Why do you dream about crows? Talking crow in a dream. Freud's interpretation of black crows

It is difficult to find a person who would love black crows. Since ancient times, it has been believed that this bird has dark energy. Previously, crows accompanied sorcerers and were their assistants. Nowadays people do not believe in such fairy tales, but they are still afraid of seeing a black raven in a dream.

black crow

If a person attaches meaning to his dreams, he will be promptly aware of what is happening in his life. Not all people have the opportunity to sit down every evening and review their day by writing down their thoughts and feelings. And the subconscious mind does this. Therefore, it can from time to time remind a person of something or warn him against mistakes. What awaits a person who sees a black crow in a dream? The subconscious sends a similar image to people who cannot or do not know how to make decisions on their own. Such people prefer to ask others for their opinions. People who don't know what exactly they want from life always end up losing. Therefore, if a dreamer sees a crow in his night dreams, he needs to think about what is happening in his life now. A person relies too much on the opinions of others and gradually begins to lose his individuality.

Flock of Crows

A black crow in a dream and in reality is an omen of death. A person who saw a flock of birds in his night dreams will soon lose someone close to him. You need to figure out who from his circle is dying and come to say goodbye to the person. And perhaps the dreamer will even be able to save the life of a loved one. If health problems are detected early, they can be eliminated. But a flock of crows is not always bad sign. If the dreamer has friends who are suffering from severe and incurable disease, then death will be a welcome gift for them. The dreamer should not warn the person about anything, but visit a friend in last time need to. Talk to the patient, please him with something for the last time.

Crow is carrying something

You need to interpret images seen in night dreams very carefully. A black crow in a dream is not always a bad sign. If a bird is carrying something in its beak, and then lets go of its load and it falls to the ground, then the dreamer should rejoice. Waiting for him soon material well-being. Money will be found or come from an unexpected source. For example, you will inherit a decent fortune from your uncle, allowing you to live comfortably for a year. The subconscious mind warns a person about money for a reason. The dream is given to a person for the purpose of preventing him from wasting all his money. They should be put into action. The dreamer must develop a business plan and open his own enterprise. If such a method of enrichment seems too complicated to a person, it means that he needs to invest the money somewhere so that it earns interest.

Catch a crow

Are you a lucky person? Seeing a black crow caught in a dream is a good sign. Good luck will soon smile on the dreamer. The dark streak of life has ended, and the bright one begins. Failures and troubles that have accompanied the person for a long time will go away. A person will be able to breathe easily and freely. But you shouldn't enjoy life for long. While luck is on your side, you need to use it. Think about what you have always dreamed of doing? Make your dream come true. Now is the right time. Be bold. But don't tell others about your plans. Let happiness be quiet, then it will last long.

If you caught and then quickly released a crow in a dream, your luck will be short-lived. Do not start any complex projects, limit yourself to eliminating current troubles. People who dreamed similar dream, can safely play gambling, they will be successful.

Kill a crow

Can a person be very happy in the raven? Such dreams portend to a person that the enemy, who did not give him the opportunity to exist normally, will soon leave the path. The dreamer must think about the best way to eliminate the enemy. Try to eliminate the person from your path without quarrels and conflicts. Avoid it. Let the person remain standing in his place, and you continue to move on. This outcome of events will be the most acceptable.

In the fight against the enemy, you can ask your friends for help. They will give good advice and provide moral support in difficult situations.


What does a black crow mean in a dream? A bird that croaks notifies the dreamer that his enemies are slandering him behind his back. Gossip and rumors that spread about your personality can greatly tarnish your reputation. Think about which of your friends is capable of ruining your life. When you find such a person, try to exclude him from your social circle. But before that, tell everyone you know that the stories that the man told with such gusto at every opportunity are lies. By bringing the person to clean water, force her to publicly admit that everything told was a fiction. After something like this sincere confession, no matter what rumors spread about you again, everyone will think that the same ill-wisher continues to spread them. People will stop believing gossip, which means you have achieved your goal.

Dead Crow

Can't deal with your bullies? Seeing a black raven in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will be able to rein in your ill-wishers, and perhaps even eliminate them forever. How can this be done? Overwhelm people with your authority. If the dreamer spends energy on gaining trust influential people who will become his allies, he will not have to worry about individuals plotting. After switching to new stage human development ceases to worry about petty envious people, whom he has outgrown. Such people can no longer cause harm, which means they are not dangerous.

