Russian submarines. Legendary Russian submarines

  • atomic submarines with 15 ballistic missiles, of which 5 are in repair or in reserve;
  • 9 nuclear submarines with cruise missiles, 5 of which are under repair or in reserve;
  • 12 nuclear torpedo submarines, of which 7 are in reserve;
  • special purpose nuclear submarines 7 pieces;
  • 19 diesel submarines, of which 3 are under repair;
The average age of submarines is about 20 years

Project 941 Akula nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine

Underwater displacement 48,000 tons. Length 172 m, width 23.3 m, draft 11 m. Full submerged speed 25 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 100 thousand liters. With. Armament - 20 RSM-52 missile launchers (200 warheads), 6 torpedo tubes. Crew 160 people (including 52 officers).

Project 667BDR Kalmar nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles.

Underwater displacement 16,000 tons. Length 155 m, width 11.7 m, draft 8.7 m. Full submerged speed 24 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 40 thousand liters. With. Armament - 16 RSM-50 missile launchers (48 warheads), 4 torpedo tubes. Crew 130 people (including 40 officers).

Project 667BDRM "Dolphin" nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles.

Underwater displacement 18,200 tons. Length 167 m, width 11.7 m, draft 8.8 m. Full submerged speed 24 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 40 thousand liters. With. Armament - 16 RSM-54 missile launchers (64 warheads), 4 torpedo tubes. Crew 130 people (including 40 officers).

Project 949A Antey nuclear submarine with cruise missiles.

Underwater displacement 24,000 tons. Length 155 m, width 18.2 m, draft 9.2 m. Full submerged speed 30 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 100 thousand liters. With. Armament - 24 launchers of P-700 "Granit" anti-ship missiles with a range of 550 km, 6 torpedo tubes. Crew 107 people (including 48 officers).

Project 971 nuclear torpedo submarine "Shchuka-B".

Underwater displacement 12,770 tons. Length 110.3 m, width 13.5 m, draft 9.6 m. Full submerged speed 30 knots. The power of the nuclear power plant is 50 thousand liters. With. Armament: eight torpedo tubes. Crew 73 people (including 33 officers).

Performance characteristics of Projects 677 Lada and 677E Amur-1605 (export).

Surface displacement, t 1765
Length, m 67.0
Width, m 7.1
Underwater cruising range (at cruising speed 3 knots), miles 650
Underwater cruising range (in RDP mode), miles 6000
Working immersion depth, m 240
Maximum immersion depth, m 300
Autonomy (in terms of provisions), 45 days
Crew, people 35
Torpedo armament: number and caliber of TA, mm - 6 x 533, ammunition (type) of torpedoes or anti-ship missiles - 18 torpedoes (USET-80K) and anti-ship missiles ("Club-S"), SUTA - "Moray".
Anti-aircraft armament: missile system type MANPADS - "Igla-1M", number of cont. for storing ZR - 1, ammunition for ZR - 6.
Radio-electronic weapons: KAS - "Lithium", KNS - "Andoga", RLK - new generation, GAK - new generation with a large effective area antenna.

Which country has the largest submarine fleet? June 3rd, 2015

More details about this place in the photo

It would seem that one can estimate approximately and say which country will have the largest number submarines. But I didn't succeed. Maybe you can do it?

Think and say. Which? And under the cut, in reverse order, there will be the TOP 10 countries by the number of submarine fleets...

Every year, countries spend billions of dollars on their militaries. The armies, air forces and navies receive generous amounts of funding to maintain existing levels of combat readiness while developing and purchasing new weapons. Over the past few centuries, the powers of the world have quickly realized the importance and necessity navy. Not only a symbol of power and wealth, a strong navy can project power, be used as a political tool, protect commercial lines, and transport troops anywhere in the world.

For many nations, one of the most important and versatile components of their navies is the submarine. The first submarine was built in the 17th century. Over the next few hundred years, the submarine went through a large number of evolutions, greatly improving its mobility, practicality, lethality and overall capabilities. Today, submarines are a formidable force that terrifies a potential enemy. Today we look at the 10 largest submarine fleets in the world. This list is based on the total number of diesel-electric and nuclear boats owned by the state.

10. South Korea - 14 submarines.

The submarine fleet starts this list South Korea. The Republic of Korea Navy currently operates a fleet of 14 diesel-electric submarines. Currently, 12 of these submarines are German submarine Type 209 and Type 214, while two midget submarines are built in Korea. The small Type 214 boat has eight torpedo tubes and the ability to fire anti-ship missiles and mines.

9. Türkiye - 14 submarines.

All Turkish Navy submarines are diesel-electric boats and belong to the German Type 209 variant. These submarines are among the most exported types. Costing approximately $290 million, the Type 209 is capable of firing Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Starting next year, the Turkish Navy plans to replace the Type 209 with more modern German Type 214 diesel-electric submarines.

