Full name lin meaning. Famous people named Lina. Marriage and family

Full name:

Similar names: Evelina, Polina, Carolina, Angelina, Paulina, Apollinaria, Galina, Magdalena, Vasilina, Elina, Akulina, Kapitolina, Adelina, Alina, Liana, Lydia, Linda, Amalia

Church name: -

Meaning: beautiful as a palm tree, sad news, siren

Meaning of the name Lina - interpretation

There are different versions regarding the origin of the name Lina. Some experts believe that it comes from the ancient Greek “linum” - flax. Another theory says that the name means "siren" in Latin. There is also a very interesting option - after the First World War, the League of Nations was established, and the name Lin is an abbreviation for the name of this organization. Let's talk about such a girl in more detail.

Name Lina in other languages

Astrology of the name Lina

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Lina is a self-confident girl who inherited this quality from her father. She is straightforward, but flexible; at this age she can ask a person any question directly to his face, often putting adults in a difficult position.

She is quite vulnerable, takes offense at any criticism addressed to her, but nevertheless, she only strengthens the girl’s strength of character. It happens that he gets offended for no apparent reason. Parents should communicate more with their child and support him at times when it is especially necessary.

She has many talents, Lina dances and sings with pleasure, and tries to get more attention. Often girls with this name strive to attract attention to themselves and their actions, and also know how to get a crowd going. Lina is rarely shy, self-confident and always open to new acquaintances. Strong-willed, purposeful, always strives to be ahead and avoid mistakes.

Lina is prone to selfishness, although it does not appear immediately; those people who get to know her better will not like this trait. Often puts his own interests above those of others.

The girl is sociable and attractive, which shapes the big circle friends. She loves to be the center of attention and is always surrounded by large and noisy companies, in which she is relaxed and feels comfortable. She receives a lot of attention from members of the opposite sex, as she is very charming.

Stubborn and with a strong character, she often takes leadership positions. She is quick-tempered, which leads to conflicts with others. However, a girl can quickly find a compromise and resolve the tension that has arisen.

Studying is easy for her and it happens that she neglects it because of this.

Lina – strong-willed, but a very vulnerable person. She is stubborn and it is extremely difficult to convince her of anything. This is an independent woman who does not tolerate any restrictions.

She wants to be the first in everything. For her, only personal standards of behavior apply, and this often surprises others. He often declares to his interlocutor’s face what he thinks about him, but over the years comes the ability to analyze his actions. This woman can be pessimistic, who sometimes faces misunderstandings from others due to her character traits. But the difficulties that arise life path, only harden her, helping her achieve what she wants.

Due to his personality traits, he often finds himself in difficult situations, but knows how to quickly find a way out of them. A naturally sharp mind and eloquence help in public speaking, and charm and attractiveness attract new people.

Lina's character

Lina is kind-hearted and friendly. She is charming and able to impress others. Light-hearted and active, this girl loves and knows how to communicate, has a great sense of humor and easily finds compromises.

She has an excellent memory. She is hardworking and inquisitive. Lina carefully thinks through every step she takes, and in her work she is distinguished by discipline and perseverance.

Lina is capricious and pessimistic. Constantly strives to surpass those around him, and when this fails, he faces bouts of sadness and melancholy. Basics negative quality– a woman is prone to accumulating negative emotions inside.

Lina is not easy to convince of anything; she is true to her principles. Often outwardly looks domineering and independent woman, to which it is practically impossible to find an approach.

Lina's fate

Lina will avoid routine activities in life. Most suitable for her creative professions. A woman's determination helps her achieve her goals. But she will have problems with friends - this is due to her temper and bias.

Family life usually turns out well - this lady will be a loving wife and caring mother. Hard work and an analytical mind are qualities that will help Lina achieve a lot in life.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

This is a hardworking woman who works hard, is punctual and disciplined. For this reason, she is always in good standing with her superiors and quickly rises through the ranks. career ladder. This is a punctual person who can be trusted with a responsible task without fear. Colleagues respect her, since it is not difficult to find such a woman mutual language.