Hold a crow in your hands

Have you seen an ominous bird in a dream? A black crow will not portend anything bad if it is in the hands of a person. How can you interpret this image? The dreamer wastes time on trifles. A person can waste his life on trifles and do absolutely useless things and things. The subconscious tells a person that it is time to become more serious and start looking for his calling. The person should reconsider his attitude towards life and think about how his time is spent. Sometimes it is very difficult to find out where precious hours are leaking. Every day you should write down what you did hour by hour. A tracker like this will shed light on the problem. A person may not realize that he spends too much time watching TV or at the computer. To change the situation, you need to create an hourly action plan and follow it minute by minute.

Crow Hunt

What were you doing in your dream? Have you been hunting for birds? What does a black raven mean in a dream? If the dreamer shot at birds in his night dreams, then in reality the person is wasting his time on people he doesn’t need. The person must reconsider his social circle and adjust it. Give up those people who constantly spoil your mood, complain about their problems and bother you with constant requests for help. You need to surround yourself with those who value you and your time. Take a closer look at those people who are higher than you on the social ladder. Make friends among them. A person grows when circumstances force him to do so. Find opportunities to communicate with smart people. Thanks to your new environment, you will be able to become a better person.

The personification of evil, “witch bird” - these are the unpleasant epithets often given to the black raven. But at the same time, this representative of the feathered family was considered a symbol of wisdom, reason, and patience. That is why, answering the question of why a black raven dreams, dream books offer interpretations that vary greatly. How to correctly decipher a vision? Try to remember as many small details as possible in the morning. They are the ones who can play decisive role in the interpretation of night vision.

Miller's opinion

A dream in which you saw a black raven tells you to beware of thieves and robbers. Take care of your safety.

The dark streak is over, henceforth adversity and misfortune will pass you by - this is why the black raven dreamed of being dead, Miller will explain.

Eating crow meat in a dream means that you may be unfairly slandered.

Miller’s dream book also says that a vision in which a black raven quietly knocks its beak on the window warns the sleeper that he is making mistakes and leading an unrighteous lifestyle. And if the bird hits its beak quite hard and loudly, then it’s time to think about changing priorities and guidelines.

Gypsy predictions

Interpretations offered by ancient Gypsy dream book, are distinguished by surprise and originality. What does a black raven dream about, according to the versions of this source?

Turning to the details, we learn that a flock of noisy black crows predicts in reality a noisy celebration, a party. If in a dream a lone black bird circled overhead, then expect unexpected news upon awakening.

A dream in which a dark-winged representative of birds fluttered out of its nest is a warning: now is not the time to start new projects or begin to implement serious plans.

A family holiday is about to take place in the house of someone who was sleeping and saw how two crows sat on the windowsill and began to croak loudly. Why did you dream that you were holding black bird chicks in your hands? To the fact that a period of harmony, peace, and prosperity will come in life.

Huddled together

Did you dream of a black flock of crows? According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, this is a sign that someone speaks very poorly about you. But if the birds gathered together were also noisy, then Aesop’s dream book predicts terrible cataclysms and natural disasters that can affect not only the sleeping person, but also his fellow countrymen and fellow citizens.

However, in the Slavic Dream Book there is a more peaceful interpretation of this plot. If numerous birds huddled together in a night fantasy, then the weather will change dramatically.

Bird in the house

You risk losing something important and valuable - this is what Pastor Loff thinks the black raven flying into your house meant. And if the bird, after circling around the rooms, flew out the window again, then quarrels and conflicts with family members cannot be avoided.

A little crow, which in a dream behaves like a tamed bird, sits calmly on your shoulder - this is a sign that when you wake up, you will receive the long-awaited news. And if an adult bird perches on your shoulder and even eats from your hands, then know that in the most difficult situations you will be able to find common language with the most demanding business partners and even competitors.

Unpleasant discoveries

In a dream, were you attacked by a huge black raven, protecting its offspring? Eastern dream book explains: you will become aware of the secrets of your children, and it is likely that this will become a cause for concern. And if the dreaming bird simply behaves aggressively for no obvious reason, then take a closer look at the people around you. Among them there may be hypocritical and treacherous types who secretly harm you.

