Why Kylie Minogue will never have children. Kylie Minogue - biography, information, personal life

Kylie Minogue, whose height is only 153 cm, is one of the most popular singers not only in her native Australia, but throughout the whole world. Today we invite you to learn more about her career and personal life.

Kylie Minogue: biography

The future celebrity was born in 1968, on May 28. This event took place in the city. Kylie’s family, although creative, was still far from the world of show business. So, the girl’s father, Ron, was a theater actor, and her mother, Carol, performed in ballet. In total, the Minogue family has three children. Kylie is the eldest child. She has a sister, Danni, who is also popular singer, and brother Brandon, who did not want to connect his life with show business.

Kylie has been involved in music and choreography since childhood. Her sister Danni kept her company in this. The girls dreamed together of an artistic career. For the first time, young Kylie Minogue appeared on television at the age of nine, starring in the then popular TV series The Sullivan’s and Skyways.

Career continuation

After graduating from school, Kylie received a tempting offer to star in the TV series Neighbors. For each episode, the girl received two thousand dollars. The series aired in evening prime time, thanks to which everyone soon learned about Minogue. It was during this period that the girl made the final decision to become an actress. So, in 1989, she brilliantly played in the melodrama “Criminals,” which was warmly received by the audience. This was followed by such films with the participation of Kylie Minogue as “Street Fighter”, “Biodome”, “Diana and Me” and a number of others. However, they did not have special success at the box office.


In parallel with filming in TV series and films, Kylie also developed her career as a performer. The singer's debut album was released in 1988. The album was called I Should Be So Lucky. The record was a great success, and Minogue literally became a youth idol not only in her native Australia, but also in the UK.

At first, Kylie appeared as a simple girl. However, in 1991, she decided to change strategy. Now she was already a sexy beauty. This move only had a positive impact on the singer’s career. In addition, Kylie’s romance with the vocalist of the famous Australian band INXS contributed to her success.

The performer's fifth album, The Greatest Hits, released in 1992, reached number one on the British charts. Next musical success came to the singer in 1996. At that time, the popular artist Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue recorded a song called Where The Wild Roses Grow, which for a long time occupied the first place in the charts different countries. Two years later, the singer's album Impossible Princess was released and went platinum. And in 1999, Kylie again topped the charts with the song Spinning Around and the subsequent album Light Years.

Fighting the disease

In 2001, Kylie Minogue again came into the spotlight with a new hit called Can't Get You Out Of My Head and the album Fever. In 2004, the performer released a collection best songs and went on tour. However, it had to be interrupted due to the fact that Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer. A few months later, Kylie had surgery. Chemotherapy followed and, fortunately, the disease was defeated. Minogue appeared in public only in 2005.

Personal life, parameters

Despite the fact that the beautiful and super popular Kylie Minogue has always had many fans, not much is known about her personal experiences. Her first high-profile romance was with the leader of the group INXS. Then she dated American actor Poly Shore. The attention of the press and fans was also attracted by Minogue’s romance with the most popular musician Lenny Kravitz. For real serious relationship Kylie got along with the French actor Oliver Martinez. The couple was even engaged. However, things never came to a wedding. Kylie was also having a hard time breaking up with fashion model James Gooding. Their romance lasted three years, however, even after the breakup, the former lovers managed to maintain friendly relations.

A few years ago, Minogue announced that she planned to settle down and have a child. To do this, she even looked at a luxurious mansion worth $27 million. However local residents were sharply against being in the neighborhood with such a famous person, saying that after Kylie moved here, their sedate and measured life would come to an end. The singer agreed with this and refused the purchase.

Many fans are interested in the parameters of this famous performer like Kylie Minogue. The singer's height is 153 centimeters and her weight is 49 kilograms.

Personal life of Kylie Minogue has always been in second place for the singer, which is probably why now, when her financial condition can only be envied, she is, in fact, left alone. Despite many novels, the singer was never able to start a family and give birth to a child, which she always dreamed of.

