Full characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius zodiac sign - general characteristics of the sign's character

Throughout their lives, Sagittarians are distinguished by the activity of both mind and body, therefore they are usually very harmoniously developed and often remain in good mood. They value openness, ease and freedom, and perceive any restrictions painfully.

The good-heartedness and sincerity of Sagittarius, unfortunately, is balanced by impulsiveness, often excessive. In addition, people of this sign easily go to extremes, making enemies either through excessive frankness or through a useless struggle for justice. Interestingly, Sagittarius more often defends the rights of others than their own; they constantly feel responsible for those around them and often annoy them with their guardianship.

Among Sagittarius there are two types of people - noble idealists who strive to make everyone happy, and greedy, resourceful financiers who are eager to achieve power at any cost. Many people, not without reason, consider the latter to be flatterers and snobs, but this does not bother them much.

By the way, all Sagittarius are confident in their own impeccability and even the fairest criticism is ignored, and good advice is rejected in the rudest way. But with those who do not try to influence their behavior, Sagittarians behave very nicely. They always have a joke or a compliment, a moment to chat and even a vest for bitter tears.

Sagittarius men are talkative and sometimes are not inferior to the ladies in their desire to chat. The rebellious spirit turns Sagittarius into an eternal teenager who can indulge in outright rudeness or hooligan behavior, and even gets into a fight. It’s good that Sagittarians usually come out of battles as winners; By the way, after a battle they usually spare no expense in calming down the defeated enemy. However, Sagittarians are generally always generous.

Sagittarius women make excellent mothers, distinguished by their nobility and willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the family. They almost never punish children without reason, do not cheat on their husbands and do not deceive loved ones. The only thing the Sagittarius wife doesn't like is leading household. She can make every effort to create comfort, but the result will not satisfy her. However, the Sagittarius woman is usually helped to calmly treat such weaknesses by her constant optimism.


Benedict Spinoza, Michel Nostradamus, Alexander Suvorov, Tycho Brahe, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ivan Papanin, Heinrich Heine, Chingiz Aitmatov, Afanasy Fet, Fyodor Tyutchev, Friedrich Engels, Leonid Brezhnev, Rodion Shchedrin, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Eiffel, Stefan Zweig, Gustav Flaubert, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Hector Berlioz, Dmitry Likhachev, Lope de Vega, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, Gianni Versace, Marie Tussaud, Walt Disney, Dale Carnegie, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Alexander Maslyakov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Gerard Philip, Nonna Mordyukova, Yuri Nikulin , Leonid Bronevoy, Tina Turner, Jean Marais, Edith Piaf, Alisa Freundlich, Boris Grebenshchikov, Bruce Lee, Jim Hendrix, Larisa Verbitskaya, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Galina Volchek, Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Rex Stout, Igor Ugolnikov, Garik Sukachev, Gennady Khazanov, Fedor Konyukhov, Britney Spears, Ozzy Osbourne, Patricia Kaas, Kim Basinger, Andrei Makarevich, Milla Jovovich, Christina Aguilera.

The Sagittarius zodiac sign includes people born between November 23 and December 22. One can say about the character of a Sagittarius that he is a generous, optimistic, and assertive person. He has a choleric temperament and irrepressible energy. Always strives to be in a team. In any company he tries to achieve authority and popularity. Sagittarians are independent in their actions. In the worst case, Sagittarians exhibit impulsiveness, rudeness, rudeness, impudence, excessive idealism, a tendency to excess, and obsession.

Sagittarius, together with the signs of Leo and Aries, is a representative of the element of fire. Sagittarius is also a representative of the mutable cross, which includes the signs of Pisces, Gemini and Virgo; this sign belongs to the transformation zone. In the sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter is in the monastery, its co-ruler Neptune, and Chiron is in exaltation here.

Areas of activity of representatives of the Sagittarius sign

The characteristics of the Sagittarius sign should indicate that its representatives love to travel and are excellent researchers. They make good preachers, and many of them are religious leaders. Sagittarians love to teach, to feel important and meaningful, so they make good lecturers and teachers. Sagittarians love to interpret laws, so they often work as judges and prosecutors. There are many translators and diplomats among the Streltsy.

Sagittarians love to work in public organizations, love large gatherings, love to perform and be the center of attention. Representatives of this sign make good presenters, wonderful stage performers (Nikolaev, Senkevich, Khazanov, Chekhova).

