KVN lesson in elementary school. If life is fun, we will smile at each other. We are starting KVN


2 - 3 grade

Target : creating a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of goodwill, participation and mutual support.


    development of communication skills and stage creativity;

    rallying the team of students and parents;

    development of mutual understanding between children and adults.

Equipment : cards for introducing teams, cards with tasks, presentation with names of competitions and tasks.

Progress of the lesson.

Presenter 1: Good evening! Today we have unusual evening. We conduct KVN. Four teams meet: parents and children. They face a difficult fight. The one who can cope with all the tasks better will win.

Presenter 2: So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large supply of ideas!

And who are they for? For you!

Teams are invited to the stage.

(Teams come out and take their places).

Presenter 1: I came to the club, don’t frown on your face,

Be cheerful until the end.

You are not a spectator or a guest,

And our program is the highlight.

Don't be shy, don't break down,

Obey all laws!

Presenter 2: Hello to the funniest, most cheerful and resourceful people!

We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

You don't like to be bored

And we are happy to be with you

We will play KVN today.

Presenter 1: But first I will introduce the jury.

The word “jury” was invented long ago by the French, and it means a group of specialists who decide on the awarding of prizes and awards at competitions.

Today on the jury: 1. ___________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

We will give soap to the jury,

So that we are not strictly reprimanded.

We will give the jury laughter,

So that everyone has fun.

Presenter 2: Our KVN consists of nine competitions:

1. Business card.

2. Warm up.

3. Puzzles. Charades.

4. Phraseologisms.

5.Help literary hero.

6.Fairytale box.

7. Guess the addressee.


9. Imaginers.

Presenter 1: Before starting the competition, I want to tell the KVN participants the following: if you lose, don’t be upset, next time you will definitely win, and if you win, don’t flatter yourself, next time you may lose.

Presenter 2: I see that everyone is in a fighting mood and I announce the beginning of the first competition, which is called “Business Card”.

Competition 1. “Business card” (command view)

“Restless” “Boredom, laziness out of mind -

Here is the answer "Restless"

“Merry Men” “Laugh a hundred times or more a day,

The merry fellow lives the longest!”

“Anthill” “Anthill is cool!

Come and try us."

“Tube” “We’ll squeeze out as much as we can.”

Presenter 1: And now the teams greet each other.

Competition 2. “Warm-up”

    Cook two sausages for 6 minutes. How long does it take to cook 8 identical sausages? (6 minutes)

    A girl was walking to Moscow and met three boys. Each of them carried

per bag. There is a cat in each bag. How many creatures were heading to Moscow? (1 girl)

    Five light bulbs burned dimly in the chandelier. Doors slammed, two burned out.

You need to do a little - Tell me how many lamps are left? (5 lights)

    When a rooster stands on two legs, it weighs four kilograms. How much will the rooster weigh if he stands on one leg? (4 kg)

Competition 3. “Rebuses”

    pre100l ak3sa

    100 faces pa3ot

    100lb or 100k

    Pi100 years for 2l

Competition 3. “Guess the charades”

With the letter d - he lets you into the house,

With the letter Z- growls, bites (door, beast)

With the letter sh - it buzzes over the flower,

And without sh- the ship is standing on it. (bumblebee, stranded)

Competition 4. “Phraseological units”

Replace each phraseological unit with a synonym verb.

- Washing the bones -... (gossip)

- Confuse -... (to confuse)

- Scratch your tongue... (chatter)

- Nod off -... (doze)

- Knead the sides... (beat)

- Fly headlong -... (run)

Competition 5. “Help a literary hero”

1. What words did the queen use to address the magic mirror?

2. While paying Balda, the priest offered his forehead. What did Balda say reproachfully?

3. What did the goat sing to the seven kids?

4. What song did Kolobok sing?

5. Who can call Sivka - Burka?

Answers: 1.My light, mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth.

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter.

2. You shouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest.

3. Little goats, kids, unlock the door, open it!

Your mother came and brought milk...

