Husband of Olesya Yarmolenko. Secrets of Alesya, who is Olya. — Usually creative parents do not want their children to connect their lives with creative professions

Perhaps the most famous Alesya in the country in Belarus is not known only to the lazy. Soloist of the Syabry ensemble, solo artist, daughter of her famous father Anatoly Yarmolenko. We met Alesya a long time ago, and I was immediately struck by her modest charm, tact, sense of humor, and gentleness. Honestly, Alesya is always a pleasure to look at, it is always a pleasure to listen to her, and it is incredibly pleasant to communicate with her. After several years of silence, over brunch at the Renaissance Hotel, Alesya spoke about her men, life in Austria and her anniversary creative activity.

— Alesya, a straight forward question that worries us all very much. How old are you?

— Next year will be 25 years of my creative activity, which I officially began at 15, and unofficially even earlier. So consider it! Yeah, it's time for me to retire. I’m wondering what they’ll give me as a gift: a vacuum cleaner or a toaster? (Laughs.)

— A bronze horse from a second-hand store! 25 years of creative activity - wow. I think this should be noted.

— We thought, we wanted to celebrate with some kind of event, but it so happened that I fell out of creativity a little...

- By the way, yes, where did you go?

- That’s how things turned out family circumstances: I had to leave with my husband. We lived in Vienna for three years.

— Your last interview on the Internet was dated, in my opinion, in 2010.

— Yes, I didn’t give interviews for a very long time, because I wasn’t there and there was no reason. She took care of her husband and child. The child, by the way, entered the Vienna Conservatory in the jazz piano department. During the exam, he didn’t even know that he was entering the conservatory, I simply told him that we would go and listen to an instrument near our house, that there was an opportunity to study with a teacher there. In general, after he played, they told us: “Congratulations! We won't even do a second round. We are taking your boy, the only 13th student.” I want to say that our schools, our teachers provide a good base, so it’s worth going somewhere to study after preparing with us.

— Usually creative parents do not want their children to connect their lives with creative professions.

“I didn’t want to either, but, as it turned out, he can’t do anything else (laughs). This is a necessary measure! If I had to rehearse songs for hours, then it costs him nothing, he does everything easily and organically. He used to be a rapper with us, but now he’s somehow started singing, it turns out that he has a voice. It’s real, I had to plow and plow, every time I had to prove that I could and could do something. I understand that I don’t have great vocal abilities, but nevertheless I feel like an artist. Maybe 8-10 years ago I was behind my father’s back, but when I started working solo with my team, I even suggested some points to my father.

— Do you remember 10 years ago, when we met, you said that you would like to try yourself in R’n’B?

- Well, yes, I tried something, but you yourself understand perfectly well - either it suits you or it doesn’t. Yes, when these are some kind of production numbers, it is possible. But when this is imposed on you, and it is not yours, it is so wrong. Everything should be sincere and organic.

- Listen, well, we lost you for three years. What about creativity? I heard that you work as your husband’s muse.

— Yes, I work as a muse.

—What are your responsibilities? So you come to work and what do you do?

— Inspiring my man. This year Eurovision was in Vienna, guys from the Belteleradiocompany came to visit us, and during the interview a thought came to me that explains everything: I don’t want to prove or tell anything to anyone, I don’t want to fight, fight, I want to have fun . I’m not too old now to blush, to burn, to try. I want to be in the shadow of my men, and this is, first of all, my father, my husband, my son. I want to be behind them, I want to help them, and I really enjoy it. I was lucky that I met a man who gave me absolutely everything I want: care, reliable support, understanding and love. And I realized that I never had this, but this is exactly what I always wanted. I don’t want to be an aging artist and become uninteresting to the public.

- So you now want to say beautifully that you have retired from creativity?

“I can’t say that I left.” I feel very good when we go on tour with Syabry, when I stand behind my dad’s back, go out and sing several solo songs. That is, this is what I basically started with, and I feel so comfortable. This is for my soul. For my dad, this is his life’s work. And I’m a girl, I don’t want to decide anything, I just want a new dress! (Laughs.) I just want to enjoy the process and help him. I don’t want him to waste his strength, his energy, his nerves when they tell him: “Well, here he is again with his daughter!” No, I don't want that.