Among the representatives of this sign there are many people's deputies and government officials. Sagittarians always strive for authority and power.

The Sagittarius character has a love for sports. They are avid hunters and fishermen. Sagittarians love shooting athletics, football.

Sagittarius as a subordinate is a fairly fast and skillful worker. People of this sign know how to “show off”, they know how to show off their best qualities and hide the negative ones.

When communicating with their superiors, Sagittarius can take some liberties; they strive to be close to their boss, to be his right hand. In general, Sagittarians try not to stay too long among their subordinates, they try to make a career and take a place in the sun.

Sagittarius bosses like to pretend to be important in an official conversation. They can with important look and with the expression in the voice speak the usual common truths. They flare their nostrils and cheeks, make a stern facial expression, and can be pompous and arrogant.

However, in an informal setting they quickly become charming and friendly.

Sagittarians know how to demand that their subordinates do their work and fulfill their duties; they belong to that category of bosses who will not leave you until you do it.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius love tourism, and their work often involves their passion for visiting new places. They love speaking in front of large audiences, have excellent organizational skills, and have authority and popularity.

Usually, Sagittarians quickly make a career and quickly move up the career ladder. Sagittarians are very assertive and punchy, and if a Sagittarius is not well-mannered, then he can turn into a real impudent person.

People belonging to the Sagittarius zodiac sign have irrepressible energy and often do not know when to stop. They try to get as much out of life as possible more money, material wealth, power.

In love relationships, Sagittarius clearly manifests the hunter's instinct. Sagittarius men persistently pursue women, shooting cupid's arrows at them until they reach their goal.

Sagittarius women are very active, they are also hunters and skillfully provoke the man they like, pushing him to action. Women of this sign do not like manifestations of their husband’s jealousy and strongly oppose restrictions on their personal freedom.

Health of representatives of the Sagittarius sign

In the characteristics of the Sagittarius sign, it is worth mentioning that these people have a healthy positive thinking. They have great optimism. Liver diseases are typical for Sagittarius.

Often illnesses in Sagittarius are observed due to their lack of a sense of proportion. Sagittarius should not overeat and abuse fatty foods and sweets, this leads to rapid weight gain. Alcohol abuse can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

The mythical image with which Sagittarius is associated is, first of all, amazing creatures that lived on the banks of the River Styx, as well as in the kingdom of the dead. Most of them were bloodthirsty beasts. However, there were others. Their most famous representative is Chiron. In myths he was called wise for his depth of knowledge. The story about him is connected with another ancient hero - Prometheus, to whom Chiron decided to cede his immortality. Subsequently, the thunderer Zeus elevated Chiron to zodiac circle- namely, in


Another mythological hero that is associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius is Jupiter. This planet rules the sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter gives those born under its protection ample opportunities for self-realization and rare chances not available to other signs.

Let's consider brief description Sagittarius.

  • Flowers: daffodil, cornflower, palm.
  • Talismans and amulets: horseshoe, salamander.
  • Symbolism of the sign: centaur, stars.
  • Lucky numbers zodiac sign Sagittarius: 3, 4, 9.


The stones listed below make the best talismans for representatives of this zodiac sign. Most suitable for them is obsidian, which allows them to overcome everything negative qualities. A talisman made from this stone is able to provide “centaurs” with the necessary energy that is required for the development of intuition.

Another stone for the Sagittarius zodiac sign is chrysolite. It symbolizes peace of mind, peace, tranquility. From this mineral you can make a talisman that will protect Sagittarius from ill-wishers.

Turquoise is also an ideal stone for Sagittarius zodiac sign. It allows you to protect yourself from almost any negative impact. Among other things, Sagittarius can use this crystal to restore lost or deteriorated relationships with their lover.

An amulet made from a tiger's eye is also suitable for Sagittarius. It will attract good luck and help fulfill your most secret desires. Amethyst will have a powerful positive effect on representatives of this sign. A talisman made from this mineral will help all Sagittarius who are engaged in mental work.

General characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a completely restless person. He is constantly on the move, striving for new discoveries. He always wants to know maximum quantity information, redo a lot of things.

Recognizing a representative of this sign is as easy as shelling pears. He can be found in the center of any noisy company at a party. He will tell entertaining stories, and his friends around - laugh devastatingly.

Honesty and fearlessness

The main characteristic of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is truthfulness. He can express everything that is on his mind, without even thinking that his words could seriously hurt or offend a person. Sagittarians are smart and resourceful. Their only drawback is the lack of tact.