4. I am Kolobok, Kolobok!

I'm scraping the box

By the end of the day it's swept away,

Meshon on sour cream,

Yes, there is yarn in butter,

There is a chill on the window;

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And it’s not smart to get away from you, hare!

5. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me,

like a leaf before the grass!

Competition 6. “Fairytale box”

(The children take out cards with the question number from the box, and the presenter gives the task under this number.)

1. What magical objects are there in Russian fairy tales? ( Wand, comb, axe, invisible cap, club, mirror, etc.)

2. What could fairy-tale heroes travel on in fairy tales? (Swan geese, mortar, walking boots, flying carpet, etc.)

3. What words most often begin Russian folk tales? (Once upon a time....)

Competition 7. “Guess the addressee”

(The presenter reads out the telegrams, but the senders of these telegrams forgot to subscribe. Which of the fairy-tale heroes could you send such a telegram?)

1. I’ve done all the housework and am in a hurry to go to the ball. I'll stop by to see you on the way. (Cinderella.)

2. I took a shortcut, I’ll be with you soon. (Gray wolf)

3. Save! We've been kidnapped by pirates! Without us, animals die! (Doctor Aibolit.)

4. I found my brother, I’m very glad. Wait for a visit. (Gerda.)

Competition 8. "Jumble"

(The phrases on the cards should be mixed up. Who will assemble faster these proposals are the winner.)

An angry boar sharpened its fangs.

The steamer was beeping.

The nightingale was sitting on a branch.

The porcupine was languishing in a cage.

The cat was catching its tail.

Masha taught physics.

Pinocchio - everyone ate pancakes.

A tailor sewed his own pants.

The hedgehog was chasing mice.

Siskin - flew under the clouds.

Cancer moved its mustache.

The table was set for dinner.

The kettle was gurgling on the fire.

The boy was jumping in the yard.

Fan competition

Condition: there are questions on the screen that already contain the answer, you need to be careful and see it. Will the jury choose the most active fan?

1. How many worms did the swift catch?

2. How many rabbits did the magician get out of the empty hat?

3. How many fish were inside the pike?

4.How many cats meow outside the barn door?

5. How many boys have moles on their cheeks?

6. The old sailor said: “I have seen darkness!”

Well, how many of them has he seen?

Competition 9. “Imaginers”

Words are given on cards. What do you imagine when reading these words?

Do it quickly and with imagination - drawing on the board.

-winter road - starry night - interesting program

-delicious dinner- cheerful mood - my family

- long journey - bright light- gentle sun

Presenter 1: The game is over

It's time to find out the result

Who did the best job?

Did you excel in KVN?

The jury announces the winners and the awards ceremony begins.

Kozlova Lilia
KVN script “Jolly Guys” for 2nd grade

KVN script« Cheerful guys»

2 Class

KVN « Cheerful guys»

Goals: bring up cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, respect for opponents;

establish partnerships;

develop communication skills, instill in children the desire to overcome obstacles.

Equipment: 2 glasses with water and spoons, cut cards with congratulations, team names, mottos, presentation, song

Progress of the event:

Organizational moment. Song “What are our boys and girls made of?”.

I know: You love games, songs and riddles. And today we will play and have fun.

The teacher proposes a jury. (High school students, parents).

Children are divided into two teams, choosing team captains.

1 team- "Girls are naughty merry fellows»

Team 2 - "Boys - funny mischief makers»

Greetings to the cheerful and resourceful!

Competition1. "Team Greetings" (say together in unison) Mottos:

Girls. We are always all together, the best comes first!

Boys. We need victory. We will never miss!

Girls. We will be the best. We will achieve victory!

Boys. Never fall behind, win all games!

Competition 2. On the board: 1- draws an airplane or a tank, 2- a flower. Write word: Congratulations!

From the team - 5 each guys at the blackboard.

