Ancient arias. Who are the Aryans

What is the difference and what is common between the Slavs and Aryans.

Honestly, I decided to write this material only so that some of you would simply understand how the Slavs and Aryans differ. I have been asked several times why some pagan organizations call themselves Slavic-Aryans? It seems clear with the Slavs, especially since several articles have already been written regarding the Slavs, for example, (The origin of the word ethnonym), and you can always turn to them to refresh your memory of the meaning of this term. But who are the Aryans? Are these really the same Aryans who were ruled by the famous bloody dictator Hitler? Not really.

Aryans are the peoples of ancient Iran and Ancient India . The native language of the Indo-Iranians is Aryan. The Indo-European word “Aryans” can be translated as “noble” - the exaltation of God’s special chosen people. So, Arius is an insider, Non-Aryan is a barbarian. Something similar can be found in one of the proposed translations regarding the Slavs: Slav is the one who speaks in his own word, i.e. in your native language. In addition, some historians and researchers suggest that the word “Aryan” can be translated as “Nomad”, “Ploughman”, “Shower of Hospitality”, “Friend”, “Courageous”. IN modern India the word ārya means Pious or Upholding the Dharma. The term is widely used in the Rig Veda, where it is used to refer to several Indian tribes. Also often, and maybe even more often than in Hindu literature, it is used in Buddhism and is translated here as “Noble, Holy.” In Buddhism, there are such concepts as the Four Aryan Truths, the Aryan (Eightfold) Path, Aryan people (Buddhists themselves), etc. Used in the ancient Iranian Avesta as an ethnic self-determination. In the South Russian and North Caucasian steppes, the Alans (Ossetians) called themselves Aryans. The Iranian-speaking population did not consider the Alans to be Aryans; in response, the Alans considered only themselves to be Aryans. Research shows that the Aryans were originally a single people and were the ancestors of the Indian and Iranian-speaking peoples.

Slavic-Aryans- this is the same as Indo-Europeans. The Slavs and Aryans are already two divided groups of the once existing Slavic-Aryan people. Such terms are usually used to refer to an ancient group of people or people who were the ancestors of the Slavic and Aryan peoples or the ancestors of the Indians, Iranians, Slavs, Europeans and others. Thus, it would be natural to say that none of us can be either a Slavic-Aryan or an Indo-European, since these words are only suitable for designating a certain ancient people, the progenitor of the Aryan and Slavic peoples.

The term Aryan became widely known with the rise to power of Hitler. Although he only used the theory he developed French writer Arthur de Gobineau. In his writings, he divided all humanity by skin color - black, yellow and white. He considered the Aryans to be the white-skinned population of the earth, which occupies a dominant role on the planet. Modern science rejects this theory as pseudoscientific and does not stand up to any criticism of modern scientists, anthropologists, etc., there is obvious linguistic confusion with terms here, since Aryans are a concept of a completely different sense, in no way related to skin color.

Who are the Aryans? Modern science confidently says that these are related tribes that lived one hundred thousand miles ago in the territory of Persia and India. Okay, at least she partially recognizes geography.

In the picture: Aryavarta. The country of the Aryans, described in the Rig Veda.

Today we can say with confidence that Persia, like India, was inhabited by people genetically identical to the Slavs. And we also know that the Indians themselves say that a long time ago, white Gods came to them from the north and taught them everything that they then began to teach the rest of the world. And there are thousands of irrefutable evidence that those whites came to Hindustan not from heaven, but from the Russian north, from the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Map 1542 Sebastian Munster.

It turns out that we are talking about our ancestors, common to some of today’s Indians, and numerous small tribes of white people preserved in the mountains of the Caucasus, northern Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

For clarity, here are photographs of representatives of the tribes of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nuristan:

By the way, in I-RA-ne, there is a tribe that calls itself the Khazars. And this is a white tribe, with pronounced Slavic features, clearly having common cultural roots with us.
That's why I don't believe that the Khazars are Jews. No. Modern DNA genealogy clearly defines Jews as immigrants from northern Africa, the closest relatives of the AR-abovs. They moved to Europe in the same way as the Arabs are moving there now. They had and do not have anything to do with the Khazars. The real Khazars are one of the Slavic tribes, and they never knew the Jewish faith.

Here they are, the “terrible” Khazars:

Well, what will our authoritative faithologists now say about the Khazars belonging to the Jews? One people? You don’t even need a DNA test to say confidently: “NO.”
And the reading of the word “Khazars” (Khazary) is most likely distorted by the Latin transcription. It would be correct to read K(x)-AS-Ary, where K is a diphthong sound preserved, for example, in the Georgian language and some Turkic dialects, such as Kazakh.
Well, there is not a single documentary evidence of the existence Khazar Khaganate within the limits in which TORiki placed him. And generally within no limits. There is Scythia, Sarmatia, Mithridatia, Nesiotia, everything except Khazaria...

