History of Brno. Old Brno: favorite attractions

Brno, a city in the Czech Republic, is good at any time of the year. In the summer when stone walls give the desired coolness. In autumn, when the brick walls of old houses merge with the color of falling leaves. In winter, when the air is thin and transparent, and the smoke from the breweries somehow smells special of fresh malt. In the spring, when the whole city is drowning in a green light haze. There is a lot to see on your own, even in one day!

And outside the city, in the famous Moravian forests, there is so much light and colors, so many smells and sounds that you don’t even want to return to cozy Brno.

By the way. Brno's sister city is Brno, which is not inferior to it in the beauty of its sights.

Moravian Kras

Karst caves

An extensive system of 1,100 karst caves from the Devonian period, covering an area of ​​approximately 100 square kilometers, is called the Moravian Karst. The caves have different sizes and are located at different depths.

The most visited cave is Punkevni, a kind of repository of stalactites, which can be viewed in close proximity; for this purpose, tourists in the Czech Republic are offered boat rides on the underground lake. Stalactites have a very bizarre shape, which is why tourists give them funny names. There is also a river flowing here, the depth of which sometimes reaches 40 meters. You can experience previously unknown feelings when you find yourself in this kingdom of stones and water.

Masaryk Cave is one of the most beautiful places on the Moravian beauty. People also get there by boat along the underground river. This little trip has an effect on tourists unforgettable impression, especially when the boat ends up underground, and moves further and further from the sun, deeper and deeper into the cave. And there the owners are bats, there are 18 species of them. After spending some time underground, people emerge from there, rejoicing at the return to the sun and light.

The Macocha abyss is frighteningly deep; there is nothing deeper in Europe. From the highest point to the bottom of the abyss 734 meters. Her name is translated into Russian as “stepmother”. It is connected with a legend: one peasant woman had a son and stepson. When her own child fell ill, she went to the witch, and out of anger she said that the baby would recover only if the woman threw her stepson into the abyss. She did, but her baby died during the night. And in the morning the unfortunate woman threw herself into the abyss.

Moravian Kras is an amazing place that will remain in the memory for a long time.

You can book tickets at the Central Excursion Service Rocky Mill.

Phones: +420 516 413 575, +420 516 410 024, fax: +420 516 415 379

Price Different caves and types of excursions vary. Approximately adults 70 CZK, children 35 CZK, pensioners 60 CZK.

If you drive only forty kilometers from Brno, you can find yourself in the real Middle Ages. Pernštejn Castle is hidden in dense forests and stands on an island. Built back in the 13th century, it is surprisingly well preserved. The walls are carved into monolithic rock and built on with stone.

Like any castle, Pernštejn has many legends. They say that the castle itself was built by a simple coal miner who killed a mighty bison in front of the king and received a piece of land for it.

Among the owners there were also robbers who attacked merchant caravans and hurried to hide behind the castle walls. And the formidable rulers of these lands.

Now in the castle you can see:

  • a tower called Barborka,
  • triangular palace with halls decorated with mosaics,
  • chapel,
  • library, where 6188 volumes are stored,
  • an art gallery with portraits of the owners,
  • old castle kitchen,
  • a prison with cells where those sentenced to death by starvation were kept,
  • torture room.

Owners changed, and the castle stood impregnably among the Moravian forests, as a reminder of past events, as a kind of look into the future. Centuries will pass, and it will still rise with its impregnable walls.

You can visit the castle only in groups

On the banks of the Dyja River near the Austrian border, 50 km from Brno, stands Lednice Castle, which belonged to the princes of Liechtenstein. The palace was built in the 17th century in the Baroque style by the architect Johann von Erlach. The castle changed its appearance more than once, it was destroyed by wars, and people restored it again. In the mid-19th century it was reconstructed once again, now in neo gothic style. An English garden was laid out around it. Paying tribute to the fashion of that time, the ruins of a medieval castle were created in the depths of the garden, then a Moorish minaret was built, then greenhouses and a hunting lodge. The princely family loved hunting, and those who for some reason could not participate in it went up to the second floor terrace, a view from which made it possible to comfortably watch what was happening during the hunt.

Now the complex is state property. On the second floor there is a children's art gallery.

Tours are conducted mainly on the first floor of the castle, where ancient interiors still remain, including a unique staircase carved from solid wood that leads to the library.