Kylie could never complain about a lack of attention from men, and the first serious romance in Kylie Minogue’s personal life happened at the dawn of her career. While filming the TV series Neighbors, Kylie fell in love with her co-star, actor Jason Donovan. But his feelings could not withstand the growing popularity of Kylie - he was not able to forgive her successes, and they broke up, and it turned out that she was abandoned, and for Kylie it became with a strong blow out of pride.

In the photo - Kylie Minogue and Michael Hutchence

Kylie Minogue's next lover was rock musician Michael Hutchence, but he was so loving that the singer, tired of his side affairs, left him herself. A difficult period in Kylie Minogue's personal life was the time when she found out that she had cancer. Before this, Kylie experienced another betrayal by her beloved man, fashion model James Gooding, and she had to gather all her will into a fist so as not to break before the blows of fate.

In the photo - the singer with Olivier Martinez

A meeting with actor Olivier Martinez gave Kylie hope. He provided her with great help and support when she was struggling with a terrible disease, and the singer is very grateful to him for this. But, as it turned out later, almost all this time, Minogue was not the only one for Martinez, who, behind her back, was courting two women at once - the Israeli model Sarai Zhivati ​​and actress Michelle Rodriguez.

In the photo - with Andres Velenkos

Another hope for family well-being and happiness in her personal life was given to Kylie Minogue by her meeting with the Spanish fashion model Andres Velencos. He was ten years younger than her, but such an age difference does not bother the singer - she already had affairs with men much younger than her. In order not to frighten off happiness and maintain the relationship, the singer tried not to be separated from her chosen one anywhere. But their plans for the future did not coincide - Kylie dreamed of marriage, but Andres had no need for it at all. Minogue tried for a long time to drag him down the aisle, but it all ended loud scandal and a new separation in the singer’s life.

This year Kylie Minogue will turn forty-six years old, and she approached this age level completely alone. The singer does not hide that she no longer hopes to become a mother on her own, so she is ready to adopt a child, and this is now more important to her than finding a new life partner.

Australian singer and actress Kylie Minogue is known in many parts of our planet. And like our beautiful Earth, Kylie is also diverse in her creativity. It would seem that she has left her mark on every style of pop music since she began her singing career in 1987. Kylie changed with every stage of her ascent to Olympus, she was not afraid of these changes, the singer lived by them. And so, she climbed Everest and, looking around her possessions, began the difficult descent.

Multifaceted with her talents. During her career, she not only sang songs and danced, but also starred in a TV series and even in a film. She also participated in joint projects with many famous people. And she's on television too frequent guest. In a word, an artist!

My attitude to the creativity of Kylie Minogue

My acquaintance with the work of Kylie Minogue began in the very early 90s, when I heard her first single Loco-motion. Later, I obediently followed the singer wherever her creative search led her. Simple songs from the SAW era, let them be! Her role in Outlaws introduced me to an entire era of Australian life that had previously been a dark spot for me.

A duet with compatriot Nick Cave and great albums with the Deconstruction label - I embraced the experiments with pleasure and still consider these albums to be the best in Kylie’s career. Returning to the fold of pop music and two action films Light years and Fever, again raised Kylie to the top of the world, and I once again welcome the change in image and sound. And even now, when she slowly but steadily descends to the platform from which she once began her musical life, as always, I'm keeping an eye on what's going on in Kylie's Universe.

I don’t like to scold singers or expect certain steps from them; I don’t demand from them inevitable victories and high places in the charts or recording songs in my favorite style. I see artists as sensitive receivers who sensitively capture the state of people and reflect what worries the minds of humanity. Therefore, the changes in Kylie's work have never disappointed me. If I don't like something, I simply don't include those songs in my playlist.

But what makes Kylie captivating? Everyone says: her sexy appearance and pleasant face, others repeat: beautiful voice, there is also an opinion: a catchy dance rhythm. I don’t like the way she looks, I don’t think her voice is the most outstanding and the rhythms are much more catchy! The mystery of Kylie has always been beyond my reach. Until I realized: I am captivated by her sincerity.

