Brief biography of Schubert. General characteristics of Schubert's work

­ short biography Franz Schubert

Schubert Franz Peter - an outstanding Austrian composer; founder early romanticism; creator of nine famous symphonies. Born on January 31, 1797 in Vienna in the family of an ordinary teacher. At first there were fourteen children in the family, but nine of them died in early age. During his short life, Schubert wrote about 600 song compositions, many of which are relevant to this day. In building own style he drew primarily on the works of Mozart, Gluck, Haydn and Beethoven.

Since childhood, the boy received homemade musical education. In church he learned to play the organ and vocals. Frederick was one of best singers choir of the court chapel. Salieri himself took him as his student, admiring him in a beautiful voice and musical gift. At about 13 years old he began to write his first symphony. First independent work were written by him in 1814.

By that time he had already been expelled from the choir, as the boy’s voice was breaking. Therefore, young Frederick entered the teachers' seminary, following in his father's footsteps. All yours free time he devoted himself to composing music. The composer's song music was a kind of continuation of Beethoven's style. The year 1815 is considered the most fruitful in his career. During this period he wrote more than a hundred songs, six operas, many symphonies and music for the church.

One of his best songs based on Goethe's poems was written at the end of the same year - “King Earl”. For the cantata “Prometheus” (1816), the composer received his first fee, as it was written to order. Schubert's personal life was unsuccessful. Having met the daughter of a manufacturer, Teresa Grom, who did not stand out in anything remarkable, but loved music very much, young Frederick decided to marry her. However, his income did not allow him to start a family, and Teresa’s mother opposed this marriage.

In 1816, the composer presented to the public a work that brought him long-awaited popularity - “The Forest King”. Subsequently, his famous symphonies appeared one after another. Gradually the composer gained worldwide fame. In the 1820s. he started having health problems. For some time he worked on the estate of Count I. Esterhazy, teaching music to his daughters. The composer spent the last years of his life in Vienna.

He died on November 19, 1828, after a long battle with typhoid fever. The composer has two graves. Initially, in accordance with his last will, he was buried next to his idolized Beethoven at the Wehring cemetery (now Schubert Park), and in 1888 the ashes of both composers were reburied at the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Franz Schubert

creativity composer Schubert

Childhood and years of study. Franz Schubert was born in 1797 in the Vienna suburb of Lichtenthal. His father, a school teacher, came from a peasant family. Mother was the daughter of a mechanic. The family loved music very much and constantly organized musical evenings. His father played the cello, and his brothers played various instruments.

Having discovered in little Franz musical abilities, his father and older brother Ignatz began to teach him to play the violin and piano. Franz had in a wonderful voice. He sang in the church choir, performing difficult solo parts. The father was pleased with his son's success.

When Franz was eleven years old, he was assigned to a konvikt - a training school for church singers. The environment of the educational institution was conducive to the development of the boy’s musical abilities. In the school student orchestra, he played in the first violin group, and sometimes even served as conductor.

Already in those years, Schubert began to compose. His first works were fantasia for piano, a number of songs. The young composer writes a lot, with great passion, often to the detriment of others school activities. The boy's outstanding abilities attracted the attention of the famous court composer Salieri, with whom Schubert studied for a year.

Over time, the rapid development of Franz's musical talent began to cause concern in his father. But no prohibitions could delay the development of the boy’s talent.

Years of creative flourishing. For three years he served as a teacher's assistant, teaching children literacy and other elementary subjects. But his attraction to music and his desire to compose is becoming stronger. The father's desire to make his son a teacher with a small but reliable income failed. The young composer firmly decided to devote himself to music and left teaching at school. For several years (from 1817 to 1822) Schubert lived alternately with one or the other of his comrades. Some of them (Spaun and Stadler) were friends of the composer from their convict days. The soul of this circle was Schubert. Vertically challenged, dense, stocky, very short-sighted, Schubert had enormous charm. During meetings, friends got acquainted with fiction, poetry of the past and present.

But sometimes such meetings were devoted exclusively to Schubert’s music; they even received the name “Schubertiad”. On such evenings, the composer did not leave the piano, immediately composing ecosaises, waltzes, landlers and other dances. Many of them remained unrecorded.