Also, representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius are distinguished by courage and fearlessness. They are not afraid of risky professions; they are literally obsessed with high speed. Headlong, Sagittarius will try to overtake the car. He loves flying airplanes. Many famous test pilots were born under this sign. Sagittarians love to tempt fate and play with own death.

Sagittarius in society

They are also unusually talkative. What is on their mind is on their tongue the next second. Such indiscretion often costs them dearly. Despite this, it is impossible to be angry with representatives of this sign for a long time. After all, he tells the truth not because he wants to offend - he simply wants to help in this way. At least there is not a drop of deceit or flattery in his words.


As a rule, a representative of this sign is in a joyful mood. However, do not forget that the zodiac sign Sagittarius is fiery, and therefore can flare up completely suddenly. Especially if someone tries to oppress him, or demonstrates excessive familiarity. Often in Sagittarius there is an element of disrespect for management and authorities, a desire to rebel against established rules.

By nature they are players. It is unlikely that any of them will miss the opportunity to play the lottery. Their favorite cities are Las Vegas and also Monte Carlo.


A Sagittarius will never pass by if someone asks them for help. At the same time, the man will always get involved in a fight, and the woman will curse the ill-wisher so much that the latter will greatly regret what he did.

An unfair accusation of any dishonest act drives Sagittarius into a real rage. He can attack the slanderer with his fists so that he will think carefully next time whether it is worth making accusations against Sagittarius in vain.

"Child" among the zodiac signs

Representatives of this sign are completely devoted to their favorite work. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s religion (to which many of them clearly gravitate), or a circus show. In the personality of a Sagittarius of any age and gender there is something of a child - brave, naive, too optimistic. He doesn't want to admit that life is quite a serious undertaking. And if he receives confirmation of this, he can then become very upset. His character rebels against everything established and familiar. Such things make Sagittarius bored.


If a representative of this sign does not spoil his own health with his frivolity, he has every chance of living to an old age in good condition.

Sagittarius' weak points: hips, liver, shoulders, lungs. Often, due to the fact that they run around like crazy, Sagittarians get into various accidents. However, they cannot be forced to lie in a hospital bed for a long time, and they recover surprisingly quickly. Bad mood leaves them before he manages to take possession of them completely.

Generosity and compassion

Sagittarians are unusually generous natures. If they give you a loan, they will never ask when you plan to pay it back. Instead, they will wait patiently. A Sagittarius woman according to her zodiac sign will happily adopt a homeless child. She will never kick out a puppy or a cat. Generally speaking, Sagittarians of any gender are distinguished by their humanity and ability to sympathize.

Sagittarius or Capricorn?

The month with which the zodiac sign Sagittarius is traditionally associated is December. After all, it is officially considered that the dates of this sign are from November 23 to However, despite the generally accepted dates, there are some nuances in designating the time boundaries of this sign. For some time, Sagittarius does not fully enter into his powers.

Starting from December 20, it gradually loses its strength. And if the date of birth falls on the border between two signs, there is a possibility that a person’s life occurs in accordance with the other, Upper zodiac. The period between December 20 and December 24 is considered transitional. The constellation that patronizes those born at this time is Cassiopeia. This concept was first proposed famous astrologer P. Globe.

Born under the sign of the World Tree

The Upper Zodiac sign often has another name - the World Tree. Under his patronage, personalities of global scale were born. There is an opinion that Christ, Zarathustra, was born under this sign. According to mythological ideas, the great Axis of the universe passes between the two signs of the zodiac. This rod unites different worlds, promotes the transfer of information. Also born under the auspices of the World Tree were: Stalin (12/21/1879 according to official data), Mao Zedong (12/26/1893).

Sagittarius or Ophiuchus: another choice

Another month that causes difficulties in designating the zodiac sign Sagittarius is November, more precisely, the dates from November 29 to December 17. On these dates another sign appears called Ophiuchus. It was introduced quite recently, and there is still debate about its meaning. The main character traits of Ophiuchus are daydreaming, peacefulness, love of intellectual work, and well-developed intuition.

Sagittarius of the stronger sex

A man of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a self-confident and bright personality. Typically, representatives of this constellation are respectable, beautiful figure. It cannot be spoiled even by baggy clothes. Sometimes a man of the Sagittarius zodiac sign can grow a beer belly, but he is unlikely to consider such a small thing a flaw. For jewelry, he will prefer rings and gold watches.