8. Israel - 14 submarines.

When you think of a maritime power, Israel certainly does not come to mind. From a military point of view, most people see Israel as a land power. Yet it is known that the Israeli Navy currently has 14 submarines (although most online sources report lower numbers). The most famous boats here are the Dolphin. Built in Germany since 1998, the Dolphin-class submarines are diesel-electric and are capable of carrying and firing Israeli nuclear weapons.

7. Japan - 16 submarines.

Today, Japan's submarine force consists of diesel-electric submarines. The oldest of them was built in 1994. Japan's newest submarines are the Soryu class. They are created using latest technologies, have a range of 11,000 kilometers and can fire missiles, torpedoes and mines.

6 India - 17 submarines.

Currently, the vast majority of India's submarine force consists of diesel-electric submarines built in Russian and German shipyards. These vessels have enabled India to project its power in coastal waters and the Indian Ocean for the past 25 years. More recently, steps have been taken to create an Indian nuclear submarine fleet. Russia's lease of an Akula-class submarine and India's development of its nuclear weapons program are clear signs that India would like to significantly expand the capabilities of its submarine fleet. Given the time and cost involved in building nuclear submarines, it is likely that diesel-electric boats will remain the backbone of the Indian Navy for the next few years.

5 Iran – 31 submarines.

No, that's not a typo, Iran actually currently has the fifth largest submarine fleet in the world. Over the past few years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has begun developing new surface ships and submarines. The submarine force has been, and largely remains, focused on coastal and Gulf operations. The most modern submarines are three Russian-made diesel-electric Kilo class submarines. Built in the 1990s, these submarines provide Iran with a patrol capability of more than 11,000 kilometers and pose a real threat to any naval forces approaching Iranian shores.

4. Russia – 65 submarines.

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With the collapse Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the Soviet Navy, like most Soviet military forces, was underfunded and maintenance. Over the past few years, this situation has changed, as Russia seeks to reform and modernize its armed forces. The Russian Navy's submarine fleet is one of the branches of the armed forces that has benefited from this reform. Russia has about 30 nuclear submarines. New submarines are now being actively built, and it is likely that the submarine forces of the Russian Navy will soon be able to improve their position on this list in the coming years.

3 China - 69 submarines.

Over the past 30 years, China's military has undergone a program of massive expansion and modernization. In addition to ground and air forces, the submarine fleet has undergone significant development in order to expand functionality. China currently has about 50 diesel-electric submarines, which form the backbone of its submarine fleet. In addition, China has several nuclear ballistic missile submarines as a nuclear deterrent.

2 USA – 72 submarines.

The US Navy's submarine force is, surprisingly, not the first on this list. However, despite the fact that America has the second largest submarine fleet in the world, nevertheless, perhaps, they have the most powerful submarine fleet. Currently, the vast majority of US submarines are nuclear-powered, which means they are limited only by the amount of food and water they can carry when conducting ocean operations. Currently, the most numerous submarines are the Los Angeles class, of which about 40 are in service. Built between 1970 and 1990, the Los Angeles-class submarine costs about $1 billion, displaces nearly 7,000 tons, and can dive to depths of more than 300 meters. However, the US has now begun to replace these Cold War-era boats with newer and more modern submarines Virginia class worth about 2.7 billion dollars.

1 North Korea– 78 submarines.

The Korean People's Army Navy ranks first on this list, with 78 submarines. All North Korean submarines are diesel-electric and all displace less than 1,800 tons. The potential danger of this force was demonstrated in 2010 when a small 130-ton Yono-class submarine sank the South Korean corvette Cheonan. However, North Korea's submarines are largely considered obsolete. The bulk of the submarine fleet consists of old boats Soviet era and small homemade coastal submarines. North Korean small submarines are very good at operating in shallow waters and riverbeds. During war, they can be used for mining, reconnaissance in enemy harbors and transporting special forces to enemy shores.

The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Varshavyanka class submarines.

During the Cold War, the Soviet submarine program was a force to be reckoned with. Soviet underwater killer vehicles captured the imagination of both Western and Soviet citizens. Tom Clancy's 1984 novel The Hunt for Red October (which was made into a film the following year) follows the crew of a fictional Soviet ballistic missile submarine, the Typhoon, as they attempt to escape to the United States. During the tense years of standoff between Washington and Moscow, many Americans believed that Soviet submarines were lying in wait off their country's coast. Both superpowers had submarines, thanks to which it was possible to start nuclear Armageddon directly from the mysterious depths of the ocean.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union Russian program submarine construction fell into decline along with many other branches of the Russian military-industrial complex. But in last decade Russian leaders are making efforts to modernize their armed forces. Russia is upgrading Cold War-era designs to modern standards and designing entirely new platforms such as the Borei and Yasen-class boats - it is clearly determined to improve the status and capabilities of its submarine fleet.

Here are five submarines that deserve special attention.

