Moon transit in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Waxing Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Moon in Sagittarius for a man

The moon and human character

The Moon in Sagittarius rewards a person with the desire for independence, freedom, and the desire to build life at his own discretion. The person completely ignores any instructions, requests from strangers and even relatives. To obey someone, to act according to orders is the worst punishment.

The moon makes such people look for new things: areas of knowledge, interesting people, who definitely need to please and conquer them with their innate wit and spiritual generosity. This quest gives Sagittarius energy and enthusiasm. Lunar Sagittarius is always on the move, he is ardent and irrepressible. Conquering the horizons, answering all questions of interest is the life credo of Sagittarius.

The search for inner individuality can be a source of great pleasure for them, because they are always in a joyful and optimistic mood.

The Moon determines the ability of people of this sign to expand their consciousness and develop awareness. If he manages to listen to himself even a little, solutions to all pressing problems will come by themselves.

Lunar Sagittarians are not characterized by either depressive states or noticeable mood swings. Their love for life is so great that even in very hard times They will still try to find a way out of any situation without giving in to panic or despair. Of course, such complacency can also take extreme forms. A person becomes carefree and thoughtless, unable to bring his thoughts and ideas to life.

The influence of the Moon on Sagittarius is also expressed in excessive anxiety, illusions and self-deception. However, combined with confidence, luck always comes to the rescue.

An amazing character trait of Sagittarius manifests itself in vitality. He, without a moment’s hesitation, is ready, after a crushing failure in any business, to start all over again, without worrying at all about the lost funds. With such love of life he conquers those around him.

The Moon gives Sagittarius a wonderful sense of humor. He is not embarrassed by possible failures and mistakes, because a negative result is also a result.

Lunar Sagittarius needs to learn to listen to himself and stop teaching others about life. Searching for the inner essence - best way keep yourself busy for Sagittarius.

The positive character traits of Sagittarius include: optimism, enthusiasm, thirst for life, thirst for knowledge, courage, philosophical mindset, independence. Negative qualities: carelessness, tactlessness, straightforwardness, insensitiveness, riskiness.

The moon and human emotions

The sensitivity inherent in the element of the Moon somewhat contradicts the activity of the emotions of Sagittarius. This liveliness and restlessness often create problems for Moon Sagittarius and prevent them from finding stability. People of this sign need peace, at least for a short time, then they will be able to sort out their desires and come to a certain goal on an emotional level.

Sagittarius' emotions can come across as superficial. Sagittarius react violently to certain events, conquering everyone with their ease. They find it difficult to keep their emotions to themselves. As for the intimate side of life, people of this sign are not able to show deep feelings and experiences.

Sagittarius is a fire sign. He is characterized by ardor of feelings, passion, which are expressed only when their owner wants it. Sagittarians are afraid of situations that could deprive them of their beloved freedom, so they prefer to keep their feelings “on a leash.”

Lunar Sagittarius often do not take into account the feelings of their lovers, despising any obligations. They also value their inner freedom and will not give it up for anything in the world. The fear of losing her leads to the fact that even relationships with loved ones become unstable. Moon Sagittarius needs to maintain inner individuality.

Moon and career

Lunar Sagittarius approaches life issues very easily, which is why he chooses a job that suits himself, providing an opportunity to express his energetic nature. Any routine that requires scrupulous study, sitting in one place for hours, will not suit people of this sign. Sagittarians are not afraid of mistakes and failures in their work. People of this sign will still get out thanks to their wonderful sense of humor. Most often, they make a career thanks to their activity, efficiency, and ability to guess the bosses. They feel people well, they know at what point it is better to ask for advice, and when it is not worth approaching a person. Their bosses love them because work is not a burden for Sagittarians. They know how to turn it into a holiday. Their new ideas, projects are not simple words. Most often, the proposals of people of this sign are effective, because Sagittarius trusts their intuition, comparing its clues with the real state of affairs. Their career depends only on them.

People of this sign are sometimes not fulfilled at work because of the belief that life with its pleasures can pass by. Sagittarius always has a chance to make a career: it all depends on their mood and understanding of the situation.

They make demanding leaders because, devoting themselves completely to work, Sagittarius appreciates this wonderful opportunity to prove themselves. They themselves have difficulty obeying orders. Their inherent optimism and enthusiasm, and belief in their abilities lead Sagittarius to success.

