Lesson on drawing a bear. Bear drawing poke drawing. Photo gallery: picture depicting animals from children's fairy tales

Municipal government preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 25"


Abstract directly

educational activities V middle group.

Visual activity.

Topic of the week “Who is preparing for winter?”

Subject: "Bear"

Developed and conducted by teacher Mezentseva O.I.

Korkino 2018

Goals: Continue to learn to master drawing examples (round and oval shapes), paint over them in a circular motion, carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Be able to convey characteristic features animal (bear), observing the proportions.

Fix the shape, color, size.

Foster independence and accuracy in work.


Blue cardboard (according to the number of children), paints, brushes, cups of water; templates; example of a teacher; video letter from a bear.

Preliminary work: a surprise moment at the beginning of the week a toy comes to the group /gnome /. The gnome is rearranged throughout the group during the week, unnoticed by the children, and the teacher draws the attention of the children to this.

Preliminary work: viewing the album “Winter in the Forest”, conversation “How animals prepare for winter”, reading the poem “Why does a bear sleep in winter?” V. Orlova.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look, have we removed all the toys? What happened to our gnome?

Children: He has some kind of letter.

Guys, this letter is not just a letter, it is speaking. What should we do with it? /children's answers / Do you suggest listening to him? Let's listen. (The voice of a bear sounds who cannot sleep and asks for help).

Educator: What should we do guys?I hear a bear crying

Misha, little bear

Stop crying quickly

We will help you

After all, you are so good!

Really guys?

Educator: Guys, look at the bear, what is he like now?/sad, sorrowful, lonely, good /

Is it really possible for a bear to fall asleep with bad mood? Guys, the Gnome suggests drawing a bear sleeping in a den. Shall we draw and cheer up the bear before winter hibernation? But in order to draw a bear, let’s remember -

What color is it?

D. – brown.

Educator: And the guys also call the bear brown.

Let's see what body parts a bear has.

D. Body, head, paws, ears….

Educator: How many paws does a bear have?

D. Four.

Educator: Which?

D. Two top and two back.

Educator: What does a bear have on his head?

D. Ears, eyes, mouth, nose.

Educator: How many ears and how many eyes? Does the bear have a tail?

D. Yes, he is small.

The teacher suggests drawing a bear in a den using templates.

Educator : before we start our work, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

Two bears

Two bears were sittingShows with his hands how he mixed the flour and

On a thin branch.how they fell, then point to the nose, mouth

One stirred the sour cream,and so on throughout the text.

Another was kneading flour.

One ku ku, two ku ku

They both fell into the flour!

Nose in flour, mouth in flour,

Ear in sour milk!

Educator : And now let's start doing our work.

The teacher demonstrates the technique of drawing and painting a bear figure.

Independent work. Under musical accompaniment children begin to trace the patterns.

Educator: Well done guys, you traced your templates very accurately. Really a gnome? Guys, our friend Gnome suggests we warm up a little before we start coloring our drawing.

Exercise: Three Bears

Three bears walked home Children waddle in place
Dad was big, big. Raise your arms above your head, pull up.
Mom is with him shorter, Hands at chest level.
And my son is just a little baby. Sit down.
He was very small, crouching and swinging like a bear.
He walked around with rattles. Stand up with your hands clenched into fists in front of your chest.
Ding-ding, ding-ding. Children imitate playing with rattles.

Educator: Well, now let’s sit down quietly and start coloring your drawings.

III. Final part:

During work, the teacher helps children with difficulties. Then he collects the children’s work and lays it out to dry.

Educator: - Did you like drawing the bear?

Children's answers. (Yes)

Educator: - All the works turned out very beautiful. Looking at your drawings, the bear will definitely fall asleep!

List of used literature:

    Sample general education program preschool education“From birth to school” - edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

    Imagination and creativity in childhood– L.S. Vyutsky.

    Children's development in visual arts. – T.N. Doronina

    Visual activities in kindergarten - N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarova

This lesson is intended for children of the middle group.


1. Continue learning to master drawing examples (round and oval shapes), paint them in a circular motion, carefully, without going beyond the contour.

2. Be able to convey the characteristic features of an animal (bear), observing proportions.

3. Fix the shape, color, size.

4. Foster independence and accuracy in work.

5. Develop invention, creativity, fantasy.




Selivanikha kindergarten


Open class

in drawing in the middle group.

Theme: "Teddy Bear"

Compiled by teacher: Tonkikh L.P.


Occupation: Drawing.

Topic: "Teddy Bear".


1. Continue learning to master drawing examples (round and oval shapes), paint them in a circular motion, carefully, without going beyond the contour.

