Man born on January 4th characteristics. Accept defeats gracefully. National Spaghetti Day in USA

Day of precise formulations.

January 4th celebrity birthday- musician Till Lindemann, actress Julia Ormond, actor August Diehl, actress Kerry Condon

Personality of Capricorns born on January 4th- Those born on January 4th can solve any problem. Most often, they subject any situation to a thorough analysis and quickly find out what the essence of the issue is.

Those born on January 4th are distinguished by practicality, allowing them to achieve their goals with minimal effort. Having the habit of calculating everything down to the smallest detail, they have a well-developed imagination. However, their imagination has little in common with empty fantasies, since it is based on a completely grounded reality. Apparently, it is for this reason that those born on January 4 are able to come up with schemes that really work.

Those born on January 4 prefer not to be distracted by pointless conversations. They will make small talk and even enjoy it, but in order for the conversation to hold their attention over time, it must have some meaning or purpose. These people have a penchant for collecting. People whose birthday is January 4th collect everything, even facts and other information. They are accustomed to surrounding themselves with books, tools and other useful items, from their point of view, in order to have everything they need at hand at any time.

Most people born on January 4th are, as a rule, highly organized people. They can drive their co-workers crazy by insisting on things, such as being clearer in public discussions or maintaining order in the workplace. It seems that in order to truly understand anything (virtually anything, including even human emotions), those born on this day need to place a previously unfamiliar phenomenon into a certain formal framework for evaluation. Due to this peculiarity of their thinking, they do not always find a common language with those who prefer to base their assessments on emotions or intuition. This partly applies even to love relationships. In addition, those born on January 4 quite often experience certain difficulties in communicating with children due to their desire to constantly control them and demonstrate their own superiority. In this regard, those born on January 4 should not forget that the only correct path in life simply does not exist and cannot exist, and if they stop strictly controlling their children and colleagues, this will help everyone feel more free.

What kind of people are whose zodiac sign is January 4th? Due to a very specific way of life and thinking, those born on January 4 are usually considered individuals who have their own style, unlike anyone else. They really are noticeably different from those around them not only in their ideas, but also in their manner of dressing, habits and behavior. Partly for this reason, they may find it difficult to take on additional commitments or enter into long-term agreements. Despite the fact that they, as a rule, work very productively in a team and are considered valuable employees in any job, most of those born on January 4 sooner or later prefer to organize their own own business. People whose birthday is January 4th work well with elements of creativity - they achieve extremely high productivity, being artists, doing crafts, or otherwise expressing themselves.

Advice for Capricorns born on January 4th- Not everything in life can be planned, respect the opinions of others, even if they differ from yours. Be open to innovation. Don't be afraid to improvise if necessary. In words, moderate the harshness.

January 4 - how does your date of birth affect your destiny? Any situation is easily resolved by people born on January 4th with the zodiac sign Capricorn. A thorough analysis of the events that occurred helps them quickly find the right solution. They have a practical, down-to-earth mind, which allows them to calculate their strengths with maximum accuracy, without spending an ounce more than necessary. They are accustomed to taking into account every little detail of the upcoming matter, building their future actions in accordance with them. At the same time, they have a rich imagination and are able to imagine an approximate scenario for developing events. Moreover, their imagination has nothing to do with useless dreams and airy fantasies. Therefore, all their projects are quite viable and work in real conditions.

People born on January 4th with the zodiac sign Capricorn do not like empty talk. They can carry on meaningless chatter, giving their brain a temporary rest, but listening to nonsense for a long time gives them a persistent feeling of hatred and disgust towards the interlocutor. They also have a habit of dragging everything into the house, with the goal of using it in the future, when a need arises, which usually never comes. For this reason, they never throw away broken or old things, believing that someday it might be useful to them.

People born on January 4th with the zodiac sign Capricorn are very pedantic and love organization in everything. They need perfect order to reign not only on their desks, but also on the desks of their employees, and also that, when making a report, those around them express themselves clearly and consistently, logically justifying their thoughts. They even evaluate the feelings of those around them according to a certain mental scale compiled by them, weighing the sincerity of other people's emotions. For this reason, they are not able to maintain normal relationships with people who obey momentary impulses and are guided in their actions by feelings and not by calculation.

By the way, such a problem also exists in the personal lives of people with a birth date of January 4, zodiac sign Capricorn, since not everyone likes such a rational approach to feelings. It also interferes with their normal relationships with their own children, since they keep them under constant control, guiding their every step. They need to understand that in life there is no single correct course of action, and by giving others greater freedom of action, they will make their lives easier.