But Khazaria seemed to exist! Or "Song of Prophetic Oleg"is he lying to us? Well... Actually, all these “ancient” epics raise huge doubts about their authenticity, and besides, the Khazars could have been just a small tribe at that time. So small that they were not even marked on maps.

You can check it yourself. In the place where the historians placed Khazaria, there was always the kingdom of the Pyatigorsk Circassians (Chirkassi Petigorski). In modern terms - Terek Cossacks.
So, the Khazars in Rus' were just one of many tribes, most likely southern Russians, from the Kuban, or North Caucasus, but they are part of the Kuban Cossacks, Circassians, or Alans.
Do you remember the name of the most famous Aryan, the King of Persia, the invincible commander?
His name was D'Arius!

Darius the Great. Will anyone doubt that he is God? He is sitting, taller than the standing people... And all sorts of secret devices in the office...
But bad luck... One day, the invincible Darius was completely defeated by the King of Scythia, Ariant. Arius+ANT. Ants = Russians, which means that the name of the glorious Scythian king is translated into understandable terms as “Russian Aryan”. And who would argue!

Everything fits, these are the descendants of the Aryans, and the memory of the newcomers from the north has been preserved in many sources, including written ones. And the attitude of the ancestors towards the Aryans was completely unambiguous. In any language, in any culture, an Aryan is:
- Mine,
- Free,
- Noble (descendant of the Gods),
— Freeborn,
- Relative,
- Noble,
- Saint,
- Comrade,
— Pious,
- Courageous.
- Friend.

Not one epithet with a negative attitude! Everyone loved the Aryans.
Among the Armenians to this day, Ara is a Friend, and the self-name of the Armenians suggests that they are also Aryans. Ariy + Man (human) Ahriman = Armenian (in). And among the Hindus, Aryaman is the deity of friendship, hospitality and weddings! Oh how!

And here’s another interesting observation: Buddhists call themselves “Aryapuggala”. This translates as "Aryan people", but it is difficult to convince us of this at first. Where to put the “scarecrow”? And the point, most likely, is not that someone was trying to intimidate someone. Probably, this or another word with the same root was used to call all the statues, including those in the garden, to scare away the boys from Mishka Kvakin’s gang (the birds are not scared anyway).

You can also remember about the Amu Darya river, flowing through the territory of Tartaria, where Tamerlan ruled, who was also a direct descendant of the Gods, and was appointed ruler by the Gods. Only he didn’t like the word “Tartaria”, cosmopolitanism is everything, so the “Tartarians” themselves called their country TURAN. And it’s quite a suitable word if you know that the sacred animal in Rus' was the Tur. Otherwise Veles. Eh, it’s just a pity that real tours haven’t survived to this day. The latter, they say, was killed by Vladimir Monomakh himself in 1627. in Polyania. At the same time, miraculously he did not die.

The Hindus also have H'are Krishna, who is probably Ariya Kryshen, and also H'are Vishnu, possibly the call sign Ariya Vyshenya, and of course, H'are RA - MA. RA is the Sun God, MA is the Mother, just as the Sun is the Creator of all things, father and mother in one incarnation. Everything is entirely Vedism, or more precisely the Slavic sun-centric worldview, which is mistakenly considered a proto-religion, called paganism and shamanism.

And this is not a mythological consciousness, and not superstition. This is the knowledge of the RA. Whole, unified, not divided into branches and sub-sectors, knowledge about the structure of the world, and the laws of its harmonious existence and development.

Peace, not in the sense of the absence of war, but peace as a universe, is the sacred Mount Meru, which the Indians were told about by the Gods who came from the north, and which was located in the center of the Earth, in Arctida - Hyperborea.

Knowing one feature of the worldview of our ancestors, we can trace a lot of wonderful things lying on the surface that help to penetrate the meaning of the words that we use every day, using them as a set of sounds. This peculiarity is that a certain positive concept acquired the opposite meaning when simply reading it backwards. But this is so logical! Then many words with the root AR are clear.

If RA is the Sun, then AR is the complete opposite. This is darkness. And if Ra is good, then Ar, of course, is evil.
MARS is the God of War, and even if you read it in the opposite direction, it comes out in general: - SHAM. Well, that's how it is, isn't it?

