Calls from the company dialogue. Cold calling: detailed instructions. Cold calling techniques

Cold calling is relevant in two situations, namely, when you need to sharply increase your income because the incoming flow is not satisfactory.

Or there is no flow at all and cold calls are used when this can be called practically the only adequate way to attract clients in your business.

In any case, in order to do this efficiently, you need to invest kilos of money in training managers, who may, as a result, become stars and leave.

Or simply write a cold call script that will make any newcomer sell like an experienced one in your company.


For cold calling, it is considered normal that the client is not waiting for you and that you need to be extremely careful with phrases and approach.

Since an unsuccessful conversation can not only fail to attract, it can also scare away, create bad opinion about you as a company. And you will hear “pip-pip-pip...” at the end of the line.

What cannot be said about an incoming call when the client is already interested in your company or your product. And it is important on a psychological level that he called you himself, and not you. Do you feel the difference?

Therefore, the first thing you need to do before creating your conversation script is to decide on two things:

1. Result

You need to decide for yourself what you will lead the client to. This is very important, since all arguments will need to carefully hint at what you need, and not at how the conversation will go.

And that's the problem with most sales. Three such goals can be roughly distinguished:

  1. Making an appointment;
  2. Sending CP;
  3. Telephone sales.

The result is selected based on how warm the client is and how easy it is to make a decision to purchase your product or service. And we move from top to bottom.

That is, if everything is complicated, then we arrange a meeting, if everything is fine, then we send the proposal, if everything is simple, then we immediately close it for sale.

Important. The cold calling algorithm will depend on the final goal.

Let’s imagine a situation: we are selling forest processing equipment for several tens of millions, is it logical to try to sell it right away?

Of course not. First you need to at least meet. And if we sell printer services, then in this case It would be more logical to first send an offer, and only then press for a purchase or meeting. I'm sure you got the idea.

2. Occasion

You also need to decide on the reason for making phone calls. If the result should be a sale or shipment commercial offer, then everything is simple, your main reason is to solve the client’s problem or offer more favorable conditions.

But when we meet, everything is different. The reasons may be different, as well as the conversation scripts themselves. And here are a few as examples:

  1. Conduct an audit;
  2. Implement one free method;
  3. Carry out diagnostics;
  4. Agree on special conditions;
  5. Give out a free sample.

Ideally, even when sending a commercial proposal, you need to come up with a reason, as this will help you in all your phrases.

What's next?

After we have decided on the scenario, we take our initial data and begin writing a cold call script.

We start with the blocker, who can be a secretary, administrator or even a cloakroom attendant.

And believe our experience, for most companies it is this stage - going through the secretary in the case of telephone conversations - that becomes the most difficult in the entire algorithm.

But we will cover the passage of the blocker in detail in another separate article, the only thing I want to say is that now the classic option “Contact me with the director regarding cooperation...” no longer works.


When we first started, we were sure that our created cold calling algorithm would be suitable in all cases.

But experience has shown the opposite. Although our telephone sales script works well, it does not always lead to results. And all this is connected with the client’s sphere.

Important. If the customer’s field is not competitive and other companies practically do not use cold calls, then you can use the classics of the genre.

If the niche is complex, has its own specificity and is very competitive, then you have to come up with more complex approaches, changing the script, structure, phrases, reasons, sequence.

So be sure to take this fact into account when you develop your cold calling algorithm.

It seems that in the last paragraph the entire article could have ended with the words “Everything is individual.” But then it wouldn't be us.

Therefore, now we will look at that very effective and standardized algorithm, which can partly be described as a script template. This template consists of seven stages:

  1. Greetings;
  2. Self-presentation;
  3. Indication of the purpose of the call + proposal;
  4. Asking questions;
  5. Proposal for “result”;
  6. Closing the conversation.

The sequence of stages is strictly observed from the first to the last. The only thing that can move is the development of objections, or in a simplified version they are called excuses.

Also, the FAQ block (frequently asked questions), which is not here, also appears periodically during the conversation.

The main task when developing a script cold sale or make a call in such a way that the client does not have the opportunity to exit the tunnel through which you are leading him.

You won't leave!

If he “gets off the hook,” he can go in any direction, where your entire structure and phrases will break like waves on rocks.

Script structure

Before we begin, I want to convey another very important idea - the sales structure in the b2b and b2c segments is radically different. KA-R-DI-NA-L-NO!

That is, a call to a company or a person representing a company is fundamentally different from a call to an individual.

This article is aimed at b2b sales. If you need a script for the b2c segment, then use combinations of different solutions that you can find in this and our other articles.

So, below we will look at what a sales script for a cold call should include.

1. Greeting

The simplest block that you will quickly skim through and move on to the next step. But still. At the beginning of the conversation, we, like polite people, say: “Good afternoon, Stepan Pavlovich.”

And I advise you to wait a pause for a counter greeting after this, to make sure that the client is listening and hears you at the moment.

Please note that we are saying the client's name. It is very important to verify the decision maker in advance or, at a minimum, find out the name of the blocker.

Thus, the director is no longer a faceless character, but a person with a name, which means, firstly, he will focus his attention on you, and, secondly, you say with your whole phrase: “I know everything about you, I’m prepared. And I don’t need to hang noodles on my ears.”

2. Self-presentation

After the greeting, you need to say who you are and where you are from. Moreover, you can say where you are from in different ways, here are examples:

  1. Plant “Ingetrik”;
  2. Rail production plant "Ingetrik".

As you can see, in the first case I deliberately do not open the company's sphere, while in the second I open all the cards at once, knowing that this will increase efficiency.

We use the first case when our field of activity initially causes negativity (each field has its own list of stop companies).

The routine “Are you comfortable talking now?” does not always need to be used, since there are types of clients who begin to get nervous when asked this question and say: “Say what you need to!”.

I know it sounds strange, but remember, this is a cold call, you need to do things differently. If you are still worried, then believe me, if it is truly impossible to speak, the decision-maker will tell you about it at the beginning of the conversation.

And besides, with such a question you are burying yourself in a hole, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to say “No, it’s inconvenient” and hang up.

PTYSH! On the spot!

3. Identification of the purpose of the call

In this case, it would be logical to tell the client why you are calling, since if you start asking him questions without explaining the reason, then you are unlikely to hear anything pleasant in your direction.

Again, there are different ones on the phone, namely, voicing the purpose of the call, any can be used, there are many of them, we will study three options right now:

  1. The “We-You” technique is aimed at showing the client the connection between you:

    Example: – Ekaterina Dmitrievna, your company organizes banquets, and we specialize in attracting clients to restaurants and cafes. That’s why I’m calling to s_____…
  2. “Front-on” technique What could be better than telling the client what you want directly and without tricks? But in this case, immediately get ready for excuses like “Not necessary”, “Not interesting”, “We work with others”, which will be 100%.

    Example: – Veronika Viktorovna, we provide computer maintenance for companies and want to start working with you. How can we do this?
  3. “Does it make sense?” technique This approach is very relevant when you need to verify a decision maker to determine whether he is suitable for you as a client or not.

    For example, if you work only with companies that print more than 3,000 documents per month.

    Example: - Egor Aleksandrovich, in order not to insist on a meeting in vain and to save your time, please tell me, do you print more than 3,000 documents a month?

4. Asking questions

If you are closing for sending, then you just need to ask a few clarifying questions in order to send what you need.

If you are making an appointment for a meeting or audit, then questionable questions (sorry for the tautologies) can only shift the focus of attention and distract from the topic. But again, everything is individual.

Example: – In order to send me exactly the proposal that will be relevant to you, please answer just a few questions.

It is advisable to ask no more than three questions, since we do not forget that a cold call is when the client was not expecting you, so you need to work through this moment very well and create such powerful questions that will reveal all the needs.

There is definitely an option that they will tell you “I don’t need questions. Send the CP immediately.”

And then, by changing the places of the terms, the sum will not change, but the needs will be studied 😉

5. Proposal for “result”

In previous sections, we have already discussed with you various reasons for moving to the next step (meeting/CP/audit, etc.).

But, if you are selling by phone, then it would be logical that after asking questions you should offer something to the client, if, of course, he has not yet hung up. And only then close the reins.

Why do I say this? Because it is very difficult to sell to a client from the first call if your product is not widely used and does not cost several hundred rubles. But, notice, I didn’t say it’s impossible 😉

Example: – Pyotr Nikitich, based on your answers, s___ is ideal for you. Therefore, in order not to immediately insist on a meeting and to save your time, I suggest doing the following.