Outwardly, people born on January 4, zodiac sign Capricorn, stand out from the general standard and prefer to dress in their own own style. And in their ideas they prefer not to follow the beaten path, but develop their own solutions. Therefore, they try not to enter into long-term cooperation agreements. And, although they are able to perform their duties without any particular difficulties or complaints, they do not like working in a team. For this reason, they can open their own business in the future and become their own bosses. And they can also reach great results while doing creative activity- painting, for example, or music.

Experts in the field of astrology believe that a person’s character and his destiny are determined both by the zodiac sign under which he was born and by the day of his birth. This is due to the fact that every day, according to astrologers, has a unique energy. January 4 is no exception, and therefore the influence of the day was reflected in the fate and health, love and work of all people born at this time.

General characteristics of Capricorns

Sign element: Earth. A person born under the sign of the earth element distinguished by such qualities, How:

  • caution;
  • determination;
  • practical wisdom;
  • diligence;
  • concreteness;
  • methodical;
  • clarity.

Ruling planet: Saturn. It is to this planet that Capricorn owes his desire for order.

Planet in exile: Moon. This celestial body made a person born in early January stern and stingy with emotions.

Lucky colors:

  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • bronze;
  • sapphire;
  • gold;
  • brown;
  • grey.

Talisman stones:

  • topaz;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • pearl.

A person born under the constellation Capricorn is honest, frank and ambitious. He strives for success and is ready to work hard and hard in order to achieve his goal.

He likes competition, the spirit of struggle. In addition, the representative of the earth sign is smart and quick-witted.

He is distinguished by his prudence and knows how to overcome any difficulties with the help of self-discipline.

Capricorn is artistic and has numerous creative inclinations.

Representatives of this sign have broad views of the world and a desire for diversity. He strives for travel and constant change of impressions. Topics of particular interest to Capricorn are:

  • religion;
  • education;
  • jurisprudence;
  • philosophy;
  • trips;
  • policy.

Even if such a person becomes interested in philosophy or the search for spirituality, this will in no way detract from his natural practicality. He, as before, will have an excellent understanding of finances and benefit from any activity.

Usually a person born on January 4th is confident that he is right, but, unfortunately, there is a possibility that when communicating with other people he can sometimes be impatient and arrogant.

By showing a pragmatic outlook on life, Capricorn is able to significantly improve their well-being. But still, it is not this that gives him great satisfaction, but overcoming much more serious life difficulties.

Anyone born in the first days of January gives the impression of a person with a strong will and self-confidence. But often he hides tender feelings behind ostentatious force. He is very perceptive, has a rich imagination and a remarkable ability to foresee events. Along with their innate practicality, these traits allow Capricorn to have a great influence on the people around them, both at work and outside of it.

Constantly showing empathy for other people gives the Earth sign an understanding of how much he can give to others. He is characterized by pride and a very impressive appearance. If a person born during the reign of the tenth sign of the zodiac uses these qualities at work or in creativity, then they can be the key to success.

At the age of seventeen, a representative of the Earth element becomes less conservative. He begins to strive for freedom and good relationship with the people around you. In the years of maturity, this person reaps the fruits of passionate and hard work.

When Capricorn turns forty-seven years old, his sensual sensitivity will increase. He will start paying more attention to his spiritual world. This will be reflected in his dreams, ideals, fantasies, as well as in his ability to predict events.

Even at an advanced age, this person will be able to maintain youthful activity and an energetic attitude towards life.

Character traits of a man

The representative of the stronger sex, born on January 4, is distinguished by reliability, law-abidingness, restraint and patience. This man's zodiac sign made him an opponent of empty talk. He is only interested in practical part conversation, if there is none, then he immediately loses all interest in his interlocutor.

To many people who trust their intuition and feelings more than cold logic, Capricorn seems callous and boring. They cannot find common ground and a common language with a man of an earth sign. But it should be noted that Capricorn, born on January 4, is very rich inner world, simply due to his complex nature, it is not typical for this person to open it to all people in order to avoid demonstrating his superiority over them.

Woman's temperament

Thriftiness, loyalty, responsibility - these are the traits that were awarded to a lady born on January 4th by her zodiac sign. This woman has a magnificent imagination, but since she looks at life quite practically, her dreams are full of meaning, they are always specific and achievable. To realize them, a representative of the fair sex, born under the sign of Capricorn, is ready to work without sparing herself and make plans that will allow her to make her dream come true.

