What genre of work is childhood bitter. “Childhood” by Maxim Gorky as an autobiographical story. Essay on literature on the topic: Features of the genre of Gorky’s story “Childhood”

The plot of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” is based on facts real biography writer. This determined the features of the genre Gorky's work- autobiographical story. In 1913, M. Gorky wrote the first part of his autobiographical trilogy“Childhood,” where he described the events associated with growing up little man. In 1916, the second part of the trilogy “In People” was written, it reveals a hard working life, and a few years later in 1922, M. Gorky, finishing the story about the development of man, published

The third part of the trilogy is “My Universities”.

The story “Childhood” is autobiographical, but to equate the plot work of art and the life of a writer is impossible. Years later, M. Gorky recalls his childhood, his first experiences of growing up, the death of his father, moving to his grandfather; rethinks a lot of things in a new way and, based on what he has experienced, creates a picture of life little boy Alyosha in the Kashirin family. The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the little hero of the events. This fact makes the events described more reliable, and also helps (which is important for the writer) to convey

Psychology, the inner experiences of the hero. Then Alyosha speaks of her grandmother as “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person- it is her selfless love to the world enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life,” then he admits his dislike for his grandfather. The writer’s task is not simply to convey the events in which he became a participant. little hero, and also evaluate them from the position of an adult who has known a lot in human life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the autobiographical story genre. M. Gorky’s goal is not to revive the past, but to tell “about that close, stuffy circle terrible impressions, in which a simple Russian man lived – and still lives to this day.”

The events of childhood do not flash like a kaleidoscope in the narrator’s perception. On the contrary, every moment of life, every action, the hero tries to comprehend, to get to the essence. The same episode is perceived differently by the hero. The boy endures the trials he faces with steadfastness: for example, after his grandfather beat Alyosha for ruining the tablecloth, the boy experienced “days of ill health” big days life." It was then that the hero began to understand people better, and his heart “became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and that of others.”

Gorky's work "Childhood" has boundaries traditional genre stories: one leading story line, associated with an autobiographical hero, and that’s all minor characters and the episodes also help to reveal Alyosha’s character and express author's attitude to what is happening.

The writer simultaneously gives the main character his thoughts and feelings, and at the same time contemplates the events described as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “... is it worth talking about this? This is the truth that needs to be known to the roots, in order to root it out from memory, from a person’s soul, from our entire life, difficult and shameful.”

1) The history of the creation of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood”. In 1913, Maxim Gorky wrote the first part of his “Childhood” trilogy, in which he depicted a milestone in the development of a little person’s personality, based on his own real biographical facts. Three years later, the author wrote the second part of the trilogy “In People”, it describes the hard working life of the working class, and a few years later, in 1922, M. Gorky published the third part of the trilogy - “My Universities”.

2) Features of the genre. M. Gorky’s work “Childhood” belongs to the genre of autobiographical story. Remembering his childhood, the first years of growing up, the death of his father, moving to the Kashirins’ house, rethinking a lot in a new way, M. Gorky creates the story “Childhood,” a story about the life of a little boy Alyosha. The story is told in the first person, on behalf of the main participant in the events. This allows the writer to show the events depicted more reliably, to convey the thoughts, feelings, and attitude to the character’s life. Alyosha remembers his grandmother as “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her unselfish love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.” In the text of the story, the hero admits his dislike for his grandfather. The writer’s task is not just to convey the events in which the little hero became a participant, but also to evaluate them from the position of an adult who has known a lot about human life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the zhair autobiographical story. M. Gorky’s goal is not to revive the past, but to tell “about that close, stuffy circle of terrible impressions in which he lived - until now, a simple Russian man.” The events of childhood are conveyed with a spatula in as much detail as possible, since each episode in the hero’s life has an impact on the formation of character. Alyosha perceives the trials that befell him differently: for example, after the grandfather beat his grandson for ruining the tablecloth, the “days of ill health” became “great days of life” for the boy. It was then that the hero began to understand better and July, and his heart “became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and someone else’s.” Gorky’s work “Childhood)” is small in volume, has the boundaries of the traditional genre of the story: one main plot line associated with autobiographical character, that's all minor characters and the episodes help to reveal Alyosha’s character and express the author’s attitude to what is happening. The writer simultaneously endows the main character with his experiences, and at the same time contemplates the events described as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “...is it worth talking about this? This is the truth that needs to be known to the roots, in order to root it out from memory, from a person’s soul, from our entire life, difficult and shameful.”