I will send you an offer by email, and tomorrow afternoon I will call you back and clarify the solution. If there is interest, then we will start working; if there is no interest, then not this time. I'm writing down my email.

We sneak, the main thing is not to scare

6. Handling objections

How did they get these phrases “Not interesting”, “Expensive” or “”. We got it and still can’t go anywhere without them. They were, are and will be.

Therefore, your sales scripts must contain an objection processing block, where the manager can find answers to all possible objections. In our company, just when selling sales scripts (sounds strange, I know), there are as many as 17 of them.

As some gurus say, objections appear only when the previous stages were poorly carried out.

We fundamentally disagree with this, since we believe that objections are a natural test of any product for reliability, credibility, and honesty. It's like in the Middle Ages people tested a coin to make sure it wasn't a fake.

It is also very doubtful that this stage can be called the sixth, since it can appear at almost any stage.

And so as not to leave you without an answer, I’ll tell you about the universal formula for working out an objection. She looks like this:

  1. Agree with the client (– You are right, we cannot be called the cheapest company on the market...);
  2. Make a transition ( That's why);
  3. Argument/Alternative ( Those who do not want to pay twice work with us.);
  4. Question/call ( By the way, have you already determined the approximate volumes for the month?).

Of course, you can replace any phrase in brackets with your own. The main thing is that it be in the same context, which is confirmed by one of the points.

7. Closing the conversation

It's a win if you get to this step when talking to a client. This means your phone sales script was worth all the work.

But it happens that the interlocutors agree to everything you offer, as long as you leave behind, since they are embarrassed to send you directly.

In this case, of course, there will be difficulties in the next step, but in order to minimize the risks, you need to record the outcome at the end of the conversation and be sure to agree on the next step, if you have not done so before.

Example: - Nikita Andreevich, then tomorrow at 13.00 our specialist will come to you for s____, and you and him will further agree on s____.

Briefly about the main thing

That's it. Although no. Then you need to run thousands of tests to create a cold calling script that works 100%.

This is why we always provide subscriber adjustments when developing scripts, because we know that there is no limit to perfection and even an individually written ready-made cold calling script does not always show the required indicators right away.

You also need to provide scripts for telephone calls after sending a request or meeting.

For us personally, this is an integral part of a cold call. Therefore, it is also included in the price and the most interesting thing is that sometimes it is even several times more than the first call.

In this article, I specifically did not touch upon the creation of a script from the point of view of visualizing what it will look like in the end. This is separate big topic, which is the subject of a separate article.

Word, Excel, or maybe a sales script designer? Choose for yourself, for this read the article.

Cold calling has long become a relevant sales technique and lies at the heart of B2B. Many articles have been written about them with advice and concrete examples, but the quality of information is quite low. The fact is that remote selling is an art. Often other people's templates are used without understanding and do not bring the desired results. A salesperson working on cold calling must have knowledge in the field of psychology and marketing, as well as have acting skills.

Many people mistakenly perceive cold calling as simply communicating with the consumer of a product. But most of success depends on the ability to communicate and preliminary preparation. A cold call should encourage stranger to the consumption of a product or service. Checking the need for preparation is quite simple - when you call any unfamiliar number to sell a product, you will immediately receive a negative answer and a reluctance to continue communication.

In practice, most of the income comes from communications with various organizations. Any manager understands that this is a “tidbit” that cannot be missed under any circumstances.

For newbies, cold calling is associated with negativity and anxiety. But over time, the realization of their real effectiveness comes. Every successful sales manager owns a technique that forces the interlocutor to listen and make purchases.

Features and essence of cold calling

The success of the first communication determines the possibility of future cooperation. If contact is established, then you can count on a conversation and interest on the part of the addressee in the proposed product.

The “cold calling” technique got its name because of the reaction of many people to calls from a stranger. This is a normal reaction of a busy person. The manager must overcome alienation and change aggression to interest. Next, you have to establish business contacts and turn your interlocutor into a real buyer. Only a trained person with knowledge of marketing and psychology can do this. If the general conversation ended with beeps, then you should forget about this person for a couple of months.

In some countries, cold calling is illegal or significantly restricted. They are seen as a violation of personal freedom, which are spelled out in the Constitution.

IN modern conditions In business, cold calling is a common sales technique. Managers often feel that they are useless - a waste of time. But when using modern techniques you can achieve good results. This confirms the trend of emergence and popularity of call centers. Most companies work according to the same scheme:

  1. Providing a client base for the purpose of establishing contacts: setting up a meeting, concluding a contract, selling goods.
  2. Call center employees call potential clients. Moreover, they do not have specialization - they do not care what product they work with. This confirms the versatility of the technologies used.
  3. Payment upon conclusion of the contract or on other terms.

Such services are used by small companies that decide to save on staff.

Cold calling rules

For success, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Speak competently, confidently and “without water”. If cold calls will be made regularly, then your speech should be improved.
  2. You need to be prepared for a huge number refusals. Even experienced specialists are refused. Don't get upset and take it for granted.
  3. Don't focus on the product. If you have additional information about the client, you should use it. For example, the interlocutor is a football fan, and there will be a match in the next few weeks. It’s worth starting with positive news, and only later moving on to the benefits of cooperation.
  4. Respect the client's choice. Many are already collaborating with competitors. Don't talk negatively about them. It is worth delicately identifying customer dissatisfaction and then addressing it. new information in the future.
  5. It is worth separating objection and refusal. If you refuse, it is useless to continue the conversation, and you should work with the objection. Often a person may be busy or on vacation, which does not encourage discussion of matters. Then the task is to make a new appointment.

Before calling, you need to clearly define the purpose - to meet, sell a product, sign a contract. Nothing should stop you, you shouldn’t give up quickly and worry about troubles.

Sales technique

Cold calls are divided into 2 types depending on the goal:

  1. To quickly schedule a personal meeting with subsequent cooperation. The dialogue in this case will be short and direct. The tactics used can be called straightforward and aggressive. It is used only with promising clients. Make an appointment immediately after greeting. This type of cold calling saves time and is less aggressive, making it suitable for beginners.
  2. Explanation of all the advantages and prospects for cooperation. In this case, it is unacceptable to ask direct questions. It is imperative to discuss issues both relevant and not. In this case, the client will come to the meeting with an understanding of the product being offered, which increases the chances of a positive result.

Cold calling algorithm:

  • Search important information about the company and the client.
  • Make a communication plan with different outcomes. It may be the same for one group of clients. This point will determine the effectiveness of further conversation.
  • Call:
  1. Greetings.
  2. Introduction: name, company, position.
  3. Brief story about the company.
  4. Obtaining information from the client that will allow you to attract cooperation. In this case, leading questions would be appropriate: “Have you tried...”, etc.
  5. To interest the client - talk about the advantages, possible results, give examples of effective cooperation (without specifying clients - a trade secret).
  • Dealing with objections. You should fight for the client - give reasons for positive cooperation. Indicate that contracts have been concluded with many companies, which allows you to use cheaper services.

There are people who enjoy being persuaded. To continue the dialogue, they constantly find counterarguments. Then it is better to end the conversation by offering to send a commercial proposal. If the client is interested in cooperation, he will name contacts.

When communicating, you should show maximum professionalism and show good knowledge in the field of work. The interlocutor must receive an accurate answer to any question. The information should be useful. If you have difficulty answering, you should suggest consulting with your boss or a more competent specialist. Lying always causes negativity and a bad impression.

Among the main secrets are:

  • Always smile when communicating. This is necessary for good mood not only the seller, but also the buyer. A person always feels a friendly attitude, which will allow him to conduct a business conversation.
  • Constantly develop. It is enough to make 80-100 calls a day to reach the required level in a month. This will give you confidence and gain respect from your clients.

Tricks of the professionals:

  • exclude any denial, phrases “I don’t know”, “hello”, “normal”;
  • be calm in any situation, never raise your voice during a conversation;
  • use names, but not often;
  • If you can't get in touch, call back another day.

Main obstacles

Every reputable company has secretaries and office managers. Their task is to protect the manager from “spam”. The secretary is not interested in the “boss” communicating with the seller. For this reason, it is necessary to make friends with him or get around him. But you shouldn’t consider this an easy task, since there are professionals working there too who protect the manager from unwanted visits and calls. They undergo special training to optimize their boss’s working time.

In the call-center, calls are divided into strangers and our own. In the first case, switching occurs upon request, and in the second, the caller is rejected in every possible way. At this stage, the seller’s task is to get into the allowed group. Otherwise you will hear something like this:

  • "Thank you, but we don't need it."
  • "We are not interested."
  • "The person is not present."
  • "No time."
  • “There are no available funds”, etc.