The last years of life and creativity. He writes symphonies, piano sonatas, quartets, quintets, trios, masses, operas, a lot of songs and much other music. Having neither funds nor influential patrons, Schubert had almost no opportunity to publish his works.

And yet the Viennese came to know and love Schubert’s music. Like the old ones folk songs, passed from singer to singer, his works gradually gained admirers.

Insecurity and constant failures in life had a serious impact on Schubert's health. At the age of 27, the composer wrote to his friend Schober: “...I feel like an unhappy, insignificant person in the world...” This mood was reflected in the music last period. If earlier Schubert created mainly light, joyful works, then a year before his death he wrote songs, combining them common name"Winter Way". In 1828, through the efforts of friends, the only concert of his works during Schubert’s lifetime was organized. The concert was a huge success and brought the composer great joy and hope for the future. The end came unexpectedly. Schubert fell ill with typhus, and in the fall of 1828 Schubert died. The remaining property was valued for pennies, and many works were lost. Famous poet At that time, Grillparzer, who had composed Beethoven’s funeral eulogy a year earlier, wrote on the modest monument to Schubert in the Vienna cemetery: “Death buried here a rich treasure, but even more beautiful hopes.”

Major works.

Over 600 songs

  • 9 symphonies (one of them lost)
  • 13 overtures for symphony orchestra
  • 22 piano sonatas

Several collections of pieces and individual dances for piano

  • 8 impromptu
  • 6 “musical moments”

“Hungarian Divertissement” (for piano 4 hands)

Trios, quartets, quintets for various compositions


Throughout his life and for quite a long time after death, he was the personification of a misunderstood genius who never achieved recognition. His music was admired only by his friends and family, and most of his works were discovered and published many years after his untimely death.

Frustrated, always needy Schubert created divine music. Not being very happy, remaining lonely and feeling isolated from the whole world, he wrote wonderful music filled with freshness. So who was this short, myopic, short-lived wanderer, named at birth Franz Peter Schubert?

Youngest son

The Schubert family comes from Austrian Silesia. The composer's father moved to Vienna and after a while became the director of a school in the suburbs of Lichtenthal. He married a girl from his village who worked as a cook. The family did not have enough funds, although it cannot be said that they lived in poverty. The marriage produced 14 children, of whom only five survived. The youngest of the sons was Franz Peter Schubert.

Thanks to his ability to play various instruments, as well as his dedication to music, Schubert soon received a promotion - the post of first violin. He also had to conduct the orchestra if the chief conductor was absent.

Irresistible desire

His music wanted to come out, but he kept his impulses secret. Still, it was very difficult to resist the impulse to compose. Thoughts flowed through me Franz, and he never had enough music paper to write down everything that was rushing out.

Almost all my life Schubert lived, if not in poverty, then with limited means, but he always experienced a particularly acute shortage of music paper. Already at the age of 13, he wrote an incredible amount: sonatas, masses, songs, operas, symphonies... Unfortunately, only some of these early works saw the light.

U Schubert had an amazing habit: marking notes the exact date when he started composing the work and when he finished it. It is very strange that in 1812 he wrote only one song - “Sad” - a small and not his most outstanding work. It's hard to believe that not a single song came from the composer's pen during one of the most fruitful years of his work. Maybe, Schubert was so engrossed instrumental music, that it distracted his attention from his favorite genre. But the list of instrumental and religious music written during the same year is simply huge.

Schubert's failed marriage

1813 is considered the final period early creativity. Due to adolescence, the voice began to break, and Franz no more could sing in the court chapel. The emperor allowed him to stay at school, but the young genius no longer wanted to study. He returned home and, at his father's insistence, became a teacher's assistant at his school. He happened to work in a class for the youngest, with children who still don’t know how to do anything and quickly forget everything. It was unbearable for young genius. He often lost his temper, correcting students with kicks and slaps. Despite his desperate efforts, they were always unhappy with him.

