Sketch of a tattoo bracelet in the Celtic style. Celtic style tattoos. About the most ancient images and their meaning

The meaning of “Celtic patterns” tattoos is inextricably linked with the beliefs of this ancient ethnic group. Totemism in the culture of the ancient Celts was very developed, but the Celts practically did not depict flora and fauna on their bodies. The art of Celtic tattooing is unique in that the paintings used symbols rather than specific images. Note that the Celts were among the first to use signs in body designs. And this is not without reason, because the symbol carries a much deeper meaning than the traditional image. Celtic tattoos can be briefly described as a combination of abstract figures and sacred symbols.

Style Feature

The basis of any Celtic tattoo is an incredibly complex ornament consisting of intricate interweavings. They symbolize that everything in the world is interconnected and has a cause-and-effect basis. If you look closely, you will see that the lines, spirals and knots in Celtic tattoos have neither a beginning nor an end. All this symbolizes the infinity of life and constant rebirth. Also, “Celtic patterns” tattoos demonstrate the complexity of nature, the relationship between soul and body, heaven and earth.

Celtic cross

A special place in the culture of Celtic tattooing is occupied by the so-called Celtic cross, which is often confused with early Christian symbols. Such crosses are amulets, so people who strive for spiritual knowledge and harmony often tattoo them on their bodies. The Celtic cross is a very popular tattoo, the application of which, however, should be approached carefully and with awareness of the power of this symbol.

Tattoo options

The Celts are freedom-loving and brave people. It is these primordially masculine qualities that attract many guys who decide to get an authentic Celtic pattern on their bodies. The most popular tattoo locations:

Girls also have a weakness for Celtic tattoos, including large-scale patterns on the entire body. Popular places:

  • Back;
  • Hands;
  • Stomach.

Celtic tattoos are not only abstract patterns, but also more complex images made with the same technique of intertwining lines and curls. Among possible options sketches, we note the most interesting ones, such as:

  • A bird with outstretched wings in the area between the shoulder blades;
  • Patterns with the effect of being applied to medieval armor;
  • Lotus flower made from Celtic patterns.
  • Celtic style sun;
  • Tree of life.


The Celtic tattoo is too specific to be able to clearly identify celebrities who have a similar body design. But elements of a Celtic tattoo can be seen on the body:

  • Justin Timberlake;
  • Robie Williams;
  • David Beckham.

Tattoos today can be found even on the body of a strict scientist who, in his youth, was fond of a certain subculture. But tattoo with celtic patterns are rare, which is due to the special and strong meaning of the ornament. Next, the meanings of famous Celtic patterns will be discussed in detail, so that those who want to get a tattoo can do right choice.

About the meaning of Celtic tattoos in general

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Celtic patterns really look impressive, which makes you want to Decorate your body with an unusual tattoo.

Previously, patterns were applied by ancient tribes to weapons, kitchen utensils, just stones. Each ornament meant something, so we can say that ancient people made certain things in this way. notes in your life. In 800, Irish monks copied all the ornaments and created an entire book « Celtic book» , in which the exact meaning of each pattern was written down.

All pictures mean infinity, since all patterns have a common line - a new curl begins at the end of another. This was what guided people from ancient tribes when they participated in the conquest of neighboring territories. It is precisely because of their ferocity, and in some cases, brutality, that not everyone who wants to decorate themselves with a tattoo chooses Celtic designs for application to their bodies.

To the number general values Celtic patterns include the following points:

  • endless life - the Celtic tribes believed that their people would live forever;
  • endless lines indicated the connection and continuity of things in the universe;
  • a constant operating cycle helps in the struggle between life and death;
  • endless lines are the connection between soul and body;
  • the connection between heaven and earth, the knot in the tattoo pattern indicates the place where they intersect;
  • The labyrinths fixed on the body identify the life path.

As a result, a person who prefers a Celtic design must understand what he will represent with his tattoo. Often the ornaments are chosen strong-willed people who are impetuous and persistent go towards their goal, regardless of the problems that arise. They are often domineering, or by their external severity they want to subjugate those around them.