The villa is unique. It became the fourth modern architectural monument recognized by UNESCO. The owners of the villa were extraordinary people, just like its creator, architect Ludwig van de Rohe. The owners of the villa, the Tugendgad couple, even before the wedding, decided to build own house. The designer they invited was not an architect by training, but he developed a design based on correct geometric lines. Rohe successfully used combinations of natural materials and the reflection of the building in the water. The villa is built on two levels as it is located on a hillside. The house is divided into zones: living room, which includes bedrooms, children's rooms, the hostess's boudoir, the owner's office; secular half: reception hall, guest rooms. Connects them winter Garden. Some rooms are decorated with light yellow onyx, which reflects the sun's rays.

The interior spaces are designed according to the principle of free space, where one room flows into another. So, imperceptibly the kitchen goes into the living room, the guest lounge into the library.

This unique home simultaneously blends with and contrasts with its surrounding landscape.

Address: Cernopolni 45, Brno

Operating mode: Tue-Sun 10.00 – 18.00

Price: 250-300 CZK depending on the inspection route.


Brno Zoo was opened relatively recently, only 50 years ago. It is located in the middle of a picturesque oak grove on the slopes of Mount Mnishi.

The main collection of the zoo is African artiodactyls.

Here you can walk around the entire zoo, paying attention to three programs.

  • Kingdom of the tropics ─ here reptiles and forest monkeys live behind glass,
  • African Safari ─ the project involves keeping antelopes, patterned giraffes, zebras and ostriches together, just like in the wild.
  • Tiger trails ─ tigers, leopards, and hyenas live on the rocks here.

In 2005, another program began to adapt the Przewalski horse. A special enclosure with an imitation of steppes was created, and a stylized nomadic yurt was even placed there.

Many animals can be observed at close range: raccoons, bush dogs, meerkats.

You can walk around the zoo on foot or ride in electric train carriages.

Address: U Zoologcke Zahrody 4663300 Brno

Telephone: 420 541 421 411

Operating mode:

  • From November to February from 9.00 to 16.00
  • March, October from 9.00 to 17.00 hours
  • From April to September from 9.00 to 18.00


  • Adults - 100 Kč.
  • Children from 3 to 15 years old, students up to 26 years old, pensioners from 65 years old - 70 Kč.
  • Children under 3 years old are free.
  • Family (2 adults + 2-3 children) – 270 Kč
  • Camera – 10 Kč Video camera – 20 Kč

The zoo constantly hosts an exhibition of aquariums, in which city residents participate.

The work of the museum is very interesting. Anyone can conduct experiments at the experimental station on solids, liquids and gases, and try to use acoustics, optics, and magnetism. There are workshops where they will show you how to repair shoes, bind books, and introduce you to the work of a tailor. The watchmaker will explain the structure of the clock mechanism. Visitors enjoy trying to master encryption techniques and learn how and why it plays musical melody antique box.

You can just walk around the territory and see vintage cars, trams of the last century, locomotives and carriages. And see the water and wind engines in action. There is a large technical library and various thematic exhibitions on the history of technology are held here. The permanent exhibition on the history of aviation also attracts visitors.


On Mount Špilberg in Brno, at the beginning of the 13th century, a fortress town arose, which took its name from Mount Špilberg. Now it is the historical center of Brno.

The center of Spielberg was the fortress. It changed owners and was destroyed by wars. To this day, a Gothic-style palace and chapel have been preserved on its territory. In the 18th century, Spielberg became a fairly fortified fortress, and in the 19th century, a prison, which was called the “Vise of Nations.” The harsh stone casemates here have received such a bad reputation. They held French revolutionaries, Italian Carbonari, representatives of the Young Italy movement, Polish rebels and local political prisoners. At the beginning of the 20th century, the prison was closed. And it was opened again during the Second World War.

Now it is a museum, you can go down and explore the casemates.

The territory of the fortress is well preserved and observation tower. From here you can see the entire historical center of Brno. Entrance to the tower is only open during the tourist season.

There is also a medieval well, 112 m deep, which was filled in by Napoleon’s soldiers and then restored. During these excavations, a human skeleton was found.

Ticket prices are constantly changing. View on the website .

The Czech Republic borders on Poland, where there are also delightful cities, with a huge amount attractions. We recommend that you visit the pages about and

The city got its name from the ancient Czech word “brne”, translated as armor , stronghold. Brno is truly calm, worries and worries recede, as if all the ancient mighty walls of the fortresses from the outskirts of Brno are protecting you.

The Brno Zoo is located on the slopes of Mniši Mountain and covers an area of ​​about 65 hectares. It was founded in 1953. In total, the zoo has approximately 800 animals from 200 species. There are various thematic exhibitions here.

The most popular exhibition is Tiger Rocks, where enclosures with tigers and cheetahs are located, which can be observed from the restaurant, which has a glass wall with the enclosure. IN

In the tropical pavilion you can experience the climate typical of Africa and also see the animals that live here. There is a corner where children can pet pets and ride a pony. For convenience, zoo visitors are offered electric trains that make circuits around the park. There are also cafes, restaurants and a children's playground.