In this period Schubert met Teresa Grom. The manufacturer's daughter, to put it mildly, was not a beauty - whitish, with faded eyebrows, like many blondes, and with traces of smallpox on her face. She sang in the church choir, and as soon as the music began to sound, Teresa was transformed from an ugly girl into a noticeable girl, illuminated inner light. Schubert could not remain indifferent and in 1814 decided to get married. However, financial difficulties prevented him from starting a family. Schubert with a pittance salary school teacher did not suit Teresa’s mother, and she, in turn, could not go against her parents’ will. After crying, she married the pastry chef.

The end of the routine

Devoting myself entirely to tedious work, Schubert never for a moment stopped working on what was given to him from birth. His productivity as a composer is simply amazing. 1815 is considered the most productive year of life Schubert.He wrote more than 100 songs, half a dozen operas and operettas, several symphonies, church music, and so on. During this time he worked a lot with Salieri. Now it’s hard to even imagine how and where he found time to compose. Many songs written during this period became the best in his work, what is even more surprising is that he sometimes wrote 5-8 songs a day.

Late 1815 – early 1816 Schubert wrote one of his best songs, “King Earl,” based on the verses of Goethe’s ballad. He read it twice and the music just poured out of him. The composer barely had time to write down the notes. One of his friends caught him in the process, and the song was performed that same evening. But after that the work lay on the table for 6 years, until didn't perform it at the concert in opera house. And only then the song received instant recognition.

A lot of works were written in 1816, although opera genre somewhat pushed aside before songs and cantatas. The cantata "Prometheus" was written to order, and for it Schubert received his first fee, 40 Austrian florins (a very small amount). This work of the composer was lost, but those who listened noted that the cantata was very good. Myself Schubert I was very pleased with this work.

Three years passed in endless self-punishment and unprecedented selflessness and, finally, Schubert decided to free himself from the position that bound him. And even if this meant leaving Vienna and quarreling with his father, he was ready for anything.

Franz's new acquaintances

Franz von Schober

In December 1815, it was decided to add a music school to the regular school in Leibach. A teacher position was opened with a meager salary of only 500 Viennese florins. Schubert submits an application, and although it was not supported by a very strong recommendation from Salieri, someone else was appointed to the position, and the plan to escape from the house collapsed. However, help came from unexpected places.

Student Schober, born in Sweden and came to Germany, was so amazed by the songs Schubert, that I decided to meet the author at any cost. Seeing how the composer, absorbed in the work of a teacher's assistant, corrects the mistakes of little students, Schober decided to save the young genius from the hated vicious circle of everyday duties and offered to take one of the rooms in the apartment he was renting. That's what they did, and after some time Schubert moved in with the poet Mayrhofer, many of whose poems he later set to music. Thus began friendship and intellectual communication between the two talents. In this friendship there was a third, no less important - , famous performer Viennese operas

Schubert becomes famous

Johann Michael Vogl

Songs Franz became more and more attracted to the singer, and one day he came to him uninvited and looked at his work. Friendship Schubert With Voglem had a huge impact on young composer. Vogl helped him in choosing poems for songs, recited poems with expression so that the music written Schubert, emphasized as much as possible the ideas expressed in the poems. Schubert came to Foglu in the morning, and they either composed together or corrected what had already been written. Schubert I relied heavily on my friend’s opinion and accepted most of his comments.

The fact that not all comments improved the composer's work is evident from the manuscripts of some songs written Schubert. A young and enthusiastic genius does not always grasp the taste and needs of the public, but a practicing performer usually understands its requirements better. Johann Vogl was not exactly the proofreader the genius needed, but on the other hand, he became the one who made Schubert famous.

Vienna - the kingdom of pianos

Beginning in 1821 for three years Schubert wrote mainly dance music. At the same time, the composer was ordered to write two additional parts for Herold’s opera “The Bell, or the Devil Page,” which he took on with great pleasure, because he really wanted to write something dramatic.

Natural spread of music popularity Schubert passed through musical circles that were open to him. Vienna has earned its reputation as a center musical world.In every home, the piano was an indispensable part of evening gatherings, which included much music, dancing, reading and discussion. Schubert was one of the most famous and welcome guests at the Biedermeier meetings in Vienna.