This lady always brings the job she starts to the end, and she doesn’t care what she has to sacrifice for this. Unfinished work takes away from the Capricorn woman the future that she wants to have, and therefore the one born in the first days of the second month of winter will do everything possible and impossible, will make every effort to ensure that her affairs are successfully completed.

Compatibility in love with other signs

Capricorn, like everyone else, tends to feel the need for love, but in everything that concerns feelings, he shows attentiveness and extreme caution. A representative of the Earth element prefers to restrain his emotions rather than appear weak and vulnerable. If he meets someone he can trust, he relaxes a little, removing his internal defenses. This makes someone born under the constellation Capricorn a gentle, loving and faithful partner.

Representative of the tenth sign zodiac circle When looking for a life partner, you should pay attention to people born under the signs of Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

Good chances of building happy marriage Capricorn and Aquarius have it, but with Taurus and a representative of their sign, although the possibility of concluding a successful marriage exists, the partners will need to get used to each other for a long time.

Options for a happy family life with representatives of the fire element (that is, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Capricorn has almost no relationship. These people seem to live in different worlds. A misunderstanding immediately arises between them, and serious disagreements begin on various issues. The same situation threatens those born in the first days of January with Libra and Cancer.

Work and career

Those born on January 4 are characterized by such qualities as the ability to think quickly, analyze and find solutions to almost any problem. For this, such an employee is highly valued by management.

He is smart and practical, does not like to waste resources and energy. In addition, Capricorn is always attentive to small details.

This person’s imagination is also well developed; it is not difficult for him to calculate the nuances that may interfere with the matter, as well as draw up a plan for the development of events.

A representative of an earth sign does not like to indulge in daydreams, since his love for practical activities interferes with such a pastime. But he can become the author of truly working projects that will bring in money, which is, of course, very important in the business world.

Capricorn may require his colleagues to keep things on their desk in the order that seems most correct and convenient to him. And he may well ask them to correct their speech during speeches.

Health and diseases

Those born in early January need to be more lenient towards the people around them. He may become very upset when routine is disrupted, but this irritability often leads to problems with his nerves and heart. A more patient, even indifferent attitude will save Capricorn from unnecessary worries.

It is important that a person of an earth sign has a clear schedule physical exercise, especially if he has to sit a lot at work.

It is best for Capricorn to compose his menu from a variety of delicious dishes, including exotic ones. In addition, he is not recommended to suppress the desire for impulsiveness and improvisation in himself and his chosen one. Such an interesting hobby as compiling a collection of culinary recipes can combine all this.

Movable sports games, romantic travel, sexual experience - will certainly have a beneficial effect on the health of Capricorn born on January 4th.

Horoscope of fate

A person born on this January day has a dual nature. He is cunning, resourceful and determined. It is not difficult for him to find a common language with almost anyone, because a representative of an earth sign notices how to behave most advantageously with this or that person.

Capricorn knows how to show himself in the best light. He can negotiate, convince people, lead them. But unfortunately, the desire to control sometimes turns this person into a tyrant, and in this case, the people around him, who were previously close friends and associates, can become his worst enemies.

In general, in the life of a person born under the constellation Capricorn there are many highs and lows. But all this depends only on him personal qualities, as well as attitudes towards others and the world in general.

For happy life this person needs to develop such character traits as goodwill, sincerity and mercy.

It should be noted that a person born on the fourth day of January usually stands out from the crowd with his demeanor. In addition, he prefers to dress in his exclusive style. For this reason, Capricorn finds it difficult to work as a manager who needs to personally communicate with clients, or as a bank employee. That is, any specialty that implies an ideal match is not suitable for him. appearance certain standards. Such a person will make wonderful artist and a craftsman, since in creativity he will have the opportunity to express himself.

Capricorn should keep in mind that it is impossible to plan and formulate everything. He needs to learn to respect the people around him, even if they choose a different path.

Those born in early January should be more open to innovation. It will not hurt them, if necessary, to improve their technique, as well as to use improvisation if necessary.

In addition, when communicating, Capricorn needs to be less harsh.