To get the green light, you need to become an “insider” - an important partner or client. But if this is not the case, then you should use the client database with the data:

  • Company name.
  • Full name of the director.
  • Contact details.

Such information will allow you to get through to the decision maker. It is enough to clearly name the name of the person of interest. However, such data is not always available. Then you need to prepare in advance for difficult negotiations.


Cold calling actions will depend on the availability of the following information:

  • the name and position of the person concerned is known;
  • Only the position is known, but the full name is not;
  • there is no information about the name and position.

The first option is the simplest and does not require detailed consideration. In the second and third cases, it is necessary to collect the maximum amount of information about the person: his full name, the correct job title. You can find the data on the Internet or ask a company employee:

  • « Good morning! Tell me the name of the director, it is necessary for the service agreement.”
  • "Good afternoon. Please contact the sales department." There are no secretaries in the sales department; there are only salespeople who work there and have the necessary information.
  • “Tell me the director’s middle name. What is the correct spelling of his last name? We need to draw up an agreement."

In small companies, the duties of a secretary fall on an employee without telephone conversation skills. This allows you to use most techniques.

You can find the manager’s information on the company’s official website in the “about us”, “contacts”, etc. sections. You should not ignore this method of obtaining information. You can also use search engines to enter your company and position or full name.

After searching for your full name, you can start calling with “Good morning, please connect with Petr Petrovich Sidorov.” A clear, confident and clear message will allow you to get into the “friends” group, since the caller already knows exactly who he needs. Predict further development conversation is problematic, but it is quite possible to influence it.

It is important to monitor the opening of new companies in order to be the first to advantageous offer. Any information on the Internet, news or interviews with people of interest will be useful in the future.

Dealing with secretary objections

You should not offer the product to the secretary or through him to the manager - this person is not a direct consumer and his interest is minimal. Many managers warn secretaries about their reluctance to communicate with advertisers. It is necessary to bypass the call-center by all means. Hidden scripts will come to the rescue.

Each cold call should be handled individually. To increase efficiency, text algorithms and scripts are used. When the conversion rate of cold calls is low to achieve desired result you will need to reach a larger audience. To reduce time, you should use a selection of questions and answers.

During communication, it is necessary to exclude identifiers - phrases by which you can identify the seller: “hello, girl”, “I’m from ..., my name is ...”, “do you feel comfortable talking?”, “What’s your name?”, “I want to offer you ... "

To bypass barriers, you can use the following phrases:

  • Secretary: “The manager is busy, he can’t talk to you.”
  1. "I understand. Tell me, when can I call Semyon Semenov, so as not to distract him?”
  2. “Hello, connect me with Ivan Ivanovich to resolve the issue regarding provider services.”
  • Secretary: “Leave your number. Alexander Alexandrovich will call you back himself.”
  1. “Thank you, but the offer is for VIP clients. I would like to speak with him today and discuss important details that are within his competence.”
  • Secretary: “Unfortunately, Mikhail Sergeevich is not here, but you can send the information by mail or pass it through me.”
  1. "Thank you. Tell them that the question relates to the company’s information security. My phone..."

Often you will have to exaggerate and cheat a little. But in the absence of a personal meeting, 95% of the proposal will not be studied. Only through personal communication can you count on selling products.

The examples given show how to bypass the first barrier - the secretary. Answers and questions are varied. Today there are special organizations that determine and provide information on the segment they occupy. Employees of such companies create sales scripts for the transferred client base. For an additional fee, you can order a full-fledged cold calling.

An effective script can only be created after special preparation. It is important to understand who is sitting on the other end of the “wire”: professional level, field of activity, etc.

There are several tactics for different situations.

  • Big boss. Need to create an illusion important interlocutor: “Sidorov is calling, connect to the boss.” The voice should be stern and delivered, to which it is impossible to object or ask a clarifying question.
  • A very big boss. The illusion is created that the secretary of the big boss is calling. This is an option for those who are hesitant to use the first method. In conversation, you can use a soft voice: “Good afternoon. They’re calling from Sidorov’s reception, please connect to Ivanov.”
  • Make friends. You can often make friends with a secretary:
  1. Orion Company. Anastasia, I’m listening.
  2. Anastasia, nice. Please advise who to contact to talk about...
  • Walking around from the rear. If your friendship with the secretary does not go well, you can call again and introduce yourself as a client or job seeker. Then ask to speak to the sales and HR department. Other employees do not have precise regulations and can provide assistance.
  • It is necessary to ask a question, the answer to which is in the competence of the director, and not the secretary: “What kind of steel is used at the plant? This is required for the project."
  • Old acquaintances. In a calm tone, ask to connect, as if you need to continue the discussion or clarify some issue: “Good morning, Petrov, Ranet, connect with procurement.”
  • Nuances.“We need to discuss procurement details.” It is important to highlight the words DETAILS so that the secretary thinks that cooperation has already been agreed upon.
  • Late call. Call after work hours are over. Secretaries rarely stay late, unlike bosses. As a rule, the boss himself will answer the phone.

Addressee's objection

Even if you manage to get through the secretary, there is no guarantee successful communication with the leader. When communicating with the consumer of a product, you should unobtrusively but convincingly show the value of the product and its advantages over the one already in use. Most of the calls will be to companies that are already collaborating with someone.

Call example:

  • Good morning! My name is Ivan, organization…. I would like to offer you cooperation regarding provider services.
  • Thank you, Ivan, but we are working with another company, we are happy with everything.
  • This is good, but I suggest conducting a comparative analysis to determine the material benefits and quality of services. I offer to use our services for free to determine the benefits.
  • I don’t know, Ivan, whether it’s worth changing anything. We are happy with everything.
  • Let's meet in person so I can show you the benefits of cooperation. Who refuses significant savings in the current situation? Is it convenient for you tomorrow before lunch or better after?
  • I'm very busy, I can't spare even a minute.
  • Our meeting will not be long. Maybe today at 20.00?
  • Okay, let's talk today at 19.45 for 15 minutes.

Conducting a conversation is much easier if preparations are developed and various situations are worked out. To do this, they use scripts that make the conversation more efficient and faster. When used, the conversion of cold calls increases.

Universal script

Often the purpose of cold calling is to update the database - to isolate a potential client and check his capabilities. There are two key points:

  1. Reaching the consumer.
  2. Communicate with him.

It is worth remembering that only people who are capable of making decisions can confirm the level of demand.

Example 1

  • Waiting for a response to a greeting. This is the main mistake of beginners - they often ignore this point. A person can only focus on 1-2 things at a time. If before the call he was reading, writing or resting, then the interlocutor’s attention should be switched to the conversation. Don't expect everyone to expect a cold call. This is not true - at any given time people are doing something and continue it after the call. To switch attention, the word “hello” is enough. The response will confirm that the interlocutor’s attention was not focused on the conversation.
  • Introduction: “Svetlana, I represent the company...”. You should not use the title “sales manager”, as it often causes negativity. The given example excludes lies and is not annoying.
  • The obligatory phrase “I was advised (recommended) to contact you.” This is a kind of recognition sign “you and I are of the same blood,” which allows us to conduct dialogue on equal terms. Don’t be afraid of the counter question “Who?” - it is asked only in 10%. Otherwise, you can name Ivan Ivanovich, with whom you spoke the day before.
  • Non-standard question. These could be direct questions: “How to become a supplier?” or “What can we do to collaborate?” The client cannot escape such a question. A common reaction is laughter, which makes communication lively and unusual. There is no need for product presentation. But this does not mean that the manager should not know the product. It’s just that simple comfortable communication should come first. The client himself will tell you about his needs.

  • A few touches. If the interlocutor is interested, then he is sent a commercial offer. The next day you need to call back and inquire about the product offered. This will be a reason to continue the conversation. You should definitely ask when it’s more convenient to call back and what doesn’t suit you.

People often ask for mailing lists when there is no desire to communicate further. But this “soft refusal” also has advantages - the customer base will be expanded. The person will begin to receive newsletters about products. Of course, he has the opportunity to unsubscribe, but in practice this rarely happens. Experience shows that the client is ready to cooperate only after 8-9 touches. It's not difficult to calculate:

  1. A call when a client “sends”, asking to send an offer by email.
  2. Sending a letter.
  3. Call on the second day to confirm receipt of the letter.
  4. Newsletter in the first week.
  5. Newsletter in the second week.
  6. Week 6 newsletter.

As you can see, you can receive an order in a month and a half.

