Top foreign male actors. The most desirable and beautiful actors in Hollywood

Beauty contests are usually held among the fair half of humanity. But men can also be so attractive and sexy that it takes your breath away. There are countless ratings of handsome men, but why not once again admire the 10 most handsome men on the planet.

In 2017, the authoritative publication People considered him the sexiest and, damn, how can you argue with this magazine. This squinted look knocks you out of the park. But despite the fact that God has gifted the guy this way, he is very modest and happily married to one woman.

Ben Affleck

This is a classic beauty. His facial features are ideal, moderately brutal. Ben is well built and stands a whopping 1.9m tall! Most women like this type. So Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sandra Bullock could not resist at one time. He’s also talented: as many as 2 Oscars for acting!

Once upon a time in early childhood he was constantly mistaken for a girl, and now no one doubts his masculinity. In 2011, People magazine named him one of the sexiest and most desirable men. Blue eyes, infectious smile, sexy body - this is all Bradley Cooper.

Ashton Kutcher

Another regular in the ratings of the most handsome men on the planet is Ashton Kutcher. There is probably no girl whose heart does not flutter from such beauty. He was once just a model, but he was noticed and appeared on the big screen. This was followed by a series of interesting roles and the title of sex symbol. In 2015, he was ringed by the equally beautiful actress Mila Kunis, with whom they are raising two children.

Ryan Gosling

It's no secret that most women watch films with Ryan Gosling in order to once again admire his beautiful figure and attractive face. It is possible that he is not very brutal and even too sweet, but women really like him. It probably has to do with his beautiful gray eyes. But his heart is already occupied by the beautiful and fiery Eva Mendes, with whom the actor is raising two daughters.

Colin Firth

This stern-looking Brit has an impressive track record in films, is a truly talented actor and a handsome man. Colin did not even disdain the role of a homosexual. But he need not be afraid, this did not affect women’s love for him, and he still appears constantly on the lists of the most beautiful men on the planet.

Richard Gere

Once upon a time he gave many girls a fairy tale. You don't have to be a decent lady. It's important that Richard Gere calls you beautiful and takes you off into the sunset. Many years have passed since then, but what free girl or woman would refuse to go on a date with him? His trademark gray hair does not spoil him at all, but only adds to his charm. During his film career, he has been in many of the top lists of the most handsome men on the planet and will probably conquer more than one.

His name has long become synonymous with the word “handsome”. He was married to Brad, changed his hair color, its length, grew a beard and shaved clean - everything suits him. His appearance has changed a lot over the years, but how good wine, he did not become worse, only more courageous. He really deserves to be in this ranking, because this is Brad Pitt, and that says it all.

Johnny Depp

The incomparable Johnny played in films not only brutal macho men, but also eccentric characters. But this did not affect his sexuality in any way. This handsome man is wild and uncontrollable, but all the more attractive to many women, because this speaks of large quantities testosterone in the blood.

Daniel Radcliffe

Many remember this shy boy in broken glasses and with a scar on his forehead. In 2017, the character of the Harry Potter book series turned 20 years old, and the actor who played him in the film adaptations of all 7 books has grown up. And, moreover, a beautiful swan, which is still in demand in cinema, but now in the role of sexy adult men.

The word “beauty” is associated with women, although among men there are no less handsome macho men into whose arms women all over the world are ready to rush.

We offer a rating in which the most handsome men peace. We will not give first, second and third place to anyone, because they are recognized as the most beautiful according to various magazines, in addition, all of them are men different ages and everyone is charming in their own way. Let's just talk about the handsome men of the world, and if we don't mention someone, add your version of the handsome man of the ladies' hearts in the comments to the article.

Recently, British scientists asked themselves the question of the most handsome man, and, combining the best features, they created a real handsome man: David Beckham's beard, George Clooney's elegant gray hair, Bradley Cooper's eyes and snub nose Brad Pitt combined into one person. See for yourself what happened.

Top most handsome men in the world

So, let’s start with the top of the world’s beauties, among whom are not only Hollywood stars, but also “mere mortals”, as it turns out, they can be beautiful too.