A typical Schubertiad consisted of music and entertainment, unobtrusive conversation, and banter with the guests. As a rule, it all started with singing songs Schubert, often only written and accompanied by the composer, after which Franz and his friends played the piano in duets or with cheerful vocal accompaniment. The Schubertiades were often sponsored by high-ranking officials. This was the happiest time in the composer's life.

The year 1823 was one of the most productive and musically important years of my life. Schubert. He spent it in Vienna, working tirelessly. As a result, the drama Rosamund and the operas Fierabras and Singspiel were written. It was during this period that the delightful cycle of songs “The Beautiful Miller's Woman” was written. Many of these songs were created in the hospital where he ended up due to severe illness, developed after infection with syphilis.

Fear of tomorrow

A year later, everything that happened in the composer’s life was clearly reflected in his recordings and clearly showed all the signs of depression, which was consuming him more and more. Schubert. Broken hopes (especially related to his operas), hopeless poverty, poor health, loneliness, pain and disappointment in love - all this led to despair.

But the most surprising thing was that this depression did not affect his performance at all. He never stops writing music, creating masterpiece after masterpiece.

In 1826 Schubert received a letter of gratitude with a hundred florins attached from the committee of the Society of Music Lovers for his tireless admiration for the composer’s works. In response to this a year later Schubert sent his Ninth Symphony, which is generally considered one of his best works. However, the Society's executors considered the work too difficult for them, and rejected it as "unsuitable for execution." It is noteworthy that the same definition was often obtained late works Beethoven. And in both cases, only subsequent generations were able to appreciate the “complexities” of these works.

The end of the road for Franz Schubert

Sometimes he was tormented by headaches, but they did not foretell anything serious. By September 1828 Schubert I felt constantly dizzy. Doctors advised a calm lifestyle and spending more time in the fresh air.

On November 3, he walked a long distance to listen to the Latin Requiem written by his brother, the last work he heard Schubert. Returning home after a 3-hour walk, he complained of exhaustion. Syphilis, which the composer had been infected with for 6 years, has entered its final stage. The circumstances of the infection are not known for certain. He was treated with mercury, which most likely was the cause of the dizziness and headaches.

the room where Schubert died

The composer's condition deteriorated dramatically. His consciousness began to lose touch with reality. One day he began to demand that he be allowed to leave the room where he was, because he did not understand where he was and why he was here.

died in 1828, before his 32nd birthday. He was buried near Beethoven, before whom he bowed throughout his short life.

Tragically he left this world early, leaving him an invaluable legacy. He created amazing music that touches the expression of feelings and warms the soul. None of the composer's nine symphonies were performed during his lifetime. Of the six hundred songs, about two hundred were published, and of the two dozen piano sonatas, only three.


“When I want to teach him something new, I find out that he already knows it. It turns out that I’m not teaching him anything, I’m just watching him in silent delight,” said choir teacher Mikael Holzer. Despite this remark, it is absolutely certain that under his leadership Franz improved my bass playing skills, piano and organ.

The delightful soprano and mastery of the violin could not be forgotten by anyone who had at least once heard Franz Schubert.

On holidays Franz loved going to the theater. Most of all he liked the operas of Weigl, Cherubini, and Gluck. As a result, the boy began to write operas himself.

Schubert felt deep respect and reverence for talent. One day, after performing one of his works, he exclaimed: “I wonder if I will ever be able to write something really worthy.” To which one of his friends noted that he had already written more than one very worthy work. In response to this, Schubert said: "Sometimes I wonder who can even hope to write anything worthwhile after Beethoven?!».

Updated: November 24, 2017 by: Elena

Biography and episodes of life Franz Schubert. When born and died Franz Schubert, memorable places and dates important events his life. Composer quotes, Imagesand video.

