. Stepan has his own agency for organizing celebrations, at some of which he himself acts as a host.

Many young people dream of getting to Dom-2. It seems that all you have to do is end up in Polyana and here they are – popularity, money, happiness. In reality, everything often turns out to be completely different. Those who want to, of course, get their share of fame in “House-2”. But this does not guarantee a bright future. Rather, on the contrary: having become accustomed to constant attention, at home former stars television broadcasts cannot fit into ordinary life. As a result, depression, violations of the law... And no one is immune from illnesses.

While Victoria was a member of Dom-2, a rare concert was performed without her participation. Fans predicted good luck for her musical career. In addition, at the TV set Tori met her future husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. After leaving the project, the lovers got married. It would seem, what more could you want? Happiness was ruined by an unsuccessful trip to one of the capital's restaurants. The pizza that Victoria ordered contained a fragment of a mussel shell. Tori, without noticing, swallowed it, and almost died from a ruptured esophagus. Intensive care, operations, long treatment... Karaseva lost 32 kilograms - she lost almost half of her weight.

She remained disabled for the rest of her life. All this time, Slava was next to his wife, supporting her - including when Victoria was suing the restaurant (she managed to achieve partial payment for the damage). Recovery was slow, and Tori still often experiences severe pain. At some point, problems arose in relations with Vyacheslav, the couple even separated. But then they managed to sort out the conflicts, and now Tori and Slava are together again.

The emotional blonde left the project in 2008 due to loud scandal. Then, together with Sam Seleznev, they became winners audience voting in a competition with a significant prize - an apartment in Moscow. But it soon became clear that the girl sent the SMS in the amount of 160 thousand rubles herself from a free mobile phone from sponsors. After some time, people started talking about Dashko again as a fraudster: Anastasia cheated on a large sum money for a company that sells building materials in Chelyabinsk. As a result, Dashko ended up behind bars. She was supposed to spend three years in prison, but for good behavior the sentence was reduced to one and a half years. Nastya was released in March 2015. The girl told on a talk show how scared she was in the colony among hundreds of angry women, how they mocked her because of her television past.

“The first fear is when you end up in a pre-trial detention center,” Dashko admitted. “It’s terribly scary, terribly difficult.” But in the colony it’s like that in general... That’s a thousand women. Women are angry, angry, dissatisfied. Mostly they are drug addicts and murderers. Of course, there were fights and scandals. I had to stand up for myself. At first, everyone wanted to prick me with the fact that I ended up in a colony from television. Then they accepted me, when they realized that I could stand up for myself.”

But Anastasia managed to learn a lesson from the situation: she became more restrained and learned to avoid conflicts. Now Nastya is doing well: she married kickboxer Konstantin Kuleshov, and in August 2016 the couple had a son.

The verdict of the Belarusian court against Sergei Sichkar came as a surprise to fans of “House-2”: on the project the man was considered “ positive hero", he was even chosen as "Person of the Year"! And suddenly he got caught selling other people's cars on the black market. As the investigation showed, the ex-participant of the TV show supported his friend when he was stealing a car. Sergei’s relatives hoped until the very end for a suspended sentence, since he compensated for the damage to the victims. To do this, his parents even had to take out a loan in the amount of two million rubles.

But the sentence turned out to be harsh - three years in prison. Sichkar ended up in a colony, and his mother had to sell her apartment in order to pay off the loan. Despite this, she protects and supports her son. He says that he vowed not to let his family and friends down again.

“Seryozha is positive and hopes for early release. Of course, he misses home and his family... He is serving his sentence under improved conditions - he works not in production, but in another field related to communication. But I can’t talk about the details. For good job my son is encouraged with additional calls home,” shared the mother of a former participant in the TV show.

After his release, Sichkar dreams of becoming a TV presenter. In the meantime he sends touching letters with poems for her family, and makes cards for her mother with her own hands. Sichkar has already served half of his sentence and hopes that good behavior will help him be released earlier than scheduled.

And the hopes of the former participant in “House-2” came true. On February 25, it became known that Sergei Sichkar was released and managed to publish this appeal. "Hi all! First of all, I want to thank those who were close to my family, provided help and support... God bless you and your loved ones, good health, faith in yourself and in your friends, peace of mind and balance. Be positive, cheerful and lively. May your home always be full of love, warmth and comfort. May everything you plan come true and bring you a lot positive emotions, and only loyal and loving people will be nearby. May only luck accompany you in all your affairs and may it never leave you, and every day give you only joy!” - wrote Sergey Sichkar.