Asian Omar Borkan al-Gala

The top opens with Omar Borkan al-Gala - an ordinary resident of Dubai, he was deported from home country - Saudi Arabia for being overly attractive.

After this he became a poet and model. It is worth noting that Omaru’s exotic headdress suits him very well and only emphasizes the beauty of the dark-skinned, Asian heartthrob.

Twilight star Robert Pattinson

“Twilight” is over, and Pattinson’s new work is not the best, however, this did not in the least affect his popularity, and, of course, did not reduce his attractiveness.

A lot of fans still consider Pattinson to be the very best.

Ian Somerhalder from The Vampire Diaries

Another charming “vampire” is recognized as the most handsome man.

Dark-haired, with blue eyes, Ian won more than one girl’s heart.

50-year-old Nicolas Cage

In 2014, the actor celebrated his fiftieth birthday, but even at that age he did not stop attracting the attention of the fair half of humanity.

Cage doesn't seem to age, and his receding hairline and soulful gaze only add charm to the aging actor. Although without makeup, with a grown beard, in real life Nicholas could only attract the attention of the police. See photo.

Simon Baker - the hero of the film "The Devil Wears Prada"

And no matter how sad it may sound for most girls, the actor loves his wife, is faithful to her, and together they raise three children. But let's take a look at Baker without the help of stylists? IN Everyday life he looks less attractive, however, like every famous person.

Eternally handsome Johnny Depp

In 2014, Johnny Depp turned fifty-one. He is still a prominent representative of the handsome men of the “middle-aged guard.” Although age does not at all prevent a man from making young girls all over the planet fall in love with him, especially since Depp has always been considered incredibly handsome.

During his dizzying career, the Pirates actor Caribbean Sea“managed to get married once, get engaged three times, live in a civil marriage for 14 long years, and eventually leave his “fiancée of many years” for the sake of a young model and actress - Amber Heard. In 2013, the couple loudly announced their engagement, who knows, perhaps, after living for half a century, hot Johnny will finally settle down.

Footballer David Beckham

Beckham’s line of underwear looks especially good; it’s not for nothing that you can see him on advertising billboards, posing in just swimming trunks. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the career is over, and you need to remind yourself.

Beautiful Angelina's husband - Brad Pitt

Actor Brad Pitt is married to the beautiful Angelina Jolie, but he himself was considered the main sex symbol of the world for more than ten years and is now one of the most handsome men, gradually losing ground to the younger generation Hollywood stars. How the actor looks today, look at the photo.

In addition to the men listed above, the title of the most beautiful includes:

  • Australian actor Travis Fimmel;
  • British singer Simon Webb;
  • American fashion model Sean O'Pry;
  • Spanish fashion model Jon Kortajarena;
  • American actor Will Smith;
  • Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin;
  • Brazilian model Marlon Techeira;
  • Brazilian fashion model and Madonna's passion Jesus Luz;
  • Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias.

There are also a lot of handsome men in Russia, these are athletes, businessmen, singers, and politicians. The most striking of them:

  • Singer Dima Bilan is, of course, an idol of youth;
  • Roman Abramovich - handsome, charismatic and;
  • The parodist and husband of the Diva herself is Maxim Galkin;
  • Former member of the group “Smash” - Sergey Lazarev;
  • The main character of the series “Fizruk” is Dmitry Nagiyev. By the way, after leading role in this series, Nagiyev was recognized as handsome and a “real man”;
  • Singer Stas Piekha - singer, grandson of the famous Edita Piekha;
  • Parodist, comedian and simply handsome Ivan Urgant;
  • The son of Vladimir Presnyakov is Nikita;
  • Actor Maxim Averin.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but we will not do this in order to give you the opportunity to add to it in the comments.

Which man is the most handsome?

To be frank, male beauty is complex and controversial issue. And if you ask a woman, she will answer that the most handsome man is the one she loves. And the woman won’t lie. Therefore, you should not imitate Hollywood stars; it is more important to remain yourself and love your beautiful soulmate.

Video with photographs of handsome men according to the British publication “Heat World”:

More than 80,000 magazine readers GLAMOR(mostly readers Western countries) voted in an annual poll to find out who is the sexiest man in the world.

