Sergei Zakharov - biography of the singer, his family (photo). Zakharov, Sergei Georgievich III. Storage and use of personal data

Sergei Zakharov is a singer who gained enormous popularity in the mid-1970s. Do you want to know the details of his biography, career and personal life? Now we will tell you everything.

Biography: childhood and youth

Zakharov Sergei Georgievich was born on May 1, 1950 in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. His father was a military man. Therefore, the family often changed their place of residence.

When Seryozha was 4 years old, he moved to Kazakhstan with his father and mother. They settled in the famous city of Baikonur.

WITH early years our hero began to show creative abilities. Seryozha liked to listen to various arias recorded on records. He was also delighted with the film “Mr. X”. Georg Ots, who played the main role in it, immediately became the boy’s idol.

Upon completion high school Sergei Zakharov continued his studies at the Radio Engineering College. Then he had to serve in the army. It was in the ranks of the armed forces that the guy demonstrated his vocal abilities. He was the company singer. Not a single amateur art competition was held without his participation.

Returning to civilian life, Sergei began performing as part of the VIA “Druzhba” at the Baikonur House of Culture. He liked to see the admiring glances of people in the hall and hear their applause.

Studying at a university and the beginning of a creative path

In 1971, Sergei Zakharov went to Moscow, where he entered Gnesinka the first time. His teacher and mentor was Margarita Landa. As a student, our hero became a soloist in a pop orchestra conducted by L. Utesov. This once again indicates that he has great talent.

In 1973, Zakharov was hired at the Leningrad Music Hall. He also continued his education at the Music College named after. Rimsky-Korsakov. The team often went on tour to Moscow, where the halls were packed to capacity.

Our hero captivated the audience not only with his natural charm, but also with his unique voice (baritone). In 1974, Zakharov was sent to Bulgaria for the international Golden Orpheus competition. The professional jury highly appreciated the vocal abilities Russian singer. In the end, he was declared the winner. A few months later, Sergei represented Moscow at the Sopot-74 competition, held in Poland. He again became a first-class laureate.


Sergei Zakharov is a singer who managed to “show up” in films. In 1976, he starred in the film “Sky Swallows.” He managed to successfully get used to the image of Lieutenant Champlatray. Zakharov’s colleagues on the set were Alexander Shirvindt and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

In 1979, another film with his participation was released - “Scenes from family life" Sergei Georgievich got a small role. After that, he decided to say goodbye to cinema.


By the mid-1970s, all Soviet Union knew who Sergei Zakharov was. The songs he performed were sung with pleasure soviet people. Compositions such as “Blue Lights”, “ White snow", "Moscow Windows", became real hits.

Fans bought records and posters with his image. During his career, the singer released 3 studio albums, 5 CDs, received 10 prestigious music awards and gave hundreds of concerts in Russia and abroad.

In 1988, Zakharov was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” But that's not all. In 1996 he became People's Artist RF.

Sergei Zakharov (biography): what he was imprisoned for

In the life of every person there are not only white stripes, but also black ones. Sergei Zakharov was no exception. Biography, why he was imprisoned and with whom he is in a relationship - all this interests the singer’s fans. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

Did Sergei Zakharov really end up in prison? He does have a criminal record. Let's take a closer look at this. In 1977, an unpleasant situation happened to our hero. The scene is the Music Hall. Zakharov invited his friends to his concert. Together they approached the administrator for “passes” (passes). But a certain Kudryashov refused. What did Sergei Zakharov do? Biography, why he was imprisoned famous performer, explains. The fact is that the refusal to provide a pass infuriated him. A fight ensued. As a result, Zakharov managed to take his friends to his concert.

A week later, a police summons arrived in his name. Sergei Georgievich arrived at the department, where he learned that the administrator was in the hospital in in serious condition. The investigation lasted 6 months. Almost all this time the singer was in “Crosses”. Then the trial took place. Zakharov was found guilty. With the deduction of the time spent in the pre-trial detention center, he had 7 months left to serve.

Personal life

Zakharov Sergei Georgievich dreamed of getting married once and for all. In the end, that’s what happened. He has lived with his wife Alla for more than 50 years.

The lovers got married at a young age. At that time, Alla was 16 years old, and Sergei was 17. The celebration took place in Kazakhstan. Their numerous relatives and friends came to the wedding.

In 1969, the couple had a daughter, Natasha. She was a loved and desired child. Sergei and Alla spoiled their daughter in every possible way. The girl always had beautiful outfits And expensive toys. And the most important thing is that she received care and affection from her parents.

Now Natalya is already an adult and accomplished woman. She graduated from the Institute of Culture in St. Petersburg. She has two children - son Jan and daughter Stanislava.