Experts believe that a pattern applied to the body in the form of a tattoo directly affects future fate. Therefore, when choosing an ornament of Celtic culture, preference should be given to less aggressive variations.

About the most ancient images and their meaning

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Tattoos depicting patterns of Celtic peoples welcome the application of ancient patterns that have not undergone changes and are kept in their original state.

Among most common ornaments for application to the body there are:

1 Celtic braid- turns out to be a symbol of the unity of the spiritual and earthly worldview. It is used in most cases to frame another picture.

2 Medallion- This is protection from enemies, which additionally attracts friendship and love. The Celts wore a similar thing as a talisman, without applying it to the body. People believed that over the years the power of the medallion only increased.

3 Mascot– a symbol of financial well-being, attracts health and luck. It is the most popular for tattooing.

4 Triple helix– symbolizes the desire to grow spiritually. As soon as Christianity appeared on the territory of the Celtic peoples, the symbolism was transformed into the Trinity - Holy holiday Christian faith.

5 Nodes- the main sign of infinity and unity of spirit and material wealth, as if all spiritual and material values ​​are connected into a strong knot that cannot be unknotted. It is often applied separately in a tattoo, but you can use a variation of the triple knot, which indicates religious beliefs - the symbolism of the Trinity for Christians and the triune goddess for pagans.

6 The tree of Life is a large tattoo, which in most cases is applied to top part backs. They are chosen by both women and men who want to live and reach for the sun. The tattoo is represented in the form of a tree, the branches of which intertwine together and form a circle - a symbol of the sun. The Celtic peoples believed that the dead go to heaven and return to earth in a different guise - this creates a kind of cycle of earthly and worldly things.

7 Bracelet- This is a complex pattern in the shape of a circle, in the center of which there is a heart with a crown. Symbolizes friendship and fidelity, love and feelings, seeks to emphasize the unity of two lovers.

8 Celtic crossancient symbol, denoting 4 elements gathered together. Often the cross is placed in a circle. The cross initially symbolized belonging to Christianity, which, in combination with a circle pointing to the sun, spoke of faith in the Almighty and in people who strive to comprehend the unknown, who believe in the unity of spirit and world.

Over time, the ancient symbols have undergone several changes, but young people who prefer Celtic pattern tattoos choose precisely the primordial ornaments.

Animal images

Animals in Celtic patterns are depicted specifically - these are original caricatures that also display a single line.

Animals symbolize the following:

1 Hare– in most mythologies it reflects material and spiritual well-being. The Celts believed that painting a picture of a hare on a house would attract prosperity, rebirth and immortality to the Almighty, as well as the souls of the residents.

2 Snakes– the most interesting variations used for tattoos occupy a leading place. The symbolism of snakes is to help a person give spiritual support - a person living on earth, like the represented reptile, is endowed with vital energy for living on the planet. The Celts believed in magical property snakes - if present, you can count on protecting a person from enemies.

3 Deer– symbolize courage and prosperity, promotes independence. A person who gets a tattoo of a deer can attract a revival of the spirit.

4 Horse- an old symbol of fertility that has appeared in most mythologies. Such images promote the development of physical activity with goal achievement.

5 Dolphins– in most cases, girls apply such tattoos to their bodies. But men are not far behind in their choice, since this sea animal protects humans in the seas. The Celts believed that dolphins helped people in spiritual development by using the waters of the ocean.

6 Dogs is a symbol of fidelity, devotion and protection of a person physically and spiritually.

7 Wolves– the drawings are similar in appearance to a dog, but carry a different message. The wolf is aggressive, so it protects people and spiritual space by attacking enemies. This animal also indicates a successful hunt and attack on enemies.

8 Fish and other sea creatures- this is foresight and wisdom. The presence of represented animals on the human body helps to anticipate the situation and develop intuition.

