Characteristics of any hero from the novel of bummers. Essay “Characteristics of the main characters in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

/ Heroes of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

I.A. Goncharov in the novel “Oblomov” showed quite solid characters. Both the main and secondary characters are representatives contemporary writer society.

The main characters of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

main character novel. This is a lazy, inert representative of the philistinism. A large role in the description of the character is played by the image of the sofa on which Oblomov spends most of his life. It is a symbol of inaction and apathy. The author pays attention to the reasons for such an inactive lifestyle: they lie in the upbringing of the hero. A childhood in which Oblomov was constantly cared for by adults bore fruit in adulthood. I. A. Goncharov shows that people like Oblomov have no future, they are doomed to tragic fate. That is why when the main character of a work dies, the story still continues.

- one of the main images of the novel, Oblomov’s friend, who is his complete opposite. Work for a character is one of the main components of life. He believes that without hard work, the embodiment of all his desires and continuous development the future of oneself as an individual is impossible. Stolz is opposed to Oblomov not only in relation to work, but also in spiritual qualities. The German, unlike Oblomov, is rude and callous. He lacks the warmth inherent in the main character. This image is on the path of ideal and strong personalities, according to the author.

However, the stronger personality in the work is Oblomov’s beloved, and later Stolz’s wife. This image always strives for development, even more than Stolz. Olga was not particularly beautiful, but she was always confident in herself. Ilyinskaya’s words will never be inconsistent with her actions. She is a man of action. The heroine sincerely tries to change Oblomov’s lifestyle, but when she comes to the understanding that she won’t succeed, she breaks up with him. Because she cannot connect her life with an apathetic person. And even being married to Stolz, she is bored, because there is no hero who would suit her strong character.

Contrasted Ilyinsky image Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. This is Oblomov’s wife, distinguished by her kindness and mercy. Such a heroine is Oblomov’s ideal; both of them are representatives of the old world. Pshchenitsyna is not interested in anything other than housekeeping. She truly loves Oblomov and is ready to do anything for him. After her husband's death, she loses part of herself and withdraws.

Minor characters of Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Zakhar is the servant of Ilya Ilyich, who is somewhat similar to his master. He is lazy and unkempt. The author ironically shows how all the things around break or break. However, such character traits do not prevent the hero from taking care of his master. He, like Oblomov, is a representative of the old order, in which the master is everything to the servant. We can say that Zakhar’s life is in connection with Oblomov’s life. Therefore, when the main character dies, his servant also dies mentally, whom his wife, Anisya, still tries to look after.

Anisya is Oblomov’s cook, somewhat similar to Agafya Matveevna. Both of them are the embodiment of a real Russian woman. Anisya joined the Oblomov family so easily that she has already become an inseparable part of it. She is hardworking, kind and worldly smart.

The work highlights negative images, which includes Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, Pshenitsyna’s brother. He is a cunning and indifferent person, although initially he seems virtuous. Mukhoyarov is used to getting money by any means, fair or dishonest, he is used to taking bribes. He has nothing sacred; the hero, together with Tarantiev, is trying to create a scam with the help of which they will be able to rob Oblomov. However, Stolz reveals their plans.

Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev is an equally insensitive swindler and swindler, ready to do anything for money. It is he who comes up with a plan to rob Oblomov, but he cannot carry out this plan alone, so he chooses the executor - Mukhoyarov. Tarantiev is a rude, immoral person who criticizes everything and everyone.

Important in the work are the images of Oblomov’s unique doubles, which include Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin. The author shows that their life is as inferior as Oblomov’s. Volkov, although he does not lie on the couch, spends it also uselessly on entertainment and attending various holidays. Sudbinsky is the embodiment of bureaucratic life. He works really hard, which helps him achieve a high position. However, according to Oblomov, this pursuit of a career spoils all people; it is not capable of making a person happy. Penkin is a writer who writes about everything in the world and publishes meaningless and insensitive works. The hero is the personification of corrupt creativity, which, of course, was not supported by I. A. Goncharov.

Another guest in Oblomov’s house is Alekseev. This is a person who adapts to others and does not have his own opinion. Nobody remembers his name. Alekseev is similar to Oblomov in that they are both quiet, unremarkable people.

Importantly among minor characters is Dr. Oblomov, who treats only wealthy people. He gives advice to the main character: to live by social rules of that time. However, in essence, he suggested that Oblomov exchange the sofa for the same useless things.

Thus, I.A. Goncharov showed not only “Oblomovism”, but also the society in which this phenomenon is formed.