Submarine of the Shchuka-B project

A boule with a towed antenna inside on the tail unit of the Project 971 Shchuka-B submarine.

This nuclear attack submarine was built in the Soviet Union and was named Project 971 Bars, but it is better known by its NATO rating as Akula. The Bars doesn't have the same quietness as some Western designs, but the boat remains a potent threat, especially after a series of post-Cold War upgrades.

The Soviet Navy received seven Akula I models between 1986 and 1992. From 1992 to 1995, Russia launched two to four modernized Akula I boats. At that time, Moscow had already begun a comprehensive modernization of the Project 971A boat, Akula II. This version has an increased hull length of 110 meters and a larger displacement of 12,770 tons. The improved design also has a quieter engine than its predecessors, making the Project 971A boat the quietest in the Russian fleet. Russia has built three such ships: Vepr (entered service in 1995), Nerpa (2000) and Gepard (2001). Moscow must keep the Gepard in its arsenal until at least 2025, and the Nerpa is being leased to India.

The speed of Project 971 on the surface is up to 10 knots. Underwater, this boat can reach speeds of up to 33 knots while diving up to 600 meters. The duration of autonomous navigation for the Pike is 100 days. The boat is armed with various anti-ship, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft weapons, which allows it to carry out a whole series tasks. One submarine of this type can carry as many as 12 Granit cruise missiles, which are designed to destroy ships and ground targets. The Granit missile has a launch range of 3 thousand kilometers. For anti-ship and anti-submarine operations, the Pike is equipped with eight torpedo launchers, while the improved Akula and Akula II have ten. The Strela-ZM MANPADS with 18 missiles gives this boat the ability to strike air targets.

Project 877 submarine "Halibut" (Kilo)

Diesel submarine "Krasnokamensk" project 877 during
mooring at the main base of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok.

The Russian Project 877 Halibut (NATO reporting name Kilo), a diesel-electric attack submarine, was conceived back in Soviet era at the Rubin Central Marine Design Bureau in St. Petersburg. This submarine became part of the Soviet fleet in 1982 and remains in service in Russia and other countries to this day.

Halibut is a smaller submarine, its Iranian version has a submerged displacement of 3,076 tons and a hull length of 70 meters. The basic Kilo model carries six torpedo tubes. This boat can use TEST-71MKE electric torpedoes, which have an active sonar homing system with remote control and carry a 205-kilogram warhead. Halibut can also release up to 24 minutes. The boat has eight anti-aircraft missiles on board, which can be used in Strela-3 and Igla MANPADS. India, which also uses Kilo, included Club S anti-ship missiles (range 220 kilometers) under a contract with the Russian shipbuilding company Zvezdochka.

Kilo diesel generators provide the submarine with a speed of up to 10 knots on the surface and 17 knots underwater. Kilo can dive up to 300 meters, and the autonomous navigation period of this boat is 45 days. Post-Soviet Russia still uses the Halibut, while variants are in service in countries such as China, India, Iran and Algeria. Former members Warsaw Pact and current NATO members Poland and Romania also have Project 877 boats in their navies.

Submarines of project 636.6 "Varshavyanka" (Improved Kilo)

Launching of the submarine "Krasnodar" in St. Petersburg.

When Russia's new diesel-electric Lada submarine failed to pass sea trials in 2010, Moscow returned to a Cold War classic, the Kilo. To meet modern requirements for diesel-electric submarines, Russia has begun upgrading the earlier Kilo model.

Project 636.6 “Varshavyanka” appeared on the scene, also known in the West as “improved Kilo”. The boat was initially seen as an intermediate option between the first Kilo and the Lada, but now the Varshavyanka will have to fill the gap until the new models are deemed seaworthy. The Russian Navy has ordered six such ships, four of which have already entered service. The newest boat "Krasnodar" was launched in April 2015.

"Varshavyanka" has a displacement of up to 4 thousand tons in a submerged position and has a powerful set of weapons. Like its predecessor, this boat has six torpedo tubes and is armed with Strela-3 and Igla anti-aircraft missiles. The new type 636.6 also carries Novator Design Bureau Club-S anti-ship missiles. This missile with a high-explosive warhead has a launch range of 220 kilometers.

Like the original Project 877, the “improved Kilo” has an autonomous voyage of 45 days and a maximum diving depth of 300 meters. "Varshavyanka" has higher speeds compared to its predecessor: 11 knots on the surface and 20 knots in the submerged position. The upgraded model, nicknamed the “silent killer,” is already considered one of the quietest diesel-electric submarines. However, the Rubin design bureau intends to install an air-independent propulsion system on the Varshavyanka, which may be even less noisy than a nuclear plant.

Project 955 Borei submarines

Nuclear submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky".