Sergei Zakharov and his wife live in a private house located 60 km from the northern capital. Spread around pine forest. In this house, “Mr. X” often receives dear guests - friends, relatives and colleagues.

In conclusion

The article contains information about where Sergei Zakharov was born and studied (biography). Now you also know why he was in prison. Be that as it may, before us is a talented and hardworking person, a real family man. We wish him success in creatively and happiness in your personal life!

Born in Orel. In 1997 he graduated from the vocal department of the Moscow Music College named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov (class of Emilia Yanina), and in 2002 - Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins (class of Professor Konstantin Lisovsky). In 1996 - 99 as a soloist he performed a lot with the Song and Dance Ensemble Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. In 1999 he became a soloist of the Moscow State Academic Chamber musical theater under the direction of B. Pokrovsky, where over five years he performed the following roles:
Luigi(“Cloak” by G. Puccini)
Don Ottavio(“Don Giovanni” by W. A. ​​Mozart)
Ferrando(“This is what all women do” by W. A. ​​Mozart)
Sextus(“Julius Caesar in Egypt” by G. F. Handel)
Gritsko(“Sorochinskaya Fair” by M. Mussorgsky)
Lucentio(“The Taming of the Shrew” by V. Shebalin)

As part of the theater troupe, he toured extensively abroad, including Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Japan.

Also in the repertoire:
Lensky(“Eugene Onegin” by P. Tchaikovsky);
Alfred(“La Traviata” by G. Verdi);
Alyosha Popovich (“Dobrynya Nikitich” by A. Grechaninov).

Currently he performs a lot with the National academic orchestra folk instruments named after N. P. Osipov, of which he has been a soloist since 2004. Participates in the project “Tenors of the 21st Century”.
With the Symphonic Chapel conducted by Valery Polyansky in 2005, he performed the role King Charles VII(“The Maid of Orleans”), and in 2007 he participated in the first performance of Alexei Nikolaev’s opera “ Last days» in the BZK.

IN Bolshoi Theater debuted in 2005 in the role Bardolfo(“Falstaff” by G. Verdi).

(1950-05-01 ) Place of birth

Sergei Georgievich Zakharov(was born May 1, in the city Nikolaev) - Soviet and Russian crooner (baritone) and actor. People's artist of the Russian Federation (1996) .

Patron of the International Russian Song Festival of Great Britain since 2011.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    Born into the family of serviceman Georgy Mikhailovich Zakharov (1926-2012) and Zinaida Evgenievna Zakharova (1923). The family was very musical. Sergei's grandfather was the first trumpet player of the Odessa Opera Orchestra for 30 years.

    Then the father was transferred to the cosmodrome Baikonur, where the Zakharov family lived for 13 years.

    Zakharov began singing at the age of 5, and this after he heard on the radio Mr. X’s exit aria from Imre Kalman’s operetta “The Circus Princess” performed by the famous Ukrainian singer Dmitry Gnatyuk. Three years later, the film "Mr. X" was released on television. leading role starred in it Georg Ots, who became a real idol for Sergei. A couple of decades later, this aria became Zakharov’s signature number, along with the romance “The Chrysanthemums Have Bloomed.”

    Sergei married early (by law in Kazakh SSR it was possible to get married at the age of 16), in 1969 his daughter was born.

    Sergei Zakharov attracted attention with his extraordinary singing talent while serving in the army; he was a company singer, took part in amateur performances of military builders, sang in the VIA “Druzhba” in the DKS (Builders’ House of Culture) in Baikonur.

    In 1971 he was sent to Moscow to enter the music school, where he entered the department musical comedy music school named after the Gnessins, to the class of Margarita Iosifovna Landa. While still studying, he became a soloist of the State Variety Orchestra under the direction of L. O. Utesova. He graduated from only two classes of college.

    In 1974 he was awarded the first prize at international competition « Golden Orpheus" V Bulgaria And "Sopot-1974" in Poland - he became one of the most popular young performers on the Soviet stage. In the winter of 1974, it was first shown on TV in the Artloto program. And the very next day the whole country was talking about a tall young man with an inimitable baritone voice, large curls of black hair and a white-toothed smile. One after another, records with songs performed by him began to be released, and television, radio, and the press joined in the active propaganda of the singer. Tall and slender, handsome, sweet-voiced baritone Sergei Zakharov became one of the most famous singers in the Soviet Union in the mid-1970s.

    In 1975 - filming in the musical film by Leonid Kvinikhidze “ Heavenly swallows", where he played one of the main roles along with such actors as Lyudmila Gurchenko , Andrey Mironov , Alexander Shirvindt. Zakharov did not have to dub the film's dialogue. The director considered that his Ukrainian dialect would prevent him from doing this convincingly enough. Sergei went on tour, and his role was voiced Oleg Basilashvili.