Daniil Digler (Evgeny Shilov)

If you type “Daniil Digler” into Yandex, then one of the most popular options for continuing the phrase will be “when he died.” The diagnosis – “lymphoma of the right half of the chest in the fourth stage” – indeed left little chance for a successful outcome for Evgeny Shilov (that is actually the name of the man who called himself Daniil Digler in “House-2”).

In 2012, he lived in a dorm with his mother. And practically without funds: everything they needed was bought with their mother’s pension, since Evgeniy himself could not work due to illness. After chemotherapy, he lost a lot of weight and lost his hair. The ex-participant of the reality show even thought about suicide! Now Evgeniy is probably glad that he did not decide to take this step, because later he still managed to overcome the terrible disease and return to normal life. In 2013, he got married, and two years later a daughter was born into the Shilov family.

This young man was remembered by the audience for the scandals with his girlfriend Nadezhda Skorokhodova. But he stood out among other ex-participants of “House-2” not for this, but for the severity of the punishment for the crime. In 2011, the court sentenced Podorov to 16 years in prison in a maximum security colony for drug trafficking and possession. Moreover, this was the second time he had been put on trial under the same article: the first time, in 2008, Mikhail got off with a suspended sentence.

On a television project, Podorov once said that he dreams of becoming a businessman. But, apparently, he preferred “easy” money to hard work: Podorov and an accomplice were involved in the supply of drugs from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. Both were caught red-handed at the Vladivostok Main Post Office after receiving a large shipment that Mikhail Podorov and his friend planned to distribute in nightclubs.

The star of “House-2” experienced many bitter moments both on the project and outside it. One of the most difficult moments was the divorce from Evgeny Rudnev in 2015: the marriage of the reality show participants lasted only six months. After leaving the television set, the girl began to seek solace in alcohol. Colleagues had previously talked about her addiction to strong drinks, but Liber denied everything. And a year and a half after the divorce, she still admitted that during depression she did not leave the house for weeks, spending time with a bottle.

Failures in her personal life pushed her to an unexpected decision: in January of this year, Libi announced that she would undergo surgery to restore her virginity. And to overcome alcohol addiction, Kpadonu turned to a psychologist and narcologist. But this had an unexpected effect: as Liberge’s relatives say, now she constantly disappears in virtual world, she developed another addiction - from computer games. The girl herself denies this fact, but she once said the same thing about alcohol.

“I just didn’t have time for this before, but now I’ve stopped drinking, loving man I don’t have one, so I took up the old one,” admits Kpadon. “I understand that it’s worth finishing, I’ve already gained 8 kilograms... It’s time to pull myself together.”


Like Daniil Digler, Anatoly had to fight a serious illness - leukemia. He spoke about his diagnosis in August 2014, when he was in the hospital for treatment. But, as Hauserman later admitted (this real name young man), he learned about the disease back in December 2013 - before joining the reality show. Long-term treatment bore fruit: in March 2015, Anatoly announced that he had managed to cope with blood cancer and now only needs to maintain a “good and kind lifestyle” and undergo mini-courses of treatment every three months.

There were rumors that Deneko would return to Polyana, but Anatoly quickly dispelled them. Today Hauserman is writing a novel in the form of notes from a guy from the provinces who came to the capital. In addition, he became the captain of the KVN team “Team of our solar system", which performs in the League of Moscow and Moscow Region.

On the day of the 11th anniversary of the project, a correspondent for the magazine “Antenna - Telesem” spent a day on the set of the reality show “Dom-2” on TNT as a participant.

Viewers of a television project are usually divided into two categories: those who dream of getting into the highest-rated reality show, and those who sigh skeptically: “How do they live there!” I was able to check both versions - whether the TV project is such a paradise that you don’t want to leave, or whether the conditions are far from suitable for life.

Get to the clearing "House-2" not so easy. After several cases of attempts on the lives of participants that occurred at the old site, security at the new site was doubled, or rather, two rows of fence. First you get to the parking lot, where the administrative and technical parts are located. Here they attached a microphone to me, turned it on and sent me to the gate where new participants enter and dropouts leave the project. From the second the doors opened, cameras started filming my every step. I admit, this moment embarrassed me the most; it seemed that I would constantly be embarrassed by them, think about how I look, and would not be able to relax and behave naturally. It was like that for the first minutes. I was brought to common house, introduced the participants. While I was chatting with Andrei Cherkasov and Vlad Kadoni, I completely forgot about the microphone and the cameras until I heard the administrator’s voice over the loudspeaker: “Lena, adjust the microphone, I can’t hear you.”