This is the first completely new submarine model developed by Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Borei series of nuclear submarines are equipped with ballistic missiles. The lead ship of the new project, Yuri Dolgoruky, was launched in 2008 and entered into the fleet in 2013. The second Borei submarine was launched in 2010 and commissioned into the Navy in 2013, the third was launched in 2012, and the newest ship, Prince Vladimir, was laid down at the beginning of this year. The Borei class submarine cruisers are being created to eventually replace the Project 941 (Typhoon according to NATO classification) and Dolphin (Delta-III according to NATO classification) submarines.

The length of the Borei hull is 170 meters, and each submarine has a displacement under water of 24 thousand tons. "Yuri Dolgoruky" and the rest of the ships of its series carry 16 R-30 "Bulava-30" (RSM-56) ballistic missiles. Bulava missiles are equipped with nuclear warheads with a yield of 150 kilotons and have a launch range of 8 thousand kilometers. According to some data, RSM-56 can have an even greater range and power: up to 10 thousand kilometers and up to 500 kilotons. In addition to ballistic missiles, Borei boats also have six torpedo tubes, capable of launching various types of anti-submarine torpedoes.

The Borei's nuclear power plant provides it with a surface speed of up to 15 knots and a submerged speed of 29 knots. The maximum diving depth of the boat is 480 meters, and the autonomous navigation period is 100 days. The Borei-class submarines promise to become a powerful long-range force for the Russian Navy for many years to come. Moscow has already placed an order for the construction of 10 new boats by 2020.

Project 885 Yasen submarines

Acceptance ceremony for the first multi-purpose nuclear submarine
K-560 "Severodvinsk" project "Ash" in the Russian Navy.

Sevmash's Project 885 Yasen is designed to replace the aging fleet of Shchuka-B class submarines. This nuclear-powered submarine will ultimately replace Soviet-era designs and satisfy Moscow's need for a powerful attack submarine. The first Yasen-class boat, Severodvinsk, became part of the Northern Fleet based in Severomorsk in 2014.

The Yasen project submarines have a hull length of 111 meters and a submerged displacement of approximately 13,500 tons. Each Project 885 ship can carry on board weapons designed to destroy ground targets, surface ships and submarines, which allows it to carry out wide circle tasks. To combat submarines, Yasen has eight torpedo tubes and can launch anti-submarine missiles, such as the supersonic P-800 Oniks. Onyx missiles can also be used as anti-ship weapons. At ground targets, Yasen submarines are capable of launching 3M51 cruise missiles, which can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. 3M51 have a range of 800 kilometers.

The powerful reactor power plant on board the Yasen submarines allows the new models to be significantly ahead of their predecessors. Project 885 submarines can reach speeds of up to 20 knots on the surface and 35 knots underwater. Yasen boats are capable of diving to more than 600 meters, making them a serious threat to Russia’s adversaries.

Operating principle of the submarine

The submarine's submersion and ascent system includes ballast and auxiliary tanks, as well as connecting pipelines and fittings. The main element here is the main ballast tanks, by filling them with water the main buoyancy reserve of the submarine is extinguished. All tanks are included in the bow, stern and middle group. They can be filled and purged one at a time or simultaneously.

The submarine has trim tanks necessary to compensate for the longitudinal displacement of cargo. The ballast between trim tanks is blown using compressed air or pumped using special pumps. Trimming is the name of the technique, the purpose of which is to “balance” the submerged submarine.

Nuclear submarines are divided into generations. The first (50th) is characterized by relatively high noise and imperfect hydroacoustic systems. The second generation was built in the 60s and 70s: the hull shape was optimized to increase speed. The boats of the third are larger, and they also have electronic warfare equipment. The fourth generation nuclear submarines are characterized by an unprecedented low noise level and advanced electronics. The appearance of the fifth generation boats is being worked out these days.

An important component of any submarine is the air system. Diving, surfacing, removing waste - all this is done using compressed air. The latter is stored under high pressure on board the submarine: this way it takes up less space and allows you to accumulate more energy. High-pressure air is in special cylinders: as a rule, its quantity is monitored by a senior mechanic. Compressed air reserves are replenished upon ascent. This is a long and labor-intensive procedure that requires special attention. To ensure that the crew of the boat has something to breathe, air regeneration units are installed on board the submarine, allowing them to obtain oxygen from sea water.

Premier League: what are they?

A nuclear boat has a nuclear power plant (where, in fact, the name comes from). Nowadays, many countries also operate diesel-electric submarines (submarines). The level of autonomy of nuclear submarines is much higher, and they can perform a wider range of tasks. The Americans and the British have stopped using non-nuclear submarines altogether, while the Russian submarine fleet has mixed composition. In general, only five countries have nuclear submarines. In addition to the USA and the Russian Federation, the “club of the elite” includes France, England and China. Other maritime powers use diesel-electric submarines.

