How to pickle tomatoes for the winter - a simple recipe. Recipes for preparing delicious salted tomatoes for the winter

You can pickle tomatoes green or red. In any case, the thing turns out to be delightful.

And although the effect of brine from cabbage is somewhat higher, tomato is pleasant to the taste and has a more immediate effect. One drawback is that when biting, they can spill out onto your clothes and then not wash off. Salted tomatoes came into use in our everyday life not so long ago. There are no long-standing traditional recipes for pickling them yet. Mistresses before today are tirelessly pursuing various experiments, striving to surpass themselves.

The result is a tasty product that goes very well with boiled potatoes.

Ingredients (based on two to three three-liter jars):

  • tomatoes (“cream”, “chumachok” varieties) – three kilograms;
  • garlic - one head;
  • pickling broom made from horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill (with seeds) - one per jar;
  • bay leaf - two leaves, black pepper - ten peas, cloves - two buds, allspice - three peas (for each jar);
  • salt – 50 – 60 grams per jar.

How to salt tomatoes in jars for the winter:

  1. We wash the tomatoes in cold water, be sure to cut off all the tails. We do not use spoiled vegetables.
  2. We wash the pickling “broom”, cut it into pieces no longer than a match, mix, achieving uniformity of the composition. Place into jars to cover the bottom. This should take about half of the team.
  3. Add bay leaf, pepper, and cloves in the indicated quantities.
  4. We dilute one hundred to one hundred and twenty grams of salt in half a liter of boiling water, pour the hot solution into jars with spices.
  5. Add tomatoes. Don't do it with force. Add garlic cloves and the remaining “broom” to the jars. Some people arrange another layer in the middle - this is allowed.
  6. Fill the jars to the top with cold water and close with nylon lids. It is necessary to carefully shake the jar and turn it over several times to brine spread evenly.

After this, we leave the jars in a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight. After waiting for three days, we move them to a cool place for two weeks. Allowed to be stored in the refrigerator, on the balcony (if cool enough), in the cellar. The recipe for pickling tomatoes is finger licking good, try it!

For those who like to diversify their winter diet with the help of preparations, we would like to offer other twist options: pickling and salting. You can easily find all these and many other recipes in our recipe book on the website.

Pickling tomatoes delicious recipe

Salted tomatoes are considered delicious snack that you can't buy in a store. The main advantage is that vinegar is not used. Small varieties of tomatoes in glass containers look very nice. It is recommended to consume in the first half of winter, before vegetables lose the bulk of their vitamin composition.


  • pickling broom (one per jar) - horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill, parsley, celery, garlic, pepper, mustard beans, bay leaves and cloves;
  • vegetable oil - one spoon per jar;
  • salt – 100 – 140 grams per one and a half liters of water;
  • tomatoes – 3 kg for two jars;
  • sugar – 20 g per jar (add if desired).

How to pickle tomatoes for the winter:

  1. We select strong and red tomatoes, characterized by dense flesh. Unripe fruits can be used, but they should be salted in a separate container.
  2. Wash the tomatoes. To make them better saturated with salt, we pierce each one with a toothpick.
  3. It is recommended to sterilize jars.
  4. Place the tomatoes in a container and add a “broom”. Make sure the horseradish leaves are on top to prevent mold from forming. For the same purpose, vegetable oil is added, which prevents air from reaching the vegetables with its stain.
  5. Pour in not too hot (for green) or cooled (for red tomatoes) brine.

Be careful not to pour it down your throat - it may leak out during fermentation. Cover the jars with lids and leave them in the room for several days. Next, the jars are moved to a cool place and aged for another three weeks.

A simple recipe for pickling tomatoes with garlic

One of the most common recipes. Tomatoes keep well all winter.


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • fresh dill – 150 g (about a bunch);
  • garlic – 220 g (5 – 6 heads);
  • horseradish – 50 g (one medium-sized root);
  • tarragon – 25 g (2 – 3 stems);
  • hot pepper – 10 g (one pod);
  • salt – 400 gr;
  • water – 8 liters.

How to salt tomatoes using simple salting:

  1. The tomatoes are sorted, washed in cold water, and the stems are removed.
  2. It is recommended to sterilize clean jars.
  3. Tomatoes along with spicy ingredients are placed in prepared containers. Note that you can use a pan, tub, or bucket as a container. Vegetables should be placed as tightly as possible and the container should be shaken periodically. The pickling “broom” is laid out in three steps - bottom, middle, top.
  4. Pour in the brine.