Years of life of Franz Schubert:

born January 31, 1797, died November 19, 1828


“Music buried here a precious treasure, but even more wonderful hopes.”
Inscription engraved on the grave monument of Franz Schubert


Franz Schubert's whole life was inextricably linked with music. The future composer spent his childhood in the suburbs of Vienna, in the house of a teacher who loved to play a little music in his spare time. It was his father and older brother who became the first teachers of Franz, who showed his musical abilities early. The young talent was taught to play the violin and piano. This was followed by organ lessons. Possessing an excellent voice, at the age of eleven Schubert became a “singing boy” of the Viennese court chapel and at the Konvikt school. Here he became acquainted with the works of Mozart and Haydn, and Antonio Salieri himself acted as his teacher of composition and counterpoint.

Franz Schubert's talent as a composer emerged around the age of thirteen, and three years later he had already written an opera, several piano pieces and a symphony. Around this time, his voice began to “break”, and the boy was expelled from the choir. This was followed by studying at a teacher's seminary and teaching at the same school where Schubert's father worked. Franz devotes all his free time to composing music, while simultaneously studying the works of such masters as Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn.

Realizing that he has no vocation for teaching, Schubert does everything possible to become a successful composer. But the greatest interest in his musical works began to appear only after the death of Franz Schubert. However, the public concert of 1828 still managed to make a splash in the world of music. It is considered the only successful concert in the composer's history. In any case, for the first time the composer managed to earn at least a decent fee from a concert.

On November 19, 1828, the public is shocked by the news of the death of Schubert, who died at the age of less than 32 years. The composer spent the last few years in illness, but his health seemed to be improving. The cause of Schubert's death was typhoid fever, which led to a fever that severely tormented him for two weeks. Franz Schubert's funeral took place at the Wehring cemetery. Almost 60 years later, Schubert's ashes were reburied in Vienna's Central Cemetery.

Life line

January 31, 1797 Date of birth of Franz Peter Schubert.
1810 The beginning of composing activity.
1813 Admission to teachers' seminary.
1816 First creative success with the ballad “Forest King”.
1823 Election to honorary members Styrian and Linz Musical Unions.
March 26, 1828 Date of the only successful public concert.
November 19, 1828 Date of death of Schubert.
January 22, 1888 Date of reburial of Schubert's ashes at the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Memorable places

1. The city of Vienna, where Franz Schubert was born and lived.
2. The city of Lichtental, where Schubert studied music.
3. The Court Chapel in Vienna, where Schubert performed as a “singing boy”.
4. The city of Zelezovce in Slovakia, where Schubert lived.
5. Vienna Central Cemetery, where the ashes of Franz Schubert are now buried.
6. Schubert House in Vienna (now Schubert Museum-Apartment).
7. Vienna City Park, where the monument to Schubert is erected.

Episodes of life

During his lifetime, Franz Schubert still had short-term success. For example, his songs performed by Vogl, a popular Austrian singer at that time, began to enjoy extraordinary popularity in the music salons of Vienna. The ballad “Forest King” brought its author his first success.

To this day, musicologists argue why the composer never completed the famous “Unfinished Symphony.” Some believe that in fact the composition is not unfinished at all, and a similar structure of the work was characteristic of many romantic composers of that period.


“My writings arose from my understanding of music and my pain; those of them that pain alone gave rise to seem to have pleased the world least of all.”

A story about Franz Schubert from the series of programs “Project Encyclopedia”


"Schubert had a rare ability<...>to feel and convey the joys and sorrows of life, as most people feel and would like to convey them if they had Schubert’s talent.”
Boris Asafiev, composer

“I see in Schubert one of the greatest melodists of all time.”
Gerard Griset, composer

“I exclusively love Schubert. He is different from other composers of his era. Poor fellow, he considered himself inferior to Beethoven, while he contributed something very innovative to music.”
Yanis Xenakis, composer

Franz Schubert is a composer who was a representative of such a movement as romanticism in music. This style differed from the strict, calm classics with an explosion of emotions and feelings. The music excited me and made me empathize.

The future composer was born in Lichtental, near the city of Vienna. His date of birth is January 31, 1797. His father taught at school. The mother took care of the children. In total, there were 14 children in the family, but nine of them died. The family valued integrity and hard work. Father and brothers played musical instruments. The family often held musical evenings, inviting friends and neighbors. Young Franz grew up in such an environment.