So, here are a hundred winners:

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100. Ashton Kutcher

In the photo: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer and television host. In March 2015, he upset millions of his fans by marrying actress Mila Kunis.

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99. Kellan Lutz

Pictured: Kellan Christopher Lutz

Age: 30 years

Popular American actor and model. Gained widespread popularity after starring in the Twilight film series as Emmett Cullen. He is the face of a new clothing brand from Calvin Klein.

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98. Jeremy Renner

Pictured: Jeremy Lee Renner

Age: 44 years old

American actor who has played many roles in popular films such as “The Hurt Locker”, “City of Thieves”, “Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol”, “The Avengers”, “Witch Hunters”, “Avengers: Age of Ultron”.

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97. James Franco

Pictured: James Edward Franco

Age: 37 years

American actor, producer, screenwriter, director, writer, artist, filmmaking teacher. Known for his leading roles in the films “Spider-Man”, “The Great Raid”, “Tristan and Isolde”, “The Duel” and “Lafayette Squadron”.

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96. Garrett Hedlund

Pictured: Garrett John Hedlund

Age: 30 years

An American actor who gained popularity after playing Patroclus in Wolfgang Petersen's film Troy and Sam Flynn in Tron: Legacy.

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95. Justin Theroux

Pictured: Justin Theroux

Age: 43 years

American actor, director, screenwriter. He made his film debut as an actor in 1996. In 2006 he directed his own film “Dedication”. And in 2010, the film “ iron Man 2,” which was written by Justin Theroux. Since 2011 he has been dating famous actress Jennifer Aniston.

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94. Jason Momoa

Pictured: Joseph Jason Namakeaha Momoa

Age: 35 years

American actor, known for starring in the film Conan the Barbarian as Conan, as well as for his role as Uhal Drogo in Game of Thrones, and as Ronon Dex in the TV series Stargate Atlantis.

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93. Tom Odell

Pictured: Tom Peter Odell

Age: 24 years

English singer, composer and musician. His first album was released in June 2013. Since then, his popularity has only been growing.

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92. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

In the photo: Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt

Age: 34 years

American actor and film director. He started acting in films at the age of 7. Known to the Russian public from the TV series “The Third Planet from the Sun”. In 2005, Joseph Gordon-Levitt gained widespread fame and recognition from audiences around the world for his role as a street hustler in the film Mysterious Skin. Has a huge filmography. He starred in the film Snowden.

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91. Jon Hamm

Pictured: Jonathan Daniel Hamm

Age: 44 years old

American actor who gained fame after starring as Don Draper in the television series Mad Men. He even received a Golden Globe for this role.

People magazine first released its ranking of the sexiest men in 1985. The very first winner of the high-profile title was Mel Gibson. By that time, the 20-year-old actor had already starred in almost 10 feature films, including the top-rated “Mad Max” and “The River.”

Mel Gibson in the movie "Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome" Photo: East News


The following year, Mark Harmon won the Sexiest Man Alive category. The actor's role in the series "Detective Agency" brought him popularity. Moonlight", his face graced the covers of many publications. It is not surprising that it was he who took first place in the rating.

Mark Harmon in the movie " Summer School" Photo: Still from the film


This year, People magazine chose actor Harry Hamlin. Viewers could appreciate the beauty of the actor’s body in the film “Making Love” and the TV series “Law and Order.” By the way, it should be noted that now the 63-year-old actor is in excellent shape and could well compete with Chris Hemsworth.

Harry Hamlin in the movie "Clash of the Titans" Photo: Still from the film


This year the magazine made the most unusual choice in its entire history. For the first time, a non-actor was recognized as the sexiest man. The first place in the ranking was taken by 27-year-old John F. Kennedy Jr. - the third child and first son of the 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy Jr. Photo: East News


Two-meter handsome Sean Connery at that time had already managed to shine in the films “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”, “The Untouchables”, “Highlander”, so no one was surprised that it was he who topped the rating of the sexiest men.