Remember what an autobiographical story is. How does an autobiographical story differ from a writer’s autobiography? (The autobiography is based on real facts the life of a writer; in an autobiographical story special role plays fiction, although the writer’s personal feelings, thoughts, and impressions are also important.)

What autobiographical works did you study in this academic year? (story by J1.H. Tolstoy “Childhood”, story by M. Gorky “Childhood”)

What is internal monologue? (reflections of the main character) What role does the internal monologue play in revealing the character of the main character of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” - Alyosha Peshkov? (The internal monologue helps the reader penetrate inner world hero, get to know his thoughts and feelings.)

3) Characteristics of the heroes of the story.

How main character characterizes life in the Kashirin family? (“dense, motley, inexpressibly strange life”)

How do the relationships in the Kashirins’ house differ from the relationships that existed between Alyosha’s mother and father? (The atmosphere in the Kashirins’ house was hostile, and the relationship between Alyosha’s parents was built on love and mutual respect.)

Who is the head of the house in the Kashirin family? (grandfather)

How do guys behave: Mikhail and Yakov? (The guys constantly quarrel among themselves, trying to quickly divide the grandfather’s property.)

What is the relationship between the children in the Kashirin family? (there is also no mutual understanding between children)

To whom in the house does Alyoshka, who has arrived, gravitate towards? (to grandmother, orphan-foundling Tsyganka, half-blind master Grigory Ivanovich)

Alyosha's image. M. Gorky wrote the story “Childhood”, where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkov. All events and heroes of the work are depicted by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

Who is the main character - Alyoshka - traveling with on the ship? (with grandmother and mother)

What does Alyosha especially like about his grandmother’s appearance? (smile and eyes that glowed from within)

How does the mother behave on the ship? (closed, rarely goes on deck, stays away)

What was the first impression that grandfather made on Alyoshka? (the boy didn’t like his grandfather)

What are the boy’s first impressions of the new house in which he will now live? (Everything seemed unpleasant to Alyosha)

Why did Alyosha have such difficulty remembering the prayer that his quiet, meek aunt Natalya taught him? (Aunt Natalya could not explain to the boy the meaning of memorizing a prayer)

How does Alyosha behave at the time of his grandfather's punishment? (continues to bite, kick, and express disagreement in every possible way)

Why does Tsyganok say that little Alyosha will often be spanked? (Alyosha cannot come to terms with injustice)

How does the main character behave during a fire? (observes, analyzes what he sees)

What attracted Alyosha to the parasite Good Deed? (unusuality, unlike other people)

The image of a grandmother. Grandmother is the complete opposite of grandfather, her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. She is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, and is dissatisfied with the severity of her grandfather. Particularly prominent on the grandmother’s face were the eyes, thanks to which the heroine “shone from within... with an unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.” Grandma’s character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the bottom of her heart, and knows how to appreciate true beauty, tied to the house: “I remember my grandmother’s childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny.” It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when his grandfather punished him for ruining the tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to hold a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about Life. Living with his grandmother, Alyosha listens every evening to stories about the life of the Kashirin family. When it came to the business life of the family, the grandmother “speaking laughingly, aloofly, somehow from a distance, like a neighbor, and not the second eldest in the house.” There were no material benefits life values heroines. Pity and compassion for people are the main qualities of the grandmother’s character, which is why she worries and suffers after the death of her foundling, Gypsy. The wise woman perceives the difficulties encountered in life as God’s tests, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Gypsy: “Grandfather wanted to take Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let’s take him for ourselves; God sent this to us instead of those who died. After all, I had eighteen births... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything, and even took my children into angels. I’m both sorry and happy!” During the fire: “illuminated by the fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, in charge of everything, seeing everything.” Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who “looked at them and cried silently,” worrying about the future of her grandson. The grandmother’s whole life was spent for the benefit of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the main character. A wise woman smoothes out " lead abominations wild Russian life”, spiritually enriching the difficult lives of people.

