Rap and hip-hop concerts. Vlad Valov: Cult festival Rap Music Rap concerts

Rap- one of the trends in music, characterized by rhythmic recitative, which is performed by rappers - rap performers - to the beat (rhythmic music). Some researchers classify rap as a style of hip-hop music, but it cannot be said that rap is hip-hop; these concepts cannot be equivalent. Hip-hop music is musical genre, which emerged from a mixture of rap music, pop music, rugby, soul, and other musical styles. Rap, as a genre, due to its incredible popularity today has penetrated into almost all musical movements. In pop music, famous performers often use recitative, creating duets with rappers - Maxim and Basta, Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh, Basta and Gorod 312, etc. Even, it would seem, rock is the complete opposite of rap, and it has ramifications pure genre- various fusions of rock with rap, that is, the so-called alternative trends in music. These are, first of all, rapcore and nu metal, alternative rock can also be considered among them. From the club and electronic music rap also forms various musical combinations - for example, drum and bass. In general, rap, one might say, turned the whole world upside down. music world, synthesizing many alternative directions in music. What is curious: interest in rap culture practically does not fade away, but on the contrary, it increases every year - this is evidenced by the emergence of various rap groups and individual performers who find their own style, and stand out with some kind of zest or charisma. We explain this by the fact that rap is based on the spirit of freedom and is distinguished by originality. Even the lyrics of rap songs can tell a lot - about the style in which the author writes, what his character is, etc., etc. The texts touch on various topics: they reveal social, social problems, they can be filled with the spirit of protest, they can tell about finding oneself in this world, they can be lyrical, philosophical, talk about the bitter past, or rejection of some object or phenomenon. Rap- these are a kind of poems performed to music, and every rapper is a poet at heart, born in modern age, and endlessly loving music and whatever he is passionate about. Those who listen to rap have probably already noticed that its rhyming can be different. It’s not for nothing that we gave an analogy with poetry: after all, they have different size and rhythm (stress can fall on even or odd syllables), and in rap - this is all there too. But since rap is a musical movement, and its poems, combined with music, form the so-called recitative, we can say that, naturally, everything will be more complicated. It is complicated by the fact that the performance of recitative also has its own laws, which means there are different kinds rap declamations. For example, a recitative may have “square rhymes,” and its emotional performance is generally called a “punchline,” there is also a recitative in the form of an echo, etc. Rap, by the way, appeared not so long ago: in the 70s of the 20th century in New York in the black neighborhoods of the Bronx. Rap supposedly originated with Jamaican DJs, who used rhyming verses to entertain and excite audiences, and this rhyming was later taken up by African-Americans who expressed themselves by writing rap lyrics. At first, rap music was perceived as the music of gangsters, but this stereotype was soon debunked when rap became widespread. By the 80s, the first rap artists appeared in America, records began to be released, and popularity new music grew exponentially - after the spread of rap in America, this genre migrated to Europe, and then to Russia, and today it has covered the whole world.

The past week gave the capital several concert performances, which left little food for thought, but simply a grocery department of a hypermarket without security.

The first desire is to clasp your head in your hands and squeal, “Ay-ay, what is it?!” Let's do it: "Ay-ay, what is such and such?!" And let’s try to understand what happened with the help of the authors of our site who attended the performances.

Igor Lisnik, PR-attache of Rap.Ru, went to the XZIBIT performance

“The X-Zibit concert that happened on Thursday in the capital’s Milk, of course, deserved more. Both in terms of sound and in terms of spectators. Still, barely 300 spectators at a concert of a performer of this level are not at all the audience that X-Zibit deserved.

However, let the promoters look for the reasons for such inattention; for us, what is much more annoying is the disorder with the sound, which pretty much blurred the groove of a rather powerful performance.

One of the RAP.RU columnists Denis Grigoriev (Karandash) wrote on his Twitter that the sound was quiet and the voice/bit balance was not really adjusted. As a result, the voices of X-Zibit himself and his backing mc often drowned in low-frequency rhythms, and the low volume level created the feeling of more of an insinuating children's matinee than a show where one should pump up like those cars that X-Zibit had for several years showed it to the entire population of Russia on the MTV channel.