9 Dragons– these animals in all the mythologies of the World had the gift of divination, and were faithful guardians of the gates to the mundane and divine Worlds. In some cultures, it is dragons who protect the Earth from the invasion of strangers - in the Celtic culture, all enemies were perceived as strangers (other peoples who wanted to conquer the territories of the Celts).

Should understand the meaning of each image to make the right choice. Better to be guided own style and appearance. Eg, image of a wolf will look Celtic style vulgar and ridiculous at the same time on the fragile back of a miniature girl.

What is the rationale behind the choice?

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If you believe sorcerers, magicians and other specialists of the unknown, the presented patterns and images on the human body contribute to the following changes in life:

  • Any braids and spirals, closed in a circle, will lead a person in a “circle” in life path. A peculiar cycle of life’s troubles, misfortunes, followed by joy will sweep throughout life. You cannot apply such patterns if a person wants to change something in his life. Otherwise it will go back to the beginning.
  • The tree of Life will lead to an increase in your social circle. If the branches intertwine in the sun, it means that new acquaintances can be united into one team and continue communication based on interests.
  • Nodes will attract joys, sorrows and misfortunes, failures, successes, new friends, prosperity and financial well-being, which will merge into a single ball of human life.
  • Crosses It is not recommended to apply to the body, even stars prohibited. This symbolism is “putting a cross on oneself”, which will indicate the end in spiritual and worldly life. No, a person will not die, but his development will stop. People in prison often get crosses on themselves. A small part of the total amount is able to return to normal life- the majority commit a new crime and go to the zone again.
  • Desire to display animal should pursue worldly and friendly purposes. You should not get a tattoo with the image of a predator; even a dog tends to bite. Such tattoos contribute to a change in a person’s character - he becomes aggressive, angry towards the people around him.

Celtic patterns for tattoos are not recommended in principle. They are specific, requiring matching styles in clothing, appearance, in human behavior. If the choice fell on a Celtic pattern, it is better to choose medium-sized tattoos and a place that can be covered with clothing.

IN modern world body designs, long-known Celtic patterns and ornaments are especially popular. All kinds of crosses and knots are constantly in the top positions among a wide range of different sketches. Such tattoos can carry both a fairly laconic meaning and a deep meaning. philosophical meaning symbol.

Celtic ouroboros tattoo on back

Origin of Celtic Patterns

To understand and feel Celtic tattoos in full, you should return to the original sources of this people. Historical facts indicate the appearance of the Celts in 2 thousand BC. e. The Celts belonged to the peoples of the Indo-European race. Warlike peoples reached the peak of their development in the 4th century. BC e. Most of mainland Europe was inhabited by Celtic peoples. The Celtic people included many tribes that were distinguished by their warlikeness and courage. Celtic tribes often carried out barbarian raids on the countries of the Ancient Mediterranean.

The love of freedom and independence of peoples became the reason that the power of the Celts could not stand. The people moved further and further, giving up their territories to the peoples who raided Europe. Thus, the lands of Scotland, Britain, Wales and Ireland remained in the possession of the Celts.

It is here that you can become an eyewitness to ancient Celtic traditions and rituals. They honor there religious traditions ancient Celts, and also maintain connections with representatives of this people from different corners peace. The influence of Christianity became the reason for the unity of the nation. Celtic representations can be found in all corners of the world.

Celtic weave triangle in color on hand

Celtic tattoos as an example of art

The art of the Celtic peoples has ancient history development. Examples of the very first masterpieces are recorded on canna, ceramics and metal products. Special attention should be paid to jewelry and weapons.

According to historical facts The beginning of the artistic style of the Celtic peoples is considered to be 800 AD. e. Namely, this year is considered the year of creation ancient manuscript, authored by an Irish monk. The book is known as the Book of Kells. These manuscripts are striking examples of Celtic culture.

The art of the ancient Celts is known as Insular Art. It is characterized by endless curved lines that are continuous, with no clear beginning or end point. Such curvilinear straight lines form intricate patterns. Often patterns and weaves do not leave any free space.