His abilities for music and creativity manifested themselves at a very early age. At the age of seven he began learning to play the violin and piano and sang in the church choir. His father and brothers are still teaching. Noticing his son's talent, his father sent him at the age of 11 to the Imperial Court Chapel, in which the leader at that moment was outstanding composer Antonio Salieri. From 1808 to 1812, Franz studied at a convict (boarding school for children from poor families). It is here that he gets acquainted with the masterpieces of great composers, from whom he singles out Mozart and Beethoven.

It was while studying in convict that Franz composed his first work. Then he turned 13 years old. It becomes clear that this is a gifted young man. Antonio Salieri works with him. Schubert writes several more works. At the same time, he grows up and his voice breaks. Franz decides to leave the convict. His father does not approve of his decision, but Schubert does his own thing.

Beginning in 1814, Franz entered the service as an assistant teacher at the same school as his father. The income was very small and Franz gives music lessons to earn money.

This period was very fruitful: in three years about 300 songs, 5 symphonies, 7 sonatas were written. At this time, his friends support him: they organize concerts with his participation, provide financial support. Due to his work, he has little time to study music, and he decides to quit working at school. His father does not support his decision, and Franz is left without funds and a roof over his head.

At this time he met the then famous singer I.M. Fogle. Johann Vogl appreciated Schubert's talent and promoted his work. Vogl performed in salons, performing songs by Franz Schubert, and the composer himself accompanied. These performances brought fame to the composer.

In 1828 his first and only concert took place. It was organized by his friends. Popular songs of that time include “Ganymede”, “Wanderer”, “Forellen”. The fourth, fifth, and sixth symphonies were also popular. But the peak of his creativity can be called the cycle of songs “The Beautiful Miller's Wife” - a bright, unusual work for that time. Very romantic.

Despite recognition and fame, the composer lived in poverty all his life, and was not even able to marry the one he loved, since the girl’s parents did not need a poor groom.

In total, over the years of his work, he wrote about six hundred songs, 10 operas, works for choir performance, nine symphonies, 21 sonatas.

Option No. 2

With the advent of romanticism in art, changes occurred in the world of music. Austrian composer Franz Schubert became the first musician to push the boundaries of musical XIX culture century.

He lived a short life. His birthplace is the city of Lichenthal, located on the outskirts of Vienna. Franz's family was musical. At home they often liked to play music and even organized small concerts in which he and Schubert took part. Having discovered a penchant for music in the boy, his father at the age of 11 sent him to educational institution, which prepared singers for the court chapel. It was there that the first works for piano and several songs appeared. However, it seemed to his father that the profession of a teacher was more profitable in this life, and therefore Franz soon entered courses at a teacher’s seminary, where at the same time he worked part-time teaching literacy. At that time, everyone around praised the works of Rossini, and young Schubert tried to create similar works. But his efforts were unsuccessful. Nevertheless, Franz did not stop composing his works. After all, in 1815 alone, he wrote more than 140 songs, among which was his famous ballad “The Forest Knight” based on Goethe’s poems.

Soon, having quarreled with his father, Franz quit teaching and seriously studied music. He moves to Vienna. The atmosphere of this city and the presence of many famous composers contributed to Schubert's creative development. In 1823 he appears song cycle“The Beautiful Miller's Wife,” where individual songs were chains of a larger lyrical narrative. He gave the song new meaning, expanding the imagery and the mood itself. His next cycle, “Winter Retreat,” was created in 1827. He belonged to latest works great composer. Somewhere, perhaps, sad thoughts and a gloomy mood prevailed in it, since the work was created during Schubert’s serious illness. One of the most remarkable works was the “Unfinished Symphony”, consisting of two movements. IN last years Throughout his life, the composer writes various compositions. These included symphonies, quartets, suites, songs and much more. All of them were mostly performed not in large concert halls, but in a home environment.

Schubert died in the prime of his creative powers, but for everyone he remains the founder of the genre of lyrical miniatures for piano and a remarkable melodist in the history of world art.

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