Competition 3. "Name it correctly". Girls are encouraged to call kitchen utensils, and the boys - working tools. The team that names the most wins. The teams answer one by one.

Competition 4. “Who knows more fairy tales?”

Teams answer one by one

“Who sat on my chair. ? ("Three Bears")

“The beaten one is lucky!” ("The Fox and the Wolf")

“Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east.” ("Seven-flowered flower")

“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, and not a bear at all.” ("Winnie the Pooh")

“He got leeches and sold them to Karabas.

The whole smell of swamp mud was his name.” (Duremar")

“He walked boldly through the forest, but the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye, that was his name.” (Kolobok)

“Beautiful and sweet, but very small!

Slender little figure, and her name is.” (Thumbelina)

"With blue hair and huge eyes,

This doll is an actress and her name is.” (Malvina)

“I can’t do it any other way.: I keep crying, crying, crying.

Who will heal the princess and make Nesmeyana laugh? ( "Princess Nesmeyana")

“I am a wooden boy, wearing a striped cap.

I was created for the joy of people, the key of happiness is in my hand.

The turtle gave this magic key to me.

And then I found myself in a kind fairyland.” ( "Pinocchio")

“He treats small children, treats birds and animals,

The good doctor looks through his glasses. (Aibolit).

Competition 5. The next task is called "Decide fun puzzles»

1 team: “Tanya and Anya had 3 pears and 2 apples. How many vegetables did the children have in total?”

“Egor and Andrey drew pictures for 2 hours. How many hours did each of them draw?”

What kind of dishes can't you eat from? (empty)

What do we hear at the end of the lesson? (letter a). What rocks are in the sea? (wet)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)

What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (letter c)

In which fields does grass not grow? (hats)

Competition 6. “Line up according to your height”

Competition 7. Continue the proverb.

Finished the matter - walk safely.

1. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

2. You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without labor.

2) Do you like to ride - --- also love to carry sleds.

3)What goes around comes around.

Competition 8. "Guessing riddles" Teams answer one by one

What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, and burns without fire? (Sun)

Without arms, without legs, he was able to break out of the ground.

In the summer, in the icy heat, he gives us water to drink (Spring)

Afraid of bright light

Crochet beak

Eyes - heel (Owl)

In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind,

He lives without a window, has never seen the sun. (Mole)

About sports.

Red helmet on the head

By the glove on my hand,

Enters the ring

He is not afraid to fight his opponent. (Boxer)

2. I am a rope - a driver,

Everyone is playing with me.

Even every bully

And he knows me. (Jump rope) .

3. I'm rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,

The ice just creaks

Let the lights flicker. Who's carrying me? (Skates) .

4. You hit anyone -

He gets angry and cries.

And if you hit this one -

Jumping for joy! (ball)

5. Comma Stick

He kicks the ball in front of him. (stick)

6. Let's assemble a team

Taking a corner -

We score with our heads.

And the fifth goal is in the goal!

We love it very much. (football)

Competition 9. “Sleight of hand. "Collect items". Laid out on the desk educational subjects. We need to collect everything in a briefcase, everyone puts one item.

Competition 10. Transfer water from glass to glass. Who will spill less and fill the glass more?

Competition 11. Captains. The boy captain portrays a wolf (movements, words)

The girl captain is a fox.

Congratulation. Boys' girls are girls' boys. Poetry.

The jury sums up the results.

Both teams receive gifts. (Tea party).

Bottom line. Song “What are our boys and girls made of?”

Publications on the topic:

"We are funny guys." OD on physical development for children of the senior group Objectives: teach children to jump backwards without bumping into other children; repeat throwing a small ball at the target; secure the crawling and.

The autumn matinee in our kindergarten was held in unusual shape. The holiday turned out to be very fun, bright and interesting! And it was like that.

Physical education in the first junior group “We are funny guys” Physical education in the first younger group"We're fun guys." Conducted by: teacher Shvetsova T.S. Purpose of entertainment: To cheer up.