If salted in a large container, then the top is covered with a napkin, on which a circle with a load is placed. Periodically it is necessary to wash the circle and remove any mold that has formed. After a month and a half, the tomatoes are completely ready to eat. But keep in mind that red tomatoes in large containers should not be salted, as they are susceptible to deformation.

Pickling tomatoes for the winter

This was the only way to preserve the grown tomato crop in the past. A lot has changed over time, but this recipe has remained unchanged. Every housewife can salt tomatoes for the winter.


  • pickling “broom” - 1 per jar;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves per jar;
  • water, preferably spring water;
  • coarse salt – 3 – 4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water;
  • tomatoes of small and medium varieties.

How to pickle tomatoes for the winter:

  1. Tomatoes are selected to be the same size and ripening. The right decision will use slightly unripe vegetables grown in open ground, with thin but fairly durable skin. Remove the stems and rinse the tomatoes thoroughly with cold water.
  2. The pickling “broom” is cut into pieces about eight centimeters long. Place about half into a three-liter glass container and leave the other half for now.
  3. We lay in the tomatoes, trying to do it as tightly as possible. At the same time, garlic is placed in the jar. The remaining spice is placed on top of each container.
  4. It’s okay if you add more salt than you should when preparing the brine. The secret is that the tomatoes will take as much as they need for pickling. We prepare the brine at the rate of one liter per three-liter jar. Dissolve the salt in boiling water, wait about seven minutes, and begin pouring it into jars.

Lightly cover the jars filled with brine with nylon lids and leave them for several days. room conditions to activate the fermentation process. When the brine becomes cloudy, the resulting gas bubbles will be visible to the naked eye, the jars are tightly covered with lids and sent to a cold place. After a couple of weeks, the tomatoes are ready and ready to eat.

How to pickle tomatoes in liter jars

It is believed that you can salt in any container, but for convenience, glass jars are used.


  • tomatoes – three kilograms;
  • salt - three tablespoons;
  • sugar - two spoons
  • pure water.

Cook together:

  1. Choose small tomatoes, pierce the skin, put it tightly in jars up to the hangers.
  2. Place large tomatoes in a saucepan and heat without bringing to a boil. Rub the mixture through a sieve, add salt and sugar.
  3. The prepared mixture is poured into jars with small tomatoes. Make sure that there is a couple of centimeters free at the top of the neck.
  4. A liter jar of tomatoes is sterilized in boiling water for ten minutes.

This recipe makes very delicious tomatoes in its own juice.

How to salt tomatoes for the winter

The recipe is convenient for those who live in urban areas without a cellar. Moreover, purchasing such a product in winter is quite expensive, but you always want something unusual, spicy, sour, salty...


  • “bouquet” for pickling – 1 per jar;
  • garlic – 3 – four cloves;
  • salt – 5 – 6 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 3 tablespoons;
  • water – 2.5 liters;
  • tomatoes.

Cooking method:

The entire recipe is based on cooking tomatoes in a three-liter glass container.

  1. A pickling “bouquet” washed in water is placed at the bottom of a clean jar.
  2. The tomatoes are washed with cold water, pierced in the stem area with a toothpick several times, and placed in a jar.
  3. Add garlic, cutting it coarsely.
  4. The water for the brine should be boiled, add salt and sugar, and wait a little. Fill jars of tomatoes with not very hot brine. At the same time, we place a metal spoon in the jar so that it comes into contact with the glass wall. This measure is necessary to prevent the glass from bursting from the hot brine.
  5. Cover the jar lightly with a lid, leaving access for air. In this position, everything remains in a warm place for a couple of days.

As soon as the brine becomes cloudy and bubbles appear, the lids are put on tightly and the jars are sent to a cool place. After a week, tomatoes can be eaten. The recipe is great!

A simple recipe for pickling tomatoes in jars

This recipe for green tomatoes has its own peculiarity. To prevent the tomatoes from turning out too harsh, they are first kept in boiling brine (water and salt) for two minutes.