At the same time, we must pay tribute to the artist himself; there was no lightness in his attitude towards the viewer. X-Zibit moved and flirted with the listener as if he had a personal subwoofer installed in his ear instead of a monitor, and the ease with which he provoked the audience to rhythmically sway to the beat suggests that the entire orchestra readily shared him, even if somewhat diminished energy. The concert program was standard for a star who first appeared in Russia: fresh tracks + the obligatory “golden” hits, which for the majority of the public seemed to be as much of a mystery as the rest of X-Zibit’s work. Still, car programs are not the best medium for promoting an artist and his concert.”

P.S. A special spice for Xzibit’s arrival was part of his rider, in which a separate item was a virgin no older than 28 years old. We took a photo from Smokey Mo's Twitter, so questions for him. Also, contrary to the opinion circulated by the press that the rapper was very dissatisfied with the Moscow concert, on your Twitter Xzibit is dutiful, but quite enthusiastic about his visit to the capital, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. Perhaps the rider’s last point was completed with five marks after all.

Nikolai Redkin witnessed the performance of the band RANDOM AX

The next day, Black Milk, Guilty Simpson and Sean Price arrived in Moscow, uniting in the group Random Ax. All Sean P fans who follow his Twitter are aware of the difficult temperament, quarrelsome nature and sharp tongue of this MC, and the Russian voyage gave many reasons for this MC to lose his temper.

“Those almost two hundred people who raised their hands in front of the stage saw one of the most coherent and expressive hip-hop concerts of the year. Black Milk, who actually cemented the entire union, was practically in the status of a hypeman. He stood modestly behind the control panel, pointedly ignoring the outstretched signed vinyls and only occasionally broke the silence with requests to make some noise for his colleagues Sean or Gilty.

But these two received all the audience’s love. The Black Lord Price, who, judging by the cries of the audience, was the most awaited here, shouted his name with pleasure and made royal passes with his hands, like a stoned Old Man Hottabych. Guilty conveyed the most charm and seemed the brightest of the trio (for me personally, the highlight of the entire concert was his performance of “Get Bitches” from his excellent debut album).

As a result, the feeling was very unusual: it seemed like seasoned black men were cursing and swaggering in front of you for an hour and a half, but something big, bright and very kind remained in your memory. It’s no wonder, oh it’s no wonder that the bearded man Guilty was wearing a T-shirt with a tricolor Rasta design!”

Nikolai liked the concert, but it should be noted that the release of the highlights of the show happened three and a half hours later than the time indicated on the posters. As well as the fact that the practice of endless warm-ups should already be left in the past. The caliper was of high quality, but unbearably long. And by the way, where is the promised Slovetsky?

As for Random Ax, their stay in Russia lasted two more days and, apparently, left an indelible black mark in the memory of the participants.

From the negative attitude towards blacks to the reluctance of the capital's organizers to pay fees, from the little-needed concert in Krasnodar to the music in clubs and, probably, something else unknown to us - everything was against Price and the company. And if he is not ready to return here at any price, then Guilty puts it more elegantly: “This must be a life-changing offer.”

And yet, for those for whom the dirty laundry of the concert business and the artist’s personal life are not the main thing, we repeat: the concert in Moscow was not bad, although not too energetic.

Ruslan Munnibaev saw the Hip-Hop City Moscow festival

Most quiet horror weekend was happening in Luzhniki, where it took place major festival Hip-Hop City Moscow, successor to Splash.

DJ Premier, Fat Joe and two dozen Russian artists did not seduce the public, so that in Luzhniki, designed for several thousand, there were 100-150 people in the hall at the best hours, and at the worst there were not even fifty.