After all, her genuine joy was captivating when she, with open arms, rushed around Melbourne like a small child. And the devilish grin in Better the devil you know also frankly stated: I understand what the point is, I play by your rules while I’m having fun. And when she got tired of it, she also sincerely left her first producers and began to take a creative approach to the songs that began to be released under her name. Then she believed in herself and even became the author of these songs. And we finally found out what worries this sincere girl. Still with the same burning gaze, she returned to pop music, having played enough with its alternative version. Kylie grabs hold of any project she believes in and brings it to the masses with holy naivety. So I know for sure: she is not deceiving me. As long as she believes in her own transformations and chameleon games, she is the pop version of David Bowie for our era.

Two sides of Kylie's creativity - official and unreleased songs

And now the question arises: to what extent does Kylie herself believe in herself? Fans of the singer are well aware of how many unreleased songs are stored in her archives. Some of them saw the light of day thanks to Kylie posting them on the Internet. We all know that the B-sides of her singles are sometimes brighter than the tracks that ended up on the albums. Aren't Extraordinary day, Paper dolls or Ocean blue amazing? But who has heard these songs? Isn’t Flower the most sincere song in the world? Published and unreleased duets are the masterpiece Where the wild roses grow with Nick Cave, GBI with Tova Tey, Kids with Robbie Williams and Lhuna with Coldplay. And all this is a high-quality product that accurately reflects the era.

Unreleased tracks and b-sides are the artist's choice, these are songs that Kylie believes in. An album, and especially singles, is the choice of the recording studio, that is, a bet on commercial success, and not on the intrinsic value of the creative material. The pursuit of success has reduced Kylie's success to almost zero. But for some reason, Kylie does not leave the label, clearly realizing that her work is being ruined.

And this tendency can be traced in almost all aspects of her work. She bet on a major label in the hope of good promotion of the material and on a photographer friend in the hope of an outstanding visual image to accompany her music. And both components of the plan pull the singer to the bottom. But she once sang in the song “This girl” that she did not intend to give up.

Kylie came to us from the TV series Neighbors. The key to a successful series is to please the audience. Any actress will be removed from the screen if she does not increase the rating, if the viewer switches the channel because of her. And Kylie was taught to like people. Her image of Charlene, a funny and mischievous girl, tightly clung to Kylie herself. Isn't it Charlene who flirts with us during concerts? Kylie knows how to please, this is her main talent. Everyone likes her, her charm goes before her, her audience consists of tiny girls, teenage girls, young people and mature people, she is loved and idolized by gays and even pensioners. She is sweet, everyone likes her.

“Please fly with our airlines!” - Kylie sings in the song Light years, and in the concert version this phrase sounds so touching and it seems as if the singer is about to cry, she wants to hold on to her audience. The phrase fades away, and this lump in the throat quickly turns into a smile, because there is no need to show sadness and fear of losing those who have managed to like it.

Kylie is an actress. She changes characters so easily because it amuses her. She is bored of being the same, she is interested in trying on new masks. A new mask means potentially new faces in the audience. And undoubtedly every new role played with all the sincerity Kylie is capable of. She believes in her masks. And that’s why we believe her too.

When she sings I should be so lucky, don't we believe her? This is a great song for a young girl falling in love for the first time in her life. This is not stupid pop, this is a good and honest song for an 18 year old girl. This is exactly how Kylie was at that time - naive and sweet. Everything was wonderful in its time, at the only time suitable for this. And when Nick Cave convinced her to read lines from the song at a poetry reading, it was to be the last public performance of I Should Be So Lucky. By this time, Kylie was already ashamed of her girlish song, but in vain. And it was in vain that she did not take the opportunity to say goodbye to her in time. But the singer continues to perform her main hit of the 80s at all concerts, and now, although it sounds incendiary, it does not suit the performer at all. Now she has really grown out of this song. But she does this for fear of disappointing her fans.