Then these are ARchAngels dark side Angels? After all, it may be that the word “angel” was pronounced aspirated, “h’angel”! But somewhere I’ve already come across that “Allah” was originally pronounced as “h’alla’h.” Then no matter which way you read it, it turns out the same thing. Ideal God, that... All sides are in one vessel...

You can also speculate about the meaning of the word “gate”. In RA – ta, or entrance to Paradise. And if it’s the other way around, IN AR-ta, or VATRA. Do you know that the concept of “bonfire” used to have many different meanings? So here it is. A bonfire, like a flame, was previously designated in Rus' by the word “vatra”. It is still used to this day in Ukraine and Belarus. Then, if you do not deny the possibility of existence, at first glance impossible, everything begins to be filled with meaning.
This is no longer a set of meaningless sounds, these are images that, by their very sound, give an idea of ​​​​the essence of an object, concept, or event. The gate is the path to heaven, and vatra, on the contrary, is the path to hell. Gehenna is fiery, isn't it? Just don’t fill this word with such a negative meaning. Hell was invented by Christian preachers, whose goal was the unconditional submission of the masses through intimidation. Speaking modern language, with the help of terror.
But in fact, the opposite did not mean something terrible at all. It assumed the presence of a different point of view, in modern terms - pluralism. That's all. No underworld, with sinners in frying pans and in boiling resin.

Then how can one interpret the meaning of the word "Aryavarta"? (see picture at the very beginning). Can be read as a fiery Aria, i.e. the country of the Aryans, where it’s hot (of course, after Vologda it’s absolutely scorching hot there). Or it can be like the Country - hell (again, figuratively speaking) for the Aryans. But doesn’t the European name of our country T-AR-T-Aria have a similar meaning? Tartar... Tar-tar-ry... Who benefited from making the world tremble in horror at the sounds of Tar-tar-y?
Is it not those who made every effort to make the “demo(no)cratic” world groan at the mere mention of the USSR? Has the situation changed now? In the Baltics, trenches are already being dug on farmsteads, in anticipation of “Russian aggression”!
But everything is just... TART. Do you know what TRT is? No? And the cake? So there you go! The word cake, clearly not foreign, returned to us from Europe like a boomerang. At first it was a sacrificial pie of the Slavs, brought to the Sun God of RA on the day of the vernal equinox (Yar Day, also known as Maslenitsa) March 21-22 (the name of the month appeared thanks to the God of War Mars/Shame).

Tarta. It's a cake. If the tart belongs to an Aryan, whose is it? Correct answer: Tarta aria, i.e. Tartaria.

Truly, nothing is new under this Sun. Just as in the Middle Ages they frightened children west of the Danube with Tartary, so now they frighten the mentally unstable part of the Jewish population with Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to know history...
Or are you tired of living?

Andrey Golubev


Materials and results of research by A. Klesov and his associates - genetic scientists on determining the haplogroup - tribal affiliation, made it possible to destroy many myths created around the history of peoples.

MYTH FIRST - THE TRUE ARYANS ARE GERMAN PEOPLES, and the Slavs recently came from dugouts.

Genetic research showed that more than 50% -70% of the population are Eastern Slavs and these are direct descendants of the ancient Aryan tribes of the R1a genus who lived in Eurasia. Modern Germans have only 18% Aryan descendants. In addition, it is clear to archaeologists that the Aryan Slavs already lived in cities 3,500 years ago.


Of the six world religions, the Proto-Slavs created three: Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and improved the fourth - Christianity. They laid down the Vedic Indian, Trypillian, Etruscan, Hittite, Cretan-Mycenaean and Greek civilizations. For more than 5 thousand years, the Slavic-Aryans had a written language from which the writing of many Eurasian countries originated; they left an endless variety of valuable written sources.

MYTH THIRD: - “TRIPOLIAN CULTURE” - as if created by unknown peoples.

Genetics have established that “Trypillia” is a civilization of Aryan origin, the direct descendants of the “Tripillians” still live and speak dialects of the Russian language.


Genetics have not found any traces of the presence of “Mongolian genes” among the Slavs - up to 75% of the male population of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have clear genetic evidence of origin from the great-ancestor of the R1a genus, who lived more than 3,500 years ago. In addition, direct relatives belonging to the genus R1a are found in India, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, the Balkans, even on the islands of England and many other countries in which they lived in different times Slavic-Aryans, of whom there are now more than 500 million people on the planet.


Genetic practice has established that those who consider themselves a “biological Jew”, go to the synagogue, preach Zionism, may turn out to be by blood Eastern Slav-Aryan, Turkic and even Chinese. In total, out of 18 genera-haplogroups, seven are found among modern Jews.