Moon and love relationship

A freedom-loving, noisy, cheerful person of this sign treats love easily and at the same time cautiously, subconsciously fearing that it will turn into a trap and take away his independence.

If he relies on his lunar intuition, he will be able to accurately identify a soul mate in the person he likes. When fate brings him together with his soulmate, he will trust his romantic dreams and will not be tormented by thoughts about how to preserve his destiny. Moon Sagittarius may not agree that his soul mate wants to turn his world upside down, make life more interesting and brighter. These beliefs are caused by the fear of being in a “cage”. By trusting himself more, he will be able to get the most pleasure from life.

Sagittarius Moon is a romantic, but deep down he is afraid of responsibility and the need to take care of someone other than himself. However, having found an ideal partner, he will feel that he likes to think about the other, to be responsible for him. Relationships with such a lover will be very calm and easy. By turning to the inner self, Sagittarius will be able to understand that all arguments in favor of freedom are futile compared to sincere affection and depth of feelings. He will never regret the loss of freedom.

Sagittarians genuinely try to be good friends, but they don't really strive to be good lovers. They are absolutely sure that they always know everything better than others. By nature, people of this sign are optimists. When you feel bad, despondency, bad mood has taken over, your lover will make you smile, and you will feel calmer and more comfortable.

Sometimes people can get tired of Sagittarius, of their confidence in being right. Sometimes their desire to teach is also annoying. They don't even suspect that it is unpleasant for others.

You can truly appreciate the love and affection of people of this sign if you maintain an open and simple relationship with them. Sagittarians cannot be considered particularly sensual, but they are just as sincere in their desire to give their significant other happiness as others.

If Sagittarius himself comes to the idea that you are his only soul mate, then the relationship will be ideal. But love, combined with true and faithful friendship, is exactly what allows two people who meet to enjoy life.

Moon and family relationships

Despite all the restlessness of people of this sign, in the family they, as a rule, adhere to conservative views, that is, they prefer to raise children the way they themselves were once raised. For them, the ideal is not all kinds of reference books and recommendations on education, but, above all, own experience, which, according to Sagittarius, is much more reliable.

The free and easy approach to life characteristic of this sign is often adopted by their children. Lunar Sagittarius, reading notations, often talks about himself as a sinless person who has gone through life’s vicissitudes. Sagittarius should not have his head in the clouds, tormenting his family with a list of his positive qualities and instilling illusions in children.

Sagittarius does not like to control the actions of children and punish. They usually grow on their own, becoming a source of pride for Sagittarius in front of guests and unnecessary when friends leave home.

Lunar Sagittarius is gladly accepted in companies; he becomes the soul of any society. Sometimes in his relationships with people he lacks constancy and patience. But, not valuing his friendships, he gains new acquaintances as quickly as he loses them.

Additional influence. If the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius in the interval:

0° - 10°=> prudence, practicality, realism, freethinking, individualism, intolerance of coercion, mercy, compassion, tendency to sports activities, love for earthly joys;

10° - 20°=> ambition, enterprise, activity in any chosen field of activity, increased interest in the opposite sex;

20° - 30°=> humanism, religiosity, idealism, scope in everything, a tendency to violently express feelings.

Moon in Sagittarius

Indubala. Planets in signs. (Indian tradition)

Sagittarius is a "fire" sign ruled by Jupiter, a pure and religious planet. Therefore, the Moon in the sign of Sagittarius can indicate an enthusiastic person, pure in his motives, ambitious, striving for great achievement. This honest people, sincere and frank. They are generous with gifts, have the ability to be creative, are able to follow the plans that they have made for themselves, and are skillful in their speech. Their appearance is an elongated face, large ears, teeth, lips and nose. Such people have strong hands, almost irregular in shape, they are of average height, light color faces, well developed shoulders. These people are understanding, they have a deep mind. They never give in to coercion, but only to treat them kindly.
They argue with their relatives and leave their relatives. In other respects they are generous, loyal, diligent and skillful. They love sports and exercise, but also mentally are at a high level. They are faithful to their spouses and children. They usually love astrology and other sciences related to the spiritual. They are capable of conducting good research and make good lawyers. They are quick-tempered and need to avoid making decisions when they are angry. They quickly forgive and forget insults. Their minds are attracted by service to society or service to God. At times they can be restless and easily excitable, timid and indecisive. Their mind is pure, their motives are noble. They are usually self-absorbed; they are respected by educated people. They spend money on good causes.