Freedom Square

Freedom Square, formed by the intersection of three trade routes, fully lives up to its name. Simplicity and wide area, non-standard triangular shape, architectural monuments amazing beauty - it is not easy to convey the sense of space and the obvious spirit of independence and spontaneity that dominates here.

In the center of the square there is a plague column, made in the Baroque style. The sculpture of the Virgin Mary and Child and figures of saints protect the city from harm, recalling the deliverance from the plague epidemic, which claimed many lives.

Archaeological excavations at the beginning of the 21st century revealed numerous underground labyrinths and passages hidden under Freedom Square. There is an opinion that they were designed during the construction of the Church of St. Nicholas, which was located on the square until the middle of the 20th century.

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Pernštejn Castle

Pernštejn Castle is one of the most Gothic castles in the Czech Republic. It was here that the great film “Nosferatu - Phantom of the Night” was filmed in 1922.

The castle was built in the thirteenth century by representatives of the Pernstein family. After a couple of centuries, the family said goodbye to the castle, which subsequently changed its owners many times. Each new owner of the castle sought to bring something of his own into the architecture of the castle, so today, in addition to Gothic, Baroque, Rococo and Renaissance styles can be discerned in its features. Another interesting point is that in the Middle Ages the castle was surrounded by a moat, which has not survived to this day.

Today Pernštejn Castle is very popular among tourists. The Knights' Hall, the hallway with mosaics, the library, the kitchen and the torture chamber are open to the public.

The world-famous Lednice Castle seems to have made its way from the book pages of some fairy tale into reality in order to capture the imagination of the most avid dreamer. The castle dates back to the mid-12th century, and throughout this time it was constantly modified. The last reconstruction was carried out in 1846-1858, after which the castle shone in the English Tudor Gothic style.

Almost its entire history, the castle belonged to the Principality of Liechtenstein, but in 1945, as a result of decrees, the castle was transferred to the government, which soon opened it to visitors. Today, the Hunting and Blue Halls, the African Room, the Chinese Cabinet, the castle park with a unique 19th-century palm greenhouse, and, of course, a huge luxurious park are open to tourists.

Technical Museum

The Technical Museum is located outside the historical city center of Brno. This museum will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children. There is an exhibition of craft workshops from the 20s and 30s of the last century, where you can observe how a watchmaker, bookbinder, tailor or shoemaker worked.

The experimental exposition is very popular, where you can try to make experiments from solids, liquids and gases, as well as using acoustics, optics and magnetism.

The museum displays vintage cars, historical trams, locomotives and railway cars, water and steam engines and much more. The museum is open all year round. Closed: Monday.

Brno Airport

The airport is used primarily for domestic traffic and short distance international travel. The average flight range is just over 1000 km. This airport is convenient for those passengers flying to resorts in Turkey, Egypt, Russia, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Italy. A total of 8 destinations in 6 countries.

To check in for a flight, it is recommended to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure. In some cases, you can register online without leaving your home. Online check-in is available 48 hours before departure and closes 3 hours before departure.

The airport building has cafes, restaurants, a shop, currency exchange offices, ATMs, and free Wi-Fi. There is a luxury restaurant especially for VIPs.

To get from Brno International Airport to your destination, you can rent a car, take a taxi or bus. If you use public transport, you need to pay for the ticket in advance.

Tickets can be purchased an hour or an hour and a half before departure, as well as several days in advance. You can also take a train that takes you to Vienna, Prague or Bratislava. A trip to Vienna or Bratislava will take 1.5 hours by train, to Prague - 2.5 hours by bus. A round trip ticket costs about 8 euros.

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City Museum

The Brno City Museum is traditional and one of the leading Czech museums. It is located in several buildings. The main exhibition is located in the beautiful Špilberk Palace. The castle was founded in the 13th century on a low (290 m above sea level) but very steep rocky hill, which rises near the historical center of the city. The museum has been located here since 1960, it presents exhibitions on historical and cultural development cities. In addition to the exhibition, there is a library, a photo archive, an administrative building and offices for researchers. In addition, the city museum has exhibitions in Villa Tugendhat, as well as in a building called the Menin Gate.

The most popular attractions in Brno with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Brno on our website.

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More attractions of Brno

The Czech Republic is a very interesting and picturesque country with amazingly beautiful cities. Brno occupies a special place among them: it is second only to Prague The largest city country and the former capital of Moravia, the historical region of the country.

