Marina Mexico latest news, rumors, gossip. "Mexico" Marina Cherkasova: photo from Instagram Mexico house 2 real name

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  • Reality show participant«House-2. Island of Love."

    Marina Mexico in the show Dom-2. Love Island

    Real name Marinas of Mexico - Cherkasova. However, the girl doesn't like it when she is called by name. Mexico runs its own blog and dances go-go in the capital's clubs. For the project “Dom-2. Love Island”, the bright brunette came to, as she said, “fuck” the guys.

    Mexico immediately expressed its antipathy to Alexander Zadoynov, because he, in her words, “abandoned his children.” At the start of the project, the girl was immediately nominated as a maid, about which she was very worried.

    Mexico was initially accused of being insincere and of wanting fame and popularity. Olga Buzova even offered Mexico and Elizaveta Kordobovskaya 1 million rubles each and a month and a half of residence in the Seychelles so that they would give up the fight for bachelors. But the girls are from advantageous offer refused. Then the presenters specially placed her with Alexander Zadoynov to see what would come of it. The couple spent the night together for a week, but this did not give any results, and those leading the experiment continued.

    By the finale of the first season of the show, which took place on October 31, 2016, Mexico was paired with Alexander and, together with him, claimed the main prize - a million rubles. Their rivals were

    Marina Mexico - model, dancer, participant in the reality show "Dom-2" and just a pretty Armenian girl, became bright and spectacular with the help of plastic surgery. She is one of the brightest and most spectacular participants in the scandalous reality show “Dom-2” on TNT in the entire history of the project. Already from the first broadcasts, she interested not only the stronger sex with her personality, but also many girls who wanted to know the secret of her memorable appearance and figure. Marina herself doesn’t really like to talk about her life before the project, but we still managed to find out something from her biography.

    Name: Marina Mexico (Marina Cherkasova)

    Age: 21 years old

    Place of birth: Rostov-on-Don

    Anthropometric data: height 182 cm, weight 50 kg, chest - 86, waist - 59, hips - 84

    Activity: model, dancer, participant in the reality show "Dom-2"

    Marital status: not married

    Brief biography of Marina Mexico

    Future star TV project "Dom-2" was born in Rostov-on-Don. Since childhood, Marina attended dance clubs, especially highlighting modern styles dancing. More in school years she began to conquer the dance floors hometown, which subsequently determined her occupation when moving to Moscow.

    The dance school that Mexico attended back in Rostov-on-Don was affiliated with a modeling agency. Therefore, the young dancer tried herself as a model and starred in various photo shoots and advertising posters.

    Marina Mexico and her parents moved to Moscow about five years ago. All this time the girl worked as a go-go dancer in a cool club in the capital." Soho Rooms".

    By her early twenties, the girl managed to star in several videos for aspiring singers both in Rostov-on-Don and Moscow. Mexico also participated in small screenings designer clothes as a model. As the dancer herself has repeatedly stated, it is in the modeling business that she would like to build her career.

    Going on Love Island to woo one of the bachelors, Mexico had a clear position that did not allow her to openly compete for one of the men. Despite the fact that the girl openly stated from the first day that Alexander Zadoynov would never win her favor, it was with him that she had a difficult relationship for two months on the project.

    As a result, it was time for Alexander and Marina to come out with the final, but they never received a million rubles. Immediately after the end of the project, this union predictably fell apart. But the dancer had no time to be discouraged, as she was invited to play the role of news anchor from the Seychelles.

    Instagram Marina Mexico

    On Marina’s Instagram even in the chilly autumn and cold winter page visitors will always feel hot. Hot poses, minimal clothing, bright makeup, loose hair and a sly smile are the constant elements of all photographs of the extraordinary girl. The number of Marina's followers on Instagram is growing exponentially. As an image, Mexico is loved by many girls of her age, who vying with each other to adopt her tricks, for example, smokey eye makeup. Since on at the moment Marina is in the Seychelles, she invariably shares photos from her vacation spot with fans. And mini swimsuits help you see her enviable curves.

    Marina Mexico before plastic surgery

    Before plastic surgery, Marina Mexico did not have the brightest, although interesting, appearance. The participant in the country’s most famous TV show never even hid the fact that she has repeatedly resorted to the help of plastic surgeons and intends to do so in the future. On early photos Marina Mexico shows a larger nose with a hump. In one of the broadcasts of the Dom-2 show, Mexico shared with her friends that her first operation was rhinoplasty.