- This is probably offensive?

- You know, I’m already immune to this. Although now, over time, you understand that you really had to pedal to avoid rolling down the mountain on your bike. It was a familiar state, like the norm of life. Why did I always perform without a last name, just “Alesya”?

- Why?

- So as not to be tied to the fact that I am my father’s daughter.

- Seriously?

- Yes... There were even people who had no idea and said: “Here, Anatoly Ivanovich is coming, look how pretty his girl is.” And the neighbor even stopped greeting my grandmother, saying: “Here, he took your young woman for himself... He threw Raechka, and he himself, I suppose, is jumping around with the young woman...” (Laughs.)

“Listen, as far as I know, this is the first time you’ve been married for a very long time.”

— In your first marriage, did you have any desire to quit the stage, to be left behind?

- No. Because, probably, Sergei himself was like that creative person, and we met and became friends with him precisely on this basis. He had absolutely nothing to do with music, but he liked it, he strived for it, he achieved everything himself. I probably had impulses, but he always pushed me to work. And he was not satisfied, he always wanted something more...

- What did he do?

— When we met, he switched to creativity, became a composer, we began to work, go on tour, and organized our own team. So we had one like this creative union

— So you had a partnership?

“I don’t think that’s true; we wouldn’t be able to survive on partnerships alone.” Now I was driving in the car, listening to the radio, a song by the Meladze brothers, and there were these words: “If it doesn’t work out, don’t wait. I spent half my life getting used to it, but I just had to leave.” So I once said: “Sergey, you and I live like brother and sister, like relatives, let’s separate. You will meet your destiny, I will… And we will be happy.” We simply burdened each other, I tried to find some of my cockroaches, he tried to find his own. Physically, yes, he left the premises where we lived, but I made the decision. In general, this is a difficult story: we’ve been together for 13 years, I’m a public person, with an impeccable reputation... So for me it was very, I won’t say painful, I was just offended and sorry for the years spent aimlessly.

- Why?

- Well, probably, like all women, I was scared: “What will happen next?” I myself am absolutely not a depressed person, but then I was afraid that I might be “caught up.” Therefore, immediately after our breakup, I decided to renovate the apartment. I started working a lot because I needed funds to do it all. And less than a year had passed since I met my husband. So what they say is true, to start something new, you need to close the doors to the old. I could never have thought that Sergei and I would separate and not communicate, but that’s how it turned out. No, when we see each other, we communicate normally, we even hug when we meet. But it’s a little strange that, after living together for so many years, you can become strangers. Thanks to my current husband, who surrounded me with such care, love and attention that it seems to me that nothing bad happened to me. They say that happiness loves silence, so I am silent.

“You say that, but I feel the happiness with which you are filled!” I want to take it and pinch off a small piece.

— I’m going on maternity leave in the near future—retirement maternity leave, as I call it! (Laughs.) At least I’m preparing hard for this: I don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat preservatives, and go in for sports.

— In general, life after 40 is just beginning?

“So that’s the secret: at almost forty you look thirty.”

- No, everything is much simpler - cosmetology, Botox, gels and everything else. I joke like that with my brother. He: “You look good!” Me: “I know I’m beautiful!” He: “Who told you that?” Me: “My plastic surgeon!” The fact that I have a redone nose, for example, is no secret, and I’m proud of it.

- Do you have a remade nose?

- Yes! I've dreamed about this my whole life because I have a very unique daddy nose. But I wasn't allowed. And then one day, right on stage while performing a song, the dancer gave him a good touch. And I even agreed with the surgeon, before we went to take the picture, so that he would tell my parents that I had a fracture, even if I didn’t have one, so that my nose could be fixed. They then asked me: “How did you punish that dancer?” And I answer: “I also gave him a bonus!” (Laughs.)

- Do you believe in anything mystical?