Celebrities born on January 4th

Those born under the constellation Capricorn are distinguished by ambition and self-discipline, that is, precisely those qualities that help a person achieve fame and recognition. No wonder there are a lot famous people born on January 4th. These are celebrities such as:

  • Isaac Newton - English mathematician and physicist.
  • Jacob Grimm - German philologist, brother of Wilhelm Grimm.
  • Alexander Schwartz is a Russian philologist.
  • Mark Daniel - Soviet writer.
  • Slim Gaillard is an American jazz singer.
  • Zurab Tsereteli - Soviet and Russian artist, designer and sculptor.
  • Till Lindemann is the vocalist of the band Rammstein.
  • Elena Valova - Soviet figure skater.
  • Julia Ormond is an American actress.
  • Tigran Keosayan - Russian director, screenwriter and actor.
  • Graham Elliot is an American chef.
  • Elena Migunova is a Russian track and field athlete.

The zodiac sign that ruled at the moment a person was born always influences his character and destiny.

But regardless of whether this influence is positive or negative, everyone decides for themselves which character traits to apply and develop, and what to restrain and correct.

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General characteristics

People born on this day are very serious, but at the same time they are good-natured and have a wonderful sense of humor. You are caring and kind to others. On this day, the ruling planet was Uranus, which creates conscientious individuals who always achieve their goals.

These men and women are hungry for success and want to see things through to the end. They literally hate leaving anything unfinished.

These people are usually reliable and cheerful, but sometimes they are very demanding emotionally.

Their charm and need to be loved make them not as emotionally closed as other Capricorns. They have more compassion and are more inclined to enjoy the company of people.

These individuals have many talents in the field of establishing social contacts.

Capricorns born on this day are very bright natures who are constantly in the spotlight. The soul of the party and everyone's favorite - this is how you can characterize a person whose birthday falls on the fourth day of January.

The cycle of Mars passing through the sign of Capricorn begins to subside, which is reflected in the gentle nature of representatives of this sign born on January 4.

Relatives and friends get the impression that these are truly happy individuals who live life to the fullest, receiving from fate everything you can dream of. Despite external joy and radiance, deep down in their souls people born on this day are sad.

Throughout their lives, they are tormented by doubts that what they do, where they live, with whom they communicate is not theirs. The search for the meaning of life, their purpose is reflected in the instability of their life path.

Frequent moving from city to city, changing apartments, jobs - this is what awaits people born on January 4th. Capricorns, whose birthday falls on this day, try to fill the spiritual emptiness by surrounding themselves a huge amount friends, lovers and just fans.

They devote themselves to art. Many discover their talents in the field of painting and writing. Capricorns born on this day often make comments about their appearance. This forces them to harm their health with exhausting diets and sports that give them little pleasure.


Those born on this date enjoy excellent health, especially if they manage to maintain their stress levels. These people love to experiment with food, but in any case, the diet should be healthy and wholesome. You are encouraged to listen to your instincts and listen to your body. Try to avoid stress, otherwise it can result in problems such as migraines, Bad mood etc

Strengths: A healthy approach to life, wit, friendly character.
Negative: Overly self-confident, intolerant, stubborn.


Your path number is 4. This number is associated with “Honesty” keyword, which emphasizes your individuality and sincerity.

Tarot card - Emperor. This card will give your personality stability, wisdom and the gift of a strong will.

The gemstone is topaz. Wearing this stone will increase your self-confidence and luck.

Horoscope for today January 4 recommends listening to your inner voice. It is important on this lunar day to pay off debts and tune in to a calm and peaceful mood. Each zodiac sign on this day should show concern for their neighbor and not give in to selfish impulses. Today's lunar day ideal for quiet family affairs.