You can try to justify such a fiasco by the appropriate behavior of the Luzhniki security, who turned everyone away on the first day with the words “there will be no festival” (and that evening Spartak played with Lokomotiv at the Bolshoi Sports Arena). Or the lack of large-scale advertising, or Guf’s concert, or satiety with rap events over these half-autumn and much more.

But, most likely, the sum of all factors took place, multiplied by the death of the idea of ​​a hip-hop festival as such.

With the Americans, everything turned out completely depressing. On the first day there were no performances at all, and DJ Premier spent the evening in the hotel and flew away. In the second, Fat Joe did not arrive in the USA due to snowfall. With all this, sound, light and internal organization, for which Phlatline, one of the few worthy hip-hop promoters, were responsible, were at their best.

The speakers, who fully understood the situation, did not disappoint. The Frenchman Sefyu and his assistants were memorable, St1m brought a large “live” cast onto the stage, Misha Krupin, the imposing Smokey Mo and, of course, Master Cheff walked charmingly around the stage. This man was sending swag rays from the stage as if he had a full Wembley Stadium under his control, and not a hundred cheerful people. Hip-Hop City Moscow will be remembered as an absurd event, but not in essence or idea, but because they simply didn’t come to it.

Does everything seem bad? No, it was this weekend and it was good. For example, those who ended up in the “Cult” club, where beatmaker Exile, who had already visited Russia before, worked his miracles. The hat turned out to be like Senka - a small club, a little-known artist with music that is interesting to few, but everything was on time, to the point and to the point. There should and will be such performances. And it’s right that no one advertised this event with loud slogans.

And, of course, the most successful event in the capital’s rap life is Guf’s concert, which was a complete success.

Significantly more than three thousand in the Arena club, without any special reason like a presentation, came to the next concert of the main Moscow rapper. He presented them with a cross-section of almost all of his creative path, constantly pulling on stage both obvious guests like Basta and Smokey, and simply interesting MCs: Murovya from Belarusian group Slozhnie, Polumyagikh, Lyon with a new joint song.

It seems that this is the main trend of recent years: big artists of the top five gather large halls of people who wouldn’t even call themselves rappers, they just come to listen to Russian, let’s say, recitative songs.

And mediocre foreigners, and especially group events united by the idea of ​​“hip-hop culture,” no longer arouse the interest they once had. Whether this is good or bad, we will have to live with it.

Without exaggeration, rap can now be called one of the most popular musical genres in many countries. This genre today attracts the attention of many Russian music lovers.

Despite the fact that this musical direction is still very young, it has already become widespread throughout the world. And this genre arose around the 70s in the United States in poor neighborhoods of black residents. But today among its performers you can find musicians of all races and nationalities, as well as among its listeners. At the same time, initially “rap” and “hip-hop” were somewhat different concepts. But today these terms are often used interchangeably. Over time, many types of such music have appeared. Often it borrows something from other musical styles, thereby becoming more interesting. to a wide circle music lovers. At the same time, the initially protest and criminal themes of such compositions are often now replaced by lyrical and other themes. In addition, many countries around the world have developed their own rap, which has its own recognizable features. Such is Russian rap, which appeared at the end of the twentieth century. In our country there are both performers who copy Western examples of the genre and those who create their own original style. Almost all over the globe, hip-hop is now very popular among young audiences. IN last years This trend is also observed here. In Russia, rap songs are incredibly popular. Therefore, both solo and group performances of such performers and groups are constantly held here. Famous people often take part in such events. foreign musicians. In addition, those who wish to book tickets for a rap event can sometimes meet up-and-coming talents from our country. On the domestic stage, the number of such performers is growing from year to year. Russia already has its own rap “stars” and even legends of the genre.

Today, Moscow constantly hosts a sea of ​​events that are directly related to this musical direction. A considerable part of such programs turn out to be so attractive to young and other audiences that it is almost impossible to get into them. But our company is almost always ready to help you with this. At the same time, our qualified employees will select the most comfortable places. And delivery of orders to customers is the responsibility of our own courier service.