History of Brno

Brno is a city with a thousand-year history. Construction of the city began in the 11th century around the Špilberk castle-fortress, one of the main attractions of Brno. Thanks to its favorable location at the crossroads of trade routes, the city is quickly becoming a significant commercial and cultural center, which is also of strategic importance.

Main milestones in the history of the city:

  • at the end of the 12th century - the center of the appanage principality of Přemyslids - the first royal dynasty of the Czech Republic;
  • in 1243 received the status of a royal free city;
  • at the end of the 13th century - the residence of the Moravian margraves;
  • Since the 14th century, the affairs of the city have been governed by Moravian zemstvo diets;
  • from 1526 to 1918 – economic and Cultural Center Moravia, which became part of the Habsburg Empire - Austria-Hungary;
  • in the 19th century it became a large industrial city;
  • from 1918 to 1992 – part of Czechoslovakia. During the war, the city suffered greatly from bombing by Anglo-American aircraft;
  • since 1993 – part of the Czech Republic.

Only in Brno

You can't see Brno in one day. The city's attractions are very diverse and will interest representatives of all ages and hobbies. In addition, every year the city hosts numerous cultural events for different tastes, which also last more than one day.

Children will undoubtedly be delighted by the Ignis Brunensis fireworks parade and the Flight Festival that take place every summer. balloons. Fans of theater and musical art theatrical festivals and festivals will please symphonic music, theater performances are performed here every day. Alternative and youth music festivals are of interest to young people. Finally, in August, Brno Days take place, established in honor of the city’s successful defense from the Swedes in 1645 and accompanied by a theatrical reenactment of the fighting.

For history buffs, Brno is a real Klondike. The historical center of the city is a beautiful old city with numerous architectural attractions.

If travelers to historical places have time, they can devote a whole day to independently getting to the town of Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz), near which the famous Battle of Austerlitz took place in 1805, or the Battle of the Three Emperors, which ended in the grandiose victory of Napoleon . In the town you can visit the Slavkov Palace-Castle – national monument Czech culture, and at the site of the battle there is a memorial, chapel and museum.

Uniqueness architectural appearance city ​​lies in the harmonious combination of several styles and national traditions: in it Gothic coexists with Baroque and Renaissance, and the historical spirit of the Austro-Hungarian Empire echoes Czech culture.

Squares of Brno

In the ancient squares of the city, life is in full swing day and night. Magnificent historical buildings house numerous cafes and restaurants, and street musicians, performers and artists will always find something to entertain vacationing townspeople and tourists.

The most famous squares in Brno:

  1. Cabbage Market Square (Green) is one of the oldest squares in the city; the first buildings on it appeared in the 13th century. Since ancient times, all kinds of goods have been traded here, and now you can find sellers of flowers, souvenirs, vegetables and fruits here. In the center of the square at the end of the 17th century, the Parnassus fountain was installed - an amazing masterpiece of the Baroque style. Another magnificent building in this style is Dietrichstein Palace. Nowadays, the palace building houses expositions and exhibitions of the Moravian Museum. On the square there are famous Czech theaters: the chamber theater “U Stolu”, the alternative “Goose on a Leash” and one of the oldest theaters in the Czech Republic “Reduta”. In 1767, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart performed on the stage of the Redoubt, and in honor of this event, a monument to this brilliant composer was erected in front of the theater.
  2. Freedom Square is the oldest and largest square in the city. Originated in the 13th century. Fairs, concerts and performances were and are held here. In the center of the square in 1679, a plague pillar was erected - a type of religious monument common in Central Europe: a column on which a statue of the Virgin Mary was erected. The square contains the most interesting buildings and structures:
    • The house of the gentlemen from Lipe is one of the oldest buildings in the city, a beautiful structure in the Renaissance style (late 16th century);
    • Klein Palace – included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. Built in mid-19th century centuries using latest technologies that time;
    • The house “At Four Blockheads” was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The house got its name from the strange facial expressions of the Atlanteans supporting its richly decorated façade;
    • Palace "Omega" - which caused fierce controversy modern building made of glass and concrete in high-tech style;
    • watch of an unusual shape, reminiscent of a 6-meter bullet. The clock strikes every day at 11 o'clock, and a special mechanism pushes a glass ball out of the clock. There is an incredible stir around the building at this time;
    • fountain decorated with poems by Jan Scales. Installed in 2006.

Interesting fact: Brno is called “Moravian Paris” for the beauty and sophistication of its architectural appearance.