In many cultures around the world, the crow holds a special place. A variety of mythical properties were attributed to her. Some folk tales indicate that this bird is a guide to other world, and according to other legends she is considered a messenger from the afterlife.

To understand why the crow dreamed, you need to remember the smallest details of the plot. You should not think that this bird is a harbinger of sadness; dream books offer a variety of interpretations. It's very important to remember appearance the crow that appeared in your night dreams. Your behavior regarding the bird you saw in a dream is also important.

Seeing a crow from afar

If in a dream you saw a crow in the distance and did not touch it, then this is a very favorable sign. It symbolizes your confidence and fearlessness. At the present time, you feel like a powerful person and you can handle a lot.

Why do you dream of a black raven?

Very often the question arises as to why a black raven dreams. Such a dream may be a direct warning that real life they want to deceive you. To avoid this for some time, you need to be safe and control everything that happens around you, as well as personally check any information that comes to you. But if you dream of a black crow in a cage, then this symbolizes that you have a strong influence on the people around you.

A large number of crows seen in a dream warns that the time has come to pay attention to your own health. And if in your night dreams you did not see the bird itself, but heard its croaking, then this warns that in reality you may commit a rash act or make the wrong decision. It is unlikely that this will lead to serious consequences, but there will be troubles.

dead crow

If you happened to see a dead crow in a dream, then there will be no troubles in the near future. You can calmly go about your planned activities. Other dream plots may mean the following:
    Many noisy crows jumping on the ground and sitting on tree branches foreshadow a noisy party with friends. A crow flying through the air foretells receiving important news. There is a high probability that you will not be ready for them, since they will be too unexpected. A crow flying out of the nest indicates that it is advisable to abandon the plan for a while. Flocks of crows in the trees are a harbinger of a large family gathering at which there will be discuss important issues.

A white crow seen in a dream is considered good sign. He indicates that the dreamer’s merits will be fully appreciated in the near future and this, of course, can be expressed in material rewards. Besides, white crow may symbolize an extraordinary person whom the dreamer will soon meet.

Actions of a crow in a dream

If you dreamed that a black crow was staring at you in a dream, you should not be afraid. Such a dream indicates that you will see something important in real life. But at the same time you will only be a witness, not a participant. And when a crow flies up to you in a dream and sits next to you, it symbolizes your sadness. Moreover, it may well be inexplicable and causeless. You need to force yourself to be more optimistic about life.

A crow flew into your house

If, according to the plot of the night's dreams, a crow flew into open window your home, then this foreshadows a family reunion. But you should pay attention to the following:
    If a crow, having flown in, continues to fly around the room, then harmony and calm will come to the family, without any effort on your part. If the crow sits on the furniture, then in order to create a friendly family you will have to work hard.
If a black crow pecks at a window glass in a dream, then this warns that danger is looming over you in life. But if it does white birds, then there is nothing to fear, but you need to wait for good news that will bring joy to your home. Other actions in a dream in which a crow dreamed can be interpreted as follows:
    Killing a crow means defeating your enemies or competitors. Eating crow meat in a dream means you will soon fall in love and spin in a whirlpool of feelings and emotions. Hunting a crow is a harbinger of a good harvest. Catching a crow with your hands means entering into a serious conflict with someone in reality. Picking up little chicks means expecting a period of calm and prosperous life.

Aggressive crow

If you dreamed of an aggressive crow that attacks you, then this is an unfavorable sign. He foretells that the dreamer will have to experience feelings in reality that will be very unpleasant for him. And if the bird nevertheless attacked and managed to defeat you, then this foreshadows a separation from your loved one, due to the machinations of ill-wishers. But if, as a result of the battle with the crow, you managed to fight off, then you will be able to maintain your relationship with your loved one, although you will have to go through a difficult period. Also, a victory over a crow can portend bright victories in the business sphere.

Talking Crow

When, according to the plot of the dream, a talking crow flies into your home, you need to remember its croaking. If the bird warned of danger, then in reality it is necessary to exercise caution. Some dream books focus the dreamer’s attention on the fact that the louder the crow’s croak, the greater trouble a person can expect in reality.