Presentation-photo report “Group “Merry Guys” Group "Jolly Guys" Kindergarten O. Vysotskaya We come to kindergarten, There are toys there. Locomotive, Steamboat Waiting for the guys.

Summary of the outdoor game “We are funny guys” (middle group) Purpose: running exercise in different directions Objectives: - create conditions for the formation of physical qualities (dexterity, speed); - create.

KVN in Russian for 3rd grade students KVN IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. GOAL: to cultivate interest and love for the Russian language. PROGRESS OF THE EVENT. 1) Organizational moment. 2) Introductory.

Prepared by: Kovalchuk N. A .

KVN for elementary school.


- develop children's creative abilities

- develop speech, logical thinking, memory, attention, intelligence of students

— learn to work in a team, listen to the opinions of others, make the right decision

Celebration progress:

- Hello, dear friends! Today we will not torment you with anticipation, but will get straight to the point. We have a large supply of ideas! And they are all for you!

You guys are fun
It's no good for you to be bored
With pleasure today
We'll play KVN.

1 competition Quiz “Russian folk tales”.

What is always valued in fairy tales of all peoples of the world? Answer: Mind.

What in fairy tales does evil always win? Answer: Good.

What words do Russian folk tales begin with? Answer: “Once upon a time...” “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”.

What with a kind word Do heroes of Russian fairy tales often call their fathers? Answer: Father.

What do noble people do in Russian fairy tales in honor of a wedding or victory over an enemy? Answer: Feast.

What is the most popular number in Russian folk tales? Answer: Three.

What animal is nicknamed Sivka-Burka? Answer: Horse.

With what object can you kill the most terrible hero of Russian fairy tales? Answer: Needle.

Like in Russian folk tale“Nikita Kozhemyaka” is the name of the home of the cannibal snake? Answer: Den.

What is Ivan the Fool’s favorite place to sleep and relax? Answer: Oven.

What did the evil stepmother say at the failed wake for her stepdaughter in the Russian folk tale “Morozko”? Answer: Pancakes.

Which hero was spent on pies? Answer: The bear from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear.”

What in the Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf"is called "living" and "dead"? Answer: Water.

What food product helped the hen save the life of the cockerel in the Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”? Answer: Oil.

What did the merchant ride to the city, and the peasant to the forest, in the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? Answer: Sleigh.

What was the name of the princess who became the wife of Ivanushka the Fool in the Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”? Answer: Elena.

Without which main product would the soldier not be able to cook porridge in the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”? Answer: No cereal.

What did the crane wear to serve okroshka in the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”? Answer: Jug.

2 competition quiz “Who talks like that” (answers are written in groups, captains answer at the board)

Assignment - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:


























buzzing, buzzing












squeaks, wings

3 "Zoo" competition.
And this is the most fun stage. Here teams are asked to depict animals, birds, insects, while correctly conveying their habits and behavior.
Possible tasks:
Cranes flying south
Storks foraging for food
Duck with brood
Ants on the hunt


4 competition. Twelve Questions

Game: The game can be played in teams or each participant plays for himself. The host puts an item in the box so that no one can see, and then asks the players what it is. It could be a fork, a watch, matches, a book, in a word, anything. Players must guess what is in the box by asking yes or no questions, such as: “Is it round? Edible? "Etc. Winner: the player or team that names the item after twelve questions.

5 competition. From newspapers

The presenter gives each player three newspapers and scissors. Determines the game time. It is necessary to compile from newspaper headlines short story- headlines are cut out of newspapers with scissors. The player who completes the task efficiently and faster than others wins. The game develops the ability to creatively create holistic combinations from disparate elements.

Short break (game)

- Summer is a wonderful time,
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have both rivers and forests
They give in the summer...(miracles)
- Who performed the miracle?
In the summer, into a fairy tale... (turned)?
- Who made the whole world like this:
Loud, joyful...(colored)?
- The whole Earth became circled
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
It turns lushly green... (forest).
— And flowers are blooming all around
Unprecedented... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
Bells... (ringing).
- How nice it is for us to run
Along the chamomile... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams,
Golden... (dandelions).
- Into the world of goodness and beauty
Transform the world... (flowers)!