Lina will achieve great success in the medical field. She can open her own business, but for this she needs to develop self-confidence.

Marriage and family

Marriage - new stage in the life of such a girl, it greatly affects her. Most of all, Lina is looking forward to the birth of her children, who are distinguished by their impressive stubbornness, which greatly annoys their mother.

This is an ideal spouse who is always ready to receive friends and provide support in the house of comfort and order. Family life is fun, it has enough positive emotions. The husband need not worry about the budget; his wife is practical, thrifty and clean.

Sex and love

Lina has a unique character, she attracts men to her different types. She does not like spineless people, but it is not easy to recognize such a person under the guise of confidence, which is why such a woman is sometimes disappointed in love. This greatly harms her psychological state.

Although Lina pays a lot of attention to maintaining her sexual attractiveness, her intimate life is not at the forefront. This may upset her chosen one, but the girl’s nature cannot be changed. Lina will not be alone - but the partner should remember her vulnerability. Any difficulty causes violent negative emotions.


Lina has the disadvantage of being weak nervous system. Constant stress can lead to various illnesses, so the owner of such a name needs to monitor her emotional state, relax more often and rest more.

In general, a woman has been careful about her appearance since her youth: she regularly carries out various skin care procedures and also visits the gym.

Interests and hobbies

Lina has a creative nature, so she loves to spend time on interesting and creative activities. She tries to devote herself to creativity - painting, sculpture, music, often this develops into professional activity. If this does not happen, she skillfully uses her talents in everyday life - she decorates the house with paintings or sculptures created with her own hands.

There are many versions associated with the origin of the name Lina. IN Greek mythology the son of the god Apollo, called Linos, which means “flax,” founded the city of the same name. S Lina can be translated as “sad news.”

The meaning of the name Lina also has a Roman version. In Latin it means “siren”: a mythical woman-fish (bird) who enchants travelers with her beautiful singing. The female variation could come from the male name Lin, which was borne by a follower of the Apostle Paul, a Roman Christian. The name Lina is common all over the world:

  • on Arabic it means “tenderness”, “beautiful like a palm tree”;
  • in Scandinavian countries - “immaculate”;
  • in Italian - " sunlight».

And the formation of the League of Nations in the first half of the 20th century gave a new meaning to the name Lin, derived from the first letters of the name of this peacekeeping committee (League of Nations); such a practice was not uncommon among Soviet citizens.

Even in little Lina, those around her can see extraordinary kindness. The girl’s innate sociability and attractiveness quickly form a huge circle of friends and well-wishers around her. As a rule, Lin inherits his character from his mother and his appearance from his father.

Lina is very active, especially popular among members of the opposite sex, fans flock around her with youth– the girl uses her magnetic influence on them and her charm.

Since childhood, Lina has been quite capricious, often cries over trifles, and is sad for no reason. The girl’s innate pessimism does not go away over the years; the older Lina gets, the more irritable she becomes. The owner of the name Lina is very vulnerable, although she tries to hide it behind external determination and strong will. The girl is very stubborn, often quarrels with loved ones, and her temper often becomes the cause of major conflicts with others.

  • Lina, born in summer, has a difficult character: irritable, often offended for no reason.
  • Winter on the contrary, she has a cheerful disposition and is more open.
  • If the bearer of the name born in autumn, then he will be distinguished by good imagination, prudence, and authority.


The name Lina is an independent woman who does not tolerate any restrictions. She wants to be the first in absolutely everything and does not tolerate competition. Her life rarely fits into generally established rules. Such a girl has only her personal morals and standards of behavior, which often shocks those around her. He always tells his interlocutor to his face what he thinks, while trying not to spoil the relationship with him.

A woman named Lina carefully considers her actions every time. Lina is a rather pessimistic person who rarely sees her fate in rosy tones; sadness and melancholy are her eternal companions. The life of this woman cannot be called simple; she constantly faces misunderstanding from others due to her nonconformist character. But it is precisely these difficulties that help the owner of the name Lina get what she wants and not deviate from the goal.