Oblomovism is a state of mind characterized by personal stagnation and apathy. This word comes from the name of the main character. famous novel Goncharova. Throughout almost the entire narrative, Ilya Oblomov remains in a similar state. And, despite the efforts of his friend, his life ends tragically.

Roman Goncharova

This work is iconic in literature. The novel is dedicated to a state characteristic of Russian society, which at first glance may seem to be nothing more than an extreme degree of laziness. However, the meaning of the word “Oblomovism” is deeper.

Critics called the work the pinnacle of I. A. Goncharov’s creativity. The novel clearly expresses its problems. The writer achieved in it clarity of style and completeness of composition. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is one of brightest characters in Russian literature of the nineteenth century.

The image of the main character

Ilya Oblomov comes from a family of landowners. His way of life became a distorted reflection of Domostroevsky norms. Oblomov spent his childhood and youth on the estate, where life was extremely monotonous. But the hero absorbed the values ​​of his parents, if one can, of course, use this word to call a way of life in which special attention gives in to sleep and long meals. And yet, the personality of Ilya Ilyich was formed precisely in such an atmosphere, which predetermined his fate.

The author characterizes his hero as an apathetic, withdrawn and dreamy man of thirty-two years old. Ilya Oblomov has a pleasant appearance, dark gray eyes, which lack any idea. His face lacks concentration. The characterization of Ilya Oblomov was given by Goncharov at the beginning of the novel. But as the story progresses, the hero reveals other traits: he is kind, honest, selfless. But main feature This character, unique in literature, is characterized by traditional Russian daydreaming.


Ilya Ilyich Oblomov loves to dream above all else. His idea of ​​happiness is somewhat utopian in nature. As a child, Ilya was surrounded by care and love. Peace and harmony reigned in the parental home. A loving nanny told him every evening colorful stories about beautiful sorceresses and miracles that could make a person happy instantly, once and for all. And there is no need to make any effort. A fairy tale can come true. You just have to believe.

Ilya Oblomov remembers his native estate so often, reclining on his sofa in a greasy, unchanging robe, that he begins to dream about the atmosphere of his native home. And there is nothing sweeter than these dreams. However, from time to time something brings him back to the gray, unsightly reality.

Oblomov and Stolz

As an antipode to the Russian dreamer from a landowner family, the author introduced the image of a man into the work German origin. Stolz has no inclination for idle thoughts. He is a man of action. The meaning of his life is work. Promoting his ideas, Stolz criticizes Ilya Oblomov’s lifestyle.

These people have known each other since childhood. But when the son of the owner of Oblomovka, accustomed to the slow, unhurried rhythm of life, arrived in St. Petersburg, he was unable to adapt to life in big city. The service in the office did not go well, and he found nothing better than to lie down on the sofa for many months and indulge in dreams. Stolz, on the contrary, is a man of action. He is not characterized by careerism, laziness, or negligence in relation to his work. But at the end of the novel, this hero still admits that his work does not have any high goals.

Olga Ilyinskaya

This heroine managed to “lift” Oblomov from the couch. Having met and fallen in love with her, he began to get up early in the morning. There was no longer any chronic drowsiness on my face. Apathy left Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich began to feel embarrassed about his old robe, hiding it away, out of sight.

Olga felt some sympathy for Oblomov, calling him a “heart of gold.” Ilya Ilyich had an extremely developed imagination, as evidenced by his colorful sofa fantasies. This quality is not bad. Its owner is always interesting conversationalist. So was Ilya Oblomov. He was quite pleasant in conversation, despite the fact that he did not know the latest St. Petersburg gossip and news. But in actively caring for this man, Ilyinskaya was seduced by something else, namely, the desire to assert herself. She was a young lady, although very active. And the ability to influence a person older than her, to change his way of life and thoughts, incredibly inspired the girl.

The relationship between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya could not have a future. He needed the quiet, calm care that he received as a child. What frightened her was his indecision.

Oblomov's tragedy

Oblomov grew up in greenhouse conditions. In childhood, he may have shown childish playfulness, but excessive care on the part of his parents and nanny suppressed the manifestation of any activity. Ilyusha was protected from danger. And it turned out that although he grew up kind person, but deprived of the ability to fight, set a goal, and even more so achieve it.

At the service he was unpleasantly surprised. The bureaucratic world had nothing in common with Oblomov's paradise. Here it was every man for himself. And infantility and inability to exist in real life led to the fact that the slightest obstacle was perceived by Oblomov as a disaster. The service became unpleasant and difficult for him. He left her and went to his beautiful world dreams and daydreams.