  • tomatoes – 10 kg;
  • dill - 200 g (a couple of bunches);
  • currants (chokeberry variety) – 100 g (80 – 100 leaves);
  • granulated sugar – 200 gr;
  • coarse salt – 250 g;
  • water – 5 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. We sort through the tomatoes, discard spoiled ones, rinse in cold water, removing the stems.
  2. We cut the spicy set into small pieces and place them in containers (can be distributed into several layers).
  3. Boil water, dissolve salt.
  4. Place the tomatoes in boiling brine for a couple of minutes, then put them in jars.
  5. Add sugar to the brine, continuing to boil until completely dissolved.
  6. After waiting a little, fill the jars with tomatoes.

Tomatoes need to be stored in a room for several days, then moved to a cooler place. The appetizer is first class!

Salted tomatoes have always been considered one of the special delicacies in Rus'. There are many ways to pickle them for the winter. In winter, these vegetables will remind you of summer.

Many housewives like to cook salted tomatoes in jars for the winter. However, there are recipes for pickling a large number of, it all depends on what taste your family likes.

An open can of tomatoes immediately spreads the wonderful aroma of brine and spices; you can pickle tomatoes in the quantity needed for your family. They are suitable as a snack festive table, and as a treat for guests.

How tomatoes are salted for the winter, and what recipes for such salting exist, you will learn in the material. Some of them have not only a characteristic salty, but even a sweet taste.

Key principles for preparing salted tomatoes for the winter

Almost every housewife has her own signature recipe for pickling tomatoes for the winter, depending on her preferences and the tastes of her family. However, there are key rules preparations salted tomatoes, which must be followed regardless of the recipe. So, tomatoes can be salted in three ways:

  • through hot salting;
  • dry;
  • cold.

The hot method of salting tomatoes for the winter is traditional. We take jars, carefully sterilize them and put seasonings on the bottom. Place clean tomatoes on top, then pour in boiled brine, roll up the jars, cool and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

The cold salting method refers to the salting of tomatoes. in barrels, buckets, tubs and even jars. According to this recipe, tomatoes are poured with cold brine, and a round wooden board is placed on top. These pickles are stored in the cellar.

When dry pickling, there is no brine in the tomatoes. The tomatoes are laid out in layers in a tub, generously salted with coarse salt and covered with a wooden circle. They stand in the room for a while, then are transferred to the refrigerator. This option is a summer option, since it is not stored for a long time; therefore, such tomatoes cannot be stored for the winter.

There is a type of dry salting called in a fast way salt the tomatoes. They are also stored for a short time, but the vegetables will need to be peeled from their entrails and stuffed with crushed garlic, they are salted and eaten within two days.

The taste of salted tomatoes depends not only on the recipe, but also on factors such as:

  • tomato variety;
  • stages of maturity;
  • the presence of certain seasonings and other additional components.

Tomatoes need to be taken elastic and strong. They need to be salted with coarse salt. Select seasonings:

Below we offer you recipes for some salted tomatoes for the winter that you can prepare with your own hands.

Recipe for traditional salted tomatoes for the winter

This recipe will be interesting to those who love the classics and do not like to experiment with flavors in terms of pickling tomatoes for the winter. To pickle tomatoes this way, prepare the following ingredients:

  • medium tomatoes - about 2 kg;
  • clean water – 1.5 l;
  • dill – 30 g;
  • 2 z. garlic;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

All components are described based on salting tomatoes per three liters. In subsequent recipes, ingredients will be indicated based on the same calculation.

Tomatoes are traditionally salted for the winter like this:

  • Wash the jars well and sterilize them. Place dill, cinnamon and garlic on the bottom;
  • wash the tomatoes and put them to the top in jars;
  • prepare the brine - bring water to a boil, salt it and add sugar. Cook until they are completely dissolved;
  • Fill the tomatoes with boiling brine, cover the jars lightly and sterilize them in a container with boiling water for about 15 minutes. Roll them up using clean metal lids.

Place the jars in a dark place and turn them over until they cool. Then we transfer it to a cool room for the winter.

Recipe for “Homemade” tomatoes for the winter

Unlike the previous recipe, this one differs in taste and composition of seasonings used. And the tomatoes themselves turn out to be very appetizing, tender and soft.

You will need:

Tomatoes are prepared like this:

  • put all the listed spices in clean jars, except salt, sugar and mustard;
  • Wash and pierce the tomatoes, place them tightly in jars. Boil a liter of water, add salt and sugar to it, pour it over the tomatoes in the jar;
  • We take cotton cloth, scald it and cover the jars with it. The fabric should be sprinkled with mustard powder. As a result, salted tomatoes will acquire a unique taste and will not succumb to mold.