- Yes, I believe... And you know, I still believe in dreams, so it’s not for nothing that they say: “Be afraid of your desires.” I have always wanted such love, hard-won, desired. Despite the fact that I was married, I was still in constant anticipation, as if I had always been waiting for this and was ready for it. But when it came, as it turned out, I was not ready. At the moment when my future husband was introduced to me, I had a stale hairstyle and wore such high heels that I could not walk. I say with all my modesty: “My dad and son are sitting in the hall right now, they have my purse, could you give me a treat, otherwise I’m terribly thirsty?” He: “Or maybe champagne?” Me: “Yes, only in plastic cup with a straw, and just a little, otherwise my dad swears when I drink alcohol.” We found a bench, sat down and started talking. One of the first questions was: “Why did you separate from your husband?” I started telling. Let me explain, I was in a playful mood, I also thought: “What should I do with him, baptize the children? I’ll have a good time while my friends are sitting in the hall”... So, I started with the fact that be afraid of your desires. I always wanted my children to have a big age difference, about 15 years. Apparently, it should work out that way. I'm like an amateur Soviet films I always believed that life after 40 is just beginning. I always wished that for some reason I had mobile phone, credit card, a beautiful car and a house with a swimming pool. This is, of course, funny and childish, but now I have it all. And by the way, it turned out later that he saw my interview in some magazine and wanted to meet me. And in Jurmala we met completely by chance - fate!

- How old is your husband?

- It will be 45. My husband has not lived in Belarus for more than 20 years, he is no longer the same. But having met me, he had to do business here, because I simply couldn’t leave for good. When I lived in Austria, it was a real torment for me, I always wanted to go home, everything was not right for me. Firstly, I worked all my life, and here I don’t have to do anything, I was only required to arrange my life and wait for my husband from business trips to take care of my son. Now, of course, everything is perceived completely differently, but then it was one of the most difficult periods for me, probably even more difficult than a divorce.

— What is the most important thing, in your opinion, in life? The most important?

— Mental comfort. This means that you are healthy, that everything is fine in your family, that those you love are always nearby, that you can afford something you want... You can make your dream come true. My husband and I love the mountains and the sea. We have a dream to go to trip around the world, and we will definitely go there, we are already developing the route, but for now we are sailing the waters with our family, children and close friends on a small yacht, which my husband named after me. We are preparing a team of like-minded friends, a large yacht, and in five years we will be on our way. And I know that we will do it. This is all spiritual comfort, what you strive for and what you can reach.

“Alesya is my creative pseudonym, and my passport name is Olga. And what? Many artists choose stage names for themselves. And I always said openly that I work under a pseudonym. The name Alesya at one time predetermined my entire fate. Alesya is the personification of poetry... Remember: at school we learned by heart the poems of Yanka Kupala, Arkady Kuleshov, the prose of Alexander Kuprin, and in these poems and prose the name Alesya was sung. And the ensemble “Syabry” sings: “The forest wizard Alesya lives in Belarusian Polesie...” This is an amazing song about a girl who is the embodiment of Belarusian beauty.”

“Sometimes people allow themselves some familiarity and say, for example: “Olga, let’s go...” I quickly stop this. After all, no one calls Allegrova Valya, and Anzhelika Varum Masha, right?..”

“I’m more stylish in real life”

“On stage you have to live up to the image. I'm more stylish in real life. I can afford to wear something more daring, I’m not afraid to mix styles. At one time I had a disease that clothes should only be from Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana... Even if I didn’t really like them, I still bought them. And now I buy what I like, paying attention to quality. Good clothes should be expensive. I feel uncomfortable in a cheap blouse. And I am of the opinion that you cannot skimp on clothes. And if previously I bought things mainly in Moscow or abroad, now we have good stores, and I am a privileged client in them. But I never buy used things. I’ll be honest, I’m squeamish. And, thank God, I never had the need to buy used clothes. And... to be honest, although I don’t really like to show off, I’m sure that beautiful women deserve to drive beautiful and expensive cars.”