    In 1977, he was convicted of a fight (a showdown between the artist and the administrator ended in a collective brawl involving Zakharov) and received one year in prison. Served time in the city Slates.

    Until 1985 he worked at the Leningrad Music Hall, then at philharmonic societies different cities of Russia.

    Since 1985 he has been working independently, first with his own ensemble, and since 1991 with pianist Alexander Kogan.

    In 1985, Sergei Zakharov became the soloist of the art agency of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg.

    In 1986 the first solo concert at the State Central concert hall"Russia". On the stage of the most prestigious hall in the country, Sergei Zakharov first appeared before the audience in the role of the sparkling Don Juan, the ardent Don Quixote, the lyrical Mister X... Many of the singer’s solo programs were shown on Central Television.

    In 1996, the singer suffered clinical death: gave 60 concerts in support election campaign Yeltsin and overexerted himself.

    The singer toured 43 countries (Great Britain, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, Austria, etc.), performing a program of Russian romantic music, works by P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rachmaninov, M. Glinka, M. . Mussorgsky, with arias from the operettas “Maritza”, “Circus Princess”, “Silva”. In addition to pop songs (“Moscow Windows”, “Return of the Romance”, “Dark Eyes”, “Love, Love”, “Love You”, “White Snow”, “About You and About Me”, etc.) and romances, Sergei Zakharov pays a lot of attention opera art. Large quantity radio recordings, “Blue Lights”, “Songs of the Year”, government concerts. For four years in a row, Zakharov took part as an honorary guest in the programs of the International Festival " Slavic bazaar ».

    Zakharov’s role model was and remains Georg Ots. “I met him in the 1970s,” said Sergei, “and since then my work has been under the sign of his blessing. He, having lived a long time creative life, never betrayed himself in anything - the very embodiment of nobility and culture.”

    In 2010, as part of a discussion about the creation of private prisons in Russia, Zakharov said that he considered it possible to organize similar establishments, but only for teenagers and women - so that they have the opportunity to be in normal conditions and correct themselves.

    Sergei Zakharov is a member of the St. Petersburg Prisoners' Assistance Fund.

    IN lately [When? ] a hall was specially ordered for Sergei Zakharov in the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture named after I. I. Gaza, where he annually appears before listeners with a concert program.

    Majority last concerts Zakharov are not just a commercial tour: all concerts are dedicated to some figures of Russian culture, who at one time became teachers for the artist. For Zakharov, as for any other boy of that time, Muslim Magomayev was the person who inspired. Thanks to his creativity, Sergei began to dream of becoming a singer.

    Sergei's constant stage wardrobe is a white tailcoat and a black tailcoat, and this is symbolic for a man who was both a prisoner and a winner in his life. In his younger years, he “went to see the world and show himself” - he performed at six competitions, and each of them had international status. In Poland young artist called “European” (that is, European) - a rather unusual word for Russia, but this nickname was flattering for Zakharov.

    Over 200 articles published in domestic and foreign publications since 1974 are devoted to the work of Sergei Zakharov. Zakharov is characterized by expressiveness, sincerity of performance, ability to hold oneself on stage, and deep lyricism. And, at the same time, having in a wonderful voice, he can turn it up to full power when the song calls for it. It’s not for nothing that they say about Zakharov that he sings with his soul, and during every meeting the audience is convinced of this.

    Lives and works in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the suburbs of St. Petersburg - Zelenogorsk, and tours extensively throughout the country and abroad. He is the President of the Northern Star cultural foundation. Active social activities, helps a lot to veterans of the St. Petersburg scene. He is deputy chairman of the Union of Concert Workers of St. Petersburg. Every year in spring and autumn, the Union holds two charity concerts at the St. Petersburg House of Stage Veterans. In addition, Zakharov heads the All-Russian children's festival"Little Stars", takes part in international festivals“Romansiada” and “Golden Hit”, on the shore of Lake Herbert von Karajan. The most valuable specimens are the first ones Chaliapin's"coal" plates of 1903.


    about the privacy policy of personal data

    autonomous cultural institution of the Udmurt Republic

    "Concert association "Udmurt State Philharmonic"

    Izhevsk, 2017

    I. General provisions

    This Statement on the Personal Data Privacy Policy, hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy, is a local document autonomous institution culture of the Udmurt Republic “Concert Association “Udmurt State Philharmonic”, hereinafter referred to as the Operator, located at: 426008, Izhevsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 245, and determines the procedure for processing personal data and protecting information about individuals (hereinafter referred to as Users) using services, information, services, programs (incl..

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