Seeing lightning striking a window in a dream. In a dream, see Lightning. Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Lightning - amazing natural phenomenon, which is difficult to ignore. Many ancient legends and myths are associated with it. Lightning is a very clear symbol in dreams. Therefore, you always want to understand why this phenomenon is dreamed of. From an energy point of view, lightning can be considered driving force all human actions.

Lightning can appear in a variety of dream scenes. That is why it is considered an ambiguous symbol that is not easy to decipher. And even if lightning is not the main symbol in night dreams, one cannot help but pay attention to it. In order to understand why lightning appeared in a dream, you should analyze the situation in real world and compare it with the information presented in dream books.

Thunderstorm and lightning

Quite often, dreamers see a thunderstorm with flashing lightning from afar. Such a dream can be interpreted in two ways. It may foreshadow how happy events V real life, and focus attention on a person on temporary difficulties in reality. You should also know that lightning seen in night dreams indicates a remarkable inner strength the dreamer and confirms his powerful natural potential.

See the flash of lightning

If you saw the flash of lightning from afar, but did not hear the sound of thunder, then this indicates that complete well-being and tranquility will reign in your house. You get true pleasure when communicating with loved ones.

Why do you dream of a clap of thunder?

But if you heard a clap of thunder after the lightning, then this indicates that life difficulties await you ahead, which, however, you will be able to overcome quite easily. Very often, a thunderstorm foreshadows the emergence of misunderstandings with superiors or other high-ranking officials. It is important to set yourself up in a friendly and positive manner; this will allow you to quickly stabilize the situation.

When you dream of a thunderstorm, no matter how frightening the dream is, you should understand that it brings happiness closer to you in reality. Moreover, in real life, honors await you, and you will be able to occupy a very high position in society. There are other interpretations of dream plots:
    If lightning is accompanied by rain, then in reality your soul is filled with emotions. It may very well be that in the near future you will fall in love. Summer lightning, seen in your night dreams, promises you good health. This dream focuses on strong immunity, which will allow you to successfully overcome any illness. But on the other hand, such a dream is a reminder that one should not forget about healthy way life. When in a dream you saw that lightning struck the ground, this speaks of your carelessness. It is necessary to be more attentive to the situation in the real world and try to think through all your actions and decisions in advance. Ball lightning is a harbinger of significant life changes. Moreover, you need to tune in to the fact that many events that occur will not depend on you.

Why do you dream about strong lightning?

If you saw lightning from afar in your night dreams, but at the same time it was so strong that it illuminated everything around on earth, then this indicates that luck will smile on a person close to you. And you should under no circumstances envy him.

A flash of lightning lit up the sky

When a flash of lightning brightly illuminates the sky, you will learn some secret that those around you have been hiding from you for a long time. If a person in love dreams of lightning, then this portends happy marriage in the near future.

Seeing yourself in the epicenter of a thunderstorm

When in your night dreams you see yourself in the epicenter of a thunderstorm and try to hide from it, this is certainly a frightening sign. But in fact, if you dreamed that lightning struck near you, then this is a good omen. First of all, this can promise great joy associated with receiving unexpected and very large income.

Walking in the rain with lightning

The most asked question is why you dream about walking under lightning. When you happened to be walking in heavy rain in your night dreams, at a time when lightning flashed in the sky and thunder roared, then in real life you are about to fall in love. Most likely, it will be love at first sight. In addition, such a dream symbolizes your constant source of income, which is reliable and will not be threatened in the near future. In some dream books there is an interpretation of such a dream, connected with the fact that you will have an idea in life that will allow you to become more independent and prosperous. Sometimes there is also a transcript indicating what you will receive advantageous offer, which certainly needs to be accepted.

When, according to the plot of the dream, you are running away from a thunderstorm, this indicates that in your soul you have doubts about the recent decisions taken. And yet they are completely in vain. On the other hand, such a dream pushes you to take decisive action in reality, because this is the only way to avoid missing out on good luck. Besides:
    For the unemployed, such a dream indicates that the search for work will be crowned with success; For participants in litigation - a win in a court case; For businessmen and entrepreneurs - a profitable deal.