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One day, while looking at Paolo Toscanelli’s map of the earth (1475), I discovered on it interesting name - ARIA ..What is this, I thought? Does this have something to do with arias? In small letters...probably this is some kind of area on a regional scale, such as a principality, county, or whatever it might be called in the East? What especially attracted attention was that all this is located next to India, not so far from it, because it was India that became the new homeland for the Aryan peoples who left the northern Siberian ancestral homeland.. Is there some kind of connection here? Then I began to “comb” all the old maps from before the 15th century, and discovered (not without difficulty) something interesting. prompting certain thoughts.

MAP OF THE EARTH(clickbell, click and it will increase!) PAOLO TOSCANNELLI(the size is huge - you can look at and read all sorts of interesting things)
It is very important - at the time when the map was produced, the level of the world's oceans was noticeably higher - this can be seen from the fact that Crimea on the map is not a peninsula but an island.

Map of Strabo 1018, huge territory. along with India it is called Ariana

Below, on the reconstructed map of Agrippa (1020), the part of Asia adjacent to India is called Aria (underlined in red).. Enough examples? Nothing comes to mind? Where did the Aryans go from Northern India, Superior-Siberian ancestral homeland? They went to the Hindustan peninsula, through Aria to modern India - perhaps this is what the area began to be called after their arrival.. That was what that land was called at the beginning of the last millennium, and later.. I note that on the earlier map of 1020 (below) Aria is marked on a par with India. And on a later map (the one above), Arya had already lost its political significance, and is marked in small letters, unlike India, which retained its significance, and perhaps increased it. It is possible that the Aryans settled in North America, while the isthmus between the continents remained - there are also traces there white man. After all, North America until the 15th century it was called India (read more - ) no Columbus discovered it, everyone knew it perfectly and sailed there.

Okay, so the memory of the Aryans was alive 1000 years ago, and 600 years ago they were still remembered as a separate country.. While the Indian Aryans were called Indians, and later Hindus (together with local indigenous tribes), some of the Aryans continued to call theirs the country of Aryan, by the name of its ethnic group, people. What happened before, India or Arya is unknown, perhaps the Indians enlightened the local tribes, and somewhere mixed some of their blood, ennobling the natives with the gene pool. But the inhabitants of Aria preferred to preserve the purity of their clan and communicated with the local tribes “through a handkerchief.” As we see, this hardly benefited them as a state or country. However, this is my own version.

map of Dionysius (1124)

Here it is, this area on Ptolemy's map1168 (its reconstruction 1495)- it’s quite possible to talk about where this area is located, even though the shape of the Caspian Sea was completely different at that time, and it was located not vertically, but horizontally, relative to our usual vision of the world map.. And this large lake(which is next to the name ARIA) is not observed on a comparable scale now.. Most likely ARIA was located at the junction of the borders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan, somewhere in those parts.. It should be noted that completely white Tajiks live in the mountainous regions of Tajikistan - these are the descendants Aryans... Yes, yes, we have the same haplogroup with the Tajiks, so don’t be offended by the Tajiks for saying they “came in large numbers”... They are our brothers by genes - I didn’t come up with that. listen to the world luminary Professor Klesov ( )
So the name on the map is quite appropriate.

Here's what it looks like on a modern map...


Here they are, Aryans - Tajiks, Afghans, Pakistanis (most of the population of Afghanistan are ethnic Tajiks). They still live in the place of the country called ARIA on ancient maps.. They are the descendants of those who once came and settled on these lands and gave the name to their country after the name of their people is ARIA.. These are white people of noble origin.. (note the straight purely Aryan nose of the man below) Strong, hardy. undemanding, hardworking, living on their own land. Excellent warriors - Aryan blood... That's why no one can defeat them, neither the British twice, nor their brothers from the USSR, and certainly not the would-be US soldiers, the Pindos, who are not fighters without a drone and toilet paper... They heroically advance to clean up settlement, when it has already been bombed below the surface of the earth, in order to finish off those who miraculously survived the hellish meat grinder...

Documentary - "Arias of the Pamirs"

Mountain Tajiks from Tajikistan

Afghan Tajiks are descendants of the Aryans

Kalash, white inhabitants of Pakistan.

This way you can do CONCLUSION, Whatfleeing unbearable living conditions, the Aryans, who were forced to leave their northern ancestral homeland, migrated south, and formed the state of ARIA there..
Since then, their descendants have
live in the place where their distant glorious ancestors once came - in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, on the site of the former ARIA.. These are the most prominent representatives of the Aryan peoples .
so that the “true Aryans” do not think to themselves,
Hitler's Germany..
These are the true Aryans:

The percentage shows the share of R1a from the total number of the ethnic group


And the Russian people are genetically modern form was born in the European part of present-day Russia about 4,500 years ago. A boy with the R1a1 mutation became the direct ancestor of all men now living on earth whose DNA contains this haplogroup. All of them are his biological or, as they said before, blood descendants and among themselves - blood relatives, together making up united people- Russian. And we have our own relationship with the Slavic-Aryan ethnos, and also with the SLAVIC-ARYAN EPOS - that’s a very interesting story

Chronicles of the Land of Aria - part 1 - Then follow the links, there are many parts there.


