How to draw blots on a suit. Blotography in kindergarten: features and description of the technique

Drawing technique Blotography(drawing with blots by blowing them through a straw) - this is another magic among our drawing lessons. At first glance, it is incomprehensible and you don’t seem to want to take on it, but as soon as you start Creating, this first feeling disappears like smoke. The drawing seems to be born itself! Yes, the Artist arranges droplets of paint according to his own plan, but by inflating them, he can no longer predict exactly how they will disperse, flow into each other, and what the final result will be... While painting, you will enjoy the beauty of this Action! You will learn to use random effects as a basis for creativity!

This activity will be interesting for both adults and children. And it’s not only interesting, but also useful: for example, for children with delays in speech development (like articulatory gymnastics). Drawing by blowing through a straw also improves the health and strength of the lungs and respiratory system (which is especially useful for coughing).

Drawing lesson: Blotography - blowing paint through a straw

We will need:

Album sheets,

Gouache or watercolor,

Large brush,

Straw for drinks,

The rest: water in a jar, a damp cloth - wipe your hands if they get dirty.


Step 1. Dip the brush into diluted paint and spray it onto a sheet of paper. The thicker the paint, the richer color, but it is more difficult to blow out.

Step 2. We take a tube and blow through it onto drops of paint, they turn into blots.

It turns out something like this:

Chip! It will turn out very beautiful effects transition if the paint drops are of different colors.

Example of a drawing with blotting - Science laboratory:

Used here blotography blown through a straw, in combination with drawing with a black felt-tip pen (outlines of laboratory glassware), as well as two more effects:

1) Spraying from a brush(you need a brush with firm and short bristles).

2) Prints from a tube- dip the tube in thick paint and print it onto paper.

See how blotography can be combined with other drawing techniques:

All three drawings are drawing landscapes with trees, using the technique of blotography:

1st drawing: drawing trees of different colors by blowing through a tube - on a layer that has already been painted with watercolors and has dried.

2nd picture: First, they “blown out” the trees, and when the drawing had dried, they colored the spaces between the “branches” with colored pencils of different colors. This pattern vaguely resembles stained glass.

3rd picture: Blotography on a dried layer of watercolor monotype. You can find out more about how to draw a monotype in our

Subject: Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing interest in fine art.

Target: to expand the knowledge of teachers through familiarity with non-traditional drawing techniques, as a means of developing preschoolers’ interest in visual creativity.


Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical.

Equipment: drawings made using the blotography technique; children's work in visual arts using non-traditional drawing techniques; tables, chairs for teachers; material for practical activities- gouache, ink of different colors, jars of water, brushes, colored pencils, cocktail tubes, album sheets of paper, scissors, glue, strips of paper, napkins for each teacher.

Preliminary work: processing of special literature on this topic; preparation of equipment; creative work children.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 “Saxaul Tree”

Technique: blotography (blowing with a tube)

1. Prepare: a sheet of thick landscape paper, black ink in a bottle with a fine tip, a cocktail tube, colored pencils (yellow, brown, blue) for the background.

2. Draw on a piece of paper bright sun, sand.

3. Take a bottle of ink and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

6. You will get a tree like this.

MASTER CLASS No. 2 “Fairytale tree”

Technique: blotography (blowing with a tube

1. Prepare: landscape sheet of paper; colored mascara in bottles with a fine tip; cocktail straw; squirrel brush No. 3-5; palette, glass of water, colored pencils for the background.

2. Use colored pencils to prepare the background (grass, sky).

3. Take a bottle of ink of any color and put a blot at the bottom of the sheet.

4. Using a cocktail straw, blow the blot from the bottom up. When the blot is divided into several shoots (twigs), blow them out separately in the desired direction.

5. To obtain smaller branches, blow out each large branch with quick movements of the tube to the right - left, up - down.

6. Place a drop of ink of different colors on the palette and use a brush, using the dipping method, to draw leaves.

7. You will get this fabulous tree.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 “Butterfly”

Technique: blotography (monotype).

1. Prepare: gouache of different colors, a jar of water, a landscape sheet of paper, a brush, glue, a strip of paper, scissors.

2. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

3. Reveal.

4. On one half of the sheet, apply gouache along the contour with a brush.

5. Apply paint of a different color in any order.

Drawings from blots - great idea, which can diversify your creativity with your child. It was suggested to us by the talented St. Petersburg artist Sergei Rublev. For Galka-Player, Sergey has prepared a small master class that will allow you and your child to create your own unusual (and probably more than one) painting from blots. Try it, it's not at all difficult, and the result can be very impressive.

First, a little background. Last summer I spent a lot of time in the company of my nephew Mark, who was 4 years old at the time. When we're in Once again We were looking for something to do, I remembered watercolor blots, and we got down to business. And we got so carried away that in a couple of hours we ended up with about 50 blots. And it’s not so easy to get Mark interested in something, especially for a long time!

Later, while cleaning out my closet, I came across our artwork and decided to complete it with ink. So the blots turned into a series of urban and seascapes, and after several years of working and drawing on the computer, I fell in love with watercolors again.

Do you also want to try to create your own? small masterpiece from a blot? This will be interesting for children (and adults as well) different ages (Editor's note: with kids we use the “hand to hand” technique; this can also be a great idea for mom's creativity). The technology is quite simple, and materials for creativity will probably be found at home.

1. We will need watercolor paints, 6-12 colors are enough. The paper can be any kind, for example, my nephew and I drew on ordinary office paper. It is best to take large brushes; they are easier and faster to paint over the sheet. A jar of water and a rag or paper towels will also come in handy.

2. Before drawing, fold the sheets of paper in half: on one side we will draw, on the other we will make a print.

3. Wet the brush with water and take the paint. There should be enough water so that the color spots can mix on the paper, then you will get a beautiful transition between colors. I recommend using no more than 3-4 colors, then the spots will turn out bright and saturated and do not risk turning into dirty gray.

4. When one side of the sheet is painted, you can fold it in half.

5. Smooth out the folded sheet to make the print clearer and brighter.

6. The blot is ready. Let's put it aside for now to dry, but for now you can do the next one.

7. When the blot has dried, we can finish drawing it with felt-tip pens, pencils and a gel pen.

How can we “revive” our blot? The plot can be thought out in advance or further imagined when the inkblot is ready. In the first case, it could be a flower, a butterfly, the sun or a heart (by the way, interesting idea for Valentine) - something symmetrical. Then you simply apply half of the desired design onto half of the sheet.

Master class on drawing (study various techniques drawing with children preschool age)

Master Class. Unconventional drawing technique - blotography “Magic Blots”

Master class is designed for parents and educators, as well as preschool children - from 3 to 6 years old.

Purpose of the master class: Blotography is a great way to have fun and usefully spend time, experiment with paints, and create unusual images. When blowing up blots, you cannot predict exactly how they will disperse, flow into each other, and what the final result will be... This activity will be interesting for both adults and children. And not only interesting, but also useful: for example, as articulatory gymnastics. Drawing by blowing through a straw also improves the health and strength of the lungs and respiratory system (which is especially useful for coughing).

I would like to note that with the help of this type of drawing it is good to depict various trees (you get intricate trunks, branches, etc.). Try it, you will like the result!

Target: To introduce children to this method of depiction, such as blotography, to show its expressive capabilities


Arouse interest in “revival” unusual shapes(blots), learn to complete the details of objects (blots), to give them completeness and resemblance to real images; teach to see the unusual in the ordinary;

Develop creative thinking, flexibility of thinking, perception, imagination, fantasy, interest in creative activity; cultivate accuracy in painting with paints.

Materials for work:

Album sheets;

Gouache or watercolor;

Large brush;

A drinking straw or you can use a pipette;

Water in a jar;

A damp cloth - wipe your hands if they get dirty;

Cotton buds;


Blotography can be combined with different techniques visual arts, such as monotype, appliqué and others. Some of them are presented in this master class.

This method of drawing with “blots” can be used with children 3-4 years old and older.

Dip the brush into diluted paint and spray it onto a sheet of paper. The thicker the paint, the richer the color, but the more difficult it is to blow out.