The life of Ilya Oblomov is a consequence of unrealized potential and the gradual degradation of personality.

Goncharov's hero in real life

The image of Ilya Oblomov is collective. There are many people in Russia who cannot adapt to changing social and economic conditions. And especially many Oblomovs appear when the old way of life collapses. It becomes easier for such people to live in a non-existent world, remembering past times, rather than changing themselves.

Characteristics of the hero

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich is a nobleman “32-33 years old, pleasant in appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any specific goal, any concentration in his facial features... gentleness was the dominant and main expression... of the whole soul.”

O. lies on his couch all day long, doing nothing. He is not only unable to manage his estate, but even to get ready and go to a party. All this presents great difficulty for him.

It is important to note that such inaction is a conscious choice of the hero: “Life: life is good... there is nothing deep that touches the living. All these are dead people, sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the council and society!

We learn the ideal of O.’s life from the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream.” The hero dreams of his childhood in his native Oblomovka: calm, peaceful, idle, filled with love and warmth.

O.'s path is a typical path of provincial nobles of the early 19th century. O. served in the department, did routine work, and waited for a promotion from year to year. But the hero did not need such a worthless life. He chose to lie on the sofa and contemplate the vices of his time from the outside.

O.'s soul is not devoid of dreaminess. He is a lyricist who can feel deeply. But his lifestyle muted this spiritual feature of the hero. Only O.’s old friend, Stolz, is able to wake her up for a short time.

Love for Olga temporarily changes the hero beyond recognition: “A fever of life, strength, activity appeared in him...” But “the further direction, the very thought of life, the matter remains in intentions.” This is not surprising: O. is not capable of active love, which requires self-improvement. He himself understands this and, fearing that Olga will be disappointed in him, provokes their breakup. Only Agafya Pshenitsina was able to create for O. perfect life with a feeling of care, warmth, idleness: “I have grown to this hole with a sore spot: try to tear it off - there will be death.” In Pshenitsina’s house, O.’s life also ended, “apparently, without pain, without torment, as if a watch had stopped and they had forgotten to wind it.”

The novel “Oblomov” is one of the brightest works of Russian literature of the 19th century, which even today excites readers with the severity of the questions raised by the author. The book is interesting, first of all, because the problems of the novel are revealed through the method of antithesis. The contrast between the main characters in Oblomov makes it possible to emphasize the conflict between different worldviews and characters, and also to better reveal inner world each character.

The action of the work unfolds around the destinies of the four main characters of the book: Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Andrei Ivanovich Stolts, Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Pshenitsyna (some researchers supplement this list with Zakhar, but in terms of importance in the narrative he is still considered secondary acting persons). Through men's and female characters In the novel, the author analyzes various aspects of a person’s social and personal life and reveals many “eternal” themes.

Characteristics of male characters

Ilya Oblomov And Andrey Stoltsmain characters of "Oblomov" Goncharova. According to the plot of the novel, the men met back in school years and, having become friends, continued to support each other even after decades. Oblomov and Stolz are an example of a truly strong, reliable and fruitful friendship for both men. Ilya Ilyich saw in Andrei Ivanovich a person who is always ready and, most importantly, knows how to solve his problems with others, with the expenses and income of the estate. For Stolz, Oblomov was a pleasant conversationalist, whose company had a calming effect on Andrei Ivanovich and helped him return to peace of mind, which he often lost in the pursuit of new achievements.

In "Oblomov" the characters are presented as antipodes - completely different and in almost nothing similar heroes. This can be clearly seen in the depiction of the fates of Oblomov and Stolz. Ilya Ilyich grew up as a “greenhouse”, “room” child, who from an early age was taught to lordly image life, laziness and attitude towards new knowledge as something optional and unnecessary. Having graduated from school and university “for show,” Ilya Ilyich enters the service, where one of the first disappointments in life awaits him - at work he needs to fight for his place, constantly work and be better than others. However, the most unpleasant thing for Ilya Ilyich is that his colleagues remain unfamiliar people, and do not become for the man new family. Not accustomed to disappointments and blows, Oblomov, after the first failure at work, gives up and closes himself off from society, creating his own special world of the illusory Oblomovka.