What role does grandma play in the home? (Grandmother is the reconciling principle in the house, she loves everyone, takes pity, and is smart with her natural maternal mind.)

Why do you think the writer initially intended to call his story “Grandma”? (It is the image of the grandmother that brings a kind, reconciling beginning into the work.)

The image of a grandfather.
- What contradictions in the appearance of your grandfather can you note? Why does he seem to Alyosha at the same time angry, cruel and at the same time fearless? (Grandfather often acts impulsively, without thinking about the consequences, and then regrets what he did.)

Who influenced the formation of your grandfather’s character? (difficult childhood, difficult surrounding life)

4) The role of dialogue in the story. The dialogues in the story help to reveal the character of the characters, as well as life circumstances.

GORKY'S CHILDHOOD, USSR, Soyuzdetfilm, 1938, b/w, 101 min. Biographical film trilogy. Based on the autobiographical works of M. Gorky. The first part of the film trilogy: “Gorky’s Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”. The script was published in... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Gorky's childhood Director Mark Donskoy Starring Mikhail Troyanovsky Varvara Massalitinova Elizaveta Alekseeva Alexey Lyarsky Composer Lev Schwartz ... Wikipedia

Bambi's childhood ... Wikipedia

Bambi's childhood Genre fairy tale Director Natalya Bondarchuk Starring Film company Film Studio named after. M. Gorky Country of the USSR ... Wikipedia

Childhood can refer to several concepts: Childhood is a stage of human development “Childhood” is a story by Maxim Gorky. “Childhood” story by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy ... Wikipedia

BEMBI'S CHILDHOOD, USSR, film studio named after. M. Gorky, 1985, color, 79 min. Children's sequel, fairy tale. Based on the first part of the fairy tale “Bambi” by Felix Salten. A fawn, Bambi, was born into a large reindeer family. From the first day, his mother teaches him to understand the mysterious and... Encyclopedia of Cinema

CHILDHOOD TOPICS, USSR, film studio named after. M. Gorky, 1991, color. Children's TV movie, melodrama. Based on the story of the same name by N. Garin Mikhailovsky. Against the background of the unhurried flow of life, the established life of a noble estate, the authors trace the formation of a young... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

- “Soyuzdetfilm” is a film studio for children’s and youth films, organized in 1936 in Moscow on the basis of the “Mezhrabpomfilm” film studio. In 1948 it was renamed the Film Studio named after. M. Gorky. History Back in 1930, it was put forward... ... Wikipedia

- (Eisenstein Street, 8). Founded in 1915 by merchant M.S. Trofimov and was called “Art collective Rus”. Since 1924 the film factory "Mezhrabpom Rus", since 1928 "Mezhrabpomfilm", since 1936 a children's film studio has been created on its basis feature films… … Moscow (encyclopedia)

Central Film Studio of Children's and Youth Films named after M. Gorky (Eisenstein Street, 8). Founded in 1915 by merchant M.S. Trofimov and was called “Art collective Rus”. Since 1924 the film factory “Mezhrabpom Rus”, since 1928 “Mezhrabpomfilm”, since... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)


  • Childhood, M. Gorky. "Childhood" is the first book in the trilogy ("Childhood", "In People", "My Universities") by the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky - Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. He told with irresistible truth...
  • Childhood. In people. My universities, M. Gorky. The book includes the autobiographical trilogy of A. M. Gorky (the stories “Childhood”, “In People”, “My Universities”), telling about childhood and youth...