The future of the Russian submarine fleet is connected with two new nuclear submarines. It's about multi-purpose boats project 885 "Ash" and strategic missile submarine cruisers 955 "Borey". Eight units of Project 885 boats will be built, and the number of Boreys will reach seven. The Russian submarine fleet will not be comparable to the American one (the United States will have dozens of new submarines), but it will occupy second place in the world rankings.

Russian and American boats differ in their architecture. The United States makes its nuclear submarines single-hull (the hull both resists pressure and has a streamlined shape), while Russia makes its nuclear submarines double-hulled: in this case, there is an internal, rough, durable hull and an external, streamlined, lightweight one. On Project 949A Antey nuclear submarines, which included the infamous Kursk, the distance between the hulls is 3.5 m. It is believed that double-hull boats are more durable, while single-hull boats, all other things being equal, have less weight. In single-hull boats, the main ballast tanks, which ensure ascent and submersion, are located inside a durable hull, while in double-hull boats, they are inside a lightweight outer hull. Every domestic submarine must survive if any compartment is completely flooded with water - this is one of the main requirements for submarines.

In general, there is a tendency to switch to single-hull nuclear submarines, since the latest steel from which the hulls of American boats are made allows them to withstand enormous loads at depth and provides the submarine with a high level of survivability. We are talking, in particular, about high-strength steel grade HY-80/100 with a yield strength of 56-84 kgf/mm. Obviously, even more advanced materials will be used in the future.

There are also boats with a mixed hull (when a light hull only partially covers the main one) and multi-hulls (several strong hulls inside a light one). The latter includes the domestic missile submarine cruiser Project 941, the largest nuclear submarine in the world. Inside its lightweight body are five durable housings, two of which are the main ones. Titanium alloys were used to make durable cases, and steel alloys were used for lightweight ones. It is covered with a non-resonant anti-location soundproof rubber coating weighing 800 tons. This coating alone weighs more than the American nuclear submarine NR-1. Project 941 is truly a gigantic submarine. Its length is 172 and its width is 23 m. 160 people serve on board.

You can see how different nuclear submarines are and how different their “contents” are. Now let’s take a closer look at several domestic submarines: boats of project 971, 949A and 955. All of these are powerful and modern submarines serving in the Russian Navy. Boats belong to three different types The nuclear submarines we talked about above:

Nuclear submarines are divided according to their purpose:

· SSBN (Strategic Missile Submarine Cruiser). As part of the nuclear triad, these submarines carry ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The main targets of such ships are military bases and enemy cities. The SSBN includes the new Russian nuclear submarine 955 Borei. In America, this type of submarine is called SSBN (Ship Submarine Ballistic Nuclear): this includes the most powerful of these submarines - the Ohio-class boat. To accommodate the entire lethal arsenal on board, SSBNs are designed taking into account the requirements of a large internal volume. Their length often exceeds 170 m - this is noticeably longer than the length of multi-purpose submarines.

· PLAT (nuclear torpedo submarine). Such boats are also called multi-purpose. Their purpose: the destruction of ships, other submarines, tactical targets on the ground and the collection of intelligence data. They are smaller than SSBNs and have better speed and mobility. PLATs can use torpedoes or high-precision cruise missiles. Such nuclear submarines include the American Los Angeles or the Soviet/Russian MPLATRK Project 971 Shchuka-B.

The American Seawolf is considered the most advanced multi-purpose nuclear submarine. Her main featurehighest level stealth and deadly weapons on board. One such submarine carries up to 50 Harpoon or Tomahawk missiles. There are also torpedoes. Due to the high cost, the US Navy received only three of these submarines.

· SSGN (nuclear submarine with cruise missiles). This is the smallest group of modern nuclear submarines. This includes the Russian 949A Antey and some American Ohio missiles converted into cruise missile carriers. The SSGN concept has something in common with multi-purpose nuclear submarines. Submarines of the SSGN type, however, are larger - they are large floating underwater platforms with high-precision weapons. In the Soviet/Russian navy these boats are also called “aircraft carrier killers”.

Inside a submarine

It is difficult to examine in detail the design of all main types of nuclear submarines, but it is quite possible to analyze the design of one of these boats. It will be the Project 949A submarine “Antey”, a landmark (in every sense) for the Russian fleet. To increase survivability, the creators duplicated many important components this nuclear submarine. These boats received a pair of reactors, turbines and propellers. The failure of one of them, according to the plan, should not be fatal for the boat. The submarine's compartments are separated by intercompartment bulkheads: they are designed for a pressure of 10 atmospheres and are connected by hatches that can be sealed if necessary. Not all domestic nuclear submarines have so many compartments. The Project 971 multipurpose nuclear submarine, for example, is divided into six compartments, and the new Project 955 SSBN is divided into eight.

The infamous Kursk belongs to the Project 949A boats. This submarine sank in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000. All 118 crew members on board became victims of the disaster. Many versions of what happened have been put forward: the most likely of all is the explosion of a 650 mm torpedo stored in the first compartment. According to the official version, the tragedy occurred due to a leak of a torpedo fuel component, namely hydrogen peroxide.