6th competition “Compose”.


7. Game “Trap for Foreigners”

-How foreigners can misinterpret a word. Give correct interpretation words.

For example, “Conservator” is a person who makes canned food. (Incorrect meaning)

The words on the cards are given:

Buldenezh is a garden ornamental plant, a type of viburnum.

Troubadour is a poet-singer who glorifies something.

Goalkeeper - goalkeeper.

8th competition “Through the mouth of a baby”.

Children's statements about waste are read out. The teams' task is to try to understand what the children meant.

    I have a lot of toys made from it.

    • It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.

      Items made from it weigh little.

      When lit, it smells bad and produces a lot of black smoke.

      It does not decompose on its own in nature.


2. It was invented by the Chinese.

    We get it from wood.

    It burns easily.

    It produces a lot of garbage.

    People usually draw and write on it.


3. It is made from sand.

    Most often it is transparent.

    When it falls, it breaks.

    If you heat it up, it becomes viscous.

    Left in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


9 Competition “Add a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards within the allotted time.

Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
The bushes were cut down - goodbye to the birds.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Spark the carcass before the fire, avert trouble before it strikes.

Groves and forests - native land beauty.
The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland.

Summing up. Awarding the winners.

KVN elementary school

Leading: Hello girls and boys! Today, guys, I want to invite you to travel to amazing country fairy tales It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan the Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. Getting there is not difficult, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet far, far away, across seas and oceans, forests and steppes. So he sinks lower and lower and, finally, we are standing on an unfamiliar street.

*We are starting KVN “Our Erudites”. Today it hosts 2 teams, teams of 2, 3, 4 classes.

Team 1 is called __________________________________________________________

Team 2 is called______________________________________________________________

*Now we would like to get to know our participants, I will ask you to say your names loudly one by one.

*I present to you our jury: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Thank you. We were very pleased to meet you. Now let’s do a warm-up, for each correct answer the team will receive 1 point.

1. How many month-brothers did the heroine meet?S. Marshak's tales around the New Year's bonfire?(12.)

2. How many brothers did Eliza, the heroine of the fairy tale, have? G. X. Andersen's "Wild Swans"?(11 brothers.)

4. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog ku? (Koschei the Immortal.)

5. What were the names of the three bears from L. Tolstoy’s fairy tale"Three Bears"? (Mikhaila Potapych, Nasta Sya Petrovna, Mishutka.)

6. Which of the three little pigs built the strongest house? (Naf-Naf.)

7. What did the queen say when looking into the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! tell me,

Tell me the whole truth.

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?)

8. Which boy had to spell out the word “eternity.” For this they promised to give him new skates and the whole world.( Kai.)

9. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal?( De roar, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)

10. What was the name of Matroskin’s cat’s cow?( Murka.)

11. How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea?(3.)

12. How many robbers did Ali Baba outwit?(40.)

13. What was the name of the genie who was freed from the bottle by Volka, from the fairy tale by L. Lagin?(Hottabych.)

14. Who did Kolobok leave?(From grandparents ki, hare, wolf, bear.)

    I will ask our jury to summarize the warm-up.

    Our KVN consists of several rounds.

Round 1 is called Pushkiniana, your tasks will be based on Pushkin’s fairy tales.

1. What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?


Reign lying on your side.)

2. Which fairy tale are these lines from?

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up,

He runs in the waves

With full sails.

(“The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, glorious and mighty, the hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Princess Swan.”)

3. Who did King Eli turn to for help? this? (To the sun, moon, wind.)

4. What job did priest Balda hire for?(Cook, ko smell, carpenter.)

5. Which fairy tale are these lines from?

Virgo suddenly

Alive. Looks around

With amazed eyes,

And, swinging over the chains,

Sighing, she said: “I slept for so long!”