Banks need to be kept for two weeks at room temperature. Then they will need to be closed with sterile plastic lids and put in the refrigerator for a month.

Recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter “Youth”

This recipe for preparing it for the winter got its name due to the fact that green tomatoes are used for preparation. In addition, in winter, this preparation will be suitable as an ingredient for a salad for the New Year's table.

You will need:

  • young tomatoes - about 2 kilograms;
  • 7 pieces of black currant leaves;
  • 3 dill with inflorescences;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • a little allspice;
  • liter of filtered water;
  • 4 large spoons of coarse salt.

To pickle tomatoes for the winter according to this recipe, rinse the tomatoes and remove the stems. Place greens on the bottom of the jar, then tomatoes, then more greens, then hot peppers and garlic. Such fill the entire jar in layers one at a time. The final layer should be greenery.

To make brine, dissolve salt in cold water, leave for 2 minutes and fill the jar to the top. The liquid should cover the entire contents of the jar.

After you close the jar with a sterilized tight plastic lid, transfer it to a dark, cool room. The tomatoes will be completely ready to eat in a month.

Recipe for cold salted tomatoes for the winter

IN in this case applies cold type of pickling. It is carried out in a three-liter jar. For preparation you will need:

To prepare this preparation for the winter, take dry jars and put horseradish leaves on their bottom, then fill them tightly with tomatoes so as not to overwhelm them. During the filling process, the tomatoes are evenly covered with the leaves listed above, celery and garlic. Then salt and sugar are poured into the jar and filled with boiled or filtered water.

You can add a little vinegar if desired, cover the jar with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter in their own juice

This recipe will appeal to those who want to try something new in pickling tomatoes. They need to be pink or brown. They should also be small and have a high density. You will need a kilogram of these tomatoes, and you will also need an additional kilogram of ripe tomatoes. For spices, prepare additional garlic, four branches of dill, hot pepper, salt and seasoning for preserving vegetables.

Method for preparing this preparation for the winter the following:

The bank should sterilize for about half an hour, then take out the jar, close it with a lid, turn it over until it cools down completely.

Recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter in apple juice

This recipe will delight lovers of a spicy aroma; the tomatoes will be slightly sweet and original. Prepare the following:

  • strong fresh tomatoes - kilogram;
  • clarified Apple juice– 1 liter or 2.5 kg of reds fresh apples;
  • half a teaspoon of ginger;
  • 3 small spoons of salt;
  • a large spoon of sugar.

Tomatoes should be carefully placed in a clean jar. Meanwhile, the apples are passed through a meat grinder or juicer, and the resulting juice is diluted by half. Ginger is grated and added to the prepared juice.

Juice is poured into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then pour the boiling liquid into the jars. They are pasteurized for an hour, but the liquid should not boil. Then they roll up and wrap themselves up until they cool down.

Salted tomatoes for the winter in Ukrainian

Tomatoes, regardless of variety, may be suitable for this recipe. But they must be dense and hard.

The ingredients for the winter recipe are:

  • elastic tomatoes – kilogram;
  • large carrots;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • sugar – 3 small spoons;
  • a little salt;
  • a little spice.

To prepare tomatoes for the winter using this recipe, grate carrots, then place raspberry leaves in jars in layers, then carrots and tomatoes.

At the same time, prepare a steep brine. For it, dilute 100 g of salt in a liter of water and add some spices. The brine is boiled for 5 minutes, then it is cooled and poured into a jar. Cover the tomatoes tightly, place a raspberry leaf on top and close tightly with a clean plastic lid. Store the jar in a cool place.

Recipe for salted tomatoes with rowan berries for the winter

This recipe is very simple, the tomatoes will have incredible original taste. What do you need:

  • peeled tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • rowan bunches - 1.5 kg;
  • water for brine – 1 l;
  • sugar and salt.

Prepare a jar for rolling up the pickling, place tomatoes and rowan berries in it. Bring the water to a boil, dilute salt and sugar in it. Fill the jar with the resulting brine, cool it, drain it, then boil it again and fill the contents of the jar again. We repeat these steps three times. Then the jar is twisted, cooled and stored in the cellar for the winter.