The Project 949A nuclear submarine has a very advanced (by the standards of the 80s) apparatus, including the MGK-540 Skat-3 hydroacoustic system and many other systems. The boat is also equipped with an automated Symphony-U navigation system that has increased accuracy, increased range and a large volume of processed information. Most of the information about all these complexes is kept secret.

Compartments of the Project 949A Antey nuclear submarine:

First compartment:

It is also called bow or torpedo. This is where the torpedo tubes are located. The boat has two 650 mm and four 533 mm torpedo tubes, and in total there are 28 torpedoes on board the submarine. The first compartment consists of three decks. The combat stock is stored on racks designed for this purpose, and torpedoes are fed into the apparatus using a special mechanism. There are also batteries located here, which are separated from the torpedoes by special flooring for safety reasons. The first compartment usually houses five crew members.

Second compartment:

This compartment on submarines of projects 949A and 955 (and not only on them) plays the role of the “brain of the boat”. This is where the central control panel is located, and this is where the submarine is controlled. There are consoles for hydroacoustic systems, microclimate regulators and navigation satellite equipment. There are 30 crew members serving in the compartment. From it you can get into the control room of the nuclear submarine, designed for monitoring the surface of the sea. There are also retractable devices: periscopes, antennas and radars.

Third compartment:

The third is the radio-electronic compartment. Here, in particular, there are multi-profile communication antennas and many other systems. The equipment of this compartment allows receiving target indications, including from space. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship's combat information and control system. Let us add that the submarine rarely makes contact, so as not to be unmasked.

Fourth compartment:

This compartment is residential. Here the crew not only sleeps, but also spends free time. There is a sauna, gym, showers and a common area for communal relaxation. In the compartment there is a room that allows you to relieve emotional stress - for this, for example, there is an aquarium with fish. In addition, in the fourth compartment there is a galley, or, in simple terms, a nuclear submarine kitchen.

Fifth compartment:

There is a diesel generator that generates energy here. Here you can also see an electrolysis installation for air regeneration, high-pressure compressors, a shore power supply panel, diesel fuel and oil reserves.

5 bis:

This room is needed for decontamination of crew members who worked in the reactor compartment. We are talking about removing radioactive substances from surfaces and reducing radioactive contamination. Due to the fact that there are two fifths of the compartment, confusion often occurs: some sources claim that the nuclear submarine has ten compartments, others say nine. Even though the last compartment is the ninth, there are ten of them in total on the nuclear submarine (including 5 bis).

Sixth compartment:

This compartment, one might say, is located in the very center of the nuclear submarine. It is of particular importance, because it is here that two OK-650V nuclear reactors with a capacity of 190 MW are located. The reactor belongs to the OK-650 series - a series of water-cooled nuclear reactors using thermal neutrons. The role of nuclear fuel is played by uranium dioxide, highly enriched in the 235th isotope. The compartment has a volume of 641 m³. Above the reactor there are two corridors that allow access to other parts of the nuclear submarine.

Seventh compartment:

It is also called turbine. The volume of this compartment is 1116 m³. This room is intended for the main distribution board; power plants; emergency control panel for the main power plant; as well as a number of other devices that ensure the movement of the submarine.

Eighth compartment:

This compartment is very similar to the seventh, and is also called the turbine compartment. The volume is 1072 m³. The power plant can be seen here; turbines that drive nuclear submarine propellers; a turbogenerator that provides the boat with electricity, and water desalination plants.

Ninth compartment:

This is an extremely small shelter compartment, with a volume of 542 m³, with an escape hatch. This compartment, in theory, will allow crew members to survive in the event of a disaster. There are six inflatable rafts (each designed for 20 people), 120 gas masks and rescue kits for individual ascent. In addition, the compartment contains: steering system hydraulics; high pressure air compressor; electric motor control station; lathe; combat post for reserve rudder control; shower and food supply for six days.


Let us separately consider the armament of the Project 949A nuclear submarine. In addition to torpedoes (which we have already discussed), the boat carries 24 P-700 Granit anti-ship cruise missiles. These are long-range missiles that can fly along a combined trajectory of up to 625 km. To aim at a target, the P-700 has an active radar guidance head.

The missiles are located in special containers between the light and durable hulls of nuclear submarines. Their arrangement roughly corresponds to the central compartments of the boat: containers with missiles go on both sides of the submarine, 12 on each side. All of them are turned forward from the vertical at an angle of 40-45°. Each of these containers has a special lid that slides out during a rocket launch.