This girl has an excellent memory, smart, inquisitive and literate. Such traits help her study well both at school and at college.

A woman named Lina is often biased, but only to protect her interests, since in general she is quite objective. Possessing a broad soul and incredible sociability, Lina will always find friends who are ready to do anything for her. The owner of this name is very contactable and tries to be as open as possible with people.


The girl named Lina is relaxed, has an innate sexuality and magnetism that attracts men. This woman is never alone. If she is truly in love, then the relationship is like stormy river. The girl is very vulnerable, she experiences any difficulties extremely emotionally, often with scandals.

Successful relationships with men by , Nahum. But it’s better for her to stay away from Modest or Hippolytus.

Marriage and family

A woman named Lina is rarely unhappy in marriage.

Her family life is the envy of everyone: loving husband, obedient children, the house is a full cup.

She brings up her children, often boys and girls, in strictness, and does not tolerate their stubbornness and quarrelsome character, which, as a rule, are inherited from her. Her home is always clean and cozy, Lina always keeps order. She often has guests at home, noisy fun.


A weak nervous system can lead to serious illnesses, so it is better for the bearer of the name Lina to monitor her emotional state and relax more often. One more weak point maybe ears.

Work and hobbies

The woman named Lina is extraordinary. Her work should be enjoyable and not monotonous or boring. The activities of such a girl cannot be limited by anything.

Lina Vladimirovna Krasnorutskaya (Russian professional tennis player, 2003 US Open mixed doubles finalist)

  • IN professionally It is best for Lina to devote herself to creativity: painting, sculpture, music - this is the area that can fully reveal her talents.
  • A woman named Lina can achieve great success in the medical field, especially when working as a surgeon.
  • Successful professions also include philologist and historian.
  • Lina climbs the career ladder quickly, because her bosses value her very much for her friendliness, diligence, and determination.
  • This is a very neat and precise person who can be entrusted with a responsible task.
  • Colleagues love Lina, with whom it is always easy to find a common language.
  • Lina’s insecurity can lead to financial ruin, especially if unscrupulous people take advantage of her talents, so it is important for a woman to carefully choose her business partners and listen to her intuition.

The owner of the name Lina may be interested in everything esoteric and mystical, but she herself is rarely superstitious. Often in her life great importance has faith.

The girl loves to visit and attend social events. She often enjoys singing and dancing, which she is quick to remind everyone around her of.

Meaning of the name Lina: This girl's name means "flax".

Origin of the name Lina: Greek The name Lina is derived from the masculine Greek name Linos.

Diminutive form of name: Linochka, Linushka, Link, Linya.

What does the name Lina mean? According to the first and most popular version, the name Lina translates as “sad news.” And it came from the word Linos - that was the name of the founder of the city of the same name, the son of Apollo Lin. It is also known that in ancient times the meaning of the name Lina could have come from the word “flax”. In the New Testament you can find references to a Christian from Rome who was a companion of the Apostle Paul.

Another version says that the word can be translated from Latin as “siren” - this was the name given to half-women, half-birds with bewitching, beautiful voices, which were spoken of in mythical tales.

Another interesting option origin of the word. So, after the end of the First World War, an international peacekeeping council was created, which was called the League of Nations. And many revolutionary-minded people preferred to call their daughters Linami, and believed that the name was explained by the combination of syllables from two words: “League of Nations.”

The woman sings, dances beautifully and can carry on a conversation on any topic. An unusual combination of intuition and rational thinking makes her ideal employee in almost any field. If Linochka can curb her temper and desire to command, then a happy marriage awaits her.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Lina celebrates her name day once a year: June 26

Zodiac: Twins

Characteristics of the name Lina

Positive features: The name gives kindness and friendliness. The name is endowed with the ability to have a magnetic influence on others and is irresistibly attractive to people of the opposite sex. Attaches great importance to love adventures.

Negative features: The name brings tearfulness, capriciousness, pessimism. This girl cannot stand restrictions, strives for independence and wants to surpass those around her in everything, although sometimes she is visited by attacks of sadness, melancholy and gloomy forebodings.