Then we went to the construction site. The name is conditional, because the house was built a long time ago, only sometimes the territory is cleaned and the chickens and rabbits that live in the perimeter are fed. I didn’t have to do that either, but I had to take part in the discussion current topic. Project participants without being married for even a year. Evgeniy has already found himself new girl, and not just one. I needed to express my opinion. It would seem that the task is not difficult. But there is a camera in front of you (you can’t see them at all in the house, but on each street there are also cameramen who periodically laugh at the participants, for example, at Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky). The “old men” of the project, Andrei Chuev and Cherkasov, help to overcome embarrassment; they ask leading questions... For the first time in my practice, it is not me who asks them.

We had dinner at Olga Vasilievna’s house. The mother of Alexander Gobozov is considered the best cook on the project. She treated us vegetable soup. And in her cozy kitchen, talking about her grandson Robert, daughter-in-law Aliana and Seychelles I again forgot that I was being filmed. Still, life in the house is more like normal, there are no operators, and until a voice sounds with instructions from the loudspeaker, you feel quite comfortable.

We ended the day at the execution place with the project leaderKsenia Borodina . “What surprised you the most?” - she asked me. Project scale and people. Everyone knows that the screen adds a couple of kilograms, it turns out even more: the participants are very slim in real life. And the project area looks much larger on TV. It is, of course, quite big in reality - as much as 3 hectares. But, for example, frontal place in fact it is tiny, and everyone sits close to each other, the distance between the houses is small, except that the rooms in the house correspond to the picture, in comparison with the real apartments we live in, they are very spacious.

— When eight years ago I saw all this beauty - the house on fresh air, pool, gym, a full refrigerator, “I no longer had the question of where to live,” joked Andrei Cherkasov.

I wouldn’t refuse such conditions either, but only for a day or two.

“StarHit” recalls how things are now for those who have suffered serious trials. Many have had to deal with big problems and then try to start all over again clean slate.

Many young people dream of getting to Dom-2. It seems that all you have to do is end up in Polyana and here they are – popularity, money, happiness. In reality, everything often turns out to be completely different. Those who want to, of course, get their share of fame in “House-2”. But this does not guarantee a bright future. Rather, on the contrary: having become accustomed to constant attention, former television stars at home cannot fit into ordinary life. As a result, depression, violations of the law... And no one is immune from illnesses.


While Victoria was a member of Dom-2, a rare concert was performed without her participation. Fans predicted a successful musical career for her. In addition, at the TV set Tori met her future husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. After leaving the project, the lovers got married. It would seem, what more could you want? Happiness was ruined by an unsuccessful trip to one of the capital's restaurants. The pizza that Victoria ordered contained a fragment of a mussel shell. Tori, without noticing, swallowed it, and almost died from a ruptured esophagus. Intensive care, operations, long treatment... Karaseva lost 32 kilograms - she lost almost half of her weight. She remained disabled for the rest of her life. All this time, Slava was next to his wife, supporting her - including when Victoria was suing the restaurant (she managed to achieve partial payment for the damage). Recovery was slow, and Tori still often experiences severe pain. At some point, problems arose in the relationship with Vyacheslav, the couple even separated. But then they managed to sort out the conflicts, and now Tori and Slava are together again.


The emotional blonde left the project in 2008 due to a scandal. Then, together with Sam Seleznev, they became the winners of the audience vote in a competition with a significant prize - an apartment in Moscow. But it soon became clear that the girl sent the SMS in the amount of 160 thousand rubles herself from a free mobile phone from sponsors. After some time, people started talking about Dashko again as a fraudster: Anastasia defrauded a company selling building materials in Chelyabinsk out of a large sum of money. As a result, Dashko ended up behind bars. She was supposed to spend three years in prison, but for good behavior the sentence was reduced to one and a half years. Nastya was released in March 2015. The girl told on a talk show how scared she was in the colony among hundreds of angry women, how they mocked her because of her television past. The first fear is when you end up in a pre-trial detention center, - admitted Dashko. - It's terribly scary, terribly difficult. But in the colony it’s like that in general... That’s a thousand women. Women are angry, angry, dissatisfied. Mostly they are drug addicts and murderers. Of course, there were fights and scandals. I had to stand up for myself. At first, everyone wanted to prick me with the fact that I ended up in a colony from television. Then they accepted me, when they realized that I could stand up for myself».