Sean Connery in the movie "Highlander" Photo: East News


A huge number of times he was recognized as the most beautiful man in the world, the most charming. During his life he was the very best in many nominations. But only once was he named the sexiest man on the planet. He was 28 years old then.

Tom Cruise Photo: East News


Tom Cruise was replaced by actor Patrick Swayze. That year he starred in the film “On the Crest of a Wave,” which was a wild success in all cinemas around the world. Viewers also remembered the actor from the film “Ghost,” in which he showed off his beautiful body.

Patrick Swayze in the film Point Break Photo: East News


In 1991, the film “The Lord of the Tides” was released on wide screens, which was watched by almost every 8th person under the age of 40 in the United States. One of the main roles in this film was played by Nick Nolte. This tape allowed him to top the ratings of People magazine.

Nick Nolte Photo: East News


Richard Gere has topped the list of sexiest men several times. Not only People magazine, but many others. In the same year, the actor and Cindy Crawford were recognized as the sexiest couple of our time.

Richard Gere Photo: East News


This year I literally bathed in the audience’s love. He won two awards at the 1995 MTV Movie Awards and was included by Empire magazine in the list of the 25 sexiest stars in film history. And at the end of the year he topped the ratings of People magazine.

Brad Pitt in the movie "Legends of the Fall" Photo: East News


For the first time, a black actor is named People magazine's Sexiest Man Alive. Viewers at that time were familiar with him from the films “Virtuosity” and “Courage in Battle.”

Photo: East News


That year he finally received his well-deserved award. He could have gotten it sooner. For example, in 1995, immediately after the release of the film "From Dusk Till Dawn", where he demonstrated himself in all his glory.

George Clooney in the TV series "ER" Photo: Global Look Press


Harrison Ford was voted the sexiest after the release of the film “Six Days, Seven Nights,” in which the actor played Quinn Harris.

Harrison Ford in the film "Six Days, Seven Nights" Photo: Still from the film


Six years after Richard Gere was first voted Sexiest Man Alive, he tops the rankings again. Over the years, the actor seems to have only become more beautiful.

Richard Gere in the film "The First Knight" Photo: East News

year 2000

Following Richard Gere, Brad Pitt is repeating his past success. He is again recognized as the sexiest man on the planet.

Brad Pitt in the movie "Fight Club" Photo: East News

year 2001

Pierce Brosnan Photo: East News


He received the award a year after the release of the film "Pearl Harbor", in which he played one of the main roles. The actor never attached any importance to such “titles”.

Ben Affleck in the movie "Pearl Harbor" Photo: Still from the film


Many times he was recognized as both the most charismatic and the most shocking. But he topped the ranking of the sexiest men only in 2003.

Johnny Depp in the film "Don Juan de Marco" Photo: East News


The star of the films “The Talented Mr. Ripley”, “Gattaca”, “Closer” often appeared on the covers of People magazine. In 2004, he graced the New Year's edition of the publication.

Jude Law in the film “Cold Mountain” Photo: East News

2005 year

Matthew McConaughey's sexuality never required proof. The actor is often invited to play the roles of seductive handsome men, about whom all women are crazy. However, in 2005 he was officially recognized as the sexiest man alive. You can appreciate the beauty of this actor’s body in the films “Sahara”, “A Time to Kill” and many others.

Matthew McConaughey in the movie "Sahara" Photo: East News


Photo: East News


Blue-eyed blond, like his friend Ben Affleck, who had previously received recognition from People magazine, never aspired to top the ratings of the sexiest men, the most handsome actors, or any ratings at all. He rarely showed his perfect body, often refused roles that could have brought him the love of millions. However, in 2007 he topped the ranking of the sexiest men according to People magazine.

Gone are the days when it was believed that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Therefore, nowadays the concept of beauty applies not only to the fair sex. After all, the heart of any woman will tremble when a handsome, charismatic, brutal man appears before her eyes. Thanks to the demand for male beauty, various ratings appear, among which are the most beautiful men in the world.

The most handsome men in the world in history

Frank Sinatra - famous singer and an actor who was the standard of style of the last century. His manners appearance and even his clothes screamed about his charisma. And his blue eyes and bewitching voice drove many women crazy. In addition, the man himself loved women, he had many lovers. Frank starred in 20 films, he left behind 70 albums with his singing work.