Personality of the name Lina: A girl with this name is very sociable and has a charm that makes her sexually attractive in the eyes of male representatives. But you need to understand that behind her strong and strong-willed appearance hides a very vulnerable person. True, with all this, the owner of the name is stubborn, and it is incredibly difficult to convince her of anything. On this basis, she can often quarrel with her parents. Her character in every possible way encourages Linochka to find herself in difficult situations. And all this is because she does not seek to fit her behavior and her life in general into established frameworks. You could say that this helps her be more determined and achieve what she wants.

Very often a girl gravitates towards creativity and chooses a profession accordingly. She will make an excellent sculptor and artist. Do you want something more serious? Then Lina can try herself as a doctor. In any case, Linochka will look for work that is not monotonous and not limited by boundaries. By the way, in her work she is always careful, obligatory, and precise - managers never complain about such a subordinate. She has an excellent memory, she is objective, literate. However, sometimes she is biased and quick-tempered, and this greatly interferes with her life.

A girl named Lina, born in winter, is more open and has a sense of humor. She, who was born in the summer, is often touchy and irritable.

Lina and her personal life

Compatible with male names: An alliance with Akaki, Artamon, Varlam, Vilen, Dragomil, Zvyaga, Istoma, Ladimir, Milan, Naum is favorable. The name also combines with Horse, Julian. Difficult relationships probably with Habakkuk, Galaktion, Gordey, Ephraim, Hippolytus, Modest, Patrikey, Selivan, Theodosius, Philemon, Phocas.

Love and marriage: She is easily vulnerable in matters of the heart and passionately experiences all the vicissitudes in life. love relationships if she's really in love.

Family life, as a rule, is very successful for Linochka. She is happily married, knows how to create comfort in the house, and often invites guests to the house. In raising children, she attaches great importance to strictness, since she cannot tolerate their stubbornness, which, by the way, was inherited from herself.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Lina is characterized by a fascination with mysticism, although she does not give in to superstitions. A woman can be a good historian, philologist, writer. Everywhere, the meaning of the name allows you to easily and quickly make friends, conquer people with your friendliness and generosity of soul. Perhaps she will develop a talent for singing, dancing, and music.

Business and career: It is quite possible that people will appear next to the insecure Lina who will show a voracious interest in her talents, and then they will suddenly disappear, leaving her in complete uncertainty and a financial hole.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Linochka may have diseases of the nervous system and may have to undergo ear surgery.

Lina's fate in history

What does the name Lina mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Lina Wertmüller is an Italian screenwriter, film director and playwright.
  2. Lina Cavalieri – Italian Opera singer with a soprano voice.
  3. Lina Krasnorutskaya is a former Russian professional tennis player.
  4. Lina Kostenko is a Ukrainian poet and writer.
  5. Lina Medina is the youngest mother who was known in medical history.
  6. Lina Stern is a Soviet physiologist and biochemist.
  7. Lina Cederberg is a Swedish model.

Lina in different languages ​​of the world

In each country, the word can be pronounced differently: Line, Liana, Linetta, linea. And it is not always translated the same way. For example, in Arabic the meaning of the name Lina is “tender”, in Denmark it is “pure, immaculate”, in Italy it is “sunshine”, etc. Today the name is used independently, but can also be used as a diminutive form.

Lina is female name, which is now not particularly common in the CIS. It can be found more often among representatives of the older generation, and young parents rarely give girls such a name.

Lina - name meaning

This name has Ancient Greek origin and translated means “sad news.” In mythology Ancient Greece it belonged to the son Linos. His female version is Lina. The meaning of the name leaves a sad imprint on its bearers. At first glance, these ladies seem very simple and sociable, but behind this lies an extraordinary vulnerability of the soul. However, the girls try to hide their grievances and emotional experiences from the people around them. Bearers of the name are distinguished by their energy and good sense of humor. However, these qualities are not enough to get rid of internal tension in time. Due to the lack of timely discharge, this can be dangerous because it can develop into grumpiness and irritability.