But Anastasia managed to learn a lesson from the situation: she became more restrained and learned to avoid conflicts. Now Nastya is doing well: she married kickboxer Konstantin Kuleshov, and in August 2016 the couple had a son.


The verdict of the Belarusian court against Sergei Sichkar came as a surprise to fans of “House-2”: on the project, the man was considered a “positive hero”, he was even chosen as “Person of the Year”! And suddenly he got caught selling other people's cars on the black market. As the investigation showed, the ex-participant of the TV show supported his friend when he was stealing a car. Sergei’s relatives hoped until the very end for a suspended sentence, since he compensated the damage to the victims. To do this, his parents even had to take out a loan in the amount of two million rubles.

But the sentence turned out to be harsh - three years in prison. Sichkar ended up in a colony, and his mother had to sell her apartment in order to pay off the loan. Despite this, she protects and supports her son. He says that he vowed not to let his family and friends down again.

« Serezha is positive and hopes for early release. Of course, he misses home and his family... He is serving his sentence under improved conditions - he works not in production, but in another field related to communication. But I can’t talk about the details. The son is rewarded for good work with additional calls home“, - shared the mother of a former participant in the TV show.

After his release, Sichkar dreams of becoming a TV presenter. In the meantime, he sends touching letters with poems to his relatives and makes cards for his mother with his own hands. Sichkar has already served half of his sentence and hopes that good behavior will help him be released earlier than scheduled.


If you type “Daniil Digler” into Yandex, then one of the most popular options for continuing the phrase will be “when he died.” The diagnosis – “lymphoma of the right half of the chest in the fourth stage” – indeed left little chance for a successful outcome for Evgeny Shilov (that is actually the name of the man who called himself Daniil Digler in “House-2”).

In 2012, he lived in a dorm with his mother. And practically without funds: everything they needed was bought with their mother’s pension, since Evgeniy himself could not work due to illness. After chemotherapy, he lost a lot of weight and lost his hair. The ex-participant of the reality show even thought about suicide! Now Evgeniy is probably glad that he did not decide to take this step, because later he still managed to overcome the terrible disease and return to normal life. In 2013, he got married, and two years later a daughter was born into the Shilov family.


This young man was remembered by the audience for the scandals with his girlfriend Nadezhda Skorokhodova. But he stood out among other ex-participants of “House-2” not for this, but for the severity of the punishment for the crime. In 2011, the court sentenced Podorov to 16 years in prison in a maximum security colony for drug trafficking and possession. Moreover, this was the second time he had been put on trial under the same article: the first time, in 2008, Mikhail got off with a suspended sentence.

On a television project, Podorov once said that he dreams of becoming a businessman. But, apparently, he preferred “easy” money to hard work: Podorov and an accomplice were involved in the supply of drugs from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. Both were caught red-handed at the Vladivostok Main Post Office after receiving a large shipment that Mikhail Podorov and his friend planned to distribute in nightclubs.


The star of “House-2” experienced many bitter moments both on the project and outside it. One of the most difficult moments was the divorce from Evgeny Rudnev in 2015: the marriage of the reality show participants lasted only six months. After leaving the television set, the girl began to seek solace in alcohol. Colleagues had previously talked about her addiction to strong drinks, but Liber denied everything. And a year and a half after the divorce, she still admitted that during depression she did not leave the house for weeks, spending time with a bottle.

Failures in her personal life pushed her to an unexpected decision: in January of this year, Libi announced that she would undergo surgery to restore her virginity. And to overcome alcohol addiction, Kpadonu turned to a psychologist and narcologist. But this had an unexpected effect: as Liberge’s relatives say, now she constantly disappears in the virtual world, she has developed another addiction - to computer games. The girl herself denies this fact, but she once said the same thing about alcohol.

« I just didn’t have time for this before, but now I’ve given up drinking, I don’t have a loving man, so I’ve taken up my old ways– Kpadonu admits. – I understand that it’s worth finishing, I’ve already gained 8 kilograms... It’s time to pull myself together».


Like Daniil Digler, Anatoly had to fight a serious illness - leukemia. He spoke about his diagnosis in August 2014, when he was in the hospital for treatment. But, as Hauserman later admitted (this is the young man’s real name), he learned about the disease back in December 2013 - before coming to the reality show. Long-term treatment bore fruit: in March 2015, Anatoly announced that he had managed to cope with blood cancer and now only needs to maintain a “good and kind lifestyle” and undergo mini-courses of treatment every three months.