2. Be able to convey the characteristic features of an animal (bear), observing proportions.

3. Fix the shape, color, size.

4. Foster independence and accuracy in work.

5. Develop invention, creativity, fantasy.


Landscape sheet of paper (according to the number of children), paints, brushes, cups of water; toy "Bear"; example of a teacher; group design: “Winter Glade”: Christmas trees, “drifts”; text of a story about a bear with musical accompaniment.

Previous work:

Reading fairy tales, stories, memorizing poems, solving riddles, looking at illustrations, learning games, etc.

Artistic word:

Making a riddle about a bear, a story about a bear.

Individual work:

With Vika and Valeria - teach children to convey the characteristic features of an animal.

Methodical techniques:

1. Conversation about animals (domestic and wild); name them; why are they called that?

2. The teacher asks a riddle;

3. Guessing the answer by children;

4. Game technique;

5. Consolidation of shapes, colors, sizes;

6. The teacher demonstrates the technique of drawing and painting a bear figure with an explanation;

7. Independent work of children, accompanied by the story “About the Bear” with a teacher, using a musical soundtrack;

8. Analysis of children's works;

9. Dynamic pause (to music).

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group room, paying attention to the guests. Children greet guests and sit on chairs.I'm having a conversation about animals:

V. – What animals do children know? Name it.

D. – Children’s answers.

V. – What animals are these?

D. – Children’s answers.

V. – Why are they called that?

D. – Children’s answers.

V. – What animals do children still know? Please call me.

D. – Children’s answers.

V. – What kind of animals are these? Why are they called that?

D. – Children’s answers.

V. - Well done! Right!

Gaming technique. I draw the children’s attention to the fact that someone is moving in the “snowdrift.” Who's there? Please guess the riddle:

“Where does he live? Most often,

The most real one,

He walks there, he sleeps there, he raises his children there.

Loves pears, loves honey,

He is reputed to have a sweet tooth,

But he is the strongest

Loves a deep, long sleep.

He will lie down in the fall and rise again

Only when spring comes.

Who is this?"

D. – Children’s answers.

I pull out the bear cub and tell the children that he lost his mother, so he ended up in our forest clearing. Let's help him find her.I propose to draw a portrait of a bear cub and hang it throughout the forest.But first tell me:

Q. – What color is the bear cub’s fur coat?

D. – Children’s answers.

Q. – What shape does the head have? Torso? Legs?

D. – Children’s answers.

V. – How many legs does a bear have?

D. – Children’s answers.

The teacher demonstrates the technique of drawing and painting a bear figure.

Independent work.To the accompaniment of music, the children begin to draw, and the teacher offers to simultaneously listen to a story that happened to one bear. Children draw and listen.

“Once on a frosty winter, a bear walked along the edge of the forest to his home in a warm fur coat. He walked towards his den along a country road and, walking across the bridge, stepped on the fox’s tail. The fox raised a cry and made a noise dark forest, and the bear, out of fright, instantly climbed onto a large pine tree. On a pine tree, a cheerful woodpecker caulked a house for a squirrel and said: “You, bear, must watch your step!” From that time on, the bear decided that in winter he needed to sleep, not walk along the paths, and not step on tails. He sleeps serenely in a den in winter under a snowy roof. And it’s no accident that I’m glad that I was born without a tail.”

Upon completion, I propose to hang up the work and do an analysis together with the teddy bear. In the analysis, note the correctness of the depiction of forms and shading.

I invite the children to stand in a circle and do physical exercises while listening to music:

“The bear and the doll are stomping briskly,

They're stomping smartly, look! (Children stomp their feet)

And they clap their hands loudly,

They clap loudly: one, two, three! (Clap their hands)

The bear is having fun, the bear is having fun, (They make “springs”)

The target turns his head. (Turns head left and right)

The doll is having fun, it’s also fun, (Hands on the belt, put your foot forward on the heel)

Also fun oh-oh-oh!

Target: make children want to draw a bear using a stencil (outline), teach them to paint along the contour using the “poke” method, consolidate knowledge of color (brown), and instill interest in drawing in different ways.

Material: a sample of a finished drawing of a bear, an outline of a bear on a landscape sheet, a toy - a large brown bear, stencils, bristle brushes No. 4, thin soft brushes, a simple pencil, gouache (brown, black), napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment, problematic situation.

Guys, it seems like someone is crying, can you hear it in the doll corner?

Who's crying here? (Bear). Yes, this is Mishka the clubfooted one.

How did you end up here, Mishka, and why are you crying? (The teacher voices the toy.)

I came to you from the forest. Winter will come soon and I need to go to bed in the den.

And why did this upset you so much? After all, all bears sleep in their dens in winter. They feel warm and cozy there in winter.

Yes, that's true. I already wanted to lie down in my den for the whole winter, but I remembered that I have no friends, I am so alone. And I felt very, very sad (crying).