So as long as Kylie Minogue allows her label to run her affairs, a friend to dictate her visual image, as long as she continues to over-please her fans, we will never see real personality this amazing woman. What is she (her work) like when she doesn’t want to please anyone? When does she write songs from the heart? When she promises an album with mature music and then still releases an album about sex on the dance floor?

We see fragments of this on the B-sides, she performs these songs on the anti-tour. But Kylie keeps her true self under constant control, not allowing it to escape. And, unfortunately, life once gave her a harsh warning, sending her the disease of people who completely forget about themselves. Kylie coped with cancer. But instead of starting to live her life, she finally strengthened her control even more and, in pursuit of lost positions, lost self-confidence.

Now this is a mature woman in lace panties and black fishnet, which she promised not to wear after 40. She is trying to look 25, because only such girls attract attention. She stars in candid photo shoots to prove how beautiful she is, that her divine beauty has not disappeared anywhere, that it is still a product worth investing in. The industry does not allow her to be herself, and the singer does not dare to insist on this right.

And it is in such a whirlwind that she suddenly publishes the song Flower, dedicated to her unborn child, who may never come to her. And although she repeats in despair - “Suddenly one day you will surprise me” - it becomes clear how far her dreams are from reality this time. This is one of the most tragic and sincere pop songs. Kylie Minogue has come to terms with the fact that her flower will never bloom. Instead, she lived the life of a chameleon, got too involved in the whirlwind of show business and lost herself. She is what they want her to be. And the audience is happy. And even Kylie is deceptively happy when she absorbs the enormous energy of love that is given to her during concerts. But will she feel warm from the enthusiastic screams the night after the concert?

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Biography, life story of Kylie Minogue (Kylie Minogue)

Kylie Anne Minogue is an Australian singer, actress, and songwriter.

Childhood years, the beginning of star trek

Kylie was born on May 28, 1968 in Melbourne, Australia. Mom - Carol Minogue, ballerina. Father - Ronald Minogue (originally from Great Britain). After Kylie, two more children were born into the Minogue family - the girl Danni (who later became quite famous actress, singer, fashion model and TV presenter) and the boy Brandon (the only son of the Minogue couple did not build a career popular artist, like his sisters, but decided to devote his life to his favorite business and became a television cameraman).

Little Kylie was a very uptight and shy child. The girl tried not to participate in any school events, preferring more time spend time alone with yourself. But Kylie was very interested in music and choreography.

At the age of nine, Kylie, at the insistence of her mother, who saw hidden talents in her daughter, first appeared on television. Kylie was offered roles in two TV series at once - Skyways and The Sullivans. At first, it was difficult for the girl to relax on the set. At first, she just sat at the table in front of the camera and rattled off a memorized text. Over time, Kylie opened up. The directors praised the young talent and predicted a bright future for her.

Kylie's mom and dad, despite the fact that their daughter began earning money on her own very early, controlled her every step. They tried to raise Kylie strictly to keep her out of trouble. So, until a certain age, Kylie’s parents forbade her to wear jewelry, use makeup, and date boys.

In 1986, Kylie Minogue graduated from school. After this, she immediately received an offer to take part in the filming of the Australian soap opera Neighbors. The success of the series was so huge that Kylie Minogue finally decided that she was destined to become an actress.

Music career

In 1988, Kylie Minogue inexplicably decided to stop starring in Neighbors. The twenty-year-old girl decided to seriously try her hand at music. The same year, Kylie Minogue's debut album entitled Should Be So Lucky was released. Kylie instantly became the idol of British youth. Her records were sold out at breakneck speed, girls passionately wanted to be like her, and young people dreamed of her day and night. Over time, Kylie Minogue became the owner of the unofficial title of the most promoted star of the late 80s and early 90s of the last century. It was truly a dizzying climb.


For the first couple of years, Kylie's stage image resembled that of the girl next door. However, in 1991, Ms. Minogue underwent a noticeable metamorphosis - from a pretty girl, Kylie became a sexy beauty. These changes further contributed to the singer's popularity. Her songs took first place in the charts, her records were swept off the shelves of music stores at an enviable speed.