Known for his role as Rhett Butler in the film " gone With the Wind» Clark Gable enjoyed success with many women. He was not of “blue blood”; he began his career with roles in the crowd. Then he began acting in Western films, after which he began playing roles as seducers. The Oscar he received brought him several leading roles. And his performance in the film “Gone with the Wind” gave the actor worldwide fame.

Famous American singer Elvis Presley was the idol of millions of girls around the world. Handsome, charismatic, talented and successful, Elvis earned the title of “King of Rock and Roll” and the most handsome man of the last century.

Robert Redford has long been considered the sexiest man in the world. The actor's talent was revealed in the 60s of the last century. Since then, the handsome man has not been left out female attention, although even as a child the actor did not have attractive appearance. But soon Robert was transformed, and enormous talent and charm were added to his beautiful appearance.

Cary Grant- the Hollywood handsome man, who was distinguished by the manners of a real gentleman, was Mr. Perfect. By the way, it was this actor who was the prototype of James Bond. This is not surprising, because Grant combines excellent appearance, elegance, style, and masculinity. In the 30s of the last century he was considered a sex symbol.

Already become common noun Alena Delona familiar to every girl. The French actor is known throughout the world not only for his beauty, but also for his excellent acting talent. Despite his not the easiest childhood, Alain constantly developed, and that is why he achieved enormous achievements and won the hearts of many women. If the most handsome men in the world are mentioned, then Alain will be on the list in most cases.

American actor Marlon Brando- the brightest representative of beautiful men of the 20th century. In the 50s, having starred in several films, the man did not go unnoticed and was recognized as a sex symbol of America. The actor was capable of different roles, he easily transformed himself, and that is why he was able to achieve enormous success.

Intellectual beauty Marcello Mastroianni became a sip fresh air in the last century. The Italian actor attracted not only his handsome appearance, but also his intelligence, restraint and seriousness.

A doctor by training, but ultimately an actor Robert Taylor possessed unearthly beauty. An agent from a film studio who noticed him prophesied his fame as a Hollywood actor, and he was not mistaken. Even men were not shy to admit that Taylor was a handsome man, who combined attractive appearance, lack of conflict, manners and talent.

The most handsome men of the 21st century

Johnny Depp- a permanent resident of handsome guy ratings. The American actor often shines on the covers of fashion magazines as a handsome man recognized by the whole world. With age, Johnny does not lose his beauty and charisma, but, on the contrary, increases them, thereby delighting his fans with new interesting roles.

Besides the fact that Johnny Depp is a handsome man and an excellent actor, he also plays the guitar wonderfully. One piece of evidence is Paul McCartney's "My Valentine" video.

Hero of the Twilight Saga Robert Pattison often appears in various rankings of the most handsome men. There is often controversy surrounding this, but it is still worth recognizing that it has a unique beauty that is inherent in many British people.

A handsome man from Portugal and part-time footballer Cristiano Ronaldo makes women's hearts beat much faster. A sexy body, black hair and a dazzling smile influenced the fair sex, attracting them to TV screens and stadiums to see Cristiano on the field. He is undoubtedly deservedly included in the ranking of the most beautiful men in the world.

Tall blond Chris Hemsworth remembered for his roles in Thor and The Avengers. The man perfectly combines the work of an actor and father of three wonderful children. In addition, he takes care of his body, so it is not surprising that the female half of the world's population is crazy about him.

Keeps up with his beautiful and sexy wife Brad Pitt. Of course, the actor has already begun to lose ground and is giving way to younger handsome men, but still not a single rating can do without him, especially if these are the most handsome men in the world. However, with age, the actor does not become less attractive; he still plays in films that are a worldwide success.

Sexy handsome guy Tom Hardy In any case, it deserves to be in this ranking. It reveals childish spontaneity combined with masculinity and brutality. Tom is further confirmation that the British are quite attractive men.

Recently Zac Efron was a young man, but now he is a mature man, whose fans are not only teenage girls. In addition, the Hollywood actor has long been on the list of the richest celebrities according to Forbes.