Architectural monuments

The townspeople are proud not only of ancient buildings, but also of buildings made in modern architectural styles. Among the most interesting and significant buildings are:

  1. Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul is the main attraction of Brno. This Gothic cathedral acquired its final appearance at the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. The temple is decorated with two elegant 81-meter towers. Interior decoration made in the Baroque style and is distinguished by luxury and splendor. From the observation deck of the cathedral you can look at the panorama of the city and even see the plain on which the Battle of Austerlitz took place.
  2. The old town hall, which served the city for its intended purpose for over five centuries - from the end of the 14th to the beginning of the 20th. The foundation of the building dates back to an even earlier time - mid-XIII century. In the arch of the town hall there are two unofficial symbols of Brno, attributes of the main urban legends - the wheel and the crocodile. The museum is now a museum.
  3. Špilberk Castle was built as a defensive structure by the first Czech kings, and its fate reflected the entire history of Bohemia and Moravia. At the end of the 18th century, Emperor Joseph II turned part of the castle into a prison for enemies of the monarchy with the most unbearable conditions for prisoners. Now the fortress houses an exhibition of the Brno City Museum.
  4. The ossuary of the Church of St. Jacob, which contains the remains of at least 50,000 people. In 2012, these mourning halls were opened to group visits.
  5. Capuchin monastery, famous for the legendary “mummy crypt” - the burial place of monks of the Capuchin order. The unique microclimate of the tomb contributed to the natural mummification of bodies. In addition to the monks, the crypt contains the remains of representatives of the city's nobility. In Brno there was a belief that from this tomb it was easier to get to heaven.
  6. Villa Tugendhat is the famous building of the classic modernist architecture Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The villa is a reference example of functional design.
  7. The building of the Theater named after. Janacek is one of the buildings of the National Theater Brno, built in 1960-1965. At that time it was the largest and most technically equipped theater in the Czech Republic. Opera and ballet repertoire is performed on its stage.

Parks and natural attractions of Brno

Most big park Brno "Luzanki" is also the oldest public park in the whole Czech Republic. It was opened in the 18th century and furnished in Baroque style. Located next to historical center cities. The 20-hectare park contains all species of Moravian plants, as well as rare and exotic trees and other plants.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Denis Gardens park was created - one of the oldest public parks in Moravia. This park is very popular among city residents who value it for Fresh air and magnificent views from the fortress walls located on the hill.

Located in the vicinity of Brno amazing monument nature – Moravian Kras is a landscape reserve under state protection.

The Moravian Karst is the largest karst cave system in Europe, comprising more than 1000 caves. Only five are open to the public, the most popular being the Puncture Cave. Here you can not only admire stalagmites, stalactites and helictites, but also take a ride along the underwater river flowing into the lake.

Brno is one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities in the Czech Republic, famous for its numerous churches and the charming atmosphere of antiquity. At the same time, it is a lively and artistic center of cultural life in the Czech Republic, bright and festive.

The capital of the Moravian Region and the second largest city in the Czech Republic - Brno - is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. Meanwhile, there are significantly fewer tourists here than in Prague, which allows you to see the sights without fuss, rush and queues.

The name of the city can be translated as “armor”. In the distant past, Brno in the Czech Republic (we posted photos of its most interesting objects in this short review) was an impregnable fortress that repelled attacks by enemy armies for several centuries. The city is located in the south of the country. The rivers Svratka and Svitava flow on both sides of it.

Brno in the Czech Republic: attractions - Freedom Square

Located in the very center of the city, this square is a great place for a stroll. In its center stands a column made in the 17th century in the Baroque style. It was erected after the city was freed from a terrible plague epidemic. There is also an unusual attraction on the square - the Chimes (Orloy). This is a black stone sculpture in the shape of a projectile with a clock machine. This is the work of sculptors Petr Kamenk and Oldich Rujbr. The sculpture appeared on the square in 2010.

City Hall

This is one of the oldest buildings in the city of Brno in the Czech Republic. The foundation of this structure was laid in the very early XIII century. But the building began to serve the townspeople for its intended purpose only from the beginning of the 14th century. This structure combines several architectural styles as it has been rebuilt and renovated several times. In 1660, a shield depicting the city's coat of arms was installed on the town hall. Courts and city council meetings were held here, and documents and money were stored here.

There was a prison in the back wing of the building. Today, Brno Town Hall in the Czech Republic has become the city's tourist center. Various cultural events and exhibitions are held here.

Špilberk Fortress

The impregnable castle, built in the 13th century, withstood several long sieges, resisting the Swedish and Russian armies. At the end of the 18th century, irreconcilable enemies of the monarchy began to be kept in the castle. Over time, the fortress gained sad fame in Europe. It began to be called the “prison of nations.” Until the last century, revolutionaries, political prisoners, and participants in uprisings languished in its casemates. These days it is a popular cultural monument and museum.

Compared to the previous monument, this building does not have such a long history - it was built in 1930 and almost immediately became a masterpiece of the Art Nouveau style. The building is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The villa is primarily interesting for its beautiful views from the windows and elegant interiors.