It is difficult to ignore him, because he is able to conquer with his goodwill and charming smile. He is adventurous, very sociable, and strives to try everything in life. Sagittarius men often prefer to follow their impulses.

He is a born romantic and loves to be in the thick of things. A woman will always appreciate his presence. One of the most significant advantages of Sagittarius is that he does not know how to lie, and therefore his words about feelings are always truthful.

Sagittarius men get carried away easily, and therefore experience many affairs. However, in each of the stories they remain honest. Sagittarians are not hunters. If a girl refuses, he will easily and quickly find a new object of adoration.

Characteristics of ladies

What can you say about the woman of the zodiac sign Sagittarius? You definitely cannot pass by her indifferent. After all, she always knows how to attract attention. The Sagittarius Lady is always interesting personality, she strives to achieve abundance in all areas of life. She has excellent taste- she can combine several colors in one outfit in the most successful way. Sometimes it can look a little provocative, but it is never tasteless. Her movements are sharp and sometimes sweeping - the Sagittarius lady cannot be called graceful.

Bright and open girls

In communication, she does not burden herself and those around her with any awkwardness or conventions. She would rather behave naturally, at ease. It's bright and unusual person, who also has an extraordinary imagination. Therefore, next to a Sagittarius woman, hardly anyone will get bored. Another plus is cheerfulness. It is unlikely that you will find a woman of this zodiac sign who will suffer from depression or unrequited love.

According to horoscopes, sometimes she lacks the sensitivity and tenderness that is usually expected from the fair sex. However, the straightforwardness inherent in the Sagittarius girl is absolutely not a means of causing offense. She may not even realize that in some situations it would be wiser to remain silent. She will demand honesty from those around her, and will get angry if honesty is impossible to obtain.

Compatibility of the zodiac sign Sagittarius with other representatives of the constellations

Sagittarius gets along well with those who belong to the air element - and these are Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius. In such relationships there will always be enough harmony. An alliance with Aries, who, like Sagittarius, is characterized by impulsiveness and naivety, can also be good. “Centaurs” have in common with Leo generosity and self-sufficiency. Paired with a representative own sign Vivid and exciting experiences may also arise. romance novels, which will be filled with bright madness.

It is hardly possible to talk about perfect compatibility zodiac sign Sagittarius with Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio. In such an alliance, Sagittarius will not have any troubles due to the overly pronounced possessive instinct of these signs. Relationships with Pisces can be completely saturated with romance, but sooner or later you will have to come down from heaven to sinful earth.

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo will demand fidelity from the “centaurs”, as well as an end to their eternal wanderings. However, even in a state of “settled life” in one place, Sagittarius does not inspire trust and a sense of confidence in these signs. tomorrow. Therefore, such an alliance can hardly be assessed unambiguously.

What are Sagittarians like in work, love, sex and friendship? What Sagittarians don’t like and what is important to remember about this zodiac sign!

Sagittarius is the most conservative sign of the zodiac. Usually, Sagittarius's appearance is not the most memorable, but their charisma is a magnet for others. Sagittarians are easy to appreciate and respect because they have many talents. If you want to have at least one reliable person in your life, then you should meet a Sagittarius.

We present to you a brief description of a Sagittarius man: stubborn, responsible, generous, lucky, passionate, purposeful and reliable.

Brief characteristics of a Sagittarius woman: attractive, sensitive, slightly arrogant, capricious, temperamental and charming.

Sagittarius at work

Sagittarians are constantly late for work, so they need a flexible schedule and understanding from management. They do not accept boundaries, and there is no need to tell them that “this is how the whole country lives.” They will come up with their own ways to live the way they want, and not the way others tell them. If Sagittarius is in love with his project, he will devote all his time and all his energy to his favorite business. They do not like to study at school, but in the future they will be willing to study what may be useful to them to provide for themselves and their family.

Sagittarius in love

The Sagittarius man is very romantic in his courtship, he, like a boa constrictor, directly surrounds his chosen one with care and love, but this does not mean that he is ready to get married. His freedom and sense of independence are important to him. But if you still managed to win the heart of Sagittarius, then he knows how to love for a long time and faithfully. He chooses the best from the best, it is important for him to be understood and supported, otherwise why else would love be needed?

The Sagittarius woman goes headlong into her love. But if suddenly her partner let her down or she lost interest in his person, then she will silently leave. Representatives of this sign are for happiness with both hands and do not need these everyday problems, unfulfilled agreements or eternal quarrels. She is in an eternal search for romance, understanding and sincerity.