It does not allow for double interpretation, and genetic conclusions to establish kinship are accepted even by the court. Therefore, genetic and statistical analysis of population structure, based on the determination of haplogroups in DNA, allows us to trace the historical paths of peoples much more reliably than ethnography, archeology, linguistics and other scientific disciplines dealing with these issues.

Indeed, the haplogroup in the Y-chromosome DNA, unlike language, culture, religion and other creations of human hands, is not modified or assimilated. She's either one or the other. And if a statistically significant number of indigenous inhabitants of a territory have a certain haplogroup, we can say with one hundred percent certainty that these people descend from the original carriers of this haplogroup, who were once present in this territory.

Realizing this, American geneticists, with the enthusiasm inherent in all emigrants in questions of origin, began to wander around the world, take tests from people and look for biological “roots”, their own and others. What they accomplished is of great interest to us, since it sheds true light on the historical paths of our Russian people and destroys many established myths.

So, having emerged 4500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain (the place of maximum concentration of R1a1 - an ethnic focus), the Russian people quickly multiplied and began to expand their habitat. 4000 years ago, our ancestors went to the Urals and created Arkaim and a “civilization of cities” there with many copper mines and international connections all the way to Crete (chemical analysis of some products found there shows: the copper is Ural).

They looked then exactly the same as we do now; the ancient Rus did not have any Mongoloid or other non-Russian features. Scientists have recreated the appearance of a young woman from the “civilization of cities” from bone remains: the result is a typical Russian beauty, millions of the same live in our time in the Russian outback.

Haplogroup R1a1 in the ancient world

Another 500 years later, 3500 years ago, haplogroup R1a1 appeared in India. The history of the Russians’ arrival in India is known better than other vicissitudes of the territorial expansion of our ancestors thanks to the ancient Indian epic, in which its circumstances are described in sufficient detail. But there is other evidence of this epic, including archaeological and linguistic.

It is known that the ancient Rus were called Aryans at that time (as they are recorded in Indian texts). It is also known that it was not the local Hindus who gave them this name, but that it is a self-name. Convincing evidence of this has been preserved in hydronymy and toponymy - the Ariyka River, the villages of Upper Ariy and Lower Ariy in Perm region, in the very heart of the Ural civilization of cities, etc.

It is also known that the appearance of the Russian haplogroup R1a1 on the territory of India 3500 years ago (the time of birth of the first Indo-Aryan calculated by geneticists) was accompanied by the death of a developed local civilization, which archaeologists called Harappan based on the site of the first excavations. Before their disappearance, this people, who had populous cities at that time in the Indus and Ganges valleys, began to build defensive fortifications, which they had never done before. However, the fortifications apparently did not help, and the Harappan period Indian history replaced by Aryan.

The first monument of the Indian epic, which talks about the appearance of the Aryans, was written down 400 years later, in the 11th century. BC e., and in the 3rd century. BC e. in its completed form, the ancient Indian literary language Sanskrit emerged, surprisingly similar to the modern Russian language.

Anatoly Alekseevich Klyosov
"Haplogroups of the Middle East"

Several centuries after sunset Harappan civilization Aryan tribes came to the valleys of the Indus and Ganges rivers (from Aryans - “noble”). The Aryans were nomads, but, having appeared in the upper reaches of the Ganges, they began to gradually develop the valley of this river, pushing aside or assimilating the small tribes of the aborigines. High level material culture- familiarity with metals, the use of plows, fertilizers, irrigation devices, means of transport, developed crafts - all this contributed to their rapid and successful consolidation in the occupied territories. It was their language and culture, including its religious and ideological fundamentals, that for many millennia, right up to the present day, determined historical path Indian culture.

With the arrival of the Aryans, a new Indo-Aryan period began in Indian culture. It was the Aryans, with their great attention to religious symbolism and mythology, to cults and sacrifices, with the leading role of the Brahmin priests and the deification of sacred texts, that gave the entire Indian culture a religious and spiritual character, which also became the quintessence of the artistic culture of India. The priority of religious and spiritual problems led to the fact that in India of this period, socio-historical memory is presented only in a religious-epic, mythological-cult form. Chronicles and writing as such were simply not needed. All knowledge necessary for life was learned by heart and passed on from generation to generation. This is how the most important sacred books of India appeared - the Vedas (from the verb “to know”, “to know”).