The creative individual decision of the artist is of particular value in the process of creating Celtic designs. Therefore, Celtic designs are distinguished by their originality and uniqueness. Celtic images are distinguished by non-trivial knots, plexuses, labyrinths, spirals and floral patterns.

It will not be news that Celtic tattoo designs are especially popular all over the world. Such drawings thanks ancient origin always differ from modern images in their sophistication, picturesqueness and organic elements.

The uniqueness of Celtic art inspired artists to create body art. Some tattoos carry meaning and significance that have absorbed the energy of warring peoples and tribes for thousands of years.

Celtic owl tattoo on shoulder

Celtic cross

If you have chosen Celtic tattoos to be applied to your body, the meaning of which is quite diverse, you should carefully study the meaning of each element. The Irish cross is very similar to the simple Christian cross. The only difference is the presence of a circle at the intersection. According to legends, this symbol was given to the Celts by St. Patrick, who brought the Christian religion to the pagans. Such a cross appeared as a result of the reunion of Christian signs and the symbol of the sun, which was the object of worship of the Druids.

I spent more than a year deciding what tattoo to get. I decided to stop at Celtic symbols. The drawings are popular, a friend has a similar one. It looks original and unique, thanks to the creative approach of the master.

Oleg, Novosibirsk

Video: review of Celtic tattoos

Celtic tattoo designs

Celtic culture is known throughout the world. Despite this, very little information about mysterious civilization- the expanding Roman Empire ruthlessly swallowed up ancient people, and history, as we know, is written by the winners.

In this article we will talk a little about characteristic features Celtics, we will show interesting sketches and talk about their meanings. Enjoy reading!

A brief excursion into the history of the Celts

She called this peculiar people "Celts" Ancient Greece, the Romans called them “Gauls”. Yes, yes, the fictional cycle about Asterix and Obelix, the druid Panoramix and the magic potion that gives strength is a story about the Celts.

The original Celtic art, their crazy belligerence, famous clannishness and culture still have many fans around the world.

“Unfortunately, the Celts did not leave behind miracles of architecture or painting, but their unconditional legacy is Irish language- restored and is now the official language of Ireland"

IN ancient Europe The Celts were considered the most warlike people. For them, the head was the home of the soul, and cutting off the head of an enemy meant separating the soul from the body, making sure that the enemy did not come to life. Thanks to such cruel trophies, the Celts were feared, and they became more difficult to capture than some other peoples.

Another one known part Celtic culture - mythology, legends and the powerful influence of Druid priests. They fiercely guarded their knowledge and passed it on only by word of mouth, which is why small crumbs of a huge knowledge base have survived to our times.




In this article we will not completely dive into history - despite the worldwide meager knowledge about unusual world Celts, there are many pages about them on the Internet. Let's better get closer to the heart of the story - Celtic-style tattoos.

Celtic ornament in tattoo

Drawings in this style are characterized by monochrome. The main color is black, which is sometimes supplemented with green. Dilute tattoos bright colors became much later, and it is not as popular as black tattoos.

Characteristics and elements

Celtic tattoos are dominated by ornamentation - complex geometric patterns characteristically intertwined with animals or people, creating magical knots and having multiple meanings. The lines are continuous, have no beginning or end - this technique symbolizes the strong connection of the Celts with nature and reflects their worldview.

Celtic cross

Occurs most often. Can mean hope, honor, memory, faith depending on the context. In Ireland there is a belief that the cross appeared thanks to St. Patrick, and combines the symbol of Christianity - the cross, with the symbol of the sun - the pagan solar deity.

“Be careful - among skinheads, the Celtic cross signifies the superiority of the white race. This is important to know, because such a tattoo can get you into trouble.”




Celtic shamrock

The famous simple knot is considered a symbol of the earth and the cycle of life.




Celtica: tattoo designs


The basis of tattoos in the Celtic style. Symbolizes the subtle indestructible connection and cyclical nature of all living things.


One or more lines intertwine to form a complex swirling pattern.