Sagittarius in bed

The Sagittarius man is very passionate in bed. He knows how to maximally tune his partner in the right way. But the main rule for him is: “don’t get too carried away with the objects of seduction.” He is a supporter of classical techniques, but if he is asked to experiment, he will not object. He is a fan of intimate suits, high heels and stockings during long foreplay.

Sagittarius women are strong supporters of great sex. Such a woman is a magnet for the opposite sex, because she does not try to hide her shortcomings. This woman simply loves herself and enjoys her ability to love life. She can invent more and more new tricks, scenarios and games in bed. A restless creature that needs affection. The Sagittarius woman is not particularly worried about how long the process of intimate pleasures was; it is important for her that everything started quickly and ended with the desired result.

Erogenous zones of Sagittarius

The Sagittarius man loves when, during foreplay, a woman pays attention to his back, and especially his lower back and buttocks. You can use both light and passionate stroking, biting, subtle touching and kissing. A Sagittarius man will go crazy from any of your touches on his lower back.

The Sagittarius woman is not indifferent to a head massage. A gentle touch to the skin, stroking the hair, a light head massage while taking a joint bath will show you a side of your partner that she has not previously seen. You can safely expect an avalanche of passion and excitement. So don't be afraid to try this little trick.

Sagittarius in friendship

Representatives of this sign are some of the best friends in the world. They will not lie, but will come up with real way help. Sagittarius will lend you money, but they will immediately figure out where and how you can earn money, so that they can not only repay the debt to them, but also earn good money themselves. Sagittarius is drawn to more successful people, he likes to develop, although he is sometimes lazy. You can trust Sagittarius, because they simply do not know how to betray and let you down.

Sagittarians do not like it when their friends complain about their lives. Sagittarians always see other ways out, because pity has never helped anyone cope with problems. They are advocates of action rather than tolerance.

Famous personalities born under the sign of “Sagittarius”: Gianni Versace, Maxim Averin, Yulia Timoshenko, Tina Turner, Vincent Cassel, Nikolai Nosov, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Alexander Maslyakov, Emir Kusturica, Anton Makarsky, Vladimir Mashkov, Bruce Lee, Vera Fisher, Alexander Block, Jane Sibbett, Ridley Scott, Mark Twain, Woody Allen, Nelly Furtado, Britney Spears, Lucy Liu, Julianne Moore, Fyodor Tyutchev, Afanasy Fet, Patricia Kaas and others.

Important to remember

Each sign of the Zodiac carries some semantic characteristic of describing character traits and behavior, but each person is individual and unique. It is important for each of us to remember that in life we ​​need to place emphasis on self-knowledge and self-development. Sometimes it's easier for us to blame everything on our date of birth than on our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems, but, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

Horoscopes have been read, are being read and will continue to be read simply to get to know someone “better” or to explain the reason for some stupid actions. Advice: “Love your shortcomings and the mistakes of your loved ones, because they are what make us unique and inimitable people.” Live today, understanding that each of us is free in our choice and in our decision. Respect others and then you will not encounter the problem of “incompatibility of zodiac signs.”

People have been talking about the influence of the location of stars at birth on the rest of a person’s life for a long time. They developed astrology, determined the signs of the zodiac, gradually supplementing the usual gradation of twelve signs with more and more new elements. Gradually, such a concept as the element of a sign was introduced, on which the interaction of one or another zodiac sign with others was believed to depend. Entire maps of compatibility between people have been developed, the study of which can shed light on difficult human relationships. But we must not forget about the generally accepted characteristics of the zodiac signs, which also shed light on our personal qualities.

Sagittarius element

During the period from November 22 to the Sun is within the boundaries of Which element suits people born at this time? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to refer to the general characteristics of the sign.

According to her, Sagittarius are fire signs. Ancient people depicted this zodiac sign as a centaur armed with a bow. Just like the legendary ones mythical creatures Sagittarians are characterized by a desire to endlessly explore the world around them. In this desire, they stop at nothing: thanks to their innate assertiveness, they overcome obstacles, and their natural charm helps them find common language with everyone. Best Feature for this sign it is the answer to the question: “What element?” Sagittarius is fire, but the fire is peaceful, giving light and warmth, and in no way dangerous.