Pavel Globa. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Here the Moon is visiting Jupiter, in a fire sign.
Therefore, the Moon in Sagittarius often creates pomposity and the need for vanity, pride. Women may experience some "pouting". Naturally, your perception is most likely unconsciously tuned to all situations that are associated with a sense of authority, hierarchy, social relationships, that is, you can perfectly feel the structure social relations. You are probably attuned to situations where you can embrace tradition or ideology. You almost always have an unconscious desire to be an example for others, to teach them. You may have a social orientation, a desire to learn in order to later teach others. You tend to be very sensitive to tradition. Most likely, you unconsciously tune in to search for authorities and similar situations that you could perceive and then become an authority yourself. You often have an unconscious feeling of your importance, internal pathos, the need to satisfy your vanity and pride. If you don’t find them in yourself, you usually worry; most likely you would like to have them. Usually, on an unconscious level, you are perfectly oriented in the social environment. Moreover, you may not yet make a conscious decision, but subconsciously already feel a strict social structure, at the same time, you can already know who enjoys authority and who does not, you can instantly find your bearings and understand how you need to behave in order to be respected. In this case, you, as an indicator, feel changes in the social situation, a change in leaders and authorities. You are probably usually not aware of these points, but others can always notice it in your behavior and relationships. Among people with such a cosmogram there are many disseminators of knowledge, founders of occult and scientific schools.
Medical contraindications. The Moon in Sagittarius can give you diseases of the hips and hip joints, liver, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Your lungs and nervous system are affected. With the Moon aspected, you may be prone to accidents involving broken bones.
When the Moon is in Sagittarius, it is contraindicated to treat blood and liver diseases, since the liver is very vulnerable in this period; Accordingly, operations on the liver and gall bladder, blood transfusions, and donor procedures are dangerous. Treatment of the lungs is allowed, and breathing exercises (pranayama) are useful.

No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Extravagance, idealism; musicality. Often "out of this world." Commitment to traditions and views instilled in childhood. They love traveling, changing places, and often settle in foreign countries or far from their place of birth. With bad aspects - narrow-mindedness, arrogance, subjectivism. When they are good, they are cheerful and optimistic.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary

Manifestations of feelings are shallow, but they are distinguished by spontaneity and friendliness. The thirst for adventure is combined with the desire to be decent and faithful. Women sometimes prefer the Amazon style, feeling an interest in everything unknown, looking for unfamiliar sensations. Men are attracted to women who have something extraordinary, exotic, and unusual about them. When a woman is perceived as an equal partner, a love relationship contains something of a companionship. With disharmonious configurations, prejudices and conformism have a negative impact on the imagination.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.

Moon in Fire signs- gives an impulsive expression of oneself, a tendency to change the world in accordance with one’s attitudes, an unwillingness to adapt to people and circumstances.
Moon in Sagittarius. "Visiting" Jupiter. Gives pomposity, the need for vanity, pride. A very strong desire to be an example for others, a desire to learn in order to then teach others. Strong social orientation. Desires are very diverse. He is afraid that he will not be appreciated. Praise does not change the mood. Generous, good-natured. But your pain will never be understood.

Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Lunar Sagittarius is tuned to some internal, poorly realized and expressed in words, high idea, with which he subconsciously measures everything he sees and according to which he builds his ethics; this is the most intrinsically noble position of the Moon. At the same time, there is a projection of the internal ideal, quite strong, outward, which makes the perception of the lunar Sagittarius very distorted, the world is seen in him pink colors(with defeat and poor development, absolute cynicism and nihilism are possible as a defensive reaction) and if there are no opposing influences, this is very spiritual person; It’s warm next to him, he always stands in broad enough positions so as not to judge you. He often really will not notice the baseness towards himself or will treat it as a noble person, but he will certainly stand up for the protection of his loved ones, and here he can become merciless; the feeling of the group (family, clan, nation) and its ethics is strong, but in general, and in specific circumstances it can become confused, but will never lose optimism, which, however, may turn out to be inappropriate.
It is very difficult (but also necessary) to work through it, because (if there is no severe defeat) roses are constantly blooming in the soul (the person himself may not think so, but it is visible), and there are too good means of compensating for mental traumas and problems that are covered with cotton wool , are veiled and forgotten, and the security program switches attention to the next channel.
The big problems are focusing on one idea and activity.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in Zodiac Signs