Alesya Yarmolenko – Belarusian pop singer, soloist-vocalist of the highest category of the Syabry ensemble. Virgo. Born on August 27, 1976 in Bobruisk. She studied in Gomel and Minsk. Graduated from the Belarusian University of Culture with a degree in film directing mass holidays" Divorced. My son Anatoly is 10 years old. Her life credo: “You have to be simpler - and people will be drawn to you.”

“I don’t want a new relationship yet...”

“A man should be wise, strong, taciturn, serious. Must be able to remain silent when necessary, and speak when necessary!.. My father introduced me to Sergei. We agreed on the basis of creativity. He wrote songs. And the first one to perform them was me. We weren't actually married. We lived for 13 years, but I was officially married for only two months. My grandmother always dreamed of seeing me as a bride. One morning I wake up and realize that my grandmother did not wait to look at me in wedding dress. And not yet 40 days had passed, her soul was here. And I realized that I needed to do this urgently... So we got married when our son was 9 months old. And two months later I brought my husband a divorce notice... It’s hard for me to explain. But for me personally, if there is a relationship, it doesn’t matter whether there is a seal or not. It seems to me that her absence gives the relationship trepidation and caution, because you understand that nothing is holding you back, only feelings, mutual love and respect. There is beauty in a civil marriage. And there are no less duties and responsibilities.”

“At some point I realized that it was time to call it a day. We were breathing the same air, but we were already looking in different directions. We had different opinions about raising a child. Probably because of the child I decided to take this step. The problem is probably that we are fundamentally very different. We had different upbringings. We are from different social environment. Since childhood we had different image life. Sergei could resolve some issues from a position of strength, I was against this. I am a very positive person, an optimist in life. Sergey is a pessimist. He is quite a complex person. There is such a category of people - a lone wolf. When I met him, I immediately understood this. I was 20, he was 29. We taught each other a lot, at least he did me. He helped me grow up, for which I thank him very much.”

"I have already more than a year I live alone, and I like this state of free flight, ease, so much that I don’t want a new relationship yet. I guess I got married too early. And now I feel good and free. I’ve even grown a few centimeters this year. Wings have grown. Let me fly, breathe in freedom. And then you can get married and have a daughter. I always wanted two children..."

“The Well-wisher” made me lose weight.”

“During pregnancy I gained 30 kg. There was such a case, one is enough famous performer on Belarusian stage said about me publicly: “Alesya has become so fat. She will, of course, never lose weight again.” These words served as the impetus after which I realized: that’s it, I need to pull myself together. Thanks to a “well-wisher” I forced myself to lose weight and I no longer have problems with extra pounds. My diet was called “shut your mouth.” At first it was an almost complete restriction in food, now it is reasonable. Naturally, without physical activity can't get by. You can lose weight, but without exercise, your body will remain flabby. I regularly study with Natasha Novozhilova, and on tour I take a hoop and a sports mat with me.”

“Of course, at first it was hard labor. I felt bad, I fainted, I constantly felt hungry, I could be aggressive... I told myself that I don’t like sweets, that it doesn’t taste good to me, and I still don’t eat sweets, and I don’t even feel like it. I console myself with the fact that I will become an old woman and will eat whatever I want, in any quantity. However, my late grandmother said about this: “And then you won’t be able to.” Well, it’s the lot of artists to sit on an eternal diet. Now I like myself even much more than when I was 18.”

“It’s nice to feel like a vigilante”

“I have been working on the professional stage since 1991. Like most girls, I loved to sing as a child. Although there were periods when I dreamed of becoming a teacher, a doctor, and an actress. But the love for the song turned out to be stronger. By the way, dad, to put it mildly, did not really insist that I follow in his footsteps. Although, as a first-grader, I took part in the TV program “Festival-Festival” with the song “White Elephant”... But in the end, we found a compromise: I started performing, taking my stage name, so that my father’s surname would not in any way affect the audience’s attitude towards me and my songs. That's how I appeared on the recording next program“Take the song with you” in Mogilev. When one of the first songs I performed, “Zhauranachka,” became super popular, my dad had to believe in me as a singer.”