Detailed characteristics

Let's talk a little about such an amazing sign as Sagittarius. What element according to the horoscope is the same person. Like fire, Sagittarius gathers people around them, selflessly sharing their warmth with them. Representatives of this sign always believe in the best, which is why Fortune is so favorable to them. But if something prevents this sign from achieving its goal, it mercilessly removes the obstacle from the path. As soon as this one reaches one height, it immediately jumps to another, constantly being in motion and not stopping for a second.

Sagittarius needs to be needed, but he will not tolerate control over himself. Therefore, it is precisely this sign that can often have conflicts with someone who has risked in any way infringing on his rights. You should not get involved in confrontation with him, remembering which element controls him. Sagittarius is a fire that will not go out until it gets its way.

Fire in the blood

Continuing the theme of the influence of fire on the character of Sagittarius, it should be noted that due to the constant flame in their blood, they are impatient and impetuous, they always rush forward, trying their best to act as quickly as possible. This sign is not short of intelligence. The main thing is that this fiery impulsiveness does not play a cruel joke on Sagittarius.

It is also noteworthy that Sagittarians tend to overindulge - they do not know the limits in love, work, pleasure, which can sometimes lead to serious problems, both psychological and physical. They are generous and extravagant, risky and talkative - yet what element the zodiac sign belongs to plays an amazing role in character formation.


As for career, this is where the influence of fire comes into play. The flame does not tolerate loneliness - so the owners of this zodiac sign strive for professions in which they have to interact with people. They are also inclined towards creative professions.

The main thing for this sign is freedom, so you need to remember who Sagittarius is and what element this sign has. He is unlikely to be able to work as service personnel- too much ambition. Moreover, he is unlikely to tolerate an authoritative leader: no one can curb the fire.


The issue of health cannot be ignored. Things with him for Sagittarius are not as smooth as they would like. Most often they are susceptible to problems with the autonomic system, diseases of the joints, ligaments, and back muscles; in addition, problems with metabolism are possible; many owners of this sign are susceptible to asthma.

It’s sad, but in this situation it doesn’t help at all what element controls it. Sagittarius should spend more time on fresh air, not necessarily playing sports, just walking is enough.

The influence of the eastern horoscope on Sagittarius

There is also such a concept as eastern horoscope. According to him, each year belongs to a specific animal, whose character then affects the person born in that year. This cycle is repeated every 12 years, so that every dozen years a new generation of children of a certain zodiac sign and a certain sign according to the eastern horoscope is born. It turns out that the characteristics of the zodiac sign and element are also superimposed on the qualities characteristic of the animal of the eastern horoscope.

Take, for example, the year of the Goat. We have a baby born on December 1st. We already know what element controls it. The Sagittarius child (year of the Goat), if you believe the description, will grow creative personality with amazing imagination. These qualities will only be reinforced by the innate Sagittarius-fiery talent. The pessimism of the Goat will be hidden by the openness of Sagittarius, and the fiery nature will only strengthen the stubbornness and assertiveness characteristic of people born this year. As we can see, we can easily conclude that the eastern horoscope and the zodiac complement each other, thus allowing us to create an amazing combination of character traits that distinguish people from each other.

In love

But let’s move on to, perhaps, the most exciting part of the horoscope for some. We are subject to the influence of stars in many matters. The rebellious Sagittarius also obeys the inexorable luminaries. The element of a sign, its compatibility with others, its character - all this depends on the position of the Sun in the sky at the moment of a person’s birth.

This fire sign, which is not surprising, will be most successfully combined with air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini) and, most strikingly, with (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Sagittarius either will not get along at all with representatives of their own element (Aries and Leo) because of the constant struggle for the palm, or they form the brightest, but, alas, short-term tandems.

It is worth noting that Sagittarians are very fickle in love, and it is almost impossible to persuade them to get married legally if they do not want it. Having been burned once, they will then recover for a very long time, avoiding all contact with representatives of the opposite sex. This sign is waiting for an ideal partner, which is why, realizing that the one who is nearby is not the only one, Sagittarius immediately breaks off all relationships.

Brief conclusions

We found out which element controls the sign. Sagittarius is in the blood, in the actions, in the mind. The characteristics of this sign show that the stars shape a person’s character and influence his abilities and inclinations.

Sometimes it may seem that everything has long been predetermined for us from above. How else can one explain such striking features characteristic of this or that sign? But still, each of us creates our own destiny and our own happiness, therefore, even when looking at the stars, do not forget to think about who you really are, who you want to be, and not who the people around you and the heavenly bodies want you to see.