The Vedas are a collection of religious texts - hymns, chants and magical formulas. They are written in the oldest form of Sanskrit. The Vedas consist of four parts: the Rig Veda (Book of Hymns), Samaveda (Book of Songs), Yajur Veda (Book of Sacrifice), Atharva Veda (Book of Spells). Vedic literature also includes the later commentaries of the Vedas - the Brahmanas and Upanishads.

Thus, the idea of ​​karma, one of the main ones in the Indian mentality, became a regulator of individual and social behavior Indians. The concept of samsara protected India from social upheavals for centuries: need, poverty, and labor were perceived as the result of a previous sinful life and bad karma, as the fault of the person himself.

The goal of Indian life, however, was not simply improving karma, but completely falling out of the circle of rebirths and achieving liberation - moksha. This state could only be achieved by an ascetic Brahman who, over the years of abstinence, acquired enormous energy (tapas), which allowed him to rise above the law of karma, reach the divine worlds and dissolve in them. Therefore, a huge number of hermits resorted to severe ascetic practice in the hope of dissolving in Brahman and never incarnating in this world again.

ABOUT artistic culture India Vedic period we judge mainly by literature - the Vedas, their commentaries, as well as the epics that were emerging at that time. The emergence of the largest epic works India - Mahabharata ( Great War descendants of Bharata) and Ramayana (The Tale of the Adventures of King Rama) occurred in the second half of the 1st millennium BC. e. They included myths, tales about the life of the peoples of India, legends about its gods and heroes. These truly grandiose tales filled the Indian fine arts their dramatic stories, introduced new lively and emotional motives into it. Pictures of nature, amazing adventures, rituals and games are intertwined in them with descriptions of titanic feats, battles and heroes endowed with divine, superhuman strength.

The plot basis of the Mahabharata was the story of the struggle for power of the descendants of the mythical king Bharata - the ancient families of the Kauravas and Pandavas. This struggle takes on the dimensions of a grandiose battle, in which everything living on earth and in heaven participates - gods and spirits, people and animals, and the battle itself takes on a cosmic scope. Artistic value The Mahabharata is given descriptions of the palaces of the rulers, with transparent pearl nets on the windows, floors made of precious stones, hundreds of doors, carpets and decorative trees, studded with gems. These descriptions express the wonderful dreams of the people of that time about the magical beauty of the world

The Ramayana is based on the story of King Rama's campaign to the island of Lanka to rescue his beloved Sita, who had been kidnapped by the demon king Ravana. Rama, with the help of the king of the monkeys, fights the king of demons, whom the gods cannot cope with - this is only possible for humans. The poem glorifies the subordination of the younger to the elder, the submission and fidelity of the wife. Each of the heroes is the personification of one of the positive qualities person. The heroes of the Ramayana today remain a symbol of nobility and high moral ideals.

Who are the Aryans? Modern science confidently says that these are related tribes that lived one hundred thousand miles ago in the territory of Persia and India. Okay, at least she partially recognizes geography.

In the picture: Aryavarta. The country of the Aryans, described in the Rig Veda.

Today we can say with confidence that Persia, like India, was inhabited by people genetically identical to the Slavs. And we also know that the Indians themselves say that a long time ago, white Gods came to them from the north and taught them everything that they then began to teach the rest of the world. And there are thousands of irrefutable evidence that those whites came to Hindustan not from heaven, but from the Russian north, from the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Map 1542 Sebastian Munster.

It turns out that we are talking about our ancestors, common to some of today’s Indians, and numerous small tribes of white people preserved in the mountains of the Caucasus, northern Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
For clarity, here are photographs of representatives of the tribes of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nuristan:

By the way, in I-RA-ne, there is a tribe that calls itself the Khazars. And this is a white tribe, with pronounced Slavic features, clearly having common cultural roots with us.
That's why I don't believe that the Khazars are Jews. No. Modern DNA genealogy clearly defines Jews as immigrants from northern Africa, the closest relatives of the AR-abovs. They moved to Europe in the same way as the Arabs are moving there now. They had and do not have anything to do with the Khazars. The real Khazars are one of the Slavic tribes, and they never knew the Jewish faith.