“When I turned fourteen, many musicians left Syabry. And one day dad said: “We have a shoot tomorrow, you will work.” This is where it all started. And when I was already standing at the keyboard, many letters began to arrive with questions: “What kind of girl is this, why doesn’t she sing?” Then the father said at the very first shooting: “The time will come, and you will find out everything.”

“After school I was going to go to medical school. When the preparation process was underway, I was traveling on additional courses on the bus to the medical institute and on the way got off at the “Institute of Culture” station. Absolutely by accident. I saw the institute and thought: “I’ll go and see what’s here, what specialties…” So I stayed. Fate itself decided that I never made it to medical school. Today I can say that the Syabry ensemble is my path, my destiny, my credo, my life star...”

“For some reason, there is an opinion that a dynasty of doctors and teachers is good, but a dynasty of singers and artists is cronyism and window dressing. It’s very nice to feel like a Belarusian “watchdog”. People are friendly to me. Although I cannot call myself a popular singer among young people, respect is felt.”

“Yes, at first I was on stage romantic girl with pigtails. Now I have matured, become more whole, but not a vamp. I am now a wise girl who already knows her worth and does not go to any lengths to please others. Confident modern girl, respectful and has her own point of view, which she is able to defend.”

“When I sing, I want people who come to the concert to forget about their everyday problems and troubles and immersed themselves in music for a couple of hours, rested their soul and heart, and then returned to their business with renewed vigor, I want them to have a calmer and better life. I can’t live without what I’m doing today.”

“Yes, I am my father’s daughter, but today I know very well what I can do, I know my worth. If I have any questions, I will always come to him for advice. Compete with Anatoly Yarmolenko, prove something to him? Never. He has enough experience, intelligence and wisdom, and he has immeasurable love for me...”

During the preparation, materials were used from the singer’s official website, as well as Alesya’s interviews with newspapers

Alesya(real name Olga Anatolyevna Yarmolenko ; Belor. Volga Anatolyeva Yarmolenka; genus. August 27, Bobruisk) - Belarusian pop singer, soloist of the Syabry ensemble.


She began her career with the song “Zhauranachka” in the Belarusian language.

Personal life

  • Her first husband was composer Sergei Lipen (born March 12, 1969), her producer, and they lived together for 13 years.
  • Son Anatole, Prize winner audience choice competition "Children's New Wave" in 2009.
  • Second husband (since November 13, 2011) - Leonid Minets, born in 1971, owner of the BelMuzTV channel, has a business selling television advertising, etc.


  • "Alesya" ()
  • "Rival" ()
  • "From Alesya to Alesya" ()
  • "Alesya" ()
  • “About the main thing” ()
  • "Alesya" ()
  • "ALESYA" DVD ()

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  • // “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus”, 11/30/2005

An excerpt characterizing Alesya (singer)

- Yes! - he said. “It happened to me that everything was fine, everyone was cheerful, but it would come to my mind that I was already tired of all this and that everyone needed to die.” Once I didn’t go to the regiment for a walk, but there was music playing there... and so I suddenly became bored...
- Oh, I know that. I know, I know,” Natasha picked up. “I was still little, and this happened to me.” Do you remember, once I was punished for plums and you all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I was sad and I felt sorry for everyone, and for myself, and I felt sorry for everyone. And, most importantly, it wasn’t my fault,” Natasha said, “do you remember?
“I remember,” said Nikolai. “I remember that I came to you later and I wanted to console you and, you know, I was ashamed. We were terribly funny. I had a bobblehead toy then and I wanted to give it to you. Do you remember?
“Do you remember,” Natasha said with a thoughtful smile, how long ago, long ago, we were still very little, an uncle called us into the office, back in the old house, and it was dark - we came and suddenly there was standing there...
“Arap,” Nikolai finished with a joyful smile, “how can you not remember?” Even now I don’t know that it was a blackamoor, or we saw it in a dream, or we were told.
- He was gray, remember, and had white teeth - he stood and looked at us...
– Do you remember, Sonya? - Nikolai asked...
“Yes, yes, I remember something too,” Sonya answered timidly...
“I asked my dad and mom about this blackamoor,” said Natasha. - They say that there was no blackamoor. But you remember!
- Oh, how I remember his teeth now.
- How strange it is, it was like a dream. I love it.
“Do you remember how we were rolling eggs in the hall and suddenly two old women began to spin around on the carpet?” Was it or not? Do you remember how good it was?
- Yes. Do you remember how dad in a blue fur coat fired a gun on the porch? “They turned over, smiling with pleasure, memories, not sad old ones, but poetic youthful memories, those impressions from the most distant past, where dreams merge with reality, and laughed quietly, rejoicing at something.
Sonya, as always, lagged behind them, although their memories were common.
Sonya did not remember much of what they remembered, and what she did remember did not arouse in her the poetic feeling that they experienced. She only enjoyed their joy, trying to imitate it.