P-700 Granit cruise missiles are the basis of the arsenal of the Project 949A boat. Meanwhile, there is no real experience in using these missiles in combat, so it is difficult to judge the combat effectiveness of the complex. Tests have shown that due to the speed of the rocket (1.5-2.5 M), it is very difficult to intercept it. However, not everything is so simple. Over land, the missile is not capable of flying at low altitude, and therefore represents an easy target for enemy air defense systems. At sea, the efficiency indicators are higher, but it is worth saying that the American aircraft carrier force (namely, the missile was created to fight them) has excellent air defense cover.

This type of weapon arrangement is not typical for nuclear submarines. On the American boat "Ohio", for example, ballistic or cruise missiles are located in silos running in two longitudinal rows behind a fence of retractable devices. But the multi-purpose Seawolf launches cruise missiles from torpedo tubes. In the same way, cruise missiles are launched from the domestic Project 971 Shchuka-B MPLATRK. Of course, all these submarines also carry various torpedoes. The latter are used to destroy submarines and surface ships.

Submarines form the main backbone of Russia's naval armament. They are able to carry out a number of strategic important tasks. They are used to destroy enemy ships, various underwater and surface objects, as well as hit targets in the enemy’s coastal waters. In addition, they are able to quietly carry out combat missions and leave places of temporary deployment. It is believed that the submarine fleets of the Russian Federation and the United States are the most powerful, and these powers share the palm in dominance over the World Ocean.

How the nuclear submarine fleet was born

In the middle of the last century, in 1954, the Nautilus was launched, which is considered the first nuclear submarine launched by the United States. Development of the SSN 571 type submarine vessel began in 1946, and its construction began in 1949. The basis for the design was the German military submarine 27 series, the design of which the Americans changed beyond recognition and installed a nuclear power plant in it. Before the beginning of 1960, production of the first nuclear submarines of the EB 253-A project, better known as the Skate submarines, was launched.

Just 5 years later, at the beginning of 1959, Project 627 appeared, which became the first nuclear submarine of the Soviet Union. It was immediately adopted by the Navy. Soon after this, Soviet designers developed Project 667-A, which was originally intended for use as a strategic missile submarine cruiser (SSBN). Actually, the adoption of the 667s into service as combat units is considered to be the beginning of the development of the second generation of nuclear submarines of the USSR.

In 1970 of the last century, Project 667-B was adopted and approved in the Union. It was a nuclear submarine called "Moray". It was equipped with a powerful naval DBK (ballistic missile system) "D-9" for intercontinental use. Following this submarine, Murena-M (project 667-BD) appeared, and already in 1976 the Soviet fleet received the first series of missile-carrying submarines, project 667-BDR. They were armed with missiles that had multiple warheads.

The further development of the submarines of the leading countries was carried out in such a way that the design was based on silent propellers and some changes in the hull. Thus, in 1980, the first attack submarine appeared, which became Project 949 III generation. To perform a number of strategic tasks, it used torpedoes and cruise missiles.

A little later, Project 667-AT appeared, the flagship of which was the K423 nuclear submarine. It was adopted in 1986 by the Soviet Navy. It is also worth noting that this project managed to survive to this day. Like other Russian nuclear submarines, the active combat units of the fleet include the Project 667 model K395.

One cannot fail to note the Soviet submarines created in 1977. They became a modification of the project 667 ─ 671 RTM, of which 26 units were built by the end of 1991. Soon after this, the first domestic multi-purpose nuclear submarines were created, the hull of which was made of titanium - Bars-971 and 945, known as Barracuda.

Is half a hundred a lot or a little?

The Russian submarine fleet is armed with 76 submarines of various classes, including SSBNs, multi-purpose submarines, diesel-powered submarines, and special-purpose vessels. The question of how many nuclear submarines there are in Russia can be answered this way: there are 47 of them. It should be noted that this is very large number, since the construction of one nuclear submarine today costs the state over $1 billion. If we take into account ships being re-equipped and in ship repair yards, then the number of nuclear submarines in Russia will be 49. For comparison, we present some data on the submarines in service with the superpowers. The American submarine fleet has 71 submarine combat units, while Great Britain and France each have 10 units.

Nuclear-powered heavy missile-carrying cruisers

Heavy missile carriers are considered the largest and most dangerous in terms of defeating enemy force and destructive ability. There are 3 such nuclear submarines in Russian service. Among them is the missile carrier Dmitry Donskoy (heavy cruiser TK208), as well as the Vladimir Monomakh. They were built according to Project 945. Their weapons are represented by the Bulava missile system.

The TK-17 cruiser of the Akula class, which is part of the 941UM project, is in service with the submarine fleet and is called Arkhangelsk. The TK-20 boat is called “Severstal”, and it was also built according to this project. One of the reasons for their decommissioning is the shortage of P-39 ballistic missiles. We also note that these ships are among the largest in the world, and their total displacement is about 50 thousand tons.

At the beginning of 2013, the flag was raised on the nuclear submarine K-535 (Project 955 “Borey”), named after Yuri Dolgoruky. This submarine became the lead submarine missile cruiser of the Northern Fleet. Less than a year has passed, and in December the Pacific Fleet received the K-550. This nuclear submarine is named after Alexander Nevsky. All boats are IV generation strategic missile carriers.