  • The cost should only be indicated in the full estimate. You shouldn't talk about the cost without sending an invoice. You should not do this under any pretext - in practice, clients immediately interrupt the conversation after this. The customer only remembers the cost of services after calling many companies without identifying them. The invoice gives an advantage when making a decision - you can immediately see what the payment will be made for and the terms of reference have been agreed upon.
  • Don't be pushy. After “no,” you should thank them for their time and then end the conversation.

The desired result will be achieved if everything is carried out according to plan, excluding improvisation. You should not interrupt your interlocutor; write down all information carefully.

Cold calls should always be present in active sales, as they allow you to attract new clients and conclude profitable contracts. There are several sales techniques that take into account the features of marketing, psychology and sociology. For convenience, ready-made scripts are used to automate the process. All a manager needs to do is read the sales text with the correct intonation.

In recent years there has been a boom in cold calling. And in this article, I'm going to explain why cold calling has stood the test of time. I will also give you tips and share techniques that will increase your number of leads. Be careful, this article is huge and contains many secrets: tactics, strategies and myths about cold calling, you will understand what cold calling and sales really are. And also an example of an ideal script and ways to bypass the secretary.

And yes, I know. You hate cold calling. Everyone hates them. More precisely, everyone except the sellers who successfully use them, who receive millions from them.

So, here's how it goes with cold calling.

Six Tips to Master the Art of Cold Calling

  1. Accept the possibility of failure, don't run away from it.
  2. Prepare to learn quickly, not sell quickly.
  3. Use technology and special services to avoid tedious monotony.
  4. Don't waste other people's and your time.
  5. Follow the script like an actor, not like a robot.
  6. Maintain a balance of quantity and quality.

With all these complexities, it's hard to know whether cold calling is worth considering as a tool at all. However, that is precisely why they are worth considering.

If you master the art and science of cold calling, you could very well become the most effective and highest paid sales representative in your organization. As with other sales techniques, poor cold calling can easily tarnish the reputation of the entire tool. So try to be the opposite example. And this will lead to success.

First- don’t be afraid of failures and don’t try to avoid them

Failures are an integral part all trading activities. Nobody gets 100% return.

Here are 3 tips for overcoming the fear of rejection:

Tip 1: Have a competition. The winner is the one whose refusal is the most terrible, funniest or harshest. And not some simple: “ No thanks».

Tip 2: If a prospect says no, ask why.

Try something like this:

« I appreciate your honesty and directness. The hardest thing about my job is not knowing whether we can be useful to anyone. Could you tell me why you decided we couldn't help you?»

Don't try to sell a product or service. Just learn and gain experience.

Tip 3: Act out a conversation on the phone with your colleague. Let him be a client and refuse you in the rudest way possible. Every time a conversation with a real client becomes unpleasant, remember that “performance”. Real conversation won't seem so bad in comparison.

If potential clients keep turning you down and you feel bad about it, read positive reviews from clients who like your company.

Remind yourself that you are helping people.

Second— prepare to learn quickly, not sell quickly

Cold calling cannot be mastered overnight. So set a goal: to take away something new from every conversation with a potential client. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s successful or not.

Here's a mini cheat sheet for learning how to cold call:

Tip 1: Start with a script and don't deviate from it (yet).

Tip 2: Figure out exactly where you fail (a sign of this is when people hang up or refuse more than 50% of the time after you say something).

Tip 3: Rewrite this section of your script and change it until you stop getting rejections.

Tip 4: Repeat this process with the remaining points until you can get through the entire script with less than 50% failure rate.

Tip 5: Analyze the flow of the conversation. In particular, listen to the answers people give to your open questions. The better the question, the more people will speak.

Tip 6: Capture your notes (on paper or electronically). This is for clarity and to remind yourself of how much experience has been gained.

Setting your goals correctly and constantly learning on the job will take you many steps above the average salesperson.

Third— use technology to solve similar problems

The modern seller has many tools at his disposal. So you no longer have to suffer from tedious and inefficient work.

Here are a couple of examples of foreign useful services:

ConnectAndSell. The tool helps automate actions such as dialing numbers, transferring telephone databases, interacting with the zone controller, and so on. So you can jump right into the conversation and get results.

Salesloft. Thanks to a strong development team and their coordinated work, this product is constantly adapting to the market and always meets the needs modern employee sales It can be used as a main tool and for complete process management (telephone databases, email and interaction with people).

DiscoverOrg. Quite a well-known service. This is a kind of gold standard that will not only simplify working with numbers, but will also help in working with customer databases.

If you use any CRM system, never be afraid to test and use all its features. Many products have stand-alone versions, but you can use several services simultaneously in a complex.

By the way, here are two common excuses for a lazy seller: “ Too much competition " And " I don't have enough budget to use the tools ».

Fourth- don’t waste time - both yours and the client’s

It is advisable to make a list of specific people who could potentially be interested in your offer. This will help you avoid wasting time on each contact, finding out whether the interlocutor is interested in the service.

There will be much less rejection if you know who you are dealing with. Make sure your call list only includes people and organizations that you can truly help.

Criteria by which organizations should be selected:

  • field of activity;
  • budget level, number of employees;
  • geography;
  • related areas and technologies.

Criteria by which to select an interlocutor:

  • his role or position in the organization;
  • the tools he uses in his work;
  • to whom does this person report on the work done;
  • who or what he controls.

If you call someone who doesn't meet your ideal criteria, you're wasting your time. If you call someone who can take advantage of your offer, then you are helping them improve their life and business. And for myself too. Don't waste your valuable time trying to persuade people who don't need what you're selling.

Fifth- be an actor, not a robot

A cold call is a scripted activity. And you have to “get” into the role - like an actor.

The actors also act according to the script. However, neither in television shows, nor in the movies do they look like a bunch of robots that talk and look at each other in a pattern.

They are full of real human emotions! Therefore, even when acting according to a clear plan, say how real person. Don't just "sight read."

This is easy to deal with, especially if you are interested in the work and results.

How to use scripts (with examples)

1 Step 1: First, remember your introduction and value proposition well. If you know how to explain who you are and why someone should listen to you, your adjustment to the conversation will be easier and faster.

“Good afternoon, this is Alexander from Company Z. We are engaged in data collection and analysis, and I would like to know if this could benefit your team. Do you have two minutes?

2 Step No. 2: Then write down open-ended questions that will open up your conversation. When you ask a question, be prepared to listen and hear. Don't just wait your turn.

“When you close a deal, how does your company leverage that for subsequent contracts?”

3 Step No. 3: Then come up with clear answers to common objections. If you are just learning, it is better to write down the answers on paper and keep them in front of your eyes. Without experience, it will be difficult to navigate on the fly.

Example of an objection:

“Right now we're more focused on the top of the funnel. And the results so far are satisfactory. So we are happy, thank you."

Sample answer:

“This is just one small area where data analytics can be usefully applied. Imagine that you have information about all the results and profits of previous years. With this data, your team can achieve results 2-5 times faster.”

4 Step No. 4: Finally, exercise until you start to sweat.

Ask someone else to pretend to be the buyer. If you are in the same room, close your eyes. This is necessary so that you can hear and not see the interlocutor.

Ask your assistant to gradually increase the “resistance level.”

This technique alone will give you incredible results..

Start with zero objections and work your way through the scenario to the most difficult objection. Then think through your responses to each objection individually in advance.

Practice thoroughly. You need to work out responses to small objections at the beginning of the conversation (like “ I'm not interested") and complex ones at the end, such as " Just send me an email».

Sixth - balance between quality and quantity

Cold calling is effective when you follow the best and proven practices:

  • YES: do not be afraid of failures, but approach them creatively.
  • YES: practice, practice, and more practice.
  • YES: prepare open questions and detailed answers to objections.
  • NO: call random people, to whom you cannot be useful.
  • NO: Call without preparation (Stick to the script!).
  • NO: independently struggle with problems that can be solved automatically.

Now you are prepared and configured to think in the right direction and use the right tools and techniques. Now success is much closer.

! Important. If you don’t want or don’t have time to make cold calls yourself, then you can try asking others to do this work for you. This can be easily done on the Kwork freelance exchange for only 500 rubles, there is a large selection of volunteers, the main thing when choosing a performer is to first read about

The Best Books on Cold Calling

  • Cold calling techniques. What really works.
  • Call Master. How to explain, convince, sell over the phone.
  • Golden Rules of Selling: 75 Techniques for Successful Cold Calling, Persuasive Presentations, and Sales Proposals You Can't Refuse.
  • Sales scripts. Ready-made scripts for cold calls and personal meetings.
  • If the buyer says no. Dealing with objections.