The plot of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” is based on facts from the writer’s real biography. This determined the features of the genre of Gorky’s work - an autobiographical story. In 1913, M. Gorky wrote the first part of his autobiographical trilogy “Childhood,” where he described the events associated with the growing up of a little man. In 1916, the second part of the trilogy “In People” was written, it reveals a hard working life, and a few years later in 1922, M. Gorky, finishing the story about the formation of man, published

The third part of the trilogy is “My Universities”.
The story “Childhood” is autobiographical, but it is impossible to equate the plot of a work of art with the life of the writer. Years later, M. Gorky recalls his childhood, his first experiences of growing up, the death of his father, moving to his grandfather; rethinks a lot of things in a new way and, based on what he has experienced, creates a picture of the life of the little boy Alyosha in the Kashirin family. The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the little hero of the events. This fact makes the events described more reliable, and also helps (which is important for the writer) to convey the psychology and inner experiences of the hero. Either Alyosha speaks of her grandmother as “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her selfless love for the world that enriched me, filling me with strong strength for a difficult life,” then she admits her dislike for her grandfather. The writer’s task is not just to convey the events in which the little hero became a participant, but also to evaluate them from the position of an adult who has learned a lot in life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the autobiographical story genre. M. Gorky’s goal is not to revive the past, but to tell “about that close, stuffy circle of terrible impressions in which a simple Russian person lived – and still lives to this day.”
The events of childhood do not flash like a kaleidoscope in the narrator’s perception. On the contrary, every moment of life, every action, the hero tries to comprehend, to get to the essence. The same episode is perceived differently by the hero. The boy endures the trials he endures: for example, after his grandfather beat Alyosha for ruining the tablecloth, the “days of ill health” became “great days of life” for the boy. It was then that the hero began to understand people better, and his heart “became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and that of others.”
Gorky’s work “Childhood” has the boundaries of the traditional genre of the story: one leading storyline associated with an autobiographical hero, and all the minor characters and episodes also help to reveal Alyosha’s character and express the author’s attitude to what is happening.
The writer simultaneously gives the main character his thoughts and feelings, and at the same time contemplates the events described as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “...is it worth talking about this? This is the truth that needs to be known to the roots, in order to root it out from memory, from a person’s soul, from our entire life, difficult and shameful.”
M. Gorky, expressing author's position, describes the “leaden abominations of wild Russian life”, chooses for his narrative special genre- an autobiographical story.