Here they are, the “terrible” Khazars:

Well, what will our authoritative faithologists now say about the Khazars belonging to the Jews? One people? You don't even need a DNA test to say confidently: - NO.
And the reading of the word “Khazars” (Khazary) is most likely distorted by the Latin transcription. It would be correct to read K(x)-AS-Ary, where K is a diphthong sound preserved, for example, in the Georgian language and some Turkic dialects, such as Kazakh.
Well, there is not a single documentary evidence of the existence of the Khazar Kaganate within the limits in which the TORICS placed it. And generally within no limits. There is Scythia, Sarmatia, Mithridatia, Nesiotia, everything except Khazaria...

But Khazaria seemed to exist! Or is “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg” lying to us? Well... Actually, all these “ancient” epics raise huge doubts about their authenticity, and besides, the Khazars could have been just a small tribe at that time. So small that they were not even marked on maps.

You can check it yourself. In the place where the historians placed Khazaria, there was always the kingdom of the Pyatigorsk Circassians (Chirkassi Petigorski). In modern terms - Terek Cossacks.
So, the Khazars in Rus' were just one of many tribes, most likely southern Russians, from the Kuban, or North Caucasus, but they were part of the Kuban Cossacks, Circassians, or Alans.
Do you remember the name of the most famous Aryan, the King of Persia, the invincible commander?
His name was D'Arius!

Darius the Great. Will anyone doubt that he is God? He is sitting, taller than the standing people... And all sorts of secret devices in the office...
But bad luck... One day, the invincible Darius was completely defeated by the King of Scythia, Ariant. Arius+ANT. Ants = Russians, which means that the name of the glorious Scythian king is translated into understandable terms as “Russian Aryan”. And who would argue!

Everything fits, these are the descendants of the Aryans, and the memory of the newcomers from the north has been preserved in many sources, including written ones. And the attitude of the ancestors towards the Aryans was completely unambiguous. In any language, in any culture, an Aryan is:
- Mine,
- Free,
- Noble (descendant of the Gods),
- Freeborn,
- Relative,
- Noble,
- Saint,
- Comrade,
- Pious,
- Courageous.
- Friend.

Not one epithet with a negative attitude! Everyone loved the Aryans.
Among the Armenians to this day, Ara is a Friend, and the self-name of the Armenians suggests that they are also Aryans. Ariy + Man (human) Ahriman = Armenian (in). And among the Hindus, Aryaman is the deity of friendship, hospitality and weddings! Oh how!

And here’s another interesting observation: Buddhists call themselves “Aryapuggala”. This translates as "Aryan people", but it is difficult to convince us of this at first. Where to put the “scarecrow”? And the point, most likely, is not that someone was trying to intimidate someone. Probably, this or another word with the same root was used to call all the statues, including those in the garden, to scare away the boys from Mishka Kvakin’s gang (the birds are not scared anyway).

You can also remember about the Amu Darya river, flowing through the territory of Tartaria, where Tamerlan ruled, who was also a direct descendant of the Gods, and was appointed ruler by the Gods. Only he didn’t like the word “Tartaria”, cosmopolitanism is everything, so the “Tartarians” themselves called their country TURAN. And it’s quite a suitable word if you know that the sacred animal in Rus' was the Tur. Otherwise Veles. Eh, it’s just a pity that real tours haven’t survived to this day. The latter, they say, was killed by Vladimir Monomakh himself in 1627. in Polyania. At the same time, miraculously he did not die.

The Hindus also have H’are Krishna, who is probably Ariya Kryshen, and also H’are Vishnu, possibly the call sign Ariya Vyshenya, and of course, H’are RA – MA. RA is the Sun God, MA is the Mother, just as the Sun is the Creator of all things, father and mother in one incarnation. Everything is entirely Vedism, or more precisely the Slavic sun-centric worldview, which is mistakenly considered a proto-religion, called paganism and shamanism.

And this is not a mythological consciousness, and not superstition. This is the knowledge of the RA. Whole, unified, not divided into branches and sub-sectors, knowledge about the structure of the world, and the laws of its harmonious existence and development.

Peace, not in the sense of the absence of war, but peace as a universe, is the sacred Mount Meru, which the Indians were told about by the Gods who came from the north, and which was located in the center of the Earth, in Arctida - Hyperborea.

Knowing one feature of the worldview of our ancestors, we can trace a lot of wonderful things lying on the surface that help to penetrate the meaning of the words that we use every day, using them as a set of sounds. This peculiarity is that a certain positive concept acquired the opposite meaning when simply reading it backwards. But this is so logical! Then many words with the root AR are clear.

If RA is the Sun, then AR is the complete opposite. This is darkness. And if Ra is good, then Ar, of course, is evil.
MARs is the God of War, and even if you read it in the opposite direction, it comes out in general: - SHAM. Well, that's how it is, isn't it?