  • Zodiac sign Aries as of January 4 this year (21.03-20.04)
    Today personal horoscope promises Aries an active day filled with new acquaintances. A good idea for spending time on this day would be sporting events and active recreation with friends. Social connections will strengthen and bring the desired emotional satisfaction. On this lunar day you should not waste money thoughtlessly; there is an opportunity to spend more than you need!
  • Zodiac sign Taurus(21.04-21.05) – horoscope for today, January 4th
    A reliable prediction for today promises a storm of romantic experiences. There is a possibility of receiving unexpected attentions from secret admirers. However, TAURUS who have already tied the knot should be vigilant; there is a possibility of falling into dangerous love networks and undermining trust in the family. At work and in a team, despite the irrepressible energy, you should adhere to calm tactics of behavior.
  • The day is January 4th this year for zodiac sign Gemini (22.05-21.06)
    Truthful horoscope for today for GEMINI, recommends being careful with too seductive commercial offers. Transactions promising large profits may not materialize. Therefore, it is better to think carefully about everything and postpone the conclusion of contracts and major financial transactions to another day. In the personal life of people born under this zodiac sign, peace and harmony await. Romantic acquaintances that happen on these lunar days can lead to long-term love relationships.
  • Horoscope for the day of January 4 this year for the sign Cancer (22.06-23.07)
    The astrological forecast for today for CANCER recommends not giving up communication with people around you. Today, representatives of this zodiac sign will have an excellent opportunity to show their creative and organizational skills, and find new acquaintances that may be useful in the future. However, you shouldn't become arrogant. Vanity and pride can cause mistrust in new acquaintances.
  • January 4 – sign Leo (24.07-23.08)
    The most interesting horoscope for today for the zodiac sign LEO promises stormy internal experiences and contradictions. Feelings of anxiety and irritation can ruin your mood, however, you should not succumb to a depressed mood. Advice from friends and relatives will bring you back to inner harmony. On this astrological day, you should not immerse yourself in yourself. A family event or dinner with friends will be the perfect end to the evening.
  • Reliable horoscope for January 4 for the sign Virgo (24.08-23.09)
    Astro forecast for the zodiac sign VIRGO for today 04.01, recommends trying to express yourself in new role. This day is favorable for receiving guests and close spiritual communication. Those who have children should pay more attention to them. Perhaps some problems have arisen that require parental involvement. Minor troubles and disputes should not be taken seriously. Virgos better find a compromise and maintain balance and peace of mind!
  • Truthful horoscope for Libra sign(24.09-23.10) on the day of January 4 this year
    The prediction for the zodiac sign LIBRA for today recommends focusing on prioritizing. Preoccupation with a career and excessive vanity can lead to problems in your personal life and family. You should not plan too many things; it is unlikely that you will be able to manage everything, as unforeseen troubles may arise that require your participation. Today you may dream prophetic dreams, where you can find long-standing answers to pressing questions.
  • January 4th of this year sign Scorpio (24.10-22.11)
    Accurate horoscope for today for your zodiac sign SCORPIO recommends refraining from showing aggression. Intemperance and excessive expression can lead to negative consequences, such as quarrels with loved ones. You should not expose yourself to unnecessary risks; you should not drink alcohol, as it can aggravate the rage raging inside. It is also advisable to refrain from poor nutrition, as this can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Prediction for today January 4th for zodiac sign Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)
    Astro horoscope for the zodiac sign SAGITTARIUS for today, does not recommend going to long trips and carry out large financial transactions. Today you should focus on public interests and slightly moderate your selfish and selfish impulses. It is important on this lunar day to pay attention to your partner, present a gift, show a sign of attention and care. The other half will appreciate the efforts made.
  • Zodiac sign Capricorn(12.22-20.01), prediction for January 4 this year
    The complete horoscope for CAPRICORN for today, January 04, recommends not taking professional failures to heart. Minor quarrels and misunderstandings with colleagues and superiors will quickly be forgotten. It is important today to take stock, submit reports, and finish things. You should not plan active events and meetings in the evening, as your vitality may decrease.
  • Astrological sign Aquarius (21.01-19.02) astrological forecast for the fourth of January
    A truthful horoscope for the zodiac sign AQUARIUS for today promises large number attention from the opposite sex. Both men and women born under the Aquarius horoscope will be noticed, this can be used to create new connections and make acquaintances. It is important to be open and generous. Excessive vanity can cause negative reaction envious people.
  • Zodiac sign Pisces(20.02-20.03) – prediction for January 4
    This horoscope for today for the PISCES zodiac sign portends success in creative endeavors. It is recommended to show persistence and use all internal reserves of patience and organization, then success is guaranteed. In Pisces’ personal relationships, minor quarrels and omissions may occur, but a wise approach to solving problems will restore harmony and calm. On this lunar day, you are advised to assess the situation as a whole, and not in particular.

Astrological characteristics of people born on January 4

It may well be that those born on the day January 4- the most practical people of all living today. Capricorns of this day set themselves only achievable goals and go towards them without haste or fuss, knowing that they will certainly get their way. Those born on January 4 are able to solve any problems that they have to face in their lives. life path. Keeping a cool head, they analyze the current situation, find out what the issue is, and only then develop a plan to solve the problem.