Don't cry, Mishka! You are so beautiful, fluffy, shaggy, calm down (Bear is crying).

Oh guys, what should we do? How can we cheer up Mishka? We need to help him find friends. But how? (Children's answers.)

Can you draw it?

Calm down, Mishka, don’t be sad, we will help you find friends as beautiful as you.

Let's go to the tables (everything you need is there).

I have a friend in my hands for our Teddy Bear (we show a sample and turn to the toy).

Look, Mishka, you will have many such beautiful and kind friends.

2. Main part.

Today we will draw a bear using a stencil. You have stencils of bears on your tables, they are all different: some have a bear standing, some have a bear dancing, some have a bear doing exercises. We will draw different friends for Mishka. To do this, you need to put the stencil on a sheet of paper and trace along the outline with a pencil.

First, take the stencil in your hand and trace it with your finger. Like this. And then we will color the Bear, and we will do it in a new way. To depict the bear as fluffy, we will use a bristle brush. The brush will work in a special way: it will jump up and down. Take the brushes in your hands and try them without paint (show how the brush will work).

Well done, you are doing everything right! We start coloring from the head. Look, I'm picking up paint. What color paint do we need to paint the bear? (Brown.)

I'm dialing brown paint– and I begin to draw along the contour. I will go around the entire outline using the “poke” method, then I will paint over the entire bear using the same method. My brush is jumping up and down. The result was a beautiful, fluffy bear. But what did I forget to draw? (Eyes, mouth, nose.) To draw the eyes, mouth, nose, I will take a thin brush, dip it in black paint and paint with the end of the brush. What's my teddy bear's mood?

3. Physical education minute: “Two bears were sitting…”

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will each draw your own bear. What kind of bears will you have - happy or sad?

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take a toy) Bear, look how many friends you have now! The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can sleep peacefully in your den.

Thank you guys, I like this funny little bear, and this funny one, and I really like them all and now I have a lot of friends! Hooray! Goodbye!

But before you go, play with us (the game “Bear-toed Bear”).

Thank you for staying and playing with us. And now it's time for you to go into the forest, goodbye.

Unconventional drawing with crumpled paper in kindergarten in the middle group on the theme “Teddy Bear” step by step

Razgulyaeva Yulia Aleksandrovna, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 25”, Kostroma.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group (4-5 years old) on the topic “Teddy Bear”. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers and parents.
Target: introducing children to unconventional technology drawing with crumpled paper.
1. Arouse children's interest in unconventional drawing.
2. Learn to draw an image large and arrange it in accordance with the size of the sheet.
3. Strengthen the ability to depict parts of the body, observe their relative size, location and color.
1. Develop imagination and creativity.
1. Foster independence.
2. Cultivate neatness.
Methods and techniques: visual, practical activities children, questions for children - verbal.
Materials and equipment: bear toy; paintings depicting a bear by artist E. Charushin; landscape paper, sheets of paper, gouache, brush, jar of water, pencil, wet wipes.
Preliminary work: Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”, examination appearance bear, bear cub coloring pages; conversation about an unconventional drawing technique - crumpled paper.

Progress of the lesson

There is a knock on the door.
Guys, we have a guest today. Look who it is? (Bear)
Who is this bear? (animal)
Yes, guys, a bear is a strong animal. Look how powerful his body is. (examining a toy - a bear.)
What shape is a bear's head? (round)
What is located on the head? (ears)
What else does the bear have? (body is oval, elongated nose, round eyes.)
The bear also has four paws - two front and two back - and a tail. Please look at how the artist Evgeny Charushin depicted bears in his pictures. He only drew, but also wrote stories about animals.
Examination of paintings by E. Charushin.

Look what wonderful bears are drawn in this picture. what are they doing (children's answers.)
Guys, look at our guest, he looks sad. Let's find out what happened to him?
Children- Bear, what happened?
Mishka says- yes, I’m bored alone, I want a lot of friends.
Guys, let's help the bear, draw him friends - bear cubs.
Children- Yes, let's do it.
But before we start drawing, let's stretch our hands.
Finger gymnastics “Visiting the bear.”
The bears invited us to visit (palms on cheeks, shake head)
And we went along the path (fingers walk on the table)
Top-top, top-top (palms slam on the table)
Jump-jump, jump-jump (fists knock on the table)
We see a tall tree (point fists at each other)
We see a deep lake (wave-like movements with brushes)
Top-top, top-top, jump-jump, jump-jump
Birds sing songs (palms crossed)
The grains are pecked everywhere.
They peck here and they peck there (finger on palm)
We came to visit the bears (the roof is shown)
We found the door in the hut
They knocked: one-two-three (knocks fist on palm)
Hurry up and open it for us (we clench and unclench our fingers).
Where do you start drawing a bear? (from the head)
That's right, first we draw the head with a pencil.