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  3. A factory is not about sowing bread or planting potatoes. This is the task. M. Gorky In the twenties. Alexey Maksimovich Gorky has been working intensively for years. During this period, one of the best novels writer's case...
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  5. Peshkov did not like to invent, although he was a romantic. And his pseudonym - Gorky - smacks of slight coquetry young writer. However, in childhood and adolescence, life was not at all pleasing to the future writer....
  6. Gorky's individuality represents an interesting combination of a sense of beauty with deep skepticism. Gorky himself does not know, perhaps, how much he loves beauty; and yet it is available to him highest form this feeling, that...
  7. The novel “Mother” is a work created at the turn of two centuries, in a difficult and turbulent time, rapidly taking away everything old and giving life to new ideas, new social trends that captured the minds and...
  8. The “Song of the Falcon” is also imbued with the idea of ​​heroism as an example for people. Central character“Songs” appears, at first glance, as purely traditional: the falcon has long been depicted as a proud, freedom-loving bird. AND,...
  9. In his youth, M. Gorky dreamed of beauty, of goodness, he wanted the world to be bright, full of extraordinary personalities. It is enough to read at least one of his early stories to make sure...
  10. 1. General characteristics early creativity. 2. The main themes of the period. 3. The theme of human freedom using the example of M. Gorky’s stories “Makar Chudra” and “Old Woman Izergil”. 4. Two principles in M. Gorky’s worldview....
  11. “We sing glory to the madness of the brave! The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!” M. Gorky In his early romantic works, Maxim Gorky resorts to the proven method of “story within a story.” The author listens to the wise Nadyr-Rahim-Ogly...
  12. At the beginning of his creative path A. M. Gorky wrote mainly romantic works. His heroes were free, brave, strong people, generated by the writer's imagination. Gorky created most of his works in the 1900s...
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  14. For romantic stories It is characteristic of Gorky that among people with strong characters, the writer distinguished between a force acting in the name of good and a force that brings evil. In Larra, selfishness goes beyond all boundaries, develops into...
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  16. Gorky combined journalistic works created abroad in 1906 into two cycles, based on their genre features. The first cycle - “In America” consists of three essays: “City of the Yellow Devil”, “Kingdom...
  17. In our minds today M. Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov, 16 28.III.1868, Nizhny Novgorod– 18.VI.1936, Gorki near Moscow, ashes buried in the Kremlin wall) is not an easy problem. Times, especially the present, testing...
  18. An essay on the works of M. Gorky. Letter. Hello, Alexey Maksimovich, a fellow countryman is writing to you from your small homeland, from Nizhny Novgorod region, eleventh grade student at a rural school. We just finished studying at school...
  19. The play contains, as it were, two parallel actions. The first is social and the second is philosophical. Both actions develop in parallel, without intertwining. There are, as it were, two planes in the play: external...

The plot of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” is based on facts from the writer’s real biography. This determined the features of the genre of Gorky’s work - an autobiographical story. In 1913, M. Gorky wrote the first part of his autobiographical trilogy “Childhood,” where he described the events associated with the growing up of a little man. In 1916, the second part of the trilogy “In People” was written, it reveals the hard work life, and a few years later in 1922, M. Gorky, finishing the story about the development of man, published the third part of the trilogy - “My Universities”.

The story “Childhood” is autobiographical, but it is impossible to equate the plot of a work of art with the life of the writer. Years later, M. Gorky recalls his childhood, his first experiences of growing up, the death of his father, moving to his grandfather; rethinks a lot of things in a new way and, based on what he has experienced, creates a picture of the life of the little boy Alyosha in the Kashirin family. The story is narrated in the first person, on behalf of the little hero of the events. This fact makes the events described more reliable, and also helps (which is important for the writer) to convey the psychology and inner experiences of the hero. Either Alyosha speaks of her grandmother as “the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her selfless love for the world that enriched me, filling me with strong strength for a difficult life,” then she admits her dislike for her grandfather. The writer’s task is not just to convey the events in which the little hero became a participant, but also to evaluate them from the position of an adult who has learned a lot in life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the autobiographical story genre. M. Gorky’s goal is not to revive the past, but to tell “about that close, stuffy circle of terrible impressions in which a simple Russian person lived – and still lives to this day.”

The events of childhood do not flash like a kaleidoscope in the narrator’s perception. On the contrary, every moment of life, every action, the hero tries to comprehend, to get to the essence. The same episode is perceived differently by the hero. The boy endures the trials he endures: for example, after his grandfather beat Alyosha for ruining the tablecloth, the “days of ill health” became “great days of life” for the boy. It was then that the hero began to understand people better, and his heart “became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and that of others.”

Gorky’s work “Childhood” has the boundaries of the traditional genre of the story: one leading storyline associated with an autobiographical hero, and all the minor characters and episodes also help to reveal Alyosha’s character and express the author’s attitude to what is happening.

The writer simultaneously gives the main character his thoughts and feelings, and at the same time contemplates the events described as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “... is it worth talking about this? This is the truth that needs to be known to the roots, in order to root it out from memory, from a person’s soul, from our entire life, difficult and shameful.”