Compared to the active, striving forward Stolz, Ilya Ilyich looks like a lazy, apathetic lump who simply does not want to do anything himself. Andrei Ivanovich's childhood and youth were filled with new impressions. Without suffering from excessive parental care, Stolz could leave home for several days, chose his own path forward, read a lot and was interested in almost everything. Andrei Ivanovich learned his love of knowledge from his mother, while his practical approach to everything, perseverance and ability to work - from his German father. After graduating from university, Stolz leaves his native estate, independently building his own destiny, earning material wealth and meeting the right people.

Interdependence of male images

The male images of heroes in the novel “Oblomov” are two ways of realizing a person in society, two leading principles that do not find a harmonious combination in any of the characters. On the other hand, Stolz and Oblomov complement each other perfectly, helping each other in finding the most important things to achieve true, not illusory, happiness. After all, Oblomov, in his dreams of rebuilding Oblomovka, appeared to be a man no less active and sociable than his friend, while Stolz throughout the novel continues to reach for the peace of mind that he found in Oblomov. As a result, unknowingly to himself, Andrei Ivanovich creates a kind of Oblomovka on his own estate after his marriage with Olga, gradually turning into a person attached to home and appreciating the monotonous, calm passage of time.

Despite the fact that the characterization of the heroes of “Oblomov” is built on an antithesis, neither Oblomov nor Stolz are Goncharov’s ideals, but rather are presented as an extreme manifestation of “Oblomov’s” and “progressive” characteristics in a person. The author showed that without the harmony of these two principles, a person will not feel complete and happy, and will not be able to realize himself both socially and spiritually.

Characteristics of female images

The main heroines of the novel “Oblomov” are also opposed to each other. Olga Ilyinskaya is a young lady from a wealthy family, from childhood she studied literacy, science and the art of singing, an active and purposeful girl who likes to choose her own destiny, without adjusting to her husband or loved ones. Olga is not at all like the meek, homely Agafya, ready to do anything for the sake of her loved one, capable of adapting to any lifestyle, as long as Oblomov is happy. Ilyinskaya was not ready to follow the desires of Ilya Ilyich, to become his ideal “Oblomov” woman, whose main area of ​​activity would be household- that is, the framework prescribed by Domostroy.

Unlike the uneducated, simple, quiet - the true prototype of the Russian woman - Agafya, Olga is a completely new type of emancipated woman for Russian society, who does not agree to limit herself to four walls and cooking, but sees her destiny in continuous development, self-education and striving forward . However, the tragedy of Ilyinskaya’s fate lies in the fact that even after marrying the active, active Stolz, the girl still takes on the classic role of wife and mother for Russian society, which is not much different from the role described in Domostroy. The discrepancy between desires and the real future leads to Olga’s constant sadness, the feeling that she has not lived the life she dreamed of.


The main characters of the novel “Oblomov” are interesting, attractive personalities, whose stories and destinies allow us to better understand ideological meaning works. Using the example of male characters, the author analyzes the themes of human development, formation in society, the ability to set goals and achieve them, and using the example of female characters, he reveals the theme of love, devotion, and the ability to accept a person as he is.
Oblomov and Stolz are not only opposing characters, but also complementary ones, as are Olga and Agafya. By accepting or developing in themselves the features and qualities of the antipodean image, the heroes could become absolutely happy and harmonious, because it is in the lack of understanding of the path to true happiness that the tragedy of the characters in Oblomov lies. That is why their characteristics in Goncharov’s novel do not have an exclusively negative or positive connotation - the author does not lead the reader to ready-made conclusions, inviting him to choose the right path himself.

Work test

Already in " Ordinary history", the first major work of I.A. Goncharov, he became interested in the type that later immortalized his name. Already there we see indications of the enormous social danger posed by those completely formed under the influence of serfdom. special conditions life of intelligent Russian society at the beginning and mid-19th century.

This danger lies in “Oblomovism,” and dreamy romanticism, familiar to us from its bearer Aduev, is only one of the elements of this latter. Goncharov gave an exhaustive image of Oblomovism in the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, to whose characteristics we will now turn.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is one of the people who cannot but be considered attractive.

From the first pages of the novel, he appears before us as an intelligent man and at the same time with kind hearted. His intelligence is reflected in the insight with which he understands people. For example, he perfectly guessed the numerous visitors who visited him on the morning of the day on which the novel begins. How correctly he assesses both the frivolous pastime of the secular veil Volkov, flitting from one salon to another, and the troublesome life of the careerist official Sudbinsky, who only thinks about how to secure the favor of his superiors, without which it is unthinkable to either receive a salary increase or achieve a profitable business trips, much less advance in career. And this is exactly what Sudbinsky sees as the only goal of his official activities.