Preparing sweet tomatoes for the winter

Many love original conservation, in particular, sweet marinated tomatoes. Here you will need:

  • kilogram of red tomatoes;
  • up to 4 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh dill;
  • Bell pepper;
  • half a lemon or a little citric acid;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • up to 8 black peppercorns;
  • a large spoon of salt;
  • two large spoons of sugar;
  • 5 cherry and currant leaves;
  • water - depending on the volume of the container.

According to the recipe for sweet pickled tomatoes you need choose soft and whole tomatoes, wash them. Place dill, currant and cherry leaves, bay leaves, peas and garlic in jars.

Then we place the tomatoes, heat water in a separate container and pour it over the tomatoes. They can be pierced so that they are better preserved whole and soaked in the marinade.

Dissolve sugar and salt in water and bring to a boil. Add lemon juice or acid to the jar. Pour everything into a jar and immediately roll it up. We turn sweet tomatoes in jars over and wrap them. They will be most aromatic and have a distinctive sweet flavor if they are allowed to sit for at least a month.

Regardless of whether you like your canned tomatoes sweet, salty or sour, remember to follow the key rules for pickling tomatoes.

Pickling tomatoes is a great way to make homemade preparations for the winter. There are many variety of options salting a tomato, where in addition to salt the preservative is vinegar, citric acid, even an aspirin tablet. The salting procedure can be carried out using the hot or cold method.

Surely you have a favorite recipe for salting tomatoes, but there comes a time when you want a variety of flavors. Below are presented to your attention best options pickling tomatoes.

The right tomatoes for pickling

In order for canned tomatoes to delight you with their taste and elastic texture in winter, you need to choose the right varieties for pickling. Elongated, oblong-shaped fruits with hard, dense pulp are ideal. You can salt red ones, but it is better to choose brown (slightly unripe) tomatoes. These salted tomatoes in jars for the winter look beautiful and appetizing and have the desired texture, memorable taste.

The following spices are usually chosen for pickling:

  • seeds, umbrellas, dill;
  • garlic cloves;
  • mustard seeds;
  • leaves of parsley, cherry, black currant;
  • bay leaves;
  • hot pepper (peas, fresh rings);
  • peeled horseradish root/leaves.

Spices are not placed in the jar all at once, in certain combinations. For example, lovers of the pungent taste of salted tomatoes add horseradish to jars, and fans of the sweet-spicy aroma add currant leaves.

If you are going to pickle green tomatoes, their variety and shape are not as important as their size: you should choose small-sized fruits.

Principles of salting for the winter

The process of salting vegetables in barrels and jars compared to pickling is considered more in a useful way preserving them for winter use. Boiling water and vinegar used in marinades have a destructive effect on the vitamin composition of tomatoes. Cold salting (fermentation) preserves their benefits and increases them due to the formation of enzymes necessary for good digestion. Therefore, a salted tomato will serve great addition to “heavy” meat, fried foods.

Vegetables and spices that go into jars for pickling must be clean - this is the key to the success of preservation.

Tomatoes should be thoroughly washed with water and inspected for defects. Vegetables with damaged surfaces cannot be harvested for the winter, but they can be used for quick salting.

The jars that will be used for pickling tomatoes must be sterilized with steam (can be done in a double boiler, oven, or microwave). Metal lids are also subject to mandatory processing (boiling).

If you have to cold method pickles, then clean the containers and plastic lids well with baking soda.

Garlic and horseradish must be thoroughly peeled and washed. Leaves and greens should be sorted from debris, twigs, damaged parts, and washed clean water.

Quick salting of tomatoes

When the harvesting season is just beginning, before salting tomatoes in jars for the winter, a recipe for quick salting is popular in many families. Lightly salted tomatoes stuffed with spices are cooked in brine for 24 hours; they are delicious as an accompaniment to barbecue, as an appetizer, and are usually eaten faster than they are cooked.

Lightly salted stuffed tomatoes

You will need red fleshy tomatoes the size of an egg. Cut them into halves with a knife or crosswise, cutting them to the end (it is convenient to use a bread knife). Place the filling of chopped garlic, parsley, and dill into the resulting gaps.

At the bottom of any convenient container, generously place dill umbrellas, sprinkle mustard seeds, add currant leaves, horseradish, pepper, and bay leaves.

Fill stuffed tomatoes brine (stir 1 tablespoon of salt without iodine, sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard powder into 1 liter of boiled, cooled water), press down on top with pressure. Wait one day and you can take a sample. These quick salted tomatoes are stored in a cool place for 5 days.