    The next stage of “tuning” was changing the shape of the cheekbones and enlarging the lips. Despite the fact that at first glance even plastic surgeons claim that plastic surgery has taken place, Mexico continues to claim that it has made lips plumper and cheekbones prominent through beauty injections. As for the girl’s elastic forms, including round buttocks and toned breasts, Mexico thanks nature for this, but does not hide that she has always dreamed of making her forms more appetizing and curvy.

    The girl has repeatedly expressed that she sees nothing wrong with going under the knife and fixing this or that part of the body in order to become more attractive. She believes that if nature has not endowed a person with ideal parameters, then he can achieve them with the help of surgeons and become happier and more attractive. It’s very difficult to argue with her on this.

    Mexico after surgery

    If you carefully examine the photographs of the top participant in the Dom-2 television project before and after plastic surgery, you can doubt that this is the same person. The only thing that gives Marina away in the “after” photo is her unusual slanted eyes, which no amount of plastic surgery can change. After rhinoplasty, a girl can boast of a chiseled nose. It is precisely these forms that many modern girls are trying to achieve with the help of cosmetics due to lack of funds for surgery. Mexico's nose really looks perfect, not to mention the fact that rhinoplasty frees up the nasal airways and is quite often prescribed as a measure to combat sinusitis and other diseases of the nasal cavity.

    Next, cheekbones are a trend recent years. Not every girl can boast of prominent cheekbones by nature, even those who are not inclined to be overweight and thin face. We're unlikely to know the truth about whether Mexico achieved her sexy cheekbones with a surgical knife or through beauty injections, but it's still worth noting that she looks impressive in the photo.

    As for the lips, photographs of Marina before Mexico unanimously confirm that most likely there was more than one operation to enlarge them. Presumably, she enlarged them with plastic surgery, and then maintains plump forms with the help of special injections - beauty injections. Despite the fact that you rarely see a girl on the country's main television show who has not enlarged her lips, it is worth noting that Mexico did them especially well. They really suit her plump lips, the girl was right when she didn’t dare to pump them up.

    As for her breasts, the thin beauty does not have the most outstanding shape. On Love Island, she changes swimsuits every day to approximately breast size 2. The cups on your favorite bras do not allow you to examine the participant’s breasts in more detail. The photo of Marina Cherkasova before the project also does not show what kind of breasts the girl had before the show. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether a breast enlargement operation took place or not, but in one of her numerous posts on Instagram, the girl asked her subscribers for advice on whether she should go under the knife for breast enlargement, or leave everything as it is. Comments on this matter were very mixed.

    Plastics and participants in the television project “Dom-2”

    It can be said with one hundred percent probability that the beauty of the majority of participants in “Dom-2” is the merit of surgeons. In addition, plastic surgery is not alien to presenters, for example, Ksenia Borodina does not hide the fact that she has enlarged her breasts and lips, Olga Buzova not so long ago enlarged her lips and highlighted her cheekbones, which earned her endless compliments from fans and admirers.

    Among the participants who have repeatedly gone under the knife, it is worth noting Alexandra Gozias (lips, breasts), Marina Afrikantova (weight loss measures, liposuction, lips, possibly breasts), Liza Polygalova (lips, butt, breasts), Kristina Deryabina (breasts, lips, botox, etc.). Among the participants who openly declared that they went under the knife, it is worth highlighting Gleb Zhemchugov, who performed several liposuctions on his abdomen, and Vlad Kadoni, who enlarged his penis.

    Personal life and latest news

    The loudest event last days in the life of Mexico was another rhinoplasty, which was performed in live.

    It should be noted that after recovering from anesthesia, the girl received a lot of unflattering reviews and was very surprised by this.

    Marina tried several times to build her relationship on the project. Continued for two months difficult relationship with Alexander Zadoynov, who never became acquainted with anything. Afterwards, there was a flirtation with Oleg Burkhanov, Elisey and Nikita Kuznetsov, which also did not lead to anything serious. Today, the girl’s heart is free.

    Account: mexika_official

    Occupation: participant of the reality show “House 2”

    Mexico has been on Instagram since March 2014, from the time when she was still a completely unremarkable girl, but already with great ambitions and far-reaching plans. Today her page is very popular, and this is due to the growing interest in the beauty’s personality and a large number of her new fans.

    Mexico's Instagram is saturated photos of girls, who is proud of her beauty and strives to show it to people. She is ready to show “her beloved self” from all angles; it is noticeable how happy she is with her body, pretty face and numerous tattoos. In the photographs the girl is mostly alone, less often with her colleagues from House 2; it seems that she wants to be independent and self-sufficient in her solitude. Photos from Instagram practically do not reflect the bright but short-lived union of Zadoynov + Mexico; there are just over a dozen romantic shots with the guy.