If a girl is a born actress, then most likely her name is Lina. The meaning of the name determines that a child with early childhood begins to try on different behavioral patterns and masks.

Often bearers of the name become hooligans in their early years. They are also characterized by frequent mood swings, which range from deep seriousness to unbridled fun. This behavioral diversity is inherent in the manifestation of the energy of the “Lina” consonance. The meaning of the name also makes its owner a proud and proud woman, but fragile and defenseless at the same time. Her character has such traits as logic, determination and great emotionality. The meaning of the name Lina makes its bearers practical, economical, thrifty and prudent. They always have a sober mind and are ready to compromise in disputes and conflicts so as not to offend loved ones. It's not that difficult to influence these girls. The main thing is to choose the right “key”. If a lady named Lina reveals her soul to someone, then the person will see in front of him a very kind and sympathetic person. These girls are popular among their peers.

Professional inclinations and relationships in the team

What the name Lina means gives its bearers such qualities as creativity and ingenuity. They are always ready for various innovations and reforms. They try not to come into contact with boors and rude people. These ladies really like freedom, but they also pay enough attention to their education, and therefore they always try to graduate from university. At work, Lina is very efficient and careful. People with this name make good journalists, musicians, artists and teachers.

Personal life

Lenas, as a rule, are prone to quite frequent changes of sexual partners, which brings them many problems. Subconsciously, these ladies strive for many people, which ultimately leads them to a spiritual dead end. However, Lina needs a man who can turn her around inner world. If she falls in love, she will try to be close to this person. These women make good wives and wonderful mothers. With the birth of the child, Lina's thinking changes radically.


Meaning of the name Lina

Lina - Tender (female). “Sad song” (Greek) Lina is an ancient Greek family name and it means “sad song.” From Greek mythology the name of the founder of this family is known - Lin (Linos), son of Apollo. The character is flexible; stubborn, like her father, and internally like her mother. She is very capable and achieves her goals through hard work. Treats people well; She subtly senses when she is being lied to. In terms of internal structure, it is direct and concrete; He thinks first and then acts. She behaves well in company, dances, sings well and amuses the guests whom she invites to her place, and she loves when she is invited to visit friends. Lina is lucky in her marriage, she gives birth to children of different sexes, she good hostess, very clean. She loves children, but they make her mother's life difficult with their stubbornness. Lina often conflicts with her mother and ends up in different stories and suffers because of it. He enjoys success among his boy peers. Kind, loves freedom of action, purposefully studies at the institute. Lina is very neat and tidy at work. “Winter people” don’t understand jokes and can get offended for no reason. “Summer” ones are not touchy, very kind and always meet people halfway. Some devote themselves to faith. “Autumn” can knit and decorate various products; they are prudent, they have a rich imagination, they are good leaders, and they love to travel. Adult Lina, born in December, will strive to subjugate her loved ones and acquaintances, no matter what the cost. She tries to ensure that her every action is carefully thought out and brings tangible results. Compared to many of her friends, she is more hardworking, disciplined and persistent in her work. Strict, reserved, reserved; knows how to collaborate, find a common language with colleagues, and attract their sympathy. When necessary, she skillfully adapts to the situation. Promotes well due to professional inclinations and talent. The Lins work as pediatricians, teachers, nurses, television assistants, music teachers, tour guides, programmers, hairdressers, salespeople, telegraph operators, and secretaries. Wherever they work, their affairs are in order. Lina is characterized by sober reason and practicality, thriftiness, thrift and prudence. Sometimes she tries to find a compromise, not only for herself, but also for those who are close to her. She tries to avoid deadlock situations, strives not to come into contact with rude people. In a team, she is resourceful and capable of all sorts of innovations and reforms. Knows how to appreciate life in all its manifestations, whether it concerns work, free time or other business events. Lina Leonidovna, born in January, definitely needs only a “July” husband for family happiness; If she marries a “December”, the marriage may not be very successful and will lead to divorce. She will choose a husband to match herself, because she is truly happy only after her needs are fully satisfied.

Numerology of the name Lina

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 1


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, crabgrass, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Lina as a phrase

L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lina

L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.