Salty aromatic tomatoes

By choosing this recipe you will get sweet-spicy salty tomatoes with the aroma of roasted peppers. You will need: a bucket of medium red tomatoes (each needs to be pierced with a fork), 5 sweet peppers, for connoisseurs of spicy taste - 1 hot pepper, a couple of heads of garlic, currant leaves, horseradish root, dill (seeds or umbrellas), oil (favorite vegetable) for frying peppers, salt.

Fry the coarsely chopped peppers in oil until soft, cool. Divide the spices in half, spread the first part along the bottom of the bucket, place half the tomato on top, then put the peppers on them and pour out the oil, from frying, lay out the second part of the spices, add the tomatoes to the top of the bucket. Close the lid.

A day later, prepare the brine (5 tbsp salt, 3 l clean water), fill a bucket with tomatoes, pick up pressure, put the bucket in the kitchen. After 5 days, the fragrant tomatoes are ready quickly. Keep cool.

Cold barrel salting

Using a similar technology to lightly salted tomatoes, you can prepare real salted tomatoes for the winter. Pickling recipes are usually simple, and the results exceed expectations.

Pickled tomatoes

Place a pinch of dill seeds at the bottom of dry jars (3 liters) washed with soda or scalded with boiling water. bay leaf, a few peppercorns. Place the tomatoes quite closely, choosing fruits with hard flesh and thick skin. Pour 1 tbsp into jars. salt (without iodine, always coarse), 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 full tbsp. dry mustard powder. Pour, covering the top layer, cooled boiled water, cover with washed plastic lids and refrigerate for 2 months. The tomatoes will ferment, acquire a harsh, slightly carbonated taste, and become barrel-like. Tomatoes salted in this way should be stored in the cellar/refrigerator.

Fans of aromatic spices in pickles will love the following recipe.

Salted tomatoes

For preparation you will need firm red or yellow tomatoes, tender currant leaves, cherries, horseradish root/leaves, young garlic cloves, pepper, dill, mustard (dry), sugar, salt.

It is recommended to start filling jars with leaves, dill, and spices. In a 3 liter jar, it is enough to put a small young currant leaf, a cherry, dill seeds/umbrella, peeled root, half a horseradish leaf, about 4 medium cloves of young garlic, 5 peppercorns. Place the tomatoes evenly on top of the spices. Pour 2 tbsp. l. sugar, coarse salt, dry mustard. Fill the jars with clean water (tap or bottled) and close with a plastic lid. Turn the jar over to dissolve the salt and sugar. Pickling tomatoes for the winter can a priori be considered the main event of August, and the first sample is taken in October. Tomatoes pickled using this option are perfectly kept cool until spring.

Unusual salting option

Those choosing how to pickle tomatoes in an unusual way You will like this method of preparation, when the tomatoes practically retain their original fresh taste and can simply be used in food and in the preparation of other dishes.

"Juicy" tomatoes

You will need tomatoes and salt. Jars and metal lids should be sterilized before sealing.

Place ripe tomatoes with a diameter of 5-7 cm into a boiling pan of water, a few at a time, hold for a couple of minutes, and remove to a bowl of cold, clean water. Remove the skin from blanched tomatoes, put them in a 5 liter saucepan, add a whole tbsp. salt (without iodine, coarse), without water, put on gas. From the moment of boiling, wait 5 minutes. Juice will be released. Mix very carefully and continue cooking for 5 minutes. We carefully pack the tomatoes into sterilized jars, filling them one by one, pour in the boiling juice that has been released, roll them up, and cover them until they cool.

Worthy of attention salted tomatoes according to the hot salting recipe, they can be offered to small children. There is no vinegar in the composition, there are tomatoes and salt.

Simple salted tomatoes

Any ripe red or yellow tomatoes will do. Large tomatoes should be cut into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Place in jars (1 liter is convenient). Add 1 tsp. with a slide of salt and water to the top. Filled jars must be sterilized (lay a kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan, place the jars inside. Make sure they do not reach the walls of the pan or touch each other. Carefully pour water along the wall of the pan so that it reaches ¾ of the height of the jars, put the pan on gas . Start counting the sterilization time after boiling the water in the pan: 15 minutes for 1 liter jars. Roll up the lids (sterile), turn them over, and be sure to wrap them up. Keep cool.