By astrological horoscope men of the sign do not like empty small talk, their conversations always have a practical meaning, otherwise, a man born today January 4th, will quickly lose interest in the interlocutor. Women whose birthday falls on the fourth of January have a well-developed imagination, but since these are practical ladies, their dreams are not empty, but quite definite, they come up with plans that work and give positive results.

What is the horoscope for those born on January 4th?

Their strong point– high organization. These people subject everything that happens to them, any social events or phenomena in the world around them to careful analysis and assessment. Therefore, many people who trust their emotions and intuition, and not logical calculations, born on January 4, are stale crackers and do not find them common language. In fact, people of this horoscope sign have a rich inner world, but it is closed due to the desire of these people to control and demonstrate their own superiority. CAPRICORN will definitely bring what he started to the end, and he does not care what he has to give up or who he has to sacrifice. Unfinished business takes away his life and future, and therefore he will do everything to get the job completed.

My advice to people born on January 4: Understand that there is no one possible path in life that will turn out to be right. The world is multivariate, and there are many paths, and each of them carries its own truth. Release your control. Feel free. And give freedom to others. Show respect to those who are close to you, who share life with you. Plans are, of course, a useful thing, but it is impossible to plan your whole life. Don't sit in your correct geometric world, open yourself to something new. Stop giving orders, learn to ask.

Horoscope of compatibility of those born on January 04 with other signs

There is no mutual understanding with people of the element of Fire, a bad marriage with Libra and Cancer. But everything can work out with Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios and Pisces.

Animals according to the eastern calendar

  1. MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac year/ 1932 zodiac year/ 1944 zodiac year/ 1956 zodiac year/ 1968 zodiac year/ 1980 zodiac year/ 1992 zodiac year/ 2004 zodiac year
  2. ROoster - 1921 zodiac year/ 1933 zodiac year/ 1945 zodiac year/ 1957 zodiac year/ 1969 zodiac year/ 1981 zodiac year/ 1993 zodiac year/ 2005 zodiac year
  3. DOGS - 1922 zodiac year/ 1934 zodiac year/ 1946 zodiac year/ 1958 zodiac year/ 1970 zodiac year/ 1982 zodiac year/ 1994 zodiac year/ 2006 zodiac year
  4. BOAR / Pig / - 1923 zodiac year / 1935 zodiac year / 1947 zodiac year / 1959 zodiac year / 1971 zodiac year / 1983 zodiac year / 1995 zodiac year / 2007 zodiac year
  5. RATS - 1924 zodiac year/ 1936 zodiac year/ 1948 zodiac year/ 1960 zodiac year/ 1972 zodiac year/ 1984 zodiac year/ 1996 zodiac year/ 2008 zodiac year
  6. Ox / Bull / - 1925 year of the zodiac / 1937 year of the zodiac / 1949 year of the zodiac / 1961 year of the zodiac / 1973 year of the zodiac / 1985 year of the zodiac / 1997 year of the zodiac / 2009 year of the zodiac
  7. TIGER - 1926 zodiac year/ 1938 zodiac year/ 1950 zodiac year/ 1962 zodiac year/ 1974 zodiac year/ 1986 zodiac year/ 1998 zodiac year/ 2010 zodiac year
  8. RABBIT /Cat/ - 1927 zodiac year/ 1939 zodiac year/ 1951 zodiac year/ 1963 zodiac year/ 1975 zodiac year/ 1987 zodiac year/ 1999 zodiac year/ 2011 zodiac year
  9. DRAGON - 1928 zodiac year/ 1940 zodiac year/ 1952 zodiac year/ 1964 zodiac year/ 1976 zodiac year/ 1988 zodiac year/ 2000 zodiac year/ 2012 zodiac year
  10. SNAKES - 1929 zodiac year/ 1941 zodiac year/ 1953 zodiac year/ 1965 zodiac year/ 1977 zodiac year/ 1989 zodiac year/ 2001 zodiac year/ 2013 zodiac year
  11. HORSE - 1930 zodiac year/ 1942 zodiac year/ 1954 zodiac year/ 1966 zodiac year/ 1978 zodiac year/ 1990 zodiac year/ 2002 zodiac year/ 2014 zodiac year
  12. SHEEP/GOAT/ - 1931 zodiac year/ 1943 zodiac year/ 1955 zodiac year/ 1967 zodiac year/ 1979 zodiac year/ 1991 zodiac year/ 2003 zodiac year/ 2015 zodiac year