This is a special attraction of Brno in the Czech Republic. Feedback from tourists suggests that many travelers come to this city in order to see with their own eyes the castle where the mysterious White Lady supposedly lives.

Located just 40 km from Brno, Pernštejn is one of the most significant, interesting and impregnable castles in the Czech Republic. Behind long history, and the fortress was built in the middle of the 13th century, no one managed to conquer it.

Pernstein is popular among filmmakers all over the world. The majestic castle looks very impressive against the background of the sunset sky. Its peculiarity is a complex protection system, which was thought out back in the Middle Ages, but still impresses specialists today.

Its advantages lie primarily in the location of the fortress on a high rock, descending bridges, impregnable walls with towers, and deep ditches. Probably, this would be quite enough to fight off the most experienced enemy. However, the owners of the castle did not stop there and built a five-story Barborka tower, where they could hide from the enemy. The tower is connected to the castle only by two wooden bridges, which could be burned in the event of an enemy attack. Inside, a very narrow corridor awaited the enemy, along which not a single knight dressed in armor could pass.

Brno City Museum

The museum, located in Špilberk Castle, began its work in 1907. The impetus for its creation was an exhibition held in this city in 1903. The museum presents interesting exhibitions: glass painting, textiles, archeology, ceramics.

Moravian Museum

The second largest museum in the Czech Republic in terms of size and number of exhibits. It opened in Brno in 1817. At the origins of its creation were wealthy and influential patrons of the arts, who presented the cultural institution with a priceless collection of works of art. The museum contains almost six million exhibits, which represent scientific material from the natural and social sciences. The museum has 15 departments that study and organize exhibitions on various topics.

Reduta Theater

In the city of Brno in the Czech Republic there are over 15 different theaters. The Reduta Theater deserves special attention. Traveling troupes began performing in the city back in the 16th century. It was for them that a stage was built in one of the taverns, and in its place a theater was founded in 1732.

In addition to theatrical performances, social events were held here. The great Mozart performed on the stage of this theater as a teenager.


Observatory named after The Copernicus and Planetarium, founded in 1954, is located in the city center, on Cow Mountain. Two hundred seats are covered with a huge dome. Not only adults, but also children will be interested in the observatory program. Here you can learn a lot of interesting things about the universe, and even go on a virtual space journey. The program is led by a narrator who voices the wonders that unfold before the eyes of the guests. Most often he speaks Czech. But the observatory program includes performances in English, German and French.

Luzhanki Park

One of the oldest parks in Europe. It was founded in 1788. The arrangement of the park was carried out by A. Bisinger, the city’s chief gardener. It was decorated in the Baroque style that was fashionable at that time. Thanks to the efforts of the gardener, the townspeople fell in love with the park. By the end of the 19th century, in addition to local trees, shrubs and flowers, over 150 species of exotic plants appeared here. Among them: maple-leaved sycamore, soap tree, Hungarian oak and many others.

Today the park covers an area of ​​20 hectares. There are many monuments, cozy shady alleys, and an artificial pond on its territory.

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

At the top of Petrov Hill in Brno is the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. IN XI-XII centuries on this site there was a fortress with a small Romanesque church. It was destroyed and a cathedral in the early Gothic style was erected in its place. In 1643, during the siege by the Swedes, the cathedral was seriously damaged. The restoration of the temple was carried out only 100 years later. Since 1777, a bishopric was organized in Brno, and the cathedral acquired the status of a cathedral. The temple acquired its final appearance at the beginning of the 20th century.

More than 40 projects for its reconstruction were submitted for consideration. Of these, they chose the work of the Austrian architect August Kirstein in the style new gothic. The cathedral has two 81-meter towers. Anyone who wants to admire the view of the city goes up to the observation deck. The interior of the cathedral is made in Baroque style. The altars, the statue of the Madonna and Child, the Romanesque tomb of the 12th century, the stained glass windows describing the life of St. Peter and Paul, the pulpit of Capistranka, a monk who preached in the mid-15th century and performed miracles of healing people, amaze with their exquisite beauty.

The cathedral is surrounded by Baroque houses, which are built on the foundations of medieval buildings. One of them today houses the diocesan museum. It stores books, paintings, sculptures.

Church of St. Jacob

Another Gothic church, which is located in the city center. Its history began in the 13th century. The first Romanesque church stood from the 13th to the 15th centuries. It was later replaced by a Gothic church. The church was built at the end of the 16th century. Its height is 92 meters. The building went through two major reconstructions at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The church is recognized as a cultural monument of the country.