When lightning strikes you

It is very important to understand why you dream of a lightning strike. A good sign is a dream in which lightning struck you. This promises in reality wealth, honor and absolute well-being. In addition, a lightning strike symbolizes insight. He focuses on the fact that at the moment a person has enough strength to realize own ideas into life. Such dreams are considered especially favorable for creative personalities. But if lightning strikes another person, then in reality you should expect to receive disturbing news. Also an unfavorable sign is a dream in which you see lightning striking a crowd of people. This warns that your life will be filled with conflicts and strife.

Lightning fascinates with beauty

If you are in a dream at the epicenter of a storm and at the same time the picture of the elements fascinates you, then this indicates that in reality a period of decisive action is coming. This dream indicates that the most opportune moment has come to start any projects and implement ideas. But if you were very frightened in a dream, then this portends that in life you will find yourself in difficult situation which you can only resolve with the help of people close to you.

interpretation of sleep lightning struck

According to Miller’s interpretation, a dream of lightning foreshadows a bright, positive, but very short-lived “flash” in life. If it is black and strikes in dark clouds, then it foreshadows problems that will not leave you for a long time. Lightning flashing in the dark in ominous clouds always dreams of losses, losses and disappointments.

If lightning strikes in a dream, it means disasters and destruction. If in a dream you witnessed a lightning strike on a house or tree, then in reality you will see “heavenly wrath”, the punishment of people for their evil deeds. Lightning in the sky can indicate death or respiratory diseases.

interpretation of sleep lightning struck

Lightning in a dream means a warning about danger if it struck a sleeping person, and if it struck a house, then incredible news.

lightning struck in a dream what does it mean

A lightning strike is separate from thunder, according to the interpretation of dreams according to Holy Quran, is a sign of returning to the true Path after long wanderings and delusions. Also, being struck by lightning can mean good news about the return of someone or an addition to property, perhaps unexpected help from afar.

interpretation of sleep lightning struck

According to Freud, a lightning strike in a dream foreshadows unexpected joy, for example, from a new meeting with a person of the opposite sex who seems interesting to you. If lightning struck the place where you were standing, then perhaps love at first sight awaits you, which will flare up as sharply and unpredictably as the lightning itself. If something was destroyed by the blow, then get ready for the same all-consuming passion.

lightning struck the dream book

Lightning struck - such a dream portends joy that you did not expect at all.

A strike of bright lightning in a dream means unexpected news from afar. If it hits you, then you may soon be drawn into some kind of conflict - beware.

what does it mean if lightning strikes in a dream

If lightning strikes in the clouds, this is good sign, such lightning brings an abundance of earthly goods and prosperity. If it sparkles in a clear sky, then this means punishment, retribution for sins.

what does it mean if lightning strikes in a dream

If you dreamed of a lightning strike in the summer, then this is a positive sign - it means that in the near future your health will be in perfect order. To prolong this condition, you need to tie a woolen thread around your neck. If you dreamed of lightning in winter, then soon you will have to make repairs. To make this process go without haste and rash actions, draw a cross or a circle on each wall of the house.

A dream in which the elements are raging is often contrasted with the calm in reality. Visions in night dreams are for the most part a projection of the dreamer’s thoughts, that quiet and lo and behold, of course, is good, but very insipid. According to the dream book, the sleeper subconsciously waits for change. And if you still haven’t figured out why you dream of lightning, then it’s time to turn to the interpretation of the dream.

Lightning strike

Did you dream about lightning? This means that in reality you will receive unexpected news very soon. According to Modern dream book the news will be very unexpected and will even stun the dreamer in reality.

A dream in which a lightning strike is noted should be taken as a warning. And if a person comes under attack, his daily fate will radically change.

If in a dream you dreamed of lightning striking where you commanded it, then in reality you most likely have everything under your control. Night vision confirms your ability to clearly follow the course of events in accordance with your own desires.

Did you dream about how lightning struck a house? According to the interpretation of dreams, such an episode is a warning and gives a hint on how to avoid danger. So, if the dreamer’s house was damaged, then problems in relationships with household members are quite possible in the near future.

If in a dream lightning struck the ground not far from you, then in reality you should expect important news. And the Universal Interpreter advises not to neglect important news.