Cold calling is not a waste of time. Stop listening to so-called "experts"

6 myths about cold calling that we debunked

  • The practice of cold calling is dead.
  • Cold calling is outdated.
  • Cold calling is a forced activity.
  • Cold calling is too unreliable.
  • Cold calling leads to “roboticization” of employees.
  • Cold calling does not comply with quality rules and is used by amateurs.

1 “Experts” and so-called “gurus” have declared that cold calling is dead. With such an influx of negative information (and even with our own bad experiences), it is easy to doubt the effectiveness of any technology. Leaders in emerging industries have been calling for an end to cold calling for years. Moreover, many people support them - from ordinary sellers to leading marketers.


2 It's easier to say it doesn't work than to learn how to do it right. If you've tried cold calling once or twice and failed, it's easy to join the technology haters. However, any sales skill requires a lot of effort to master. And cold sales are no exception.

3 Many salespeople are pressured into cold calling. There are many ways to lose interest in work. All it takes is one manager demanding “50 sales a day” from you. With this approach, anyone will lose their appetite for activity.

4 This is unreliable and distracts the potential client from business. Personally, I like the idea of ​​selling the way people want to buy. And I am a big proponent of optimizing the sales process in this direction. However, we apply this concept equally in all areas. That’s why we are afraid to “disturb” a potential client.

5 Nobody wants to be a robot. The script is the friend of the cold calling person. However, most never learned to use it properly. Lack of experience forces one to speak like a robot, and not necessarily a condition of technology. And in general, unnaturalness and pretense are a sure recipe for disaster.

6 Fast food has taught us that quality and quantity are enemies. No one has ever walked into McDonald's expecting high quality food. Everyone expects a lot of food at a low price (though I'd argue there's a reason they've added a lot of fancy items to the menu). Now, people tend to view cold calling as something of poor quality. However, this is nothing more than a habit and has nothing to do with reality.

5 Cold Calling Strategies You Should Know About (Scientific Research)

Many people associate cold calling with something complicated and ineffective. Like, you'll have to sweat. Without using proven strategies, this is indeed the case.

After all, you're invading the life of a complete stranger and only have ten seconds to prove your worth.

You are clearly aware that, most likely, after your words, the interlocutor will hang up, limiting himself to “No, thank you.”

Stop panicking.

Below are five simple and effective calling strategies that will ease your stress and turn cold calls into warm calls. So, here's how to boost your confidence and get more leads:

First - a smile

Next time, before you pick up the phone and dial a number, keep a smile on your face for at least twenty seconds. And it doesn’t matter where you are - in the meeting room or at your own table.

At first you may think this is stupid. However, recent experiments have demonstrated that a smile, whether sincere or not, still brings some benefits.

  • Reduces stress. Scientists from a research university in Kansas have found that smiling during a stressful situation can reduce the degree of a negative reaction.
  • Reduces heart rate. Even just slightly raised corners of the lips will be effective in this matter.
  • Improves mutual understanding. Smiling affects the way we speak. On voice and intonation. And to such an extent that the person on the other line can catch the expression on your face and even determine the type of smile. When exactly a person “hears” your smile is a matter of time. The whole secret is in mirror neurons, which are able to detect minimal changes in intonation and tone of voice.

Additional benefit: yours inner feelings reflected on your face. However, this pattern also works in the opposite direction. So smiling helps improve your mood.

Stand like Superman

Research by social psychologist Amy Cuddy proves that body language matters. Even if the interlocutor on the other line does not see you. Stand in a confident, commanding pose (legs apart, hands on hips) for two minutes. Then the cold call is more likely to be successful. And here's why:

  • The level of testosterone in the body will increase (increases the degree of confidence).
  • Cortisol levels will decrease (this will reduce stress).

This rule applies even when you are at a desk. Sit up straight and don't slouch. This will help you feel in control and remove the disturbing feeling of nervousness.

Call a friend

This practice comes straight from Yesware CEO Matthew Bellows:

“Take with you a photo of a loved one who is extremely dear to you. Place it on your desk or make it your computer screensaver. The next time you call another potential client, imagine that now you will not be talking to the client, but to the person in the photo.”

If you're not a fan of photos on your desk or are in a meeting room, just quickly look through the photos in social networks or in your phone album.

Why does it work: Looking at a photo of your loved one not only makes you a little happier, but it also reduces your stress levels and calms you down. This will make you less susceptible to failure.

Say only one or two phrases at a time

This cold calling technique is simple but often overlooked. Research shows that the brain can only process information for 20-30 seconds. So divide your 15-minute conversation into 30-second chunks.

Be concise and thorough. Don't overwhelm a stranger with information or industry terminology. Speak simply, clearly and clearly. And don’t be afraid to explain unclear points.

If your interlocutor starts asking for specific information, it means he is interested. Don't miss this opportunity. Make an appointment during which you can discuss all the issues and nuances in more detail.

Love refusals (yes, this is also a cold calling strategy)

Do you feel comfortable when you receive a refusal?

For a cold calling salesperson, the answer should always be “yes.”

For example, instead of targeting a specific number of “yes” per day, one management consultant decided to hunt for “no’s.” He soon realized that the number of “nos” he desired was unattainable for him—because he was getting too many “yes.”

Focusing on failure has a doubly positive effect. This allows you to increase the speed and efficiency of sales.

7 techniques to increase your return rate from cold calls

Not all potential clients agree to offers. The outlook may be disappointing. However, regardless of whether you are talking in person or over the phone, the main task is to interest the person and attract him to the company.

This process is often complex. Especially if this kind of work is new to you.

Here are 7 tips that will improve your lead generation rate:

  1. Focus on the potential client, not yourself.
  2. Prepare all questions in advance.
  3. Don't go blindly into the script.
  4. Don't exaggerate your capabilities at the first meeting.
  5. Don't try to get sales the first time.
  6. Be natural and relaxed.
  7. Analyze exactly how you are useful to the client.

1 Put the customer at the center. Concentrate all your attention on the other person and his needs. Especially if you have little experience in cold calling.

There is no need to tell in detail who you are and what you do. Don't talk about the organization.

Remember, the main topic now is the client. Not you. Full focus on the potential client and his needs is very professional. And you are a professional.

2 Plan the conversation in advance. More information means a higher chance of selling. The more data you can get from your interlocutor, the easier it will be for you to recognize future prospects and plan actions. Especially in cold calling.

The survey is important. The questions asked must be thought through in advance and carefully. And also distribute in stages - in a logically constructed chain from the most general to the most specific.

3 Be responsible when choosing a script. After finishing your introduction and seeing that the client is still interested, ask him about the business, the situation on the market or in the field in general, about the budget, and so on. Quite often people will share this information in exchange for your offer. Or rather, for the benefits that you promised in your introduction.

To be more or less guaranteed to hear answers to the questions you need, ask something like this:

    “Imagine that you have magical powers and now you can get rid of three problems in your business or area. What are these problems?

    "If you had the opportunity to provide ideal conditions To grow your company, what would you change?”

    “I would like to meet with you in person to discuss the needs of your company and possible benefit from the services of our company. How about Thursday at 2:00 pm?”

Always keep in mind: a cold call should be personal. Focus on the other person's needs. Perceive him as a separate person with his own qualities and characteristics.

This allows you to build trusting and long-lasting relationships with clients. Acting strictly according to a script can make a cold call feel truly cold—impersonal. But we don't need this.

4 Don't exaggerate your chances during the first meeting. If you are meeting this client for the first time, you should not go “fully armed.” In other words, it is better to take an ordinary small folder with you rather than a huge briefcase full of samples and documents.

If a person becomes interested and wishes to obtain more detailed data, then you can always return to your car and take everything you need. This way you reduce the stress of possible failure. So reveal your cards gradually.

5 Don't try to get sales on the first try.. The first sales experience is rarely successful. Better concentrate your efforts on collecting information. If you are offering something on a budget, then you will need much less data. Ask questions and take notes.

Try to build a strong relationship with the client. Let the call and subsequent meeting be friendly.

6 Don’t “stress” the client. The more relaxed and comfortable your interlocutor feels, and the more he opens up to you, the higher the likelihood of selling the service and acquiring a regular client.

To do this you need to relax yourself. And be natural. This will greatly increase your attractiveness.

7 Find out how your customer will benefit and what will make them accept the offer.. In each case, you can highlight some advantage that will really interest the person and encourage him to accept your offer.