A black raven is pecking you

When storyline based on the fact that a black raven pecks at some part of the dreamer’s body, this portends serious illness. This is a very disturbing dream that is of a warning nature. Therefore, it is better to undergo a medical examination after such a dream.

Feed the crow

If in your night dreams you have to feed a crow, then you will easily overcome any obstacles on the way to your goals. This will be due to the fact that no enemies will be able to interfere with you. You will be able to uncover all the intrigues of your enemies, and you will definitely achieve success.

The dream book explains in detail why a black crow dreams. What is there to hide, the sign seen in a dream is considered unkind by many interpreters. At the same time, dream fragments often serve as hints on what to do in reality. Sometimes a symbol brings power and unique knowledge, the only question is whether you are ready to accept them.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book contains many explanations of why a black crow dreams. If you happen to see her building a nest, there is a high probability of a large-scale disaster. When the soothsayer stares at you in a dream, you will see something frightening in reality.

The persistent bird foreshadows separation. If she snatched or dragged something away, there is a test ahead; if she dropped it, you will make a profit. I happened to see a friend in the form of a black crow - something would sadden him. A flock circling in the sky promises an epidemic; sitting on the ground - a crop failure.

What to Expect in Love

In the predictions of why a black crow dreams, you can find answers to how the symbol will affect your personal life. For lonely dreamers big bird in a dream means that someone is interested in them. If you dreamed of plucking a bird, an exciting acquaintance is just around the corner.

An unsuccessful attempt to take off means the danger of being drawn into a love game. The Birthday Dream Book advises not to take intrigue and flirting at face value. A large Karkusha in a dream indicates the infidelity of a partner.

Giants and babies

If the individual in the dream was not just big, but huge, pay attention to the interpretation of the dream from the sage Aesop. His dream book says that a bird of incredible size will literally make the sleeper feel omnipotent. The interpreter advises not to tempt fate in vain.

If lovers dreamed of a huge prophetess, Sigmund Freud believes that the relationship is based solely on physical attraction, but the spiritual base is not strong enough to create a strong union. A large specimen in a dream promises new knowledge that can be used for good.

Little crows in hands mark the beginning of a period of stability and prosperity.

Bird attack

The explanation of why you dream that a black crow is attacking often contains warnings. If you dreamed about this, the dream interpreter recommends being careful about theft.

The dream book also contains more positive interpretations of what to expect when a winged creature attacks in a dream. If you manage to defeat the aggressor, in reality you will make new friends.

Victory over the aggressor who attacks portends great changes.

Feathered biter

In dream books there are various meanings for which signs of a black crow's aggression are seen in dreams. If a bird in a dream hits with its beak and tries to pinch painfully, here are the pitfalls that await the sleeper:

  • If a bird bites in a dream, in real life someone is planning evil;
  • If you dreamed about a winged predator biting your face, you will hear offensive words;
  • When a jackdaw pecks the dreamer, he is threatened with unpleasant news;
  • A bird attack portends unexpected difficulties in business;
  • If you manage to fight off a creature that is pecking in a dream, success awaits you in reality;
  • Did you dream about how a bird bit you with impunity? The machinations of the enemies will reach their goal.

I feel sorry for the bird!

Most dream books claim that everything a dead black crow dreams about is good sign. The symbol promises successful overcoming of everyday adversity and unconditional victory over the enemy.

Sometimes a dead carcass is identified with a kind of dedication. On the physical plane, it will manifest itself in the form of some turning point that will significantly affect the circumstances and worldview of the sleeper.

If you dreamed of a dead jackdaw, the interpreter promises a generous reward for your efforts. Any efforts and investments will soon pay off.

Only Hasse’s dream book warns that by killing a bird, the sleeper risks becoming seriously ill.

Uninvited guest

It’s interesting to know why you dream that a black crow is in the house. If she belongs to you and sits in a cage, your authority, charm, resourcefulness and other tools for influencing people know no bounds.

A guest flying into the window promises grace in the house. If you dreamed that she was flying, problems that interfere with well-being will be solved by themselves. If he sits quietly, you will have to make an effort.

If you dreamed of a similar plot, Universal dream book recommends being picky and not welcoming just anyone into your home. Loff's dream book believes that the dreamer is not confident enough that he is right.