The leader of “Syabry” was haunted by loving fans

The leader of “Syabry” was haunted by loving fans

This year, the permanent leader of the Belarusian ensemble “Syabry” Anatoly YARMOLENKO will celebrate his 65th birthday. On the eve of the anniversary, he was awarded the interstate Stars of the Commonwealth award. Songs performed by Anatoly Ivanovich in different years- “Alesya”, “Glukharinaya Zarya”, “And I’ll lie down”, “Krinitsa”, “Zavalinka” and others - became golden hits of the Soviet stage. Now a daughter and son work at Syabra under the supervision of their father, and their 12-year-old grandson Tolik is trying himself as a rap artist. They all owe their successes, including to Raisa Ivanovna, the wife of Anatoly Yarmolenko, with whom the musician has been married for more than 40 years.

In Belarusian “Syabry” means “Friends”. Only the closest friends Yarmolenko they know his love story, which is closely connected with the ensemble he created. Anatoly Ivanovich had never told reporters about this before. But for our readers I made an exception.

I was born in a Ukrainian village. My mother is from there, and my father is Belarusian,” Yarmolenko began his story from afar. “But, like many boys and girls of my post-war generation, I didn’t know my father. Since childhood I loved to sing. The army helped me decide on my choice of profession.

He served in the Baku Air Defense District in a song and dance ensemble. in this ensemble he worked as a freelance performer, often coming to rehearsals Polad Bulbul ogly. I will always remember how, like a soldier, I stood behind Muslim and sang along with him, “People of the world, stand up for a minute.” It became a good school for me. When he was discharged, he came to Gomel, where he got a job as a soloist in regional philharmonic society. Worked in the Souvenir team side by side with Alexander Gradsky And Alexander Buinov.

According to Yarmolenko, when the two Sashas’ contracts ended, they left for Moscow, and he and his friends decided to continue the good tradition and create VIA. But the management decided that there was already one ensemble “Pesnyary” in Belarus, and proposed to create Dixieland (a group performing jazz). And yet, over time, Anatoly and his friends music school managed to accomplish our plans. This is how “Syabry” appeared. VIA, which was quickly gaining popularity, began touring a lot.

Unpleasant moment

I was a handsome guy, and also an artist, so the girls always clung to me,” continues Anatoly Ivanovich. - I quickly found love in every city. For example, our double bassist Misha began an affair with a pretty girl in the Kazakh city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. But I liked her so much that I decided to take her away. Which he did with success. Mishka was already 27 then, and I was six years younger. In general, the young lady soon became mine.

But Tolya, unlike his new girlfriend, did not attach due importance to this fleeting hobby. I found it in another city new love, and then another, and so on. “The long tour was coming to an end,” Yarmolenko recalls. “I’m calling my mom with the good news that I’ll be coming home soon.” And suddenly I find out that the same girlfriend from Ust-Kamenogorsk is waiting for me there. She arrived with suitcases and announced that we would soon get married. This was not part of my plans. He was going to bring Raya home, whom he met in Bobruisk, and told his mother to send the Kazakh girl home. Raisa, the future wife of the “syabr,” worked as a hairdresser. A chance meeting with her turned out to be fateful. “True, I didn’t immediately reveal all my cards to Raechka,” Anatoly Ivanovich smiles. - I lied that I work hard as a loader in a brigade, and invited me to lunch at a restaurant. And when I realized that I liked her as a person, and not as an artist, I began to date her. I clearly decided that I had met the one and only and it was time to stop with other girls. My mother, Nadezhda Anikeevna, the daughter of a priest, is very moral person. But she accepted my choice and during the week that Rayechka lived with us, she became friends with her.