("The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes.")

6. - I will serve you gloriously, diligently and very regularly, for three clicks on your forehead a year, give me some boiled spelt.(“The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.”)

9. How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea?(Thirty years and three years.)

10. Who did Balda call his little brother?(Hare.)

Round 2: “Guess the fairytale object”

    I will show you a picture with a drawn object, and you must tell me which fairy tale it is from.

    Summing up

Round 3: Captains Competition

    On the daisy is written “Shifters,” the name of fairy tales. You must take two petals and guess the fairy tale.

    "Shaam and the Dweemd" (Masha and the Bears)

    “Shokupet – lozoito bekosherg” (Cockerel - golden comb)

    "Ivax - Karub" (Sivka-Burka)

    "Wochmokaidyu" (Thumbelina)

*Summing up

Round 4: Quiz on foreign writers

    Who sent the princess a rose and a nightingale?(Prince from a fairy tale by G. X . Andersen "The Swineherd".)

    Who is the best dreamer and sweet tooth in the world, Baby’s great friend?(Carlson.)

    In which fairy tale did the bear compose poetry himself?(“Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all.”)

    Which girl lost her shoe at the ball?("Cinderella".)

    What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots?(Marquis Karabas.)

    Who wore a belt with the inscription “When I am angry, I kill seven" (“The Brave Tailor.”)

    In which fairy tale does it snow on earth if it snows in the sky?fluff up a feather bed?("Mrs. Mete faces.")

    What was the name of the little girl?(Inch Vochka.)

* Summing up

Round 5: “Guess the melody”

* Now excerpts of songs will be played, and you must name this song.

    Summing up

Round 6: Homework(dramatization, poetry reading)

1 Teacher: - Petya, I asked you for a mind table -

learn knives by rote.

Petya: - I taught, taught. Yes, that's exactly what I havethat tooth broke.

No. 2 - Sidorov! - the teacher addressed to the student.

    Determine where north is south.

Where is the north, I don’t know, he admittedXia student - and the south is exactly at the blackboard.

    Why? - the teacher was surprised.

When I go to the board I feel hundred It's getting hot again.

3 Teacher: - Ivanov, why does your dad solve all your problems?

Student: - What should I do if my mother once!

#4 - I don't like doing homeworkmeeting with my grandmother,” says Fedya.

Why? - his friend is surprised.

Because the teacher immediately recognizes her handwriting.

No. 5 - Why are you so cheerful? - rightteacher Vasya sews.

Yes, I went to the dentist.

And what's good about that?

And he has a day off

№ 6

Masha! Why aren't you in class? was?

I had a toothache.

Doesn't it hurt today?

I don’t know, I left it with the doctor.

    I ask our distinguished jury to sum up the results of our competition.

Music sounds, Dunno runs out to the music

    Dunno: Hello girls and boys. How are you doing, how are you feeling?

I was watching you here, you are so smart, you know so many words. I also know a lot. Listen here:

The snow is melting. A stream flows. The branches are full of doctors.

    Presenter: What you say is wrong, Dunno, guys, tell me what’s right...

    Dunno: OK. Here's more:

The sea turns blue. In front of us. T-shirts fly over the waves.

    Presenter: You're in a hurry again, guys, tell Dunno.

    Dunno: Okay, okay. I understood everything. Listen more:

They say that a fisherman caught a shoe in the river,

But then he got hooked on the house.

    Presenter: Yes, dunno. Again you're saying it wrong, let's help Dunno guys.

    Dunno: I'm still giving up. You are really very erudite guys. And as a reward, I would like to play with you the game “If you have fun, do this...”.

If you have fun, do this...

If life is fun, we will smile at each other,

If you have fun, do this

    Presenter: Thank you, Dunno. Let's guys thank Dunno with loud applause for such a fun game.

Summing up.

Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition.

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be brief:

We say: “goodbye”

See you happy next time!”