Pickling green tomatoes

Weather conditions are such that all the tomatoes never have time to ripen before frost sets in. In this case, thrifty housewives will be helped out by recipes on how to pickle green tomatoes. It is important to remember that only medium and large green fruits can be pickled.

Spicy green tomatoes

If you have a medium-sized bucket of green tomatoes, you should have: 7 heads of garlic, hot pepper pods (adjust the spiciness to taste), a large bunch of parsley, salt. Make a side cut in each vegetable. Prepare the filling: chop and mix garlic, parsley, pepper.

Stuff the tomatoes with this mixture. Place the remaining filling on the bottom of the pickling bucket and tightly stuffed green tomatoes on top. Fill the container with brine (boil 3 liters of drinking water, add 6 tablespoons of salt, cool). Place under light pressure. After a week, transfer the tomatoes into washed jars, use the resulting brine for filling, close with simple lids, and hide in the cellar.

Be patient and wait the month required to salt the green tomatoes. You can eat such fruits right away, but their taste will become rich and full after a month.

There is a simpler recipe for tomatoes, picked green, in jars for the winter.

Green salted tomatoes

Prick medium green tomatoes in 3 places with a toothpick. In 3 liter jars: dill seeds, currant leaves, horseradish, rings hot pepper. Arrange the tomatoes, top with parsley, dill, and sprinkle with chopped garlic cloves. Add 3 tbsp. salt (iodine-free, coarse), 1 tbsp. dry mustard powder.

Fill the jars with cold water and seal with plastic lids. Twist the jars in your hands to dissolve the salt. Refrigerate. You can appreciate the taste of pickled green tomatoes after a couple of months.

The existing variety of recipes for preparing tomatoes (ripe and green) for the winter will allow the housewife to choose the most delicious ways to pickle tomatoes in order to delight her household in winter with natural and healthy products. Recipes for making salted tomatoes are often quite simple and do not require special cooking skills. Important condition preservation by salting barrels/buckets/jars without adding acetic, citric, acetylsalicylic acid - storing finished products in the cold.

Pickling tomatoes was previously the only way to preserve a bountiful tomato harvest. Time is running, technology is developing, but pickling recipes remain the same.

Selection of tomatoes

For pickling, select tomatoes of the same size and degree of ripeness; the best option is slightly unripe tomatoes. We recommend choosing soil-based tomato varieties with thin but durable skin.

The inside of the tomato should be uniformly red; the presence of a white core is not welcome.

After carefully selecting the tomatoes, with the rejection of spoiled and damaged specimens, they will only need to be thoroughly washed in cold water, after which you can begin pickling.

Placing tomatoes in jars

We hope that you have either already prepared a broom for pickling or bought it from grandmothers who sell the same tomatoes at the market. It usually consists of stems and umbrellas of dill, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants.

Cut the pickling broom into pieces, approximately 6-8 cm long, into each of the washed and sterilized three-liter cans put a handful of this crushed mixture.

Only half of the pickling broom should be used, the other half will be used a little later.

It's time to put the tomatoes into jars. The procedure is simple; when laying, make sure that the tomatoes are packed tightly, but not damaged by excessive pressure.

At the same time as the tomatoes, place 3-4 cloves of garlic in each jar.

Having spread the remaining half of the chopped pickling broom into the jars on top of the tomatoes, proceed to the next stage of pickling.

Preparing and pouring brine

To prepare the brine, it is advisable to use spring water - tomatoes pickled using such water will be simply incomparable.

If such water is not available, it can be replaced with artesian water or water from a deep well. As a last resort, you can use tap water, but only after thoroughly cleaning it.

Now regarding the salt. Don’t even think about using iodized or crushed salt to pickle tomatoes. The tomatoes will taste bitter, and their fermentation process may either not begin or proceed unpredictably.

To obtain delicious salted tomatoes, use only coarse salt.

How much in brine? There are many recipes, each of which indicates proportions, sometimes noticeably different from each other.

However, almost all of them lead to positive results and excellent taste qualities finished product. What is the reason for such a variety of recipes?

Everything is very simple: during the pickling process, tomatoes take from the brine exactly as much salt as they need, no more and no less. Therefore, for 1 liter of water, take 3-4 large rock salt and give the tomatoes the opportunity to absorb as much salt as they need.

The next question that arises for a person who takes up pickling tomatoes for the first time is: “How much brine needs to be prepared?”