However, another surprise soon awaited me. One day we were returning from the cinema with Raisa, and the neighbor sarcastically said: “Tolik, guests are waiting for you there.” It turned out that another girl came to see me - from Ashgabat. How they all found out my address - I have no idea. And then an unpleasant moment comes: we approach the house, and then a young lady throws herself on my neck. But my Raya clearly worked. She pushed aside her rival, took the arm of her future mother-in-law, who was watching everything, and with the words: “Let’s go, mom, and Anatoly, don’t lag behind,” she disappeared into the hut. I slipped the fan 25 rubles for the return trip, shrugged guiltily and ran to catch up with my happiness. Soon Raisa and I got married.

Rescue move

In 1978, the Syabry ensemble gained all-Union popularity. In one of the programs on Central TV, they performed the song “Alesya” for the first time, which immediately became a hit.

We toured a lot. My Rayechka was always there. She worked in the ensemble as a costume designer, lighting designer, and technician. One day we came to perform in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the mining town of Kansk. I was walking across the street, and the men sitting on a bench with beer suddenly began shouting: “Look, look, Alesya has gone.” I told this incident to my wife, and she smiled: “This, dear, popularity has come to you,” said Anatoly Ivanovich. In those years, Yarmolenko and his family lived in Gomel. And a few years after the Chernobyl disaster, doctors discovered oncology in his wife - a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. “The doctors pronounced a verdict on my Raechka,” the singer sighs heavily. “They said that a miracle could save her, and they continued to treat her intensively. And then they advised me to change my place of residence.

I was looking for exchange options and had already agreed to move to Vilnius. Surprisingly, I was not particularly expected in Minsk. One Belarusian party leader, when I was testing the waters to settle in the capital, said: “let Yarmolenko go wherever he wants, we already have a lot of talent.” But a wonderful composer put an end to this issue. He got permission for me to buy a cooperative apartment in Minsk with my own money. So I came to the city where I live now. Raisa recovered and remains my main support to this day.

- What is the secret of your family longevity?“Before, even before my marriage, when I met girls and brought them to the hotel, the next morning I looked at them with horror - rumpled and without makeup. And Raya always wakes up at least ten minutes before me. Always greets you neat, well-groomed and beautiful. Everything changes over the years, but we carried our love throughout our lives!

“ a fairy tale, like a miracle, like a song!”

On March 12, 1981, the Syabry flew from Star City near Moscow to the Baikonur Cosmodrome to give a concert there. As soon as the plane gained altitude, Anatoly Yarmolenko They brought a six-month-old baby.

This is our daughter, we named her Alesya after your song,” the young parents said. The singer held the girl in his arms and gave her an autographed postcard: “To Alesya from Syabrov.” Grow up healthy and happy, like a fairy tale, like a miracle, like a song.” And in November 2010, when “Syabry” celebrated its 35th anniversary on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, the same girl, only grown up, took the stage - Alesya Tsekhosh from the city of Leninsk and brought out a card with a memorable note, which became a special talisman in her family. Alesya said that, according to Anatoly Ivanovich’s parting words, she lives happily with her husband, an officer. The main “syabr” was moved to tears.

Love with a flight attendant

I experienced my first strong feeling as a schoolboy. Fell in love with a girl Galya from a parallel class. But shortly before graduation, the guys quarreled to smithereens. They say that Tolik’s girlfriend was very jealous of other young ladies. The future singer did not tolerate possessiveness and suggested breaking up. And Galina, so as not to even accidentally meet her ex-boyfriend, dropped out of school.