Brno hotels in Czech Republic

There are about 300 hotels and inns in the city. Each tourist can choose the most suitable option for himself. We will present you some of the most popular ones.

  • AS Club 3*.

The hotel is located a 10-minute drive from the city center, 15 minutes from the highway. Masaryk. Double and triple rooms and apartments are available for accommodation. Each of them has a bathroom. There are several cafes and a restaurant near the hotel.

  • Fairhotel 4*.

Offering a wellness center and bar, the hotel is located 400 meters from the city's trade fair grounds. All rooms have a cozy living area and a bathroom. The hotel restaurant offers dishes national cuisine and aromatic coffee. Secure parking is available on site for guests' cars. The hotel's wellness center includes a steam bath, Finnish sauna, shower and swimming pool.

  • Barcelo Brno Palace 5*.

The hotel is located on Silingrovo Square in the prestigious historical building. The rooms are well soundproofed and decorated in modern style. Adjoining rooms can be combined into family apartments if necessary. The restaurant, which serves dinner daily, serves fine European cuisine, and breakfast is served as a buffet.

  • Apartment Anensketerasy.

The apartments are located a 5-minute walk from Špilberk Castle. They provide guests with cozy bedrooms, kitchenettes with washing machines and dishwashers, and bathrooms with the necessary toiletries. Parking is available on site. The distance to the airport is 8 km.

The “second capital” of the Czech Republic - Brno (translated to defend, strengthen) is located 200 km from Prague and 120 km from Vienna at the confluence of two rivers: Svitava and Svratka. The city with a population of 400 thousand people dates back to the 5th century AD. e.

At first it was a small Celtic fortress. But already in the 9th century it became the trade and craft center of Moravia. The fact that for some time it was “German” and was part of Austria-Hungary also left its mark on the appearance of the city. The historical quarter is a pedestrian zone and is located in the city center.

Spielberg Castle was built in the 13th century under King Přemysl Otakar II on a rocky hill. It served as a fortress protecting the city from enemies from the south, and was the residence of the ruling Luxembourg dynasty. The impenetrable fortress withstood the Hussite wars and did not surrender during the 4-month siege by the Swedes.

In 1783, Spielberg became a prison of European significance, where political criminals, rebels, and rebels were imprisoned. They were tortured and kept in appalling conditions. No wonder it received the name “Prison of Nations.” Now it is the Brno History Museum. In its halls you can see reconstructed prisoners' cells and instruments of torture.

Location: Špilberk - 210/1.

Freedom Square has been the center of Brno since the 13th century. Remains from former times:

  • Marian Column (plague pillar), erected in 1689 in memory of the victims of the plague. At the top is the Virgin Mary, below are the saints - the patron saints of the city.
  • Lipe Palace is a beautiful 16th-century Renaissance building.
  • The glass and iron Klein Palace, a UNESCO heritage site, dates back to the 19th century.

There is also a modern, original 6-meter structure on the square that attracts the attention of tourists: the Brno Orloj clock. They are made in the shape of a cartridge case, and every day at 11 o'clock they shoot a glass bullet upward.

Old Town Hall (XIII century) – a majestic building 63 meters. For 700 years it was the meeting place of the Brno authorities, there was a court there, and money was printed. Currently, the building is used as an office center and for hosting numerous exhibitions and conferences.

Above the entrance arch is the Austrian coat of arms, with a double-headed eagle, the work of the famous master Anton Pilgram. On one of the tower portals you can see the city’s mascot – the dragon. According to legend, the dragon, which terrified the inhabitants, was defeated by their ingenuity. They sewed quicklime into the skin, and the dragon, which ate the bait, was torn apart. “Brno Dragon” is the name of the wonderful local beer. The Old Town Hall is a wonderful observation deck.

Location: Radnická – 11.

In the 13th century it was built as a Dominican church, then it was given over to the Zemsky Court and rebuilt many times. This building was built in the 18th century. Since 1935, it has housed the city hall and city magistrate. The building preserves medieval frescoes, a Renaissance staircase, and numerous portals.

Next to the Old Town Hall there is a market square that has existed since the 13th century. It is called the Vegetable or Green Market. Vegetables have been traded here for seven centuries. On the square you can see:

  • Fountain of Parnassus (built in 1695) in the form of a stone cave. There are many sculptures in the composition. In the center, on a hill, is the symbol of the Roman Empire - a statue of Europe trampling a dragon. She is surrounded by three allegorical figures: Greece, Persia, Babylon.
  • Plague pillar in honor of the Holy Trinity. This religious monument- a reminder of the plague of 1713, built in 1721 as a token of gratitude for salvation from the epidemic disease.
  • The Reduta Theater, where eleven-year-old Mozart performed in 1767. The building was built in the Baroque style in 1735 and is one of the oldest theaters in Europe. Has a musical direction. Operas, concerts and musical performances take place here.