We take a tube and blow through it onto multi-colored drops of paint, they turn into blots. At the same time, the sheet of paper can be rotated - the blots turn out even more interesting!

Blotography using cotton swabs

Using a large brush, place a blot in the corner of the sheet.

Using a straw, blow the paint into different directions. The result is a tree like this!

After thinking a little, this tree reminded me of a rowan tree growing alone on a slope. Using cotton swabs we paint on the berries and leaves.

We also decorate the frame using cotton swab. It is about such a rowan that Irina Tokmakova may have written the poem “Rowan”.

Red berry

Rowan gave me.

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hina.

Is it this berry?

I'm just immature

Is it the cunning rowan tree?

Did you want to make a joke?

Blotography using a felt-tip pen

Just like in previous works, we put a blot and blow out the trunk and branches using a tube. What kind of tree is this? Of course, pine!

Using a green felt-tip pen, we draw in the needles.


Above the yellow scree of the cliff

The old pine tree bent down

Shyly bare roots

She leads with the wind. (Timofey Belozerov)

Having decorated all the branches with lush needles, we begin to design a clearing around the pine tree. Apply green blots and blow them up using a straw. The result is flower stems!

We finish drawing leaves and flowers - dandelions - on the stems. Now the lonely pine is not bored at all!

Blotography + plasticineography

Using plasticine we create sea ​​bottom: we sculpt bright fish, starfish, pebbles.

But is there something missing in this drawing? Seaweed, of course! With the help of magic blots and a straw, sea grass appears! The blots are located between the pebbles, and if the paint gets slightly onto the plasticine, it’s okay, you can easily wipe it with a cloth and the work will not be ruined.

Why not the seabed! We finish drawing the bubbles and the drawing is ready!

The fish was catching up with the fish,

The fish wagged its tail

Poked in the abdomen - Caught up!

- Hey, girlfriend! How are you? (T. Vtorova)

This method of drawing is suitable for older children (5 - 7 years old). We take paint onto a brush and spray it onto a sheet of paper. Using a straw we blow out magic blots. And now the most crucial moment - you need to turn on your imagination!

In every blot

Someone is there

If in a blot

Get in with a brush.

In this blot -

Cat with a tail

Under the tail -

River with a bridge

On Bridge -

A weirdo with a weirdo.

Under the bridge -

Pike perch with pike perch.

The drawing needs to be examined from different angles and only then individual details must be completed to make the image more recognizable.

Blotography + monotopy

The background is prepared in advance using a technique called monotopy. Blots of different colors are applied to the dried layer and blown out using a tube.

    Having prepared necessary materials, you can move on to the creative process itself.

    The first step in blotting, as in any form of fine art, is an idea. Think about the image you would like to create. Of course, your goal is not to repeat this image with a stain exactly, but only something similar. The idea is the basis of painting with spots.

    Drawing technique: blotography.

    There are two main techniques for drawing blots, they can also be combined:

    1. The first technique is drip. It is usually used to create landscapes. Take a large, stiff brush and saturate it with liquid or diluted watercolor in the color you want. If you need a small stain, lightly tap it on its wooden base. If it is large, then the saturated brush needs to be shaken over the place where you want to leave the stain. Of course, you can and should use different colors and spots different sizes to create an interesting composition.
    2. The spreading technique is also common. As in the previous method, you need to take a large “barrel-shaped” brush, but not necessarily a hard one. Shake the brush and make a large spot, it is important that it is very wet and with a lot of paint. Using a straw (plastic tube), blow the liquid in different directions to form a blot with various drips. This way you have created the basis for further creativity. You can design and add to this base depending on what it reminds you of. By the way, you can use the above-mentioned drip technique if it is appropriate and matches your idea.

    Blotography is an opportunity to show your imagination and get positive emotions from creative process. Two main directions of drawing blotting have something in common with the above-mentioned techniques.

  • The first “way”: you conceive of a certain image or even a plot for yourself and embody it on paper (using the first technique).
  • Second: you create a blot indeterminate form, see what it reminds you of and add to it general shape details. That is, based on this form, you create your own.

This type of fine art is often used in kindergartens and primary school, since it is not labor-intensive, but at the same time gives a wonderful result!