You are an open and generous person. You have a lot of friends and acquaintances. You succeed because you know how to communicate with people, you are enterprising, and you perceive life as a game. You are freedom-loving and always ready to have a blast. Your mood is rarely spoiled by obstacles and difficulties. Faith in an optimistic future helps you overcome them. However, when faced with everyday problems or emotional pain, you often try to cheer up those who are hurting, give them general philosophical advice, without paying attention to the feelings that are affected.
Friendship plays a huge role for you. Perhaps even greater than physical and romantic love. For your happiness it is necessary that the one with whom you are intimately close is your best friend and supported you in your expectations and goals of an ideal order. At the same time, you need greater emotional freedom and mobility.
Extravagance, idealism, emotionality. The desire for high goals, often out of this world. Attachment to traditions, philosophical and religious views that are instilled in childhood. Faith in good outcome, longing for distant worlds, love for all living things (people, animals, plants). They love traveling, changing places, and often settle in other countries or far from their place of birth. Cheerful and optimistic. Possible diseases of the blood, lungs (tuberculosis), nervous system, sciatica, weakness of the hips and buttocks. Prone to accidents.

Planets in signs. The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash

Optimism, friendliness, penchant for travel, reformism, authoritarianism. The Moon in Sagittarius gives the ability to be a teacher and disseminator of various teachings. In this sense, she looks at the world more broadly than the Moon in Virgo, and she is not so much interested in external forms of relationships (morality) as in a person’s internal attitude towards himself (Hugo, Balzac, Dickens, Hemingway). The cognitive attitude of the Moon in Sagittarius turns it to philosophy and science (Copernicus, Helvetius, Bacon, Nietzsche, Schweitzer), but also retains a social orientation. The ruler of this sign, Jupiter, objectifies feelings, brings them out into the world, creates an independent independent existence for them, therefore this position is good for the humanities and art. The position of the Moon in a musical sign is especially favorable for composers (Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Liszt) and singers (Chaliapin). The confidence and independence of the Moon in Sagittarius are similar to its characteristics in another fire sign - Leo, which can give popularity (for example, to political figures - F. Castro). The planet of the soul in the sign of authority attracts optimism and a fresh look at the world. People with the Moon in Sagittarius often leave their home forever for the sake of a long-term perspective, move to other cities and easily change their social class. The thirst for adventure and the search for unfamiliar sensations are combined with common sense and a desire for decency.

Your feelings, complemented by sincerity, form motivation.

You are very charming, attractive, ardent and bright. People around you perceive you with considerable interest. If your character develops in a negative direction, you become restless, nervous, and irritable. You are dissatisfied with everything that is happening and with those around you, but you do not hide this dissatisfaction, often purposefully distorting what other people have said.

You have an extremely changeable mood, easily succumb to external influence, and often deceive yourself. Strong mental disagreements and confusion with opinions and views are formed. As a result, you don't get the most best qualities– anxiety, haste, weak character, confusion, excessive wastefulness.

If a personality develops harmoniously, a strong love nature and the desire to have space and scope in any situation. You are characterized by beauty, goodwill, compassion, and a desire to bring light to the consciousness of others. A kind of forced philanthropists.

Your mobility, charm, openness, desire to instill faith in others and admire them, as well as optimism are immediately noticeable. You are aimed at the highest results, knowledge and expansion. Love to travel and are addicted to change.

You have philosophical and artistic interests and are a source of inspiration for other people. You want to protect the world from deception, to do good, and sometimes you impose your worldview on others. You want to convince others, to embed in their understanding your own opinion, which you consider correct, and thus direct them to achieve significant results.

You want to achieve something large-scale and grandiose. You will be ideal missionaries and inspirers. You get a feeling of satisfaction only after achieving spiritual goals. You are characterized by faith in the best in any matter, as well as longing for distant measures and unattainable heights. You are very mobile, do not avoid stress, and you definitely cannot sit in one place.