Strategic nuclear submarines "Dolphin"

Project 667-BDRM represents nuclear submarines of the Russian Navy in the amount of 6 units:

  • "Bryansk" ─ K117;
  • "Verkhoturye" ─ K51;
  • "Ekaterinburg" ─ K84;
  • "Karelia" ─ K118;
  • “Novomoskovsk” ─ K407;
  • "Tula" ─ K114.

In mid-1999, the nuclear-powered cruiser K64 ceased to be an active unit of the Navy and was removed from service. All Russian nuclear submarines (photos of some can be seen above) included in the project are in service with the Northern MF.

Project 667-BDR. Nuclear boats "Squid"

In terms of their number in the Navy, modern Russian nuclear submarines of the Kalmar class are right behind the Dolphins. The construction of boats under Project 667BDR began even before the beginning of 1980 in the USSR, so most of the nuclear submarines have already been decommissioned and become unusable. Currently in service Russian fleet There are only 3 units of such submarine cruisers:

  • "Ryazan" ─ K44;
  • “Saint George the Victorious” ─ K433;
  • "Podolsk" ─ K223.

All submarines are in service with the Russian Pacific Fleet. Ryazan is considered the “youngest” of them, since it was put into operation later than the others, at the end of 1982.

Multi-purpose nuclear submarine

Russia's multi-purpose nuclear submarines, which were assembled according to Project 971, are considered the most numerous in their class (Shchuka-B). They are capable of destroying targets in coastal waters, on the shore, as well as hitting underwater structures and objects located on the surface of the water. The Northern and Pacific fleets are armed with 11 nuclear submarines of this type. However, 3 of them will no longer be in operation for various reasons. For example, the nuclear submarine "Akula" is not used at all, and "Barnaul" and "Bars" have already been transferred for disposal. The Nerpa K152 submarine has been sold to India under contract since 2012. Later it was transferred to the Indian Navy.

Project 949A. Multipurpose nuclear submarine "Antey"

There are 3 Russian Project 949A nuclear submarines and they are part of the Northern Fleet. 5 Antey nuclear submarines are in service with the Pacific Fleet. When this submarine was conceived, it was planned to put 18 units into operation. However, the funding shortage made itself felt, so only 11 of them were launched.

Today, Russia's Antey class nuclear submarines are in service with the fleet in the amount of 8 combat units. Several years ago, the submarines “Krasnoyarsk” K173 and “Krasnodar” K178 were sent for dismantling and disposed of. On September 12, 2000, a tragedy occurred in the Barents Sea that claimed the lives of 118 Russian sailors. On this day, the Antey 949A Kursk K141 project sank.

Multi-purpose nuclear submarines "Condor", "Barracuda" and "Pike"

From the early 80s to the 90s, 4 boats were built, which were projects 945 and 945A. They were named "Barracuda" and "Condor". According to the 945 project, Russian nuclear submarines Kostroma B276 and Karp B239 were built. As for the 945A project, “ Nizhny Novgorod» B534, as well as “Pskov” B336, initially put into service with the Northern Fleet. All 4 submarines are still in service today.

Also in service there are 4 submarines of the multi-purpose project "Pike" 671RTMK, including:

  • "Obninsk" ─ B138;
  • "Petrozavodsk" ─ B338;
  • "Tambov" ─ B448;
  • “Daniil of Moscow” ─ B414.

The Ministry of Defense plans to decommission these boats and replace them with a completely new class of combat units.

Nuclear submarine 885 type "Ash"

Today, the SSGN Severodvinsk is the only operational submarine of this class. On June 17 last year, a ceremonial flag raising took place on K-560. Over the next 5 years, it is planned to create and launch 7 more such vessels. Already in full swing The construction of the Kazan, Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk submarines is underway. If “Severodvinsk” is a project 885, then the remaining boats will be created according to the project of an improved modification 885M.

As for weapons, the Yasen nuclear submarines will be equipped with supersonic cruise missiles of the Caliber type. The firing range of these missiles can be 2.5 thousand km, and they are high-precision projectiles whose main task will be the destruction of enemy aircraft carriers. It is also planned that the Kazan nuclear submarine will be equipped with fundamentally new equipment that has not previously been used in the development of underwater vehicles. Moreover, in a row technical characteristics, primarily due to the minimal noise level, detecting such a submarine will be very problematic. In addition, this multi-purpose submarine will be a worthy competitor to the American SSN575 Seawolf.

At the end of November 2012, tests of the Caliber missile system were carried out. The shooting was carried out from the submerged Severodvinsk submarine at ground targets from a distance of 1.4 thousand km. In addition, a supersonic Onyx-type rocket was launched. The missile launches were successful and proved the feasibility of their use.