We both had character! - recalls Anatoly Ivanovich. - And a few years after the breakup we met by chance. It turned out that Galya lives in Krasnodar and works as a flight attendant. We chatted and parted ways, this time forever. Do I want to see her now? Definitely not! So as not to be disappointed.

Rebellious son-in-law

35 year old Alesya Yarmolenko, the daughter of Anatoly Ivanovich, in addition to performing with Syabry, makes a successful career in her native Belarus solo career. Recently it was accidentally discovered that at birth she was given the name Olga, and Alesya - a creative pseudonym. At the age of 20, the girl fell in love with Sergei Lipnya, a young man from a simple family, gave birth to a son from him, who was named in honor of Tolya’s star grandfather.

When the boy was nine months old, his parents got married, and for some reason a couple of months later they ended their official relationship, although they continued to live together. Lipen wrote songs for his wife and worked as her concert director. Their civil marriage lasted 13 years and broke up at the end of the summer of 2009. Soon after the breakup, Sergei gave an interview in which he complained that living in such a famous family It wasn't easy for him. They say he didn’t feel like a master in the house, his relationship with his mother-in-law didn’t work out, so he decided to leave. Now Lipnya has another girlfriend, and Alesya carefully hides her personal life. Minsk newspapers wrote that she was having an affair with a dancer from the corps de ballet, but the singer herself claims that this is not true.


Alesya's school years passed in a friendly atmosphere. She ended up in a friendly class and still remembers her time studying with warmth. Alesya Yarmolenko was an excellent student, despite the fact that she was bad at exact sciences. Like all children, she had periods of reluctance to study, but with the help of her grandmother she easily overcame them. In high school, Alesya toured a lot, but this was a problem only during her studies in Gomel. Later in Minsk no one was against the frequent absence of the schoolgirl.

After graduation high school The future singer faced a choice - who to be. Initially, she wanted to enter a medical institute, but one day, on her way to courses for applicants, Alesya Yarmolenko decided to find out what specialties were available at the Institute of Culture. She never showed up at medical school again. In parallel with her studies, Alesya built her career. She was already recognizable in Belarus. The dean’s grandson, who was an ardent admirer of young Alesya’s work, volunteered to present her with a diploma with his own hand.


Singer Alesya Yarmolenko calls the official start of her career the performance of the song “Larks” on Belarusian language. She recorded her first album in 1995. It was called "Alesya". The singer loves her pseudonym very much and often uses it in the titles of songs and albums. This name connects her with her father and his work. For a long time, any of the singer’s successes were associated with the presence of an influential father, but the girl’s perseverance and determination helped refute all the rumors. Today no one says that Alesya owes everything to her father.

Now she is not only building a solo career, but also often performs with the Syabry ensemble. Almost every Belarusian radio station broadcasts her songs every day. Most of all, the singer loves to perform in holiday projects: filming for New Year’s broadcasts of Belarusian channels or taking part in the Russian “Song of the Year”. One of Alesya’s main achievements was receiving the national Francis Skaryna medal. She was awarded it in 2012.


In Belarus, almost everyone knows who Alesya Yarmolenko is. Her biography has been associated with VIA “Syabry” since an early age. When the girl was 14 years old, a turning point occurred. At that time, "Syabry" was not worried best time, many musicians left the band. Anatol Yarmolenko Sr., Alesya’s father, then decided to involve his daughter in one of the filmings. It was impossible to refuse this performance, but to perform in in full force the ensemble couldn't. Then the girl became the keyboard player of the famous VIA.

The pseudonym was born to Olga after listening to one of the most famous songs ensemble. It's called "Alesya". Probably everyone living in the post-Soviet space has heard it. Alesya's first stage image fit perfectly with the epithets from this song. The “Wizard of the Forest” was a young girl with discreet makeup and two pigtails.


Anatoly Ivanovich’s main merit is his approach to raising children. Alesya often mentions in interviews that she was never pressured. WITH early childhood the girl felt that she and her brother were loved by their parents. Anatol Ivanovich did not want his daughter to seriously pursue a stage career, but later he reconciled himself, because the girl knew how much work she would have to put into her performances.