He also correctly evaluates Oblomov and people close to him. He admires Stolz and idolizes Olga Ilyinskaya. But, fully understanding their merits, he does not close his eyes to their shortcomings.

But Oblomov’s mind is purely natural: neither in childhood nor subsequently, no one did anything for his development and education. On the contrary, the lack of systematically received education in childhood, the lack of living spiritual food in adulthood, plunges him into an increasingly dormant state.

At the same time, Oblomov reveals complete ignorance of practical life. As a result, he is more than frightened by what could bring any change to his once established way of life. The manager’s demand to clean the apartment plunges him into horror; he cannot think calmly about the upcoming troubles. This circumstance for Oblomov is much more difficult than receiving a letter from the headman, in which he informs him that his income will be “about two thousand in exchange.” And this is only because the headman’s letter does not require immediate action.

Oblomov is characterized by rare kindness and humanism. These qualities are fully manifested in Oblomov’s conversation with the writer Penkin, who sees the main advantage of literature in “seething anger - a bilious persecution of vice”, in the laughter of contempt for fallen man. Ilya Ilyich objects to him and talks about humanity, about the need to create not only with his head, but with all his heart.

These properties of Oblomov are combined with his amazing spiritual purity, which makes him incapable of any pretense or any cunning, combined with his condescension towards others, for example, towards Tarantyev, and, at the same time, with a conscious attitude towards his own shortcomings , inspire love for him in almost everyone with whom his fate encounters. Simple people, like Zakhar and Agafya Matveevna, become attached to him with all their being. And people in his circle, such as Olga Ilyinskaya and Stolz, cannot talk about him except with a feeling of deep sympathy, and sometimes even emotional tenderness.

And, despite their high moral qualities, this man turned out to be completely useless for the cause. Already from the first chapter we learn that lying down was the “normal state” of Ilya Ilyich, who, dressed in his Persian robe, putting on soft and wide shoes, spends whole days in lazy idleness. From the most cursory description of Oblomov’s pastime, it is clear that one of the main features of his psychological make-up is weakness of will and laziness, apathy and panicky fear of life.

What made Oblomov a man who, with unconscious but amazing tenacity, avoided everything that could require labor, and, with no less tenacity, gravitated towards what he saw as carefree lying on his side?

The answer to this question is the description of Oblomov’s childhood and the environment from which he came—a chapter called “Oblomov’s Dream.”

First of all, there are some reasons to consider Oblomov as one of the typical representatives of the 40s of the 19th century. Idealism brings him closer to this era, with a complete inability to move on to practical activities, a pronounced tendency to reflection and introspection, a passionate desire for personal happiness.

However, Oblomov also has features that distinguish him from the best, for example, Turgenev’s heroes. This includes the inertia of thought and apathy of Ilya Ilyich’s mind, which prevented him from becoming a fully educated person and developing a coherent philosophical worldview for himself.

Another understanding of Oblomov’s type is that he is predominantly a representative of the Russian pre-reform nobility. Both for himself and for those around him, Oblomov is, first of all, a “master.” Considering Oblomov from this angle alone, one must not lose sight of the fact that his lordship is inextricably linked with “Oblomovism.” Moreover, lordship is the immediate cause of the latter. In Oblomov and in his psychology, in his fate, the process of spontaneous extinction of feudal Rus', the process of its “natural death” is presented.

Finally, it is possible to consider Oblomov as a national type, to which Goncharov himself was inclined.

But, speaking about the presence of Oblomov’s negative traits in the character of a Russian person, it should be remembered that such traits are not the only ones inherent in Russians. The heroes of others are an example of this literary works– Lisa Kalitina from “ Noble nest”, who has a selfless character, Elena from “On the Eve”, striving to do active good, Solomin from “Novi - these people, also being Russian, are absolutely not similar to Oblomov.

Oblomov's characterization plan


Main part. Characteristics of Oblomov
1) Mind
a) Relationship with friends
b) Assessment of loved ones
c) Lack of education
d) Ignorance of practical life
e) Lack of perspective

2) Heart
a) Kindness
b) Humanity
c) Mental purity
d) Sincerity
d) “Honest, true heart”

3) Will
a) Apathy
b) Lack of will

Moral death of Oblomov. “Oblomov’s Dream”, as her explanation.

Conclusion. Oblomov as a social and national type.
a) Oblomov, as a representative of the 40s of the 19th century
- Similarities.
— Features of difference.
b) Oblomov, as a representative of the pre-reform nobility.
c) Oblomov as a national type.