Are you wondering why you dream of ball lightning? Nostradamus believes that such a night vision warns of an attack from space or a disaster on earth.

Bad weather

If you dreamed of lightning or rain, then in reality for the sleeper, reality will begin to develop to match the elements. Of course, events will not always be good, but they will help diversify life.

You dreamed of bad weather and you find yourself at a loss, wondering why this episode is happening in your dreams? For the most part, the interpretation of a dream depends on the attitude of the dreamer himself to each specific natural phenomenon in reality. According to the Wanderers' dream book, if bad weather in a dream causes negative emotions and frightens, then in reality events will turn out extremely well.

A dream in which thunder and lightning are an integral part should be interpreted as a harbinger of victory. Such a vision confirms that life circumstances and even natural forces will be on the dreamer’s side. Grishina believes that the sleeper will be a resounding success.

Another interpretation of what dreams of thunder, lightning, thunder mean is waiting big changes, that not only the life of the sleeper will be affected, but also his inner world. Surely in the near future the dreamer will have to reconsider his life principles and beliefs.

Other interpretations of sleep

The violence of the elements, dreamed of in a dream, predetermines various events and their course for the dreamer in reality. Such a dream, with the same probability, can foretell to the sleeper both a pleasant acquaintance, an unexpected insight, and sad news.

For example, the interpreter Hasse predicts that the sleeping person will receive good news, Freud’s dream book promises a new love. And according to the interpretation of the dream Esoteric dream book the dreamer will soon be able to reveal extraordinary abilities. Thus, each prediction can change the life of the sleeper and bring new impressions into it.

According to Miller, lightning in a dream is a symbol of success. However, it can be short-lived and lead to a strong shock for the dreamer.

Such a plot advises paying more attention to the people around the dreamer, since success is a fickle value and very soon the sleeper may again need the help and support of loved ones.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...
1. Lightning- (Modern dream book)
Dreaming of lightning predicts short-term prosperity and happiness. If you dream that lightning strikes near you and you feel the strike, then your friend’s luck will destroy you, or you will be upset by gossip around your name. Seeing bright lightning against the backdrop of black clouds foretells that sadness and difficulties will be constant companions of your luck. If you dream that you were struck by lightning, then this is a sign of failure in love and commerce. Seeing lightning above your head in a dream is a harbinger of joy and profit. Lightning flashing from the south side is a sign that luck will disappear from you for a while. If reflections of lightning are visible in the southwest, then expect an attack have a nice day; if you see it in the west, then your tomorrow's prospects will be more impressive than today's. Lightning seen in the north is a harbinger that you must remove obstacles from your path before implementing your plans. Lightning seen in the east means that you will easily win good luck. Lightning striking from dark ominous clouds is always a harbinger of threats, losses and disappointment. After such a dream business people You should carefully monitor your affairs, and women should try to be closer to their husbands and mothers. Children require close supervision.
2. Lightning- (Miller's Dream Book)
Lightning in your dreams foretells happiness and prosperity for a short period of time. If lightning illuminates some object near you and you feel a shock, then you will be excited about the successful fate of a friend or, on the contrary, tormented by gossip and gossip. Seeing black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite a long time. If lightning illuminates you, then unpredictable grief shakes your soul. Seeing lightning above your head is a good sign, promising joy and lasting income. Lightning flashing in the dark among ominous clouds always portends threats, losses and disappointments: businessmen should do more about their business, women should be near their husbands and mothers, children and the sick require supervision after such a dream.
3. Lightning- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Incredible news, dangerous situation
4. Lightning- (Esoteric dream book)
Seeing is an extraordinary event associated with your intellectual awakening. A lightning strike is the discovery of extraordinary abilities, most often clairvoyance.
5. Lightning- (Intimate dream book)
Seeing flashing lightning in a dream means something will soon happen in your life that you do not expect. Most likely this will be an acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex with whom you will spend a lot of time together. At the very beginning, you may not see anything particularly attractive in him; you may even think that this is “not the hero of your novel.” If in a dream you stand in the place where lightning struck, then this is a symbol of new love, which, moreover, will arise as unexpectedly as lightning struck in the dream. Most likely, it will be passion at first sight. Don’t try to predict events; insight will come very unexpectedly. If lightning struck where one of your loved ones was (especially your partner), then such a dream suggests that this person may have a problem in their sexual life in the near future and you will not play a role in this last role. This will not happen soon, so be careful how you behave - perhaps complications can be avoided. If in your dream lightning destroyed some object, then this is a symbol that your future love will become not only all-consuming, but also such that you will want to give up everything in the world. Try to ensure that as few of your loved ones as possible suffer from your passion.
6. Lightning- (David Loff's Dream Book)
The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like zippers - and don't mind this element. Others are frightened by its strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention. You can control lightning - this is an attempt to deal with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against disappointment and breakdowns. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed. Lightning also serves as a warning. If you are afraid of it in life, the lightning effect can be caused by a person nearby or a building you enter. In this form, the mind provides a visual warning. In this there is the presence of an element of punishment, divine wrath, which manifests itself in the form of arrows of lightning and is personified Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor. Where did lightning strike? Was anyone seriously injured in this? Where did the lightning come from and at what moment?
7. Lightning- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
Seeing a bright flash of lightning in a dream means that in reality you will receive unexpected news from afar. If you were hit by lightning in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict. A dream in which you saw ball lightning descending from the sky means an invasion from outer space. Seeing people die from burns from ball lightning in a dream is a bad sign. Due to pollution environment an environmental disaster is possible. A dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a clap of thunder is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your life positions.
8. Lightning- (Dream book of fortune teller Vanga)
Lightning is a sign of destruction and misfortune. Seeing lightning in the sky in a dream means fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases. If you dreamed that lightning struck a house or tree and set it on fire, then this means that you are about to witness heavenly wrath, which will punish many people for their sins - ungodly thoughts and deeds.