Sign compatibility

People think you are likable, peaceful, sometimes brave, even recklessly brave. Selfless acts are not a problem for you, especially if you are inspired by kind words. From birth, you are endowed with oratory skills and are fluent in other languages. You throw all your strength into helping those around you, while leaving time for the joys of life. What distinguishes you from others is the combination of pragmatism with spirituality, free-thinking and careful observance of traditions.

You are very enterprising and inventive. Religion, psychology and socio-cultural creativity evoke only the most serious emotions in you. You have ardent, bright and hot feelings. You have excessive pride, a sense of greatness, often dominance over other people. The thirst for life is complemented by responsibility and a strong sense of duty.

Moon in a woman

She will choose as her husband only a man who can walk alongside her, but will not hold her back or guide her. Like her, he must love animals and strive for knowledge. She will never find happiness with someone who will deprive her of her independence, put her at the stove and start teaching her.

The moon makes her want to seek adventure. He easily responds to new ideas, but does it so thoughtlessly that sometimes he runs into problems. A woman loves the turbulent flow of life and strives to experience everything. It can often be found among fans of extreme sports. In material matters, she is ready to take risks and takes part in various adventures. She is drawn to the best conditions, so she can travel all over the world until she is sure where she is most comfortable.

The girls are friendly and naive, like children. They love big companies and are very sociable. They have highly developed intuition, so they often predict the outcome of an event. They are infuriated by fussiness and confusion. Once a problem has settled in your head, it is difficult to get rid of it.

This is a sympathetic person. She will be happy to help. One can only envy her enthusiasm. She does not tend to despair even in the most difficult moments. She is not afraid of complete ruin and the prospect of being at the bottom. These are one of the few women who are able to pick themselves up from the pieces, rebuild their lives, and even increase what they have lost.

Relationships with men are built on friendship and equality. She can be straightforward and rude, but this only shows up if a man has hurt or tried to suppress her individuality. In family matters he adheres to the principle of justice. Children grow up well-mannered and educated.

Moon in a man

There is no stability in emotions, which is why it is so difficult for him to find a loved one with whom he is ready to spend all the years of his life. Too strongly attached to freedom and runs away from marriage, which requires fulfillment of obligations and compliance. It will be difficult for him to realize himself as a husband if he does not understand his fear in time.

This is a versatile personality, but the Moon encourages you to switch from one hobby to another. He will look for someone who will share his interests and allow him to maintain some freedom in the relationship. A man responds to the call of a dream and walks along the road, enjoying every gift of fate.

This is an avid traveler. No amount of tricks can make him sit at home all the time. He lives for new places, people, activities and experiences. If he is unable to leave often, he will fill out free time some kind of sport. Preference is given to team competitions in the fresh air. In everyday life he tries to use all the latest technologies. Any innovation stimulates its development.

He is a sociable man, and therefore there are always a lot of friends in his house. He enjoys sitting in the company of like-minded people and freely discussing his favorite topics. He is an optimist and rarely gets seriously ill. But he scatters energy so much that he periodically remains in a sluggish state. It is important that he learns to direct himself and restrain himself.

You should engage in creative exercises. Then he will become kinder, calmer and more cordial. Harmonious people with the moon in them have compassion for loved ones and animals and are merciful to everyone. Although they are a little flighty, having truly fallen in love, they remain with their chosen one until the last.

The influence of the Moon in Sagittarius on a person’s character

You have an ideal nature and ability to lead. Love to travel and have a passion for changing places. Attachment to religion or sectarianism can be dangerous. Authority can be combined with arrogance. You are endowed with natural charisma and can lead people using authoritarian methods.

You are an enthusiast from birth, your motives are sincere and bright, aimed at high results. You have rarely encountered directness and honesty, frankness and sincerity. You are very generous, love to give different things, and have many abilities and talents. Visually, you are reckless, endowed with deep intelligence and understanding.

You cannot tolerate dictatorship from other people and coercion. But it is not very difficult to persuade you, because you are not only friendly, but also keen on lofty plans and goals. You are characterized by devotion, loyalty, skill and reliability. You can quickly become angry, although you don’t hold grudges for long and forgive your offenders.

You consider serving the Almighty, people and nature as your main goal. Educated and decent people respect you, because noble and bright motives, as well as the desire to invest money in noble causes, do not go unnoticed by others. You have an unstable and easily excitable nervous system.