Rap is the direction modern music, characterized by rhythmic recitatives, which are performed to music with heavy, powerful bass. In general, the definition of “rap” is considered not entirely correct in this context. After all, rap is actually the recitative itself, which is recited by an MC or rapper. And the music to which rap is performed can be called hip-hop. But also hip-hop, by definition of fans this direction, - This youth subculture, which includes music, rap, graffiti, break dancing and films based on the black culture of the American ghettos. In general, hip-hop originated in the poorest neighborhoods of New York, where in the 70-80s. lived in the last century a large number of immigrants from Jamaica. It was they who brought the culture of DJing to the USA and made discos fashionable, where all the popular compositions of that time were played and mixed in an unimaginable way. And black teenagers danced breakdancing to them - a rather complex dance with intricate acrobatic elements. In addition, young people began to recite their recitatives accompanied by DJ samples, sometimes telling about the difficult life in poor neighborhoods. By the early 80s of the last century, hip-hop began to appear on some specialized radio stations in the United States. Also many fans of this style there was an opportunity to purchase rap concert tickets.

Soon, hip-hop culture ceased to be a purely American phenomenon. Rap quickly spread to many countries in Europe and even Asia. In Russia, the first experiments with this style of music date back to the early 80s of the last century. But rap became popular in our country only in the early 90s with the advent of the scandalous famous performers Bogdan Totomir, Lika Star and the group “Bachelor Party”. It was then that hundreds of Russian teenagers began to strive buy tickets to rap concerts. It is noteworthy that, despite the high popularity of this genre, in our country at that time it was almost impossible to hear compositions in the “rap” style on radio and television.

Currently, hip-hop culture is quite popular in many countries around the world. Today there are many styles of rap, such as gangsta rap or alternative rap. Also, each country has its own characteristics of performing this style of music. Therefore, now we can say that there is American, Russian, French and even Korean rap. By the way, if you also love this kind of music, then on our website you can easily strive order tickets for rap concerts famous domestic and western performers.

A text signed by Vlad Valov about the Rap Music festival was sent to the editorial office from representatives of 100Pro. Unfortunately, circumstances did not allow it to be published “day to day.”

But I want to believe that over the past day the material has not lost its relevance.

The idea of ​​creating Rap Music

In 1993, Bad Balance spent about six months on an international European hip-hop tour.

Vlad Valov (general producer of the annual international Rap Music festival): “We traveled to various countries and cities with hip-hop artists from France, Holland, Germany, Brazil and so on. The desire of people to experience street culture was clearly evident. We made a master -classes for those interested before concerts and communicated with local hip-hop leaders after our shows. In Berlin, where we lived, we were invited to various international street culture festivals. We performed with famous American and English rap artists, and created an international hip-hop community. , which was taken into account and about which various magazines and newspapers of many European countries wrote."

“The attitude towards the Bad Balance group in European hip-hop circles became serious and respectful. By the end of the year, we realized that we were not just carriers of this culture, but also domestic masters who should attract Russian-speaking teams to the movement. In 1994, we created in Moscow, the Center for Hip-Hop Culture, which I became the producer of. At the center, schools of breakdancing and street beat DJs were created, as well as a rehearsal base for rap artists. At the end of spring, we held the first championship of street beat DJs. Grandmaster DJ, in the summer, together with Coca-Cola and Sneakers, the Hip-Hop Open Air festival, in the beginning of the fall, the B-boys break dance championship, and in December of the same year, the Annual International Rap Music Festival. Thus, this cult began its journey. rap festival."

Holding the first Rap Music festival

The first annual international Rap Music festival was held at the Moscow Palace of Youth. One of the most widely read newspapers of those times, Moskovsky Komsomolets, wrote: “The entire stylish crowd of Moscow came to the Rap Music festival, which means people’s increased interest in rap music. Now we can say that rap has taken place in our country.”

In fact, this year we gathered great amount people interested in various musical styles. In those days, it was fashionable for the metropolitan public to attend all new, stylish events, and Rap Music became one of them, but it was at this festival that a real rap crowd was formed, which year after year created original domestic rap.