Raven is a mystical character in many works, a symbol age-old wisdom, "witch bird" and the personification of evil. In ancient times they believed that in his form the patron spirits of peoples appeared on earth. The raven should be perceived as a symbol of enlightenment, secret knowledge that is not available to everyone. He appears in a dream to a wise person who is in search of his “I”, lonely or capable of influencing large number people.

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    Raven symbol

    If you dream of a black raven, you should prepare for deception, control everything that happens in the near future, check important information, do not be frank with people.

    A multitude of birds foreshadows illness; croaking warns of committing a rash act. A bird flying onto your shoulder means deep sadness, and its reasons are not always possible to interpret.

      The meaning changes depending on the actions in the dream:

      • A raven enters a house through a window - enemies will reveal themselves and create trouble. The person will not justify the trust. For a young girl, the plot sometimes predicts a meeting with a guy, which will bring more negativity than joy.
      • Kill him - victory over people or difficult situation; for the patient - to sustainable recovery.
      • Seeing a dead bird in an apartment means victory over adversity.
      • A raven croaks - bad news.
      • If it pecks at the dreamer, it means a disease; if in the face, it means enmity, betrayal.
      • Attacks a person - portends death.

      Freud's Dream Book

      The raven symbolizes platonic feelings and appears in the dreams of those who are not committed to a relationship. A bird croaking loudly means that the relationship is being discussed behind one's back. Another meaning of the crow's cry is the end of a relationship; scream at the cemetery - former relationship will be restored and bring joy.

      The bird's gaze follows - someone is watching and controlling the connections. If a man had a dream where his beloved turns into a crow, in reality this means that she has something to hide, but not necessarily betrayal. It is worth taking a closer look at a woman’s actions and comparing them with her words. If a bird is chasing its beloved, this is a sign of gossip, evil tongues capable of separating partners. A raven in a wife or husband’s dream is a common sign adultery. The interpretation of the dream is that life has been entrusted to the wrong person.

      A raven landed at the doorstep - foretells pregnancy, which will entail a lot of trouble. For a pregnant woman, such a dream means that the baby is in danger due to health or malice people around her, she should look around. If a bird circles over the body, for a pregnant woman this is a threat of fetal death; you need to control your condition.

      Popular interpretations

      According to Miller, if a black bird knocks on the window, the dream is a warning: not everything is okay, there are wrong guidelines, something needs to be changed in life. When a strong knock is heard, it is an alarm signal, a harbinger of friction, evil fate. There are other opinions presented in various dream books.

      According to Loff:

      • a raven flying into a window means loss of value;
      • the bird circles around the apartment and eventually flies out - to a scandal between household members;
      • a raven flying into the house and perching on the shoulder means receiving the desired news;
      • the bird feels calm in the dreamer’s hands and eats food - signifies contact with competitors, cooperation, and reconciliation.

      According to Aesop:

      • the raven circles - to trouble;
      • does not reduce his gaze to the terrible event;
      • screams - to illness;
      • sitting on a tall tree - to the end of the matter;
      • carries a snake in its paws - to a useless and troublesome acquisition.

      According to Vanga:

      • flying - to the deceased in the house;
      • bird theft - to the dreamer’s fear of being active;
      • scare away the birds - to discover the truth, expose the fraudster;
      • for a doctor and a person associated with healing - to the fact that his help will soon be needed;
      • for everyone else - to trouble.

      According to the gypsy dream book:

      • a noisy flock portends fun, a holiday;
      • bird flying in circles - unexpected news;
      • to see in a dream how a crow leaves the nest means the wrong time to implement plans, you need to wait;
      • if several birds sat on the windowsill, this is a feast in the family;
      • a crow in your hand promises a period of peace and joy.

      According to the eastern dream book:

      • the bird attacks and pecks, protecting the chick - you will have to find out the secrets of your child;
      • a large male pecks in the face - there are enemies lurking in the immediate environment, ready to do harm if the opportunity arises.

      According to the Russian dream book, a raven is a symbol of approaching trouble and overcoming it thanks to wisdom and ingenuity.

      Cawing flock:

      • according to Tsvetkov - some acquaintances have a bad opinion about the dreamer;
      • Aesop's dream book interprets a similar plot as the onset of disasters and world catastrophes;
      • according to the Slavic dream book, the darkness of birds of this species in a dream promises a change in weather conditions.