At the same time, every client has fears and suspicions that will make him refuse to cooperate with you. Your primary task is to find out what exactly will motivate your interlocutor to buy, what benefits he expects. And also - find out about his fears and doubts that can keep him from purchasing a service or product.

X Bonus tip: Don't be afraid to ask more questions. Asking is useful and beneficial. Especially in cold calling. Questions are truly a magical tactic.

You could ask something like this: “Mr. X, in practice we have found that the reasons why a person agrees to cooperate with us are different cases always different. What is this reason in your case?

If you are honest and open and natural, don't hesitate to ask more questions. Show genuine curiosity. And the answers you hear will amaze you. As a rule, a potential client is always ready to provide the information necessary for the sale. Especially if the conversation goes well and the service offered has aroused interest.

Remember, the main thing is to ask.

The perfect cold calling script

You have a list of names and phone numbers. You need to make 100 calls by the end of the day. Your sales manager has given your team a lot of work to do, so you keep dialing and dialing and dialing...

Now all you need is a script. And not just any... But the best, the coolest. Which works.

But before I give you the key to the door, let's look at how a typical cold call goes.

Example of a typical cold call

**Beeps, pick up**

Potential client: Yes?

Salesman: Good afternoon, my name is Dmitry.

(Pause 1.5 seconds)

Do you have a couple of minutes?

I'm calling about software, which may interest you and solve your most significant problems.

What do you think of our proposal?

Potential client: Actually I'm busy right now...

Salesman: Maybe you need to test the product? We have all the certificates.

Potential client: We are not interested in this.

Salesman: Well, are you already at the decision-making stage? Give us two hours and we will call you back.

**Customer hangs up**

Don't laugh. There are many calls like this. And this happens every day. And you probably won't be surprised to learn that they barely convert, with less than 1% positive responses.

This means that if you call 100 people, you only get one consent. So if you're calling your potential clients and telling them all the same thing, just stop.

By doing so, you lose trust, damage your reputation, and reduce productivity.

If you follow this script (best cold calling script), your conversion can increase up to 14-20%. It's still better than 1%.

How to create a working script

1 Step 1: Identify 2-3 areas. First, you need to select areas. Your time is valuable - don't waste it on markets that don't fit the product. Think about who your potential customers are and look for common patterns.

For example, this could be the hotel business and retail trade. Or maybe finance and banking. Once you figure out where to aim, you're ready for step 2.

2 Step 2: Identify 20 promising prospects. Now it will be much easier for you to find specific companies or people who may benefit from your product or service. Use social networks and platforms for professionals. Let's say you're looking for hotels that might benefit from your yoga classes.

Set certain criteria. And find representatives of these hotels on the Internet.

Voila - your list of potential clients is ready.

It will be easier if you are looking for local or regional companies. People love to do business with fellow countrymen. If you are in Novosibirsk, then cooperate primarily with Novosibirsk residents.

3 Step 3: Research each potential client. I know, I know, everyone needs to quickly grab the phone and make calls. But trust me, spending just a couple of minutes on a little research will make the process much more successful. So take advantage of the opportunity!

Check on the same Internet:

  • what area the company operates in;
  • what exactly do they do;
  • have you helped similar companies in the past;
  • some “fun fact” about them.

And one more important thing: look at how to pronounce the company name correctly. Nothing annoys people more than some sales rep mispronouncing their organization. So get ready.

To find out how the name is pronounced correctly, you can watch, for example, their advertising video.

Couldn't find it? Ask by phone: “ I want to be sure that I pronounce your organization's name correctly. Can you give me a hint?»

The best cold calling script

You may have noticed that calling isn't so cold anymore... You've gone through your list and are well prepared before picking up the phone. I promise you, my friend, this extra work will be worth it. Now let's move on to the scenario.

First, state your name and the company where you work. Speak confidently and energetically. Don't rush into distorting words.

On the other side of the line begins: “What? Who?". From the very beginning the call goes so-so.

You don't need to speak too loudly. Just make it clear and precise.

After you say, “This is [name] from [company],” take a break.

Sometimes it's difficult. Especially if the call is cold. Many people want to jump straight to the proposal. But I want you to take a deep breath and just be quiet for these eight seconds.

While you wait, the client is racking his brain about who you might be. They think it looks like you know them - are you a client? Former employee? Current? Thus, you stole his attention, the one on the other side is now interested in you. Cunning move isn't it?

Now the conversation is somewhat different from a standard cold call. Then you hit the other person with a question to establish some rapport. Your goal: to show that you are familiar with him and his company.

Here are some sample questions:

A good question will be relevant and make you smile. If the interlocutor makes contact, ask the following question.

For example, if the client says " I took business English courses there, they have pretty strong teachers”, you can answer “Great, I’ll probably recommend them to my niece.”

In the end, the potential client will still ask: “ Why are you calling?«.

You can joke first, and then seriously state the reason for your call. Humor simplifies everything and helps build rapport. However, you should be careful with humor.

For example, if your potential client is in a hurry, you should accommodate this.

Introduce the product, tell us how it is useful in a particular area. This is called positioning. And this will show by example how you work with similar companies and help them solve certain problems. There is no need to talk about yourself, as most “zombie robots” do.

Here is a rough representation of the service:

« I work with sales managers in hotel business. My clients are looking to improve productivity sales agents. Are there similar needs in your organization?«

Since you have made inquiries beforehand, the answer will most likely be yes. Just answer: " Tell me more about this«.

Note that most of the conversation was about them! Now you will probably be told about the company's problems and goals. And this is valuable information that will help build a further conversation.

! Important! There are people who specialize in creating sales scripts based on calls. You will be provided with an effective conversation template. You can find such a specialist for your niche on the kwork freelance exchange.

Changing the script

I love helping newbies. I have been in their shoes and know the difficulties they faced. Help is good for both the company and their career. So, the script and course of the cold call can be slightly changed.

We have a common practice in our company called “just ask.” She encourages junior sales reps to reach out to sales leaders for help in setting up meetings with executives or prospects. Once a rep asks for my help, I ask for something in return: a website URL, the person's and company's social media profile, and the like.

This allows me to quickly become familiar with the person and organization I'm about to call. As soon as the person on the other side picks up, I use my standard greeting: “ This is [name] from [company]", pause.

If you are calling a junior executive or even a mid-level employee, chances are your call will go through an assistant or secretary. They are more likely to pass “Oleg Stanislavovich, sales director at company X” than “ , sales representative at X«.

They will know who you are. However, they will still be curious as to why you called. Keep them tense longer. As in the above scenario, I will spend a few minutes asking about the persona of the answerer. Here are some small examples:

  • “Who do you like better: cats or dogs?”
  • “What do you prefer for breakfast?”
  • “Can you recommend some cozy restaurant in [the city of the Potential Client]?”

When the conversation gets closer to the reason for my call, I say, “I called to help.” This phrase usually stops the interlocutor. Then I continue: “My sales representative asked me to start the conversation with you.” This allows me to easily move the conversation back to the representative if the conversation is going well.

Next I use the above positioning: " I work with sales managers in the hotel industry. My clients are typically looking to improve the productivity of their sales reps. Is this similar to your situation?«.

The previously studied interlocutor will answer “ Yes". And then my active listening turns on. I speak: " Tell me about it". As soon as they finished talking about their pain points, I repeat what I heard: “ So what I hear is..."And I propose to discuss this in more detail.

As a rule, the interlocutor agrees and offers to contact you within a few weeks or months. I often answer: “ How about tomorrow?". In most cases, something like this follows: " Of course, what time?«.

Everyone wants their day to go well. Take advantage of this and make the other person smile or laugh. Give them a chance to talk about their problems. And show that there is a solution. And you have it. Solving other people's problems means more sales.

How to bypass the secretary when cold calling - 4 ways

Secretaries and other intermediaries continue to be one of the most big problems communication by phone. Questions like " Does he know who is calling?" or " Will he know what will be discussed?", or " Has she talked to you before?“enough for sales to be halved. If you follow the philosophy outlined below and then adapt and use any of the scenarios provided, the speed at which the handset reaches the decision maker (DM) will increase significantly.

A key position philosophy is the following: stop hiding something, being cunning or deceiving the secretary. Mislead him into thinking that you have already spoken with the potential client. This also means that you don't have to give just your name or the name of your organization. The rule is:

Secretaries just need to know your full name and your company name. They are not security guards. This is necessary so that they can understand who is on the line. In most cases this is enough. Use the following proven methods to help you get to the right decision maker faster. Perhaps even without other intermediaries. So:

1 Technique #1:"Please, please." This method has been described many times, but it still remains effective and easy to use. And increases the chances to 65-75% (I still use this method and it works). Here's how it happens:

Secretary: « Thank you for calling ABC Company, how can I help?»