Lightning is a dream of happiness and prosperity - albeit short-lived.

If you see lightning above your head, joy and lasting income are ahead.

If lightning illuminates an object near you, good luck awaits your friend.

But black lightning among dark clouds is a sign that sorrows and difficulties will haunt you for quite a long time. After similar dream businessmen need to fully concentrate on their business, and women need to vigilantly monitor what is happening in the family.

There are other interpretations of dreams about lightning. For example, if you see flashing lightning in a dream, know that something will soon happen in your life that you did not expect. Most likely, this is a new acquaintance, and you and this person will spend a lot of time together. You won’t see him right away, but then you will understand that this is “the hero of your novel.”

If in a dream you are standing in the place where lightning struck, then soon a thought will arise in your soul. new love. It will probably be passion at first sight.

If lightning struck where your loved one was, then perhaps that person may have some problems in the near future. You can cause these troubles, so be careful how you behave - then complications can be avoided.

If in your dream lightning destroyed an object, then your future love will become so all-consuming that people close to you may suffer from it.

Nostradamus believed that a bright flash of lightning in a dream means receiving unexpected news from afar. The fortuneteller interpreted such dreams as follows.

If you were hit by lightning in a dream, then try to show more restraint in reality, as they will try to drag you into a conflict.

Seeing people die from burns from ball lightning in a dream is a bad sign.

A dream in which you saw a flash of lightning and heard a clap of thunder is a warning. Perhaps you should reconsider your positions in life.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered lightning a sign of destruction and misfortune. She said that lightning in the sky symbolizes fires, which will not only cause destruction and leave many homeless, but also bring death and respiratory diseases.

And in D. Loff’s dream book it is said: “The image of lightning in a dream is interpreted in different ways. Some people like zippers - and don't mind this element. Others are intimidated by their strength and unpredictability. However, there are many other manifestations of power that deserve attention.

You can control lightning - this is an attempt to cope with real problems. In this case, lightning is a valuable weapon in the fight against disappointment and relapse. Sweep them out of your way with lightning speed.

Lightning also serves as a warning.

If you are afraid of it in life, the lightning effect can be caused by a person nearby or a building you enter. In this form, the mind provides a visual warning. In this there is the presence of an element of punishment, divine wrath, which manifests itself in the form of lightning bolts and is personified by the Greek god Zeus and the Nordic god Thor.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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