    Mexico's page says that the girl has come a long way from an ordinary, provincial girl to a reality show star. A lot of work has been put into the body and a lot of money into the appearance, the beauty is only at the beginning of her stellar career and the country will see her again inner world and the ability to love.

    Biography of Mexico

    A search on the Internet for “Mexico biography” yields scant information; the girl is only 21 years old and she is just beginning to live, love and grow as a person.

    • Marina Cherkasova (Mexico) was born on January 4, 1995 (Capricorn) in Rostov-on-Don. The only child in a family where mom and dad encouraged their daughter from childhood. “In contact” Marina wrote that her parents always support and inspire her.
    • After school, the girl became seriously interested in dancing and dreamed of becoming a model. It should be noted that through grueling training she achieved perfection of form and ambitions pulled Marina to the capital. She soon became a go-go dancer in the famous Moscow club Soho Rooms, but this was only the beginning of Mexico's stellar career.
    • Marina Cherkasova appeared on the project “House 2. Island of Love” on August 25, 2016 and immediately stated that she did not respond to her factory name, that she was Mexico and intended to “fuck” all the men. She treated Alexander Zadoynov with disdain, stating that he abandoned two children. But soon passion captured both, not for long, the romance was only a project, the couple did not win the main prize and broke up.
    • Mexico stood out among the 12 contestants on the first season of Love Island on Seychelles. The army of fans of the show is divided into two warring camps: some scold the girl for her extensive makeup, numerous tattoos and hair extensions, others sincerely admire her chiseled figure.

    The biography of Mexico clearly proves that dreams come true. You just have to set goals, invest energy and everything will work out.

    Mexico before and after plastic surgery - real photos confirming the interventions of plastic surgeons.

    The scandalous participant in the TV project House 2 did not always have such an outstanding appearance. From the beginning television career, the girl’s appearance changed more than once. After filming ended, the girl did not disappear from show business. Since 2017, Mexico has been actively blogging, starring in videos, and doing modeling.

    The real name of Marina Mexico is Cherkasova. The girl was born in Rostov-on-Don on January 4, but as for the year, it is not possible to give an exact answer - Marina is silent about the real figure, and the sources are divided into 2 camps: 1995 or 1992.

    So until Marina herself gives information, we can only guess.

    Biography of Mexico from House 2

    Since school, Mexico has been involved in club and modern dances, attended classes in modeling studios. Even as a teenager, the girl was noticed: she participated in several fashion shows, starred in television videos for channels in her city.


    It all started with a move to Moscow; in 2016, Mexico got a job as a go-go dancer in one of the most expensive nightclubs in the capital, which is where she took her pseudonym. Having appeared on the TV project House 2, Marina did not return to her real name and decided to remain shocking Mexico.

    Reference! Together with Marina, Andrei Cherkasov participated in the television project. Their relationship is just rumors, the guys are simply namesakes.

    Relationships of Marina Mexico in House 2

    Having appeared on a television project in August 2016, Marina had the opportunity to build relationships with 2 guys: Alexander Zadoynov or Ivan Barzikov, the girl’s choice fell on Alexander.

    Relations with Zadoinov did not work out at first, because... Mexico reproached him for filming the project, leaving his children unattended, but soon the young people announced the start of a relationship and subsequently even became finalists in the House 2 project. All romantic adventures took place in the Seychelles. After the end of filming of House 2, without changing the traditions of the other participants, Mexico did not disappear from the screens after the project. Now the girl runs her own blog, actively appears in commercials and participates in several shows as a guest expert.

    Celebrity surgeries

    Mexico before surgery

    The girl is prone to momentary impulses to change her appearance; even before her first plastic surgery, she constantly got tattoos and piercings.

    Attributed operations

    Fans attribute to the girl at least 3 plastic surgeries: breast and nose enlargement and changing the shape of the breasts.

    Note! Marina Mexico is one of the few scandalous personalities who does not deny the intervention of plastic surgeons in her appearance. On her Instagram account, the girl constantly posts photos and videos from cosmetologist’s offices, and describes in detail the injection therapy procedures. At one time, the girl even posted photos from the plastic surgery office!


    An ambiguous correspondence has appeared online, incriminating the girl in participating in escort services; it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the screenshots, and Mexico itself denies the leaked information. Fans of the model were very upset by such statements. However, at the time of the public insults, she was in a relationship with the rapper Yanis, the couple never separated for a minute, and it is difficult to imagine when Mexico could engage in this type of activity.