Cathedral of Peter and Paul - business card Brno, minted on a 10 crown coin. The grandiose building in the Gothic style is topped with two 84-meter towers. Religious buildings on this site were built back in the 11th century, but modern look The cathedral was acquired at the beginning of the 20th century after another restructuring. Since 1777, a Catholic diocese was formed in Brno, and the cathedral became a cathedral. The main attraction of the cathedral is the statue of the Virgin and Child Christ, dating back to the 14th century.

Location: Petrov - 9.

The monastery of the Order of Capuchin monks was founded in 1651. Its main church, the Imposition of the Holy Cross, has a modest appearance. These monks were distinguished by extreme asceticism. The main attraction of the church is that in the basement there are the relics of the nobility and monks, which over several centuries did not decay, but took on the appearance of mummies. Some are buried in glass coffins. Despite the fact that the mummies are more than 300 years old, they are perfectly preserved, and you can clearly see their skin, hair, and eyelids. This phenomenon is explained by the peculiarities of the microclimate of the burial site.

Location: Kapucínské náměstí - 303/5.

Catholic Church of St. James is the most high building city ​​- built in the 13th century in the Gothic style, and the 92-meter-high bell tower in the Baroque style was completed in the 16th century. Inside the church there are ancient frescoes and an original statue of St. James made from shells. The church is famous for its huge ossuary depository for 50 thousand remains at a depth of 4 meters, occupying three large rooms. It is the second largest in Europe after Paris.

Location: Jakubské nám. - 101/2.

Several orders, including the Order of Dominican monks, fought for influence on the minds of the townspeople. These are mendicant monks who preached the Gospel “by word and example.” The Dominican Church in honor of St. Michael the Archangel was built in 1238, destroyed during the war with the Swedes and restored over 20 years. The current building is in Baroque style from 1679. It is decorated with two huge towers with crosses and spiers, and on the terrace at the entrance there are sculptures of saints.

The castle is named after its founder, the Bishop of Olomouc, Cardinal Dietrichstein. It was built in 1618 and served as the residence of the bishop in Brno. In 1805, the famous Russian commander M.I. stayed in the castle. Kutuzov. Since 1911 it has housed the Moravian local history museum. Its main exhibit, which is already 25 thousand years old, is the Vestonice Venus - a female statue made of baked clay.

The Moravian Art Gallery is the second largest museum after the Prague one. Consists of several buildings where paintings, sculptures, samples are collected applied arts from gothic to late XIX century. IN art gallery Paintings by Italians, Flemings, portraits and paintings from Rubens' workshop are presented. In the medieval hall there are masterpieces of Moravian art from the 15th-16th centuries. Products made of clay, ceramics, glass, thread and fabric are beautifully made by craftsmen and delight visitors.

Location: Husova - 536/14.

The Magen Theater is named after the famous Czech writer Jiri Magen. The white building with columns and statues was built in 1965. The architecture successfully intertwines elements of various styles: Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism. This is the main stage area of ​​Brno. Drama plays and operas are staged here. A ballet school has been created at the theater.

Location: Malinovského nám. - 1.

At the Zoo, located 4 km from the center, about 1000 animals. Many animals live in natural areas with conditions close to the natural environment. For example, tigers and leopards are given a large area with rocks, trees and waterfalls. This site is called “Tiger Rocks”.

There is also an area called “Safari”, where you can see giraffes, zebras, and antelopes. In the “Tropical Pavilion” there are monkeys, snakes, and turtles. An interesting corner is called the “petting zoo”. There, children can pet the animals, hold them, feed them, and ride a pony.

Location: U Zoologické zahrady – 46.

The Technical Museum is very interesting. The four-story building was built in 1936, but exhibits have been collected for it since the 19th century. The museum has 13 permanent exhibitions dedicated to different stages of development of science and technology. The collection of vintage cars and motorcycles from the early 20th century is unique. There are rooms dedicated to various crafts, aircraft modeling, photography, medical instruments, radio and so on.

Location: Purkyňova - 2950/105.

Brno – a city of fairs and exhibitions

Brno has been famous for its cultural events for 70 years. People come here not only from all over the Czech Republic, but also from all over the world. At the beginning of each year, a “Calendar of interesting events in Brno and Moravia” is published. The following are held annually:

  • Fireworks parade.
  • Music festivals of electronic, symphonic, wind music.
  • Festivals of flights on aerostats and hot air balloons;
  • Various thematic exhibitions, competitions and fairs (more than 50 annually)
  • Costume historical reconstructions.