You: « Good afternoon, this is _______ _______ from (your company name). Please, can I talk to ________ please?«.

That's all. Simple, easy and effective. Moreover, it is important to say this with a warm smile in your voice and make sure that “please” is used twice. Use the template: “can I please speak to...”. Another key is that you give your full name and full company name (even if it's not required).

2 Technique #2: If you don't know the name of the client you need to talk to, use the " I need a little help please". Try:

Secretary: “Thank you for calling ABC Company, how can I help you?”

You: « Hello, this is _______ _______ from (your company name), I need a little help«.

[It is fundamentally important to WAIT until the person asks how they can help]

« I need to talk to the key person involved in (your product or service). Could you tell me who it is, please?«.

In more than 50% of cases, if you have asked well enough and waited for an answer, the receptionist or secretary will send you to the correct department. When you get there, just use the previous technique again. And you will most likely be connected with the right person.

There are three keys here: 1 - Be polite and speak with a smile on your face, 2 - Use "please", 3 - WAIT for the other person's answer before asking the right person. This technique only works if you follow the 3 steps above.

3 Technique #3: If you don't know the name of the person you need. An alternative is to ask to be put in touch with another relevant department and then use the technique above. This is a great way to bypass the secretary completely and thus avoid all middlemen. Use this technique:

Secretary: « Thank you for calling ABC Company, how can I help you?«.

You: « Good afternoon, could you connect me with the marketing department please?«.

Again, be careful and use that powerful word “Please.”

4 Technique №4: If you continue to be sent to intermediaries, you absolutely must know how to react. Use any of the following methods:

Registrar question: “Pavel Semenovich is waiting for your call?”

Your Answer: « I don't have an appointment, but could you tell him there's _______ _______ on the line?«.

To the question: « Does he know what it's going to be about?»

you answer: « Doesn't know specifically, but please tell him what this is about (one of the client's main problems), I'll wait, please«.

(The key to the above answer is that you are not intending to mislead the registrar, you are simply using "please" and the patterns above).

If you are asked: « Have you spoken to him before?»

you answer: « Not about his current affairs, but could you let him know that ________ _________ of __________ is on the line?«.

There is no need to doubt the effectiveness of these methods. After all, they only seem simple. In fact, these are powerful techniques. And they work. Especially if you monitor the “temperature” of your voice and do everything exactly as indicated above.

Just remember that the secretary’s main task is not to distance you from the person you need, always redirecting you to other intermediaries. Its function is to convey precise information about who is calling, from which company and for what reason. Are you likely to encounter difficulties? Certainly. Do these methods always work 100%? Of course not. However, if you use them consistently, you will find that they work 70% of the time. And I bet it's a lot better than your current methods, isn't it?

Bottom line

Follow the above recommendations, strategies, tactics and scripts and your sales will increase. If you plan to delegate cold calling, then give this guide to your employee to read. Gain experience, generate successful leads, and build long-lasting relationships with your clients. If you have already had cold selling experience, share it in the comments. What was your first cold call?

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a telephone sales tool as a script.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a script for talking with a client on the phone;
  • How to write a telephone sales script correctly;
  • What types of telephone sales scripts exist? .

What is a telephone sales script?

For a marketer, a telephone is not only a means of communication, it is also an excellent channel for the promotion and distribution of products.

To understand how to sell a product using only a telephone conversation, you need to remember the specifics of communication over the phone:

  • Solving the problem. As a rule, modern man makes calls to find out or agree on something, in other words, to solve a problem;
  • Brevity. A conversation on the phone is always shorter than a conversation on the same topic in person;
  • Dialogue. Telephone conversation always involves a dialogue between two people.

Not every sales manager is able to briefly describe to the client his proposal to solve a problem that needs to be identified during a telephone dialogue with the client. Therefore, in order for a conversation between a seller and a potential client to turn into sales, it is advisable to use pre-written dialogue scripts or scripts.

Script – a dialogue scenario between a sales manager and a client, designed to increase the efficiency of the former and attract the latter.

You need a telephone sales script if:

  • Do you sell over the phone?
  • Your office employs at least three managers to implement telephone sales and provide telephone consultations to clients (a smaller number is easier and cheaper to train to work without scripts);
  • You want to improve your overall telesales performance. At the same time, the effectiveness of individual managers may decrease.

If you agreed with each point, then we need to move on and decide what types of telephone sales scripts are suitable.

In total, there are four types of scripts, depending on the level of development of the client and the market in which the client is represented. Each type of script involves its own telephone sales technique.

Warm customer base

Cold customer base

Consumer segment

A “warm” script is used if you call a potential client who has recently performed a targeted action in relation to your company: made a purchase, registered on a website, visited a store, and so on. That is, you know that this client is interested in your product.

The manager’s goal is to remind about the company, offer products that may be of interest to this consumer, and convince him of the usefulness of this product

In this case, you are calling “blindly”. Your interlocutor probably doesn’t know about your company or product at all.

The manager’s goal is to inform the interlocutor about the company, identify the client’s problems and offer solutions to these problems. That is, the manager must get a completely new client for the company

Industrial segment

Any of these types is based on the following principles:

  • Equality. You and your client are partners. You should not persuade the client to take the target action or agree to unfavorable conditions. Your job is to see the client's problem and offer a solution. It is up to the client to refuse or agree. Otherwise, you will lose the client's respect for your company;
  • Cooperation. You should not argue with the client, you must prove to him that he really needs your product and the purpose of your call is to help. To do this, you need to ask your potential client questions to which you know the answers in advance. For example, manager: “You spend large number paper per month?”, client: “yes”, manager: “you buy a new pack of paper every week”, client: “yes”, manager: “would you like our company to deliver paper to your office every week at a convenient time?” time for you?

IN in this example We offer a solution to the client’s problem and at the same time use the law of three “yes”;

  • Knowledge. A sales manager must know the specifics of the company and understand its products and services.

Script structure

Now that we have decided on the types of script, let's decide on its structure. Since scripts for the consumer market are significantly different from scripts for the industrial market, we will analyze them separately. Let's start with the consumer segment.

Script structure for the consumer segment

To clearly show what the difference is between scripts for a warm and cold customer base, we will display the structure of the scripts in a small table.

Warm base

Cold base


Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning)

Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning)


“Client name”, my name is “manager name”, I am a representative of the company “company name”

“My name is “manager name”, how can I address you? I am a representative of the company “company name”, we are engaged in ....”

There is no need to mention the client's name, even if you know it!

Finding out the circumstances

We find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk now (if not, then we discuss the time when it will be possible to call back)

We find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk now (if not, then we discuss the time when it will be possible to call back)

Clarifying questions

We remind the client that he recently purchased our product or performed another targeted action. For example: “last week you purchased our product “name”. Did you like him?

We identify the client’s need: “Are you familiar with the problem...?” “Would you like to get rid of her?”

Purpose of the call

We indicate the purpose of the call: “Yesterday we received a new product that complements the “name of the product that was already purchased earlier.” It will allow you to achieve a double effect and save you from the problem for a long time...” Here the consumer either purchases the product or objects

We offer our product/service to the client. If the client objects, we move on to the next stage

Reply to an objection

We use everything positive characteristics product or company to convince the consumer of the need for this product

We identify the reason for refusing to purchase the product. We solve the problem for which the consumer refused, as a rule, it is necessary to solve three such problems

We say goodbye

“Thank you for your time, we will be glad to see you in our store. Goodbye"

“Thank you for your time, we will be glad to see you in our store. Goodbye"

Structure of a cold calling script for an industrial client

In this case, it would be advisable to omit the conversation script with the industrial client from the warm base. Typically, it matches the conversation script for the warm base of the consumer segment.

for industrial clients will consist of the following steps:

  1. Preliminary. We send your commercial offer to the potential client by email. This must be done half an hour before the call. We write down the goals of the conversation;
  1. Search for a contact person, who makes a decision in the client company on your issue;
  2. Secretary's rounds. As a rule, the secretary of the responsible person, who has his own script for refusing people like you, will answer you first. You need to get around it. To do this, adhere to the following rules:
  • It is necessary to show by intonation and manner of speaking that the person in charge needs this cooperation more than you;
  • Clear, correct, confident speech;
  • The following phrase should be used in the conversation: “Who can I talk to on this issue"(Contact me with the person responsible for this matter.")
  1. Conversation with the decision maker. The structure of the script for a conversation with the person in charge of the company will look like this.




Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning) “Name of interlocutor”


Say your first and last name

Clarification questions and product introduction

Do you use communication services from our company “name”? Now we have a new offer; for regular customers it will cost half as much. It will allow you to “name those benefits that are of interest to your interlocutor.” For example, for the boss - cost reduction and profit, for ordinary employees - simplification of work

Dealing with objections

We identify the reason for refusing to purchase the product. We solve the problem for which the consumer refused. Typically, there are three such problems that need to be solved

We say goodbye

Thank you for your time, we will be glad to cooperate / see you / tomorrow our specialist will come to you at the appointed time

An example of working with objections

At the end of the article, I would like to focus on this block, since it is the most dangerous from the point of view of losing a client.



We don't need this product

“The product can solve the problem with...”. It doesn’t help, you can offer an alternative product and name its useful qualities for the client

I have no time to talk (after the clarification stage)

“It won't take more than 10 minutes. I can call you back at another time. At your convenience?"

We already have a supplier, he suits us

“We do not propose to replace your current partners, we propose to supplement them so that everyone can work comfortably and problems such as “listing the client’s problems” do not arise.


Many of our customers pointed out the high price, but all questions were resolved after they tried our product. Let us give you a 20% discount on your first order so you can be sure of this

In fact, there may be many more objections; we have given only the most common options. It is important to think through each one and work it out so that the manager can give a clear response and not lose the client.

Sample (example) telephone sales script

And finally, here is a complete telephone sales script. Let's say we sell shampoo for dry hair to a cold customer base.

  1. Greetings: Good afternoon
  2. Performance: " My name is Anna, how can I contact you? I am a representative of the Volosatik company, we are engaged in the production natural remedies hair care. “Customer Name, we have a special offer for you.”
  3. Clarification of circumstances:“Are you comfortable talking now?”
  4. Clarification questions:“Are you familiar with the problem of dry and brittle hair?”, “Would you like to get rid of it?”
  5. Purpose of the call:“Great, we offer natural shampoo for dry hair. The fact is that licorice, which is included in its composition, retains water, and the absence of sulfates allows you to preserve the structure of the hair. Did you know that 90% of shampoos in stores contain sulfates, which destroy the hair structure, slowing down growth and making it brittle? (No/yes). When making our shampoo, we focused specifically on the absence of harm to hair. At the same time, the price of our shampoo corresponds to the market average and is 500 rubles per 400 ml.”
  6. Dealing with objections: Examples of working with objections are given in the table above.
  7. Saying goodbye:“Thank you for your time, we will be glad to see you in our store. Goodbye".

Video about telephone sales scripts

Selling any product involves communicating with customers. And this communication should take place according to ready-made regulations - a scheme in which there is both a conversation script for the seller and options for opponents’ answers.

Cold calls, chat on a website, meeting at an exhibition - every business process must be written in a ready-made script. They are compiled according to a certain algorithm.

When creating ready-made script start with the goal - why you need a ready-made script. For example, the purpose of a cold call is to meet a manager, arrange a meeting, tour a facility, or invite you to an exhibition or other event.

When creating a finished script, it is important to see your client – ​​gender, how old they are, what they do, what their income is, etc. It is also impossible to do without knowledge about the product: all the advantages, differences from similar products/services, uniqueness and diversity, the ability to adapt to specific needs.

Most often, a ready-made cold conversation script is written by a manager (), using a ready-made structure:

  • performance,
  • clarifying the need,
  • product presentation,

A ready-made cold call script includes phrases that will help start a conversation (“your application was accepted on the site at 12.00”, “you ordered a call on the site”, “you were recommended by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky” ...), find out needs (“what are your preferences?”, “ I will list the options that are acceptable to you”...), promote the completion of the transaction (“Are there conditions that will help you make a decision?”, “Let’s eliminate the contradiction in the contract”...). All this should be seasoned with emotions - feel your interlocutor. In this case, as a rule, the length of the finished cold call script should not exceed 5 minutes.

Ready-made cold call script: conversation outline

A conversation with a client always begins with a greeting and introduction. For example: “Good afternoon. My name is..., company...". Next, the finished cold calling card uses the “clarity hook” technique, which helps convince the client to talk right now. A ready-made cold calling script can be built using various “hooks”.

It’s good to follow up the first cold call with the phrase “you were recommended to me.” This works even if a secretary transfers calls to a specialist. The main thing here is clarification: “Is the recommendation correct? Is this your direction? Getting a positive response will help prolong the conversation.

2. Agreement before contact

If this is not the first call, explain what agreements you had the previous time, and then get to the point.

3. Public reason

A “clarity hook” built on open data will help you win over your interlocutor: “I saw it on your website... and decided to call”...

The next step is to announce the purpose of the cold call: to become a partner, to consider cooperation, to begin interaction.

Next, it is important to take control of the action into your own hands. “I propose to do this,” “I will first tell you, then answer questions, and then we will discuss options for interaction. I’ll take no more than 15 minutes” - such remarks will help you program a cold call script. Programming succeeded if you heard the client’s “yes”. If the answer was “no,” clarify the reason and offer other arrangements.

Ready-made cold call script: handling objections

Dealing with objections is one of the most difficult aspects of a conversation. Often the first contact in an unfamiliar company is the secretary. Therefore, the finished cold call script should contain answers to his possible objections. There are various options to consider here.

Ready-made script for “Not Interesting”

— Company N also objected at first, but now we are happy to cooperate.

— Is it right to refuse a profitable innovation? It’s the familiar that becomes uninteresting over time.

“I don’t rule out that my arguments and conditions will help change the management’s opinion.”

- What if your bosses don’t think so? Let me talk to the manager myself.

Ready script for “We have another supplier”

- Very good! There will be something to compare with. Two suppliers are always more reliable.

— The manager’s job is to compare the proposed conditions. Perhaps we are better.

- Let's ask the boss whether it is right to refuse attractive conditions.

— What if you were a manager and found out that you missed out on benefits because of a specialist? What would you do?

“It’s unlikely that your current partner will offer what we have.” Please contact your manager so I can discuss this in more detail.

Ready-made script for “Nothing needed”

— Don’t need it now or do you need it cheaper? Do you have another partner or no budget? Is everything in stock or is it just out of season?

“We have everything now, but in the future a new need may appear.”

— The person in charge is always looking for best option. Let us offer just such a thing!

— We now have excellent prices, and we also have promotions. Let me tell management about this. Please connect.

Ready-made script for “Send a commercial offer”

— Questions may arise; I’ll tell you everything much faster over the phone.

— After talking, I’m just adapting our proposal for your company.

— Does sending a commercial proposal exclude a short conversation?

— A conversation with management is no more than 5 minutes. Reading a commercial proposal with all the arguments and advantages is a longer process. Let's save the boss's time together.

Ready-made script for “It’s not my responsibility. We don’t have such a person.”

— Most likely, in response to a lucrative offer, the general director will appoint a person in charge. Let me talk to him.

— As a rule, such issues are decided by the head of the company. Or are we talking about the fact that he is busy now? Can you tell me when I can call you back?

— Is the manager busy? His deputy will probably be able to help. Please connect.

— It’s strange, your competitor quickly found the person responsible.

— Often such cases are decided in the department... To clarify, let me make a call there. Please tell me the phone number of a specialist from this department.

Ready-made cold call script: testing and implementation

The finished cold conversation script should be tested. Let managers start negotiations small companies, and the ROP will analyze:

  • how clearly the script is used in the conversation,
  • does it help you reach your goal?
  • are there any unaccounted answers and objections,
  • whether the manager attracted the client's attention,
  • what points broke down the negotiations.

Based on this analysis, you need to correct the conversation flow chart by adding more appropriate phrases, words, and emotions.

It is important that the finished cold sales script is automated. There are various services for this, including HyperScript. This will eliminate the use of paper records, which are often lost, and will allow you to quickly change scenarios, as well as measure and analyze different versions. All this data should be integrated with .

Manager's work with technological map assessed according to the “traffic light” system - indicators are reflected in color:

  • green – used more than 80% of the script,
  • yellow – applied 60-80% of the script,
  • red – completed less than 60% of the map.

Finalizing a finished cold calling script (as well as any other business process) can take more than a month. All this time, the ROP must listen to at least 2 conversations of each employee.

The flexibility of the script is the degree of freedom that is available to the seller. In some industries, with a product that is understandable and familiar to the market, you can sell it simply by reading a script. In others, just the ability to read with expression may not be enough.

We looked at the stages of creating a ready-made conversation script. Use it to understand how to quickly approach your potential clients and...