Significant disadvantages include excessive impulsiveness, irritability, frankness, simplicity and directness. You do not get tired of fighting if the cause is good, you carry out all your actions piously, and have very humane intentions. You are characterized by great romanticism and extravagance.

You have no problem associating yourself with different religious and social values. You feel that you can deal with any difficulties and cannot tolerate references to real facts. You have no idea what pessimism or despondency is.

You are addicted to various adventures, you want to expose your feelings to everyone, you subconsciously keep your distance from those whom your feelings should lead further, you really want to have authority. You are very self-confident, with a deeply rooted sense of duty.

One can only envy those whose Moon fell into the constellation Sagittarius at the moment of birth. These are incorrigible optimists, they are constantly positive and lucky in fortune. They never stop believing in their lucky stars and never give up, even if they face serious challenges and obstacles. These are people who value freedom very much and cannot stand any restrictions. You should not even think about tying a person with the Moon in Sagittarius, imposing some principles on him or occupying him with something against his will - they will not do anything unless they want to.

Moon in Sagittarius for a man

Such men very quickly become interested in something interesting to them. They like to dream and make endless plans, and sometimes you can even notice them striving to realize what someone has planned. However, all this very, very rarely goes beyond the start. Because Lunar Sagittarius tend to quickly become inspired, but just as quickly they lose interest in what they started. The problem lies in the lack of perseverance and the desire to thoroughly calculate everything. It also happens that in the midst of it they come to the realization that the business they have started is not at all what they would like to achieve in life. They have a lot of enthusiasm and dreaminess, but alas, they are not implementers.

Lunar Sagittarians are very impulsive in making decisions, and are quick-tempered in relationships. If some idea illuminates their bright head, they immediately become its slave - there can be no talk of any rational approach and careful weighing and calculations. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that almost all of their endeavors fail. It’s only when they don’t get what they want, instead of positive and good mood Nervousness and irritability sets in, and paranoia arises in the head that the environment is to blame for this, which supposedly put a spoke in the wheels with all its might.

A complete lack of endurance and patience, regular disruption of plans often leads these men to depression and nervous breakdowns, then they begin to feel like the navel of the earth. They constantly strive for change, therefore, if possible, they rarely live in one place, regularly moving from city to city, from country to country. They can be very straightforward and will never flatter, needless to say that such a quality harms them.

Among such men there are many who manage to achieve the desired wealth, but the problem is that it is very difficult for them to keep what they have earned, which is explained by abundant generosity and wastefulness. They will never refuse a request even from strangers. These are real womanizers and Casanovas, so the novels in which they regularly appear throughout their lives are countless. But they get married extremely rarely, since they have exclusively superficial feelings for their partner. And if they get married, it’s very rarely for the rest of their lives. Some of them do not attach much importance to the registry office, so their passport is simply covered in stamps.

Moon in Sagittarius for a woman

Such women really like to live brightly and richly; they are born frog travelers who are in constant search of new emotions and impressions. If they do not have the opportunity to travel, then unspent energy is often spent in sports, preferably in the fresh air. They like everything new so much that even their apartment is often furnished according to last word technology. Lunar Sagittarians are very sociable; they are always happy to have guests and communicate with like-minded people with whom they can discuss far-reaching plans.

These girls are very optimistic and naturally have excellent health (if there is no defeat). But at the same time, having caught fire with some kind of dream, they will not delve into the essence of the activity and the process, but will immediately step towards implementation, which often turns into failure. Such impulsiveness prevents them from correctly assessing their potential and distributing their strength, which often becomes the cause of physical and psychological exhaustion.

With harmonious development, such girls will be spiritually developed, kind, fair, warm-hearted and open. They like to help loved ones and even strangers, to look after the helpless and weak. They love animals madly. They love theater, holidays and strive to prove themselves in the creative field. Harmonious development favors higher education, which is given to such individuals without serious effort.

But with disharmonious development, some character traits appear in excessive quantities. For example, energy can be expressed in constant excitement and anxiety, nervousness and hot temper. They become too touchy, proud, deceitful and prone to all sorts of adventures. Disharmonious development allows a person to easily break off years of established ties with others, and his perverted desire for freedom forces him to ignore generally accepted frameworks and rules.