Frontman of the American band Maroon 5 Adam Levine conquers women with his tattooed body and unshaven appearance. A voice, a smile and a look can drive any girl crazy.

Prince Pierre Casiraghi- son of the Princess of Monaco. The handsome man has not only an attractive appearance, but also extremely diverse interests - extreme sports, languages, playing the saxophone.

Where do the most handsome men in the world live?

On any continent you can find your own handsome men. But there are still countries where their number is simply off the charts.

Many girls, having visited Spain, clearly say that the most beautiful men in the world are born there. Passionate, dark, burning - they certainly attract the attention of women. Prominent representatives of the Spaniards are world celebrities - singer Enrique Iglesias, actor Antonio Banderas, actor Mario Casas, football player Gerard Pique, racing driver Fernando Alonso.

Australia is a sunny country, surrounded on all sides by an endless ocean. This state has given the world many beautiful men. These are actors, athletes, and singers. Actors Russell Crowe, Jesse Spencer, Liam Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman - all these handsome guys come from the distant Australian mainland.

The United States of America is another habitat for handsome men. This country has given the world many actors, singers, and athletes who top all sorts of ratings of the most handsome men in the world - George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Hugh Grant, Ryan Gosling, Chris Pine, Ian Somerhalder, Justin Timberlake.

Many believe that Sweden, Israel, Italy, France and the UK are also rich in beautiful sexy men. In these countries, men have a certain taste in clothing, as well as their own unique style.

The most beautiful men in Russia

Young actor Danila Kozlovsky is a symbol of Russian cinema, focused on Hollywood. Black hair, brutal stubble, and tall height complement the actor’s beauty and talent, making him attractive to many girls not only from Russia.

Even off the set, Danila is charismatic and artistic. In addition to the stylish photo shoot, in the video below, the actor answers interesting questions.

Russian football player Alexander Kerzhakov often appears in ratings of the most beautiful football players in the world. Beautiful bright appearance is combined with kindness and modesty. The man often participates in charity events and helps foundations.

Ivan Urgant- a brilliant, positive TV presenter and actor. Charisma, a great sense of humor, tall stature and a stunning smile gave him many fans. And his hard work and dream helped the man achieve success in the media field.

Singer Egor Creed not long ago burst into Russian scene, but already has a crowd of fans in his arsenal who will boldly call him the most beautiful. A sweet voice, attractive appearance and talent did their job. Now the singer is called “Russian Justin Timberlake.”

Alexander Ovechkin glorified Russia throughout the world with his game of hockey. A womanizer and a reveler - he attracts women to him. The hockey player was able to charm the Hollywood beauty Fergie, but their relationship did not reach the wedding, however, like the handsome man’s other romances.

Favorite of millions of Russian women Sergey Bezrukov captivates with his acting and stunning smile. Any woman who has watched at least one film with Sergei’s participation will be able to recognize the handsome man’s voice. The actor’s appearance is also unforgettable.

Russian singer Dima Bilan knows the whole world after his brilliant performance at the Eurovision Song Contest. The handsome man actively monitors his appearance and body, but hides his personal life. But this does not stop many girls from secretly dreaming about him.

Mannequin Arthur Kulkov is the most sought-after fashion model from Russia, who shines on world catwalks. He is originally from Siberia, but moved to the States with his parents as a teenager. Thanks to his handsome appearance and hard work on himself, the guy entered the top five highest paid male models according to Forbes.

The created “macho” image Dmitry Nagiyev began to bear fruit. The hero of the series “Fizruk” was able to once again win the title of sex symbol of Russia. A strong, courageous, brutal and pumped-up man cannot help but please women. And Dmitry is exactly like that, and thanks to his charisma, the actor won everyone’s love.

Popular actor Vladimir Mashkov appeals to women of all ages. It’s not for nothing that he is called the country’s first sex symbol. By the way, the handsome guy also appeared in Hollywood, playing in the film “Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol.” Despite the fact that the actor lives in two houses - Russia and America, he manages to actively star in Russian films and TV series.