During all this time musical career Until 2014, Kylie recorded eleven studio albums, four live albums, nine compilations, five mini-albums and fifty-two singles.

Kylie Minogue on the big screen

In 1989, Kylie Minogue starred in leading role in the melodrama "Criminals". Five years later, Kylie starred in another full-length film - the fantasy action film "Street Fighter", the plot of which is based on the video game of the same name. Alas, “Street Fighter” failed at the box office, critics did not appreciate it, and fans of the game simply laughed at it. Richard Harrington, an American journalist, even called Kylie Minogue the worst actress in the English-speaking world. The next few films in which Kylie took part did not cause any particular delight among film fans.

In 2001, an Australian film director invited Kylie Minogue to play a cameo role as the Green Fairy in his musical Moulin Rouge. After the release of the film, many critics noted that Ms. Minogue brilliantly coped with the task assigned to her and superbly performed the role from the musical “The Sound of Music.”

In 2004, Kylie Minogue voiced a children's cartoon"Magical Adventure" In this cartoon, the little girl Florence speaks in Kylie's voice.

In 2007, Minogue played the role of Astrid Peth in the Doctor Who Christmas episode.

After this, Kylie was no longer invited to major and prominent roles. Mostly she was offered small cameo roles or roles in low-budget films.

Personal life

Throughout her life, Kylie Minogue was proposed to for marriage several times, but she constantly refused because she was not sure of the sincerity of her feelings and the feelings of her partner. So, at the peak of her career, Kylie dated rocker Michael Hutchence. Then she was tied up romantic relationship with Lenny Kravitz, an American rock and R’n’B musician. After this, Kylie began an affair with French actor Oliver Martinez. Kylie and Oliver even got engaged, but it never came to a wedding. After Martinez, Kylie Minogue lived for three whole years with James Gooding, a fashion model from England.

After breaking up with James, Kylie fell into a terrible depression, but the lovers parted as friends. After so much severe shock Mrs. Minogue decided to no longer wait for a gift from fate in the form of true love and began to build her happiness on her own. In an interview, Kylie stated that she intends to give birth to a child and raise him herself. Kylie confirmed her serious intentions by buying herself a luxurious 17th-century castle for twenty-seven million dollars. However, local residents rebelled - they decided that the proximity to a star of such magnitude would disrupt the peaceful course of their lives. As a result, Kylie entered into an agreement with the neighbors, which states that if Minogue throws noisy parties or if annoying paparazzi hover around her house, the neighbors will have the right to sue the singer.


Kylie's family is quite intelligent and not directly connected with the world of show business. Dad acted, but the most he did was tell some stories. And my mother worked as a ballerina.

As a child, Kylie was very shy. She did not participate in any school activities, only once she was seen in a school production in the role of Cinderella.

But since childhood, Minogue has been involved in choreography and music. At the age of nine she appeared for the first time on television, in the serial films “The Sullivans” and “Skyways”. Initially, the parents decided that she could be an actress. youngest daughter Danni, but at the audition they chose Kylie. Mom decided that there was no need to refuse the directors’ offers, so she signed the contract. This maternal choice allowed eldest daughter become an actress.

The first working days in the series, Minogue stood in front of the camera and minted the text, which her mother helped her learn. But, despite the praise of critics and directors, Kylie continued to remain a little girl with a familiar life. Parents even forbade the girl to use cosmetics, wear earrings and meet boys without permission. Mom and dad controlled their daughter’s every step.

Actor career

In 1986, Kylie graduated from school and immediately accepted offers to play in the TV series Neighbors with Jamon Donovan. Then the actress's fee was 2 thousand dollars per week. The film itself was shown only in the evenings, then the actors realized that literally the whole world was watching their fate. Then Kylie decided to get serious acting career. At the age of 20, Minogue already had five Logie awards in her treasury.