It all depends on the size of the tomatoes and the density of their packing; to fill a 3-liter jar of tomatoes you will need from 0.5 to 1 liter of brine. To avoid getting into trouble, prepare it with a reserve.

Dissolved in boiling water required amount salt, let the brine cool a little (5-7 minutes), and then pour it into jars.

Final part

Place jars of tomatoes, filled to the top with brine, in a warm place for 2-3 days to start the fermentation process.

After the brine becomes slightly cloudy and the formation of gas bubbles becomes noticeable to the naked eye, tightly seal the jars with nylon lids and place them in a cold place: in the refrigerator, cellar or basement.

After 2 weeks, the tomatoes will be ready to eat - with thin, bubbly skin and a piquant, spicy-salty taste.

Enjoy your meal!

Millions of people around the world love to treat themselves to something salty or sour, especially home production. That is why every year many families engage in canning and pickling vegetables. One of the leading positions among homemade preparations and pickles (not only winter, but also summer) is occupied by salted tomatoes. Regardless of what you call this type of preparation, be it “salted tomatoes”, “ pickled tomatoes" or "sour tomatoes", all of them are often present both at large feasts and at a simple family meal.

There are a lot of recipes for salted tomatoes. Some of them even contain vinegar (below is a recipe for salted tomatoes without vinegar!), which negatively affects human health. Some recipes require canning tomatoes in a jar with metal lids, while others, on the contrary, do not require rolling the dish under the lid.

I've tried the most in my life different recipes salted tomatoes, but most of all I like the simple recipe that my mother uses every year. Yes, the recipe in question is quite simple and does not require much labor, boiling the lids and screwing them on.

So, below on the House of Knowledge I will share with my readers simple recipe very tasty salted tomatoes.

Ingredients for salted tomatoes.

To prepare 1 can (3L) of delicious salted tomatoes you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Tomatoes(preferably medium or small size) - 1.5-1.8 kg
  2. Salt- 90g or less than 100g glass
  3. Garlic- 1 clove
  4. Hot capsicum- a small piece
  5. Horseradish leaves- 1 medium size sheet
  6. Herb tarragon(tarragon) - 1 sprig
  7. Black currant leaves- 3 pcs
  8. cherry leaves- 3 pcs
  9. Dill seeds- 2-3 ripe inflorescences or if not - 1 dessert spoon of seeds
  10. Water(purified or spring water) - up to 1.5 liters per 3 liter jar or as much as needed to cover the tomatoes

Salted tomatoes recipe.

First of all, for pickling, select and wash beautiful, firm tomatoes that are as uniform in size as possible. Then peel and wash one clove of garlic. Also wash horseradish, tarragon, hot pepper, currant and cherry leaves in cold water to remove dust.

When all the ingredients are prepared, you can start placing them in a clean 3L jar.

I usually layer all the ingredients.

Layer No. 1.

Place at the bottom of the jar:

  1. 1/3 part horseradish leaf
  2. 1/2 sprig tarragon
  3. 2 cherry leaves
  4. 2 blackcurrant leaves
  5. garlic clove, cut into 2 parts
  6. piece of hot pepper
  7. dill seeds (I pour everything out because they still float)

Layer No. 2.

I put tomatoes in the second layer up to half the jar. They should lie as close to each other as possible. I usually put some first big tomatoes, and I cover empty spaces with small ones. It is advisable that the tomatoes lie as tightly as possible in the jar or barrel, since they will still become soft and an empty space will appear between them.

Layer No. 3.

Place the third layer in the jar:

  1. 1/3 part horseradish
  2. The remaining 1/2 of the tarragon sprig
  3. 1 cherry leaf
  4. 1 blackcurrant leaf

Read also: Sauerkraut.

Layer No. 4.

The fourth layer, like the second, consists of tomatoes. They also need to be laid tightly and at a height of approximately 1-1.5 cm below the neck of the jar.

Layer No. 5.

Place the remaining 1/3 of the horseradish leaf on top of the tomatoes.

This completes the placement of future salted tomatoes. Now all that remains is to fill them with a brine consisting of salt and water.

Brine for salted tomatoes.

To prepare the brine, dissolve 90g of salt (less than a 100g glass) in 1 liter of water, then pour it into a jar of tomatoes. If after this the water does not completely cover the tomatoes, then add clean water (without salt).