Then the ARchAngels are the dark side of the Angels? After all, it may be that the word “angel” was pronounced aspirated, “h’angel”! But somewhere I’ve already come across that “Allah” was originally pronounced as “h’alla’h.” Then no matter which way you read it, it turns out the same thing. Ideal God, that... All sides in one vessel...

You can also speculate about the meaning of the word “gate”. In RA – ta, or entrance to Paradise. And if it’s the other way around, IN AR-ta, or VATRA. Do you know that the concept of “bonfire” used to have many different meanings? So here it is. A bonfire, like a flame, was previously designated in Rus' by the word “vatra”. It is still used to this day in Ukraine and Belarus. Then, if you do not deny the possibility of existence, at first glance impossible, everything begins to be filled with meaning.
This is no longer a set of meaningless sounds, these are images that, by their very sound, give an idea of ​​​​the essence of an object, concept, or event. The gate is the path to heaven, and vatra, on the contrary, is the path to hell. Gehenna is fiery, isn't it? Just don’t fill this word with such a negative meaning. Hell was invented by Christian preachers, whose goal was the unconditional submission of the masses through intimidation. In modern language, with the help of terror.
But in fact, the opposite did not mean something terrible at all. It assumed the presence of a different point of view, in modern terms - pluralism. That's all. No underworld, with sinners in frying pans and in boiling resin.

Then how can one interpret the meaning of the word "Aryavarta"? (see picture at the very beginning). Can be read as a fiery Aria, i.e. the country of the Aryans, where it’s hot (of course, after Vologda it’s absolutely scorching hot there). Or it can be like the Country - hell (again, figuratively speaking) for the Aryans. But doesn’t the European name of our country T-AR-T-Aria have a similar meaning? Tartar... Tar-tar-ry... Who benefited from making the world tremble in horror at the sounds of Tar-tar-y?
Is it not those who made every effort to make the “demo(no)cratic” world groan at the mere mention of the USSR? Has the situation changed now? In the Baltics, trenches are already being dug on farmsteads, in anticipation of “Russian aggression”!
But it’s just... TART. Do you know what TRT is? No? And the cake? So there you go! The word cake, clearly not foreign, returned to us from Europe like a boomerang. At first it was a sacrificial pie of the Slavs, brought to the Sun God of RA on the day of the vernal equinox (Yar Day, also known as Maslenitsa) March 21-22 (the name of the month appeared thanks to the God of War Mars/Shame).

Tarta. It's a cake. If the tart belongs to an Aryan, whose is it? Correct answer: Tarta aria, i.e. Tartaria.

Truly, nothing is new under this Sun. Just as in the Middle Ages they frightened children west of the Danube with Tartary, so now they frighten the mentally unstable part of the Jewish population with Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to know history...
Or are you tired of living?

Andrey Golubev


The materials and results of research by A. Klesov and his colleagues, genetic scientists, to determine the haplogroup - clan affiliation, made it possible to destroy many myths created around the history of peoples.

MYTH FIRST - THE TRUE ARYANS ARE GERMAN PEOPLES, and the Slavs recently came from dugouts.

Genetic studies have shown that more than 50% -70% of the population are Eastern Slavs and are direct descendants of the ancient Aryan tribes of the R1a genus who lived in Eurasia. Modern Germans have only 18% Aryan descendants. In addition, it is clear to archaeologists that the Aryan Slavs already lived in cities 3,500 years ago.


Of the six world religions, the Proto-Slavs created three: Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and improved the fourth - Christianity. They laid down the Vedic Indian, Trypillian, Etruscan, Hittite, Cretan-Mycenaean and Greek civilizations. For more than 5 thousand years, the Slavic-Aryans had a written language from which the writing of many Eurasian countries originated; they left an endless variety of valuable written sources.

MYTH THIRD: - “TRIPOLIAN CULTURE” - as if created by unknown peoples.

Genetics have established that “Trypillia” is a civilization of Aryan origin, the direct descendants of the “Tripillians” still live and speak dialects of the Russian language.


Genetics have not found any traces of the presence of “Mongolian genes” among the Slavs - up to 75% of the male population of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus have clear genetic evidence of origin from the great-ancestor of the R1a genus, who lived more than 3,500 years ago. In addition, direct relatives belonging to the genus R1a are found in India, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, the Balkans, even on the islands of England and many other countries in which the Slavic-Aryans lived at different times, of which there are now more than 500 million people on the planet.


Genetic practice has established that those who consider themselves a “biological Jew”, go to the synagogue, preach Zionism, may turn out to be an Eastern Slavic Aryan, Turkic, and even Chinese by blood. In total, out of 18 genera-haplogroups, seven are found among modern Jews.