Then we draw the torso.

What else will help us draw the shaggy fur of a bear? (crumpled paper)
Take several sheets of paper and crumple them into lumps.

Dip the lumps in gouache and press them against the drawn lines.

What else is missing from our painted bear cubs? (eyes and nose).
Right. Let's draw the eyes and nose using a brush.

(Children work. If necessary, the teacher provides individual assistance.)
Physical education lesson “Bear”
Stomp, bear, (stomp your feet)
Clap, bear. (clap our hands)
Squat with me, brother, (let's squat)
Paws up, forward and down (hand movements)
Smile and sit down.

The work is ready!
Well, guys, look what wonderful friends you have made for Mishka.
Mishka says.– Thank you guys for my new friends.
Well done!

Natalia Fedorova

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group

« Teddy Bear»


Introduce children to new drawing technique -"poke"(dry glue brush) ;

Development fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements;

Create desire in children draw friends for the teddy bear;

Learn to color along the outline using the method "poke";

Strengthen knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Sample of the finished drawing bear, contour bear on a landscape sheet, toy – small plush bear(the toy is musical, but you can use a soundtrack, pictures with koala, grizzly, white bears bear, bristle brushes No. 4, thin soft brushes, gouache (brown, black, red, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, he came to visit us today teddy bear.

Oh, but where is he, hidden somewhere? Let's look for him. (Teddy bear in the play corner, the children look for him and find him.)

Hello Mishutka, why are you hiding and why are you so unhappy?

Teddy Bear: - Hello, I came to you from the forest. And not cheerful because my brothers who live in other countries sent me a song and their portraits. Here listen: (the toy sings song:

A brown bear lives in Russia.

He has little brothers everywhere.

In Australia, the brother is the smallest

His name is koala bear.

In America average brother

His name is grizzly bear.

And in the icy Tundra,

There lives an older brother - white. While singing the song, the bear shows portraits of bears.)

Educator: - And what upset you so much? Wonderful song and the portraits are very beautiful.

Teddy Bear: - I’m very sad because I don’t have my portrait. To send it to your brothers and friends.

Educator: - Don’t cry, Mishka! You are so beautiful, fluffy, shaggy, calm down.

Oh guys, what should we do? How can we cheer up Mishka? We need to help him. But how? (Children's answers.)

A you can draw?

Calm down, Mishka, don’t be sad, we will help you. Here, Mishutka, look, I have one drawing.

Let's go to the tables (everything you need is on the tables; children go to the tables.). - Look, Mishka, you will have many of the same beautiful drawings.

2. Main part.

Today we will draw a bear cub. You have sheets of paper on your tables with pictures of bear, all of them different: from someone the bear is standing, someone dances, someone does exercises. We will draw different portraits for Mishka. To do this you will need brown paint and tassel.

We will color the Bear, and we will do it in a new way. To portray fluffy bear, we will work bristle brush. Brush will work according to special: She will jump up and down. Take brushes in your hands and try without paint (show how the brush will work(tip brushes must"look" to the ceiling).

Well done, you are doing everything right! We start coloring from the head. Look, I'm picking up paint. What color do we need paint to paint? bear? (Brown.)

I pick up some brown paint and start "poke" brush, first along the contour, I will go around the entire contour. Then I’ll paint over everything using the same method. bear. My tassel jumps up and down. The result was a beautiful, fluffy bear. But what did I forget? draw? (Eyes, mouth, nose.) To draw eyes, mouth, nose I'll take the thin one brush I'll dip it in black paint and paint with the end brushes. What's my teddy bear's mood? (children's answers "he's smiling")

Now we will rest a little and begin work. Bear, watch and do with us.

3. Physical education moment: “Two sat bear...»

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will draw each your own bear. Which ones will you have? bears– happy or sad? If anyone needs help, I will come and help.

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take the toy) Bear, look how many drawings you have now with your image. The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can give them to anyone you want!

Teddy Bear: (Looks at children's drawings)- Thanks guys, I like this funny one teddy bear, but this one is funny, and I really like them all and I can send them to my brothers! Hooray! Goodbye!

Educator: - But before you leave, play with us (game "Teddy Bear..." or "U A bear in the forest...» ).

Thank you for staying and playing with us.

Teddy Bear: - I had a lot of fun. And now it’s time for me to go into the forest, goodbye! Listen to my goodbye song.

A brown bear lives in Russia

He has brothers everywhere

In Australia, the brother is the smallest

His name is Koala Bear

In America average brother

His name is grizzly bear.

And the Tundra is icy

There lives an older brother - white.

Teddy bear "leaves".

Educator: Guys, you are all great! Let's hang our drawings at our exhibition. And Mishutka will then come and take them for his friends and brothers.

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