    By the way! A few months later, following an inflated Internet scandal, the couple announced their separation, and Marina again began to change her appearance. In 2018, Mexico appeared on a TV show with hair extensions, flashy makeup and a new clothing style.

    Knowing Mexico, this is just the beginning. She, like many reality stars, consider it necessary to heal mental wounds by changing her appearance. Hair color and extensions are just the beginning, it is quite possible that Mexico will go under the surgeon’s knife more than once, just to feel even more beautiful and desirable to the opposite sex.

    Since the beginning of her television career, the girl has changed beyond recognition - Marina Mexico before and after plastic surgery 2 absolutely different people. If many stars try to hide small defects and flaws with the help of plastic surgery, then the girl is not stopped by breast implants even of the most breathtaking sizes.

    There are rumors that Mexico wants to make herself a size 6 breast.

    It's amazing how much DOM 2 influences its participants. Almost no girl after reality wanted to stay with her natural abilities. The number of plastic surgeries has become a kind of competition between the ex-participants.

    Psychologists talk about the presence of serious mental trauma after living in public view, and propose to completely close the television project. After it, people stop loving their real image.

    Before appearing on television, Marina was an ordinary, inconspicuous girl; even in amazing outfits and evening makeup, she looked like a simpleton.

    Only after several plastic surgeries, Mexico has reached desired result and began to delight many men with her new extravagant appearance.

    I wonder if this helped her find peace of mind and become happier?

    Fans believe that the girl spent about a million on her appearance Russian rubles. No wonder she can't stop.

    The face of Mexico before and after

    It is noticeable with the naked eye that there is not a single area on the girl’s face that has not been touched by modern medicine. A tightened forehead, lip fillers, injections in the cheeks, eyelash extensions, rhinoplasty - it seems everything has been done more than once.

    Mexico's first operation

    Mexico began its transformation by changing the shape of the nose using rhinoplasty. Thanks to the operation, the ridiculous shape was corrected, the humps were removed and the potato-shaped nose acquired a more aesthetic appearance. The nose of Mexico before and after is radically different.

    Interesting! After the first rhinoplasty, the girl’s nose became so unnatural and miniature that she had to look for another clinic to correct this funny misunderstanding.

    Fans joke: “The most important thing is that Mexico’s nose didn’t fall off like Michael Jackson’s.

    Lip augmentation

    No Photoshop can “inflate” the lower part of a girl’s face like that. Mexico has had her lips augmented several times, most likely through injection therapy. The girl's real lips are very thin and inconspicuous. Experts point out that Marina went too far - there is not a trace of naturalness left, the girl looks like an adult doll with atypical facial features.

    Cheekbone correction

    The 3rd operation of the TV heroine of House 2 was shape correction using plastic surgery. The girl’s face has noticeably lengthened, and the crease has completely disappeared.

    The problem of drooping eyelids

    The girl decided to eliminate this far-fetched situation by raising the hairline, thanks to forehead plastic surgery and stretching the skin closer to the level of hair growth.

    News! Not long ago, information appeared on the Internet that Marina Mexico decided to freeze her own eggs. Is she really so disappointed in men that she doesn’t believe in the possibility of meeting her destiny in the next 30 years? strange and desperate step for such a young person. However, fans believe that it is not only a matter of fear of being left alone, but a desire to be completely sure that her lineage will certainly continue. By the way, Marina does not deny her visit to the doctors. She officially announced that the cell collection process was successfully completed.

    In an Instagram post about this, the girl noted a link to the clinic. It is quite possible that this is just paid advertising on the Internet and the girl is making money using all possible methods.

    Breast augmentation

    There is no doubt that the girl resorted to the help of surgeons in this matter. increased Mexico's breasts by at least 3 sizes. By nature, she got very small breasts and a complete lack of appetizing shapes.

    Beauty injections

    In this matter, Mexico has no equal, there is not a single facial wrinkle on the girl’s face, this effect is achieved only by constant injections and special acids. Natural beauty does not imply such even and smooth skin. So even if a girl denies going to a cosmetologist, the evidence is clear.

    Interesting! 3 years ago Mexico completely denied its involvement in plastic surgery, she participated in scandalous programs, where she clearly expressed her position. However, starting in 2017, Mexico completely changed its behavior pattern. Now she monthly posts photos from cosmetology salons and plastic surgery centers on her Instagram account.

    By the way, after so many transformations, Mexico has lost a number of its fans. Many accused her of going too far, expressing the opinion that she began to look like a transvestite. Angry notes appear under the girl’s posts that her tattoos make her sick and she looks like a “sub-man.”