Further, the path of the lucky Australian lay immediately to the top of the star ladder. Kylie played brilliantly in the 1989 melodrama “Criminals,” in which she played the role of a young girl from Australia in the 50s. Critics laughed at the film, but it was a good commercial success.

In 1994, after a short break, Kylie Minogue became Jean-Claude Van Damme's colleague in the action film Street Fighter. This painting is based on computer game, popular at the time. However, the film did not bring popularity to the actress; moreover, it was even rejected by fans of the computer game. Critics gave her bad reviews, and journalists even dared to call the actress the worst in English-language cinema. The films “Bio-House”, “Director’s Cut”, “Diana and Me”, where the actress appeared, also did not attract the attention of the audience.

But in 2001, Australian director Baz Luhrmann was so impressed by the girl’s musical tour “Intimate and Live” that he offered her a role in “Moulin Rouge”. The episodic work in which Kylie performed a part from the musical “The Sound of Music” became significant. The film featured Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman. After the release of the film, all of Hollywood literally went crazy, but Minogue did not even have a goal in her mind to outshine Kidman. In 2001, the actress starred in the television show Friday Night with Jonathan Ross.

In 2005, the Christmas special Doctor Who gave Kylie a chance to approach superstar status. The girl played the role of Astrid Pett, and the doctor was played by Scotsman David Tennant. By the way, this is the world's longest running science fiction series. The film became a cult favorite in many countries; moreover, it influenced many television scriptwriters.

However, Kylie’s film career was not as successful as we would like. In 2005, she played along with Emmy Smyart and Seth Green in the melodrama “The Wedding Witness” by Stefan Schwartz. This is a story of adventure young man Ollie, who discovered his talent for writing but lost his inspiration. In 2006, the celebrity was cast in documentary"Bombs and Blockbusters of Tinseltown."

It is worth noting that the popular artist seems small even in heels. There is a lot of controversy about her height, different sources they write different data about her growth. They all range from 150 to 158 centimeters.


In 1988, Minoig unexpectedly quit filming the popular TV series Neighbors and decided to pursue her own career. musical career. That same year, she released her debut album, “I Should Be So Lucky.” Immediately the girl became a celebrity and even an idol of young people from Britain. And her disc “Enjoy Yourself” stayed at the top of the British charts for a long time. It sold a million copies around the world. As a result, Kylie became perhaps the most popular star of the late 80s and early 90s.

Kylie Minogue on video

And if initially Kylie acted as a street girl, then in 1991 she turned into a sexy beauty. This only contributed to the popularity. Minogue was constantly in the tabloids, mainly due to her affair with INXS singer Michael Hutchence.

In 1992, the singer released her fifth album, “The Greatest Hits,” and immediately reached number one in the British charts. Two years later, she released another album, “Kylie Minogue,” as well as the single “Confide In Me.”

In 1996, the artist recorded the song “Where The Wild Roses Grow” with Nick Cave. Two years later, Kylie Minogue presented listeners with her seventh album, Impossible Princess, which went platinum. In 1999, the girl appeared at the top of the charts with the song “Spinning Around”. Next came the disco-pop album “Light Years”.


In the fall of 2001, Kylie Minogue literally blew up the charts with her new hit “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head.” A month later, the album “Fever” was released, and critics responded kindly to it. The album brought the singer two Brit Awards in 2002. And in 2004, the artist collected her best songs on one disc, it was called “Ultimate Kylie”. However, there were also two new singles “I Believe In You” and “Giving You Up”. Then the girl went on a grand tour, but was unable to enjoy it due to a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer. A few months later, Kylie had surgery, which was successful. Then Minogue underwent chemotherapy and appeared in public only in 2005.

Personal life of Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue's life is in full view, but few people know about her personal experiences. The artist had many fans, they constantly proposed marriage to her. However, Kylie waited true love. At first she was romantically involved with Michael Hutens, then the actress began dating colleague Pauly Shore, and then rocker Lenny Kravitz. After Minogue was engaged to Oliver Martinez.