10 group applications for participation were submitted to the Hip-Hop Culture Center. Honorary guests who liked rap were invited to the Rap Music jury: A. Kozlov (gr. Arsenal), V. Presnyakov Sr., R. Miroshnik (chief cultural adviser to B. Yeltsin), A. Nuzhdin (one of the first breakers of Moscow), DJ Groove, Mikhey, SHEF (V. Valov, general producer of the festival) and others. The winner of the first festival was the alternative rap group IFK, which performed on English language and cut down the living sound.

The Ultimate Form of Rap Music

After the first festival, adjustments were made to the selection of participants. The jury members selected the best 20 groups, then 1 composition of these groups was included in the Rap Breakthrough collection, where the jury members and the coupon system of the Rap Breakthrough collection selected the best 10. The members of the jury began to be chosen exclusively from rap music, people who had established themselves in the culture and left a bright mark on domestic rap. Every year Rap Music became more significant, it was decided to establish the following top places: Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The winners were determined based on the results of two rounds.

In the new century, another prize for the Rap Music festival appeared - the best MC of the year, and the number of jury members began to coincide with the number of the festival. Every year the Rap Music festival took place, supporting new rap groups. The battle for the Grand Prix became the main rap battle of the year.

Grand Prix of the Annual International Rap Music Festivals:

1994 – IFK (Moscow)
1995 – White Hot Ice (Moscow) and STDC (St. Petersburg)
1996 – DA-108 (Peter)
1997 – Necessary things (Moscow)
1998 – Typical Rhythm (Nizhny Novgorod)
1999 – Caste (Rostov on Don)
2000 – Ikamby Gwa Gwa (St. Petersburg)
2001 – Dynasty Dee (Peter)
2002 – X-Team (Peter)
2003 – Pressure of Life (Tallinn)
2004 – Relapse (Pyatigorsk)
2005 – Fora (Kyiv)
2006 – Digital (Moscow)
2007 – Digital Squad (Moscow)

Rap Music Festival these days

The Rap Music Festival has become historical chronicle domestic hip-hop. Almost all famous rap artists in the country and neighboring countries have tried their hand at or participated in Rap Music. Now there are some groups that are well-known, but did not go through Rap Music; as a rule, one of the members of such a group went through the festival. Among rappers this historical festival is out of competition. Here they fight not for money and fame, but for the respect of the jury members and the hip-hop community. Commemorative cups are kept for each winner. This is our story!

Jury: This year an important event will be held for the 15th time, and the jury will include 15 influential people in hip-hop:

Master CHEF (General Producer of Rap Music, Bad Balance)
Sir-J (D.O.B. Community)
G-Willkes (Big Black Boots)
Al Solo (Bad Balance)
Mr. Simon (Ikambi Gwa Gwa)
Iceman (KTL DiLL)
Crack – Golden Mic (My Dream Area)
Tank (STDK)
Jeep and Money Mike (D.O.B. Community)
A. Nuzhdin (radio Maximum)
PO 3000 (Di Dynasty)
Cooper (Bad Balance)
DJ Groove
LadJak (Slingshot)
Rezhik (Voice of Donbass)

The quality of the festival depends on the location

The Rap Music festival took place in different places, traveling to clubs and the largest sports palaces in Moscow and St. Petersburg. We refused to hold Rap Music in huge halls, abandoned extensive advertising that attracts unprepared people to this event, creating a rap music festival for rap artists and the hip-hop community. Rap Music has become a great meeting place for those who have always loved and continue to love street culture.

Good sound allows the jury members not to make mistakes in choosing the winners, and this fact is fundamental. IN concert program, as guests, the winners of Rap Music will take part different years. We will, as usual, shoot a film about this event and record a live compilation of Rap Music Live.

2008 Annual International Festival Rap Music will take place at the Tochka club on December 10, starting at 18-00. Meet me at the festival. Fashion comes and goes, but true hip-hop remains forever!