The reality show “Dom-2” has been airing on the TNT channel for the second decade. Couples were formed on air, weddings were celebrated, children were born. Every year in scandalous show something new appears. Many are interested in how life goes for those who find themselves outside the gates. We will tell you how life turned out for the most bright participants"House-2" after the project.

Olga "Sun" Nikolaeva

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Olga came to the project from the first day of filming. She was one of the most beloved participants in the project, thanks to which she managed to win a car, a trip to Paris and an apartment in Moscow.

Even during filming, Olga was actively involved in music (she recorded the anthem of the television project). In 2011, the girl received the Golden Gramophone award. To this day, Olga tours, records new tracks and is becoming increasingly known as DJ Sun, and not as “the girl from Dom-2.”

Roman Tretyakov

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Roman Tretyakov was one of the first participants in the project. The audience remembered him as the most cheerful and noisy participant, because he constantly came up with holidays, competitions, and games to diversify life on the project.

After the project, he could not find himself for a long time, but in the end he began to do what he does best - organize holidays. Now Roman is a successful event manager.

Not everything is going smoothly with the TV show participant’s personal life. On the project, he met with the now famous TV presenter Olga Buzova. He was married to model Svetlana Sokolova for three years, but the couple divorced. At the moment Roman is free.

Anastasia Dashko

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Anastasia appeared on the project six months after the start of construction. She began an affair with another participant, Sam Seleznev. The couple became popular with TV viewers and were even able to win an apartment in Moscow through audience voting. However, it later turned out that most of the SMS was sent by Dashko herself, which grossly violated the rules of the project. The couple left the project with a scandal.

After the TV show, Anastasia continued her path as a fraudster: she concluded several large deals for the supply of building materials, and after the customers transferred money to her, Dashko disappeared. The damage was estimated at 11 million rubles, and the project participant was sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony.

Sam Seleznev

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On the project, TV viewers remembered Sam not so much for his bright appearance as for his behavior - he constantly quarreled with his friend Anastasia Dashko.

Now the project participant lives in his native Krasnodar, where he is popular. Participates in stunt shows and sometimes works as a host in various nightclubs.

Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov)

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Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov) got involved in the project already when he was famous person. He was a presenter on the Muz-TV channel and Europe+ radio. Rustam too often mentioned his “star” status on the project, which caused conflicts with other participants.

In 2005, he left the show, but 2 years later the producers of the project asked him to return. As a result, the participant came to the project several times and left it for one reason or another.

Since 2013, Rustam Solntsev has been participating in the show as a project consultant: he gives advice to current participants in the television production.

Elena Berkova

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Elena Berkova was also popular before participating in the project. The participant managed to star in several adult films with the American star Britney Skye. The girl left the project after her “strawberry” situation became known to the project organizers.

At the moment, Berkova has a suspended sentence for drug possession, is raising her son Evgeniy, and has her main income from filming comedy and erotic films.

Inna Volovicheva

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Inna was remembered by all talk show viewers for the fact that during filming she was able to get rid of 40 kg excess weight. From a lady in body, she turned into a sexy beauty.

Outside of the show, Inna published several books about weight loss, which became extremely popular.

She is currently married and has a little daughter. The participants plan to release next book about losing weight, where there will be many new recipes that she managed to master during pregnancy and caring for the baby.

Stepan Menshchikov

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Stepan was the famous heartthrob of the project. He met with Alena Vodonaeva, Vika Bonya and Alexandra Kharitonova.

Stepan left the show, but continued to work on the TNT channel - he had his own show “Hu from Hu”, and also starred in episodes of other popular projects.

Now the former participant of “Dom-2” does not have his own project, he is in creative search.

Mikhail Terekhin

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Mikhail Terekhin came to the project with one goal - to build love with Ksenia Borodina. After he failed, he left the project.

The former participant in the project began to actively build his career in show business and created his own label, Terekhin Sound Production. In addition, he writes the music and lyrics for his songs himself and is going to start touring after recording the album.

Nelly Ermolaeva

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During the project, Nelly managed to reveal herself from different sides: she sang in the group “ Istra witches"together with Natalya Varvina, opened her own beauty salon and married another participant in the television project - Nikita Kuznetsov. After the project, the marriage of the participants did not last long; they divorced.

Nelly continued her career in television, becoming a presenter on a famous music channel. In 2016, the girl married for the second time to Kirill Andreev.